System and Network Admin Exam

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Name___________________________ Dep__________ IDNo____ __________

Time allocated 1:30hr

I. Multiple choice
1. Who determines a user’s rights on a client/server network?
A. Each computer user determines the user rights for their own workstation
B. Users set their own individual rights based on their total system knowledge
C. All users automatically have full rights to use the entire network when they are issued
an account on the network
D. The network administrator sets individual rights on the network system
2. TCP/IP is installed on each PC within a network. You can communicate within the network
but are unable to access the Internet. Which of the following TCP/IP settings must be
properly configured for Internet access?

A. IP Address
B. MAC address
C. Default Gateway
D. DNS Server
E. Subnet Mask
3. Which of the following is not the Networking Devices?
A. Firewalls
B. Routers
C. Linux
D. Gateways
4. What are the uses of subletting?
A. It divides one large network into several smaller ones
B. It divides network into network classes
C. It speeds up the speed of network
D. None of above
5. Which one of the following is a Network Operating System?
A. Windows Server B. Solaris C. Linux Server D. MAC OS x Server E. all
6. Which Users frequently find every error in the system and contact system administrators
frequently, demanding upgrades of their favorite programs?
A. Passive users B. Active users C. both D. none
7. The IP address is:
A. Class A address
B. Class B address
C. Class C address
8. An IP address is divided into what two parts
A. Physical and logical
B. Network and subnet
C. Network and host
9. Which class has the largest number of hosts?
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D
10. A computer is connected directly to the internet, so what type of address it must have?
A. Public Address
B. Private Address
C. Multicast Address
D. MAC Address
II. Short answer
1. Describe the difference between a network administrator and a system administrator
2. Write Duties of a system administrator?
3. What is the command used to create groups?
4. What is the command used to change groups?
5. What is the commands that can be used to add users to group?
6. The deference between servers based network and peer-to-peer network
7. Write the IP address mask in CIDR notation
8. Assume Classful Addressing is used.

a) Computer A has IP address What class is it? __________________

b) Computer B has IP address Are A and B on the same network? YES / NO

c) Is the computer with the following IP address on the same network as A? YES / NO

00010001 11010011 01010000 00000000

9. From this IP address, Answer the following questions consider IPV4
address -

A. Subnet Mask

B. Network address

C. Broadcast address

D. First Network address

E. Last Network Address

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