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On Linearization of a Class of Nonlinear Vector

Implicit Differential Equation with Application to

Rafael Kelly, Senior, IEEE, Diana Diaz.

Abstract—In this paper, the linearization of a nonlinear vector this method, under proper conditions, some conclusions can
implicit differential equation that describes mechanical systems be made of the nonlinear system by studying the linearized
with application to robotics is established. In order to come to one, [8].
the results, a compact representation via Kronecker product of
the partial derivative of the product of vector valued matrix In this paper, the linearization of a class of nonlinear vector
functions is used. Two equivalent representations of the linearized differential equation with application to robotics is presented.
model are derived. Once the linearized model is obtained, a In section II, the non-linear, vector differential equation is
study of the stability of an equilibrium point is established. It indicated. In section III the Jacobian linearization is shown
is concluded that the equilibrium point of the non-linear system
in detail. Section IV enunciates two equivalent representations
under consideration is locally exponentially stable given some
conditions on the Jacobian of the gravitational forces vector. of the linearized model and section V presents an analysis of
stability of an equilibrium point. Section VI contains some
Index Terms—Differential equation, equilibrium, Jacobian
linearization, Kelvin-Tait-Chetaev theorem, Kronecker product,
concluding remarks. Finally, in the Appendix some matrix
mechanical system, non-linear equation, robotics. operations that were used are included.


I N the study of some mechanical systems, like robot ma- EQUATION

nipulators, among others, and specifically, in the analysis This paper considers mechanisms like robot manipulators
and design of control systems for such mechanisms, linear of n Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) composed of rigid links in
approximations to their non-linear dynamic model have been “open” structure and interconnected in “serial” geometry by
made [1]. As pointed out in [2], one approach to get a links without elasticity (but viscous friction at their joints may
linearized model of torque–driven robot manipulator dynamics be allowed) described by [9]:
has been to consider that the Coriolis effects are too small to
be taken into account at low velocities as in [3].
Other assumptions have been made in order to approx- M (q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇ = 0 (1)
imate the dynamic non linear model to a linear one, like
neglecting not only the velocity dependent effects but also where:
the gravitational ones, or assuming that the Inertia Matrix • q ∈ IRn is the vector of the joint displacements (posi-
remains constant during the mechanism’s performance [4]. In tions).
the case where manipulators with high gear reduction relations • q̇ ∈ IRn is the vector of the joint velocities.
in the actuators and low velocities of work are considered, the • q̈ ∈ IRn is the vector of the joint accelerations.
manipulators dynamics have been neglected and the kinematic • M (q) ∈ IRn×n is a matrix function called the Inertia
model has been used in the controller’s design as in [5] Matrix, it is symmetric and positive definite. The inverse,
and references thereof. In the present paper the Jacobian M −1 (q), exists and it is also positive definite.
linearization is presented since it can give insight into the • C(q, q̇) ∈ IRn×n is a matrix function called the centrifu-
behavior of the linearized model and the non linear one as gal and Coriolis forces matrix which satisfies C(q, 0) =
well. 0.
Linearization of a nonlinear system may open up the possi- • Fv ∈ IRn×n is a constant diagonal matrix. The elements
bility to study the stability of equilibrium points of the original of the diagonal correspond to the viscous friction param-
nonlinear differential equation that describes such systems via eters of each articulation. In case of friction at all joints,
the so called Lyapunov’s indirect method which can be seen as then matrix Fv is positive definite.
a corollary of the Hartman-Grobman theorem [6], [7] . Using • g(q) ∈ IRn is a vector function named the vector of
gravitational forces defined as g (q )  ∂U( q ) where U(q)
R. Kelly and D. Diaz are with Laboratorio de Robotica, Division de ∂q
Fisica Aplicada, CICESE, Carretera Ensenada-Tijuana No. 3918, Zona is the potential energy of the mechanical system due to
Playitas, Ensenada, B.C., 22860, MEXICO. (e-mail:, gravity, and g(0) = 0 is assumed. (This assumption nat- The authors would like to thank CONACyT
for partial financial support and graduate grant scholarship 293797 urally limits the types of robots or mechanisms modeled
9781509011476/16/$31.002016IEEE. by (1)).

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Equation (1) can be expressed as a first order vector explicit
ordinary differential equation in terms of the state vector x 
[q T q̇ T ]T ∈ IR2n as follows: c  C(q, q̇)q̇ (11)
    g  g(q) (12)
d q q̇
= (2) fv  Fv q̇. (13)
dt q̇ −M −1 (q) [C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇]
ẋ f (x ) The corresponding partial derivatives of matrix A, referred in
which is a nonlinear ordinary differential equation. (6) are given by:


= = 0n×n , (14)
The objective is to linearize (2) at x = xe  [0T 0T ]T ∈ ∂x1 ∂q
IR , which is an equilibrium of (2), using the Jacobian ∂f 1 ∂ q̇
linearization. In other words, for a nonlinear first order au- = = In×n , (15)
∂x2 ∂ q̇
tonomous vector explicit ordinary differential equation ex- ∂f 2 ∂
pressed in the form: = −M −1 c − M −1 g − M −1 f v , (16)
∂x1 ∂q
∂f 2 ∂
ẋ = f (x) (3) = −M −1 c − M −1 g − M −1 f v . (17)
∂x2 ∂ q̇
where f (x) is continuously differentiable.
The Jacobian linealization around x = xp , where xp is an
equilibrium of (3) is [8]:
A. The components of the Jacobian matrix of f
ż = Az z ∈ IR2n (4)
The partial derivatives in (16), can be restated as:

∂f (x)  ∂f 2 ∂M −1 c ∂M −1 g ∂M −1 f v
A . (5)
∂x x=x = − − − , (18)
p ∂x1 ∂q ∂q ∂q
The matrix A is named the Jacobian matrix of vector function
f evaluated in x = xp . where every term of the right hand side of (18) is expressed
Therefore for the linearization of (2) at xp = xe = using the notation described in (49), of the Appendix:
[0T 0T ]T , the matrix A ∈ IR2n×2n is described by:

 ∂M −1 c ∂M −1 (q)
∂ f 1 (x) ∂ f 1 (x)  = [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇] (19)
∂ x1 ∂ x2  ∂q ∂q
A  ∂ f 2 (x) ∂ f 2 (x)  (6)
∂ x1 ∂ x2
 ∂C(q, q̇)q̇
x=xp + M −1 (q)
A11 A12
= (7) ∂M −1 g −1
∂M (q)
A21 A22 = [In×n ⊗ g(q)] (20)
∂q ∂q
where: ∂g(q)
+ M −1 (q)
f1 q̇ ∂M −1 f v −1
∂M (q)
 (8) = [In×n ⊗ Fv q̇] (21)
f2 −M −1 (q) [C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇] ∂q ∂q
and ∂Fv q̇
+ M −1 (q) .
x1 q
 . (9) The same way, (17) can be rewritten as:
x2 q̇
So as to simplify notation, the inverse of the Inertia matrix
is denoted as: ∂f 2 ∂M −1 c ∂M −1 g ∂M −1 f v
= − − − (22)
∂x2 ∂ q̇ ∂ q̇ ∂ q̇
M −1 = M −1 (q) (10)
and applying the notation already mentioned, the right hand
and the following vectors as: terms of (22) are as follows:

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˛ » –˛
∂M −1 g ˛˛ ∂M −1 (q ) ˛
−1 −1 = [In×n ⊗ g (q )] ˛˛
∂M c ∂M (q) ∂q ˛ q = 0 ∂q q=0
= [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇] (23)
∂ q̇ ∂ q̇ q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0
» –˛
∂C(q, q̇)q̇ ∂ g ( q ) ˛
+ M −1 (q) + M −1 (q ) ˛
∂ q̇ ∂q ˛ q = 0
∂M −1 g ∂M −1 (q) q̇ = 0
= [In×n ⊗ g(q)] (24) 
∂ q̇ ∂ q̇ ∂M −1 (q) 
=  q = 0 [In×n ⊗ g(0)]
∂g(q) ∂q
+ M −1 (q) q̇ = 0
∂ q̇ ˛
∂M f v ∂M −1 (q) ∂ g ( q ) ˛˛
+ M −1 (0)
= [In×n ⊗ Fv q̇] (25) ∂q ˛ q = 0
∂ q̇ ∂ q̇
q̇ = 0
∂Fv q̇ ˛
+ M −1 (q) . ∂ g (q ) ˛ ˛
∂ q̇ = M −1 (0) . (28)
∂q ˛ q = 0
q̇ = 0
Therefore all the terms of (6) are described in a general form,
and will be evaluated at x = xp = [0T 0T ]T . Evaluating now, the last term of (18), that is expanded in (21):
˛ » –˛
∂M −1 f v ˛˛ ∂M −1 (q ) ˛
˛ q=0 = [In×n ⊗ Fv q̇ ] ˛˛
∂q ∂q q=0
B. Evaluating the partial derivatives of the Jacobian matrix q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0
of f at the point of interest » –˛
∂Fv q̇ ˛
+ M −1 (q )
∂q ˛ q = 0
In order to evaluate (19), the second term of the right hand
q̇ = 0
side is expanded using the notation described in (49): 
∂M −1 (q) 
=  q = 0 [In×n ⊗ Fv 0]
q̇ = 0
∂M −1 c ∂M −1 (q) ˛
= [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇] ∂Fv q̇ ˛˛
+ M −1 (0)
∂q ∂q ∂q ˛ q = 0
∂C(q, q̇)q̇ q̇ = 0
+ M −1 (q)
∂q = 0n×n . (29)
∂M −1 (q)
= [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇] Accordingly:
−1 ∂C(q, q̇)  
+ M (q) [In×n ⊗ q̇] (26) ∂f 2  ∂g(q) 
∂q −1
  A21 = = −M (0) . (30)
∂ q̇ ∂x1  q = 0 ∂q  q = 0
+ M −1 (q) C(q, q̇) . q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0
The partial derivatives of (22), which is:
Evaluating in q = 0 and q̇ = 0, results in the following:
∂f 2 ∂M −1 c ∂M −1 g ∂M −1 f v
= − − −
∂x2 ∂ q̇ ∂ q̇ ∂ q̇
˛ ˛
∂M −1 c ˛˛ ∂M −1 (q) ˛˛ is evaluated in the already mentioned equilibrium. Analyzing
= ˛ q = 0 [In×n ⊗ C(0, 0)0]
∂q ˛ q = 0 ∂q in the first place:
q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0
∂C(q, q̇) ˛˛
+ M −1 (0) ˛ q = 0 [In×n ⊗ 0] ∂M −1 c ∂M −1 (q)
∂q = [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇]
q̇ = 0 ∂ q̇ ∂ q̇
∂ q̇ ˛ ∂C(q, q̇)q̇
+ M (0)C(0, 0) ˛ + M −1 (q)
∂q ˛ q = 0 ∂ q̇
q̇ = 0
∂M −1 (q)
= 0n×n . (27) = [In×n ⊗ C(q, q̇)q̇]
∂ q̇
∂C(q, q̇)
+ M −1 (q) [In×n ⊗ q̇] (31)
∂ q̇
Evaluating (20) and using the assumption that g(0) = 0 results ∂ q̇
in: + M −1 (q)C(q, q̇)
∂ q̇

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in q = 0 y q̇ = 0, and using the property of the Centrifugal IV. T HE LINEARIZED MODEL BY JACOBIAN
and Coriolis Matrix that establishes that C(q, 0) = 0 for all In sum, for the nonlinear model represented by a first order
q ∈ IRn [9] results in: explicit ordinary differential vector equation in terms of the
vector state x = [q T q̇ T ]T described in (2) and set out below:
∂M −1 c ˛˛ ∂M −1 (q)     
=  q = 0 [In×n ⊗ C(0, 0)0]
∂ q̇ ˛ q = 0 ∂ q̇ d q q̇
q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0 dt q̇ −M −1 (q) [C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇]
−1 ∂C(q, q̇)  ẋ f (x )
+ M (0) [In×n ⊗ 0]
∂ q̇  q = 0
q̇ = 0 the linearized model is:
∂ q̇ ˛
+ M −1 (0)C(0, 0) ˛ ⎡ ⎤
∂ q̇ ˛ q = 0   0n×n  In×n  
q̇ ⎦ q .
q̇ = 0 =⎣ −M −1 (0) ∂ g(q )  −1
−M (0)Fv
q̈ ∂q q̇
= 0n×n . (32)    q=0   
ż    z
The result is direct if the partial derivative of the product of (37)
the inverse of the Inertia Matrix by the vector of gravitational And so, for the original nonlinear model represented as
forces is analyzed, since both are functions of q and the a second order implicit ordinary differential vector equation
derivatives are taken with respect to q̇: established in (1):

∂M −1 (q)g(q) 
∂ q̇  q = 0 = 0n×n . (33) M (q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇ = 0
q̇ = 0 the linearized model is:
Lastly evaluating: 
M (0)q̈ + q + Fv q̇ = 0. (38)
˛ » –˛ ∂q q =0
∂M f v ˛˛
−1 −1
∂M (q ) ˛
˛ q=0 = [In×n ⊗ Fv q̇ ] ˛˛
∂ q̇ ∂ q̇ q=0
q̇ = 0 q̇ = 0
∂F q̇ ˛
+ M −1 (q )
v ˛ The stability of the linearized model (38) is analyzed using
∂ q̇ ˛ q = 0
q̇ = 0 the so called Kelvin-Tait-Chetaev theorem simplified in [10],
 and enunciated with slight change in nomenclature and writing
∂M −1 (q) 
=  q = 0 [In×n ⊗ Fv 0] as follows.
∂ q̇ Given a linear autonomous system described as:
q̇ = 0
−1 ∂F v q̇ ˛
+ M (0 )
∂ q̇ ˛ q = 0 B ÿ + Dẏ + Gẏ + Ky = 0 (39)
q̇ = 0
= M −1 (0)Fv . (34)
• B is a symmetric positive definite matrix.
• D is a symmetric matrix.
• G is a skew symmetric matrix.
 • K is a symmetric matrix.
∂f 2 
A22 = = −M −1 (0)Fv . (35) to determine the stability of (39), the roots of its characteristic
∂x2  q = 0
q̇ = 0 polynomial can be calculated, that is, the roots of;

C. The Jacobian matrix |λ2 B + λ(D + G) + K| = 0. (40)

According to the above, the Jacobian matrix A ∈ IR2n×2n The Kelvin-Tait-Chetaev theorem gives the following sim-
expressed in (6) for a mechanism of n degrees of freedom plification [10]:
described by (1) is expressed as: • Theorem A1 : If matrix D is positive definite and if all
the eigenvalues of K are positive, then the roots of (40)
⎡ ⎤ have negative real part.
0n×n  In×n • Theorem A2 : If matrix D is positive definite and if K
A = ⎣ −M −1 (0) ∂ g (q )  −M −1 (0)Fv
⎦ . (36)
has at least one eigenvalue with negative real part, then
q=0 (40) has at least one root with non negative real part.

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Considering the linearized model in (38) and enunciated as VI. C ONCLUSION
Given a well known nonlinear model represented as a
 second order implicit ordinary differential vector equation, the
∂g(q)  linearized model was obtained. This nonlinear model matches
M (0)q̈ + Fv q̇ + q = 0. (41)
∂q q =0 the standard torque–driven dynamic model structure of n
In order to use Theorem A1 it is imperative to meet the DOF. This was carried out representing the nonlinear model
following conditions, which are met: by a first order explicit ordinary differential vector equation
and obtaining its linearization by Jacobian. Counting with
• M (0) must be symmetric and positive definite.
the linearized model at the equilibrium xe = [0T 0T ]T , the
• Fv must be symmetric and positive definite (provided that
stability of such equilibrium in a local sense was examined.
friction is present at all n joints). It was concluded that the stability of the equilibrium depends
∂ g (q ) 
• ∂q  must be symmetric. on the nature of the Jacobian of the vector of the gravitational
q =0 
∂ g (q )  ∂ g (q ) forces. In addition, in this work general expressions in compact
The condition on ∂ q  is met because ∂ q is defined form were established so as to linearize at any given point.
q =0
the following way:

∂g(q) ∂ 2 U(q)
∂q ∂2q Kronecker product of two matrices
where U(q) is the potential energy of the mechanical system The Kronecker product defined for two matrices A ∈ IRn×m
that depends of the vector of the joint positions, and it is y C ∈ IRp×q is [11]:
known that the Hessian matrix of a scalar function of vector
argument is always symmetric.
Using Theorem A1 the following conclusion can be made: A ⊗ C  [aij C] ∈ IRnp×mq (44)
• The equilibrium, xe = [0 0 ] , of the linearized
model (41) where aij is the ij element of matrix A. This product is
expressed in explicit form as follows:

M (0)q̈ + Fv q̇ + q = 0. ⎡ ⎤
∂q q =0 a11 C a12 C ... a1m C
 ⎢ a21 C a22 C ... a2m C ⎥
∂ g (q ) 
⎢ ⎥
is exponentially stable if ∂ q  is positive definite A⊗C = ⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥. (45)
q =0 ⎣ . . . . ⎦
The conclusion can be made because the equilibrium of the an1 C an2 C . . . anm C
linearized model in (41), will be exponentially stable if all the
roots of its characteristic polynomial given in:
Partial derivative of a matrix function
 ∂g(q)   Given a differentiable matrix function A(x) ∈ IRn×m with
λ M (0) + λFv +  = 0. (43) vector argument x ∈ IRq then [11]:
 ∂q q =0 

have negative real part. Given that M (0) and Fv are symmetric » –
∂A(x) ∂A(x) ∂A(x) ∂A(x)
and positive definite, then invoking Theorem A1 , all the  ... ∈ IRn×mq . (46)
∂x ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xq
roots of the characteristic polynomial given in (43) will have
∂ g (q ) 
negative real part if all the eigenvalues of ∂ q  are The partial derivative of a matrix function A(x) ∈ IRn×m
q =0
positive. of vector argument x ∈ IRq with respect to a scalar variable
Invoking the Hartman-Grobman theorem the following con- x is defined as:
clusion over the nonlinear system in (2) is made:
T T T » –
• The equilibrium, xe = [0 0 ] , of the nonlinear ∂A(x) ∂aij (x) n×m
 ∈ IR (47)
model (2): ∂x ∂x

    which can be represented explicitly in the following manner:

d q q̇
= ,
dt q̇ −M −1 (q) [C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) + Fv q̇] ⎡ ⎤
      ∂a11 (x) ∂a12 (x)
... ∂a1m (x)

ẋ f (x)
∂x ∂x ∂x

∂A(x) ⎢ ⎥
∂a21 (x) ∂a22 (x) ∂a2m (x)
⎢ ... ⎥
.. ..
.. ⎥. (48)
∂ g (q )  ⎣ ⎦
is locally exponentially stable if ∂ q  is positive ∂x . . . .
q =0 ∂an1 (x) ∂an2 (x) ∂anm (x)
definite ∂x ∂x
... ∂x

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Compact representation of the partial derivative of the product Rafael Kelly Rafael Kelly (S’84–M’89) was born
of two matrix functions of vector argument with respect to the in Monterrey Mexico, in 1959. He received de B.S.
degree in physics from the Instituto Tecnológico
argument y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico,
Using the definitions stated above, it can be verified that and the Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control from
the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble,
for: Grenoble, France, in 1980 and 1986, respectively.
He is currently a Professor at the Centro de
Investigación Cientı́fica y de Educación Superior de
x ∈ IRq Ensenada, Ensenada, Mexico. His research interests
include adaptive control systems, robot control, vi-
A(x) ∈ IRn×m sion systems, neural networks and multi-agent systems.
B(x) ∈ IRm×p
the partial derivative of the product of two matrix functions
of vector argument, with specified dimensions, with respect to Diana Diaz Diana Diaz was born in Zacatecas
the argument can be represented as follows [11]: Mexico, in 1978. She received the B.S. degree in
engineering from the Universidad Autónoma de Za-
catecas, Mexico, in 2009, and is currently a doctorate
∂A(x)B(x) student at the Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica
D(x) = (49) y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Ensenada,
∂x Mexico. Her research interests include robot control
∂A(x) ∂B(x) and multi-agent systems.
= [Iq×q ⊗ B(x)] + A(x)
∂x ∂x
where the resulting matrix function D(x) is of the following

D(x) ∈ IRn×pq
and Iq×q ∈ IRq×q is an identity matrix.
If (49) is evaluated in x = x̄, it can be expressed as:
∂A(x)B(x)  ∂A(x) 
 = [In×n ⊗ B(x̄)]
∂x x=x̄ ∂x x=x̄

+ A(x̄) . (50)
∂x x=x̄

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