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Welcome Unit 5
Test A 2 Test A 32
Test B 4 Test B 34
Test C (for dyslexic students) 6 Test C (for dyslexic students) 36

Unit 1
Unit  1 Unit 6
Test A 8 Test A 38
Test B 10 Test B 40
Test C (for dyslexic students) 12 Test C (for dyslexic students) 42

Unit 2 Unit 7
Test A 14 Test A 44
Test B 16 Test B 46
Test C (for dyslexic students) 18 Test C (for dyslexic students) 48

Unit 3 Unit 8
Test A 20 Test A 50
Test B 22 Test B 52
Test C (for dyslexic students) 24 Test C (for dyslexic students) 54

Unit 4 Answer key

Test A 26 Tests A 1
Test B 28 Tests B 5
Test C (for dyslexic students) 30 Tests C (for dyslexic students) 9

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Tests

Tests Contents  1
Welcom e Test
Test A

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij podpisy. 1 Caroline are / is listening to her MP3 player
p layer..
2 They ’re / isn’t chatting to their friends.
1 2
3 I not / ’m not listening to you!
4 ‘Is Anna coming to the party?’
p arty?’ ‘Yes, she ’s / is.’
5 Dan isn’t / doesn’t reading a book.
6 What do / are you doing?
1 d r ums 2 g 5

3 4 5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami złożonymi

utworzonymi z wyrazów w ramkach.

sit look take switch put pick 

out on down down up off 

3 t 4 h
b 1 Take ou  your books.
5 6 2 Please your computers
before you go.
3 your coat. It’
It ’s on the floor.
4 Come in class and .
5 your hat. It’s cold.
5 b 6 w h 6 Don’t at the ground.
5 5
2 Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.
1 hospital / keyboard / saxophone / piano
2 beach / builder / valley / waterfall 6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
3 police station / school / theatre / island
Ryan Harry, this is Tomás. He’s from Spain. 1
4 white / blue / yellow / chef 
5 mechanic / waiter / tambourine / actor Ryan I think you speak very good English!
6 glasses / blond / beard / moustache Tomás Nice to meet you, too.
Tomás Yes, but I don’t speak English very well.
Harry Can I ask you some questions for the
Grammar school website?
Harry Hi, Tomás. Nice to meet you.
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami Tomás Thanks!
w formie present
formie present simple.
1 John likes  (like) fish and chips.
2 I (not watch) TV every day.
3 you (know) Jane?
4 Paul and Steve (not play) tennis
before school.
5 Jane (speak) Polish.
6 Tim (live) in Oxford?

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test A 2

Welcom e Test
Test A

Reading 1 Where is your school?

7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 2 What time does school start?
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

I’m Jack. At the moment, I’m wearing my school 3 What do you wear to school?
uniform. I don’t like it because I don’t like the
colours. It’s got a green jacket, with black shoes
and a white shirt.
shir t. There’
There’s also a green tie. All 4 Who do you sit next to?
students wear a tie in school. The girls can wear
a skirt or trousers. They usually wear trousers 5 Describe him / her.
because the skirts
skir ts are cold in winter
My school uniform is very different from the
clothes I wear in the evening or at the weekend.
I usually wear jeans
j eans with trainers and a T-shirt.
My favourite T-shirt
T-shirt is orange. My sister says Extra
that orange is a horrible colour, but I like it!
10 Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów
Anyway,, all her clothes are purple!
1 Nadia is make dinner
1 Jack thinks his school uniform is nice. ✘ Nadia is making dinner.
2 Jack is wearing a white shirt. 2 Where does Jack lives?
3 Girls and boys wear a tie at school.
4 Girls always wear a skirt to school. 3 I not know your phone number.
5 Jack doesn’t usually wear a jacket,
trousers and shoes in his free time. 4 Does Sara helping Joe?
6 Jack’s sister likes his orange T-shirt.
5 5 We’s playing football.

Listening 6 I can’t hear the music, please turn up it.

8 01Posłuchaj nagrania. Uzupełnij tabelkę
imionami z ramki. 5

Uncle Peter Rosa Mum Aunt Eva 11 Przetłumacz na język angielski poniższe wyrazy
i zdania.
Dad Paul
1 Chodźmy i zobaczmy.
1 Uncle Peter bald, with glasses Let’s go and see.
2 with long, dark hair, with 2 Lucie jest średniego wzrostu.
3 wearing a necklace 3  T
o zabawne!
4 with short, dark hair
5 wearing shorts 4 urwisko
6 a moustache, in jeans
5 5 Naprawdę?

Writing 6 dom towarowy

9 Wyobraź sobie, że dziś jest twój pierwszy dzień

w nowej szkole. Napisz odpowiedzi na pytania, 5
które utworzą treść e-maila do twojej koleżanki.
Hi, Ben. I’m at my new school today.
 Total 45  Total
 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test A 3

Welcome Test B

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij podpisy. 1 Caroline are / is listening to her MP3 player
p layer..
2 What do / are you watching?
1 2
3 Dan isn’t / doesn’t doing judo.
4 ‘Is Martin
Mar tin coming to the play?’ ‘Yes, he ’s / is.’
5 They’re / isn’t doing their homework.
6 I not / ’m not watching TV.
T V.
1 d r ums 2 h 5

3 4 5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami złożonymi

utworzonymi z wyrazów w ramkach.

sit put take look  switch pick 

3 w h 4 t down out on down off  up

b 1 Take ou  your books.
5 6 2 your hat. It’s
I t’s on the floor.
3 Don’t at the ground.
4 Please your phones in class.
5 Come in class and .
6 your coat, it’s cold.
5 g 6 b 5
2 Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.
1 hospital / keyboard / saxophone / piano 6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
2 blond / beard / moustache / glasses
3 blue / chef / white / yellow Ryan Harry, this is Tomás.
Tomás. He’s from Spain. 1
4 school / police station / island / theatre Ryan I think you speak very good English!
5 waiter / mechanic / actor / tambourine Harry Can I ask you some questions for the
6 valley / beach / waterfall / builder school website?
5 Harry Hi, Tomás.
Tomás. Nice to meet you.
Tomás Nice to meet you, too.
Grammar Tomás Yes, but I don’t speak English very well.
Tomás Thanks!
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami
w formie present
formie present simple.
simple. 5
1 John likes  (like) fish and chips.
2 Ian (not play) computer games.
3 you (speak) English?
4 I (not watch) DVDs every week.
5 Joe (live) in London?
6 Alice (know) Sophie.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test B 4

Welcome Test B

Reading 1 Tell your friend you’re at your new school.

Hi, Sam. I’m a my new school oday.
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 2 Where is your school?
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

I’m Jack. At the moment, I’m wearing my school 3 What do you wear to school?
uniform. I don’t like it because I don’t like the
colours. It’s got a blue jacket, with black shoes
and a white shirt. There’s also a purple tie. All the 4 Who do you sit next to?
students wear a tie in school. The girls can wear
a skirt or trousers. They usually wear skirts, 5 Describe him / her?
because the trousers are warm in summer.
My school uniform is very different from the 6 What time does school finish?
clothes I wear in the evening or at the weekend.
I usually wear jeans with trainers and a T-shirt.
My favourite T-shirt is brown. My sister says 5
that brown is a horrible colour, but I like it!
Anyway, what does she know? All her Extra
clothes are yellow!
10 Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów
1 Jack thinks his school uniform is horrible. ✔
1 Nadia is make dinner.
2 Jack is wearing a blue jacket. Nadia is making dinner.
3 Boys don’t wear a tie to school. 2 We’s watching TV.
4 Girls never wear a skirt to school.
5 Jack doesn’t usually wear a jacket, 3 Does Ed helping Maria?
trousers and shoes in his free time.
6 Jack’s sister likes his favourite T-shirt.
T-shirt. 4 Where does Anna lives?
5 I not like pop music.
8 01 Posłuchaj nagrania. Uzupełnij tabelkę 6 The music is too loud, please turn down it.
imionami z ramki.
Uncle Peter Paul Mum Aunt Eva
Rosa Dad 11 Przetłumacz na język angielski poniższe wyrazy
i zdania.
1 Uncle Peer bald, with glasses 1 Chodźmy i zobaczmy. Le’s go and see.
2 with a moustache, in jeans 2 dom towarowy
3 wearing a necklace 3 To zabawne!
zab awne!
4 David jest średniego wzrostu.
4 with long, dark hair, with
5 wearing shorts 5 Naprawdę?
6 urwisko
6 with short, dark hair

Total 45 Total 55
9 Wyobraź sobie, że dziś jest twój pierwszy dzień
w nowej szkole. Napisz odpowiedzi na pytania,
które utworzą treść e-maila do twojej koleżanki.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test B 5

Welcome Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do właściwych obrazków.

a b c

d e f 

1 drums 3 tracksuit bottoms 5 bald

2 wavy hair 4 violin 6 hoodie

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 John fish and chips.
a like b  likes
2 I TV every day
a don’t watch b doesn’t watch
3 Do you you Jane?
a know b  knows
4 Paul tennis before school.
a plays b  play
5 Jane Polish.
a speaks b  speak 
6 Tim live in Oxford?
a Do b  Does

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test C 6

Welcome Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Caroline are / is listening to her MP3 player.
2 They ’r e / isn’t chatting to their friends.
3 I not / ’m not listening to you.
4 ‘Is Anna coming to the party?’ ‘Yes, she ’s / is.’
5 Dan isn’t / doesn’t reading a book.
6 What do / are you doing?

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

I’m Jack. At the moment I’m wearing my school uniform but

I don’t like it. It’s got a blue jacket, with black shoes and a
white shirt. There’s
There’s also a blue tie. All the students wear a tie
t ie
in school.
At the weekend, I usually wear jeans with trainers and a
T-shirt. My favourite T-shirt
T-shirt is purple. My sister says that
purple is a horrible colour,
colour, but I like it!

1 Jack thinks his school uniform is nice. ✘

2 Jack is wearing a white shirt.
3 Jack wears trainers to school.
4 Girls and boys wear a tie at school.
5 Jack doesn’t
doesn’t usually wear a jacket, trousers and shoes in his free time.
6 Jack’ss sister likes his favourite T-shirt.
Jack’ T-shirt.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Welcome Test C 7

Unit 1 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Zmień zdania z zad. 3 w zdania przeczące.

1 Podpisz obrazki wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki. 1 We haven’ had a grea ime.
stomach ache a headache a black eye 3
a broken leg a sore throat a sprained ankle 4
5 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia we właściwej
kolejności, tak aby utworzyły pytania.
1 tidied / your / you / room / have
1 a headache 2 Have you idied your room ?
2 seen / you or your sister / have / Dan
3 have / books / your / forgotten / you / again
4 Jim / dog / fed / has / the
3 4
5 shopping list / you / the / written / have
6 I / have / on time / arrived

5 6
5 6 Przeczytaj dialog. Zakreśl właściwą formę.
Doctor Hello, Megan. What’
What’ss 1a / the problem?
2 Uzupełnij wyrazy związane z chorobami Megan I’ve got a 2sore throat / throat ache.
i urazami. It really hurts.
1 a cu  4 a c h Doctor When did it 3start / started?
2 a c d 5 t o c e Megan About three 4days ago / ago days.
Doctor Let me have a 5see / look  …  … Ah, yes.
3 e a h 6 a t p t e
You’ve got an infection. I’ll give you
5 some antibiotics. 6Take you / Take them
twice a day. And drink a lot of water.
Grammar Come back and see me when you’ve
finished them.
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami Megan OK. Thank you very much, Doctor.
w twierdzącej formie czasu present
czasu  present perfect .
1 We’ve had  (have) a great time.
2 He (eat) a sandwich for lunch.
3 Katie and Dan (fly) in a plane.
4 I (do) my homework.
5 Suzy (walk) 25 kilometres in
one day.
6 My mum and dad (meet)
Ed Sheeran.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test A 8

Unit 1 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Napisz e-mail do kolegi, który jest chory i został
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). w domu.
– Za
j, ja
k się
się cz
In the UK there is a saying, ‘An‘An apple a day,
– Po
dz, co
co słycha
słychaćć w szkol
szkole e lub u was
keeps the doctor
doc tor away’. Is this true?
· Well, it isn’t
isn’t only apples that can keep us koleżanki.
healthy. It is important to eat lots of different – Po
z, że go od
types of food, especially fruit and vegetables. Pamiętaj o właściwych zwrotach
· Drink water not cola, when you can. Our rozpoczynających
rozpoczynającyc h i kończących e-mail.
brains need water to work well. Hi,
· Sport and physical activity is really important
for health. Try to be active every day for at
least an hour and try something new. Have
you tried judo, or skateboarding or ballet?
· Young people also need lots of sleep!
So, make sure you get eight hours of
sleep a night.
1 Doctors eat apples every day. ✘
2 It’s bad to eat the same food all of the time. Extra
3 Healthy people only eat fruit and vegetables. 10 Przeczytaj definicje i uzupełnij brakując
e litery.
4 Our brains work better when we drink 1 If I eat well and do some exercise, I will be
enough water. f i .
5 Dancing can keep us healthy. 2 You can use a fitness a on your smart
6 Sleep isn’t important for young people. phone to help you keep fit.
5 3 You often have a t
with an infection.
Listening 4 Joe often feels s because he
8 02 Posłuchaj nagrania i ponumeruj poniższe stays up late.
zdania we właściwej kolejności. 5 It’s good to do some p
1 A little girl ran across the road. activity every day.
2 Chris had an X-ray
X-ray.. 6 Doctors can give you
3 Chris stopped the bike suddenly. a when you
4 Chris was cycling home from school. 1 have an infection.
5 Jane visited Chris at home. 5
6 Chris fell off his bike and broke his leg.
11 Popraw błąd, który podkreślono.
1 I haven’t saw Ryan recently. seen
2 Have your brother finished
his exams?
3 I’ve took lots of photos today.
4 Sally’s broke her arm.
5 Did you been to Paris?
6 Have they ate their breakfast?

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test A 9

Unit 1 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Zmień zdania z zad. 3 w zdania przeczące.

1 Podpisz obrazki wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki. 1 We’ve had a great time.
We haven’ had a grea ime.
stomach ache a sore throat a black eye
a sprained ankle a headache a broken leg

5 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia we właściwej
kolejności, tak aby utworzyły pytania.
1 a headache 2 1 tidied / your / you / room / have
Have you idied your room?
2 shopping list / your / have / forgotten / you /
3 has / Dad / cat / fed / the
3 4
4 I / early / arrived / have
5 you or Eric / seen / have / that film
6 done / homework / you / your / have

5 6 5
2 Uzupełnij wyrazy związane z chorobami 6 Przeczytaj dialog. Zakreśl właściwą formę.
i urazami.
Doctor Hello, Mrs Collis. What’s
What’s 1 a / the
1 a cu  4 a c d problem?
2 t o c e 5 a c h Mrs Collis I’ve got 2 sore ear / earache . It really
3 a t p t e 6 e a h hurts.
Doctor When 3 did/has it start?
5 Mrs Collis About two 4 ago days / days ago.
Doctor Let me have a 5 see / look  … … Ah, yes.
Grammar You’ve got an infection. I’ll give you
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi some medicine. 6 Take it / Take them
czasownikami w twierdzącej formie
every day. And drink a lot of water.
Come back and see me when you’ve
czasu present
czasu  present perfect .
finished it.
1 We’ve had  (have) a great time. Mrs Collis OK. Thank you very much, Doctor.
2 Sam and Ted (meet) Roger 5
3 The dog (eat) its dinner.
4 I (do) judo.
5 Spencer and Abi (fly) in planes.
6 We (run) ten kilometres.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test B  10

Unit 1 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Napisz e-mail do kolegi, który jest chory i został
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). w domu.
– Za
j, ja
k się
się cz
In the UK there is a saying, ‘An
‘An apple a day,
keeps the doctor
doc tor away’. Is this true? – Po
dz, co
co słycha
słychaćć w szkol
szkole e lub u was
Well, it isn’t
isn’t only apples that can keep us koleżanki.
healthy. It is important to eat lots of different – Po
z, że go od
types of food, especially fruit and vegetables. Pamiętaj o właściwych zwrotach
Drink water not cola, when you can. Our brains rozpoczynających
rozpoczynającyc h i kończących e-mail.
need water to work well. What have you drunk
Sport and physical activity is really important
for health. Try to be active every day for at least
an hour and try something new. Have you tried
 judo, or skateboarding or ballet?
Young people also need lots of sleep!
So, make sure you get eight hours of sleep
a night. 5

1 Doctors eat apples every day. ✘ Extra

2 It isn’t good to eat the same food every
ever y day.
10 Przeczytaj definicje i uzupełnij brakujące litery.
3 We need to eat fruit and vegetables
every day. 1 If I eat well and do some exercise, I will be
4 Water is good for our brains. f i .
5 Skateboarding can keep us healthy. 2 Liam often feels s because he
6 Sleep isn’t important for teenagers. stays up late.
3 You can use a fitness a to help you
keep fit.
Listening 4 You often have a
t when you have
8  02 Posłuchaj nagrania i ponumeruj poniższe
poniższe an infecion.
zdania we właściwej kolejności.
5 Doctors can give you
1 Chris had an X-ray
X-ray.. a when you
2 Jane visited Chris at home. have an infection.
3 Chris stopped his bike suddenly. 6 It’s good to do some p
4 Chris fell off his bike and broke his leg. activity every week.
5 A little girl ran across the road.
6 Chris was cycling home from school. 1
5 11 Popraw błąd, który podkreślono.
1 I haven’t saw Ryan recently
recently.. seen
2 Tony’s broke his leg.
3 Have they ate the biscuits?
4 I’ve took my antibiotics today.
5 Did you been to London?
6 Have Julia finished her homework?

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test B  11

Unit 1 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do właściwych obrazków.

1 2 3

4 5 6

a stomach ache c a sprained ankle e a broken leg

b a black eye d a headache f a sore throat

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 I’m hungry because I breakfast.
a haven’t ate b haven’t eaten
2 Oh no! My dad his leg.
a has broken b have broken
3 Daniel his homework.
a not finished b hasn’t finished.
4 Oh good, it raining.
a stopped b ’s stopped
5 My brother and sister the dog for a walk.
a have taken b has taken
6 We any famous actors.
a haven’t meet b haven’t met

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test C  12

Unit 1 Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Have you tidied your room?
Yes, I have.  / Yes, I had.
2 Have you forgot / forgotten your pencil case again?
3 Has Dad finished work?
No, he hasn’t. / No, he isn’t.
4 Have / Has I arrived early?
5 Have you and Sam seen the new film?
No, we haven’t.  / No, we not have.
6 Have you done / Did you do your homework yet?

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

Some people say, ‘An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.’ Can we really
stay healthy by eating apples? What can we do to stay healthy?
· It isn’t only apples that can keep us fit and healthy. We need to eat lots
of different types of food to stay healthy. It is good to eat five portions
of fruit and vegetables every day.
· Drink water not cola when you can. Our brains need water to work well.
· Sport is really important so try to be active every day. Why
Why don’t you try
something new? Have you tried judo, or skateboarding or ballet?
· Young people also need lots of sleep! Don’t go to bed late.
Follo w these ideas and stay healthy!

1 Doctors eat apples every dayday.. ✘

2 It isn’t good to eat the same food all of the time.
3 The writer tells us to eat fruit every day.
4 Cola is good for our brains.
5 Skateboarding can keep us healthy.
6 Sleep is very important for young people.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 1 Test C  13

Unit 2 Test A

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij podpisy. 3 Popatrz na tabelę z informacjami o planach na
weekend Tima i Eve. Uzupełnij zdania formą
1 2 twierdzącą lub przeczącą going to i właściwym

play go meet watch

football swimming friends TV
Tim ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘
1 t r a v e l 2 f ’ Eve ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔
a g e n  ’s
1 Tim is going o play football.
3 4 2 Eve football.
3 Tim and Eve
4 Tim and Eve friends.
5 Tim TV.
3 s 4 b 6 Eve TV.
5 6
4 Wstaw will lub won’t 
will lub won’t ii podany czasownik.
1 Don’t worry, he won’ be  angry with you.
(not be)
2 They me any money. (not lend)
5 c 6 b ’ 3 Put your coat on. You cold. (get)
s 4 I your CDs tomorrow. I promise.
5 (not forget)
5 We you with your homework.
2 Dopasuj nazwy sklepów z ramki A do artykułów
art ykułów,, (help)
które można w nich kupić z ramki B. 6 Hurry up! The train for us. (not wait)
A B 5
shoe shop a radio 5 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.
greengrocer’s a magazine
baker’s medicine going will won’t ’m not going to ’ll
newsagent’s boots ’m going to
chemist’s a cake
electrical store a tomato Tom What are you 1 going
to do tomorrow?
1 shoe shop
shop – boos Phil I2  clean my
2 bike. It’s very dirty.
3 Tom I3  help you.
4 I’m sure it 4
take long. Oh, wait, I can’t this weekend.
5 Phil Why?
6 Tom I5 be here.
5 It’s my cousin’s wedding.
Phil Oh, right. Well, don’t worry. I think my dad
 help me.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test A  14

Unit 2 Test A

Speaking Writing
6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej 9 Zrób notatki na temat nowego sklepu. Zdecyduj,
kolejności. gdzie będzie się znajdować i jakie artykuły
będzie można tam kupić. Potem wykorzystaj
Assistant Of course. The changing rooms are
swoje notatki i napisz treść
t reść reklamy tego sklepu.
over there … Does it fit? Pamiętaj o użyciu zdań rozkazujących.
Assistant The coats are here, near the skirts.
sk irts. Where?
Assistant OK. That’s £64.99, please. When?
Carla Excuse me. I’m looking for a coat. 1 Opening hours
Carla Yes, they do. I’d like to buy them. What are you selling?
Carla OK. Can I try on the blue ones? What is special about the things you are selling?

7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie.
Will people shop in towns in twenty years’ time? 5
In the last few years, the number of people
shopping online has increased. They like the Extra
cheap prices. It’s easy for us to shop from
our sofas. 10 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami
We can save time and money shopping online. poznanymi w rozdziale 2.
Many shops that were successful before the
1 I haven’t got any money for my bus. Can you
Internet arrived are now closed, because they
were expensive. lend  me a pound, Jon?
But I think there will be shops in towns in 2 This jacket looks very small. It won’t
20 years’ time.
time. Some people will always prefer to f me.
try on clothes before they buy them. People 3 E m . Where are the
also like to talk to specialist shop assistants.
Many people now 1shop  online. A lot of 4 The o t on the door
things are c
online, and it is say that the shop closes at 5.00.
e to buy things from our living 5 Please pay at the t . It’s over there.
rooms. Many shops that were successful have 6 You can t o the coat
c because their prices were high. here in front of this mirror.
People will go to 5s in twenty years 5
because they like to try on 6c and talk 11 Przetłumacz na język angielski poniższe wyrazy
to shop assistants. i zdania.
5 1 przebieralnia changing room
2 Obiecuję.
Listening 3 Nie stać mnie na to.
8  03 Posłuchaj nagrania i oznacz zdania jako 4 Przepraszam?
prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘). 5 Zaczekaj chwilę!
1 Rosie got lots of money for her birthday. ✔ 6 Nie mam dość pieniędzy.
2 Rosie’s birthday
bir thday was on Thursday.
3 They are going to go to a sports shop. 5
4 Rosie wants to have her hair cut.
5 Rosie wants some new trainers.
6 The post office is near the shoe store. Total 45 Total 55
PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test A  15
Unit 2 Test B

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij podpisy. 3 Popatrz na tabelę z informacjami o planach na
weekend Noela i Lili. Uzupełnij zdania formą
1 2 twierdzącą lub przeczącą going to i właściwym

play watch meet go

basketball DVDs friends cycling
Noel ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
1 t r a v e l 2 s Lila   ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔
a g e n   ’ ’ss
1 Noel is going o play  basketball.
3 4
2 Lila basketball.
3 Noel DVDs.
4 Lila DVDs.
5 Noel and Lila cycling.
6 Noel and Lila friends.
3 b 4 f ’ 5
5 6 4 Wstaw will lub won’t 
will lub won’t ii podany czasownik.
1 Don’t worry, he won’ be angry with
you. (not be)
2 Mum, we you cook dinner.
5 b ’ 6 c s 3 Hurry up! The bus for you.
5 (not wait)
4 Put a jumper on. You very
2 Dopasuj nazwy sklepów z ramki A do artykułów
art ykułów,, cold. (get)
które można w nich kupić z ramki B.
5 I your books tomorrow.
A B (not forget)
shoe shop medicine 6 I Linda my DVD. (not lend)
newsagent’s some apples 5
electrical store boots 5 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki.
greengrocer’s a radio
baker’s a magazine going ’m going to ’re going to won’t
chemist’s some bread ’m not going to ’ll
1 shoe shop
shop – boos Kate What are you 1 going  to
2 do after school?
3 Lisa I2  do my Science
4 homework.
5 Kate I3  help you. I’m sure
6 it 4  take long. Oh,
wait, I can’t today.
5 Lisa Why?
Kate I5  be at home. We
see the dentist!
Lisa Oh, don’t worry. My brother can help me.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test B  16

Unit 2 Test B

Speaking Writing
6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej 9 Zrób notatki na temat nowego sklepu. Zdecyduj,
kolejności. gdzie będzie się znajdować i jakie artykuły
będzie można tam kupić. Potem wykorzystaj
Dennis Yes, it does. I’d like to buy it, please.
swoje notatki i napisz treść
t reść reklamy tego sklepu.
Dennis Excuse me. I’m looking for a shirt. 1 Pamiętaj o użyciu zdań rozkazujących.
Dennis Thanks. Can I try on this white one?
Assistant The shirts are here, next to the till.
Assistant Yes, of course. That’s £19.95, please.
Opening hours
Assistant Yes, the changing rooms are over
What are you selling?
there … Does it fit? What is special about the things you are selling?

7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie.
Will people shop in towns and cities in twenty
years’ time? In the last few years, the number of 5
people shopping online has increased a lot. It’s
very easy for us to shop from our sofas. Extra
We can save time shopping online, and we
can also save money. Many shops that were 10 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami poznanymi
w rozdziale 2.
successful before the Internet arrived are now
closed, because they were expensive. 1 I left my phone at home. Can you l end
But I think there will be shops in towns in me yours, Paula?
20 years’ time.
time. People will always prefer to try 2 E m . Where are the
on clothes before they buy them. People
also like to talk to specialist shop assistants.  jackets?
3 Please pay at the t . It’s near the door.
Many people now shop 1
 online. A lot 4 The o t on the door say
of things are 2c online and it is that the shop opens at 9.00.
e to buy things from our living 5 These trousers look very big.
b ig. They won’t
rooms. Many shops that were successful have f  you.
c because their prices were high. 6 You can t o the skirt in
People will go 5s in twenty years the changing rooms.
because they like to try on 6c and talk 5
to shop assistants.
11 Przetłumacz na język angielski poniższe wyrazy
5 i zdania.
1 przebieralnia changing room
2 Nie mam dość pieniędzy.
8 03 Posłuchaj nagrania i oznacz zdania jako
prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).
3 Obiecuję.
1 Rosie got lots of money for her birthday. ✔ 4 Zaczekaj chwilę!
2 Rosie’s birthday
bir thday was on Wednesday. 5 Przepraszam?
3 Rosie and Ellen are going to go to the 6 Nie stać mnie na to.
music shop. 5
4 Ellen is going to have her hair cut.
5 Rosie wants some new shoes.
6 The post office is near the department store.
Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test B  17

Unit 2 Test C

1 Dopasuj nazwy sklepów z ramki A do rzeczy, które można w nich kupić z ramki B.
shoe shop stamps
newsagent’s medicine
post office some apples
greengrocer’s boots
baker’s a magazine
chemist’s some bread

1 shoe shop
shop – boos

2 Popatrz na tabelę z informacjami o planach na weekend Noela i Lili. Zakreśl
właściwą formę w poniższych zdaniach.

play basketball do homework meet friends go cycling

Noel ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔

Lila ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔

1 Noel is going to / are going to play basketball.

2 Lila isn’t going to / is going to play basketball.
3 Noel not going to / isn’t going to do his homework.
4 Lila ’s going to / is going do her homework.
5 Noel and Lila are going to / is going to go cycling.
6 Noel and Lila isn’t going to / aren’t going to meet friends.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test C  18

Unit 2 Test C

3 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw will lub won’t i podany czasownik.

1 Don’t worry, he won’ be  angry with you. (not be)
2 I Linda my DVD. (lend)
3 Mum us cook dinner
dinner.. (not help)
4 The bus for you. (not wait)
5 We very cold. (get)
6 I your books. (not forget)

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

In the last two years, online shopping has become very popular.
It’s easy to shop from our sofas and we don’t have to wait for a bus or
find a car park.
We can save time shopping online and we can save money. A lot
of shops that were successful are now closed, because they were
I think there will be shops in towns in twenty years’ time. A lot of
people will always prefer to try clothes on before they buy them.
People also like to talk to specialist shop assistants.

1 More people shop online now thant han before. ✔

2 People can’t
can’t do online shopping at home.
3 Online shops are often
of ten cheap.
4 Some popular shops have closed.
5 The writer thinks there won’t be shops in towns in the future.
6 People don’t
don’t want to talk to shop assistants.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 2 Test C  19

Unit 3 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Przeczytaj listę rzeczy, które należy i których nie

1 Podpisz obrazki nazwami z ramki. należy robić, aby być szczęśliwym. Napisz zdania
z should 
should ii shouldn’t .
science fiction film crime film war film ✔ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables
historical drama western romantic drama ✘ eat a lot of sweets
✔ play a lot of sport
✔ do something nice for someone every day
✘ watch TV all the time
✘ get angry with your friends
1 You should ea a lo of frui and vegeables.
1 science ficion 2 3
film 4
5 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
3 4 1 We have / have to help our parents.
2 He spoke slow / slowly.
3 She doesn’t have / has to go shopping.
4 Olivia sang very good / well.
5 I mustn’t / don’t have to do my homework.
6 They got to school late / lately.
5 6
2 Uzupełnij przymiotniki o przeciwnym znaczeniu.
znaczeniu. Speaking
1 interesting b o r  i n  g 6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
2 complicated s i h f a d
3 sad h p can I help you three teens Enjoy the film
4 boring e t n Number three teens or children
5 slow f -m g Which screen
6 serious f y Clerk Hello, 1 can I help
help you ?
5 Simon Yes, I’d like three tickets for the Harry
Potter  film
 film please.
Grammar Clerk Adults, 2 ?
Simon Two of us are fourteen and one is
3 Przepisz zdania, używając must  lub mustn’t .
must lub thirteen.
1 Come here! You mus come here. Clerk That’s 3 . £15,
2 Wait for me! please.
3 Don’t touch that paint! Simon Here you are.
 is it?
4 Don’t miss the train! Clerk 5
. The film
starts at two thirty.
Simon OK, thanks. Bye.
5 Listen to the teacher!
Clerk Goodbye. 6 .
6 Wear a hat!
PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test A 20
Unit 3 Test
Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie. 9 Napisz recenzję filmu, który ci się spodobał.
Podziel tekst na trzy akapity:
Many people think that working in TV is – napisz ws wstęp
exciting, but that isn’t always true. People think – opisz po
posta taccie
that everything in TV happens very quickly, but
– nap
isz,, dlac
zegoo film
film ci
ci się
się podob
sometimes it happens veryver y slowly. The actors
often wait a long time to act their part,
par t, and My favourite film is … .
that’ss boring. Sometimes, it takes a day to make
that’ It’s …
a scene that is only five minutes long.
Working in TV is also more difficult than it looks.
For everything to go well, the film crew
crew,, actors
and presenters must be very good at their jobs.
 Things don’t
don’t always happen
happen in the way the
director and producer planned them and
that can be complicated
Working in TV is not always 1 exciting . Some
things happen very 2  on film sets,
and it can be 3
 for actors. It can take 10 Połącz wyrazy, tak by utworzyły wyrażenia
w yrażenia
a day to film a very short 4 . The film poznane w rozdziale 3.
 have to do their jobs very well. It’s 1 film presenter
very 6
 when things don’t go to plan. 2 key ending
5 3 museum tone
4  TV pad
Listening 5 happy exhibit
6 ring crew
8 04 Posłuchaj nagrania
nagrania i dopasuj gatunki
filmu do przymiotników, których używają 5
Molly i Leo.
11 W każdym zdaniu jeden wyraz podano
1 science fiction film a  happy dodatkowo. Napisz poprawne zdania bez
2 westerns b  exciting zbędnego wyrazu.
3 animated films c  fast-moving 1 You must to listen carefully.
4 romantic dramas d  funny You must listen carefully.
5 action films e  straightforward 2 You shouldn’t not sit there.
6 comedies f   complicated
5 3 She does has to help her mum.

4 We don’t mustn’t be late.

5 He laughed loud and played happily.

6 I do must work harder.

 Total 45  Total
 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test A 21

Unit 3 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Przeczytaj listę rzeczy, które należy i których nie

1 Podpisz obrazki nazwami z ramki. należy robić, aby być szczęśliwym. Napisz zdania
z should 
should ii shouldn’t .
science fiction film war film crime film ✔ eat a lot
lot of fruit and vegetables
historical drama horror film musical ✘ play computer games all the time
✘ eat a lot of sweets and chocolate
✔  play a lot of sport
✘ get angry with your family
✔ be nice to people
1 You should ea a lo of frui and vegeables.
1 science ficion 2 3
film 4
5 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
3 4 1 We have / have to help our parents.
2 They don’t have to / must go shopping.
3 Kelly walked quick  /
 / quickly.
4 Judy doesn’t has / have to wear a hat.
5 They arrived late / lately .
6 Dylan played tennis very well / good.
5 6 5
2 Uzupełnij przymiotniki o przeciwnym znaczeniu.
6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
1 interesting b o r  i n  g
2 slow f -m
-m i can I help you Number five Which screen
3 complicated s a h w teens or adults two teens Enjoy the film
4 f u nn y s s
5 sad h p Clerk Hello, 1 can I help
help you ?
6 boring e t Daisy Yes, I’d like two tickets for the Shrek  film
Clerk Children, 2 ?
Daisy One of us is fourteen and one is thirteen.
Grammar Clerk OK, that’s 3 . £12,
3 Przepisz zdania, używając must  lub mustn’t .
must lub please.
1 Come here! You mus come here. Daisy Here you are. 4  is it?
2 Don’t miss the bus! Clerk 5 . The film starts at
three o’clock.
3 Wait for us! Daisy OK, thank you.
4 Wear your gloves! It’s
I t’s freezing. Clerk Bye. 6 .
5 Don’t touch the dogs!

6 Listen to your parents!

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test B 22
Unit 3 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie. 9 Napisz recenzję filmu, który ci się spodobał.
Podziel tekst na trzy akapity:
Many people think that working in TV is – napisz wstęp
exciting, but it isn’t always true. For everything
ever ything – opisz postacie
to go well, the film crew, presenters and actors – napisz, dlaczego film ci się podobał.
must be very good at their jobs. Things don’t
always happen in the way the director and My favourie TV programme is … .
the producer planned them, and that can be I’s …
People think that everything in TV happens
very quickly, but sometimes it happens very
slowly. In fact the actors often wait a long time,
to act their part,
par t, and that’s boring. Sometimes,
it takes a day to make a scene that is only
five minutes long.
Working in TV is not always 1 exciing . The film
have to do their jobs well. It’s
I t’s very
when things don’t go to plan. Some
things happen 4 in TV, and it can be 10 Połącz wyrazy, tak by utworzyły wyrażenia
w yrażenia
poznane w rozdziale 3.
for actors. It can take a day to film a
very short 6 . 1 film presenter
5 2 key tone
3 ring crew
Listening 4 museum exhibit
5 TV ending
8 04 Posłuchaj nagrania
nagrania i dopasuj gatunki
6 happy pad
filmu do przymiotników, których używają Molly
i Leo. 5
1 science fiction film a  happy 11 W każdym zdaniu jeden wyraz podano
2 animated films b  complicated dodatkowo. Napisz poprawne zdania bez
3 comedies c  fast-moving zbędnego wyrazu.
4 romantic dramas d  straightforward 1 You must to listen carefully.
5 westerns e  exciting You mus lisen carefully .
6 action films f   funny 2 You shouldn’t not sit there.
3 I don’t must do my homework.

4 He does has to arrive

ar rive at two o’clock.

5 She sang happy and played happily.

6 They don’t mustn’t be late.

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test B 23

Unit 3 Test C

1 Dopasuj gatunki filmu do właściwych
właściw ych obrazków.

a b c

d e f 

1 crime film 3 science fiction film 5 western

2 historical drama 4 war film 6 romantic drama

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 You miss the bus.
a must b  mustn’t
2 We listen to the teacher.
a must b  mustn’t
3 Children eat a lot of sweets.
a must b  shouldn’t
4 You cross the road carefull
a should b  shouldn’t
5 I copy my friend’s homework
a should b mustn’t
6 We eat fruit and vegetables.
a should b  mustn’t

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test C 24

Unit 3 Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 We have / have to help our parents.
2 They got to school late / lately .
3 Olivia doesn’
doesn’tt have / has to get up early on Sunday.
4 Ed Sheeran sings very good / well.
5 I mustn’t / have to do my homework.
6 He spoke slow / slowly.

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

Many people think that working in TV is exciting, but it’s it’s often
difficult. For everything to go well, the film crew, presenters and
actors must be very good at their jobs.
People think that everything in TV happens very quickly, but
the actors often wait around for hours. This can be very boring.
Sometimes, it takes a day to make a scene that is only five minutes
long. It is also difficult to film outside. For example, the weather
can be bad and planes sometimes fly nearby during filming. This is
particularly a problem for historical dramas. Next time you watch a
film or TV, think about the problems the crew had.

1 Working in TV is always exciting. ✘

2 The film crew need to be very good at their jobs.
3 Actors never get bored.
4 It can take a long time to film short scenes.
5 Filming outside is easy
6 There are sometimes problems with making historical dramas.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 3 Test C 25

Unit 4 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi

1 Podpisz obrazki nazwami z ramki. czasownikami w formie czasu past
czasu  past simple.
1 We arrived  at the station at two o’clock.
cable car hovercraft hot-air balloon (arrive)
motorbike helicopter underground 2 We to York by train. (go)
3 She a return ticket. (buy)
1 2 3 4 The bus at the traffic lights. (stop)
5 We the living room. (tidy)
6 The plane over our house. (fly)

4 5 6 5 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z ramki w formie

czasu past
czasu simple.
 past simple.

be read arrive buy be wait

1 ho-air balloon 4 The train 1 was late because of the snow.

2 5 We 2
our tickets, and I 3 a
3 6 magazine. We 4
for the train for nearly
5 two hours!
When it 5 at 7 o’clock, we weren’t very
2 Uzupełnij wyrazy związane z transportem. happy because we 6 hungry and cold.
1 ta x i 4 m e 5
2 f y 5 l r
3 t a 6 b a Speaking
5 6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
Grammar Tom I’d like a ticket to Manchester, please.
I’d 1
3 Ułóż zdania. Użyj czasownika be w formie czasu Tom Here you are. Which platform is it?
 past simple. Tom Single, please.
1 you / be / late / for school / this morning? Clerk Thank you. It’s number 5!
Were you lae for school his morning? Clerk Single or return?
2 it / not be / cold / last Saturday Clerk That’s £17.50, please.
3 Gina and Ella / not be / at home / yesterday

4 this kite / be / my favourite toy

5 when / be / the first flight?

6 how many people / be / at the park / today?

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test A 26

Unit 4 Test A

Reading A B
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 1 We went into a the weather there
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). town is often cold
2 Do you prefer b the mountains
In May 2010, 16-year-old Jessica Watson
Watson from orange juice were beautiful
Australia became the youngest person to 3 I love England c I wasn’t late for
sail alone around the world. She
S he travelled for 4 The bus was on school
seven months on her boat, The Pink Lady . A time, d had lunch in a café
lot of people said that Jessica was very young 5 Ann took a photo e they did some
for the long journey, because the sea was 6 They went on a fishing
very dangerous, and non o one was with her. It’s
It’s boat, f lemonade?
true that the weather was often terrible: it
was cold, windy, foggy and
a nd stormy. The waves 1 We wen ino own and had lunch in a café.
were sometimes 12-metres high, and Jessica 2
fell into the sea many times. But she didn’t 3
stop because she really loves sailing. At the 4
end of her journey, Jessica was very pleased
to see her family and her dog again, and to
eat some fresh fruit. 6
1 Jessica travelled with her father. ✘
2 Jessica was on The Pink Lady  for
 for seven Extra
10 Uzupełnij wyrazy
w yrazy..
3 She didn’t have any problems during
the journey. 1 The train to York leaves from p laform  2.
4 It was hot all the time. 2 Christopher Columbus was an e .
5 The waves were very big. 3 Slovakia is s of Poland.
6 There wasn’t much fresh fruit on her boat. 4 Meg sc when she saw a bat.
5 Lublin is in the e of Poland.
6 I didn’t pay. It was f  !
Listening 5

8 05 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl właściwą 11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.

1 Ben stayed with his cousins / grandparents running late never mind good news
last week. change trains missed  just in time
2 Ben travelled to the island by ferry / hovercraft. Jo What a journey! First I
3 On the island, the weather was hot / foggy. 1 missed  the bus, so I
4 Ben saw some nice boots / boats. thought I was going to miss the train too,
5 The village they visited was on the island / a hill. but it was 2 .
6 Ben went to the village by cable car / on foot. Lisa That was 3
5 Jo Then I had to 4
because there was a problem at the station.
Writing Lisa 5
You’re here now and you’re
9 Ułóż zdania z połączonych wyrażeń z ramki A 6
, the film starts
i ramki B. Połącz te wyrażenia
w yrażenia spójnikami and , in 5 minutes.
but , or , so i because

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test A 27

Unit 4 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi

1 Podpisz obrazki nazwami z ramki. czasownikami w formie czasu past
czasu  past simple.
1 I arrived  at the bus stop at five o’clock.
helicopter cable car motorbike (arrive)
underground hot-air balloon hovercraft 2 We the kitchen. (tidy)
3 Zara to Blackpool by tram. (go)
1 2 3 4 The van at the traffic lights. (stop)
5 The helicopter over us. (fly)
6 We a single ticket. (buy)

4 5 6 5 Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z ramki w formie

czasu past
czasu simple.
 past simple.

be not be read buy waited be

1 ho-air balloon 4 The plane 1 was  late because of the snow.

2 5 I 2
 a book from the airport shop, and
3 6 we 3
 for the plane for nearly four
5 hours! My little brother and I 4  very
happy because we5  tired. My brother
2 Uzupełnij wyrazy związane z transportem. was bored, but I 6
 my new book!
1 ta x i 4 m p 5
2 s i 5 t m
3 f r 6 l y Speaking
6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
Craig Return, please.
3 Ułóż zdania. Użyj czasownika be w formie czasu Craig I’d like a ticket to York, please. 1
 past simple.
Craig Here you are. Which platform is it?
1 you / be / late / for school? Clerk Thanks. It’s number 2!
Were you lae for school? Clerk That’s £4.50, please.
2 be / when / the first flight? Clerk Single or return?
3 the twins / not be / at school / on Friday

4 it / be / cold / last weekend

5 how many people / yesterday / be / at the


6 this model / not be / my favourite toy

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test B 28

Unit 4 Test B

Reading A B
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 1 We went into town a the weather is hot
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). 2 The train wasn’t on b the monkeys
time, were funny
In May 2010, 16-year-old Jessica Watson
Watson from 3 Sasha took some c I was late for the
Australia, became the youngest person to sail sa il photos at the zoo party
alone around the world. She travelled for seven 4 They went on a d had lunch in a
months on her boat, The Pink Lady . A lot of boat, café
people said Jessica was very young for the long 5 Do you prefer e they didn’t do any
 journey, because the sea was very dangerous, lemonade fishing
and no one was
wa s with her. It’s true that the 6 I like Egypt f orange juice?
weather was often terrible: it was cold, windy,
foggy and stormy. The waves were sometimes 1 We wen ino own and had lunch in a café.
12-metres high, and Jessica fell into the sea 2
many times. But she didn’t stop because she
really loves sailing. At the end of her journey,
Jessica was very pleased to see her family and 4
her dog again, and to eat some fresh fruit. 5
1 Jessica travelled with her father. ✘ 5
2 Jessica was on The Pink Lady  for
 for sixteen
months. Extra
3 She had lots of problems during the journey.
10 Uzupełnij wyrazy
w yrazy..
4 It was hot all the time.
1 The train to Exeter leaves from p laform  2.
5 The waves weren’t very big.
2 Kraków is in the s of Poland.
6 There wasn’t much fresh fruit on her boat.
3 Joe sc when he saw a rat!
4 We didn’t
didn’t buy it. It
I t was f  !
5 Ernest Shackleton was a famous e .
6 Germany is w of Poland.
8 05 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl właściwą
1 Ben stayed with his cousins / grandparents 11 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
last week.
running late  just in time never mind
2 Ben travelled to the island by ferry /
good news change trains missed
hovercraft .
3 On the island, the weather was windy / hot. Alex What a journey! First, I
4 Ben saw some nice boats / boots. 1 missed  the bus, and
5 They visited a village on a hill / the island. I thought I was going to miss the train too
6 Ben went to the village on foot / by cable car. but it was 2 .
5 Dan That was !
Alex Then I had to
Writing because there was a problem at the station.
Dan 5 .
9 Ułóż zdania z połączonych wyrażeń z ramki A You are here now and you are
i ramki B. Połącz te wyrażenia
w yrażenia spójnikami and , 6
, the film starts
but , or , so i because
in 3 minutes.

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test B 29

Unit 4 Test C

1 Dopasuj nazwy środków transportu do właściwych obrazków.

a b c

d e f 

1 hot-air balloon 3 cable car 5 helicopter

2 motorbike 4 hovercraft 6 underground

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
1 Were / Was you late for school yesterday?
2 We goed / went to York by train.
3 She visited / visit her friend yesterday.
4 The bus stopped / stoped at the traffic lights.
5 We taked / took the tram to school.
6 Gina and Ella wasn’t / weren’t at home.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test C 30

Unit 4 Test C

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki.

was were read arrived bought waited

1 The train was  late because of the snow

2 We our tickets.
3 I a magazine.
4 We nearly two hours for the train!
5 The train at 7 o’
6 We weren’t very happy. We hungryy and cold.

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

In May 2010, Jessica

Je ssica Watson
Watson became the youngest person to sail
alone around the world. She travelled for seven months on her
boat, The Pink Lady . A lot of people said it was a bad idea because
the sea was dangerous, and she was alone. The weather was often
terrible: it was cold, windy, and stormy. The waves were sometimes
12-metres high, and Jessica fell into the sea many times. But she
didn’tt stop because she really loves sailing. At the end of her journey
didn’ journey,,
Jessica was very happy to see her family, and to eat some fresh fruit.

1 Jessica travelled with her father. ✘

2 Jessica was on The Pink Lady  for
 for seven months.
3 She didn’t have any problems during the journey.
4 It was hot a lot of the time.
5 The waves were very big.
6 There wasn’t
wasn’t much fresh fruit on her boat.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 4 Test C 31

Unit 5 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Ułóż pytania.

1 Uzupełnij brakujące litery. 1 you / get up / 7 o’clock /
o’clock  / today?
1 2 3 Did you ge up a 7 o’clock oday?
2 Ben / have a bath / yesterday?

3 Eva / eat pizza / last night?

4 5 6 4 you / meet your friends / at the weekend?

5 they / go to the cinema / on Monday?

1 t o we l 4 h 6 Connor and Sam / play football / on Sunday?

2 h e 5 a e
6 g
3 b
5 5 Ułóż zdania rozkazujące.
1 book / me / the / give Give me he book.
2 Dopasuj nazwy wyposażenia sportowego do
nazw odpowiednich części ciała. 2 laptop / don’t / touch / that

1 swimming costume eyes

3 name / your / me / tell
2 goggles hands
4 don’t / library / the / in / talk 
3 mouthguard legs
4 shin pads body
5 take / coat / off / your
5 helmet head
6 the / drop / park
p ark / don’t / in / litter
6 poles teeth
3 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.
6 Zakreśl właściwe wyrażenie.
1 Mark painted the picture.
Dina Hello. How was your weekend?
Mark didn’ pain he picure. David Not very good. I played in a really
2 We opened our presents. important football match, but we lost!
Dina 1
 Bad luck! / Cool!
3 Mum bought ten pizzas. David Then I left my mobile phone on the bus.
Dina 2
 That sounds fun. / Poor you!
David How was your weekend?
4 They had a great time on holiday. Dina It was great. It was my sister’s birthday.
David 3
 Oh, dear! / Cool!
5 I studied for my exams yesterday. Dina But a lot of her friends were ill, and they
didn’t come to her party.
David 4
 Oh, dear! / Poor you.
6 Karen chatted to her best friend for an hour. Dina No, it’s OK. My sister is having another
party next week!
5 David 5
 Y l ucky! / Bad luck!
ou’re so lucky!
Dina Why don’t you come?
David I can’t. I’m going to Scotland then.
Dina 6
 Bad luck! / That’s a shame.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test A 32

Unit 5 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Napisz recenzję wydarzenia sportowego
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). (prawdziwego lub fikcyjnego). Napisz, kiedy
miało miejsce, kto brał udział i jakie ubrania
It was a great weekend for the pupils of First mieli na sobie uczestnicy
uczestnicy.. Napisz także, kto
Field Academy. They won three local sports wygrał i jaki był wynik. Pamiętaj o zasadach
competitions! The football team won the city interpunkcji.
tournament. They beat Oakhampton School 5–0
in the final match. Coach Bill Brown said, ‘They Las Saurday, our school’s fooball eam …
played very well, and they looked great in their
new orange strip!’
Sally Huff, in year 6 at First Field,
Field, won the gold
medal at the local junior judo championship.
‘I’m so happy,’ she said, ‘I fell off my bike and
broke my leg last year, and I didn’t do judo for
The school’s swimming team also did really well
in the local schools’ tournament. They won ten 5
of the twelve races and won a cup.
Headteacher Mrs Jane Jones said, ‘I’m ‘I’m so happy
for all of the pupils. It wasn’t good luck – Extra
they have worked hard for their success.’
10 Uzupełnij wyrazy poznane w rozdziale 5.
1 First Field Academy pupils didn’t win any 1 When you win a competition in the Olympics,
sports competitions this weekend. ✘ you get one – a m edal .
2 First Field scored five goals in the final match. 2 Something that is very bad is t .
3 The football team wore their new 3 Bats, rackets, shuttlecocks are sports
yellow strip. e .
4 Sally Huff broke her leg in the judo 4 Sports teams wear different coloured
competition last weekend. s s.
5 The swimming team didn’t win all of 5 You use a t to catch someone or
their races. something.
6 Mrs Jones thinks the pupils were lucky to win. 6 We play football and hockey on a p .
5 5

Listening 11 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 You’re / You so lucky!
8 06 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl właściwą
2 That’s Annas / Anna’s jacket.
3 Be / You be quiet!
1 The advertisement is for a sports clubs /
4 Just a matter / moment.
film club.
5 Dan goes / does gymnastics.
2 The clubs are at Everblue / Evergreen Sports
6 Did you do / play karate yesterday?
3 The hockey / baseball team meet on Tuesdays.
4 You need to bring
br ing shin pads / a stick to hockey.
5 Basketball is at 4 o’clock  /
 / 5 o’clock on
Total 45 Total 55
6 You should wear a mouthguard / trainers for

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test A 33

Unit 5 Test B

Vocabulary 2 Sarah / eat chips / yesterday?

1 Uzupełnij brakujące litery. 3 To

m / have a shower / last night?
1 2 3
4 Kate and Amy / play tennis / on Sunday?

5 they / go to the swimming pool / on Monday?

4 5 6
6 you / meet your friends / on Friday?

1 t o we l 5 h e 5 Ułóż zdania rozkazujące.
2 a e 1 book / me / the / give Give me he book.
3 g 6 h
2 phone number / your / me / tell
4 b
5 3 don’t / theatre / the / in / talk 
2 Dopasuj nazwy wyposażenia sportowego do
nazw odpowiednich części ciała. 4 put / coat / on / your
1 swimming costume hands 5 the / park / drop / litter / don’t / in
2 helmet eyes
3 poles teeth 6 camera / don’t / touch / my
4 shin pads body
5 goggles head 5
6 mouthguard legs
6 Zakreśl właściwe wyrażenie.
Grammar Owen Hello, Dave. How was your weekend?
Dave It was great! I played in a really important
3 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.
football match, and we won!
1 Mark painted the picture. Owen 1
Bad luck! / Cool!
Mark didn’ pain he picure. Dave Then I went to a really nice restaurant
2 Imogen opened her presents. with my parents.
Owen 2
That sounds fun. / Poor you!
Dave How was your weekend?
3 Wayne studied for his exams this morning. Owen It wasn’t good. It was Julian’s
Julian’s birthday,
but he was ill.
4 I chatted to Luke for half an hour. Dave 3
He’s so lucky! / Oh, dear!
Owen He didn’t have his party, and he didn’t eat
his cake.
5 Chloe bought a magazine.
Dave 4
That sounds fun. / That’s a shame.
Owen No, it’s OK. He’s
He’s having another party
6 We had a good time at the party.
pa rty. next week!
Dave 5
Cool! / Bad luck!
5 Owen Why don’t you come?
Dave I can’t. I’m going to visit Disneyland then.
4 Ułóż pytania. Owen 6
Poor you! / You’re so lucky! I want to
come too!
1 you / get up / 7 o’clock /
o’clock  / today?
Did you ge up a 7 o’clock oday? 5

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test B 34

Unit 5 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Napisz recenzję wydarzenia sportowego
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). (prawdziwego lub fikcyjnego). Napisz, kiedy
miało miejsce, kto brał udział i jakie ubrania
It was a great weekend for the pupils of mieli na sobie uczestnicy
uczestnicy.. Napisz także, kto
Freshw ater Academy. They won three local sports wygrał i jaki był wynik. Pamiętaj o zasadach
competitions! TheThe football team won the city interpunkcji.
tournament. TheyThey beat Preston School 3–1 in the Las Saurday, our school’s fooball eam …
final match. Football coach Ben White said, ‘They
played very well, and they looked great in their
new orange strip!’
Jenny Hill, in year 6 at First Field, won the gold
medal at the local junior karate
k arate championship.
‘I’m so happy,’ she said, ‘I fell off a horse and broke
my leg last year, and I didn’t do karate for months.’
The school’s swimming team also did really well
in the local schools’ tournament. They won ten of
the twelve races and won a cup. 5
Headteacher Mrs Jane Jones said, ‘I’m ‘I’m so happy
for all of the pupils. It wasn’t good luck – they Extra
have worked hard for their success.’
10 Uzupełnij wyrazy poznane w rozdziale 5.
1 Freshwate
Freshwaterr Academy pupils didn’t win any 1 When you win a competition in the Olympics,
sports competitions this weekend. ✘
you get one – a m edal .
2 The Preston team scored three goals. 2 We play football and hockey on a p .
3 The football team didn’t wear their new 3 You use a t to catch someone
orange strip. or something.
4 Jenny Hill didn’t break her leg in the karate 4 Rackets, sticks, balls are sports e .
competition. 5 Sports teams wear different coloured
5 The swimming team didn’t win all of s s.
their races. 6 Something that is very bad is t .
6 Mrs Jones thinks the pupils worked very
hard to win.
5 11 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
1 You’re / You so lucky!
Listening 2 Lily plays / does karate.
8 06 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zakreśl właściwą 3 Did you do / go gymnastics yesterday?
odpowiedź. 4 Just a moment / matter.
1 The advertisement is for a sports club / 5 You be / Be quiet!
film club. 6 That’s Petes’ / Pete’s bike.
2 The club is at Evergreen / Everblue Sports 5
3 The hockey team meet on Tuesdays at
4 o’clock / 5 o’clock . Total 45 Total 55
4 You need to bring a  mouthguard / racket to
5 Basketball is on Tuesdays / Thursdays  at
four o’clock.
6 You should wear trainers / a mouthguard for
PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test B 35
Unit 5 Test C

1 Dopasuj nazwy wyposażenia sportowego do odpowiednich nazw części ciała.
1 swimming costume eyes
2 shin pads hands
3 mouthguard legs
4 poles body
5 helmet head
6 goggles teeth

2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
1 Mark didn’t painted / didn’t paint  the picture.
2 I didn’t buy / don’t bought  a new bag.
3 Did they had / have  a great time on holiday?
4 We not eat / didn’t eat pizza yesterday.
5 Did you go / Did you went to the cinema at the weekend?
6 Did Helen play tennis last night? Yes, she played. / Yes,
Yes, she did.

3 Dopasuj wyrażenia z ramki do właściwych zdań.

Take off Don’t talk Don’t look down
Give Don’t touch Tell

1 Give  me the book.

2 the computer.
3 me your name.
4 in the library.
5 your shoes.
6 at the ground.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test C 36

Unit 5 Test C

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

It was a great weekend for the pupils of First Field Academy.

They won three sports competitions. The football team won the city
tournament. TheThe score was 5–0 in the final match. They played very
well and they looked great in their new black and orange strip.
Sally Huff, in year 6, won the gold medal at the local judo
championship. ‘I’m so happy’, she said, ‘I fell off my bike and broke
my leg last year. I didn’t do judo for six months. This is amazing!’.
The school’s
school’s swimming team also did really well. They won ten of the
twelve races.
Headteacher Mrs Jane Jones said, ‘All of the pupils have worked hard
for their
th eir success’.

1 First Field Academy pupils didn’t win any sports competitions this weekend. ✘
2 The football team scored five goals in the final.
3 The football team wore a black and white strip.
4 Sally Huff didn’t break her leg in the judo competition.
5 The swimming team didn’t win all of their races.
6 Mrs Jones thinks the pupils did well.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 5 Test C 37

Unit 6 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw a, an

an,, some lub any .
1 Uzupełnij podpisy. 1 There aren’t any  sausages.
2 Would you like toast?
1 2 3
3 I’d like biscuit.
biscui t.
4 There’s milk on the table.
5 There isn’t pork.
6 Would you like orange?
4 5 6 5
5 Uzupełnij dialog przyimkami z ramki.

some a any an the some

1 c h i c k e n
2 g Ella We need 1 some  milk. Is
3 h s 2
supermarket open?
4 a g David Yes, it is. I’m really hungry. I’d like
5 c s
6 t w Ella We’ve got 4
eggs. You can
make 5 egg sandwich.
David But we haven’t got 6 bread!
2 Dopasuj artykuły spożywcze z ramki do 5
właściwych kategorii.
tuna beef  salmon cabbage
cream melon 6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.

1 meat: Can you come Never mind What time

2 vegetables: Next time I’m afraid I’d love to
3 fruit: Harry There’s a concert on in the park
There’s par k next
4 dairy: Sunday. 1 Can you come ?
5 fish: una , Gina 2
5 Harry Great!
Gina 3
does it start?
Grammar Harry At two o’clock.
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę. Gina Oh, I can’t, 4 .
It’s my grandma’s birthday, and we’re
1 I’ve got a / an / some orange in my bag. going to her house that afternoon.
2 I’d like the / a / some strawberries. Harry That’s a shame.
3 Are there any / an / some crisps in the 5
cupboard? Gina Sorry! 6 ,
4 We’ve got some / the / a pear tree in our garden. perhaps.
5 There aren’t some / any / the grapes in 5
the shop.
6 An / A / The cheese sandwiches are £2.50.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test A 38

Unit 6 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Potem uzupełnij poniższe 9 Przeczytaj notatki i napisz e-maila
zdania wyrazami z tekstu. z zaproszeniem dla kolegów i koleżanek
na twoje przyjęcie. Użyj określeń czasu
Hi, my name is Ross. One of my favourite lessons zawierających at , in
in i i on
at school is cooking. We learn how to make
lots of delicious meals, and the teacher gives My birthday party
us information about food, too. We learn about When: Saturday 12th May
food from different countries – where it grows Where: my house
and how much it costs. We We learn how to prepare When: the afternoon
different kinds of food, and we also learn about What time: 3 o’clock 
healthy food, for example fruit and vegetables Bring: a computer game
and unhealthy food, like cakes and biscuits!
I think it’s very important to learn how to cook Please come o my birhday pary. I’s …
well, so that we can make good meals. Fresh food
tastes good and you feel good after you eat it.
My cousin Sam lives in Scotland, and he’s
he’s learning
how to make haggis in his cooking class. The
problem is that he prefers chips and pizzas!

1 Ross’s favourie  lesson is cooking.

2 In the lessons, the students learn
to make meals. Extra
3 He about food from other countries.
4 Ross knows about healthy and 10 Uzupełnij brakujące litery.
food. 1 Lots of people buy o r g a  n i c  food.
5 Ross thinks fresh food good. 2 Can you ask the w t s for some
6 Sam is Ross’s . water, please?
5 3 Can I t t your smoothie, please?
4 Żurek is a t d t o l Polish dish.
Listening 5 This cheese and prawn sandwich is
h r l !
8 07 Posłuchaj nagrania. Oznacz zdania jako
prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘). 6 We’re
We ’re using strawberries to d c t
the cake.
1 It’s Sandra’s
Sandra’s birthday
bir thday party.
par ty. ✘
2 They haven’t got any lemonade. 5
3 They’ve got ten pizzas. 11 Napisz daty z ramki wyrazami. Zapisz je we
4 They haven’t got any ham. właściwej kolejności.
5 Suzy doesn’t like sausages.
6 They want to buy lots of crisps. 21/3 3/8 10/4 2/9 16/5 30/11
5 1 he wen y-firs
wen y-firs of March

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test A 39

Unit 6 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Uzupełnij zdania. Wstaw a, an

an,, some lub any .
1 Uzupełnij podpisy. 1 There aren’t any  sausages.
2 There’s water on the table.
1 2 3
3 Would you like toast?
4 There isn’t salmon.
5 Would you like apple?
6 I’I’d
d like sandwich.
4 5 6 5
5 Uzupełnij dialog przyimkami z ramki.

some a any an the some

1 c h i c k e n
2 a g Vicky We need 1 some  eggs. Is
3 g
 supermarket open?
4 t w Terry Yes, it is. I’m really hungry. I’d like
5 c s
 egg sandwich.
6 h s Vicky We haven’t got 4  eggs. You can
make 5  cheese sandwich.
Terry But we haven’t got 6  bread!
2 Dopasuj artykuły spożywcze z ramki do 5
właściwych kategorii.
tuna pork  yoghurt melon
salmon cabbage 6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.

1 meat: Can you come I can’t That sounds great

2 vegetables: Never mind What time Sorry
3 fruit:
Shaun There’s a play on at the theatre next
4 dairy:
Saturday. 1 Can you come ?
5 fish: una ,
Jenny 2
5 Shaun Great!
Jenny 3
does it start?
Grammar Shaun At half past twelve.
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę. Jenny Oh, 4 , I’m
afraid. It’s my mum’s birthday, and we’re
1 I’ve got a / an/ some orange in my bag. going to her favourite restaurant for lunch.
2 We’ve got some/ an / the apple tree in our Shaun 5
. I hope you
garden. enjoy your lunch!
3 I’d like a / the / some cherries, please. Jenny 6
! Next time,
4 Are there any / an / some biscuits on the table? perhaps.
5 Some / An / The carrot cake is £2.00. 5
6 We haven’t got some / the / any grapes.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test B 40

Unit 6 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Potem uzupełnij poniższe 9 Przeczytaj notatki i napisz e-maila z zaproszeniem
zdania wyrazami z tekstu. dla kolegów i koleżanek na twoje przyjęcie. Użyj
określeń czasu zawierającyc
zawierającychh at , in
in i i on
Hi, my name is Ross. One of my favourite
lessons at school is cooking. Our teacher My birthday party
teaches us how to make lots of delicious meals, When: Sunday 14th April
and she gives us lots of information about Where: my house
food, too. WeWe learn about food from different When: the morning
countries – where it grows and how much it What time: half past 10
costs. We
We learn how to prepare different kinds Bring: some lemonade
of food, and we also learn about food that is
healthy, like fruit and vegetables, and food that Please come o my birhday pary. I’s … .
is unhealthy, like cakes and biscuits!
I think it’s very important to learn how to cook
well, so that we can make good meals. Fresh
food is much tastier and healthier than fast food.
My cousin Sam lives in Scotland, and he’s
learning how to make haggis in his cooking
class. The problem is that he prefers chips
and pizzas!

1 Ross’s favourie  lesson is cooking. Extra

2 In the lessons, the students how 10 Uzupełnij brakujące litery.
to cook. 1 Lots of people buy o r g a  n i c  food.
3 They learn how food in other Can I t t some of that cheese?
countries costs.
3 We’re re using lights to d c t the house.
4 They learn about and unhealthy
4 Żurek is a t d t o l Polish dish.
5 I’ll ask the w t s for more lemonade.
5 Ross prefers food to fast food.
6 This melon and beef pie is h r l !
6 Sam lives in .
11 Napisz daty z ramki wyrazami. Zapisz je we
Listening właściwej kolejności.

8 07 Posłuchaj nagrania. Oznacz zdania jako

21/3 15/8 10/4 2/9 1/5 28/12
prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).
1 It’s Sandra’s
Sandra’s birthday
bir thday party.
par ty. ✘ 1 he wen y-firs
wen y-firs of March
2 They’ve got some lemonade. 2
3 They’ve got five pizzas. 3
4 They haven’t got any ham. 4
5 Suzy loves sausages. 5
6 They want to buy lots of crisps. 6
5 5

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test B 41

Unit 6 Test C

1 Zakreśl właściwy podpis.

1 chicken / cream 2 beef  /

 / garlic 3 cherries / butter

4 tomatoes / cabbage 5 carrots / cucumber 6 pineapple / strawberries


2 Zakreśl właściwą formę.
1 I’ve got a / an orange in my bag.
2 I’d like a / some strawberries.
3 Are there any / the crisps in the cupboard?
4 We’ve got the / a pear tree in our garden.
5 There aren’t some / any grapes in the shop.
6 An / The cheese sandwich is cheaper than the chicken sandwich.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test C 42

Unit 6 Test C

3 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

some a any an the some

Ella We need 1 some milk. Is 2

supermarket open?
David Yes, it is. I’m really hungry. I’d like 3 sandwich.
Ella We’ve got 4 eggs. You can make
egg sandwich.
David But we haven’t got 6 bread!

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

Hi, my name is Ross. My favourite lesson at school is cooking.

Our teacher teaches us how to make lots of delicious meals.
She also gives us a lot of information about food.
food. We find out about
food from different countries – where it grows and how much it
costs. We
We learn about healthy food, like fruit and vegetables, and
unhealthy food, like cakes and biscuits!
I think it’s very important to learn how to cook well, so that we can
make good meals. Fresh food tastes very good and healthy.
My cousin Sam lives in Scotland. He’s
He’s learning how to make haggis in
his cooking class, but he prefers chips and pizzas!

1 Ross’s favourite lesson is English. ✘

2 In the lessons, the students learn how to cook.
3 They learn where food in other countries grows.
4 They only learn about healthy food.
5 Ross doesn’t like the taste of fresh food.
6 Sam’s favourite food is haggis.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 6 Test C 43

Unit 7 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków
obrazków.. 1 This hill is the windiest / windier place in the
a b
2 I got the goodest / best marks in the class.
3 Which is smallest / the smallest animal in the
4 Today is the hottest / hotest day of the year.
5 I think dolphins are the beautifulest /
c d most beautiful animals in the world.
6 She’s the worst / worse singer in the band.
5 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

than the nicest nicer as more good

e f 
Molly It’s Mum’s birthday soon. I want to buy
her a better present 1 han  last
year. We
We got her chocolates. What about a
book this year?
Sam A book is 2 expensive than
1 monkey 4 eagle chocolates. What about flowers?
2 lion 5 wolf  Molly Well, a book isn’t as expensive
3 owl 6 bat
Sam I like flowers. I think flowers are
5 4
present in the world.
2 Uzupełnij brakujące
brakujące litery w przymiotnikach. Molly But they don’t taste as 5 as
1 Monkeys are f u n n  y . chocolates!
Sam That’s true. And chocolates look
2 Penguins are c . 6
than a book.
3 Sharks are d g r s.
4 Dolphins are f y. 5
5 Elephants are i t i t.
6 Owls are b t u .
5 6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
Grammar Ryan It’s really good. It’s better than last week.
It’s warm and sunny.
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi
przymiotnikami w stopniu wyższym. Ryan Hi, Tom!
Tom! How area re you? 1
Ryan Is it cold?
1 Her bedroom is nicer  (nice) than my
Tom It’s freezing. I’ve got all my winter
w inter
clothes on. What’s it like there?
2 The weather is (good) today than
Tom I’m OK, thanks. But the weather
is terrible.
3 Bats are (ugly) than owls.
Tom That sounds good. It’ It ’s really foggy here!
4 French is (difficult) than English.
5 England is (cold) than Africa. 5
6 Elephants are (big) than monkeys.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test A 44

Unit 7 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl w poniższych zdaniach 9 Napisz pięć zdań o swoim zwierzątku lub
właściwą odpowiedź. zwierzątku kolegi lub koleżanki. Opisz,
 jak wygląda i jak się zachowuje.
zachowuje. Użyj
The West Midland Safari Park is one of the przymiotników poznanych w rozdziale 7.
most interesting places to visit in the UK.
It is not the biggest safari park in the world My friend Sue has go a rabbi. I’s fas ,

but you can see some amazing animals, such and i’s really cue.
as elephants, tigers, lions, zebras and camels.
There are over six hundred animals there,
including some white lions. These lions are
very unusual and you don’t see them very
often. You can drive around the park slowly in
a car or there’s also a train that goes through
the middle of the park. The train is faster than
the car, of course. There is also a bus with a tour
guide so you can find out more information
from the guide.
You have the chance to feed some of the Extra
animals, too. But they only eat special animal 10 Uzupełnij wyrazy poznane w rozdziale 7.
food, so don’t give them sandwiches or
chocolate! 1 It’s difficult to see when the weather is
f oggy
oggy .
1 West Midland Safari Park is a boring /
2 Ab is part of a tree.
an interesting place to visit.
2 You can see animals from the UK / all over the 3 Is it raining? No, it’s so cold it’s h .
world there. 4 We call where a wild animals lives its
3 There are more than 600 white lions / animals h .
in the park. 5 The cheetah is an e species.
4 You can drive / walk  slowly
 slowly around the
6 The opposite of strong is w .
safari park.
5 You can learn new
n ew information on the safari 5
park train / bus.
6 You can / can’t feed the animals your picnic. 11 Znajdź błąd w podanych zdaniach
zdaniach i napisz
poprawne zdania.
1 Madrid is warmer that London.
Listening Madrid is warmer han London.
2 Patrick is a tallest boy in our class.
8  08 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij brakując
wyrazy w tabeli.
3 The history museum is interestinger than the
1 giraffe It’s got a long transport museum.
 and spots.
3 It lives in the sea and it’s got 4 Is English easyer than French?
5 It doesn’t live in the sea and 5 She isn’t as intelligent than her
h er sister.
it’s very 6 .
5 6 Who’s the better
b etter singer in the world?

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test A 45

Unit 7 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków
obrazków.. 1 This hill is the windiest / windier place in the
a b
2 Who is smallest  / the smallest boy in the class?
3 He’s the worst / worse chef in the world.
4 I got the goodest / best part in the play.
5 Today is the hottest / hotest day of the week.
6 I think parrots are the beautifulest /
c d most beautiful animals in the world.
5 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

than good more the best better

more beautiful
e f 
Oscar It’s Mum’s birthday soon. I want to buy her
a better present 1 han  last year.
We got her flowers. What about a DVD
1 this year?
1 monkey 4 owl
Ruth I like flowers. I think flowers are
2 eagle 5 lion
 present in the world.
3 wolf  6 bat
Oscar That’s true. And flowers look 3
than a DVD. But, a DVD isn’t as expensive
5 4
2 Uzupełnij brakujące
brakujące litery w przymiotnikach. Ruth What about chocolates? A DVD is
1 Penguins are c u  e .
 expensive than chocolates.
2 Eagles are b a f  . Oscar And flowers don’t taste as 6 as
3 Monkeys are f n . chocolates!
4 Octopuses are i t s g. 5
5 Dolphins are f d .
6 Lions are d n r u . Speaking
5 6 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we właściwej
Grammar Sarah No, but it’s very windy!
3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi przymiotnikami Helen Hi, Sarah! How are you? 1
w stopniu wyższym. Helen It’s good. It’s better than it was
1 Her bedroom is nicer  (nice) than my yesterday.. It was cold.
bedroom. Helen What do you mean? Is it raining?
2 Sharks are (ugly) than dolphins. Sarah That sounds good. It’ It ’s cold here!
3 Tim’ss compute
Tim’ computerr is (good) than my Sarah I’m great, thanks but it isn’t very
laptop. warm here. What’s the weather like
4 Scotland is (cold) than Spain. in Cornwall?
5 Bats are (big) than spiders. 5
6 Maths is (difficult) than geography.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test B 46

Unit 7 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl w poniższych zdaniach 9 Napisz pięć zdań o swoim zwierzątku lub
właściwą odpowiedź. zwierzątku kolegi lub koleżanki. Opisz,
 jak wygląda i jak się zachowuje.
zachowuje. Użyj
The West Midland Safari Park one is of the przymiotników poznanych w rozdziale 7.
most interesting places to visit in the UK.
It is not the biggest safari park in the world My friend Sue has go a rabbi. I’s fas ,

but you can see some amazing animals, such and i’s really cue.
as elephants, tigers, lions, zebras and camels.
There are over six hundred animals there,
including some white lions. These lions are
very unusual and you don’t see them very
often. You can drive around the park slowly in a
car or there’s also a train that goes through the
middle of the park. The train is faster than the 5
car, of course. There is also a bus with a tour
guide so you can find out more information
from the guide.
You have the chance to feed some of the 10 Uzupełnij wyrazy poznane w rozdziale 7.
animals, too. But they only eat special animal
food, so don’t give them sandwiches or 1 It’s difficult to see when the weather is
chocolate! f oggy
oggy .
2 Its h is where a wild animal lives.
1 West Midland Safari Park is a boring /
3 The opposite of strong is w .
an interesting place to visit.
2 You can see animals from all over the world / 4 The tiger is an e species.
the UK there. 5 Ab is part of a tree.
3 There are more than 600 animals / white lions 6 Is it snowing? No, it’s h .
in the park. 5
4 You can walk / drive slowly around the
safari park. 11 Znajdź błąd w podanych zdaniach
zdaniach i napisz
5 You can learn new
n ew information on the safari poprawne zdania.
park bus / train.
6 You can feed the animals your picnic / 1 Madrid is warmer that London.
animal food. Madrid is warmer han London.
5 2 The safari park is interestinger than the beach.

Listening 3 Who’s the better actor in the UK?

8  08 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij brakując

wyrazy w tabeli. 4 Lois is a shortest girl in our class.

1 giraffe It’s got a long neck and 5 Is science easyer than maths?
Octopus It lives in 6 I’m not as intelligent than my brother.
It isn’t a 5
It’s very 6 .
5 Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test B 47

Unit 7 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do właściwych obrazków.

a b c

d e f 

1 monkey 3 lion 5 bat

2 owl 4 wolf  6 eagle

2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 Her bedroom is than my bedroom.
a more nice b  nicer
2 The weather is today than yesterday.
a warmer b  warmmer
3 Bats are than owls.
a uglier b more ugly
4 French is than English.
a difficulter b more difficult
5 England is than Africa.
a colder b more cold
6 Elephants are than monkeys.
a biger b  bigger

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test C 48

Unit 7 Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 This hill is the windiest / windier place in the country.
countr y.
2 I got the goodest / best marks in the class.
3 Which is smallest  / the smallest animal in the world?
4 Today isn’t as hot as / than yesterday.
5 I think dolphins are the beautifulest / most beautiful animals in the world.
6 She’s more / as intelligent as her brother.

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

The West
West Midland Safari Park is a really interesting place to visit in
the UK. You can drive your car around the park slowly or there’s also
a train that goes through the park. The train is faster than the car
of course.
In the Safari Park, you can see amazing animals, such as elephants,
tigers, lions, zebras and camels. There are over six hundred animals,
including some white lions. They’re very unusual and you don’t see
them very often.
You have the chance to feed some of the animals, too. But they
only eat special animal food, so don’t
don’t give them your sandwiches or

1 The writer likes the West Midland Safari Park. ✔

2 You can’t drive your car there.
3 The fastest way around the park is on the train.
4 The park has got some dangerous animals.
5 There are more than 600 hundred white lions in the park.
6 You can feed the animals your picnic.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 7 Test C 49

Unit 8 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Uzupełnij podpisy. 1 What did / were you do yesterday?
2 At 11 p.m. it was snowing / snowed.
1 2 3
3 Did you go out? No, we weren’t / didn’t.
4 Ed and Jo weren’t / didn’t using the computer
5 Where did Lucy go / went?
6 I didn’t enjoy / enjoyed the film.
4 5 6 5
5 Popatrz na informacje w tabeli. Uzupełnij
zdania, używając twierdzącej lub przeczącej
formy czasu past
czasu past continuous.
1 s o f  a 5 w
Connor Eva
2 c t l
7.00 get up get up
3 m 6 f
4 p i p 7.30 have breakfast have a shower
5 8.15 walk to school wait for the bus
4.00 tra
vel hom
homee on foo
foott tra
vel hom
homee on foo
2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1 At 7.00, Connor and Eva were geting up .
1 He switched on the lamp / mirror.
2 At 7.30, Connor breakfast.
2 The window was behind red curtains / carpets.
3 At 7.30, Eva breakfast.
3 The radiator / cushion was really hot.
4 At 8.15, Connor to school.
4 There were flowers in the windowsill / vase.
5 At 4.00, Connor and Eva
5 There was a cushion on the coffee table /
for the bus.
6 At 4.00, Connor and Eva
6 There was a rug / cupboard in front of the
home on foot.

Grammar Speaking
6 Dopasuj wypowiedzi do odpowiednich reakcji.
3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
1 Can you help me a It’s quite nice, but
choose a present she doesn’t like
don’t speaks doing looking aren’t do
for my sister? blue.
2 What’s she b That’s a shame.
1 I don’  like swimming.
interested in? c She really likes
2 Gina is at you. 3 What do you think horses.
3 What time you get up? of this T-shirt? d Great idea! They
4 We waiting for anyone. 4 I think she’ll hate it. look brilliant!
5 Jan very good English. 5 What about the e Sure.
latest Little Mix CD? f She loves them,
6 I’m my homewor
homeworkk now.
6 Oh, get these but I think she’s
5 gloves and scarf! already got it.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test A 50

Unit 8 Test A

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Popatrz na notatki i napisz jeden akapit
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). tajemniczej opowieści. Zastosuj mowę
The Bermuda Triangle
Triangle is an area of the Atlantic
Ocean. It is famous because many boats and Characters: Paul and Ellie
planes have disappeared here. Why? It’s a mystery. Time: two o’clock, Sunday afternoon
In the last 100 years, more than 50 boats and Weather: cold, windy
20 planes have gone into the triangle and not Place:  the beach
returned. One of the most famous stories was in Activity: walking
1945. Five planes were flying through the triangle Unexpected event: saw mysterious shape
when they lost radio contact. Another plane went
to rescue them, but this plane disappeared too.
Nobody found the six planes and pilots. Why?Why?
Well the area has very bad weather and huge
waves. It is possible that pilots and sailors made
mistakes or that they met pirates.
Not everybody believes that. Many people think
that it is a dangerous place. And some think 5
aliens attacked the boats and planes.
What do you think? Extra
1 The Bermuda Triangle is a fictional place. ✘ 10 Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy poznane
2 Many mysteries have happened in the w rozdziale 8.
Bermuda Triangle. 1 Something that isn’t real is a f ake
ake .
3 In 1945 twenty planes disappeared. 2 When you find the reason for a mystery you
4 Nobody saw the planes again. s it.
5 The weather in the Bermuda Triangle can 3 When you touch something you leave
be dangerous. f  .
6 Everybody thinks that the disappearances 4 When something surprises you it’s
are because of aliens. un .
5 5 At steals things.
6 A story that is invented is f  .
Listening 5
8  09 Posłuchaj nagrania. Odpowiedz na
11 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane
pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi zdania i wyrazy.
zaczynających się od Yes lub No
1 Wygląda świetnie. I looks brillian!
1 Does Max believe in ghosts?
2 Dobra robota!
No, he doesn’.
3 To dziwne.
2 Have Max and Amy read any ghost stories?
4 Nie wierzę w to.
5 stworzenie
3 Did Max see a film about a ghost?
6 Chodź!/Chodźcie!
4 Was the young boy sleeping when
the woman came into the room?

Total 45 Total 55
5 Did the woman sit on the windowsill?

6 Did Max finish the story?

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test A 51
Unit 8 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 Uzupełnij podpisy. 1 What did / were you do yesterday?
2 They didn’t / weren’t doing their homework.
1 2 3
3 At one o’clock, it was rained / raining.
4 ‘Did you go out?’‘No, I weren’t / didn’t.’
5 Kim and Mike didn’t enjoyed / enjoy that book.
6 Where did Dean go / went last night?
4 5 6 5
5 Popatrz na informacje w tabeli. Uzupełnij
zdania, używając twierdzącej lub przeczącej
formy czasu past
czasu past continuous.
1 s o f  a 4 f p
Leah Derek  
2 m 5 p i
3 c t 6 w
7.00 get up ge t u p
l 7.30 havve a sh
ha show
er havve bre
ha breakakfa
5 8.30 walk
wa lk to sc
ol trav
el to scscho
ol on
the bus
2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź. 4.00 wait
wait fo
forr the
the b
us wa
waitit fo
forr the
the bus
1 He switched on the lamp / mirror.
1 At 7.00, Leah and Derek
2 The radiator / cushion was really hot.
were geting up .
3 There was a cushion on the coffee table /
2 At 7.30, Leah
4 There were flowers in the windowsill / vase.
3 At 7.30, Derek
5 There was a rug / cupboard in front of the
4 At 8.30, Leah to
6 The window was behind red curtains / carpets.
5 At 4.00, Leah and Derek
home on foot.
6 At 4.00, Leah and Derek
3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. for the bus.
speaks don’t like doing
not looking get up Speaking
1 I don’  like swimming. 6 Dopasuj wypowiedzi do odpowiednich reakcji.
2 Milly is out the window. 1 Can you help me a Good idea, but I
3 We’re waiting for the bus. choose a present think he’s already
4 Maria very good Polish. for my brother? got it.
2 What’s he b It’s quite nice, but
5 I’m my homework.
interested in? he doesn’t like
6 What time do you ? 3 What do you think football!
5 of this football c Sure.
T-shirt? d Great! It looks
4 I think he’ll hate it. brilliant!
5 What about the e That’s a shame.
latest X box game? f He really likes
6 Oh, get this computer games
basketball shirt! and sport.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test B 52

Unit 8 Test B

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe 9 Popatrz na notatki i napisz jeden akapit
(✔) lub fałszywe (✘). tajemniczej opowieści. Zastosuj mowę
The Bermuda Triangle
Triangle is an area of the Atlantic
Ocean. It is famous because many boats and Characters: Matthew and Ellie
planes have disappeared here. Why? It’s a mystery. Time: two o’clock, Saturday afternoon
In the last 100 years, more than 50 boats and Weather: cold, windy
20 planes have gone into the triangle and not Place:  the woods
returned. One of the most famous stories was in Activity: walking
1945. Five planes were flying through the triangle Unexpected event: saw mysterious shape
when they lost radio contact. Another plane went
to rescue them, but this plane disappeared too.
Nobody found the six planes and pilots. Why?Why?
Well the area has very bad weather and huge
waves. It is possible that pilots and sailors made
mistakes or that they met pirates.
Not everybody believes that. Many people think
that it is a dangerous place. And some think 5
aliens attacked the boats and planes. What
do you think? Extra
1 The Bermuda Triangle is a fictional place. ✘ 10 Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy poznane
2 Many mysteries have happened in the w rozdziale 8.
Bermuda Triangle. 1 Something that isn’t real is a f ake
ake .
3 In 1945 six planes disappeared. 2 When something surprises you, it’s
4 Nobody found the planes. un
5 The weather in the Bermuda Triangle is 3 When you touch something you leave
often dangerous. f  .
6 Everybody thinks the disappearances are 4 A story that is invented is f  .
because of aliens. 5 When you find the reason for a mystery, you
5 s it.
6 At is someone who steals
Listening something.
8  09 Posłuchaj nagrania. Odpowiedz na 5
pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi
11 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane
zaczynających się od Yes lub No
zdania i wyrazy.
1 Does Max believe in ghosts?
1 Wygląda świetnie. I looks brillian.
No, he doesn’.
2 Chodź!/Chodźcie!
2 Have Max and Amy read any ghost stories?
3 Nie wierzę w to.
4 stworzenie
3 Did Max watch a DVD about a ghost?
5 Dobra robota!
6 To dziwne.
4 Was the young boy sleeping when
the woman came into the room?

5 Did the woman sit on an armchair?

Total 45 Total 55
6 Did Max read all of the story?

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test B 53
Unit 8 Test C

1 Dopasuj podpisy do obrazków

a b c

d e f 

1 cushions 3 cupboard 5 curtains

2 radiator 4 armchair 6 painting

2 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki.
don’t speaks doing looking aren’t do

1 I don’  like swimming.

2 Gina is at you.
3 What time you get up?
4 We waiting for anyone.
5 Jan very good English.
6 I’m my homework now.

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test C 54

Unit 8 Test C

3 Zakreśl właściwą formę.

1 The man was walked / walking very quickly.
quickl y.
2 I didn’t liking / like the film.
3 Where you were / were you going earlier?
4 Molly and Kim weren’t / didn’t playing outside.
5 I ’s / was waiting for the bus.
6 Helena was / were watching TV with her friends.

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (✔) lub fałszywe (✘).

The Bermuda Triangle

Triangle is an area of the Atlantic Ocean. It is famous
because many boat and plane have disappeared there. More than
50 boats and 20 aeroplanes went into the area and never came out.
One of the most famous stories was in 1945. Five planes were flying
through the triangle when they got lost. Another plane went to
rescue the five pilots, but this plane disappeared too. The
The six planes
and pilots were never found. Why?
Well, the Bermuda Triangle
Triangle has very
ver y bad weather and huge waves.
It is also possible the pilots and sailors made mistakes. Some people
believe that the strange events are because of aliens. What do
you think?

1 The Bermuda Triangle is a fictional place. ✘

2 Many mysteries have happened in the Bermuda Triangle.
3 In 1945 seven planes disappeared
4 Nobody saw the planes again.
5 The weather in the Bermuda Triangle
Triangle can be dangerous.
6 Everybody thinks that the
t he disappearances are because of aliens.
Total 20

PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press Steps Forward 3 • Unit 8 Test C 55

Steps Forward 3 Tests A Answer key

Welcome Test A  11 1 Let’s go and see. P Was the girl OK?
2 Lucie is medium height.
 1 1 drums 4 hoodie
3 That’s funny!
J Yes. I don’t think she saw Chris.
2 guitar 5 bald She was running across the road
4 a cliff  to her friends and didn’t look. It’s
3 tracksuit bottoms 6 wavy hair
5 Really? amazing that she wasn’t hurt.
2 1 hospital 4 chef  6 department store P How is Chris?
2 builder 5 tambourine J He went to the hospital for an
3 island 6 blond Unit 1 Test A X-ray, but he’s at home now.
3 1 likes 4 don’t play  1 1 a headache stomach
4 I went round to his house
2 don’t watch 5  speaks ache yesterday evening.
3 Do, know 6 Does, live 2 a sore throat 5 a broken leg P Poor Chris!

4 1 is 4 is 3 a sprained ankle 6 a black eye 1 2 4 1

2 ’re 5 isn’t 2 1 cut 4 cough 2 5 5 6
3 ’m not 6 are 2 cold 5 toothache 3 3 6 4
5 1 Take out 4 sit down 3 earache 6 temperature 9 Students’ own answers
2 switch off 5 Put on 3 1 ’ve had 4  have/’ve done  10 1 fit 4 sleepy
3 Pick up 6 look down 2 has/’s eaten 5 has/’s walked 2 app 5 physical
6 1; 6; 3; 5; 4; 2; 7 3 have flown 6 have met 3 temperature 6 antibiotics
7 1 ✘ 3 ✔ 5 ✔
4 1 We haven’t had a great time.  11 1 seen 4 broken
2 ✔ 4 ✘ 6 ✘ 2 He hasn’t eaten a sandwich for 2 Has 5 Have
lunch. 3 taken 6 eaten
 01 3 Katie and Dan haven’t flown in
8 a plane. Unit 2 Test A
P = Paul B = Beth 4 I haven’t done my homework.
P Hi, Beth. 5 Suzy hasn’t walked 25 kilometres  1 1 travel agent’s 4 bookshop
B Hi, Paul! Is that a photo of your in one day. 2 florist’s 5 clothes shop
family? Let me see. … Are those 6 My mum and dad haven’t met 3 supermarket 6 butcher’s
your parents? Ed Sheeran. 2 1 shoe shop – boots
P Yes and no! The bald man with 5 1 Have you tidied your room? 2 greengrocer’ss – a tomato
the glasses, in the white T-shirt, is 2 Have you or your sister seen Dan? 3 baker’s – a cake
my Uncle Peter. That’s my mum 3 Have you forgotten your books 4 newsagent’s – a magazine
on the left, the one wearing again? 5 chemist’s – medicine
earrings. 4 Has Jim fed the dog? 6 electrical store – a radio
B And is that your dad with the 5 Have you written the shopping
moustache, wearing jeans? 3 1 is going to play
list? 2 isn’t going to play
P Yes, that’s right. And that’s Aunt 6 Have I arrived on time?
Eva, my mum’s sister. Mum and 3 aren’t going to go swimming
her sister have both got dark hair, 6 1 the 4 days ago 4 are going to meet friends
but Aunt Eva’s hair is shorter. 2 sore throat 5 look  5 isn’t going to watch
B And that’s your sister Rosa! 3 start 6 Take them 6 is going to watch
P Yes. She’s smiling because she’s 7 1 ✘ 3 ✘ 5 ✔ 4 1 won’t be 4 won’t forget
wearing her new necklace. 2 ✔ 4 ✔ 6 ✘ 2 won’t lend 5 will/’ll help
B Why are you wearing your shorts 3 will/’ll get 6 won’t wait
in the photo, Paul? 02
P It was a hot day! 8 5 1 going 4 won’t
2 ’m going to 5 ’m not going to
J = Jane P = Pete
1 Uncle Peter 4 Aunt Eva 3 ’ll 6 will
J Hi, Pete. Have you heard about
2 Mum 5 Paul Chris? 6 4; 2; 6; 1; 5; 3
3 Rosa 6 Dad P No, what happened, Jane?
J He fell off his bike, and he’s
7 1 shop 4 closed
9 Students’ own answers 2 cheap 5 shops
broken his leg.
 10 1 Nadia is making dinner 3 easy 6 clothes
P Really? How did it happen?
2 Where does Jack live? J I’m not sure, but I think he was
3 I don’t know your phone number. cycling home from school. A little
4 Is Sara helping Joe? girl ran into the road, and Chris
5 We’re playing football. fell off when he stopped his bike
6 I can’t hear the music, please very quickly.
turn it up.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests

Tests A Answer key  1
Steps Forward 3 Tests A Answer key

 03 3 1 You must come here! L I agree. My mum often watches

8 2 You must wait for me! romantic dramas. She says it’s
R = Rosie, E = Ellen 3 You mustn’t touch that paint! because they make her feel happy,
R Hi, Ellen! You know it was my 4 You mustn’t miss the train! but she usually cries at the end!
birthday on Wednesday? Well, 5 You must listen to the teacher! M Well, my dad loves westerns.
guess what? My aunts and uncles 6 You must wear a hat! He likes characters that are
gave me lots of money. Do you 4 1 You should eat a lot of fruit and straightforward and easy to
want to help me spend it? vegetables. understand.
E Thanks, Rosie. That sounds fun! I 2 You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets. L I think westerns are boring!
love shopping! What do you want 3 You should play a lot of sport.
to do? Where do you want to go? g o? 4 You should do something nice 1 f 4 a
R Well, it’s my party tomorrow
tomorrow,, so for someone every day. 2 e 5 b
I’d like to go to the hairdresser’s 5 You shouldn’t watch TV all the 3 c 6 d
and have my hair cut. I’d like to time.
visit that new shoe shop, too. 6 You shouldn’t get angry
angr y with 9 Students’ own answers
E What are you looking for, some your friends.  10 1 film crew
new trainers? 2 key pad
R No, I want some nice shoes to 5 1 have to 4 well
2 slowly 5 don’t have to
3 museum exhibit
wear at my party. Then, we’re
we’re 4 TV presenter
going to find the best clothes 3 doesn’t have to 6 late
5 happy ending
shop in town. 6 1 can I help you? 6 ring tone
E You’ll
Yo u’ll need to go to the bank first! 2 teens or children
R Well, my money is in the post 3 three teens
 11 1 to 4 don’t
office, so let’s go there now. 2 not 5 loud
4 Which screen
E The post office is near Green’s, s, the 3 does 6 do
5 Number three
department store. You can buy 6 Enjoy the film
everything in one place. Unit 4 Test A
R Do they sell newspapers? Dad 7 1 exciting 4 scene
asked me to buy one. And I must 2 slowly 5 crew  1 1 hot-air balloon 4  hovercraft
3 boring 6 complicated 2 helicopter 5 underground
remember to go to the chemist’s
3 cable car 6 motorbike
to buy Mum’s medicine. And … 04
8 2 1 taxi 4 moped
1 ✔ 4 ✔ 2 ferry 5 lorry
M = Molly, L = Leo
2 ✘ 5 ✘ 3 tram 6 boat
M What’s your favourite TV
3 ✘ 6 ✔
3 1 Were you late for school this
programme, Leo?
9 Students’ own answers L Hmm, let me think. I like science morning?
fiction because there’s usually a 2 It wasn’t cold last Saturday.
 10 1 lend 4 opening times
complicated story. The Doctor 3 Gina and Ella weren’t at home
2 fit 5 till yesterday.
Who series is great, and there’s
3 Excuse me 6 try on
a new programme on Sunday 4 This kite was my favourite toy.
 11 1 changing room evenings, but I can’t remember 5 When was the first flight?
2 I promise. what it’s called. 6 How many people were at the
3 I can’t afford it. M Oh yes. I saw that last week. And park today?
4 Pardon? do you like action films? 4 1 arrived 4 stopped
5 Wait a minute! L I love action films! They’re really
2 went 5 tidied
6 I haven’t got enough money. exciting! But a lot of the good
3 bought 6 flew
ones are on TV late at night, so
Unit 3 Test A I can’t watch them. What about 5 1 was 4 waited
you? What sort of films do you 2 bought 5 arrived
 1 1 science fiction film like, Molly? 3 read 6 were
2 romantic drama M I like comedies. Anything that’s
3 western 6 1; 5; 3; 6; 2; 4
funny and makes me laugh. Oh,
4 crime film and animated films like Toy Story . 7 1 ✘ 4 ✘
5 war film L I saw Toy Story 1 when I was 2 ✔ 5 ✔
6 historical drama younger. It was good. 3 ✘ 6 ✔

2 1 boring 4 exciting M You should see Toy Story 2 and 3, as

2 straightforward 5 fast-moving well! I like animated films because
3 happy 6 funny the stories are fast-moving.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests

Tests A Answer key 2
Steps Forward 3 Tests A Answer key

 05 4 1 Did you get up at 7 o’clock  2 1 beef 4 cream

8 today? 2 cabbage 5 salmon
R = Ruth, B = Ben 2 Did Ben have a bath yesterday? 3 melon
3 Did Eva eat pizza last night?
R Hi, Ben! How are you? You weren’t
4 Did you meet your friends at the
3 1 an 4 a
at Claire’s party. Were you away 2 some 5 any
last week? weekend?
3 any 6 The
B Yes, I was. I stayed with my 5 Did they go to the cinema on
cousins, and I had an amazing Monday? 4 1 any 4 some
time. 6 Did Connor and Sam play 2 some 5 any
R Lucky you! What did you do? football on Sunday? 3 a 6 an
B We went to lots of different places. 5 1 Give me the book. 5 1 some 4 some
My cousins live near the sea, and 2 Don’t touch that laptop. 2 the 5 an
it’s really beautiful. On the first day, 3 Tell me your name. 3 a 6 any
we took a ferry over to an island. 4 Don’t talk in the library.
It was a really hot day, so we went 5 Take off your coat.
6 1 Can you come? 4 I’m afraid
for a swim in the sea. 2 I’d love to. 5 Never mind
6 Don’t drop litter in the park.
R Cool! 3 What time 6 Next time
B Then we played on the beach. 6 1 Bad luck! 4 Oh, dear!
7 1 favourite 4 unhealthy
We saw some fantastic boats. 2 Poor you! 5 You’re so lucky!
2 how 5 tastes
I wanted to go on one of them, 3 Cool! 6 That’ss a shame.
3 learns 6 cousin
but there wasn’t time. 7 1 ✘ 4 ✘
R That’s a pity. 2 ✔ 5 ✔
B Yes, but the next day, we travelled 3 ✘ 6 ✘ 8
to an interesting little village. It C = Claire, S = Sandra
wasn’t near the sea; it was on a hill. C We need to buy lots of things for
We went to the top of the hill on 8 Suzy’s birthday picnic.
foot, and there was a great view. Do you like making new friends? Do S OK. Let’s make a list.
R Wow,, it sounds like you had a
Wow you like sport? Come and join our C Good idea! We haven’t got any
really good time, Ben! new sports clubs for 10–18 year olds lemonade, so let’s get five bottles
B Yes, I want to go again soon!
s oon! at the Evergreen Sports Centre. of lemonade.
Can you play hockey? Why don’t you S Five bottles of lemonade. There’s
1 cousins 4 boats  join our team? Meet at five o’
o’clock on some orange juice in the fridge,
2 ferry 5 a hill Tuesdays on the hockey pitch. Don’t too.
3 hot 6 on foot forget to bring your mouthguard and C Yes, so we don’t need to buy any
orange juice. Hmm … we’ve got
9 Students’ own answers shin pads!
five pizzas, so we don’t need any
 10 Or do you want to play basketball?
1 platform 4 screamed more. We’ve
We’ve got some bread, but
Basketball club is on Thursdays at
2 explorer 5 east we haven’t got any ham. Let’s get
four o’clock in the gym. You don’t
3 south 6 free some ham for the sandwiches.
have to bring anything but wear
 11 S Ham. Yes,
Yes, and Suzy
S uzy loves
1 missed 4 change trains trainers.
sausages, so let’s get lots of those,
2 running late 5 Never mind Get fit and have fun. Try an Evergreen too. And what about crisps?
3 good news 6  just in time sports club this week. C Oh yes. We need lots of crisps.
S Crisps … and fruit?
Unit 5 Test A 1 sports club 4 shin pads C Well, we’ve got some apples, but
2 Evergreen 5 4 o’clock 
 1 1 towel 4 hoop we can get some oranges and
3 hockey 6 trainers grapes, too.
2 shuttlecock 5 racket
3 bat 6 goal 9 Students’ own answers
1 ✘ 4 ✔
2 1 body 4 legs  10 1 medal 4 strips 2 ✔ 5 ✘
2 eyes 5 head 2 terrible 5 trap 3 ✘ 6 ✔
3 teeth 6 hands 3 equipment 6 pitch
9 Students’ own answers
3 1 Mark didn’t paint the picture.  11 1 You’re 4 moment
2 We didn’t open our presents. 2 Anna’s 5 does  10 1 organic 4 traditional
3 Mum didn’t buy ten pizzas. 3 Be 6 do 2 waitress 5 horrible
4 They didn’t have a great time on 3 taste 6 decorate
holiday. Unit 6 Test A
5 I didn’t study for my exams
yesterday.  1 1 chicken 4 cabbage
6 Karen didn’t chat to her best 2 garlic 5 carrots
friend for an hour. 3 cherries 6 strawberries

Steps Forward 3 • Tests

Tests A Answer key 3
Steps Forward 3 Tests A Answer key

 11 1 the twenty-first of March 1 giraffe 4 eight A Go on  then! Tell me about it!

2 the tenth of April 2 neck 5 snake M OK. It was a stormy night, and a
3 the sixteenth of May 3 octopus 6 dangerous young boy was sleeping in his
4 the third of August
5 the second of September
9 Students’ own answers bedroom. But the wind was very
strong. It blew open his
6 the thirtieth of November  10 1 foggy 4 habitat bedroom window. A cup on the
2 branch 5 endangered windowsill fell on the floor, and
Unit 7 Test A 3 hailing 6 weak  the boy woke up. When he sat up
 1 1 e 4 c  11 1 Madrid is warmer than London. in bed, he saw …
2 d 5 f  2 Patrick is the tallest boy in our A Yes, go on.
3 b 6 a class. M Well, the room was dark, so he
3 The history museum is more didn’t know exactly what he saw
2 1 funny 4 friendly interesting than the transport … but it looked
looked like a woman.
2 cute 5 intelligent museum. She was sitting at the end of his
3 dangerous 6 beautiful 4 Is English easier than French? bed.
3 1 nicer 4 more difficult 5 She isn’t as intelligent as her sister. A What did the boy do?
2 better 5 colder 6 Who’s the best singer in the M He was scared  so he stayed very

3 uglier 6 bigger world? still and quiet. The woman looked

at him for about half a minute;
4 1 windiest 4 hottest
Unit 8 Test A then she stood up, walked over to
2 best 5 most beautiful the window, closed it and walked
3 the smallest 6 worst  1 1 sofa 4 painting out of the room.
2 carpet 5 windowsill A Wow! What happened next?
5 1 than 4 the nicest
3 mirror 6 fireplace
2 more 5 good M Nothing. But the next morning,
3 as 6 nicer 2 1 lamp 4 vase when the boy woke up, he found
2 curtains 5 armchair his cup on the floor  and his

5; 1; 3; 4; 2; 6 bedroom window was closed. …

3 radiator 6 rug
7 1 an interesting 4 drive But that was only the first part of
2 all over the world 5 bus
3 1 don’t 4  aren’t the story. I’m looking forward to
2 looking 5 is finding out what happens next!
3 animals 6 can’t
3 do 6  doing
 08 No, he doesn’t.
4 1 did 4 weren’t 1
8 2 snowing 5 go 2 Yes, they have.
M = Mark, C = Cathy, J = Joe 3 didn’t 6 enjoy 3 No, he didn’t.
M Let’s play a game. Listen to my 4 Yes, he was.
description of an animal, and say 5 1 were getting up 5 No, she didn’t.
what it is. 2 was having 6 No, he didn’t.
C OK, that sounds fun! 3 wasn’t having
4 was walking 9 Students’ own answers
M Right … this animals has got
spots … 5 weren’t waiting  10 1 fake 4  unexpected
C Is it a cheetah? 6 were travelling 2 solve 5  thief 
M No. It’s got a long neck. 6 1 e 4 b 3 fingerprints 6  fictional
J Mmm. Longer than a cheetah’s 2 c 5 f   11 1 It looks brilliant.
neck? 3 a 6 d 2 Good job!
C I know it’s
it ’s a giraffe! That’s strange.
M Yes. Your turn. 7 1 ✘ 4 ✔ 3
2 ✔ 5 ✔ 4 I don’t believe it.
C This animal lives in the sea, but it 5 creature
isn’t a fish. 3 ✘ 6 ✘
6 Come on!
J It’s a dolphin. 09
C No. It’s got a lot of legs.
M That’s easy. It’s an octopus.
A = Amy, M = Max
C It wasn’t as easy as your question.
A Do you believe in ghosts, Max?
M My turn again. This animal hasn’t
M No, but I love reading ghost
got arms or legs, and it’it ’s very
stories. What about you, Amy?
A Mmm. Yes,
Yes, I quite like ghost
J Is it a shark.
stories, but not when I’m alone at
M No. It doesn’t live in the sea.
J I know; it’
it ’s a snake.
M Well, I was reading a scary story
last night.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests

Tests A Answer key 4
Steps Forward 3 Tests B Answer key

Welcome Test B  11 1 Let’s go and see. J Yes. I don’t think she saw Chris.
2 department store
 1 1 drums 4 tracksuit bottoms
3 That’s funny!
She was running across the road
2 hoodie 5 guitar to her friends and didn’t look. It’s
4 David is medium height. amazing that she wasn’t hurt.
3 wavy hair 6 bald
5 Really? P How is Chris?
2 1 hospital 4 island 6 a cliff  J He went to the hospital for an
2 blond 5 tambourine X-ray, but he’s at home now.
3 chef 6 builder Unit 1 Test B I went round to his house
3 1 likes 4 don’t watch  1 1 a headache 4 a black eye yesterday evening.
2 doesn’t’ play 5 Does, live 2 a broken leg 5 a sprained ankle P Poor Chris!
3 Do, speak 6  knows 3 a sore throat 6 stomach ache
1 5 4 4
4 1 is 4 is 2 1 cut 4 cold 2 6 5 2
2 are 5 ‘re 2 toothache 5 cough 3 3 6 1
3 isn’t 6 ‘m not 3 temperature 6 earache
9 Students’ own answers
5 1 Take out 4 switch off  3 1 ’ve had 4  have/’ve done
2 Pick up 5 sit down 2 have met 5 have flown
 10 1 fit 4 temperature
3 look down 6 Put on 3 has/’s eaten 6 have/’ve run 2 sleepy 5 antibiotics
3 app 6 physical
6 6; 4; 2; 3; 5 4 1 We haven’t had a great time.
2 Sam and Ted haven’t met Roger
 11 1 seen 4 taken
7 1 ✔ 4 ✘
2 broken 5 Have
2 ✔ 5 ✔
3 The dog hasn’t eaten its dinner. 3 eaten 6 Has
3 ✘ 6 ✘
4 I haven’t done judo.
 01 5 Spencer and Abi haven’t flown in Unit 2 Test B
8 planes.  1 1 travel agent’s 4 florist’s
P = Paul B = Beth 6 We haven’t run ten kilometres. 2 supermarket 5 butcher’s
P Hi, Beth. 5 1 Have you tidied your room? 3 bookshop 6 clothes shop
B Hi, Paul! Is that a photo of your 2 Have you forgotten your
family? Let me see. … Are those 2 1 shoe shop – boots
shopping list again? 2 newsagent’s – a magazine
your parents? 3 Has Dad fed the cat?
P Yes and no! The bald man with 3 electrical store – a radio
4 Have I arrived early? 4 greengrocer’ss – some apples
the glasses, in the white T-shirt, is 5 Have you or Eric seen that film?
my Uncle Peter. That’s my mum 5 baker’s – some bread
6 Have you done your homework? 6 chemist’s – medicine
on the left, the one wearing
earrings. 6 1 the 4 days ago 3 1 is going to play
B And is that your dad with the 2 earache 5 look  2 isn’t going to play
moustache, wearing jeans? 3 did 6 Take it 3 isn’t going to
P Yes, that’s right. And that’s Aunt 7 1 ✘ 4 ✔ 4 is going to
Eva, my mum’s sister. Mum and 2 ✔ 5 ✔ 5 are going to go
her sister have both got dark hair, 3 ✔ 6 ✘ 6 aren’t going to meet
but Aunt Eva’s hair is shorter.
B And that’s your sister Rosa! 02 4 1 won’t be 4 ’ll get
2 ’ll help 5 won’t forget
P Yes. She’s smiling because she’s 8 3 won’t wait 6 won’t lend
wearing her new necklace. J = Jane P = Pete
B Why are you wearing your shorts J Hi, Pete. Have you heard about 5 1 going 4 won’t
in the photo, Paul? Chris? 2 ’m going to 5 ’m not going to
P It was a hot day! P No, what happened, Jane? 3 ’ll 6 ’re going to
J He fell off his bike, and he’s
1 Uncle Peter 4 Mum broken his leg.
6 5; 1; 3; 2; 6; 4
2 Dad 5 Paul P Really? How did it happen? 7 1 shop 4 closed
3 Rosa 6 Aunt Eva J I’m not sure, but I think he was 2 cheap 5 shops
9 Students’ own answers cycling home from school. A little 3 easy 6 clothes
girl ran into the road, and Chris
 10 1 Nadia is making dinner fell off when he stopped his bike
2 We’re watching TV. very quickly.
3 Is Ed helping Maria? P Was the girl OK?
4 Where does Anna live?
5 I don’t like pop music.
6 The music is too loud, please
turn it down.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests B Answer key 5

Steps Forward 3 Tests B Answer key

 03 3 1 You must come here! L I agree. My mum often watches

8 2 You mustn’t miss the bus!
bus ! romantic dramas. She says it’s
R = Rosie, E = Ellen 3 You must wait for us! because they make her feel happy,
R Hi, Ellen! You know it was my 4 You must wear your gloves! but she usually cries at the end!
birthday on Wednesday? Well, 5 You mustn’t touch the dogs! M Well, my dad loves westerns.
guess what? My aunts and uncles 6 You must listen to your parents! He likes characters that are
gave me lots of money. Do you 4 1 You should eat a lot of fruit and straightforward and easy to
want to help me spend it? vegetables. understand.
E Thanks, Rosie. That sounds fun! I 2 You shouldn’t play computer L I think westerns are boring!
love shopping! What do you want games all the time.
to do? Where do you want to go? g o? 3 You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets 1 b 4 a
R Well, it’s my party tomorrow
tomorrow,, so and chocolate. 2 c 5 d
I’d like to go to the hairdresser’s 4 You should play a lot of sport. 3 f 6 e
and have my hair cut. I’d like to 5 You shouldn’t get angry
angr y with
visit that new shoe shop, too.
9 Students’ own answers
your family.
E What are you looking for, some 6 You should be nice to people.  10 1 film crew 4 museum exhibit
new trainers? 2 key pad 5 TV presenter
R No, I want some nice shoes to 5 1 have to 4 doesn’t have to 3 ring tone 6 happy ending
wear at my party. Then, we’re
we’re 2 don’t have to 5 late
going to find the best clothes 3 quickly 6 well  11 1 You must to listen carefully.
2 You shouldn’t not sit there.
shop in town. 6 1 can I help you? 3 I don’t must do my homework.
E You’ll
Yo u’ll need to go to the bank first! 2 teens or adults 4 He does has to arrive at two
R Well, my money is in the post 3 two teens o’clock.
office, so let’s go there now. 4 Which screen 5 She sang happy and played
E The post office is near Green’s, s, the 5 Number five happily.
department store. You can buy 6 Enjoy the film 6 They don’t mustn’t be late.
everything in one place.
R Do they sell newspapers? Dad 7 1 exciting 4 slowly
asked me to buy one. And I must 2 crew 5 boring Unit 4 Test B
3 complicated 6 scene
remember to go to the chemist’s  1 1 hot-air balloon
to buy Mum’s medicine. And … 04 2 hovercraft
8 3 cable car
1 ✔ 4 ✘ 4 motorbike
M = Molly,
Molly, L = Leo
2 ✔ 5 ✔ 5 helicopter
M What’s your favourite TV
3 ✘ 6 ✔ 6 underground
programme, Leo?
9 Students’ own answers L Hmm, let me think. I like science 2 1 taxi 4 moped
fiction because there’s usually a 2 ship 5 tram
 10 1 lend 4 opening times complicated story. The Doctor
2 Excuse me 5 fit 3 ferry 6 lorry
Who series is great, and there’s
3 till 6 try on a new programme on Sunday 3 1 Were you late for school?
 11 1 changing room evenings, but I can’t remember 2 When was the first flight?
2 I haven’t got enough money. what it’s called. 3 The twins weren’t at school on
3 I promise. M Oh yes. I saw that last week. And Friday.
4 Wait a minute! do you like action films? 4 It was cold last weekend.
5 Pardon? L I love action films! They’re really 5 How many people were at the
6 I can’t afford it. exciting! But a lot of the good exhibition yesterday?
ones are on TV late at night, so 6 This model wasn’t my favourite
Unit 3 Test B I can’t watch them. What about

you? What sort of films do you 4 1 arrived 4 stopped
1 science fiction film like, Molly? 2 tidied 5 flew
2 horror film M I like comedies. Anything that’s 3 went 6 bought
3 crime film funny and makes me laugh. Oh,
4 war film and animated films like Toy Story . 5 1 was 4 weren’t
5 musical L I saw Toy Story 1 when I was 2 bought 5 were
6 historical drama younger.. It was good.
younger 3 waited 6 read
2 1 boring 4 serious M You should see Toy Story 2 and 3, as 6 3; 1; 5; 6; 4; 2
2 fast-moving 5 happy well! I like animated films because
the stories are fast-moving. 7 1 ✘ 4 ✘
3 straightforward 6 exciting 2 ✘ 5 ✘
3 ✔ 6 ✔

Steps Forward 3 • Tests B Answer key 6

Steps Forward 3 Tests B Answer key

 05 5 Chloe didn’t buy a magazine.  11 1 You’re 4 moment

6 We didn’t have a good time at 2 does Be
8 the party.
R = Ruth, B = Ben 3 do 6 Pete’s
R Hi, Ben! How are you? You weren’t 4 1 Did you get up at 7 o’clock 
at Claire’s party. Were you away today? Unit 6 Test B
last week? 2 Did Sarah eat chips yesterday?
Did Tom have a shower last night?
 1 1 chicken 4 strawberries
B Yes, I was. I stayed with my 3
2 cabbage 5 carrots
cousins, and I had an amazing 4 Did Kate and Amy play tennis on
3 garlic 6 cherries
time. Sunday?
R Lucky you! What did you do? 5 Did they go to the swimming 2 1 pork 4 yoghurt
B We went to lots of different pool on Monday? 2 cabbage 5 salmon
places. My cousins live near the 6 Did you meet your friends on 3 melon
sea, and it’s really beautiful. On Friday?
3 1 an 4 any
the first day, we took a ferry over 5 1 Give me the book. 2 an 5 The
to an island. It was a really hot 2 Tell me your phone number. 3 some 6 any
day, so we went for a swim in the 3 Don’t talk in the theatre.
sea. 4 Put on your coat.
4 1 any 4 any
R Cool! 2 some 5 an
5 Don’t drop litter in the park.
B Then we played on the beach. 3 some 6 a
6 Don’t touch my camera.
We saw some fantastic boats. I 5 1 some 4 any
wanted to go on one of them, but 6 1 Cool!
2 the 5 a
there wasn’t time. 2 That sounds fun.
3 an 6 any
R That’s a pity. 3 Oh, dear!
B Yes, but the next day, we travelled 4 That’ss a shame.
That’ 6 1 Can you come?
to an interesting little village. It 5 Cool! 2 That sounds great
wasn’t near the sea; it was on a 6 You’re so lucky. 3 What time
hill. We went to the top of the hill 4 I can’t
7 1 ✘ 4 ✔
5 Never mind
on foot, and there was a great 2 ✘ 5 ✔
view. 6 Sorry
3 ✘ 6 ✔
R Wow,, it sounds like you had a
Wow 7 1 favourite 4 healthy
really good time, Ben! 06
2 learn 5 fresh
B Yes, I want to go again soon!
s oon! 8 3 much 6 Scotland
1 cousins 4 boats Do you like making new friends? 07
2 ferry 5 a hill Do you like sport? Come and join our
new sports clubs for 10–18 year olds
3 hot 6 on foot C = Claire, S = Sandra
at the Evergreen Sports Centre.
9 Students’ own answers C We need to buy lots of things for
Can you play hockey? Why don’t you Suzy’s birthday picnic.
 10 1 platform 4 free  join our team? Meet at five o’
o’clock on S OK. Let’s make a list.
2 south 5 explorer Tuesdays on the hockey pitch. Don’t C Good idea! We haven’t got any
3 screamed 6 west forget to bring your mouthguard and lemonade, so let’s get five bottles
 11 1 missed 4 change trains shin pads! of lemonade.
2 running late 5 Never mind S Five bottles of lemonade. There’s
Or do you want to play basketball?
3 good news 6  just in time some orange juice in the fridge,
Basketball club is on Thursdays at
four o’clock in the gym. You don’t
C Yes, so we don’t need to buy any
Unit 5 Test B have to bring anything but wear
orange juice. Hmm … we’ve got
 1 trainers.
1 towel 4 bat five pizzas, so we don’t need any
2 racket 5 shuttlecock  Get fit and have fun. Try an Evergreen more. We’ve
We’ve got some bread, but
3 goal 6 hoop sports club this week. we haven’t got any ham. Let’s get
2 some ham for the sandwiches.
1 body 4 legs
1 sports club 4 mouthguard S Ham. Yes,
Yes, and Suzy
S uzy loves
2 head 5 eyes
2 Evergreen 5 Thursdays sausages, so let’s get lots of those,
3 hands 6 teeth
3 5 o’clock 6 trainers too. And what about crisps?
3 1 Mark didn’t paint the picture.
9 Students’ own answers
C Oh yes. We need lots of crisps.
2 Imogen didn’t open her presents. S Crisps … and fruit?
3 Wayne didn’t study for his exams  10 1 medal 4 equipment C Well, we’ve got some apples, but
this morning. 2 pitch 5 strips we can get some oranges and
4 I didn’t chat to Luke for half an 3 trap 6 terrible grapes, too.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests B Answer key 7

Steps Forward 3 Tests B Answer key

1 ✘ 4 ✔ 09
M My turn again. This animal hasn’t
2 ✘ 5 ✔
got arms or legs, and it’s very 8
3 ✔ 6 ✔
dangerous. A = Amy, M = Max
9 Students’ own answers J Is it a shark. A Do you believe in ghosts, Max?
M No. It doesn’t live in the sea. M No, but I love reading ghost
 10 1 organic 4 traditional J I know; it’s a snake. stories. What about you, Amy?
2 taste 5 waitress A Mmm. Yes,
Yes, I quite like ghost
3 decorate 6 horrible 1 giraffe 4 dolphin stories, but not when I’m alone
 11 1 the twenty-first of March 2 spots 5 snake at home!
2 the first of May 3 the sea 6 dangerous M Well, I was reading a scary story
3 the tenth of April last night.
9 Students’ own answers
A Go on then! Tell me about it!
4 the fifteenth of August
5 the second of September  10 1 foggy 4 endangered M OK. It was a stormy night, and a
6 the twenty-eighth of December 2 habitat 5 branch young boy was sleeping in his
3 weak 6 hailing bedroom. But the wind was very
Unit 7 Test B strong. It blew open his bedroom
 11 1 Madrid is warmer than London.
window. A cup on the windowsill
 1 1 e 4 b 2 The safari park is more
fell on the floor, and the boy woke
2 c 5 d interesting than the beach.
up. When he sat up in bed, he saw
3 d 6 a 3 Who’s the best actor in the UK?

4 Lois is the shortest girl in our class.
2 1 cute 4 interesting A Yes, go on.
5 Is science easier than maths?
2 beautiful 5 friendly M Well, the room was dark, so he
6 I’m not as intelligent as my
3 funny 6 dangerous didn’t know exactly what he saw
… but it looked like a woman. She
3 1 nicer 4 colder was sitting at the end of his bed.
2 uglier 5 bigger Unit 8 Test B A What did the boy do?
3 better 6 more difficult  1 1 sofa 4 fireplace M He was scared  so he stayed very

4 1 windiest 4 best 2 mirror 5 painting still and quiet. The woman looked
2 the smallest 5 hottest 3 carpet 6 windowsill at him for about half a minute;
3 worst 6 most beautiful then she stood up, walked over to
2 1 lamp 4 vase the window, closed it and walked
5 1 than 4 as 2 radiator 5 rug out of the room.
2 the best 5 more 3 armchair 6 curtains A Wow! What happened next?
3 more beautiful 6 good 3 1 don’t 4  speaks M Nothing. But the next morning
6 6; 1; 3; 5; 4; 2 2 looking 5  doing when the boy woke up, he found
3 not 6 get up his cup on the floor  and his

7 1 an interesting 4 drive bedroom window was closed. …

2 all over the world 5 bus 4 1 did 4 didn’t But that was only the first part of
3 animals 6 animal food 2 weren’t 5 enjoy the story. I’m looking forward to
3 raining 6 go finding out what happens next!
8 5 1 were getting up
2 wasn’t having 1 No, he doesn’t.
M = Mark, C = Cathy, J = Joe 2 Yes, they have.
3 was having
M Let’s play a game. Listen to my 3 No, he didn’t.
4 was walking
description of an animal, and say 4 Yes, he was.
5 weren’tt walking
weren’ walk ing
what it is. 5 No, she didn’t.
6 were waiting
C OK, that sounds fun! 6 No, he didn’t.
M Right … this animals has got 6 1 c 4 e
spots … 2 f 5 a 9 Students’ own answers
C Is it a cheetah? 3 b 6 d  10 1 fake
M No. It’s got a long neck.
J Mmm. Longer than a cheetah’s
7 1 ✘ 4 ✔ 2 unexpected
2 ✔ 5 ✔ 3 fingerprints
neck? 4 fictional
3 ✔ 6 ✘
C I know it’s
it ’s a giraffe! 5 solve
M Yes. Your turn. 6 thief
C This animal lives in the sea, but it
isn’t a fish.  11 1 It looks brilliant.
J It’s a dolphin. 2 Come on!
C No. It’s got a lot of legs. 3 I don’t believe it.
M That’s easy. It’s an octopus. 4 creature
C It wasn’t as easy as your question. 5 Good job!
6 That’s strange.

Steps Forward 3 • Tests B Answer key 8

Steps Forward 3 Tests C Answer key

Welcome Test C Unit 3 Test C 3 1 some 4 some

2 the 5 an
 1 1 e 4 a  1 1 d 4 e
3 a 6 any
2 d 5 f  2 f 5 c
3 c 6 b 3 a 6 b 4 1 ✘ 4 ✘
2 ✔ 5 ✘
2 1 b 4 a 2 1 b 4 a
3 ✔ 6 ✘
2 a 5 a 2 a 5 b
3 a 6 b 3 b 6 a
Unit 7 Test C
3 1 is 4 is 3 1 have to 4 well
2 ’re 5 isn’t 2 late 5 have  1 1 e 4 f 
3 ’m not 6 are 3 doesn’t have to 6 slowly 2 b 5 a
3 d 6 c
4 1 ✘ 4 ✔ 4 1 ✘ 4 ✔
2 ✔ 5 ✔ 2 ✔ 5 ✘
2 1 b 4 b
3 ✘ 6 ✘ 3 ✘ 6 ✔
2 a 5 a
3 a 6 b
Unit 1 Test C Unit 4 Test C 3 1 windiest 4 as
2 best 5 most beautiful
 1 1 a 4 f  1 1 b 4 d
3 the smallest 6 as
2 d 5 b 2 f 5 a
3 e 6 c 3 c 6 e 4 1 ✔ 4 ✔
2 ✘ 5 ✘
2 1 b 4 b 2 1 Were 4 stopped
3 ✔ 6 ✘
2 a 5 a 2 went 5 took 
3 b 6 b 3 visited 6 weren’t
Unit 8 Test C
3 1 Yes, I have. 3 1 was 4 waited
2 forgotten 2 bought 5 arrived  1 1 d 4 f 
3 No, he hasn’t. 3 read 6 were 2 a 5 c
4 Have 3 b 6 e
4 1 ✘ 4 ✘
5 No, we haven’t.
2 ✔ 5 ✔
2 1 don’t 4 aren’t
6 Have you done 2 looking 5 speaks
3 ✘ 6 ✔
4 1 ✘ 4 ✘
3 do 6 doing
2 ✔ 5 ✔ Unit 5 Test C 3 1 walking 4  weren’t
3 ✔ 6 ✔ 2 like 5 was
 1 1 body 4 hands
3 were you 6 was
2 legs 5 head
Unit 2 Test C 3 teeth 6 eyes 4 1 ✘ 4 ✔
 1 1 shoe shop – boots
2 1 didn’t paint 4 didn’t eat
2 ✔ 5 ✔
2 newsagent’s – a magazine 3 ✘ 6 ✘
2 didn’t buy 5 Did you go
3 post office – stamps
3 have 6 Yes, she did.
4 greengrocer’s – some apples
5 baker’s – some bread 3 1 Give
6 chemist’s – medicine 2 Don’t touch
3 Tell
2 1 is going to
4 Don’t talk 
2 isn’t going to
5 Take off 
3 isn’t going to
6 Don’t look down
4 is going to
5 are going to go 4 1 ✘ 4 ✔
6 aren’t going to meet 2 ✔ 5 ✔
3 ✘ 6 ✔
3 1 won’t be 4 won’t wait
2 won’t lend 5 will get
3 won’t help 6 won’t forget Unit 6 Test C
4 1 ✔ 4 ✔  1 1 chicken 4 cabbage
2 ✘ 5 ✘ 2 garlic 5 carrots
3 ✔ 6 ✘ 3 cherries 6 strawberries
2 1 an 4 a
2 some 5 any
3 any 6 The

Steps Forward 3 • Tests C Answer key 9

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