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Final Report: Impact of technology on


Name: Jubaida naznin chowdhury

ID: 2110555
Section: 5
Course ID: CIS101
Submitted to: Moumita Asad miss

Submission time: Wednesday, 15th December, 2021

Letter of Transmittal

December 12, 2021

Moumita Asad ma’am


Independent University, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of final report on “Impact of technology on studies”.


With due respect, I am pleased to submit the final report of CIS101 on

“Impact of technology on studies”. I have tried my best to deliver a good


However, it might lack perfection. So, I therefore, hope that you would be kind
enough to accept my report and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,

Jubaida Naznin Chowdhury

ID: 2110555

Course ID: CIS101

Section: 5

Independent University, Bangladesh


Firstly, I would like to thank the Almighty for helping me complete the
final report.

I am highly indebted to my course instructor Moumita Asad ma’am,

her guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the project & also for her support in
completing the project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my classmates in developing

the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their


This research paper contains importance, pros and cons of modern

technology on education and few similar research papers have been
discussed about the same topic how the advent of technology in
educational field has made the process of learning and knowledge
sharing more interactive. By collecting data from students the paper
came to a conclusion that aside from few negative sides the blessings of
technology cannot be ignored. This research paper can be extended in
future to examine faculty participation and attitude towards

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose: ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Related work: ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Assumption: .......................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2: Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Related work no. 1: ............................................................................................................... 3
2.2 How is it related to my research?: ........................................................................................ 3
2.2.1 Similarities: ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.2.2 Differences:..................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Related work no. 2: ............................................................................................................... 4
2.4 How is it related to my research?: ........................................................................................ 4
2.4.1 Similarities: ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Differences:..................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: Methodology ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Research design:.................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Target audience:.................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Data collection procedure: .................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 4: Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 5: Result analysis ............................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 6: Conclusion & future work ........................................................................................... 13

List of Figures:

Figure 1 Usage................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 challenges ......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 negative effects ................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4 positive side .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 importance ...................................................................................................................... 11

Chapter 1: Introduction
Technology has a significant impact on our lives. The field of education
has revolutionized since the advent of technology. Educational
institutes have realized the importance of technology and have started
implementing it in the classrooms. The onset of technology has made
the journey of teaching and learning more effective. [3]

1.1 Purpose:
The purposes of this report are:

 Identifying modern technology’s usage and impact on education

 Pointing out challenges and disadvantages

1.2 Related work:

There are few similar research papers about using technology on

studies. One of the researchers R. Raja finds that “Technology has a
positive impact on education and at the same time may also pose
negative effects” [1]
Another researcher Kimble finds “When technology is properly
implemented in the classroom, according to research results, it can
result in increased student self-confidence and eagerness to learn” [2]

1.3 Methodology

The methodology selected for the proposed study is planning research

design, selecting samples, analyzing data from samples to come to a

1.4 Assumption:

In this report “impacts of technology on studies” a wide range of topics

- the usage of modern technology on studies, how students use it,
advantages, disadvantages, importance and current challenges have
been covered. The result shows that technology on studies made
student work easier even though there are few negative sides

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Related work no. 1:

The research paper “Impact of modern technology in
education” by R. Raja showed mostly the positive side of the
technology in education. How the technology has no
geographical limitations, revolutionized the field of education,
made teaching and learning easier for teachers and students.

2.2 How is it related to my research?:

This paper and “Impact of modern technology in education” by

R. Raja both is about technology and it’s influence on studies.
In this section, the connection between this paper and related
paper will be discussed.
2.2.1 Similarities:

The major similarities found in the related research 1 “Impact

of modern technology in education” by R. Raja is title, their
acknowledgement about technology’s significance on studies,
the researcher emphasized both positive and negative sides
and pointed out challenges that are yet to overcome.

2.2.2 Differences:

Even though the resemblance between this research paper and

Raja’s paper is uncanny. They collected their data from faculties
where this paper is created by collecting data from students
and freshly graduates.

2.3 Related work no. 2:

The second research paper “The Impact of Technology on
Learning” by Kimble is based on effectiveness of technology in
the student learning environment. How the authorities taking
necessary steps to introduce and practice technology in
classroom. [2]

2.4 How is it related to my research?:

This paper and “The Impact of Technology on Learning” by

Kimble both is about effectiveness of technology and it’s
contribution in student work. In this section, the connection
between this paper and related paper will be discussed.

2.4.1 Similarities:

The main similarity between this research paper and “The

Impact of Technology on Learning” by Kimble is the title, both
paper noticed the undeniable importance of technology on
student work and they mostly emphasized the bright side.

2.4.2 Differences:

In this related paper “The Impact of Technology on Learning”

researcher Kimble mainly collected his data from other
researchers, faculties, emphasized professional training and
highlighted educators. But this paper highlighted students,
collected data from them.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research design:

The study used an online survey to find the answer of the research
question “Impacts of technology on studies” The research question
were design to get an overview how technology affects studies and

3.2 Target audience:

Target population defines those units for which the findings of the
survey are meant to generalize. The target audience for this research
was high school students to freshly graduates. The sample size of
this study was 45 male and female students.

3.3 Data collection procedure:

This study used questionnaires as the instrument for initial data
collection. There was a set of 5 questions arranged in particular
order as per study objectives. The data collected by posting the
questionnaire on various facebook study groups. Using the collected
few graphs were generated in order to analyze the research

Chapter 4: Discussion
This chapter includes all the graphs that are generated using combined
sample data.

How students use technology for their studies

For online class

For research purpose

To discuss, collab and
20 explore course topic

to keep data record related to

25 Different types of works,
assignments , projects, Thesis etc

Figure 1 Usage

This pie chart is the visual representation of how students use

technology for their studies. It shows that students are more likely to
use technology for online class and research purpose than exploring
their course topic, keep data, discuss and collab.

Conclusion: The pie chart shows student’s usage of technology on

studies. Majority of the students use technology to take their online

Current challenges of technology in education

Lack of professional training

Poor network connection
30 28 No specific system to use
technology for curriculum
Teachers and students resistant
25 23 to change
21 Social media distraction
20 19
Skill gap

15 Scarcity of internet access

13 13 13
Adaptability struggle
Technical issues

5 Time management
1 1
Lack of interest and
0 concentration in class
1 Unethical students

Figure 2 challenges

Let’s have a look at this chart; x-axis represents the challenges of

technology in education that are yet to overcome. Such as poor
internet connection, social media distraction, skill gap and technical
issue among all the other option.

Conclusion: This graph states the current challenges of technology on

education. The most challenging situation that is to overcome is poor
network connection.

Negative effects of technology on studies/students
35 Internet addiction

30 29 Lack of face to face

25 communication
25 23 Wasting time on internet
20 19 Excessive use of social
15 networking sites
15 Cheating or plagiarism

10 Misinformations on the
5 Affects student's health
0 Lack of interest and
1 concentration in class

Figure 3 negative effects

In this graph, we can see some cons of technology on studies. The

statistics shows that too much of using technology can negatively
affects studies/ heath, creates scope for students to cheat, and internet
has a lot of misinformation thus students suffer using technology.

Conclusion: After analyzing the graph, we can come to the conclusion

that cheating/plagiarism is the most negative impact of technology on
studies and students.

Positive sides of technology on studies

45 Promotes digital skills for the

40 future
33 33
Additional resources and access to
30 up-to-date information
30 Distance learning
Participating in web seminars and
20 other career development courses
Saves time
10 Increased collaboration and
5 communication
1 Relaxing, classes can be recorded
0 and watched later

Figure 4 positive side

This graph is displaying the brightest sides of technology on studies.

Technology has made learning easier and more efficient, provided
unlimited source of data, saved our time, training us for tech centered

Conclusion: This bar chart shows that the biggest blessing of

technology on studies is it’s preparing us for the future by developing
our digital skills.

Importance of technology for student work

1 Not importan
2 Little important

3 Moderately Important

4 Important
5 Very important

Figure 5 importance

This pie chart presents data on importance of technology on studies.

More than half of the pie referred technology very important for
student work. On the other hand there’s 0% of the pie against tech for
student work.

Conclusion: In conclusion this chart shows that the using technology

for student work is very important and nobody’s denied it’s

Chapter 5: Result analysis

Technology is extremely valuable when it comes to student work. By

analyzing sample data it has been cleared that majority of the students
are implying technology for their studies for various purpose; such as
taking online classes, researching their course work, to communicate
with each other and so on. At the same time, they’re facing issues such
as poor internet connection, internet addiction, social media distraction
etc. Aside from these few negative impacts there are mostly positive
sides affecting studies and students. Thanks to technology students are
now digitally skilled, trained for future, learning from anywhere. Almost
80% of the audiences believe technology is important for advance

Chapter 6: Conclusion & future work

The era of 21st century is regarded as an era of technology. The value

of technology on studies is undeniably clear. Technology has the ability
to enhance relationships between teachers and students. [4] Every
nation should find a way to overcome the current challenges of
technology and make the most out of it by using it in most productive

This research paper “Impacts of technology on studies” opens up many

possibilities for future work. It can be extended to examine educator’s
participation and attitude towards technology. The extended research
will help to get a complete idea about technology’s impact on studies.


1. Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern

technology in education. Journal of Applied and Advanced
Research, 3(1), 33-35.
2. Kimble, C. (1999). The Impact of Technology on Learning:
Making Sense of the Research. Policy Brief.


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