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YDS Türkçe-İngilizce Çeviri Testi

1. Onun nerede olduğunu bildiğini ama ne zaman döneceğini 2. Gelecek nesillere temiz bir dünya bırakmak istiyorsak,
bilmediğini söyledi. hepimiz elimizden geleni yapmak zorundayız.

A) He knew where she would go but not when to come. A) We all have to do our best if we want to leave a clean
B) He said he knew where she was but didn't world to the future generations.
C) He asked if she knew where he went. B) All of us should do whatever we can in order to leave the
D) He told me where to go but not when to come back. world unpolluted to the future generations.
E) He told me that he knew where she had been but didn't C) Whatever you do, keep the world clean to leave it
know when she returned. unpolluted to the future generations.

D) We can't leave an unpolluted world to the future
generations unless we do something about it.
E) We must keep the world clean so that we can leave a clean
world to the future generations.

3. Senin kalmamı tavsiye ettiğin otelde hiç boş oda yoktu. 4. Çocukların okula kolayca gidebilmesi için şehir merkezine
taşınmayı dü­şünüyoruz.
A) There were no empty rooms at the hotel you recommended
me to stay at. A) We're going to move downtown, so the children can get to
B) There weren't many rooms at the hotel you recommended to
C) The hotel I was recommended to stay at wasn't at all empty.
D) You recommended me to stay at that hotel, but there were
no empty rooms left.
u. school easily.
B) We think the children can go to school easily if we move
to the city centre.
C) We're thinking of moving to the city centre so that the
children can get to school easily.
E) At the hotel recommended to me weren't any rooms for us D) The children are thinking of moving to the city centre so
to stay in. as to get to school easily.
E) We are considering moving to the centre in case the
children should go to school.

5. Üzerinde kimlik kartı olmayan öğrenciler kesinlikle sı­nav 6. Hep bakterilerin yol açtığı zararlı şeyleri duyarız, oysa
salonuna alınmayacaklardır. onlar almasaydı, yeryüzünde bitki ya da hayvan ya­şamı diye
bir şey olmazdı.
A) Certainly, students entering for this examination need to
bring their identity cards with them to the hall.  

B) It is certain that those students will not be admitted into the

examination hall because they don't have their identity cards. A) Despite the fact that plant and animal life on the Earth
C) Students not having their identity cards with them will would not be possible were it not for them, bacteria can cause

certainly not be admitted into the examination hall untold harm.

D) Admittance into the examination hall is subject to the B) Although some bacteria are harmful, plant and animal life
presentation of a valid student identity card. on the Earth is dependent on them, being unable to survive
E) No students will be allowed to enter the examination hall without their aid.
without showing their identity cards first C) We usually hear of bacteria in relation to the harm they
cause, yet it's surprising to learn that plant and animal life
could not survive on the Earth without them.
D) Without bacteria, which are usually thought of as harmful,
there wouldn't actually be any plant or animal life on the
E) We always hear of the harmful things bacteria cause;
however, without them there would be no such thing as plant
or animal life on the Earth.

7. Sıtmayla mücadelede kullanılan kinin, sadece yağ­mur 8. Korsanlığın denizlerden hemen hemen tümüyle yok
ormanlarında bulunan bir bitkiden üretilmektedir. edilmesi, kanun ve düzen için verilen mücadelede bir dönüm
noktası olmuştur.
A) Quinine, which was used to fight malaria, was extracted
from a plant found abundantly in rain forests. A) The almost complete elimination of piracy from the seas
B) The sole drug used to combat malaria, Quinine, is extracted was a milestone in the struggle for law and order.
from a plant found mainly in rain forests. B) Before, the complete elimination of piracy from the seas,
C) A plant which grows solely in rain forests provides us with there was a relentless struggle for law and order.
Quinine, which is mainly used to combat malaria. C) A turning point was achieved for law and order when
D) Quinine, used to fight malaria, is extracted from a plant piracy was finally banished from the seas.

found solely in rain forests. D) Pirates have virtually been eliminated from the seas;
E) The plant from which the anti­malaria drug Quinine is therefore, they no longer threaten law and order.
produced grows only in rain forests. E) Ridding the seas of piracy was the result of a long­term
struggle for law and order

9. Hamilelikte sigara içen kadınlar, büyük olasılıkla 10. Sığınakları çok erken terk etmeye kalkışan olur diye, polis
bebek­lerini kaybetmekte ya da daha az kilolu bebek caddelerde devriye gezerken, doktor ve hemşire­ler hastanede
doğurmaktadırlar. kaldılar.

A) Women who smoke in pregnancy are more likely to lose

their babies or have babies with lower body weight
B) It is probable that women who smoke during pregnancy will
lose their babies instead of having babies with lower body
C) It's unlikely that women smoking more during pregnancy
u. A) Doctors and Nurses remained in the hospital while the
police patrolled the streets in case anyone tried to leave the
shelters too soon.
B) The police patrolled the streets so that some people would
try to leave the shelters too soon, so the doctors and nurses
will lose their babies or have babies weighing less remained in the hospital.
D) Women smoking during pregnancy have tendency towards C) Doctors and nurses remained in the hospital while the
losing or having fewer babies. police patrolled the ones who tried to leave the shelters.
E) Women who smoke less in pregnancy may lose their babies D) The police patrolled the shelters in order not to let anyone
or have babies weighing more. who tried to leave too soon while doctors and nurses stayed in

the hospital
E) While the police were patrolling the streets, doctors and
nurses stayed in the hospital in case someone should leave the

shelters soon.

Cevaplar: 1­B 2­A 3­A 4­C 5­C 6­E 7­D 8­A 9­A 10­A

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