Fce Speaking Part 2 Mountain Walk

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How useful is each object for a walking trip in the mountains? some sandwiches a water bottle a detailed map of the area a waterproof jacket strong walking boots Language bank Going on a walking Lrip certainly needs sone planning, doesn’t it? Water is essential, don’t you think? You can't survive without that. Yes, | agree. And strong boots are a must as well — they protect your feet and ankles against mud or rocks. ‘And they make walking comfortable, too. You don't want to get blisters. What about sandwiches? Well, food's important for energy if you're doing a long walk, especially uphill. Absolutely. What about a map? That would be really useful if you don’t know the route and you aren‘t with a guide. Yes, and you can find you way back if you get lost. What else? A waterproof jacket might be useful if you're likely to be walking in wet weather. The weather can change really quickly in the mountains, can’t it? So which two things do you think are most useful? | think water would be our first choice from what we've said. | totally agree with you, And I'd take the map, though you might not agree with me there. | think good boots are more important because they make so much difference when you're walking. OK, let's go with water and boots then. I think we've reached an agreement, haven't we? Cambricige English: First Tests Materials for Paper 416:

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