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# 046 Lizardfolk Village

The reclusive lizardfolk of the swamps and marshes live their quiet lives far away
from humanity. Lizardfolk are averse to intruders and untrusting of strangers; many
wanderers have found themselves served up as the tribe's main meal.

## Outside the Lair

1. Pools of rancid water are scattered around hummocks of reeds and moss.
2. Willow trees hang over the water, their tips brushing its fetid surface.
3. Speared heads surround a small pond of black, stagnant water. Flies swarm about
the remains.
4. A thick mire blocks progress. Tangled trees and fallen logs form a makeshift

## What’s Going On?

1. A lizardfolk confers with its fellows as it inspects tracks in the filthy mud
before pointing off to the left.
2. The lizardfolk sits on a rock tying feathers to its spear.
3. The lizardfolk is covered in blood from the small boar it is gutting.
4. Looking around warily, the lizardfolk hastily stuffs fungus into a sack before
getting up to leave.

## Major Lair Features

1. Set high in the stunted trees, hollow bone tubes emit weird moans in the wind.
2. A large tangle of ivy-strangled trees and reeds form a natural archway. Skulls
dangle over the well-worn path from rope-like vines.
3. Sharpened stakes, their tips smeared with black filth, form a makeshift
4. Small huts of rushes and logs perch high above the mire amid the branches of
mighty trees.

## Minor Lair Features

1. A wooden stand sits over a small fire pit. Long fish dry in the smoky air.
2. A gaggle of ducks, followed by several ducklings, waddles from a small shelter
into a pond.
3. Peat dries on a large rock next to several baskets of logs and tinder.
4. Lines of white animal skulls atop wooden stakes mark the paths through the
village. All the skulls have been picked clean by swamp scavengers.

## Lizardfolk’s Appearance

1. This lizardfolk holds a wicked-looking spear, and a chipped giant turtle shell
as a shield. Tribal markings decorate the shield.
2. The lizardfolk wears thick hide armour and skins over its vibrant green skin.
3. A bright red crest runs down the lizardfolk's head and upper spine.
4. Clad in rags adorned with colourful shells and polished bones this lizardfolk
also wears the remains of a hemp sack as a hood.

## Treasure

1. This highly polished shield of turtle shell features strange blue glyphs. The
shield is light and durable despite its seemingly shoddy construction.
2. Shells dangle from leather thongs twisted around this bone-tipped spear. Rings
of blue paint decorate its shaft.
3. This bowl carved from a chunk of solid oak has polished shells affixed to its
4. A well-oiled iron dagger lies on a rock altar like a venerated relic.

## Trinkets & Trash

1. Several pretty spotted eggshells lie broken in a small carven wood bowl.
2. A sturdy ash pole, as long as a tall lizardfolk, awaits a spear tip.
3. A small pot with a leather top secured with twine holds blue clay paints.
4. A broken basket contains a score or so sharp shards of flint ready to be made
into spear tips.

## Credit

This is a short system-neutral extract from *Monstrous Lair 14: Lizardfolk Village*
by Steve Hood.

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