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Generate Bill Self Service


S.No. Contents Page No.

1. Terms & Conditions ……………………………………...... 2
2. Eligible Consumers ……………………………………...... 2
3. How to use this service ……………………………………...... 2
4. How to fill Readings ……………………………………...... 3
a. Fill KWh Reading ……………………………………...... 4
b. Fill KW Reading ……………………………………...... 5
c. Fill KVAh Reading ……………………………………...... 6
d. Fill KVA Reading ……………………………………...... 7
e. Fill PF Reading ……………………………………...... 8

1. Terms & Conditions

 Only NBPDCL/SBPDCL consumers can use this service

 Smart Meter Consumers cannot use this service.
 Un Metered consumers cannot use this service.
 Solar Rooftop Net Metered consumers cannot use this service.
 Disconnected or Inactive consumers cannot use this service.
 Consumers belonging to Domestic or Non Domestic Category (in Bill the category name
starts with DS or NDS), can use this service.
 Consumer must have a valid Mobile No registered with us. Mobile No is needed for
OTP validation. If mobile no is not registered, go to ‘Update Contacts’ services in
Suvidha Mobile App and Register your mobile no.
 Consumers whose previous bill was generated on MD, Meter Defective, cannot use this

2. Eligible Consumers

 Consumers who do not fall in all above categories as mentioned in ‘Terms &
Conditions’ section above are eligible to use this service.

3. How to use this service

a. Eligible Consumers can use this service after 35 days of previous bill generation,
alternatively, after 20 days of last Bill Payment Due Date.
b. Steps to use the service are as follows:

I. Open SUVIDHA App.

II. Click on ‘Generate Bill Self Service’ section.
III. Under ‘Generate Bill’ enter Consumer Id.
IV. Click Proceed button.
V. All validations as mentioned in ‘Terms & Conditions’ section above and point
(a) of this section will be checked.
VI. If any Validation check fails, appropriate Error Message will be displayed on
VII. If all Validation checks are successful, Dialog Box indicating all validations
successful will be shown and user will be asked to Proceed with Submitting the

VIII.Click Proceed/ Submit Readings button on Dialog Box.
IX. As soon as the next Screen opens, process to send OTP to Consumers Registered
Mobile No will begin and appropriate message will be shown.
X. Consumer needs to enter the OTP received on Registered Mobile No in the
space provided to proceed.
XI. Enter OTP and click ‘Validate’ button.
XII. Screen now opens various readings entry page.
XIII. Readings will be from among the following KWh, KW, KVAh, KVA, PF
XIV.Based on Consumers Category, only select readings will be shown that are
required to be entered.
XV. Go to Meter.
XVI.Consumers need to enter the data as per the readings shown in Meter, image
for that reading must also be taken by clicking on ‘Take Photo’ button.
XVII. Consumers can remove the image taken by clicking ‘Remove Photo’
XVIII. Consumers can take the image of the reading any number of times by
clicking ‘Remove Photo’ button.
XIX.Enter all required Readings and Finally Submit.
XX. After successful submission, request no will be generated. Note it for future

4. How to fill Readings

 Depending upon Consumers category type, only specific readings will be required to be
entered and submitted.
 Consumers must fill the readings in required format and must ensure to take image
from meter.
 It will be Consumers responsibility to ensure the correct readings are entered as
incorrect data leads to inconsistency.
 Readings are displayed in the Display Panel of meter constantly. Also various types of
readings can be switched via a circular / rectangular button on the meter. See image
below for reference:

a. Fill KWh Reading

 The display panel shows the reading and type of reading its displaying at the
 If it’s showing KWh reading, then at any place in the Display Panel KWh or KWH or
KW h will also be written.
 Enter the KWh reading in App at desired place if asked.
 KWh Reading must be Integer only. No decimal values are acceptable.
 Examples for reference
Meter KWh Reading Incorrect KWh Reading Correct KWh Reading
23.02 23.02 23
52.00 52.00 52
8556.0 8556.0 8556
45. 2 45. 2 45
569 569.0 569
000256 000256 256
00245.3 00245.3 24

 See image below for reference:

 As per image above the Correct KWh reading to enter is 20799 only.
 Correct Reading : 20799, Incorrect: 020799.4, 20799.4, 20799.40 or any other.

b. Fill KW Reading

 The display panel shows the reading and type of reading its displaying at the
 If it’s showing KW reading, then at any place in the Display Panel KW or Kw or kW
will also be written.
 Enter the KW reading in App at desired place if asked.
 KW Reading must be Decimal value upto 2 places after decimal. No Integer values
are acceptable.
 KW reading should not have leading 0’s.
 Examples for reference
Meter kW Reading Incorrect kW Reading Correct kW Reading
23.02 23 23.02
52.00 52 52.00 or 52.0
56.0 56 56.0 or 56.00
45. 2 45 45. 2 or 45.20
5.01 5 5.01
00026 00026 26
0045.3 0045.3 or 0045 45.3 or 45.30

 See image below for reference:

Shows reading
shown is KW.

KW Reading

 As shown in image above the kW reading is 3.52 only.

 Correct reading to fill 3.52. Incorrect readings: 3.520, 03.520 or others.

c. Fill KVAh Reading

 The display panel shows the reading and type of reading its displaying at the
 If it’s showing KVAh reading, then at any place in the Display Panel KVAh or KVah or
KVA h or kVA h will also be written.
 Enter the KVAh reading in App at desired place if asked.
 KWh Reading must be Integer only. No decimal values are acceptable.
 Examples for reference
Meter kVAh Reading Incorrect KVAh Reading Correct KVAh Reading
23.02 23.02 23
52.00 52.00 52
8556.0 8556.0 8556
45. 2 45. 2 45
569 569.0 569
000256 000256 256
00245.3 00245.3 24

 See image below for reference:

Shows reading
KVA h reading shown is KVA h.

 As shown in image above the kVA h reading is 23312 only.

 Correct reading to fill 23312. Incorrect readings: 023312.5, 23312.5, 023312 or others.

d. Fill kVA Reading

 The display panel shows the reading and type of reading its displaying at the
 If it’s showing kVA reading, then at any place in the Display Panel kVA or KVA will
also be written.
 Enter the kVA reading in App at desired place if asked.
 kVA Reading must be Decimal value upto 2 places after decimal. No Integer values
are acceptable. Must be strictly greater than 0.0.
 kVA reading should not have any leading 0’s.
 Examples for reference
Meter KVA Reading Incorrect kVA Reading Correct kVA Reading
23.02 23 23.02
52.00 52 52.00 or 52.0
56.0 56 56.0 or 56.00
45. 2 45 45. 2 or 45.20
5.01 5 or 05 5.01
00026 00026 26
0045.3 0045.3 or 0045 45.3 or 45.30

 See image below for reference:

Shows reading
kVA reading shown is kVA.

 As shown in image above the kVA reading is 3.56 only.

 Correct reading to fill 3.56. Incorrect readings: 3, 03.56, 3.560 or others.

e. Fill PF or pf (Power Factor) Reading

 The display panel shows the reading and type of reading its displaying at the
 If it’s showing PF or pf reading, then at any place in the Display Panel Pf or pf will
also be written.
 Enter the PF reading in App at desired place if asked.
 PF Reading must be Decimal value upto 2 places after decimal. No Integer values are
acceptable. Must be strictly greater than 0.0 and must be strictly less than 0.99.
 PF reading should have only one 0 before decimal eg 0.23, 0.20, 0.2, 0.15.
 Examples for reference
Meter PF Reading Incorrect PF Reading Correct PF Reading
0.978 0.978 0.97
0.978 .978 0.97
0.978 978 0.97
0.978 9.78 0.97
0.97 0.970 0.97

 See image below for reference:

PF reading
Shows reading
shown is PF.

 As shown in image above the PF reading is 0.97 only.

 Correct reading to fill 0.97. Incorrect readings: 097, 97, 0.987, .97, .978 or others.

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