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In South Africa there are some traditional dances such as:

Zulu Dances - Most Zulu dances take place during ceremonies and special occasions combined with
rhythmic singing. This dance requires the unmarried men to dance and then the married men and
women can also join. In fact, married women utter a shrill (ukukikiza), while the young women
(izintombi) dance. The young men can be clapping and beating the drums.
Ingoma (isizingili) - Those who participate in this performance dance without drums and are
accompanied by a chant. In addition, women put on woollen skirts and are naked on the upper part of
the body. This dance can be shown during weddings, battles, and also when sharing traditional
Ingoma (isishameni) - The difference about this dance is the fact that the boys and girls are separated
while making the dance moves accompanied by claps.
Indlamu - The Indlamu dance is similar to war dances done by warriors and it is one of the traditional
dances in South Africa that is unaltered by Western diversity. It allows men of any age to dance while
putting on skins (amabeshu), rattles, shields, weapons, head rings, and other items. During the dance,
the warriors show their muscular strength. Their moves are precise while fighting imaginary enemies.
Whistles and drums are also used.
Imvunulo - During this dance one person usually performs the moves while a traditional costume
parade is displayed. Women that put on skirts made from a leather material want to show the desire to
get pregnant. Furthermore, they can wear an apron received from her father on her wedding day.
Isicathamiya - Those who participate in this dance for a straight or curved line. The music often
narrates current affairs but with old rhythms provided by the soloist. Still, it can be shown during
weddings, with songs known as umbholoho.
Sokkie - This dance is one of the most spectacular South African dance traditions. It was originated by
the Afrikaner Voortrekkers and it is a social ballroom dance.

What kind of clothing do South Africans wear?

Xhosa’s clothing almost always features beautifully designed beadwork and colorful, printed fabrics.
Women’s clothing defines different stages of her life. Women usually wear long skirts and aprons with
amazing printed or embroidered fabrics. Elaborate beaded necklaces (ithumbu) are worn, as well as beaded
anklets and bracelets. They also wear a headscarf which is traditionally worn by married women and
blankets around the shoulders. On special occasions, men wear a tunic, with strands of beaded necklaces.

In the Zulu culture, a married woman must cover her body completely to indicate that she is taken and she
must wear a thick, cowhide skirt as well. One of the most iconic pieces of Zulu clothing is the circular-shaped
hats (izicolo). These hats are made from grass, traditionally worn by married women, and often measure
over a meter across. For men, animal skins and feathers are the traditional items of clothing. In Zulu culture,
the leopard is seen as the King of the predators, therefore leopard skin is reserved for Zulu royalty alone.

The main element of the Ndebele women’s attire is her apron. Younger girls wear a small, beaded apron,
while the older girls will wear isiphephetu, a beaded apron given to them by their mothers. In addition,
married women will wear longer aprons that are made of hardened skin which are decorated with their
traditional geometric designs. Ndebele men will wear animal skin aprons and beaded breastplates, known as
iporiyana, which hang from their necks.

Venda girls traditionally wear a shedo, which is a small apron. When the girls mature they wear a nwenda at
the waist or around one shoulder. Beaded necklaces, bracelets and headbands are the traditional
accessories. Venda boys and men wear a loincloth known as a tsindi.
Tsonga's clothing has some similarities to Zulu’s clothing. The men will wear animal skins, while women
wear a unique skirt called a xibelani which is a colorful, gathered skirt that shakes when they dance.

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