Discourse Questionnaire

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Discourse by Guy Cook

Chapter 1
1) Look for the definition of discourse.
2) What is coherence and cohesion?
3) Which are the different positions as regards concentrating upon sentences?
4) Is it important for successful communication to produce grammatically correct sentences?
5) Which are the two kinds of language considered as potential objects of study?
6) Which are the different grammatical errors that we can find in a sentence? Exemplify.
7) How do we recognize discourse?
8) Which are the two approaches to Language Study?
9) Is it discourse analysis something new?
Chapter 2
1) What do we need in order to account for discourse?
2) Define contextual and formal approaches.
3) Look for the definition of text.
4) What are cohesive devices?
5) Which are the different formal links? Provide examples for each of them.
Chapter 3
1) Why are formal links not enough?
2) What’s the difference between an utterance and a sentence?
3) Which are the elements of communication? Provide a dialogue and identify them.
4) Which are the macro-functions of language? And the micro-functions? Exemplify.
5) What do we speak about when we say “functional courses”?
6) Which are the two types of meaning?
7) Speak about conversational principles and cooperative ones. Bring examples where they
are followed and flouted.
8) According to Guy Cook, which are the purposes of Human intercourse?
9) Explain the concept of “face” and its relationship with the politeness and cooperative
10) Define Speech Act Theory.
11) Provide example of declarations and performatives. Speak about their Felicity Conditions.
12) Speech Act Theory states that there are three layers of intention and interpretation.
Explain them using an example.
13) Why is Pragmatics so important in Language Learning?
14) Which are the tools that we need in order to do things with words?
Chapter 4
1) Make a chart with the typology of discourse.
2) When does conversation proceed? Consider the drawbacks.
3) Why do foreign learners have problems in authentic conversations? (pragmatics)
4) What does turn-taking mean? Provide examples.
5) What are preferred and dispreferred responses? How can we identify them?
6) Some authors view discourse as a developing process. What do you think?
Chapter 5
1) When is discourse reciprocal? Do task 30.
2) Solve tasks 31 and 32.
3) Is our way of arranging discourse arbitrary?
4) Which is the structuring principle of all discourse?
5) How is information arranged in discourse unfolding?
6) What is successful communication and who is a successful communicator?
Chapter 6
1. Define schemata.
2. What do Artificial Researchers do?
3. Mention the number of pieces of evidence for schemata.
4. Explain the concept of relevance according to Sperber and Wilson.
5. Which is the task of the language teacher?

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