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Magnitude and

Composition of the
Energy Surplus for
Maximizing Muscle
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Hypertrophy: Implications
for Bodybuilding and
Physique Athletes
Alan A. Aragon, MS1 and Brad J. Schoenfeld, PhD, CSCS, CSPS, FNSCA2
California State University, Northridge, California; and 2Department of Health Science, Lehman College, Bronx, New

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION (carbohydrate and fat) contribute in

keletal muscle hypertrophy in a multitude of metabolic roles to support
This review aimed to explore the nature
of energy consumption for optimizing
muscle growth in the presence of
S adults occurs through a complex
set of processes governed primar-
ily by the interaction of exercise and
muscle growth, but their importance
regarding muscle growth is secondary
to dietary protein.
a resistance training program with nutrition. Progressive resistance training
a specific focus on implications for Understanding the interplay between
is well-established as the most potent
bodybuilders and physique athletes. total energy intake and macronutrient
type of exercise for maximizing the
Although gains in muscle mass can be ratios is important for those seeking to
long-term accretion of muscle mass
achieved when resistance training is increase muscle mass. Therefore, the
(22). The total consumption of energy
performed under hypocaloric condi- purpose of this review is to explore
(sum of all macronutrients ingested)
tions, research indicates that maximiz- the nature of an energy surplus for
plays a primary role in muscular devel-
ing exercise-induced muscle optimizing muscle growth in the pres-
opment, with evidence suggesting that
hypertrophy requires an energy sur- ence of a resistance training program
a caloric surplus is needed to maximize
plus. Herein, we discuss the interplay with a specific focus on implications
hypertrophic adaptations. Dietary con-
between total dietary energy intake for bodybuilders and physique ath-
sumption of protein is crucial for the
and macronutrient ratios, and provide letes. Practical applications are pre-
repair, structural remodeling, synthesis,
evidence-based guidelines as to how sented based on theoretical
and growth of muscle tissue. It therefore
they should be manipulated to optimize frameworks drawn from the evidence
is the most extensively studied macronu-
muscular adaptations. in the current literature.
trient in supporting resistance training
adaptations. The collective evidence in-
dicates that a daily protein intake of 1.6–
energy intake; calories; macronutrients;
2.2 g/kg maximizes muscle growth in
muscle hypertrophy; bodybuilding;
Address correspondence to Dr. Brad J. drug-free, nondieting, resistance trainees
physique athlete
Schoenfeld, (7,37,40). The other macronutrients

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Energy Surplus and Muscle Hypertrophy

HYPOCALORIC CONDITIONS some cases increase, skeletal muscle processes involved in MPS and ana-
Sustained hypocaloric conditions pose mass. Several studies have reported bolic signaling. These processes are
an inherent challenge to muscle lean mass gains in the face of hypo- further amplified in combination with
growth. Compromised nutrient and caloric conditions, particularly when a properly structured resistance train-
energy availability lead to metabolic higher protein intakes (1.2–2.5 g/kg) ing program. A recent trial by Crew-
and transcriptional adaptations, which are concurrent with resistance training ther et al. (17) provides evidence of
ultimately favor a catabolic state. Per- alone (11,16,29,36), and resistance recomposition occurring under eu-
haps most overtly, muscle proteins can training combined with high-intensity caloric conditions in lean, trained indi-
be catabolized for use in energy metab- interval training (29). Even under viduals. Note that the assumption of
olism and a range of homeostatic de- severely hypocaloric conditions, mus- eucaloric conditions is based on sub-
mands, including gluconeogenesis cle hypertrophy has been observed in jects’ maintenance of their habitual di-
(13). Moderately hypocaloric condi- conjunction with regimented resis- ets. Rugby athletes with at least 2 years
tions (20% below maintenance require- tance training. For example, a 12- of resistance training experience were
ments) for a short time period (10 days) week trial by Donnelly et al. (18) re- randomized to perform either a full-
have been shown to decrease muscle ported a significant increase in cross- body versus a split-body program;
protein synthesis (MPS) by 19%, sectional area of the muscle fibers of habitual diets were not altered. Over
potentially mediated at least in part the vastus lateralis in untrained, obese a 4-week study period, bodyweight re-
by a decreased phosphorylation of pro- subjects on an 800 kcal diet combined mained stable in both groups, whereas
tein kinase B (Akt) and eIF4E-BP1 with a total-body, multi-set resistance lean mass increased (full-body: 0.9 kg,
(38). Moreover, energy restriction has training program. This “recomposi- split-body: 0.3 kg), and fat mass
been shown to downregulate tion” phenomenon (simultaneous fat decreased (full-body: 1.0 kg, split-
mTORC1 signaling independently of loss and muscle gain) is most pro- body: 0.5 kg).
dietary protein intake (32). nounced in untrained subjects with
high amounts of body fat. A recent meta-analysis by Morton
The antianabolic effects of caloric et al. (37) that examined the combined
restriction are purportedly mediated It is important to note that the poten- effect of protein supplementation and
by AMP-activated protein kinase tial for muscle gain under hypocaloric resistance training provides intriguing
(AMPK), which functions as a cellular conditions seems to be diminished in insights into the present topic. This is
energy sensor. Specifically, AMPK im- lean, trained individuals. Illustrating the largest meta-analysis to date on the
pedes intracellular anabolic signaling this point, Garthe et al. (19) compared topic, involving 49 studies with 1863
pathways under conditions of low a weekly bodyweight reduction of 0.7 subjects. Total daily energy intake
ATP levels, as observed during periods versus 1.4% (19 versus 30% reduction was collected from 23 of the studies.
of energy deficit (12). AMPK also is from maintenance needs) in elite ath- Despite a mean protein supplementa-
sensitive to glycogen status (34), with letes placed on a 4-d/wk resistance tion dose of ;35 g, total energy intake
low levels of glycogen tending to exercise program in addition to their remained static throughout the length
increase activation of the AMPK path- usual sport-related training. Both of the trials. It should be noted that
way. The net effects of heightened groups significantly lost fat mass, but
eucaloric balance was not a purposeful
AMPK-induced signaling favor cata- a significant increase in lean mass
aim of the conditions of the analysis,
bolic processes over anabolism, ulti- occurred via the lesser energy deficit,
which included studies with subjects
mately blunting the skeletal muscle whereas the greater deficit yielded no
that were at or above their energy
protein synthetic response to mechan- significant change in lean mass. Never-
requirements. Studies involving hypo-
ical stimuli. theless, there remains a lack of research
caloric conditions were excluded. Nev-
directly investigating muscle hypertro-
In overweight and obese individuals, ertheless, an overall lack of meaningful
phy in hypocaloric conditions of differ-
approximately 20–30% of the total increase in energy intake from baseline,
ent severities in lean bodybuilders;
bodyweight lost in dieting has been as well as the relatively minor gains in
thus, generalizing these findings to
reported to be lean mass (14). How- fat-free mass (FFM), indicate eucaloric
the latter population should be done
ever, these findings are typical in trials conditions despite this not being
with circumspection.
that do not involve an exercise compo- a specific target of investigation. Mean
nent—let alone, a structured resistance increases in energy intake were too
training program. The anabolic effect EUCALORIC CONDITIONS slight to reach statistical significance
of resistance training can offset the cat- In contrast to the growth-suppressive (protein group: 50 kcal/d, control
abolic nature of an energy deficit. Fur- environment of a caloric deficit, eu- group: 70 kcal/d). Thus, by default,
thermore, in a hypocaloric state, the caloric conditions (equal daily energy this was an analysis of increased
combination of resistance training expenditure and intake for weight protein intake (;1.4 g/kg at baseline,
and optimized protein intake can oper- maintenance) are more permissive of ;1.8 g/kg via supplementation) at
ate synergistically to preserve, and in muscle hypertrophy by facilitating eucaloric balance. FFM increased


Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
by resistance training alone (1.1 kg). contractile tissues, and noncontractile resulted in modestly greater lean mass
However, despite reaching statistical tissues. Despite the fact that DXA is gains (1.0 versus 0.4 kg), but also sub-
significance, the additional gains in widely regarded as a reference standard stantially and disproportionally greater
FFM via protein supplementation were for assessing muscle mass, it neverthe- fat mass gains (7.4 versus 0.8%).
small (0.30 kg overall, resistance- less is limited by confounding varia- An 8-week trial by Rozenek et al. (41)
trained subjects gained 0.75 kg, older tions in hydration level, tissue explored the effect of a substantial calo-
subjects lost 0.01 kg). These relatively thickness, and an inability to precisely ric surplus combined with resistance
unremarkable gains indicate the impor- distinguish between the different com- training in untrained subjects. Three
tance of a purposeful caloric surplus ponents of lean soft tissue (42). Other conditions were compared: a 2010 kcal
combined with progressive resistance methods such as ultrasound, magnetic food supplement containing 356 of g
training when maximizing muscle resonance imaging, and computed
carbohydrate, 106 g of protein, and
hypertrophy is the primary goal. tomography are capable of providing
18 g of fat (CHO-PRO), an isocaloric
more sensitive estimates of muscle
higher-carbohydrate supplement con-
architecture, but each of those meth-
HYPERCALORIC CONDITIONS taining 450 g of carbohydrate, 24 g of
ods have limitations that do not neces-
Hypercaloric conditions can potenti- protein, and 14 g of fat (CHO), and
sarily render them superior for
ate muscle growth beyond eucaloric a control group that did not receive
assessing body composition compared
conditions by supporting the escalat- any supplementation. All groups
with DXA (10). That said, the closer
ing energy demands of progressive engaged in a progressive resistance
trainees progress toward their maximal
resistance training volume. This in- training protocol. Total daily energy
potential for muscular size, the less of
cludes exercise performance and post- intake in CHO-PRO, CHO, and the
a given energy surplus is partitioned
exercise elevations in energy control group was 4,348, 4,339, and
toward lean tissue—as discussed in the
expenditure (primarily related to in- 2,597 kcal/d, respectively. All groups
ensuing section.
creases in bodily protein turnover), gained significant amounts of lean mass
and the energetic cost of maintaining MAGNITUDE OF THE SURPLUS (2.9, 3.4, and 1.4 kg, respectively). The
newly acquired lean tissue mass itself. Similar to hypocaloric conditions, lack of significant difference in lean
Protein turnover (sum total of protein training status and body composition mass gain between the CHO-PRO
synthesis and breakdown) is an can affect the responses to hypercalor- and CHO groups despite the higher
energy-intensive process, estimated to ic conditions. Untrained (or detrained) protein content of CHO-PRO was
have a caloric cost of ;2.4–3.0 kcal per subjects have a greater margin of attributed to a sufficient baseline pro-
gram (8). Whole-body protein turn- potential to fulfill in lean mass gain. tein intake (1.6 g/kg) for maximally
over represents approximately 20% of Therefore, it is possible that lean, supporting muscle growth. Neither
the resting metabolic rate in adults (46), trained subjects are more prone to fat group significantly increased fat mass
whereas resting energy expenditure of mass gains with larger versus smaller despite the substantial caloric surplus.
muscle tissue is 13 kcal/kg/d (35). caloric surpluses. Illustrating this phe- This favorable partitioning of energy
Increased inherent energy expenditure, nomenon, Garthe et al. (20) random- toward lean mass rather than fat mass
progressive increases in training vol- ized elite athletes to either receive is potentially because of subjects that
ume, and in some cases, increasing nutritional counseling or to consume were described as “beginning weight
energetic cost of nonexercise move- food ad libitum while performing their trainers and mildly physically active.”
ment of greater net body mass, collec- customary sport-specific training and Again, it is important to consider the
tively raise the caloric needs for a structured resistance training pro- limitations of body composition assess-
muscle-building beyond eucaloric lev- gram. Those in the nutritional counsel- ment. Caution is advised against con-
els. Even in the absence of resistance ing group reported a 544 kcal increase flating gains in lean mass with muscle
training, concurrent lean mass and fat from baseline, whereas the ad libitum mass. It is possible that a greater pro-
mass gains can occur at similar rates control group reported a 128 kcal portion of the lean mass gained in the
during a sustained caloric surplus with decrease. The nutritional counseling CHO-PRO was muscle mass via the
sufficient protein intake, as observed by group realized a slightly greater provision of protein, whereas the
Bray et al. (9), using dual energy X-ray increase in lean mass compared with CHO group could have stored more
absorptiometry (DXA) to assess body control (1.7 versus 1.2 kg), but also glycogen and associated fluid, resulting
composition. showed a significantly greater fat gain in similar net gains in lean mass. In
Going forward, it is important to high- (1.1 versus 0.2 kg). In a similar vein, a 4- contrast to Rozenek et al. (41), Garthe
light the technical incorrectness of week trial by Ribeiro et al. (39) com- et al. (20) and Ribeiro et al. (39)
conflating the terms lean mass and mus- pared the effects of moderate-energy described their subjects as “elite”
cle mass, despite the impracticality of (4,501 kcal/d) and higher-energy athletes, indicating much greater
attempting to delineate them. Lean (6,087 kcal/d) diets in elite male body- proximity to their physical potential.
mass encompasses water, glycogen, builders. The higher-energy diet Intriguingly, participants in all 3 studies

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Energy Surplus and Muscle Hypertrophy

were relatively lean (body fat ,20%), dose of whey protein (WP), (b) daily formal resistance exercise, whereas An-
highlighting the importance of training single 30 g dose of maltodextrin tonio et al.’s subjects were trained and
status on the matter. (MALTO), or (c) graded dose of WP, underwent a periodized resistance train-
25–150 g, from weeks 1–6 (GWP). A ing program. This alone could have ener-
500 kcal surplus was targeted. Graded getically offset a substantial portion of
increases in training volume (10–32 the assigned energy surplus, which in
In addition to the magnitude of the sets per exercise) were concurrently most studies was approximately half of
caloric surplus, macronutrient compo- used with the supplementation proto- the surplus imposed by Bray et al. Fur-
sition can potentially affect nutrient cols. No significant between-group dif- thermore, under free-living conditions,
and energy partitioning. Longstanding ferences in DXA-determined body the satiating effect of high protein intakes
lore of athletes consuming prodigious composition change were seen after could have resulted in a spontaneous
amounts of protein for muscle gain is
post-hoc tests were performed, but reduction of energy intake from the
not entirely mythical. The preponder-
the absolute differences are worth not- other dietary macronutrients. Finally,
ance of the current evidence supports
ing. Lean mass increases in WP, MAL- the subjects in the lowest protein condi-
an intake that is approximately
TO, and GWP were 1.22, 2.35, and tion in Bray et al. consumed an amount
double-to-triple the current RDA of
2.93 kg, respectively. Regarding fat of protein below the RDA (;0.68 g/kg/
0.8 g/kg (7). So, when formulating a hy-
mass, WP and GWP lost 0.65 and d). Alternatively, the lowest protein in-
percaloric diet, the importance of ade-
1.00 kg, respectively, whereas MALTO takes in the studies by Antonio et al. were
quate protein intake cannot be
gained 0.20 kg. Increases in type 2 mus- at or above the level needed to maximize
understated. However, a ceiling of pro-
cle fiber cross-sectional area were sim- muscle protein accretion in resistance-
tein’s capability to drive lean tissue
ilar between MALTO and GWP. trained individuals (.1.6 g/kg/d).
growth in a caloric surplus has been
Overall, GWP showed the greatest
revealed in several recent protein over- In contrast to the results of Antonio et al.
fat loss, but definitive superiority for
feeding trials from the laboratory of and Bray et al., Spillane and Willoughby
muscle hypertrophy compared with
Jose Antonio (2–5). The common (48) compared the effects of a high-
MALTO could not be ascertained.
thread among these trials was a lack carbohydrate supplement (HC: 312 g/
The results of this study are perplexing,
of significant change in body composi- d of maltodextrin) versus an isocaloric
because no significant between-group
tion despite significant increases in high-protein–carbohydrate supplement
differences in energy or macronutrient
total daily calories from protein, rang- (HPC: 94 g of protein, 196 g of carbo-
intake were reported, leaving the au-
ing ;400–800 kcal above baseline in- hydrate, and 22 g of fat) in trained men
thors to speculate a potential lipolytic
takes. High-protein conditions in these undergoing a periodized resistance
advantage of WP.
trials ranged from 3.3 to 4.4 g/kg, and training program. Both groups con-
their lower-protein comparators In contrast to the previous free-living sumed a large energy surplus (1,248
ranged 1.8–2.6 g/kg. Trial lengths studies, Bray et al. (9) confined subjects kcal). After 8 weeks, neither treatment
ranged 2–6 months, providing ample to a metabolic ward and controlled all had a significant effect on lean mass,
opportunity for different effects on aspects of energy balance for 8 weeks myogenic markers, total muscle protein,
body composition to materialize; this under 1 of 3 levels of protein intake: 5% or myosin heavy chain content. Both
was not demonstrated. Despite not (low-protein: 0.7 g/kg), 15% (normal- groups gained fat mass, but it was only
reaching statistical significance, lean protein: 1.8 g/kg), and 25% of total significant in the high-carbohydrate con-
mass gains tended to favor the energy (high-protein: 3.0 g/kg). The esca- dition. These findings seem somewhat
higher-protein conditions. It is also lating protein intakes were at the expense surprising, because baseline protein
noteworthy that a study by Antonio of dietary fat. A caloric surplus was set at intake of group consuming the higher
et al. (3) showed significant fat mass 40% above maintenance needs. Although protein supplement was suboptimal
decreases in a high-versus normal-pro- all groups gained net body mass, the (1.4 g/kg), and the supplement increased
tein group (1.6 and 0.3 kg, respec- composition of changes varied markedly daily intake to 2.5 g/kg within abun-
tively), despite the high-protein group between conditions: The low-protein dantly hypercaloric conditions. Never-
reporting a significant increase caloric group lost 0.7 kg of lean mass, whereas theless, it bears mentioning that
intake compared with baseline the normal- and high-protein groups although the lean mass gain in the higher
(374 kcal). gained 2.87 and 3.98 kg of lean mass, protein group was not statistically signif-
A 6-week trial by Haun et al. (23) fur- respectively. All 3 groups gained similar icant (p 5 0.068), this may be the result
ther supports the combination of opti- amounts of body fat (;3.5 kg). of a Type II error because of the study’s
mal daily protein intake and Methodological differences may explain small sample size; the absolute gain (2.2
progressive resistance training in hy- discrepancies between the findings of kg & 0.25 in HPC & HC, respectively)
percaloric conditions. Three treat- Bray et al. (9) and Antonio et al. (2–5) may have practical significance. Further-
ments in resistance-trained subjects For one, Bray et al.’s subjects were more, although effect sizes were small
were compared: (a) daily single 25 g untrained and did not participate in (0.38 & 0.06 in HPC and HC,


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respectively), a potential advantage of (39.0 kcal/kg) and 2,660.6 kcal (NEAT) can vary widely between indi-
the higher protein condition was appar- (36.4 kcal/kg), respectively. Protein, car- viduals, independent of training status.
ent. This is potentially meaningful in bohydrate, and fat at the start and end of An 8-week trial by Levine et al. (28)
bodybuilding, where relatively small dif- contest preparation ranged 3.0–3.3 g/kg, examined the effects of a 1,000 kcal sur-
ferences in muscle mass can be the dif- 5.1–4.6 g/kg, and 0.8–0.6 g/kg, respec- plus on nonobese subjects. Results
ference in winning or losing tively. Women’s energy intake at the showed that 432 kcal were stored in adi-
a competition. The effect of fat overfeed- start and end of contest preparation pose tissue, and 531 kcal was oxidized;
ing on the body composition of exercise- was 2000.8 kcal (30.9 kcal/kg) and 336 kcal of this expenditure was attribut-
trained individuals has been previously 1,598.9 kcal (29.2 kcal/kg), respectively. able to NEAT. On the high end of the
examined (1). In a 4-week, single-arm Protein, carbohydrate, and fat at the range, one subject’s NEAT was estimated
pilot study, trained subjects consumed start and end of contest preparation at 692 kcal/d. Given the potential for
an average of 6.4 jars of peanut butter, ranged 2.7–2.8 g/kg, 3.7–3.5 g/kg, and substantial interindividual variation in
yielding an additional 526 kcal/d (79% 0.7–0.5 g/kg, respectively. upregulation of NEAT in response to
fat, 6% carbohydrate, and 15% protein). overfeeding, vigilance is warranted to
It bears repeating that the findings of the
Total energy and fat intake increased sig- adjust caloric requirements based on
aforementioned reviews are observa-
nificantly, but protein intake did not. individual response.
tional, and thus should not be presumed
Subjects gained a significant amount of
to be universally optimal. The dietary fat
body fat (0.8 kg), with no other signifi-
intakes stand out as unsustainably low. PRACTICAL APPLICATION
cant changes in body composition or
Nevertheless, the findings of Chappell, The lines dividing training status cate-
bodyweight. These results are somewhat
et al. (15) provide useful reference data gories are unavoidably nebulous.
expected, given the lower oxidative pri-
for high-level, drug-free bodybuilding Based on the available evidence, larger
ority and higher efficiency of storage of
competitors seeking a baseline model caloric surpluses (;500–1,000 kcal/d)
dietary fat compared with other macro-
to which personalized adjustments can seem appropriate for novice-level phy-
nutrients (25).
be made. For the goal of muscle growth, sique athletes with a wide margin of
the starting values would be most appro- available muscular growth potential.
priate, because the ending values repre- Smaller surpluses (250–500 kcal/d)
The available data on the energy and
sent precontest/hypocaloric conditions. seem appropriate for more advanced
nutrient intakes of bodybuilders are
A sustained energy deficit compromises physique athletes who possess a nar-
largely observational. However, the find-
growth rate and muscular potential by rower margin of potential to fulfill.
ings provide a useful perspective of the
inhibiting MPS and molecular anabolic The latter population is more prone
larger picture when forming practical
signaling. Although it is possible for mus- to excessive fat gain from aggressive
recommendations. A systematic review
cle gain to occur under hypocaloric con- surpluses, which can precipitate greater
by Spendlove et al. (47) examined the
ditions, the capacity for this muscle loss when dieting down to
dietary intake of competitive bodybuild-
phenomenon diminishes alongside in- competition body fat levels. In relative
ers. In men, energy intake averaged
creases in training status and proximity terms, these figures amount to approx-
3,818.7 kcal (43.9 kcal/kg) in the non-
to hypertrophic potential. Eucaloric con- imately 10–20% above maintenance re-
competition phase, and 3,289.8 kcal (37.7
kcal/kg) in the contest preparation ditions present a better hypertrophic quirements for trainees past the novice
phase. Protein and carbohydrate ranged environment, but they are compromised stage. More aggressive surpluses (20–
1.9–4.3 and 3.8–5.3 g/kg, respectively. by a lack of available energy to suffi- 40%) should be used judiciously and
Fat ranged 14–28% of total energy. ciently drive anabolic processes and mit- limited to beginning trainees, or those
Women’s energy intake averaged igate catabolic processes to robustly suspected to be prone to increases in
1,635.1 kcal (27.9 kcal/kg) in the non- increase net protein balance. Hypercalor- NEAT which could compromise or
competition phase, and 1,213.6 kcal ic conditions provide the ideal milieu for even completely neutralize attempts
(21.7 kcal/kg) in the contest preparation promoting muscle growth by supporting at sustaining an energy surplus.
phase. Protein and carbohydrate ranged the increasing energetic demands of Macronutrient composition of the sur-
0.8–2.8 and 2.8–7.5 g/kg, respectively. Fat training. Moreover, tissue growth itself plus can be individualized according to
ranged 9–34.5% of total energy. A recent involves muscle repair, remodeling, and preference, tolerance, and goal. The
study by Chappell et al. (15) examined maintenance—all of which are energeti- collective work of Antonio et al. (2–5)
the dietary intake of high-level drug-free cally expensive processes that must be provides grounds for caution against
bodybuilders. An interesting and useful sufficiently fueled. using protein as the sole macronutrient
facet of the paper was the specification of The magnitude of the daily energy sur- when attempting to impose an energy
dietary intakes of competitors who plus should reflect the training status of surplus for the primary goal of muscle
placed in the top-5, which are as follows. the individual. In addition, it should be gain. Once total daily protein is opti-
Men’s energy intake at the start and end noted that the effect of a caloric surplus mized at ;1.6–2.2 g/kg (7), additional
of contest preparation was 3,214.8 kcal on nonexercise activity thermogenesis consumption beyond this amount

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Energy Surplus and Muscle Hypertrophy

seems likely to be unnecessary to max- conditions—is a tendency to prevent fat additional 250–500 kcal. There are
imize the hypertrophic response to gain. Protein-dominant energy surpluses a multitude of individual considerations
training. However, it has been hypoth- in the context of progressive resistance that warrant flexibility with the macro-
esized that advanced bodybuilders training have even resulted in fat loss nutrient composition of the surplus. For
undergoing high-volume training pro- (3,11,23). Fat-dominant surpluses are example, a 20–40 g protein dose can
grams may benefit from somewhat not ideal, because of their greater effi- serve as a basis for robustly stimulating
higher protein intakes (40). Further- ciency for storage as adipose tissue (1). acute MPS in case this surplus is imple-
more, increasing protein intake to as mented as an independent meal. It is
By default, an energy surplus for mass-
much as 2.5 g/kg during periods of notable that McNaughton et al. (30)
building should center around higher
increased training volume may potenti- found that MPS was significantly
carbohydrate intakes, which can
ate muscle mass gains (23). greater with a 40 g dose of whey com-
include varying proportions of protein pared with 20 g after a high-volume/
Several recent studies using the indicator depending on how cautiously one
amino acid oxidation (IAAO) technique whole-body resistance training bout.
wants to court the potential for concur- The remainder of the meal (340–420
lend further support for protein require- rent fat gain. In line with this frame-
ments beyond commonly recommen- kcal) then can consist predominantly
work are the strikingly favorable of carbohydrate. The accompanying
ded values. IAAO is based on the results seen by Rozenek et al. (41). Their Table summarizes the key points
partitioning of amino acids between results, caused via a 2010 kcal surplus, regarding caloric surplus guidelines for
whole-body protein synthesis versus oxi- are not likely reproducible in individuals maximizing increases in muscle mass.
dation. The following protein dosing past the novice stage of training and
ranges in resistance-trained men and muscular development. However, it is FUTURE DIRECTIONS
women, listed as average estimated re- reasonable to hypothesize that this Further research is needed to reach more
quirements and upper confidence limits, carbohydrate-dominant model can be definitive answers regarding the optimi-
were found to be 2.0–2.38 g/kg (33) and scaled down and applied successfully zation of the timing of the surplus relative
1.49–1.93 g/kg (31), respectively; male in trained individuals. Using the conser- to training. Although the concept of
bodybuilders required 1.7–2.2 g/kg (7). vative example of a 10–20% energy sur- a narrow postexercise “anabolic window
The silver lining of protein-dominant plus, an individual with a maintenance of opportunity” has been highly scruti-
energy surpluses—at least in free-living intake of 2,500 kcal would target an nized (6,43,44), it remains undetermined

Table 1
Energy surplus guideline summary
Training status Magnitude of the energy surplus Nature of the energy surplus Notes & caveats

Untrained/ Approximately 20–40% above Greater potential benefit of First and foremost, a caloric surplus
novice or maintenance needs (;500– a predominance of carbohydrate for muscle gain must be built on
deconditioned 1,000 kcal) due to higher total energy a foundation of sufficient total
surplus capacity. Surplus should daily protein and energy intake. In
include a minimum protein dose general, for optimizing high-
of approximately 20–40 g (or at intensity fueling requirements of
least ;0.4 g/kg of total progressive resistance training, an
bodyweight). energy surplus should center
around higher carbohydrate
Trained/more Approximately 10–20% above Lesser potential benefit of intakes. However, increased
advanced; maintenance needs (;250–500 carbohydrate predominance due proportions of protein can be
closer to kcal) to lower total energy surplus used depending on how
maximum capacity. Surplus should include cautiously one wants to court the
potential a minimum protein dose of potential for concurrent fat gain.
approximately 20–40 g (or at least More advanced trainees closer to
;0.4 g/kg of total bodyweight). their potential have less room for
surplus energy partitioning into
lean tissue, and thus may choose
to use protein-focused surpluses.
Regardless of training status,
individuals cautiously avoiding fat
gain may also benefit from this


Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
whether muscle gain and/or suppression in bodybuilding and other physique- composition in resistance-trained individuals.
of fat gain can be maximized by closely related competitions. Research has J Int Soc Sports Nutr 11: 19, 2014.
matching energy intake with training out- yet to clearly determine whether the 3. Antonio J, Ellerbroek A, Silver T, et al. A high
put over the course of the week (i.e., linear composition of the surplus should be protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with
composed primarily of carbohydrate a heavy resistance training program improves
intake versus nonlinear intake that corre-
body composition in healthy trained men and
sponds with training and nontrain- or protein for best results. The diffi-
women—A follow-up investigation. J Int Soc
ing days). culty in eliciting the answers here is
Sports Nutr 12: 39, 2015.
that the surplus is inseparable from
An interesting area of speculation is 4. Antonio J, Ellerbroek A, Silver T, Vargas L,
the diet as a whole. It is possible that
whether insulin-mediated reduction Peacock C. The effects of a high protein
our current understanding of what
of protein breakdown can in some diet on indices of health and body
constitutes optimal total daily protein composition—A crossover trial in
way increase net muscle protein bal-
dosing and nutrient distribution is still resistance-trained men. J Int Soc Sports
ance in the face of sufficient protein
incomplete, and therefore presumptu- Nutr 13: 3, 2016.
dosing. In whole-body protein metab-
ous, particularly in those involved in 5. Antonio J, Ellerbroek A, Silver T, et al. A high
olism, Kim et al. (26) compared 40 ver-
intense resistance-training programs. protein diet has No harmful effects: A one-
sus 70 g of protein (primarily via beef
Future work should endeavor to deter- year crossover study in resistance-trained
patties) and found that although MPS mine how to best optimize nutritional males. J Nutr Metab 2016: 9104792,
was similar, net protein balance at the protocols for physique competitors 2016.
whole-body level was greater in the 70- based on individual needs and the 6. Aragon AA, Schoenfeld BJ. Nutrient timing
g dose. This showed that protein nature of the training stimulus. revisited: Is there a post-exercise anabolic
beyond that which maximized MPS window? J Int Soc Sports Nutr 10: 5, 2013.
was not simply oxidized. Given these Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: 7. Bandegan A, Courtney-Martin G, Rafii M,
findings, the authors asserted that MPS The authors report no conflicts of interest Pencharz PB, Lemon PW. Indicator amino
alone is an insufficient measure of over- and no source of funding. acid-derived estimate of dietary protein
all anabolic response. They even spec- requirement for male bodybuilders on
ulated that the large proportion of a nontraining day is several-fold greater
amino acids retained by the gut can Alan A. Aragon than the current recommended dietary
is a sports nutri- allowance. J Nutr 147: 850–857, 2017.
become available for incorporation
into muscle upon release during pro- tionist and chief 8. Boirie Y, Beaufrere B, Ritz P. Energetic
tein breakdown (27). editor of the Alan cost of protein turnover in healthy elderly
Aragon Research humans. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 25:
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carbohydrate to protein dosed at ;20– Effect of dietary protein content on
25 g (45). Furthermore, Glynn et al. weight gain, energy expenditure, and
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Energy Surplus and Muscle Hypertrophy

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