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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad

Completing the Spring-2020 semester

19th May 2020

In mid-March, due to Covid-19 crisis, the government closed down all educational institutions
till 31st May.

After closure of university, mode of teaching was shifted to online classes. For concluding the
ongoing spring-2020 semester, the following was decided.

Quick review of contents covered through Jun 1 to Jun 19 (3 weeks)

online classes (in classrooms at the campus)
Remaining Lab work (on campus) Jun 1 to Jun 19 (3 weeks)
Final semester Written exams (on campus) Jun 22 to Jun 30

Now that closure of universities has been extended till 15th July, therefore experiments to be
conducted in engineering labs cannot be held as planned. These shall have to be delayed until
opening of university.

Following is the revised plan for concluding the spring-2020 semester.

Online exams to be conducted using multiple Jun 22 (Mon) to Jul 10 (Fri) (3 weeks)
tools, such as assignments, quizzes, take
home exams, term paper, viva, etc.). Each
course to be evaluated, preferably using three
evaluations. Viva may be conducted for
randomly selected students, or whose
performance appeared to be significantly
different from their previous performance.

Teachers should keep an auditable record of

each examination including vivas.

The deans, in consultation with the HoDs,

should provide further guidelines to the
faculty on how to conduct online assessments.
Remaining Lab work (on campus) After opening of the university

Due to concerns about plagiarism and other unfair means being adopted during these online and
unsupervised exams, students shall be awarded either S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory)
grade in online conducted courses.

Award of S/U grade shall have no impact on students’ CGPA. The academic warning status
of students will not be affected, and shall remain unchanged.
Students could then proceed to register in the subsequent semester. The idea is to help the
students to graduate on time.

Final year students shall submit a soft copy of the FYP report. An oral examination shall lead to
award of a letter grade (and not an S or U grade).

Students, who expected much better grades in the current semester and thus improved CGPA,
shall be given the option to appear in the final exam of that particular course(s), as and when
offered in the next twelve months.

Students not interested in taking online examinations

Students, who could not attend the online classes due to internet access problem, load shedding
or for any other reason, shall be allowed to drop their registration of one or more courses There
shall be no financial penalty. Fee already paid by them shall be carried forward for registration in
the next two semesters. The university shall make efforts to offer the missed courses in the next
twelve months (fall-2020 and spring 2021 semesters).

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