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MSc International Business

International Entrepreneurship

Sep 2021



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Coursework 1
Case Study on an International Entrepreneur

Part A
Linda Bennett was born in 1962 in London, the United Kingdom. She is an
entrepreneur, clothing designer, and well regarded for her fashion brand which is known
as L.K Bennett (About - Linda Bennett, 2016). LK Bennett is well known for producing
and selling different kinds of readymade collections of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.
It is a private company and found around 31 years ago (Roberts, 2017). The
headquarter of the brand is situated in London England. In the present day, the
company has been operating in many countries such as Spain, the Netherlands, the
United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, etc. Globally it has around 130
stores (Bryant, 2005). The net worth of the company is £100m. According to Kizner
(2015), the major concept of entrepreneurship is that they are always alert regarding the
condition and they always try to find out the way through which they can sell the product
at a higher price than they have bought at a relatively lower price. The activities of L.K
Bennett have always been like that. the company has always tried to manufacture the
clothes at a relatively cheaper rate and sell them at a higher rate to the customer
(Akbar, 2004). Not only that the company also looks for customer satisfaction and
produces a product as such that will be able to achieve that.
Motivation to set up the venture
The mother of Linda Bennett was a fashion retail entrepreneur. That is why she had a
sense of fashion from an early age and her work was greatly influenced by her mother.
Along with that, she was also a student from the University of Reading which is well
known for its research and development (Segal et al., 2005). So, she had theoretical
knowledge regarding entrepreneurship as well. All these things have influenced her
work immensely and have provided a great path towards fashion designing and
becoming an entrepreneur through it. So, it can be said that the familiar influence, some

private experience in this field as well as the education have motivated her to start her
new venture regarding fashion designing which is called L.K Bennett (Raza et al.,
Trait theories to chosen IE: entrepreneurs born or made 
There are certain traits that an entrepreneur holds. All these traits may vary from an
entrepreneur to other entrepreneurs. sometimes it is believed that entrepreneurs are
born with the quality that is required to become an entrepreneur (Fleeson, 2015). On the
other hand, some believe that entrepreneurial attributes can be achieved through effort,
practices, and dedication. In terms of the entrepreneurial attributes of Linda Bennett, it
can be seen that she wasn't a by-born entrepreneur, rather she had to obtain the
attributes that are required to become an entrepreneur (Manocha, 2011). The reasons
behind that have been described as follow:
Entrepreneurship Needs Innovation
Entrepreneurship is related to creating some new plan which helps the entrepreneur to
think differently from others. the entrepreneurs need to have the innovative capability
which will differ their business or venture from the other businesses (Dollinger,
2008). Linda Bennett has been an innovative entrepreneur. She just doesn't
manufacture traditional clothing and accessories through her company, rather she
produces various kinds of customized and designed clothing, accessories, shoes, etc.
People can easily rely on her company because of her innovative capability (Eckhardt
and Shane, 2003). There are many high-profile personalities of the United Kingdom who
rely heavily on their customized dresses, shoes, and accessories on the L.K Bennett.
The company has made customized wedding shoes for the Duchess of Cornwall at the
wedding of Prince Charles. 
Entrepreneurship Needs Experience
In order to become a successful entrepreneur, experience is a must. One cannot simply
become an entrepreneur without having sufficient experience regarding the venture that
he or she is trying to start (Parker, 2018). Linda Bennett has also become efficient by
gaining sufficient experience. As described earlier, her mother was also a fashion
retailer and designer. So, it was easier for her together a certain amount of experience

at home from her mother. This experience has become precious in her way of work
(Fueglistaller et al., 2004).
Entrepreneurship requires knowledge
Knowledge is also an important component that helps an entrepreneur to become
successful. This knowledge can be theoretical or practical (Zagzebski, 2017).  Linda
Bennett was a graduate of the University of Reading and it helps hard to have much
greater knowledge regarding the fashion sense. This fashion sense has helped to
execute operations while designing clothing and other accessories.
Entrepreneurship requires coordination
The entrepreneur must have the ability to coordinate all the work within the organization
to achieve success. in LK Bennett, All the employees and workers are coordinated with
their work. there are certain regulations and rules which are needed to be followed by
the employees working in the organization (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 2007).
So, it can be concluded that Linda Bennett isn’t a born entrepreneur. Rather she had to
achieve the attributes to become a successful entrepreneur.
Effectuation theories by Sarasvathy
Effectuation theories of Sarasvathy help the entrepreneurs to take a decision and work
according to the decision to achieve the aims and organizational goal. The effectuation
principle that can be applied to Linda Bennett is the Bird in Hand Theory (Arend, 2015).
Bird in Hand theory refers that the solution must be created with the available resources
of the organization.  L.K Bennett has been doing that quite obviously. The company has
been producing quality clothing, bags, shoes, and accessories so that it can satisfy the
targeted customers. Along with that, it makes the proper utilization of the raw materials
and resources, that are available to it in a certain time frame. So, it can be said that the
organization depends on the birds in hand theory of Saravathy (Matalamäki, 2017). 
Lessons Drawn from Linda Bennett
The Desire of Achieving Success is the Main Indicator 
Every individual should have a desire that he or she wants to achieve in his or her life.
Setting up an aim is crucial because it helps an individual to work according to his plan
to achieve the aim. 

Utilizing the Resources Properly

 in order to become a successful entrepreneur, one needs to utilize the resources
properly. At the beginning of the establishment of the new venture, the resources may
not be that much greater compared to other big firms. The new venture needs to
capitalize on what it has and make the most out of it.
The willingness to take chances important
An entrepreneur wants to do well in his operation, he needs to have the willingness to
take chance. Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy task. He or she needs to have
the dedication, hard work, and inspiration to become an efficient entrepreneur. Along
with that, an entrepreneur needs to take the chances that may or may not go in his
favor. If an entrepreneur isn’t willing to take any risk, he or she will not be able to
become a great entrepreneur.

About - Linda Bennett, 2016. Linda Bennett. [online] Available at:
Akbar, A., 2004. Linda Bennett, queen of the kitten heel, walks tall among Britain's
business leaders. The Independent, [online] Available at:
britains-business-leaders-561766.html> [Accessed 6 December 2021].
Arend, R.J., Sarooghi, H. and Burkemper, A., 2015. Effectuation as ineffectual?
Applying the 3E theory-assessment framework to a proposed new theory of
entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Review, 40(4).
Bryant, J.G. and Elder, L.B. eds., 2005. Creating Women: An Interdisciplinary
Anthology of Readings on Women in Western Culture (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall.
Dollinger, M., 2008. Entrepreneurship. Marsh Publications.
Eckhardt, J.T. and Shane, S.A., 2003. Opportunities and entrepreneurship. Journal of
management, 29(3).
Fleeson, W. and Jayawickreme, E., 2015. Whole trait theory. Journal of research in
personality, 56.

Fueglistaller, U., Müller, C. and Volery, T., 2004. Entrepreneurship. Gabler Verlag.

Guy, S.J., Kim, S., Lin, M.C. and Manocha, D., 2011, August. Simulating heterogeneous
crowd behaviors using personality trait theory. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on computer animation.
Kirzner, I.M., 2015. Competition and entrepreneurship. University of Chicago press.
Matalamäki, M.J., 2017. Effectuation, an emerging theory of entrepreneurship–towards
a mature stage of the development. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise
Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H., 2007. The knowledge-creating company. Harvard
business review, 85(7/8).
Parker, S.C., 2018. The economics of entrepreneurship. Cambridge University Press.
Raza, S.A., Qazi, W. and Shah, N., 2018. Factors affecting the motivation and intention
to become an entrepreneur among business university students. International Journal
of Knowledge and Learning, 12(3).
Roberts, L., 2017. [online] Available at:
Segal, G., Borgia, D. and Schoenfeld, J., 2005. The motivation to become an
entrepreneur. International journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & research.
Zagzebski, L., 2017. What is knowledge?. The Blackwell guide to epistemology.

Part B
Theme and Definition
The entrepreneur that I have chosen falls in the category of Social Entrepreneurship.
Social entrepreneurship is a process through which the resources are utilized properly
so that social values can be increased (Mair et al., 2006). Increasing the social value is
important for any business because the main component of a business is the consumer
lives in a society. Linda Bennett is an entrepreneur who works for the betterment of the
employees working in her organization as well as tries to achieve social betterment
through her work. Many employees are working in her organization which is L.K
Bennett. The employees and other managers are getting incentives from the
organization. The organization is also providing designed readymade clothing, shoes,
and accessories to the consumers which are providing satisfaction to the customers as
well (Peredo and McLean, 2006).
Features of the chosen theme and the application to Linda Bennett
In order to become a successful entrepreneur, one needs to become inspired by any of
the activities. For Linda Bennett, the main inspiration was her mother because her
mother was also a fashion designer which motivated Linda in the early period.

Another major thing that a social entrepreneur needs to maintain is the available
resources. The effective use of the available resources can not only bring productivity
but also increase the social value and benefits as well. The L.K Bennett always tries to
utilize the resources properly in order to achieve customer satisfaction (Zauszniewski,
It is important to become successful in any business operation. Adaptability helps the
entrepreneur to adapt to the changing market situation and with the changing demand
of the customer. As clothing and shoes pattern change over time, that is why the
entrepreneur needs to become very proactive regarding the clothing sense of the

customer according to their demand. L.K Bennett has been able to identify those
demands and manufacture the products according to the customers’ needs (Reeves
and Deimler, 2011).
The current debate about social entrepreneurship
Although social entrepreneurship is a popular form of entrepreneurship, there are some
debates related to it as well. The lack of proper business strategy is one of the points.
An established business can extinct because of the lack of proper business strategy
(Dacin et al., 2011). Sometimes a social entrepreneur is so much busy with his own
profitability that, he or she doesn't think about the social values and how he or she can
work for the betterment of society. Sometimes social entrepreneurs may not get the
proper funding support that they need to establish as an entrepreneur. There are many
potential projects that are denied because of the lack of funding.

From the previous part can be observed that the theoretical and practical explanation of
social entrepreneurship is suitable for Linda Bennett. Through her entrepreneurial skill,
she has been able to provide a better working conditions, better life to the employees as
well as the consumers by providing them with a quality product (Kuratko, 2016). That is
why creating social value is very much important from the entrepreneurial aspect along
with the profitability of the business. Through this, the overall profitability of the business
and the society as a whole can be confirmed. 

Dacin, M.T., Dacin, P.A. and Tracey, P., 2011. Social entrepreneurship: A critique and
future directions. Organization science, 22(5), pp.1203-1213.
Kuratko, D.F., 2016. Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, and practice. Cengage
Mair, J., Robinson, J. and Hockerts, K. eds., 2006. Social entrepreneurship (Vol. 3).
New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Peredo, A.M. and McLean, M., 2006. Social entrepreneurship: A critical review of the
concept. Journal of world business, 41(1), pp.56-65.
Reeves, M. and Deimler, M., 2011. Adaptability: The new competitive advantage.
Zauszniewski, J.A., 2016. Resourcefulness.

Coursework 2
International Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Entrepreneurial opportunity is determined based on which recognizable preference of
the consumers to meet the viability of delivering the range of products or services to the
customer in question. In the business field, specific conditions must be met in order for
a concept to be transformed into a business opportunity.  In this report, the international
entrepreneur opportunities have been defined. Along with that the importance of the
international entrepreneurial opportunity has been discussed how the entrepreneur can
search for the opportunities as well as how he can capitalize on them. There are some
challenges regarding international entrepreneurship which have also been described
from the perspective of different methods. the authors have also provided their valuable
opinion regarding overcoming the challenges of international entrepreneurship. those
factors are also so been discussed in brief.

The role of the entrepreneur is to develop and initiate a project. He takes on all the
possible responsibilities that are needed to be taken in order to start a new venture
(Hébert and Link, 2010). An entrepreneur generally starts a business to gain a
predefined objective related to the organizational process. The success factor of an
entrepreneur depends much on the ability of an entrepreneur to capitalize on the market
opportunity that is presented to him. The international opportunity of the entrepreneur
has been explored as well as the definition of the entrepreneurial opportunity has also
been discussed here. The drivers that influence organizational entrepreneurship have
also been a key factor in terms of the opportunities of the international entrepreneur
(Santos-Álvarez and García-Merino, 2010). There are still some challenges regarding
the entrepreneurial activity of the organization. In order to minimize those challenges,
the entrepreneur must become proactive to figure out the challenges and mitigate them.

Defining International Entrepreneurial Opportunities 

When an opportunity is presented to an entrepreneur, he can be able to flourish
properly by utilizing the opportunity accordingly. According to Mathews and Zander
(2007), if the opportunity is not presented or if the entrepreneur cannot have the
opportunity properly, then it becomes difficult for the entrepreneur to flourish. There are
numerous procedures available for an entrepreneur to figure out the potential
opportunity (Santos-Álvarez and García-Merino, 2010). The potential opportunities can
provide the entrepreneur a head start that is needed to become successful in the newly
operated business. Because of the creative nature of the entrepreneurs, he can become
successful while taking risks and using his creative nature in the operational field.
According to Chandra et al (2009), Radical innovation is termed the most important
aspect of any reservation process. through radical innovation, the entrepreneur can
bring new kinds of goods and services as well as extend the product line in the
organization so that it can influence a great number of new customers. Through bringing
a positive change in the market and adopting related strategies of a company may
result in the creation of entrepreneurial opportunities (Garud and Giuliani, 2013). In

addition to that, the entrepreneur can buy raw materials from a relatively cheaper
market and sell the manufactured goods at a higher cost in the local market that also
represents an attractive opportunity to the entrepreneur (Lehto, 2015). The entrepreneur
can explore the changing market condition and try to figure out from which market it can
avail the most of the opportunity. It is true that in order to gain higher profitability, the
entrepreneur must take some risk. According to Treasure (2007) taking the help of
gambling cannot be viewed as an opportunity for an entrepreneur. There is a possibility
of both generating a profit or losing money in terms of taking the risk.

Importance of International Entrepreneurial Opportunity

In terms of the research in the field of entrepreneurship, there are several
interpretations regarding entrepreneurial opportunity. Managing different kinds of
methods by introducing new services and products by using the raw materials that can
be introduced to the pool of the organization making the organization profitable than the
earlier stage (McDougall, and Oviatt, 2000). Due to the fact that there are many
opportunities that come as a result of changes in different stages of the value chain of
an organization. Distinctive areas of opportunities can be available to the entrepreneur
from this perspective. According to Keupp, and Gassmann (2009), some opportunities
may arise as a result of the development of new services or newly from product lines,
others as a result of the development of new geographical areas, and still others as a
result of the development of new raw materials, the new product of manufacturing the
good, or newly formed organizational structure. On the other hand, believe that an
opportunity of an entrepreneur is majorly composed of a system of thoughts, religious
beliefs, and decisions that create conditions favorable to the development of new value
(Zahra et al., 2017). Innovation is another process through which the entrepreneur can
avail the entrepreneurial opportunity. through innovation, the entrepreneur can develop
new services and goods and make them available in the market that can satisfy the
customer's need. These innovative products and services can help the organization to
satisfy the customer as well as generate a good amount of profit. This innovation
process can provide a competitive advantage to the organization which can influence
the operational activity of the organization in the long run (Obrecht, 2004). 

The International Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Business

According to Fletcher, (2004), most of the methods have placed their strong emphasis
on the innovation opportunities created by the discovery of new means and
relationships, while others place a strong emphasis on the arbitrage opportunity created
by market inefficiencies. It has been said that the value creation process can be
executed in an organization through innovation and making the right use of the available
resources. The second type of opportunity focuses on value creation by an existing
venture concept. These opportunities can be thought of as equilibrium-based venture
opportunities that, through the process of creative destruction, shift markets away from
equilibrium when entrepreneurs develop new solutions Arbitrage opportunities, on the
other hand, arise as a result of the failure of the market mechanism to recognize the
alteration in the supply and the demand (Wright, and Dana, 2003). Kirzner's theory of
entrepreneurship holds that alert participants who add value by identifying and
exploiting current market conditions are welcome. Arbitrage opportunities are profit
opportunities created by market disequilibrium, which can be seen as a means of
bringing markets closer to an equilibration (Lewin, 2015).

Though the definition of opportunity in business defers, everyone Has agreed to the fact
that the opportunity doesn't come in a pre-packaged form rather the opportunities are
needed to be figured out by the entrepreneur (Zahra, 2021). When it comes to
increasing the value of the organization, the entrepreneurs and different business
organizations can influence the procedure through exercising various activities.
entrepreneurial opportunities may not arise unless the entrepreneur takes appropriate
actions to make them available. So, it is the quality of an entrepreneur to figure out the
available opportunity that can be e utilized so that the organization can become
profitable. According to Young et al., (2003), this can include the newly introduced
service and products in the product line of an organization to add more value to the
satisfaction of the customer. The Entrepreneurial opportunity-centered activities as a
reasoned way of coordinating data to build a tactical business model, gathering and
interpreting information to identify economic or technology gaps. 

Searching for the available opportunities is not the only e duty of the entrepreneurs,
rather the entrepreneurs search for the available opportunities and make the most of
them when the opportunities are availed (Chandra, 2009). The entrepreneur must
identify the appropriate data sources from which he can be able to predict the future
based on the assumption. if the predicted outcome and the actual outcome become
closely related, it becomes easier for the entrepreneur to get the opportunity and utilize
it (Mtigwe, 2006). Opportunity is not discovered but is created and converted all along
the way, manifesting itself in entrepreneurial activity as a result of this transformation.
As an alternative to searching and analyzing, entrepreneurs take action and watch to
see how customers and markets react to their decisions 

Several authors have attempted to bridge the gap between the two perspectives.
Numerous entrepreneurship scholars have acknowledged that in practice, both actual
and perceived possibilities may be noticeable in the form of business possibilities. Some
authors go a step further and argue that both actual and perceived features can be
prevalent in just the same opportunity and that this is true even when the opportunity is
limited. According to their model, this is accomplished by highlighting the procedural
essence of entrepreneurial orientation, in terms of the importance of business properties
with respect to the search mode of the entrepreneur (Coviello, and Jones, 2004).

Challenges of International Entrepreneurship in Business

The authors have different opinions regarding the challenges that the international
entrepreneur has to face during his operational activity. Though the opinion differs, they
all have come to an agreement that there are some challenges regarding international
entrepreneurship. The majority of the author have found problems in the innovative
capability of the entrepreneur (Reuber and Fischer, 2011). Innovation has been an
important issue for any organization to develop and it becomes much more difficult for a
new venture if it doesn't have the innovative capability. innovation helps the organization
to become more efficient and introduce the goods and services available to the
customers. when the consumer doesn't get the innovative products, there is a huge
possibility that they may switch to other brands which offer innovative products to them. 

According to Jones et al., (2011) innovation have a positive relationship with the
profitability of the organization. The organization that is more efficient in terms of
innovation capability has been observed to be more efficient in terms of profitability. 

The financial limitation of any organization is also a common problem for international
entrepreneurs. financial resources are important for production and your organization
needs to have the monetary power to generate any kind of goods and services. financial
resources are also important to be invested in the R&D sector of an organization
(Gamboa, and Brouthers, 2008). 

Switching to another corporate structure has also been an issue for international
entrepreneurship. very few times it can be observed that the organization switches from
a kind of corporate structure to other kinds. the organization may not be able to adapt to
the changing corporate structure. so it becomes difficult for your organization to become
successful in terms of international entrepreneurship (Coombs et al., 2009). 

Ways to Face the Challenges in International Entrepreneurship

Some authors have provided their valuable opinion regarding the solution of the
international entrepreneur challenges. According to Cumming et al., (2009) the first
thing that any international entrepreneur must have is the capability of innovation.
without innovation. No organization can become successful let alone an international

According to Oviatt and McDougall, (2005) the organization can consolidate the
products that have been existed in the product line and that are also very much popular.
The organization also must discontinue the products or services that have the beginning
that much value and profit-making products for the organization.

The international entrepreneur must avail the possible opportunities that will be figured
out by him. Availing the international opportunities important for any international
entrepreneur because it helps the organization to grow. Though there are huge
possibilities in terms of international entrepreneurship, there are also some challenges
as well. some of the potential challenges are the lack of innovation, lack of financial
resources, the introduction of a new corporate structure. In order to overcome the
challenges, the international entrepreneur must have to become capable in terms of
innovative capacity, must have the ability to meet up the financial requirement as well
as stick to the products that are proven and eliminate the products which are not
accepted by the consumers that well.

Chandra, Y., Styles, C. and Wilkinson, I., 2009. The recognition of first time international
entrepreneurial opportunities: Evidence from firms in knowledge‐based
industries. International Marketing Review.

Coombs, J.E., Sadrieh, F. and Annavarjula, M., 2009. Two decades of international
entrepreneurship research: what have we learned-where do we go from
here?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 13, p.23.

Coviello, N.E. and Jones, M.V., 2004. Methodological issues in international

entrepreneurship research. Journal of business venturing, 19(4), pp.485-508.

Cumming, D., Sapienza, H.J., Siegel, D.S. and Wright, M., 2009. International
entrepreneurship: managerial and policy implications. Strategic Entrepreneurship
Journal, 3(4), pp.283-296.

Fletcher, D., 2004. International entrepreneurship and the small

business. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 16(4), pp.289-305.

Gamboa, E.C. and Brouthers, L.E., 2008. How international is

entrepreneurship?. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(3), pp.551-558.

Garud, R. and Giuliani, A.P., 2013. A narrative perspective on entrepreneurial

opportunities. Academy of Management Review, 38(1), pp.157-160.

Hébert, R.F. and Link, A., 2010. Historical perspectives on the entrepreneur. Historical
Perspectives on the Entrepreneur (June 21, 2010). Foundations and Trends in
Entrepreneurship, 2(4).

Jones, M.V., Coviello, N. and Tang, Y.K., 2011. International entrepreneurship research
(1989–2009): a domain ontology and thematic analysis. Journal of business
venturing, 26(6), pp.632-659.

Keupp, M.M. and Gassmann, O., 2009. The past and the future of international
entrepreneurship: a review and suggestions for developing the field. Journal of
management, 35(3), pp.600-633.

Lehto, I., 2015. International entrepreneurial selling as construction of international

opportunities. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 13(3), pp.277-302.

Lewin, P., 2015. Entrepreneurial opportunity as the potential to create value. The
Review of Austrian Economics, 28(1), pp.1-15.

Mathews, J.A. and Zander, I., 2007. The international entrepreneurial dynamics of
accelerated internationalisation. Journal of international business studies, 38(3), pp.387-

McDougall, P.P. and Oviatt, B.M., 2000. International entrepreneurship: the intersection
of two research paths. Academy of management Journal, 43(5), pp.902-906.

Mtigwe, B., 2006. Theoretical milestones in international business: The journey to

international entrepreneurship theory. Journal of international entrepreneurship, 4(1),

Obrecht, J.J., 2004. Entrepreneurial capabilities: A resource-based systemic approach

to international entrepreneurship. Handbook of research on international
entrepreneurship, pp.248-266.

Oviatt, B.M. and McDougall, P.P., 2005. Defining international entrepreneurship and
modeling the speed of internationalization. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 29(5),

Reuber, A.R. and Fischer, E., 2011. International entrepreneurship in internet-enabled

markets. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(6), pp.660-679.

Santos-Álvarez, V. and García-Merino, T., 2010. The role of the entrepreneur in

identifying international expansion as a strategic opportunity. International Journal of
Information Management, 30(6), pp.512-520.

Treasure, K., 2007. Importance of International Entrepreneurship.

Wright, R.W. and Dana, L.P., 2003. Changing paradigms of international

entrepreneurship strategy. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1(1), pp.135-152.

Young, S., Dimitratos, P. and Dana, L.P., 2003. International entrepreneurship

research: what scope for international business theories?. Journal of International
Entrepreneurship, 1(1), pp.31-42.

Zahra, S.A. and George, G., 2017. International entrepreneurship: The current status of
the field and future research agenda. Strategic entrepreneurship: Creating a new
mindset, pp.253-288.

Zahra, S.A., 2021. International entrepreneurship in the post Covid world. Journal of

World Business, 56(1), p.101143.

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