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Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

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Revealing the dual importance and Kano type of attributes through

customer review analytics
Seoyoon Lee, Sohyun Park, Minjung Kwak *
Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Soongsil University, 369 Sangdo-Ro, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 06978, Korea


Keywords: Identifying which attributes of a product are important to customers and clarifying how the attributes affect
Online review customer satisfaction are critical for a firm to survive and succeed in the market. To assist in characterizing the
Analytics impacts of various attributes and prioritizing the attributes for design and marketing purposes, this paper pro­
Sentiment analysis
poses a novel review-analytics framework, called importance-Kano (I-Kano) analysis. I-Kano analysis holistically
Kano model
assesses the impacts of various attributes from three different perspectives that potentially may conflict with each
Conjoint analysis
Hospitality industry other, i.e., appearance (stated importance), significance (derived importance), and Kano type. By fusing term-
frequency and sentiment analyses of online reviews with conjoint analysis, the I-Kano analysis simultaneously
identifies the dual importance (appearance and significance) and Kano type of an attribute. As the final deliv­
erable of the I-Kano analysis, a new visualization scheme, called the I-Kano matrix, is proposed, which is the first
attempt to integrate the dual importance and Kano type of multiple attributes in a single chart. The I-Kano matrix
facilitates an intuitive interpretation of the multidimensional impacts of various attributes and supports the
aggregation and comparison of the results from different market segments. Through the I-Kano analysis, the
attributes of great importance in a market segment, which are useful for developing products and planning
marketing promotions, can be identified. In addition, the I-Kano analysis can identify the segments of the market
in which a certain attribute has greater relative importance, which is helpful in the design differentiation, tar­
geting, and differentiated marketing of products. To demonstrate and validate the I-Kano analysis, an illustrative
case study is described with an example of online hotel reviews.

1. Introduction satisfaction and to understand and predict customer needs [12–21].

Recently, numerous approaches at an attribute level have been proposed
With the emergence of online customer reviews as a new powerful to identify, rank, and improve the attributes that are the most interesting
means for understanding the voice of the customer (VOC), customer and important to customers. Text mining to extract the keywords asso­
review analytics has become an essential tool for product development ciated with product attributes based on customer reviews and sentiment
and marketing in various manufacturing and service industries (e.g., analysis (also referred to as opinion mining) to interpret the sentiments
electronics, automotive, hospitality, and entertainment). Review ana­ toward each attribute (e.g., whether positive, neutral, or negative) have
lytics is a process of analyzing a corpus of unstructured customer re­ been proposed as the core processes of such approaches.
views using natural language processing techniques to extract and To characterize the impact of attributes, previous review-analytics
summarize customers’ sentiments and opinions toward a product (either approaches employed various measures of attribute impact. The mea­
a tangible good or an intangible service) [1–4]. Because of the efficiency sures can be classified into three representative types, i.e., appearance,
and effectiveness of the automated process, review analytics has significance, and Kano type, and each highlights different perspectives
attracted increasing attention as an alternative or complement to of attribute impact. Appearance represents the term frequency of each
traditional consumer research methods based on conventional surveys attribute in customer reviews and implies the “stated importance” of the
[5–11]. attribute [6,14,22–27]; significance represents the effect of an attribute
A major focus of review-analytics research is to characterize the on overall customer satisfaction (i.e., star rating) [28–30] and indicates
impact of product attributes on customer preferences and customer the “derived importance” of the attribute; Kano type represents the type

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Lee), (S. Park), (M. Kwak).
Received 11 August 2021; Received in revised form 10 December 2021; Accepted 11 January 2022
Available online 22 January 2022
1474-0346/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Fig. 1. An overview of I-Kano analysis.

of relationship between an attribute and customer satisfaction [31–33], appearance (stated importance), significance (derived importance), and
that categorizes individual attributes according to the impact of their Kano type of an attribute in a market segment in sequence.
quality (the degree of fulfilment) on customer satisfaction or The purpose of the I-Kano analysis is to characterize and prioritize
dissatisfaction. attributes to provide useful implications for the development and mar­
Previous studies have demonstrated that the appearance, signifi­ keting of products. The I-Kano matrix is the final deliverable of the I-
cance, and Kano types are effective means of attribute characterization Kano analysis for this purpose. It allows holistic assessment of attribute
and prioritization and can provide useful insights regarding the devel­ impact by visualizing the dual importance and Kano type of multiple
opment and marketing of products. One concern of this study is that the product attributes in a single chart. Two versions of the I-Kano matrix
three measures highlight different perspectives of attribute impact, and are proposed: one for the comparison of multiple product attributes for a
their implications are not always consistent. For example, frequent market segment (or for a market) and the other for the comparison of
appearance does not necessarily correspond to a high significance, and different market segments as for a single attribute. The I-Kano matrices
vice versa; the attributes that have the same Kano type can differ in enable recognition of similarities and differences among the market
terms of importance, and vice versa [30,34,35]. For a better under­ segments in terms of attribute impact and enhance understanding of
standing of customers, an integrated approach is required that can customer preference and satisfaction across the entire market.
analyze and compare the three measures simultaneously. However, to The main contribution of the proposed I-Kano analysis is that it
date, such a multidimensional integrated approach has not been provides an integrated analysis framework for assessing the appearance,
developed, and the aim of this study is to fill this research gap. Thus, this significance, and Kano type of attributes simultaneously, unlike previ­
study addresses the following specific research questions (RQ). ous approaches that focus on either one or two of the three impact
measures. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the I-Kano analysis is
• RQ1: How can the appearance, significance, and Kano type of an the first attempt to combine all three viewpoints into a single analysis.
attribute be extracted simultaneously from the same set of customer The I-Kano matrices also contribute to the literature as a new visuali­
reviews? zation scheme that facilitates a holistic and intuitive interpretation of
• RQ2: How can the appearance, significance, and Kano type of mul­ attribute impact and that supports the aggregation and comparison of
tiple attributes be displayed and compared in a single chart for a the results from different market segments.
holistic assessment of their relative impacts? To demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed I-
• RQ3: How can similarities and differences among multiple market Kano analysis, an illustrative case study is described with an example of
segments be identified with respect to an attribute’s impact? online hotel reviews. Online customer reviews posted on the travel
website from September 2010 to June 2020 on 5-star, 4-
This paper proposes importance-Kano (I-Kano) analysis as a novel star, and 3-star hotels in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, Korea, were collected.
review-analytics tool for characterizing the multidimensional attribute After preprocessing, approximately 33,000 reviews remained valid for
impact on customer preferences and satisfaction. Fig. 1 shows an over­ analysis. Depending on the hotel star level (5, 4, and 3) and the customer
view of the proposed I-Kano analysis comprising five steps: frequency type (solo, business, couple, family, and friend), a total of 15 market
analysis, sentiment analysis, conjoint analysis, Kano classification, and I- segments were defined, and reviews for each market segment were
Kano matrix analysis. Given a predefined lexicon of attributes, the I- analyzed using the I-Kano analysis. The results from each segment were
Kano analysis reveals the attributes’ dual importance and Kano type aggregated and compared using the I-Kano matrices. To validate the
simultaneously. By fusing term-frequency and sentiment analyses of usefulness of the I-Kano analysis, this paper presents several key results
online reviews with conjoint analysis, I-Kano analysis identifies the of the case study and discusses their managerial insights.

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Table 1
Summary of the related works and a comparison with the current study.
Group Reference Sentiment analysis Importance analysis Kano analysis Case product
I Rai (2012) [14] – AP – Camcorder
Li et al. (2013) [40] – AP – Hotel service
Choi et al. (2018) [22] – AP – Hotel service
Sun et al. (2020) [27] ML2 AP – Vehicle
Jiang et al. (2017) [6] ML AP – Electric iron
Park et al. (2019) [37] LEX 3 AP – Hotel service
Yoo et al. (2017) [26] LEX AP – Smartphone
Nam and Lee (2019) [25] ML AP – Airport service
Jeong et al. (2019) [23] ML AP – Smartphone
Kim et al. (2020) [24] Unspecified AP – Sports utility vehicle
Yu et al. (2011) [41] ML S 5(AP) – Consumer electronics
Bi et al. (2019) [28] ML S – Hotel service
Liu and Zhang (2020) [42] LEX S – Hotel service
Joung and Kim (2021) [29] ML S – Smartphone
Kar (2021) [43] LEX S – Mobile payment
Kar et al. (2021) [44] ML S – Tourism
II Xiao et al. (2016) [9] – (S) A,M,O,R,(IN,D) Mobile phone
Qi et al. (2016) [35] LEX (S) A,M,O,I,R Mobile phone
Wu et al. (2018) [38] LEX (S) A,M,O Smartphone
Bigorra et al. (2019) [46] LEX (AP) A,M,O Consumer electronics
Chen et al. (2019) [34] ML (AP,S) A,M,O,I Coffee machine
Hou et al. (2019) [47] LEX (S) A,M,O,I,R,Q E-reader
Bi et al. (2019) [12] ML (S) A,M,O,I,R Mobile phone
Wang et al. (2020) [39] LEX (S) A,M,O,I Automobiles
Li et al. (2020) [48] ML (S) A,M,O,I,R,Q Theme park
This paper LEX AP,S A,M,O,I,R Hotel service
(): The parentheses in this column indicates that the measure in the parentheses was calculated to some extent but not explicitly analyzed, compared, or ranked from
the attribute importance perspective—that is, it was utilized as a mediator for deriving other measures, i.e., attribute significance or Kano type; 2 ML: Machine learning-
based sentiment analysis (including deep learning-based sentiment analysis); 3 LEX: Lexicon-based sentiment analysis; 4 AP: Appearance; 5 S: Significance; 6 IN and D:
‘Innovated-needed’ and ‘Divergent’, respectively, which are specific to the corresponding study.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pre­ opinions and experiences with the public and help others make a better
sents a survey of the related studies. Section 3 describes the 5-step choice while buying a product. Thus, customers tend to review only the
procedure of the proposed I-Kano analysis framework, followed by an attributes that they consider important when making a buying decision.
illustrative case study in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the In this regard, the appearance frequency of an attribute reflects the
paper with future research directions. relative importance of that attribute to customers; the more times an
attribute appears in customer reviews, the more important it is in the
2. Literature review market. In other words, appearance represents the “stated importance”
of the attribute.
The literature review is divided into the four sections: (1) Measure­ Significance is another measure of an attribute’s relative importance,
ment of attribute impact in review-analytics research; (2) Review ana­ representing. Although the degree of overall satisfaction is explicitly
lytics for identifying attribute importance; (3) Review analytics for revealed through the star rating, the weights (part-worth utilities) of
classifying Kano type; and (4) Research gap and the contributions of this attributes are implicit and hidden in the reviews. Additional approaches
paper. such as conjoint analysis, decision tree classification, and artificial
neural networks are required to derive the relative weights of attributes
[30]. In this regard, significance is referred to as the “derived impor­
2.1. Measurement of attribute impact in review-analytics research tance” of an attribute.
Kano types, first developed by Kano et al. [31], classify the individual
Numerous review-analytics approaches have been developed in the attributes on the basis of the relationship between perceived quality (the
last decade to understand customer needs and preferences and to degree of fulfillment) of an attribute and customer satisfaction/dissat­
explore product and marketing opportunities. Relative to the purposes isfaction [31–33]. Although the Kano type itself does not indicate a
of the related research, there have been three different research focuses: certain level of attribute importance [32], it helps prioritize attributes
1) a focus on assessing the performance level of a specific product (e.g., according to the impact of their quality on customer satisfaction or
[13,23,36]), 2) a focus on understanding attributes’ impacts on dissatisfaction. In general, product attributes are classified into five
customer preferences and satisfaction in a market (e.g., [9,24,37]), and Kano types: attractive (A), one-dimensional (O), must-be (M), indif­
3) considering both product performance and attribute impact together ferent (I), and reverse (R) (see Fig. 2). The attractive category, A, in­
(e.g., [25,28,38,39]). In this paper, the latter two dealing with attribute dicates an attribute that exponentially increases customer satisfaction
impact are the main interest, and Table 1 summarizes previous works when fulfilled but does not cause dissatisfaction if not fulfilled. The one-
that addressed the topics of interest in this paper. It is notable that only dimensional category, O, represents an attribute that is positively
those that extracted aggregate customer preferences in terms of attribute associated with customer satisfaction; if fulfilled, it increases customer
importance and/or the Kano type are included. satisfaction, but if not, it results in dissatisfaction. The must-be category,
As shown in Table 1, previous approaches have primarily employed M, represents an attribute that customers take for granted when it is
three measures of attribute impact: appearance, significance, and Kano fulfilled; however, if it is not fulfilled, it leads to customer dissatisfac­
type. Here, appearance represents the term frequency of each product tion. This is opposite to the attractive category. The indifferent category
attribute, that is, the percentage of review states regarding the attribute represents an attribute toward which customers are indifferent or an
[6,14,22–27]. The primary purpose of online reviews is to share

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

analysis, which can be mainly divided into two groups: lexicon-based

approaches and machine learning-based approaches [23,49,50].
Considering attribute importance along with performance allows an
analysis called importance-performance analysis (IPA) [51]. IPA is a tool
for characterizing and prioritizing product attributes to establish prod­
uct and marketing strategies. It reveals the attributes that are the most
important in the market but do not satisfy customers through the current
products [26].
Sun et al. [27] proposed a method for analyzing changes in the at­
titudes of customers and manufacturers toward product attributes over
time. Attribute importance was determined from the perspectives of
users and the manufacturer based on attribute appearance in online
reviews and the product’s official website, respectively. Jiang et al. [6]
conducted an IPA study in which the appearance frequency was used as
an indicator of attribute importance. To prioritize the attributes for
design, a fuzzy inference method was applied based on fuzzy rules
generated by experts, such as “if frequency is high and sentiment score is
low, then the attribute should have a very high priority in design. Park
et al. [37] conducted a sentiment analysis for online hotel reviews and
Fig. 2. Attribute classification in the Kano model [31]. explored the strengths and weaknesses of the subject hotel by consid­
ering both the appearance frequency and sentiment score. Yoo et al. [26]
conducted an IPA on a mobile phone market in Korea. Both text analysis
and network analysis were applied to identify the importance of attri­
attribute whose quality customers only marginally care about. Regard­ butes, and three appearance-related metrics were used: simple term
less of its fulfillment, no significant change is observed in customer frequency, degree centrality, and eigenvector centrality. Nam and Lee
satisfaction. The reverse category refers to an attribute which, if ful­ [25] proposed an IPA method combined with a topic modeling tech­
filled, leads to consumer dissatisfaction, which is the opposite of the case nique called latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). The product attributes
of the one-dimensional category. were defined based on the topics obtained from the LDA, and the
In terms of the measure of attribute impact, previous studies can be appearance probability of attribute-related words was used to calculate
divided into two groups, i.e., Group I: review analytics for identifying the attribute importance. Jeong et al. [23] proposed an IPA method for
the attribute importance (either appearance or significance) and Group product-opportunity mining. LDA-based topic modeling and deep-
II: review analytics for classifying the Kano type. The following Sections learning-based sentiment analyses were performed. The importance of
2.2 and 2.3 review Group I and Group II, respectively. each topic was assessed based on the appearance of the topic. Kim et al.
[24] also presented an IPA method for multifunctional products where
the appearance frequency and sentiment score of individual attributes
2.2. Review analytics for identifying attribute importance were used as indices for attribute importance and performance,
respectively. The relationship between the sentiment score and the
Review-analytics studies have attempted to rank product attributes performance specification was also examined to establish a method for
by considering the relative importance of an attribute for customers or setting up the performance target.
the weight that customers place on each product attribute. The Few studies have highlighted the importance of attributes from a
appearance frequency of an attribute as a percentage (i.e., the ratio of different perspective, that is, significance. The impact of an attribute on
the number of reviews that mention the attribute relative to the total overall customer satisfaction is important in this stream of studies. Yu
number of reviews) has been the most used as a measure of the relative et al. [41] proposed an algorithm to determine the importance rank of
importance of an attribute. Rai [14] presented a text-mining-based multiple aspects. The final output variable of the aspect-ranking algo­
approach to extract key product attributes and their importance. To rithm was the significance (influence of aspect-level sentiments on the
determine the importance of an attribute, three metrics based on attri­ overall opinion); however, the appearance (aspect frequency) was also
bute appearance were used: term frequency, review appearance rate, used as a parameter for estimating the significance. Bi, Liu, Fan, and
and local global normalization measure. Li et al. [40] conducted a study Zhang [28] proposed a review-based IPA method, in which the impor­
on the determinants of customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. Text tance of attributes was determined through an ensemble neural network
mining was applied to online hotel reviews, and the terms with frequent model (ENNM). In ENNM, the sentiment scores for attributes and the
appearances were distilled. Choi et al. [22] analyzed the key attributes overall star rating were used as the input and the output variables,
of hotel service quality in Korea. Considering the city, hotel star level, respectively. Liu and Zhang [42] also conducted a review-based IPA
and customer type, a total of 40 market segments were defined first, and using online hotel reviews. The derived importance of each attribute was
the appearance frequency of service attributes was analyzed for each obtained from a partial correlation analysis between the sentiment
segment. The differences in attribute importance among different cities, scores of the attributes and the star rating of the review. Joung and Kim
hotel star levels, and customer types were examined. [29] determined the significance of smartphone attributes based on
Numerous studies in this group of research have considered an at­ deep neural network. To derive the significance with a lower variance,
tribute’s appearance frequency (importance) along with its sentiment estimates from multiple optimal neural networks with high accuracy
score (i.e., performance). They adopted various methods for sentiment

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

were combined. Kar [43] and Kar et al. [44] combined social media 2.4. Research gap and the contributions of this paper
analytics with multiple regression analysis to identify the determinants
of usage satisfaction of mobile payment and the customer service Attribute appearance, significance, and Kano type highlight the
experience in tourism in India, respectively. Theoretical models were attribute impact characteristics from three different perspectives, and
constructed and validated based on a statistical inferential analysis of they can lead to different implications for the priorities of attributes;
social media data [45]. examples of inconsistencies can be found in references [30,34,35]. To
better understand customer needs and preferences, a multidimensional
2.3. Review analytics for classifying Kano type integrated approach that allows assessment and comparison of the three
measures simultaneously is required. However, to date, there has been
Conventional Kano analysis is a survey-based method that is costly very little focus on the development of such approaches. The previous
and time-consuming. Accordingly, Kano analysis based on online works in Group I focused on measuring the importance of various at­
customer reviews has attracted increasing attention. A review-based tributes (either appearance or significance) for prioritization, but they
Kano analysis usually performs a sentiment analysis first and utilizes did not reflect the Kano types of attributes. A possible non-linear rela­
the results as a mediator for classifying the Kano type. tionship between an attribute and customer satisfaction was not incor­
Xiao et al. [9] proposed a modified ordered choice model and a porated in Group I. In contrast, previous works in Group II focused on
marginal effect-based Kano model to extract consumer preferences from classifying the Kano type of each attribute. They calculated the attribute
online product reviews. The individual heterogeneity of the reviewers’ appearance or significance to some extent and used it for the Kano
rating behavior was incorporated into the model, and semi-structured classification; however, they did not explicitly examine the importance
reviews comprising two separate sections for the pros and cons were values, nor did they compare or rank them. The I-Kano analysis pre­
used as the input. Qi et al. [35] developed a review-analytics model for sented here contributes to the literature by providing an integrated
product improvement. They conducted a lexicon-based sentiment analysis of multidimensional attribute impact. It simultaneously assesses
analysis and a classical conjoint analysis to perform a Kano analysis. Wu the dual importance (appearance and significance) and Kano type of
et al. [38] presented a dynamic IPA method for identifying product/ product attributes and represents the three measures on a single chart in
service improvement priorities. The Kano type of an attribute was used an integrated manner to enable easy and clear derivation of useful in­
as an index for the attribute importance in IPA. A lexicon-based senti­ sights for product development and marketing.
ment analysis and the C4.5 algorithm were applied to conduct a Kano
analysis. Bigorra et al. [46] suggested a rule-based classification of at­ 3. Method
tributes into three Kano types: must-be, one-dimensional, and attractive.
The Kano type was determined by three criteria: the relative frequency This section provides the details of the steps of the I-Kano analysis. As
of an attribute, the proportion of product brands that majorly mention depicted in Fig. 1, the I-Kano analysis consists of five steps: 1) frequency
the attribute, and the number of reviews that positively/negatively analysis, 2) sentiment analysis, 3) conjoint analysis, 4) Kano classifica­
mention the attribute. Although the appearance of attribute terms was tion, and 5) I-Kano matrix analysis. It should be noted that the processes
used in the proposed method, it was employed for Kano classification of collecting online reviews and building the attribute and sentiment
only, and attribute importance was not discussed. Chen et al. [34] lexicons are not addressed in this paper. I-Kano analysis assumes that the
proposed an intelligent Kano classification framework that integrates corpus of product reviews is available and given at the beginning; in
multiple artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, other words, the access to the review database or the web crawling of
including sentiment analysis and anomaly detection. A Kano classifica­ online reviews is available and allowed. Notably, the I-Kano analysis
tion scheme in a 3-D space was newly proposed, which involves the deals with typical online reviews composed of two parts: a numerical
sentiment magnitude in determining the Kano type. Hou et al. [47] star rating from 1 to 5 and a textual review. Each review data contains
analyzed online customer reviews posted on two successive generations the reviewing date, target product, customer type, star rating, and tex­
of products to capture changes in customer expectations over time. A tual review. The I-Kano analysis also assumes that the lexicons of
conjoint analysis based on ordered logit regression was conducted to product attributes and sentiment words are given at the beginning.
identify the significance of attributes, and the results were represented Various methods exist for detecting existing and emerging attribute
using the Kano model. Bi, Liu, Fan, and Cambria [12] proposed a review- keywords and building lexicons, including those based on domain expert
based Kano analysis using multiple machine learning techniques, i.e., knowledge, term frequency, term frequency-inverse document fre­
LDA for attribute extraction, support vector machine (SVM) for senti­ quency (TF-IDF), LDA, and latent semantic analysis. Methods for fore­
ment analysis, and an ensemble neural network for significance analysis. casting dynamic customer requirements and discovering emerging
Wang et al. [39] developed a Kano-based IPA model that addressed the attributes also exist (e.g., [17,52]). Any of the available methods can be
issue of inconsistencies between product star ratings and review texts. chosen for the I-Kano analysis. More details regarding the available
The attributes were classified into four Kano types, and product methods can be found in the references [4,17,20,21,52–56].
improvement strategies were established for each Kano type. Li et al.
[48] proposed a Kano-based IPA model that extracts the customer
satisfaction level and Kano type of attributes from online customer re­ 3.1. Step 1: Frequency analysis
views. In IPA, Kano type was used as the indicator of attribute
importance. The I-Kano analysis begins with frequency analysis to examine the
appearance of product attributes in a target corpus of reviews. Given a
lexicon of product attributes, the appearance frequency of each attribute
is obtained as shown in Eq. (1), where fik is the appearance frequency of

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Fig. 3. Rule for lexicon-based sentiment analysis.

attribute i in market segment k and is given as a ratio (i.e., percentage of corresponding sentiment category (positive or negative). Sentiment
reviews from segment k that have mentioned attribute i),Nk denotes the analysis examines individual reviews and identifies the polarity of the
total number of reviews obtained from segment k, and Nik denotes the sentiment for each attribute i. Note that the intensity of sentiment (i.e.,
number of reviews from segment k in which attribute i appears at least how strong the sentiment is) is not considered in this study.
once. Notably, neither the number of times attribute i appears in a re­ The sentiment polarity of attribute i is determined based on the
view, the sentiment polarity, nor the sentiment intensity is reflected in categories of sentiment words that are associated with attribute i in a
Nik ; it only reflects whether a review mentioned attribute i (i.e., presence review. For each review j, two binary variables—Xijpos and Xij —are used
or absence). to represent the sentiment polarity toward attribute i, where Xijpos de­
fik = Nik /Nk (1) notes whether attribute i was ever positively mentioned in the review
j(= 1) or not ( = 0), and Xij denotes whether attribute i was ever
The appearance frequency fik is an indicator of the relative impor­
tance of attribute i in the market segment k. It can theoretically range negatively mentioned in review j(= 1) or not ( = 0). In other words,Xijpos
from 0 to 1, which indicate that none or all of the reviews of segment k and Xij indicate if attribute i was fulfilled and not fulfilled, respectively
have stated attribute i, respectively. [8,57]. Fig. 3 shows the detailed rules of determining Xijpos and Xij .

Eq. (2) normalizes fik considering the minimum and maximum levels
Please note that an attribute can have two-sided polarities in a review,
of appearance frequency in market k. Although fik in the current form is neg
that is,{Xijpos ,Xij } = {1,1}, in case both pros and cons appear together in
suitable for attribute ranking in segment k, it cannot be directly used to
compare multiple market segments [24,37]. For comparison across the review. This implies that the attribute was fulfilled in some aspects
multiple market segments, the I-Kano analysis uses the normalized (or sub-attributes) but not fulfilled in other aspects. If attribute i was not
mentioned at all, a neutral sentiment is assumed and {Xijpos , Xij } = {0,
appearance frequency fik . The values of fik lie in the range of 0 to 1
′ ′

(inclusive). If fik equals 0, it means that attribute i is the least-stated

Notably, regarding the method for sentiment analysis, the lexicon-

attribute in segment k among the attributes in the set I (i ∈ I). In
based approach can be replaced with different techniques, such as ma­
contrast, if fik equals 1, it means that attribute i is the most-stated

chine learning-based techniques (e.g., SVM and random forest), or any

attribute in segment k among the attributes in I. Therefore, the com­ neg
other method, as long as the output form is the same as {Xijpos ,Xij } ∈ {{0,
parison of fik across market segments enables to discover how the rela­

0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}. Please refer to [2,30,58] for more details on
tive importance of the same attribute can vary from segment to segment.
sentiment analysis.
fik − minfik
′ i∈I
fik =
maxfik − minfik 3.3. Step 3: Conjoint analysis using ordinal logistic regression
i∈I i∈I

In Step 3, a conjoint analysis is conducted to identify the effect

3.2. Step 2: Sentiment analysis (significance) of each attribute on the overall customer satisfaction.
Conjoint analysis is used to determine the relative importance or the
The next step is sentiment analysis to extract a review’s sentiment part-worth utility of each product attribute [59–61]. No standardized
toward product attributes. In this study, a lexicon-based sentiment method exists for conjoint analysis [62]; however, one of the most
analysis at the attribute level was conducted using a sentiment lexicon common methods is multivariate regression (e.g., [9,35,47]). In this
that provides a list of sentiment words, each of which is tagged with the study, ordinal logistic regression was used for conjoint analysis.

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Table 2 ∑n
Example of structured input data for the conjoint analysis (market segment k). exp(ε1 + (βpos Xikpos + βneg
i=1 ik
ik Xik ))
Pr(Y = 5|Xikpos , Xikneg ) = ∑ n pos pos neg neg
Review Attribute 1 Attribute 2 … Attribute i Star rating R 1 + exp(ε1 + (β Xik + βik Xik ))
i=1 ik

Xpos neg
X1k Xpos neg
X2k … Xpos neg
1k 2k ik exp(ε2 + (βpos Xikpos + βneg
i=1 ik
ik Xik ))
Pr(Y⩾4|Xikpos , Xikneg ) = ∑ n
1 1 0 0 0 … 0 1 4 1 + exp(ε2 + pos pos neg neg
(β Xik + βik Xik ))
i=1 ik
2 1 0 1 0 … 0 0 5
… … … … … … … … … exp(ε3 + (βpos Xikpos + βneg neg
ik Xik ))
Nk 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 i=1 ik
… Pr(Y⩾3|Xikpos , Xikneg ) = ∑ n
1 + exp(ε3 + (βpos Xikpos + βneg
i=1 ik
ik Xik ))
exp(ε4 + (βpos Xikpos + βneg neg
ik Xik ))
Table 2 shows an example of the input data for conjoint analysis Pr(Y⩾2|Xikpos , Xikneg ) = ∑i=1 ik
pos neg
obtained from Step 2. The data comprise two parts: the Xik and Xik (βpos Xikpos + βneg neg
1 + exp(ε4 + i=1 ik ik Xik ))

values for all attributes (representing fulfillment and unfulfillment of

Pr(Y⩾1|Xikpos , Xikneg ) = 1
attribute i in segment k, respectively; independent variables) and the
star rating (Y) of the review (representing the overall customer satis­ The OLR attempts to derive two regression coefficients per attribute,
neg neg
faction for the product; dependent variable). The star rating (Y ∈ {1, 2, that is,βpos pos
ik for Xik , and βik for Xik , which shows how the cases of an
3, 4, 5}) is an ordinal variable that indicates different levels of customer attribute being fulfilled and an attribute not being fulfilled affect the
satisfaction from “fully dissatisfied” (=1), through “slightly dissatisfied” overall customer satisfaction. In the I-Kano analysis, the coefficients βpos
(=2), “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied” (=3), “slightly satisfied” (=4), and βneg
ik are used in two ways. First, the gap between the two coefficients
to “fully satisfied” (=5). Thus, ordinal logistic regression (OLR) was per attribute is used to quantify the relative importance of the attribute,
chosen for conjoint analysis, as shown in Eq. (3) [47,63,64]. or the attribute significance. The greater the gap, the more important is

Fig. 4. Rule-based Kano classification in the I-Kano analysis.

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

(a) I-Kano matrix as to market segment k (b) I-Kano matrix as to attribute i

Fig. 5. Two versions of the I-Kano matrix.

the attribute. Second, the coefficients βpos
ik and βik serve as criteria for
With respect to attribute ranks, how similar or different a market
classifying the Kano type of an attribute, which will be discussed later in segment is from the other segments can also be clarified.
Step 4.
gik = |βpos neg
ik − βik | (4)
Considering that the regression coefficients determine two di­
mensions of I-Kano analysis (i.e., significance and Kano type), the ac­ gik − mingik
curacy of OLR and the quality of coefficients must be improved. Thus, (5)
′ i∈I
gik =
the OLR in this study includes several steps. First, the variation inflation maxgik − mingik
i∈I i∈I
factor (VIF) of the independent variables was calculated to detect
whether multicollinearity occurred. Multicollinearity exists when two or
more independent variables are highly correlated with each other in a 3.4. Step 4: Kano classification
regression model. VIF is the most widely employed diagnostic tool for
multicollinearity. If the VIF of an independent variable is close to 1, The regression coefficients βposik and βik provide a clue for under­
there is no strong correlation between the variable and others [65]. standing the relationship between the fulfillment/unfulfillment of
However, if the VIF exceeds 5 or 10, it indicates high multicollinearity attribute i and the overall customer satisfaction. Such a relationship
between the variable and others, and this multicollinearity should be between a product attribute and customer satisfaction reminds of the
fixed using an additional method. (How to fix multicollinearity is Kano model, which classifies product attributes into five categories: A,
beyond the scope of this paper and is not discussed further.) The OLR M, O, I, and R [31]. Reflecting the concept of the original Kano model,
also adopts a variable selection and filtering process. The backward this study proposes a rule-based Kano classification as shown in Fig. 4.
elimination method is used to find the model with the best performance, The Kano type of each attribute i is determined based on the relationship
and the subset with the smallest Akaike information criterion value is revealed by the two coefficients βpos ik and βik .
chosen. Statistically insignificant or inconclusive coefficients were also The proposed Kano classification includes four branching points,
addressed in this study. If the p-value is greater than 0.05 or if the 95% depicted as white boxes in Fig. 4. The first branching point considers
confidence interval includes zero, the corresponding coefficient is whether a significant difference exists between βpos
ik and βik . If they are
determined to be 0. very close to each other (in other words, if the gap gik is very small), the
Eq. (4) measures the significance of attribute i in market segment k attribute merely changes the customer satisfaction regardless of its
based on the gap (gik ) between βpos
ik and βik , or, the absolute value of the perceived quality; thus, the attribute is assigned to Kano type I (indif­
difference between βpos
ik and βik . The gap gik allows to rank different
ferent). The threshold of closeness γ is determined by the user. In this
attributes in terms of the significance and helps identify attributes that study, if the odds ratio of increasing customer satisfaction of an attribute
have a greater influence on customer satisfaction in the market segment. lies in the range of 0.95–1.05, the attribute is considered insignificant.
Eq. (5) normalizes gik to enable comparison across multiple market Thus, reflecting the absolute value of ln(1.05) and ln(0.95), the
segments. Min-max scaling is applied to convert gik to gik , which ranges

threshold γ is set to 0.05.
from 0 to 1. If gik equals 0, it means that attribute i is the least-important
′ The second branching point compares the magnitudes of βpos ik and
neg neg
attribute in segment k; if gik equals 1, it means that attribute i is the most-
′ βik . If βik is greater than βpos
ik , the attribute’s perceived quality is
negatively associated with overall customer satisfaction. Accordingly,
important attribute in segment k. Therefore, by tracing how the gik value

this attribute is assigned to Kano type R (reverse category). The third

of an attribute varies from segment to segment, one can understand how neg
the attribute’s relative importance changes across market segments. branching point examines the signs of βpos ik and βik . After passing
through the first and second branching points, the only possible case in

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Table 3 highly affected by the attribute’s fulfillment level (or, perceived qual­
Attribute lexicon used for I-Kano analysis (translated from Korean into English). ity). In contrast to the points in Q1, points in Q3 imply the opposite
Attribute Corresponding words (examples) cases, in which the attributes are considered to be relatively less
important to customers in terms of both appearance and significance.
Room condition (RC) Cleanliness, soundproofing, temperature, view
Service and staff (SS) Staff, receptionist, concierge, internet access The attributes are less frequently mentioned in reviews, and their impact
Facilities and conveniences Atmosphere, lounge, parking, pool, spa & sauna, gym, on customer satisfaction seems less substantial in the segment.
(FC) banquet hall If attribute i in segment k is positioned either in Q2 or Q4, there is a
Location and surroundings Location, approach, public transportation, landmark discrepancy between the two types of attribute importance. An
Dining and food (DF) Meal, room service
attribute-segment pair in Q2 indicates a relatively high appearance but
Bathroom condition (BC) Bathroom, toiletries low significance of the attribute in the market segment. This implies that
Furniture and appliances Furniture, bed, curtain, appliance, electronics customers make numerous remarks regarding the attribute, but the at­
(FA) tribute’s impact on customer satisfaction is relatively less significant.
Conversely, an attribute-segment pair in Q4 corresponds to a relatively
low appearance but high significance. The attribute is less frequently
Table 4 mentioned in the reviews written by the market segment; however, it
Sentiment-word lexicon used for I-Kano analysis (translated from Korean into seems to significantly affect customer satisfaction in the segment.
English). The Kano-type label of each point indicates the type of relationship
Sentiment Corresponding words (examples) Number of between the attribute’s fulfillment level and customer satisfaction. This
polarity words label is especially useful when prioritizing attributes for future in­
Positive Satisfying, comfortable, nice, kind, friendly, 130 vestments. If the quadrant to which an attribute belongs is the primary
pleased criterion for attribute prioritization, the Kano-type label can serve as the
Negative Uncomfortable, noisy, old, unkind, dirty, 121 secondary criterion for further differentiating the points in the same
poor, awful
The I-Kano matrix provides a new visualization scheme for attribute
which the coefficients have different signs is βpos
neg characterization and prioritization. In this study, two versions of the I-
ik > 0 and βik < 0.
Hence, this attribute is assigned to Kano type O (one-dimensional). Kano matrices are introduced: one for comprising multiple product at­
neg tributes for a market segment—most existing studies have taken this
The last branching point considers whether the sum of βpos
ik and βik is
neg approach in common—, and the other for comparing different market
positive or negative. If the sum is positive, then βpos ik > 0 and βik ⩾0. segments as for a single attribute. The former is useful in identifying
Therefore, this attribute is assigned to Kano type A (attractive). In important attributes in a particular market segment, which can provide
contrast, if the sum is negative, this implies that βpos
ik ⩽0 and βik < 0, and useful insights for new product design, product improvement, marketing
the attribute is classified as Kano type M (must-be). promotion, and so on. The latter is useful for understanding which
The accuracy of the proposed Kano classification is affected by three market segments a certain product attribute has greater relative
factors: 1) the accuracy of sentiment analysis, 2) the accuracy of OLR for importance in, which is valuable for establishing marketing strategies
conjoint analysis, and 3) the threshold,γ. Since the classification rule such as targeting, market positioning, and differentiated marketing by
itself is not tied to a specific method for sentiment analysis or conjoint segment.
analysis, it can use other methods if better ones exist to improve the The I-Kano matrix also supports a comparative study of different
accuracy of the Kano classification. The user also can adjust the value of market segments. Because the I-Kano matrix uses normalized values, it
γ to make the rule more consistent with her/his domain knowledge and can combine the full or partial results of multiple segments into a single
experiences. chart. Such integration can be performed in various ways depending on
the user’s requirements and the purpose of the analysis. Through a single
I-Kano matrix, users can efficiently and effectively recognize the simi­
3.5. Step 5: I-Kano matrix analysis
larities and differences among the market segments and can grasp the
idea of the entire market. The integration capability is a merit of the I-
Step 5 involves creating an I-Kano matrix by combining the results
Kano matrix. To demonstrate this point, several examples are provided
from previous steps. The three dimensions of product attribute charac­
in Section 4.
teristics (appearance, significance, and Kano type) are visualized in the
form of a scatter chart, as shown in Fig. 5. The I-Kano matrix has two
4. Illustrative case
value axes representing different aspects of an attribute’s relative
importance. The horizontal axis represents the normalized significance
4.1. Data description
gik , and the vertical axis represents the normalized appearance fik . For
′ ′

attribute i in segment k, the chart displays a point at (gik , fik ) and shows
′ ′
To validate the I-Kano analysis and demonstrate its effectiveness, this
the Kano type as a data label. section presents a case study using online customer reviews of hotels in
The horizontal and vertical center lines denote the mean of gik and fik Korea. Reviews were crawled from Tripadvisor (https://www.tripad
′ ′

for all points in the chart, respectively. They provide a reference value focusing on 5-star, 4-star, and 3-star hotels in Seoul, Busan,
for interpreting the magnitude of an attribute’s relative importance and and Jeju areas in Korea, using the Python BeautifulSoup and Selenium
assist in attribute characterization and prioritization. The two center libraries. A total of 33,597 Korean reviews posted from September 2010
lines divide the chart into four regions (quadrants), called as Q1–Q4 to June 2020 were identified as valid data for analysis.
counterclockwise, starting from the upper right quadrant. The review data were divided by market segment and were analyzed
If attribute i in segment k is positioned in Q1, attribute i is considered segment-by-segment. In this study, a total of 15 market segments were
as relatively more important to customers in segment k, from both the defined, considering the combinations of three hotel star levels (5-star,
appearance and the significance perspectives. In other words, the stated 4-star, and 3-star) and five customer types (solo [SOL], business [BIZ],
importance and the derived importance are relatively greater. Cus­ couple [CPL], family [FAM], and friend [FRD]). Each market segment
tomers pay attention to the attribute and mention it more frequently; was named by combining the abbreviation representing customer type
thus, highly likely to influence product reputation and purchase de­ and the number representing the hotel star level (e.g., SOL5, BIZ4,
cisions in the market. Simultaneously, the customer satisfaction level is FRD3). Details of data are presented in Table A.1. in the Appendix A.

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Table 5
Appearance frequency (fik ) of hotel attributes.

RC 75% 72% 79% 76% 75% 75% 71% 78% 76% 77% 77% 71% 78% 74% 76%
SS 71% 67% 70% 67% 71% 62% 57% 59% 56% 60% 60% 54% 52% 52% 58%
FC 60% 59% 62% 62% 59% 47% 49% 47% 51% 47% 43% 47% 48% 48% 45%
LS 42% 48% 41% 44% 40% 55% 58% 49% 58% 57% 66% 66% 63% 68% 65%
DF 41% 40% 45% 46% 46% 31% 31% 27% 34% 36% 32% 30% 29% 37% 29%
BC 24% 23% 23% 25% 25% 27% 25% 28% 27% 27% 28% 26% 30% 30% 32%
FA 15% 12% 15% 18% 17% 22% 20% 25% 21% 25% 22% 21% 24% 24% 24%

Table 6
Normalized appearance frequency (fik ) of hotel attributes.


RC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
SS 0.94 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.76 0.71 0.64 0.64 0.68 0.69 0.66 0.52 0.56 0.65
FC 0.76 0.79 0.73 0.76 0.72 0.47 0.57 0.42 0.55 0.43 0.39 0.52 0.45 0.49 0.39
LS 0.45 0.61 0.40 0.45 0.39 0.63 0.74 0.44 0.68 0.61 0.80 0.90 0.72 0.89 0.79
DF 0.44 0.47 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.17 0.21 0.04 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.10 0.25 0.09
BC 0.15 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.14
FA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

(a) 5-star hotel (b) 4-star hotel (c) 3-star hotel

Fig. 6. Difference in market segments in the normalized appearance frequency of attributes.

A Korean morphological analyzer called RHINO was used to process Table 4 represents a part of the sentiment-word lexicon used for the I-
the review data (morphology analysis, and part-of-speech tagging) [66]. Kano analysis. It consists of 130 positive words and 121 negative words.
Similar to the part-of-speech tagger in the Python’s Natural Language They were selected from the “KNU (Kunsan National University) Korean
Toolkit (NLTK) library [67], RHINO parses Korean words by morpheme Sentiment Lexicon [68]” considering the frequency of their appearance
and part-of-speech. It tokenizes sentences into words and assigns a part- in hotel reviews.
of-speech to each token.
The lexicons of product attributes and sentiment words were adopted 4.2. Step 1: Frequency analysis
and modified from the studies of [22,36]. Table 3 shows the attribute
lexicon used for the I-Kano analysis. (The attribute lexicon comprises To measure the relative importance of attributes in each market
240 words in total, but only a part of it is presented because of space segment from the appearance perspective, a frequency analysis (Section
limitations.) The attribute lexicon groups words related to various as­ 3.1) was conducted segment-by-segment for each of the seven attrib­
pects (or features) of hotel services into clusters and refers to each utes—RC, SS, FC, LS, DF, BC, and FA. The appearance frequency of an
cluster as an attribute. The corresponding words for each attribute are attribute is determined based on the frequency of the appearance of its
then defined. They encompass the words inside the cluster, as well as corresponding words. If any of the corresponding words appeared in a
their synonyms. There are seven attributes in this study: room condition review, the review was considered as one that mentioned the attribute.
(RC), service and staff (SS), facilities and conveniences (FC), location For instance, if a review contained a remark on furniture, FA appeared in
and surroundings (LS), dining and food (DF), bathroom condition (BC), the review.
and furniture and appliances (FA). Table 5 shows the appearance frequency fik values obtained from

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Table 7 highest appearance frequency and FA has the lowest appearance fre­
Accuracy of the sentiment analysis. quency. However, there were substantial differences in the other attri­
butes. For example, the fik of attribute SS ranges from 0.52 (in CPL3) to

Attribute Precision Recall F1-score Accuracy

Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. 0.94 (in SOL5); in case of DF, it ranges from 0.04 (CPL4) to 0.50 (FRD5).
Notably, the differences seem to be largely affected by star level rather
RC 0.98 0.73 0.92 0.72 0.95 0.77 86%
than by customer type. Fig. 6 shows how fik values change with star level

SS 0.94 0.65 0.96 0.73 0.96 0.69 89%
FC 0.96 0.61 0.92 0.70 0.94 0.65 82% and customer type. This shows that there exists a specific pattern in the
LS 1.00 0.18 0.94 0.67 0.97 0.29 88% fik values depending on the star level. Customers of 5-star hotels seem to

DF 0.95 0.56 0.93 0.83 0.93 0.67 84%

BC 0.90 0.74 1.00 0.78 0.95 0.76 86%
focus on RC, SS, and FC in sequence, whereas relatively less attention is
FA 0.96 0.69 0.92 0.69 0.94 0.69 87% given to other attributes. In contrast, the customers of 4-star hotels tend
to mention LS more frequently, they have a lower interest in SS and FC.
This tendency becomes more significant in the case of 3-star hotels, and
LC has the second highest appearance frequency in this case. In contrast
each segment, representing the percentage of reviews that mentioned to the large difference among the star levels, the difference in customer
the attributes in the segment. The results show that the appearance type seems relatively small. This implies that, for a certain star level,
frequency in a segment considerably varies from attribute to attribute. customers have a similar idea regarding what attributes are relatively
Taking segment SOL5 as an example, the appearance frequency varies more important in making a buying decision, irrespective of the
from 15% (FA) to 75% (RC), implying attribute differences in relative customer type.
importance. Such differences in the appearance frequency were
observed for every segment. 4.3. Step 2: Sentiment analysis
Table 6 lists the normalized values of the appearance frequency fik . It

rescales fik values of each segment in the range of 0–1, enabling com­ A lexicon-based sentiment analysis (Section 3.2) was performed to
parison of multiple market segments in terms of an attribute’s relative identify the sentiment toward each attribute in a review. Similar to the
importance. For all segments, it is commonly observed that RC has the frequency analysis, the sentiment of an attribute can be determined

Table 8
Significance (gik ) of hotel attributes.

RC 0.95 1.50 1.23 1.37 0.93 1.79 1.54 1.91 1.49 1.46 2.07 1.45 1.51 1.51 1.46
SS 2.17 2.71 2.41 2.04 2.21 2.46 2.24 2.33 2.36 2.20 2.00 2.51 2.35 2.33 3.09
FC 1.11 0.73 0.84 0.68 1.04 0.00 0.64 0.69 0.98 1.09 1.41 1.13 0.67 1.31 0.82
LS 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.71
DF 1.87 1.06 0.74 0.99 1.30 0.54 0.92 1.16 1.27 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.32 0.44 1.51
BC 1.30 0.86 0.92 1.04 0.68 0.98 0.00 0.45 0.69 0.78 0.62 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.00
FA 1.94 0.00 1.37 0.88 1.37 1.29 1.12 1.00 1.24 1.47 0.00 1.98 0.68 1.67 1.95

Table 9
Normalized significance (gik ) of hotel attributes.


RC 0.00 0.55 0.51 0.60 0.42 0.73 0.69 0.82 0.50 0.66 1.00 0.58 0.64 0.65 0.47
SS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
FC 0.14 0.27 0.35 0.19 0.47 0.00 0.29 0.30 0.22 0.49 0.68 0.45 0.28 0.56 0.26
LS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.23
DF 0.76 0.39 0.31 0.38 0.59 0.22 0.41 0.50 0.38 0.30 0.32 0.27 0.13 0.19 0.49
BC 0.29 0.32 0.38 0.40 0.31 0.40 0.00 0.19 0.05 0.35 0.30 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00
FA 0.81 0.00 0.57 0.31 0.62 0.52 0.50 0.43 0.37 0.67 0.00 0.79 0.29 0.72 0.63

Table 10
Kano type of hotel attributes.


S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

package {rms}. An OLR model was derived for each market segment.
The detailed results are shown in Table B.1 in Appendix B.
Table 8 lists the gap gik values extracted from each market segment.
This value indicates an attribute’s relative importance in terms of sig­
nificance. A larger gik value indicates that the attribute has a greater
influence on customer satisfaction in the segment. For example, the most
influential attribute in segment SOL5 was SS, followed by FA and DF in
sequence. The normalized significance gik in Table 9 reveal the simi­

larities and differences across multiple segments more clearly. SS is the

most influential attribute in almost all segments (except in SOL3, where
RC takes the first place); LS is the least influential attribute in most
segments, except in FAM3 and FRD3. However, the other attributes
show vast differences from segment to segment. For example, RC is the
least important in SOL5 but the most important in SOL3; FA is the sec­
ond most-important attribute in SOL5 but the least important in BIZ5.
Table 9 demonstrates the controversy between attribute appearance
and significance. In terms of appearance, RC was the most-important
attribute, LS had a medium level of importance, and FA was the least-
important attribute. From a significance viewpoint, however, RC and
Fig. 7. I-Kano matrix for 5-star hotels: results of SOL5, BIZ5, CPL5, FAM5, FA correspond to a medium level of importance in general, whereas LS
and FRD5. has the least importance (except in FAM3 and FRD3). Such a discrep­
ancy suggests the need to examine both measures while determining the
relative importance of attributes.

based on the sentiment of the corresponding words. If any of the cor­

responding words ever received positive comments, a positive sentiment
was acknowledged for the attribute; in contrast, if any of the corre­
sponding words were negatively mentioned, a negative sentiment was
acknowledged for the attribute. Table 11
The accuracy of the applied sentiment analysis is listed in Table 7. An I-Kano analysis results for 5-star hotels.
accuracy test was conducted for 100 randomly selected reviews, and by Q1(more Q2(higher Q3(less Q4(higher
comparing the sentiment analysis results with the authors’ manual important) appearance) important) significance)
judgment, the precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy were derived for SOL5 SS (O) RC (M), FC (O) LS (M), BC (M) DF (O), FA (M)
each attribute and sentiment. The overall accuracy was 82%–89%, and BIZ5 SS (O), RC FC (M), LS (I), BC (M), FA (I) –
the average was 86%. (O) DF(M)
CPL5 SS (O), RC FC (O) LS (I), DF (O), BC FA (O)
(M) (O)
FAM5 SS (O), RC FC (O) LS (M), DF (O),
4.4. Step 3: Conjoint analysis –
(O) BC (O), FA (M)
FRD5 SS (O), FC (O) RC (O) LS (I), BC (M) DF (O), FA (O)
Conjoint analysis based on OLR was conducted to quantify the effect
of an attribute’s positive/negative sentiment on the overall satisfaction
level. The conjoint analysis was performed using the “lrm” function of R

(a) FC (facilities and conveniences) (b) DF (dining and food)

Fig. 8. I-Kano matrix for single attributes.

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

was conducted for each market segment to identify the type of func­
tional relationship between an attribute and customer satisfaction.
Table 10 shows the Kano classification results. It provides a clear
idea regarding how an attribute affects customer satisfaction, which is
useful while characterizing and prioritizing attributes. For example, SS
is assigned to a one-dimensional category in all the segments. The results
imply that customer satisfaction is positively correlated with the
perceived quality of SS. Similar to SS, RC is also one-dimensional in most
segments, except in SOL5, CPL5, and FRD3. The Kano type of FC is
revealed as a must-be category for all BIZ segments. This means that
customers traveling with business purposes felt dissatisfied if the FA was
not well equipped; however, even if the FA was well equipped, the
customers were not satisfied as much because they took it for granted. LS
is designated as an indifferent category in more than half segments,
which means that customer satisfaction in those segments is not affected
by the perceived quality of LS. DF is assigned to the attractive category
in SOL3, BIZ3, CPL3, and FAM3. Customers in these segments have no
requirements or expectations regarding DF, and thus, they are not
dissatisfied if the quality of DF is low. However, if the quality of DF
Fig. 9. I-Kano matrix integrating the results of 5-star, 4-star, and 3-star hotels. increases, it leads to considerably excitement and can significantly in­
Each point represents the average of five types of customers; the Kano type was crease customer satisfaction. BC is considered a must-be in 9 out of 15
listed in order of frequency among the five customer types where ‘/’ represents segments; meeting the basic requirements on BC is critical in the seg­
equal frequency. ments, but there is no need to achieve excessive quality. Finally, FA is
considered to be one-dimensional in more than half of the segments. In
particular, it seems important in 4-star hotels; improving FA can in­
crease satisfaction of almost all customer types.

4.6. Step 5: I-Kano matrix analysis

The results obtained in the previous steps can be merged into I-Kano
matrices for attribute characterization and prioritization. Figs. 7 and 8
provide examples of the two versions of I-Kano matrices: one comparing
multiple attributes for the same market segment(s) and the other for
comparing market segments for a single attribute.
Fig. 7 shows an I-Kano matrix drawn for 5-star hotels. Targeting
managers of 5-star hotels as the main audience (user), the I-Kano matrix
represents the results from the SOL5, BIZ5, CPL5, FAM5, and FRD5
segments in a single chart. Managers may be interested in the attributes
that are more important to their customers and how the customer
satisfaction level is determined. The I-Kano matrix provides an answer,
as shown in Table 11.
Attributes in the Q1 quadrant are considered to be more important
than others from the perspectives of both appearance and significance.
They are frequently mentioned in reviews and considerably affect
customer satisfaction. Regardless of the customer type, SS is revealed as
one of the most-important attributes. RC is also an important attribute
for CPL, BIZ, and FAM customers, while FC is an important attribute for
Fig. 10. I-Kano matrix for observing the dynamic change of attribute impact FRD customers. Their Kano type (O) shows that improving the perceived
between the early 2010s and the late 2010s.
quality of these attributes is critical for customer satisfaction. These
attributes should be prioritized when establishing design and marketing
strategies and improving services.
4.5. Step 4: Kano classification In contrast, attributes in Q3 are considered less important than
others from the perspectives of both the appearance and significance. BC
Although gik values can show the magnitude of the effect of an provides a representative example. An interesting point is that numerous
attribute on overall customer satisfaction, it does not differentiate the attributes with a Kano type M belong to this group; thus, it is unnec­
functional relationship between an attribute’s degree of fulfillment and essary to put extra effort into these attributes as long as they meet the
the satisfaction level. The rule-based Kano classification (Section 3.4) minimum requirements.
The attributes in Q2 are characterized by a higher level of

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

appearance, but a lower level of significance. RC in SOL5 and FRD5, LS which clarifies similarities and differences among multiple market seg­
in BIZ5 segments, and FC in all segments but FRD5 are examples. The ments in terms of an attribute’s impact. It helps establish design and
actual effect of these attributes on customer satisfaction may not be marketing strategies, such as targeting, product differentiation and
substantial. However, they are important in that their effects on word- customization, and differentiated marketing.
of-mouth, brand image and reputation, and purchase intention of An advantage of I-Kano analysis is that it supports the integration of
future customers can be considerable. Conversely, the attributes in Q4 various results depending on the user’s requirements and the purpose of
are less mentioned in reviews, but are featured with higher significance. the analysis. The I-Kano matrix allows a comparison of the impact of
DF for SOL and FRD customers, and FA for SOL, CPL, and FRD customers multiple attributes in multiple market segments, which helps in recog­
are examples. A firm must manage the quality of its attributes to satisfy nizing the similarities and differences among the market segments and
its customers and facilitate repurchase. grasping the idea of the entire market. As an example, Fig. 9 shows an
Fig. 7 and Table 11 show that the I-Kano matrix is useful for iden­ integrated I-Kano matrix representing the results of 5-star, 4-star, and 3-
tifying important market attributes, which can provide useful insights star hotels in one chart. (To make the similarities and differences among
for new product design, product improvement, marketing promotion, the star levels stand out, only the average value of the five types of
and so on. (Results for 4-star and 3-star hotels are also provided in Ap­ customers were plotted; the Kano type was listed in order of frequency
pendix C.) Fig. 8 shows that the I-Kano matrix can also be used in among the five customer types.) In terms of which quadrant each
another context to identify the market segments in which a certain attribute belongs to, SS, FA, and BC were similar irrespective of the star
product attribute has high relative importance. Suppose a firm with a level, but RC, FC, DF, and LS revealed differences among star levels. The
specialty in certain attributes is considering launching a new hotel. To result implies that the attributes that differentiate the customer prefer­
establish marketing strategies such as targeting and market positioning, ences and satisfaction in the market are different at the star level, and
the firm may want to know which market segment would be a perfect fit the I-Kano analysis can be an effective tool for revealing such differen­
for them. The second version of the I-Kano matrix, which compares tiating factors.
different market segments to a single attribute, can serve the purpose. If a time series analysis is combined with the I-Kano analysis, the I-
Fig. 8 compares the relative importance and Kano types of FC and DF Kano matrix also can assist in analyzing the dynamic change of attribute
attributes in various market segments. Fig. 8(a) shows that CPL5 and impact over time. For instance, Fig. 10 shows the results of two separate
FRND5 are segments that attach greater importance to FC. A hotel with I-Kano analyses that were applied to the reviews of the early 2010 s
high-quality FC can target these segments and plan marketing strategies (2010 ~ 2015) and late 2010 s (2016 ~ 2020), respectively. Although
accordingly. Fig. 8(b) shows that SOL5, FRND5, BIZ5, and FAM5 are there was no change in the Kano type of attributes, the dual importance
segments that emphasize DF. A hotel with a competitive advantage in DF showed some changes. The importance levels of RC and SS have
can target these customers for marketing and promotions. increased, while the importance levels of LS, DF, BC, and FA have
decreased. The importance of FC showed an interesting trend. It was less
5. Discussion frequently mentioned in reviews in the late 2010 s, but its effect on
customer satisfaction has increased slightly from the early 2010 s. These
As a novel tool for revealing multidimensional attribute impact, the results demonstrate that the I-Kano analysis can be a promising tool for
proposed I-Kano analysis provides an answer to the three research continuous observation of customer needs over time. Including the time
questions, i.e., RQ1–RQ3, in sequence. factor in the I-Kano analysis is expected to highlight dynamic changes in
The answer of the first research question (RQ1) was explained in customer needs and preferences over time.
Sections 3.1 through 3.4 and was demonstrated in Sections 4.2 through Theoretically, the I-Kano analysis contributes to the literature in
4.5. By fusing term-frequency and sentiment analyses of online reviews three main ways. First, a multidimensional integrated approach is pro­
with conjoint analysis, the I-Kano analysis extracts the dual importance posed for the characterization and prioritization of attributes by
(appearance and significance) and Kano type of an attribute simulta­ assessing the appearance, significance, and Kano type of product attri­
neously from the same set of customer reviews. As also pointed out by butes at the same time. As shown in Table 1, the I-Kano analysis is the
other studies [29,30,34,35], attribute appearance, significance, and first attempt to combine all three viewpoints. Second, the I-Kano anal­
Kano type highlight the attribute impact characteristics from three ysis supports comparative analyses across multiple market segments.
different perspectives, and they sometimes provide different and con­ Although the differences among product attributes in a market have
flicting implications regarding an attribute’s impact and priority. The been discussed frequently in most previous studies, the discussion of the
case study also demonstrated this point. Frequent appearance does not differences among multiple market segments is lacking. The I-Kano
necessarily correspond to high significance and vice versa. Moreover, analysis involves the min-max normalization of the appearance and
the attributes with the same Kano type can differ in terms of importance significance values, which allows for an apples-to-apples comparison
and vice versa. This implies that a wrong decision can be made if the among market segments. Third, the I-Kano matrix provides a novel
decision maker (e.g., a design or marketing professional) considers only visualization scheme for attribute characterization and prioritization. It
one or two of the three measures. This highlights the value of the I-Kano represents the three measures on a single chart in an integrated manner
analysis as a multidimensional integrated approach that supports a ho­ and enables easy and clear derivation of useful insights for product
listic analysis of the three measures. development and marketing.
The I-Kano matrix provides an answer to the second and third In addition, the I-Kano analysis will contribute to the advancement of
research questions, i.e., RQ2 and RQ3. As described in Sections 3.5 and review-based Kano classification. Most studies on review-based Kano
4.6, the I-Kano analysis combines and visualizes the analysis results analyses (e.g., [9,35,38,47]) have proposed a rule-based classification
using two versions of I-Kano matrices: one for comprising multiple that requires user intervention to determine the values of multiple pa­
product attributes for a market segment and the other for comparing rameters. Moreover, some rules are ambiguous, requiring the user’s
different market segments as for a single attribute. The former version subjective judgment; for instance, the following expressions are
answers to RQ2 by facilitating the comparison of multiple attributes in frequently used in the rules: “if the two values are similar, then…”, “if
terms of their relative impacts. One can identify important product at­ one is much less (greater) than the other, then…”, “if the value is low,
tributes in a market (or in a particular market segment) and gain useful then…,” and so on. To apply these rules, multiple inputs from the user
insights regarding the design of new products, the improvement of based on her/his expertise are required, and the classification results can
existing products, marketing promotion, and so on. vary from user to user. The proposed I-Kano analysis addressed these
The latter version answers to RQ3 by showing the market segments concerns by offering clearer rules for Kano classification, which require
in which a certain product attribute has greater relative importance, minimal user intervention and subjective judgment. Classification rules

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

were designed to match the original definition of the five Kano types (A, the work reported in this paper.
M, O, I, and R), and they require a single input γ regarding the threshold
of indifference. Acknowledgments

6. Conclusion This paper is partially based on the first author’s master’s thesis at
Soongsil University supervised by the third author. This work was sup­
Online reviews are a valuable source of information for under­ ported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant fun­
standing how product attributes affect customer preference and satis­ ded by the Korea government (Ministry of Science and ICT) (No. NRF-
faction. To characterize the impact of attributes and prioritize them for 2019R1F1A1041099).
design and marketing purposes, this study proposed the importance-
Kano (I-Kano) analysis as a novel review-analytics tool for analyzing Appendix A
and comparing multidimensional attribute impacts. By fusing term-
frequency and sentiment analyses of online reviews with conjoint See Table A1
analysis, I-Kano analysis identifies the dual importance (appearance and
significance) and Kano type of an attribute simultaneously in a market
segment. As the final deliverable of the I-Kano analysis, a new visuali­
zation scheme, called the I-Kano matrix, is proposed, which represents
Table A1
the dual importance and Kano type of multiple attributes in a single
Details of review data.
Hotel star Region Customer Early 2010 s Late 2010 s Total
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the I-Kano analysis is the first
level type
attempt to integrate the three impact measures in a single analysis.
Although this paper demonstrated the I-Kano analysis with an example 5-star hoel Seoul SOL 61 638 699
BIZ 143 588 731
of online hotel reviews, the framework is generally applicable to a va­
CPL 436 2323 2759
riety of products including both tangible goods and intangible services. FAM 577 3799 4376
Clearer rules for Kano classification that require minimal user inter­ FRD 279 1719 1998
vention and subjective judgment constitute another distinguishing Busan SOL 17 101 118
BIZ 36 131 167
feature of the framework. The I-Kano analysis enables easy and clear
CPL 117 469 586
apples-to-apples comparative analyses, including both a comparison of FAM 170 724 894
multiple product attributes and a comparison of multiple market seg­ FRD 74 247 321
ments. The I-Kano matrices facilitate an intuitive interpretation of the Jeju SOL 5 36 41
results, which is helpful in establishing product design and marketing BIZ 17 43 60
CPL 9 122 131
FAM 29 426 455
Notably, each step of the I-Kano analysis can be improved further if FRD 11 53 64
better methods become available. For instance, although the current I- 4-star hoel Seoul SOL 102 1253 1355
Kano analysis involved lexicon-based review analytics, it also is possible BIZ 220 1632 1852
CPL 307 3443 3750
to replace the method with a machine learning-based approach if such
FAM 258 2191 2449
an approach works better. In this regard, including the intensity FRD 273 1742 2015
(strength) of sentiments can be considered for possible future work. In Busan SOL 7 137 144
this study, only the sentiment polarity was considered, and the senti­ BIZ 15 210 225
ment toward an attribute was converted into binary data, which can be CPL 32 701 733
FAM 45 974 1019
regarded as a limitation of the current approach. Future work should
FRD 28 459 487
incorporate sentiment strengths. In addition, further research is required Jeju SOL 14 66 80
regarding the extraction of attributes. Building a lexicon of product at­ BIZ 25 104 129
tributes was beyond the scope of this study, but doing so is highly CPL 26 173 199
important for the success of the proposed model. In particular, a way to FAM 36 291 327
FRD 30 127 157
detect emerging attributes that may appear and gain increasing interest 3-star hoel Seoul SOL 28 380 408
in the market should be incorporated. BIZ 120 471 591
For the decision maker to prioritize attributes and establish product CPL 122 753 875
and marketing strategies, the performance of a specific product must be FAM 72 520 592
FRD 79 511 590
considered simultaneously. However, the current I-Kano analysis is a
Busan SOL 32 118 150
tool for understanding customers in a market, and it was not intended BIZ 66 153 219
for use in assessing the performance level of an individual product. CPL 82 237 319
Therefore, combining the I-Kano analysis with performance analysis will FAM 49 199 248
be considered in the future. FRD 82 175 257
Jeju SOL 2 107 109
BIZ 5 88 93
Declaration of Competing Interest CPL 31 226 257
FAM 59 361 420
FRD 20 128 148
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Appendix B

See Table B1

Table B1
Results of ordinal logistic regression for conjoint anlaysis: statistics and parameter estimates after variable selection.
Statistics Obs. 858 958 3476 5725 2383 1579

R2 0.232 0.228 0.202 0.181 0.148 0.234

LR Chi2 175.91 210.27 616.98 923.74 287.07 343.29
p-value 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
RC_pos Coef. 0.000 0.464** 0.162 + 0.223*** 0.318** 0.571***
S.E. – 0.152 0.083 0.062 0.105 0.117
95% CI – [0.17,0.76] [0.00,0.32] [0.10,0.35] [0.11,0.52] [0.34,0.80]
VIF – 1.651 2.145 1.941 2.008 1.775
RC_neg Coef. − 0.948*** − 1.033*** − 1.230*** − 1.149*** − 0.613*** − 1.221***
S.E. 0.224 0.212 0.110 0.083 0.167 0.140
95% CI [− 1.39,− 0.51] [− 1.45,− 0.62] [− 1.45,− 1.02] [− 1.31,− 0.99] [− 0.94,− 0.29] [− 1.49,− 0.95]
VIF 1.450 1.290 1.473 1.415 1.345 1.493
SS_pos Coef. 0.909*** 1.129*** 0.914*** 0.985*** 1.014*** 0.872***
S.E. 0.173 0.152 0.083 0.064 0.105 0.120
95% CI [0.57,1.25] [0.83,1.43] [0.75,1.08] [0.86,1.11] [0.81,1.22] [0.64,1.11]
VIF 1.877 1.671 1.795 1.721 1.810 1.720
SS_neg Coef. − 1.256*** − 1.577*** − 1.495*** − 1.055*** − 1.195*** − 1.593***
S.E. 0.309 0.252 0.144 0.107 0.204 0.221
95% CI [− 1.86,− 0.65] [-2.07,− 1.08] [− 1.78,− 1.21] [− 1.27,− 0.84] [− 1.60,− 0.79] [-2.03,− 1.16]
VIF 1.159 1.228 1.275 1.226 1.194 1.261
FC_pos Coef. 0.497** 0.284 + 0.278** 0.179** 0.250* 0.235 +
S.E. 0.188 0.159 0.086 0.064 0.109 0.130
95% CI [0.13,0.87] [− 0.03,0.59] [0.11,0.45] [0.05,0.30] [0.04,0.46] [− 0.02,0.49]
VIF 1.543 1.536 1.671 1.689 1.693 1.395
FC_neg Coef. − 0.616* − 0.732** − 0.563*** − 0.502*** − 0.794*** 0.000
S.E. 0.254 0.223 0.125 0.095 0.168 –
95% CI [− 1.11,− 0.12] [− 1.17,− 0.29] [− 0.81,− 0.32] [− 0.69,− 0.31] [− 1.12,− 0.47] –
VIF 1.340 1.297 1.346 1.327 1.347 –
LS_pos Coef. 0.000 0.000 − 0.142 + 0.000 − 0.204 + 0.188 +
S.E. – – 0.093 – 0.121 0.124
95% CI – – [− 0.32,0.04] – [− 0.44,0.03] [− 0.05,0.43]
VIF – – 1.423 – 1.352 1.474
LS_neg Coef. − 0.948* − 0.443 + − 0.369 + − 0.365 0.000 0.000
S.E. 0.391 0.288 0.205 0.146 – –
95% CI [− 1.71,− 0.18] [− 1.01,0.12] [− 0.77,0.03] [− 0.65,− 0.08] – –
VIF 1.133 1.140 1.111 1.087 – –
DF_pos Coef. 0.686** 0.000 0.282** 0.282*** 0.333** 0.221 +
S.E. 0.219 – 0.096 0.070 0.117 0.156
95% CI [0.26,1.11] – [0.09,0.47] [0.14,0.42] [0.10,0.56] [− 0.08,0.53]
VIF 1.288 – 1.369 1.414 1.418 1.263
DF_neg Coef. − 1.188** − 1.062** − 0.455** − 0.713*** − 0.964*** − 0.537*
S.E. 0.379 0.362 0.165 0.126 0.225 0.263
95% CI [− 1.93,− 0.45] [− 1.77,− 0.35] [− 0.78,− 0.13] [− 0.96,− 0.47] [− 1.40,− 0.52] [− 1.05,− 0.02]
VIF 1.140 1.085 1.171 1.152 1.153 1.157
BC_pos Coef. 0.595 + 0.000 0.307* 0.303** 0.000 0.000
S.E. 0.366 – 0.149 0.104 – –
95% CI [− 0.12,1.31] – [0.02,0.60] [0.10,0.51] – –
VIF 1.135 – 1.191 1.187 – –
BC_neg Coef. − 1.305*** − 0.862* − 0.610** − 0.740*** − 0.682** − 0.982***
S.E. 0.317 0.342 0.186 0.140 0.253 0.234
95% CI [− 1.93,− 0.68] [− 1.53,− 0.19] [− 0.97,− 0.25] [− 1.02,− 0.47] [− 1.18,− 0.19] [− 1.44,− 0.52]
VIF 1.274 1.149 1.228 1.162 1.183 1.213
FA_pos Coef. 0.000 0.500 + 0.562*** 0.000 0.380* 0.000
S.E. – 0.302 0.157 – 0.181 –
95% CI – [− 0.09,1.09] [0.25,0.87] – [0.03,0.74] –
VIF – 1.118 1.131 – 1.145 –
FA_neg Coef. − 1.936** 0.000 − 0.805** − 0.884*** − 0.985** − 1.294***
S.E. 0.629 – 0.259 0.185 0.340 0.327
95% CI [-3.17,− 0.70] – [− 1.31,− 0.30] [− 1.25,− 0.52] [− 1.65,− 0.32] [− 1.93,− 0.65]
VIF 1.040 – 1.110 1.067 1.094 1.111

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001; +: The 95% confidence interval (CI) includes zero, and the coefficient is regarded as 0 in the I-Kano analysis; -: The variable
was excluded by the backward elimination method.
VIF: Variance inflation factor, if the variance

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533


2206 4682 3795 2659 667 903 1451 1260 995

0.183 0.218 0.209 0.187 0.268 0.273 0.205 0.228 0.307

377.69 939.38 733.89 433.98 180.81 253.75 291.67 289.6 310.4
0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***

0.270** 0.526*** 0.326*** 0.322*** 0.527** 0.402** 0.450*** 0.262* 0.000

0.094 0.067 0.073 0.090 0.166 0.143 0.109 0.116 –
[0.09,0.45] [0.39,0.66] [0.18,0.47] [0.15,0.50] [0.20,0.85] [0.12,0.68] [0.24,0.66] [0.03,0.49] –
1.757 1.914 1.905 1.942 1.774 1.660 1.833 1.738 –
− 1.271*** − 1.380*** − 1.161*** − 1.138*** − 1.546*** − 1.049*** − 1.063*** − 1.250*** − 1.457***
0.118 0.084 0.096 0.120 0.205 0.172 0.130 0.144 0.170
[− 1.50,− 1.04] [− 1.54,− 1.22] [− 1.35,− 0.97] [− 1.37,− 0.90] [− 1.95,− 1.14] [− 1.39,− 0.71] [− 1.32,− 0.81] [− 1.53,− 0.97] [− 1.79,− 1.12]
1.370 1.470 1.404 1.351 1.682 1.524 1.475 1.495 1.578
1.046*** 0.912*** 0.970*** 1.033*** 0.902*** 1.151*** 1.088*** 0.910*** 1.569***
0.099 0.071 0.079 0.095 0.175 0.151 0.120 0.126 0.158
[0.85,1.24] [0.77,1.05] [0.82,1.12] [0.85,1.22] [0.56,1.24] [0.85,1.45] [0.85,1.32] [0.66,1.16] [1.26,1.88]
1.524 1.561 1.523 1.594 1.700 1.490 1.468 1.511 1.499
− 1.196*** − 1.422*** − 1.391*** − 1.172*** − 1.099** − 1.358*** − 1.266*** − 1.420*** − 1.520***
0.209 0.141 0.148 0.224 0.342 0.328 0.253 0.284 0.351
[− 1.60,− 0.79] [− 1.70,− 1.14] [− 1.68,− 1.10] [− 1.61,− 0.73] [− 1.77,− 0.43] [-2.00,− 0.72] [− 1.76,− 0.77] [− 1.98,− 0.86] [-2.21,− 0.83]
1.137 1.156 1.165 1.123 1.149 1.195 1.119 1.110 1.141
0.166 + 0.123 + 0.194* 0.204* 0.683** 0.000 0.204 + 0.398** 0.000
0.101 0.073 0.079 0.100 0.206 – 0.121 0.137 –
[− 0.03,0.36] [− 0.02,0.27] [0.04,0.35] [0.01,0.40] [0.28,1.09] – [− 0.03,0.44] [0.13,0.67] –
1.438 1.473 1.518 1.419 1.326 – 1.398 1.351 –
− 0.640*** − 0.693*** − 0.788*** − 0.887*** − 0.728* − 1.134*** − 0.668** − 0.908*** − 0.816**
0.166 0.115 0.122 0.157 0.327 0.259 0.209 0.197 0.265
[− 0.97,− 0.31] [− 0.92,− 0.47] [− 1.03,− 0.55] [− 1.19,− 0.58] [− 1.37,− 0.09] [− 1.64,− 0.63] [− 1.08,− 0.26] [− 1.29,− 0.52] [− 1.34,− 0.30]
1.155 1.184 1.206 1.166 1.146 1.299 1.167 1.204 1.143
0.000 0.000 0.179* 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
– – 0.077 – – – – – –
– – [0.03,0.33] – – – – – –
– – 1.544 – – – – – –
− 0.343 + 0.000 − 0.419* − 0.362 + − 0.571 + − 0.410 + 0.000 − 0.708** − 0.710*
0.207 – 0.171 0.216 0.341 0.281 – 0.235 0.321
[− 0.75,0.06] – [− 0.75,− 0.08] [− 0.79,0.06] [− 1.24,0.10] [− 0.96,0.14] – [− 1.17,− 0.25] [− 1.34,− 0.08]
1.099 – 1.100 1.080 1.118 1.114 – 1.098 1.090
0.225 + 0.260** 0.308** 0.206 + 0.671** 0.677** 0.317* 0.442** 0.423*
0.125 0.096 0.096 0.110 0.233 0.205 0.153 0.147 0.207
[− 0.02,0.47] [0.07,0.45] [0.12,0.50] [− 0.01,0.42] [0.21,1.13] [0.27,1.08] [0.02,0.62] [0.15,0.73] [0.02,0.83]
1.212 1.187 1.244 1.284 1.201 1.178 1.187 1.243 1.165
− 0.924*** − 0.900*** − 0.957*** − 0.671** 0.000 − 0.589 + 0.000 0.000 − 1.082**
0.231 0.164 0.161 0.224 – 0.349 – – 0.368
[− 1.38,− 0.47] [− 1.22,− 0.58] [− 1.27,− 0.64] [− 1.11,− 0.23] – [− 1.27,0.10] – – [− 1.80,− 0.36]
1.124 1.122 1.140 1.123 – 1.115 – – 1.085
0.233 + 0.182 + 0.212 + 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.154 0.105 0.115 – – – – – –
[− 0.07,0.54] [− 0.02,0.39] [− 0.01,0.44] – – – – – –
1.169 1.223 1.214 – – – – – –
0.000 − 0.446** − 0.693*** − 0.780*** − 0.615* − 0.546 + − 0.781*** 0.000 − 0.431 +
– 0.148 0.165 0.209 0.304 0.284 0.219 – 0.238
– [− 0.74,− 0.16] [− 1.02,− 0.37] [− 1.19,− 0.37] [− 1.21,− 0.02] [− 1.10,0.01] [− 1.21,− 0.35] – [− 0.90,0.03]
– 1.200 1.169 1.148 1.180 1.189 1.144 – 1.228
0.583*** 0.433*** 0.406** 0.468*** 0.000 0.526* 0.281 + 0.527** 0.726***
0.150 0.095 0.123 0.129 – 0.223 0.158 0.186 0.207
[0.29,0.88] [0.25,0.62] [0.16,0.65] [0.22,0.72] – [0.09,0.96] [− 0.03,0.59] [0.16,0.89] [0.32,1.13]
1.201 1.220 1.175 1.216 – 1.173 1.179 1.210 1.199
− 0.540* − 0.567** − 0.835*** − 1.004*** − 0.731 + − 1.458*** − 0.679* − 1.143*** − 1.221***
0.275 0.186 0.200 0.277 0.406 0.388 0.316 0.303 0.302
[− 1.08,0.00] [− 0.93,− 0.20] [− 1.23,− 0.44] [− 1.55,− 0.46] [− 1.53,0.06] [-2.22,− 0.70] [− 1.30,− 0.06] [− 1.74,− 0.55] [− 1.81,− 0.63]
1.087 1.112 1.114 1.117 1.122 1.162 1.081 1.164 1.154

S. Lee et al. Advanced Engineering Informatics 51 (2022) 101533

Appendix C Table C2
I-Kano analysis results for 3-star hotels.
See Figs. C1 and C2. Tables C1 and C2 Q1(more Q2(higher Q3(less Q4(higher
important) appearance) important) significance)

SOL3 SS (O), RC (O) LS (I) FA (I), BC (M), FC(O)

DF (A)
BIZ3 SS (O), RC LS (I) DF (A) BC(I) FA(O)
(O), FC(M)
CPL3 SS (O), RC (O) LS (I) FC (M), DF (A), –
BC (M), FA (M)
FAM3 SS (O), RC LS (M) DF (A) BC(I) FA(O)
(O), FC(O)
FRD3 SS (O), RC LS (M) FC (M) BC(I) DF(O) FA(O)


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