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METHOD OF SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES APPLIED ‘TO THE SOLUTION OF POLYPHASE NETWORKS tn the jatrouction a ger scusion of unayeneticl = tha the yh tahteae sch ends to the contusion that they Ray Ee cepenented by symm ret Slvectors the number aera rege to define ‘ejerereed apg i a tes a MEST Riser Breck Bish biee, rode, G2 tea eto htc daly epee eae uae ere ga eet dimmer, “na mir ky See ene esse operon We intcoiuced which amplihe the Sonu ft re dn i eee Sr escenario iar SF Shean of is mat aaa ee eee ere ee rane spiel coisa Sly ae SIRE ea ent ale Shc at ee iigdencteat asa ent cand Inrnopucrion IN THE latter part of 1913 the writer had occasion to investi- ate mathematically the operation of induction motors under ‘unbalanced conditions. The work was first carried out, having particularly in mind the determination of the operating che Peferisties of phase converters which may be considered as & fartcular ease of unbalanced motor operation, but the scope Br the subject broadened out very quickly and the writer under- ook this paper in the belie that the subject would be of interest to many, The most striking thing about the results obtained was their symmetry; the solution always reduced to the sum of two oF Trove symmetrical solutions, The writer was then led to in- {pute if there were no general principies by which the solution Gonbalanced polyphase systems could be reduced to the solu- 1027 jt FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June28 tion offtwoforfmorehbalanced cases. The present paper is an endeavor to. present’ a general method of solving, polyphase fetwork which has peculiar advantages when applied to the ype of polyphase networks which include rotating, machines. {Tn physical investigations success depends often on a hapry hoor of co-ordinates. An electrical network being a dynamic System should also be aided by the selection ofa suitable aystem ‘Of coordinates. The co-ordinates of a system are quantities ‘which when given, completely define the system. Thus asystem Of three co-planar concurrent vectors are defined when their ‘magritude and their angular position with respect to some fixed Giection are given. Such a system may be said to have six ‘Segre of freedom, for each vector may vary in magnitude and jDhase position without regard to the others. Tf, however, we Enpose the condition that the vector sum of these vectors shall bbe zero, we find that with the direction of one vector gives, the ether two vectors are completely defined when their magni tide alone is given, the system has therefore lost two degrees cof freedom by imposing the above condition which in dynamical theory is termed 2 "constraint”. If we impose « (wither com Litton that the vectors be symmetrically disposed about their ‘common erigin this system will now have but two degrees of freedom, Te is evident from the above definition that a system of coplanar concurrent vectors may have 2 n degrees of freedom and that a system of rw aymmetzically spaced vectors of equal mas hhitude has but two degrees of freedom, Tt should be possible then by a simple transformation to define the system of # trbiirary congruent vectors by % other systems of concurrent ‘ects which are symmetrical and have a common point. The symmetrical systems eo obtained are the symmetrical o- ‘Gedinates of the given system of vectors gnd completely define ‘this method of representing polyphase systems has beet ‘employed in the past to a limited extent, but up to the present {inne there has been as far as the author is aware no systematic preventation of the method, ~The writer hopes by this paper t0 Frtcest others in the application of the method, which will be found to be a valuable instrament for the solution of certait clases of polyphase networks. ‘a dealing with alternating currents in ehis paper, use i made of the complex variable which in its most general form 2 a i g : § ois) FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1020 nay be represented asa vector of variable length rotating about piven point at variable angular velocity or better asthe re faltant of «umber of vectors each of constant length rotating fr diferent angular velocities in the same direction about fiven point. This vector is represented in the text by I, B, fie, and the conjugate vector which rotates atthe same speed in the opposite direction is represented by I, B, ete. The effec~ tive value of the vector is represented by the symbol without the distinguishing mark as1,, ete. The impedances Za, Zs Zon ete, are generalized expressions (or the self and mutual frmpedances. For a circuit A the seltimpedance operator wil be denoted by Zvs or Zu. In the case of two ciculte A and B the self impedance operators would be Zoe Zw and the mutual impedance operator Za». The subletters denote the circuits to which the operators “apply. These operators are generally 4 functions of the operator, D = 4 and the characteristics of the circuit; these characteristics are constants only when there is no physical motion. It will therefore be necessary to care- fully distinguish between Z. 1, and I, Z. when Z, has the form of a differential operator, Tn the first case a differential opera- tion is carried out on the time variable [in the second case the Aiferential operator is merely multiplied by [. ‘The most general expression for a simple Harmonie quantity = A.cos pt~ Bain pt in exponential form this becomes A+IB any A=iBin en Ati B any AaiPe (A + jB) eM represents a vector of length VAP BF rotating in the positive direction with angular velocity p while (A ~ jB) eis the conjugate vector rotating at the same angular Velocity in the opposite direction. Since @¥ is equal to os pt) sin pl, the positively rotating vector B=(A-+j B) &* will be B= A cos pl— Bin pt + j (A sin pt + B eos po) fr the real part of £ which is its projection on a given axis is equal to ¢ and therefore & may be taken to represent ¢ in phase ‘and magnitude, It should be noted that the conjugate vector £ is equally available, but it is not so convenient since the 1000 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {June28, a operation Se gives — j per! and the imaginary part of the impedance operator will have a negative sign ‘The complex roots of unity will be referred to from time to timein the paper. Thus the complete solution of the equation #1 = 0 requires n different values of x, only one of which js rel when w is an odd integer. To obtain the other roots we have the relation Le cor2mrtisinger ‘Where ris any integer. We have therefore Wee and by giving successive integral values to r from 1 to m, all the w roots of x — 1 = O are obtained namely, be observed that or ¢2...04 are respectively equal t© ‘When there is relative motion between the diferent parts of « circuit as for example in rotating machinery, the mutual inductances enter into the equation as time variables and wher the motion is angular the quantities e/! and ¢~/ will apes? in the operators. In this case xe do not reject the portion of the operator having «Mas a factor, because the equation® require that each vector shall be operated on by the operator fs 4 whole which when it takes the form of a harmonic time funetion will contain terme with e" and eM in conjugat® relation. In some cases as a result of this, solutions will appes with indices of e which are negative time variables; in such ‘cass in the final statement the vectors with negative inde should be replaced by their conjugates which rotate in the positive direction. o-d 8] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1021 ‘This paper is subdivided as follows Part I.—"The Method of Symmetrical Co-ordinates." Deals ‘sith the theory of the method, and its application to simple polyehace circuits 'art_IL—Application to Symmetrical Machines on Unbal- anced Polyphase Circuits, Takes up Induction Motors, Gener- tor and Synchronous Motor, Phase Balancers and Phase Convertors. art III. Application to Machines having Unsymmetrical windings. In the Appendix the mathematical representation of field forms and the derivation of the constants of different forms of networks is taken up. ‘The portions of Part T dealing with unsymmetrical windings are not required for the applications taken up in Part IT and may be deferred to a later reading. The greater part of Part T fe taken up in deriving formulas for special cases {rom the {general formulas (80) and (88), and the reading of the text fl- owing these equations may be confined to the special cases of I isish to express my appreciation of the valuable help and suggestions that have heen given me in the preparation of this paper by Prot. Karapetof! who sugxested that the subject be Presenteil in a mathematical paper and by Dr. J. Slepian to Bihom { am indebted for the idea of sequence operators and by Urhers who have heen interested i the paper. . PART 1 ‘Method of Symmetscal Generales Co Resourtion or Usaatancen Svsteas oF Vecrons AND ‘Operators “The complex time function B may be used instead of the har- monie time function ¢ in any equation algebraic or differential ja which it appears linearly, The reason of this is because if tiny linear operation is performed on E the same operation per~ formed on its conjugate £ will give a result which is conjugate to that obtained from £, and the sum ofthe two results obtained fe a solution of the same operation performed on E + B, oF 26. Te is customary to interpret & and £ as coplanar vectors, rotating about a common point and e as the projection of ether eetor on a given line, E being a positively rotating vector and 1002 FORTBSCUB: SYMMETRICAL CO.ORDINATES [use 28 E being a negatively rotating vector, and their projection on ‘the given tne being ELE «Bt ry Obviously if thie interpretation is accepted one of the two ‘vectors becomes superfiuous and the positively roteting vector E may be taken to represent the variable 'e” and we may de- fine “e" by saying that “e" is the projection of the vector E ‘on a given line or else by saying that "e" is the real part of the complex variable. If (1), a,a8....a"-1 are the m roots of the equation x*—1 = 0 fa symmettial polyphase eystem of phases may be represented by Bu= En Baw okn Enon @ Ea cort By ‘Another n phace system may be obtained by taking Bum Ba Ene ohn Ena ot En o Eas and this also is symmetric from (2), ‘Since 1+@ +o! + ot! = 0, the sum of all the vectof® fof a symmetrical polyphase system is zero. Ut By By By... Ey be a system of m vectors, the followin identities may be proved by inspection: aE although it is entirely different u-d 8] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 033 A Atht B+ Ey pEboB tebe ie p Et eB tos owing, + Bde feast ate-vu- B 4 Ete tet it oe Qa ht ht be Ey tabt abt. otf, HOE tot By totus, ” sp oreen Bit ont By ttn Bb neen porn iter beth etn tote ten ExtotfitotB + +o Te will be noted that in the expression for A, in the above formulas if the first term of each component is taken the result is. n Et or By, I thesucceeding terms of each component involving W004 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June2® ExEy....Eqrespectively, are taken separately they add up toex- z, pressions of the form = (1-4a-+o! +....a¥-!) which are all equal to zerosince (I-+ata"....0"~!) is equal tozero. alike ‘manner in the expression for Ey By... respectively, all the terms ‘of the components involving each of the quantities E.£, £, ete excepting the termsinvolving that one of which the components é fare tobe determined add up to expressions of the form (1 +a tett....a) all of which are equal to zero, the re maining terms add up to By By....Eq respectively. It will row be apparent that (4), is true whatever may be the nature of E, Bxetc, and therefore itis true of all numbers, real complex fr imaginary, whatever they may represent and therefore Similar relations may be obtained for current vectors and thes ray be extended to inchide nat only vectors but also the oper ators. In order to simplify the expressions which become unwieldy when applied to the general n-phase system, let us consider ® three-phase system of vectors £, ££. Then we have the following identities nekthts htehton BtoB tek + o pa kthth, tater : oO poBtebe aaAtBth, tohtek soto Bites (4) states the law that a system of w vectors or quanti may be resolved when it prime into m different symm soups or systems, one of which consis of equal vectors 8M the remaining (x~ 1) systems consist of w equi-spaced vet! hich with the first mentioned groups of equal vectors {0 u-d is) FORTESCUB: SYMAETRICAL COORDINATES 1098 fan equal number of symmetrical nphase systems. When mis not prime some of the m-phase systems degenerate into fepetitions of systems having numbers of phases corresponding tothe factors of Equation (6) states that any three vectors By BB. may be resolved into a system of three equal vectors Bus Bue Eve and {oo symmetrical theee-phase systems By, af Buy, @ Bx, and Buy Fic, 1Grarmieat, Rernssevrarion oF Equation 6 4 Buz, Ex the fest of whichis of positive phase sequence and the sccond of negative phage sequence, ot tbat Ey m Eg tat En ta Bay (8) B= Ba taba totba Ped aed et Lala tarka tole ” Tea fa tala tet le Figs, (1) and (2) show a graphical method of resolving three vectors £, Ey and £, into their symmetrical three-phase com- ponents corresponding to equations (6). The construction is as follows-—Evs Bus, Ey are obtained by drawing a line from 0 to Similarly 1006 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {June 28 the centroid of the triangle B By £,. Ess Bus, By are obtained by rotating Bs positively through an angle 2% and B, neg tively through the same angle giving the points ¢ Ey and a* E. respectively. £,, is the vector obtained by a line drawn from 0 to the centroid of the triangle £,, ¢ By, 0° E,;and Ey, and Es lag this vector by 2F and AE respectively. To obtain Bar Eve Eas, Evis rotated negatively and £, positively through the angle 2s a drawn from 0 to the centroid of the triangle E,, o° E,, a Bis the aiving the points az #y and aE, respectively; the line Fic. 2—Graraicat Rerersewtavion or Bquanion 6. vector Bin Bus and Er lead this vector by the angles 2% BF pein ‘The system of operators Zan Zi Zu Zap Zse uu may be resolved in a similar manner into symmetrical groups, Lan = Zags + Zan + Zot Zan = Lane +0 Zant $0 Za © Bag = Las +0 Zaeh + 0 Zan Bu = Lan + Zits + Lae Bue m Zan $0 Za bo Zan o Zu = Las +0 Zass +08 Zae ‘There are similar relations for n-phase systems. €l-4 PORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1037 ExpLawation oF THEony AND Use or SuqueNce OrsRAToR Let us define the symmetrical sequences of nth roots of unity in the following manner: Se wd ) Set at ante (10) Sette 1, ett, ate, artemis seve ho Consider the sequence obt terms of Sand St Tt will be sete eetn, a4 ined by the products of similar meen Qt) Similarly She a oo (a2) ‘and the sequence obtained by products of like terms of this Sequence and 5° is gree aretha, etened (13) We may therefore apply the law of indices to the products of sequences to obtain the resulting sequence. {in the case of the three-phase system we shall have the fol- Towing sequences only to consider, viz. Sand Sah oe ay, Sah ot ‘The complete system of currents Ie Iy I. are defined by SUL) = 9 Ia tS La tS Den an Similarly the impedances Zos Z Zu may be expressed in sym metrical form “ (ua) =5* Zuo + Si Zant +S La as) land the mutual impedances Zy, Ziu Zee are expressed by S (Zs) 39 Zasn + S Zan + SF Zoe an ons FORTESCUE: SVMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {Jone28 [Attention is called to the importance of preserving the eyetie ‘order of self and mutual impedances, otherveise tlie rule for the fequence operator will not hold. Thus, Za, Zie and Zee are in proper sequence a8 also are Zie, Zab, Ze ‘When itis desired to change the fist erm in the sequence of polyphase vestors the resulting expression will be Sh) = Slut Salat Sols | SU) = Slut Salat Sele | Simi in the cae ofthe operators (2a) we have S (Zu) © 9° Zan + S08 Za + Sa Zan poeceaceerrs |Po Similar rules apply to the emis. Be BE, S(E) = 8 Bat 3 Eat 9B S (Bd) = 9 Bg + St Eas + Si Eos SE) Sbnt Sab tStby | Le should be kept in mind that any one of the several expres: siont S (Iz) 5 (Is) $-(J), ete, completely specifies the system, tnd each of the members of the groups of equations given above is'a complete statement of the system of vectors oF operators and their relation as) 20) ‘Arpucarion To Sttr AND MurvAL IMPEDANCE OrEnATionS ‘We may now proceed with the current systems 5 (I), $ (hh) 5 (I) and the operating groups S (Za) S (Zs) S (Z.) ete. and the electromotive forces in exactly the same manner as for simple ac. circuits. Thus, S (Ed = 5 (Zu) S (Te) +S Za) Sls) +S Zu) S(E) BB = (Zann + SE Za +S Zant) (S* Tag +S Lay + SF Led $(S Zee +S! Zan +S Za) (Slay + Stat Ty + Sa Tes) 4 (S Lae + Sta Zan + Sa Zas) (Sant Sta las + So Te) mS (Zann + 2 Zs) Toe + SP (Zan + (1 + a) Zal Tas vind 018) FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1099, $9" (Zan + (1 40) Zand Do 9° Zant (1-4 6) Zath Toe FS (Zac + (© 0%) Zaal Do $9 (Zan +20 Za le +S [Zan (LF 0 2, $9 [as #20 Za I +S (Za + (6 +09) Za Tas 2) Of since 1tatat=0, 1te=—0h 1tot=—a and ato=-l S (Ed) = 9 Cae + 2 Za) Tos + S® Zann ~ 8 Za) Ls $9 Can ~ 8 Za) Ian + S! Lat ~ Za) 4S aa ~ Zan) Toy + S! 2a + 20 Zatt) Dn 4S Ca 0 Za) Ion + S ot + 208 Za) Ios 4S Cae Za) lr 2 We © S (2x) = SP Zan +S Zier +S Zoe S Zane + Sat Zs + Sa 2a swe may write (29) in the form SP ans + 2 Zot) Tap +S? Zan — Zia) Tes +S Cass Zu) Tas + S* Zot Zia) Do 2us) Tay + S' Laur 2 Za) Toe Zia) Lae + S* Zant +2 Zoi) Tos 4S Cam ~ 2a) Tar which is the more symmetrical form. We have therefo (24) by expressing (B,) in terms of symmetrical co-o the three symmetrical equations Bay = 58 | Lave + 2 Za) an + (Zatt = Za) Tos = Zu) Tus 2) + Caer +2 Za) Lah S Bag = S (Lat Za) Tan + (Zoat + 2 Zot) Tar + Caat~ Za) ash 10 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES (June 28 ‘An important case to which we must next give consideration fg that of mutual inductance between a primary polyphase circuit and a secondary polyphase circuit.” ‘The mutual im- pedances may be arranged in three sets. Let the currents in the secondary windings be I, I and Is, we may then express the generalized mutwal impedances as follows: (D Za Za Zoe (1) Zee Zee Zee 28) (UD 2 Za Zoe ach set may be resolved into three symmetrical groups, 20 that S Can) = $9 Zana +S! Zon +S Zant S Zin) = S* Zane +S Zan +S Zinn on S Ea) © 8 Zags +S Zan +S Zant and we have for S (#,) the primary induced em{. due to the secordary currents 5 (T,) S (Bd) = $ (Zu) SU) S Zu) Sl) +S (Zan) Se) (28) Substituting for S (I.), $(,) and S (Ie) and S (25), S (Zan) 'S (2m) their symmetrical equivalents we have S (Ea) = S* Coun + Lees + Za) Ler $9 aes + 0 Zits + 0! Zan) Dey FS aes + a8 Zann + 0 Zen) Der $9" Coes $0 Zins + 08 Zan) $5 aus + 08 Zee + 0 Zu) Des $9 oat + Zier + Zur) Ler 4S Zar bat Zinn $0 Zu) lee $9 aus + Zoes + Zen) Le FS ass $a Zim + a8 Zo) Ian a si-a ois] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1041 (on expressing S (E,) in symmetrical form we have the following theee symmetrical equations $0 Bas = 9 (Zant + Zoe + Ze Fant $0 Zone + a Ze) Tos + Lea +? Zier +0 Zen) Tah St Bas = S' [Zany a Zins + 08 Zoi) Tu + Zan +0 Zoes +4 Zu) I ant + Zoea + Zo) Fa S Bay = S (Laas + 08 Zien +6 Zu) DE Hoar + Zien + Zon) Le + Cano +4 Zone + 0 Zea) Lesh a0) For the emt. 5 (B,) induced in the secondary by the ceurrents S (I,) we have S$ (Ba) = S (Zu) $ (Ie) + 8 (Sud) S (Is) +S Zon) SE) (84) Since $ (Zx) bears the same relation to S (Zn) as S (Zu) does to S (Zre) and S (Zon) bears the same relation to (Zi) fat 5 (Zee) does to S (Z.) to obtain S (E,) all that will be neces- sary wll be tointerchange ye and Z,,in(29)and change Iye fas Ds to Tor Ios and Iny respectively, this gives S(E,) = 9 Cave + Zee + Ze) le ary 4S" Laas + 08 Zann + 0 Za) Ts FS ans $0 Zann + at Zo) Ter 4S! aay +0 Zoos 0 Zan) Lee 485 Ca 4 0 Ze + Zn) ls 45° Can + Za + Zen) on HS (Can + 0 ome + 68 Zen) ln 49° Ca + Zan + Zand ls +S (Zev + Zive + Zev) Tor (32) 102 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO.ORDINATES (June? and the three symmetrical equations will be Shs Saw + Zaee + Zon) Ih $ aus 4 0 Zoos + 0 Zoey + 0 Zs) Te $+ aur $0 Zan ot Zs) fel SB = SL 08 Zoe $a Zo) Tes + out +0 Ziee + 0! Zan) Tes os) + oes + Zoen + 2) Te SP Bag (Lan $0 Zen +o Zr) le 4 (Coat + Zoe + Zon) Tar 4 Cont + 68 Zane + 0 Zu) Tash ‘The same methods may be applied to polyphase systems of any ‘numberof phases. When the number of phases is not prime the system may sometimes be dealt with as a number of polyphase “ystems having mutual inductance between them:—For example f nine-phase system may be treated as three three-phase sy tems, a twelve-phase system as three four-phase or four three- phase systems, In certain forms of dissymmetry this method is ‘Of great practical value, and ts application will be taken up later For the present part of the paper we shall confine ourselves to the three-phase system, and dissymmetries of several dit fecent kinds. ‘The operators Zus Zan ee., must be interpreted in the broadest sense, ‘They may be simple complex quantities or they may ‘be functions ofthe differential operator —S-. For if Eo F Ascom wt Besin ned) itrmay be expressed in the form (8) real part of T ond ois] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1013, and any linear algebraic operation performed on 1/2 will give result which wil be conjugate to that obtained by eareying fot the same operation on 1/2 and since the true solution ib the sum of these results it may also be obtained by taking the teal part of the result of performing the operation on I Mootrtcartiow or tHe Genznat. Case Mer Witi i PRacticaL Networks Several symmetrical arrangements of the operator Za ete. are frequently met with in practical networks which recult in fa much simpler system of equations than those obtained for the general case as in equations (29) to(38). Thus for example if all the operators in (28) are equal, all the operators in (27), except S? Zauy 5 Zoen and S® Zep a€6 equal to zero, and these three quantities are also equal to one another so that equation (G0) becomes SF Bag = 5° (aun + Zoen + Za) tee En 0 ) 0) Shan o and equation (88) SE, S En SEs } 68 ‘This isthe statement in symmetrical co-ordinates that a sym= metrically disposed polyphase transmission Tine will produce fo electromagnetic induction ina second similar polyphase system 20 disposed with respect to the frst that mutual indue- tions between all phases of the two are equal except that due to single-phase currents passing through the conductors. Tein (28) the quantities in each group only are equal, equations (80) and (38) become S* Ba = S Cann + Zine + Zot) Tae Bas = S! Zeus + 08 Zone +0 Zt) Ian | OD. SF (Zant $6 Zoen + 88 Ze) Tas 10M FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June8 S Bae = aus + Zien + Za) Len Si Bay = S' Laan + 0 Zien + ot Zet) Ios (38) S Bay = SF Laat & Zinn + 0 Zo) Tes SruoernicaL Foras of Commox Occurence A symmetrical form which i¢ of importance because itis of frequent occurrence in practical polyphase networks has the ‘terms in group (I) equation (28) all equal and those in group es those in prowp (I) and those in group (IIT) times those in group (1) Be ate _ ae Since cos 2% = 28 = cox SF we have on substituting S Ea = 9 Zo (0 +09) S Bax = SW Zales 0) S Ban = S14 Zann De ‘Thelelements in group I may be unequal but groups IT and A ay be ote rom ou 1 by malting by cor an andcos 2% ‘The members of the three groups will then be related as fol- lows, the same sequence being used as before, © Zan Zin Zee ay te respectively. om $42, ote und wis] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 104s Consequently the following relations are true: vate } Sima tilotm | Sag = SHO 8 Zan | 82m EBS Za ss oy Fam = EES Za awe lite 52m =2E! 92m “ 82a EBS Zan Substituting these relations in (80) and (83) we have for this system of mutual impedances Laws + Zoee + Zon Zags + Laey +0! Zang = MS Za (3) Zosn + 08 Zoon ba Zane = UY Zao Zeus + Zoe + Zoey = Mh Zan 1 Za cry Zo + 68 Zou $0 Zan = 0 Zee + Zone + Zon = Za Zoe $0 Zon +08 Ze = 0 Co Zot +08 Zing + 0 Zen = MZ which on substitution in (30) and (88) gives S By =O Sy = SN Zoe Lan 4 1 Zoe Day + 1 Zot Dad S° Bay = SNS Zoe Tan + Ub Zant Bay + 1 Zo Dd Say = SAN Zant Fas + U4 Zant Fa St Egy = S114 Zane Tas + Uh Zant Fe « S yy S (1 Zoe far + 1 Zee Ld Zon $4 Zany $a Za 1066 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES |Jure28 The stove symtoms in which th acters co BE and cos 4 occur apply particularly to electromagnetic induc: 3 tion between windings dibuted over the surfaces of eo fxil cylinders; where tthe plane of symmetry of one winding te taken at the datum plane, the mutual impedance between this winding snd any other is harmone faction of the ane tetween its plan of symmetry and the datum plane. In other ‘words, the tutual impedances are functions of pxtion on the Circumference of cic and may therefore be expanded bs Fourer’s theorem in a series of integral harmonics of the ange nade by the planes of eymmatry withthe datum plane. Since the same procedure apples to all the terms of the expansion ielsneseary only to conde the simple harmonic care.” In the pertally symmetrical caves of rutual indection, such a> that taken up inthe preceding ieusion, there will be fer nce between tvo possble cen, vin-~Symmetrical primary, nepmmeiicelsecmdery, which fo the nae just considered, a “neymmetical primary and symmetical secondary in which the impedances of (26) wll have the following values Zum a Zoe ay $82, 482. S482, + $ wo cy 24%. S82, 882, ‘The results may be immediately set down by symmetry from ‘equations (48) and (47), but the difference between the to ‘cases will be better appreciated by setting down the component symmetrical impedances, thus we have ate SLi = ELH 2 ate S 2a = ES Ze ) | 9) | J 1918) FORTESCUR: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES Substituting. these relation and (83) they become Zang + Zaea + Zea = 0 Zang +0 Zoey 08 Zea = 1 Zant Zana + 0 Zina +0 Zoo =U Zant Zany + Zoey + Zo =U Zot Zan +0 2am ba 2, Laas +0 Zing +0 Zen = VW Zot Zan + Zama + Zot =U Zo Zant +0 Zoey a Zar © 1 Zoek Zans +0 Zoey +0 Zo = 0 ‘And we have from (90) and (88), or by symmetry S° Big = S* (1 Zea Tas + Uh Zant Lad By = SUN Ze Fas + Uh Zant I SANS Zant Tes + Uh Zoe Dae 0 -0 gi-d St Boy = S*(1 Zant Toe + 1h Zant Tos + 4 Zac Fos SPIE Zann aa + UB Zoe Ban +14 Zant Tah SE the impedances used in (30) (60) oy 62) | w (o) If the angle between the planes of symmetry of the coils and ithe datum plane are subject to changes, cos 2% and cos in the preceding discussion must be replaced by em (2E 46) = ett : co (SE +0) = Gens ‘where @ is measured from the datum plane In the strictly symmetrical case of co-axial cytinds fen e 4 (65) face windings in whieh the members of each group of mutual 1068 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES (June? ipedances are equal, the result of substituting (66) in the equations for induced eam willbe S Ea a0 1 SE = $4 Zant Ta) } SE = SUF Zo Tes) SB = 0 S Bay = S'( Zaw eH Iu) } S Bn SU) ave Ta) In the cate having symmetrical primary and unsymmetrical secondary in which members of each group are diferent, but in which there are harmonic relations between corresponding srembers ofthe diferent groups, the impedances are Zan Zin Zoe an (Het ete) re on (68) ‘The symmetrical component mutual impedances will have the {ellewing values in terms of 8 fam = (Heat Bett) 9 an 8 2am = ($0 Let) San Ste (Sot 4) 205 « +e") 920 GG (+ stm (4S Stn = (Hot $4) 20 8 2a = (Sf + Set) 2am 6i-d 018] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1040 ‘Substituting these relations in the impedances of equations (20) and (88) they besome 4 Zin + Zon = 0 +0 Zien + at Zoe = 14 Z 4a! Li + a Za on (0) = th Zane Zans + oes + Zant = Uh Zann OH Zant +8 Zins +88 Zant = Uh Zant OF wm) Zag $a Zing $a Zen 0 Zuur + Zins + Zt Mh Zant OF Zour $0 Zins + 8 Zant = 0 (2) Zour +08 Zug +8 Zon Wh Zn witch on substitution in (30) and (88) give 9 En = 0 Bay = SY Zs OF Tag tb Zane OF Tas +b Za Lal (63) Bag = SN Zaen OF Dag WY Zea C2 Dan $M Zao? Ded S Bay = 9 Ih Zan Say = S' ILE Zann 7 Tas UY Zane OH Te SF Bax = SU Zoas OM Lay +H Ze Tah In the case of unsymmetrical primary and symmetrical secondary, we have for the value of the impedance in terms of Zoot Zou a Za w an (free ow Ze fo fen) a (on) 10s FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June 28 ‘The symmetrical component mutual impedances in terms of Zane Zany, Zan 206 (68) fteivtematene | ‘And on substitution in (80) and (88), or by symmetry from (68) and (64), we have Sag (14 Zan Ot Tas + Zoe OF Deh S Bay = Sb Zags 4 Tay +H Zeer 8 Des] 70) S Bag = S14 Zea Ot Les $M Zane OH Det 18] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1051 Sha 0 Sia = SNE Zan © o 18 2a Da fa 2 tern of lf nd ingen of oa Syne dog ibe ual te Reni ab Sit mee tie art nc St cite of Salta cigs treet they eg i tar tan a= ao (dost | on Lag ba = = a= a= Ma = Fe Ue ning ae yey pd a fe ioe vente Tne = Mua = 2 An Lys Ma 2B, co) Maw Cu 5 ( VasTieos 237) Mu = £( VBC. cos 247) aw Ma IC the cole are alike but unsymmetrically spaced La La bu have the same values, namely £4. and Ma = 2 | (As cos 8) cos 25E de inn 8a ast} d= 2 {tAscosn 8) om SE Fasinn ty on BE | | Maa = £4 (A cos 6) cos 24% tee 4 (Asin 9 @) sin 22 1052 FORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June 28 If they are unequal as well as unsymmetrical disposed but are ‘otherwise similar Ly, Lag Lay have values as in (64) and Ma = 2 { (/AxBac05 8) cos 25™ + (ALB, sin » 0) sin 22 | Me = £ {By Crees n 63) cos 2% ow + (VEC sin n 0) sin 25 Ma = 24 (VEAs cos n 6) cos EE + (EA, sin w 6) sin 24 f | Where the windings are dissimilar in every respect the expres sions become more complicated. A short outline ofthis subject i given in the Appendix, In the cate of mutual inductance between two coaxial evlindri= cal systems, one of which A, B, C is the primary and the other U, V, W the secondary, the following ri conventions should be followed (@) All angles are measured, taking & the primary planes of symmetry as data in a postive direction satin (b) The datum plane forall windings ‘s is the plane of symmetry of the primary A phase, o Wee (©) All mechanical motions unless “3 é ‘otherwise stated shall be considered as Pio. 3—CowvenrionAt positive rotations of the secondary Disrosiion oF Pnast® cylinder about its axis, xo Dintenon oF RO (@) The conventional disposition of ™*"™ the phases and the direction of rotation of the secondary wind= ing are indicated in Fig. 3 ‘We shall consider five cases; Case 1 being the completely sy ‘metrical case and the rest being symmetrical in one winding, the ‘other winding being unsymmetrical in magnitude and phase, of both, but all windings having the same form and distribution of cals, Ie-a joi8] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1088 Case I. AU Windings Symmetrical. Moe = Mur = FAycos 8 PAsconn (OE +8) ™ Ma = Mac Ma = FAscoun (S44) Cate 11, Primary Winding eualand Spmmetiea, Sindy Winding onl bt aheree Soma May = EAscosn 8, Muy = ¥ By corm 8, = EC.cosn Miv = 2 Cocos (2 +8), Ma = Baoan BF 48) +4 ). stan #Cscmn (SF 48), Man Foca + a Mg = 2 By con (E+ ses Sco (49) Case IIL. Primary Windings Unequal but Otherwise Symmetri- al, Secondary Winding Equal and Symmetrical Mes =2AyC08 8, MZ By cos 8, Mee =E Cacos nO Me = 2 Boca 2 +0) +8) +0) 79) Ma = 3 6,008» (2E CE Ma = 26. saan E+ = 2 Beco (SE +8) ti FORTESCUH: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES Jom Cate IV. Some os Cas 1 expt i ation einen soary Wicca fom Sym yon cnentay whe srt Ma = acon aycon 4 Ansinavsinn N= 2Bomorcnn 0+ Basin inn) Mw B(Caveancn n+ Coin evsin Mi, = = {omesoorn (2F + 6) +4) ) + Cy sin ay sin G wrt (uoioen Gs + 4 Ay sin er sin = [mesmcoen(8E + + Basin aa sin n (22 + } ) ) hy (80) + Maa 2 (Boscom + Bysin ay sin n 5 ) )} ) +9) a] 4 Assn sinn (SE + 6)) Mant {Ceo arcorn (AE + ad a els ele ols B | + Cy sin ay sin n (4 ae = 2 {Arcosavcosn (4 Case V. Same as Case IIT except that the Primary Windint’ cre Unsymmetrically disposed with respect to one another aswell being wnegual werd Ya = Uacmeicnn + Ansinsinn v= £Bromasound + Binuton®) Mn = 3 Cosmas 8+ Cinausinn® ate = = (Bromancora (2E 48) ) ) } ) a) )) +B sin ay sin n (2% 7 } Ma = a 2 a + + Aysin ay sin | + Mae = + {creososenn (2 + Me Az 40) + casinansin (SE + )} toes = {Asoo acorn (AE 4 6) + Ausinasinn (SE + 0)} Me = 2 {Bocas conn (SE 4+ 0) + Bsns (SE 44)} “The expressions for dissymmetry in both windings and for un- symmetrically wound cols ete, are more complicated and will be dealt with in the Appendix. “The impedances Ze Zu, ete. Zav Zin ete. are functions of Mus Mia, €€,, Mus Mr ef, and the resistances of the system. ‘The component of em. {. proportional to the current due to 1096 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June 28 ita impence is ml ht my eer be elect 0 that Zu becomes “4 Mou Zin = “$= Mie and so forth If the secondary ssinding is rotating at an angular velocity ‘a, 6 in equation (68) becomes a1 and the operators Zan, et ‘operate on such products ase Dye Tex where fe, and Tuy are the variables. "The following relations will be found ueful in the application of the method in actual examples. 1D dene te operator fd 2 tononct 2 ve = yen Yl Maer yD4OX o POY = ey 040) Vem er and Yay ean ain ational algebraic ‘Corrente in Terme of Symmetieat thas been shown in the preceding portion of this paper that thee. m. fs. £, # and £, and the currents J, Is and [, whatever their distortion, may be represented by the sum of symmetrical systems of em. fs, or currents so that the two expressions S(B,) = S Bay + S* Bay +S Bas SUL) = Say + ST + SF Dan ‘completely define these two systems. Te we take the delta e. m. fs. and currents corresponding t0 S° Bay, 8 Bay and SEs, Sey, StI, we have, since ys leads Eat by -F- and Bia lage behind Bu by the same angle S Bia = 0 S Baa = j VES! Bs S Big - 5 VES En S Ir = indeterminate fom 5 (1) oo Shae jypS ln es) 1 hee i Sette s iy -d ywi8h FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 108 And therefore if we take Es as the principal vector SExy =0 S B= jas VIE S Bay = 58? VI By o S (Bu) = S' Easy +S Ba ‘The las equation of group (BB) when expanded gives Ba = j VB( Eno Ea) Bue = 5 VB (Eu Ba) () Ba = j VE! Ba a Ba) which may aso be obtained atet trom (8) by means ofthe relations ae Ee B- By ‘Similarly iaeamas 5° Ing = indeterminate from 5 (I) SIs ja Ow Shas je Ze co S (Ta) = 9 Tae + ST + S Tae similar expression for fa Iu and Ig which may be verified by means of the relations h Tua In + Ian Ta Ie + Ios Tan Iut h Conversely to (84) we have the following relations 1058 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES {June 28 5 Bay = indeterminate from 5 (Ex) S' Bay = = ie Ba = 5 Se S Ban 1 a Shan jge Sb = ie SE a S Iug = indeterminate from 5 (Ja) Sly = = 5 VES Ta = = Jot VTS Tas Sla= jvISh= faves on It will be sufficient in order to illustrate the application of the principle of symmetrical coordinates to simple circuits apply it to a few simple cases of transformer connections before proceeding to its application to rotating polyphase systems to ‘which t is particularly adapted. Unsrawernical Bawk oF Devra-Detta TRANSFORMERS Orenatine ox a Svinerrnicat Cincute BURPLYING & Bataxegn System Let the transformer effective impedances be Zax Zxc Ze a0 let the secondary load currents be Iy Ty and [y and let the star load impedance be Z. One to one ratio of trans forma:ion will be astumed, and the effect of the magnetizing current will be neglected. The symmetrical equations are 0 = $ (Zane Lae + Zan Ls + Zags Las) | Sg = St Bas 5! Za SB = 0~ S* Zam Len + Zant Tas + Zam Tess) Sa =o | ) Tosa + Zane Tas + Zan Toe) co SZTa= Ba SZla= Ba Since the transformation ratio is unity and the effects magnetizing currents are negligible St Tas = S* Tey, S* Jot = fags. And therefore by means of the relations (86), the I ‘wo equations may be expressed vend 18] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1050 S Ban = S32 fon 00 in other words, the symmetrical components appear in the secondary as independent systems, 3 Z being the delta load im- jpedance equivalent to the star impedance Z. ‘Substituting from (80) in the second and third equation and climinating Ig by means of the first equation, and we have SB = 9 {( 224 Ze ZZ) Jay + (40- Fa )iu} 90-9 {(Zu~ Zit.) to “ + (324 2m- 2-2) tue} whieh, when S* and S* are removed, give two simultaneous equa- tions in Tas and Da 'A modification of the problem may occur even when the load impedances are symmetrical, as they may have symmetrical Dat unequal impedances Z,\and Z,, to the two components Tur and Toa respectively, asin the case ofa load consisting of a symmetrical rotating machine. The equations corresponding +0 (89), (90) and (91) then become: 0 = 3° (Zan Tse + Zan Lan + Zant Tes) SB = 5° Bas S* (Zan Tne + Zone Tass + Za Ta) SB aay = O~ S* (Zane Tne + Zan Tes + Zoe Tass) 2) SIa=0 S Zila = Bs S Zila = Bs = 932, Da (63) S325 Tan 1000 FORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES. June 28 oo) (ore Devt4 on V Connection: In an open deli system Zyys = Zust = Zuao~ Zyathe t1805 formers inthis case being both the same. Equation (91) becomes in this particular cate where Zay is infinite Bay = (BZ +22) Ls + Zan a) | op $0 = 9 Zalan + (82 +220) Fal and wehave Tag = ~Tay ~ Lan ) Similar, nstend of (4) we have S Bas = 108214 2) fas + Zan La} jo SO mS |ZyaTon + (3.21 + 2 Zan) Tare ‘The secondary voltages are obtained from (90) and (88) fF this latter case. wis] FORTESCUE: SYMAETRICAL COORDINATES 1001 ‘The solution of (96) gives B24 22 lo" eae wiry Za le ~ aaeeEs ene za be co Tan = = 1 TF 3Ze iS And we have Shy ws 3242 ly ig 3a. + 20 (2.4 Za) Za Sa sate (ae I> And therefore ~-—A Zu z a a" area(as ee) Be dZuy h Bo > oN =e (200) 2s Za a+ Grea (at ele Lew £, nee Three-Phase System with Symmetial We ee We may expres Bin the following form: Bom Bie Bret + Byemey = 2 Eom Haring Hs (101) where E, is in general a complex number. If the system is symmetrical three-phase £, is obtained by Aisplacing the complete wave by the angle — 1002 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES {June 28 Bae Ve FE gm ge Be Mae oF Eg ETE Eom Brews Bem 4 Ego Bnet Bem babe 4 gem 4 } aon Bema s ot Bem 4 oon 4 i SE) = 9 [BO + Bo 4 Bem 5 1 FSB FBO Bem 4 1} ao FSBO + Byelte 4 Eyme uy S(B) = $2 (By dim) $98 (Eye SEE (Bay Seb, 208) itetne ‘This shows that a symmetrical three-phase system having harmonics is made up of positive and negative phase sequence harmonic systems and.others of zero phase sequence, that is say of the same phase in all windings, which comprise the group of third harmonics. These facts are not generally appreciated though they are factors that may have an appreciable influence the performance of commercial machines. It should be particu” larly noted that in three-ptase generators provided with dampers the fith, eleventh, seventeenth, and twenty-third harmonics produce currents in the damper windings. In dealing with the complex variable it will be convenient to use for the amplitude the roat mean square value for each hat monic. When instantaneous values are required, the real par! of the complex variable should be multiplied by V3. In the remainder of this paper this convention will be adopted, Power Symmetiea! Coordin Since the power in an altermating-current system is also & har- monically varying scalar quantity, it may therefore be repre ‘sented in the same manner as the current of electromotive force, oe-d 18] FORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1068 shat is to say by a complex variable which we shall denote by (P +O + (Px +5Qn)sP +3 Q being the mean value, the term of the complex variable of zero frequency. P represent- {ng the real power and Q the wattless power, VF¥ + Q' will be the wolteamperes "The value of the complex variable (P + J Q) + (Pa +J Qe) may be taken as (PAID + Pe t5Q) = BPH ET 105) «vith the provision that forall rms having negative indices the onjugate terms must be substituted, these terms being present in the product £ I +£ 1, which is the conjugate of the product (G06). A similar rule Holds good for the symmetrical vector system S(E) = 9 B+ SE + S(l) = 8 Lay + STs ‘The conjugate of $ is SCL) = Shag + SO Las $5 beets aon and the power is represented by (PH PO +I + OD = 2 (SCE) S(L) +S (E) S(T] (108) ‘with the same provision for terms having negative indices. The sign © signifies that all the products in each sequence are added, together. BIS) S (Ed = 29° (Ie Be + an Ent. thane Bxenl AES an Bay + tes Bar + ter Bar + Hla Bal fae 4 ES (Top Ban + fas Bas + fen Bat tle Bal 4 ESO [Lan Bacar far Bos + + Lace Baten) 10 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES. June 78 The terms prefixed by S. S'S |S! all become eo and since 5° becomes 1 2S (LSE) = 0 (les Bao + Las Bas + latent» Baten) (110) Ina similar manner it may be shown that BS (1) S (Bs) =m UTan Bas + Tes Baenty + Ian Bateay + lawn) Ea} (A and therefore (PLID+ (Pe +500 (Lan Ean fey Bas + latory Bath as) $0 [an Bast bas Bate Flan Bal For a three-phase system the expression reduces to P +508) = 8 Lan Ean + fay Bas + Ion (PAGO) 4 Pe $5) = 8 (lun + Io Eos +L Eed) sy $3 (eran + In Bos + In Eu) In the above expression P+ Py is the value ofthe instanta- ‘eous power on the system, P being the mean value and Py the harmonie portion. When the currents are simple sine waves, Q say beinterpreted to be the mean wattless poser of the circuit oF the sum of the wattless volt-amperes ofeach circuit. 1° rotating machinery since the coeficents of mutual induction ay be complex harmonic functions of the angular velocity ‘isis not strictly true forall cases; but ifthe elective impedances to the various frequencies of the component currents be used. it will be found to be equal to the mean wattlest volt-amperes of the system with each harmonic considered independent Ina balanced polyphase system Py and Qy both become zee. ‘The instantaneous power is a quantity of great importance it polyphase systems because the instantaneous torque ie propor tional to it and this quantity enters into the problem of vibr= tions which is at times @ matter of great importance, especiall® ‘when caused by unbalanced e.m.{s. A system of current® and e-m.fs, may be transformed to balanced polyphase bY ‘means of transformers alone, provided that the value of Pa i= aro, while on the other hand polyphase power cannot be supplied from pulsating power system without means for l-d ois) FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1065 supplying the necessary storage to make a continuous flow of nerty. PARTIE Annlication ofthe Method to Rotating Polphase Retworks ‘The methods of determining the constants ZZ, Af, ete, of co-axial cylindrical networks is taken up in Appendix T of this (aver. It will be assumed that the reader has familiarized him- Sar with these quantities and wnderstands their significance ‘We shall first consider the case of symmetrically wound machines taking up the simple eases frst and proceeding to more complex SeMETRICALLY Wounp Inoverion Moron Operative on ‘Unsvaimernicat PoLvpuase Cincurt Denoting the pole-pitch angle by # let the synchronous angular velocity be wy and let the angular slip velocity be ws. And let ‘SB S* Eas be the symmetrical components of impressed poly- phase e-m-. Let R, be the primary resistance and Ry the Reondary resistance, "The primary seltanduetance being Mon that of the secondary being Ms. and corresponding symbols being used to denote the mutual inductances between the dif- event pairs of windings. Then by means of (88), (40) (68) and on @ 1M Ma ol By (Re 414 Ma Spem-ne ta} S Eno Ta Ma fe Da +14 Me Loerie} any S By 2 02S [Rela + Mae bo deste, fata deems} 4 SB == S{ Relat Mn Fr +1 Ma Eee la} | 1066 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {Jane 28 denote 1} Mu by Leand 1) Muy by Ley 1} Moy by Af, the equ tions (2) become SB 8 (ue Lf) autem hy, } sta-o (n+ nt) S ba 0=S {(R+ LF) ho su ticiwty } | sh -0- 9 ((R +L ft | tu tiomwrts } | From the last two equations we have cH Ty (116) EE cme Ig an Rte Substituting these in the first two equations of (116) we obtain 1s) \oi8] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1067 stans| (tt ch) wf ttumw} 7 nan [oie f (ato) It Ba = Ea and Eqy = Exx €™ the solution for Ij and Toy wate far Za CS) Es -& aan were 2a Ret jo ta MES (R= JL) 480) a Rebimlet SiO ~ wae pine me 0) MT Rj) La (1) ‘The impedances Zand Zs will be found more convenient to use in the form y= (Ret Ki RY) + jell KA Ly) + SBE KER, . (124) Dae (Re KE Re) + om (la ~ Ke La) — OEE Re 1a Where, as we will see later, Ki? and K+ are the squares of the transformation ratios between primary and secondary currents of positive and negative phase sequence. . ‘The last eal term in each expression isthe virtual resistance due to mechanical rotation and when combined with the mean quare current represents mechanical work performed, the posi tive sign representing work performed and the negative sign work require. "Thus, for example, to enable the currents S* Ty to flow, the p AIM Ky Ry must be applied to rechanieal work 3 fa? 3 the shaft of the motor, toes FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES. (June ‘The phase angles of the symmetrical systems St Ia S* Ia with respect to their impressed e.m.f, Si Ey, and 5 Ba are siven by these impedances so that the complete solution of the Drimary cireit is thus obtained, ‘The secondary currents are given by equations (116) and (117) and are hye = be rn fae = ABM, ta ontm Re Tae aa Iago AM pg pte nit a fg Rieti Gu wy Ly a aa) In the results just given, Mf is not the maximum value of ‘mutual inductance between pair of primary and secondary ‘windings but ie equal to the total mutual inductance due to 2 current. passing through the two coils IW’ and V’ through the coil, cs Uas shown in the sketch Fig 5 and the winding, and U have their planes of symmetry coincident ‘Where the windings are symmetrical the induced e.m.{.i8 independent of the division of current between W and V, but this quantity must not be used in unsymmetrical windings, with star windings having a neutral point connection so that T's not zero. "The appearance of Af in this equation follows from the equ” tion * when A hththeo La- (hth ‘The power delivered by the motor is a {BSP ener SE Kener) 00) so that o-d 1018] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1000 “The copper loses are given by Pom B [Int (Ry + KAR) + at (Re + KE RD) 129) “The iron loss i independent ofthe copper loss and power out- put. The ion les and windage may be taken as Pm Iron los and windage (420) The power input as Pin Pot et Pr aan) ‘The mechanical power output is P les friction and mindage tosses. 1 xy arate Retete} X10" dyneem. (132) Tonwe ns {gh Keath The ke- VPRO at the terminals is ‘The effective value of 8 (Eat fa + Eat fa) (488) ‘This lst result may be arrived at in the following way S(B,) = S' Ey + SB) S(h) = Sha + ST } Since Sf «is conjugate to S* I, ete. ‘The product of Ey, and fw is the power product of the two vectors, 5 (E,) and $ (I,) and omits the harmonie variation as a ouble frequency quantity, the average wattless appears as an Jmaginary non-harmonie quantity. PhA5Q: =2 (Bar lar + 9 Bas ba + S' Eon ls +S Bafa) (136) ca) ‘The 5¥ and S* products have zero values, since the sum of the terms of each sequence is zero, henee— Pet jQ= 3 Eula + Bo fa) (138) VPFE OF = Theeffective value 3 (Bu fos + Baa In) (197) ‘The solution forthe general case of symmetrical motor opera~ fs not of as much interest as ting on an unsymmetrical circ M010. FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES (Jone 28 ‘certain special cases depending thereon, Some of the most im portant of these will be taken up in the following paragraphs. Case I. Single-phase e.m.f. impressed across one phase of three phase motor, ‘Assuming the single-phase voltage to be Ey, impressed across the terminals B C.‘The known data or constraints are Bu = j VE Bn Ba) aa) heohe-1 } and therefore 139) baw 2 Ban BB, (140) Substituting in (238) eos Zy IVa BFR aan fae j fe ot and therefore ua) Ba Le OSh aay ken PEPE KeR)e ou PrAIQ = +2) + Py (us) “The power factors obtained from (14) by the formula 2, VERE OF “ oe-d i FORTESCUR: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1071 Substituting from (142) in equation (128) and (127) of the general care we obtain for the secondary currents Inn en y +2 aan K, Fre j= wit so iReaa e Many unsymmetrical cases may be expressed in terms of the operation of coupled symmetrical motors operating on symmetri- fal systems. This is invariably the case with symmetrical poly~ fphase motors operating on single-phase circuits. Since the physical interpretations are useful in impressing the facts on ‘ones memory they will be given whenever they appear to be wseful. [Equations (A41) and (142) show that single-phase operation is exactly equivalent to operating two duplicate motors in series, ‘sith a symmetrical polyphase e-m. f.5* Eq impressed across one ‘motor, the other being connected interes with the first but with phase sequence reversed, the two motors being directly coupled. (Case II. B and C connected together e.m.J. impressed across AB. ‘The data given by the conditions of constraint are Bam ~ En a (148) By = Om j V3 (Eas ~ Ea) We therefore have By = Ba =~ uso) and a- fs az bs (180) Ia=- 33, “The remainder fotlows from the general solution and need not be repeated here. (480) shows that a motor operated in this manner is the exact equivalent in all respects to two duplicate mechanically coupled polyphase motors, one of which has sequence reversed, operating fs » Bx {in parallel on a balanced three-phase circuit of em. f. 5! 7. 1072 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COLORDINATES {Jone 28 ‘The secondary currents follow from substitution of (160) ‘equations (128) and (127) ofthe general case Case III. B ond C connected together by the terminols of a balance coil, the impressed ¢.m. J. Ene applied between A and the middle point of the balance coil. “Resistance and reactance of Balance coil negligible. ‘The data furnished by the connection in this case is (151) and therefore 1 = 1. We therefore have as) we have Ba = j VB (0 Bar - of Bas) ivi en-ez bie wm Bu (+3) (ass) aivite etn ar- +) 2d =- 2h (242) and thereto, as le-d 1018] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1078 1914 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES (June 28 the motors will be the same in each case but the heating in one hase for Case IIT will be one-third greater than for Case I (BS wy EB Ke} ree, 86 reignite «aso e = oe ta = VETO (467) : ; E | em i : 2 £ a Par tr aco 5 i i ae : Q. fal it 200 g z oon Ro som om aor? S Ea aot oe i i LE Ais meth of epoatin eertat a tl Bo "20003000, 3 ‘te. are concerned, the exact counterpart of two polyphase 1 | rok Beal i 5 5 jx sib] 3 io, 6—Cuanacrentaics oF Tuste-Paase Isouction Moror— Dataveno Tease Paase Em pape} Tod FH ino aod sew oroe Torque Pio, &—Cuasscrenerics or Tasai-Prass Ixpucrion Moror— 5 ‘SnsPease Onanation 18 Assan Ts01es7ED int acne t+ YE, tot he eRCENT-PoweR FACTOR-EFFICENCY SPEED Evidently (166), (188) and (167) ore identical to (144), (148) motors connected in series with shafts mechanically connected: ene of which has its phase sequence reversed, Figs, 6, 7 and 8 show characteristic curves of a three-phas® the value of Ea = YE “times that of Faw The total heating of 1918] FORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1075 induction motor operating respectively on a symmetrical cir- cit, according to Case 1 and according to Case Il. Synchronous Machinery ‘Tus SrmuernicaL Tanee-Piase Genznator OPERATING O¥ Unevsnrernicatty Loapeo Cincvtr ‘The polyphase salient pole generator isnot strictly symmetri- cal machine, the exciting winding is not a symmetrical polyphase twinding and it therefore sets up unsymmetrical trains of har- monies in exactly the same way as they are set up in an induction fotor with unsymmetrical secondary winding. These cases will therefore be taken up later on. A three-phase generator may hhowever be wound with a distributed polyphase winding to serve both as exciting and damper winding and if properly connected till be perfeetly symmetrical. Such a machine will differ from Jn induetion motor only in respect to the fact that it operates, {nsynehronism and has internally generated symmetrical e. m. fs. thigh we will denote by Sty, S* Bye the negative phase se- (quence component being vero; au emf S® Eye may evict but ince in all the connections that willbe considered there will be fo neutral connection its value may be ignored. If the load impedances be Z.', Zs' and Z,’ they may be expressed by Zu = Sah + SZ! + SZ" and the equations of the generator will be By 8 ( (Ret be fe) tar + fom ly + Za tat + ME em Bat } on 5 {(Re+ bef) far + ass) deity 4 zat ar + Mopeds’ } Om (Re + Le Fe) he + poem ly om (Ret bef) tat fp ol 101s FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {Juve 28 ‘The last two equations give 189) which on substitution in the frst two equations of (168) give the equations nnd wae) aya aN cate men ( te) eit Ba = Bae sn the impedances Zin, Zxn, Zan become ordinary impedance for 4 lectrial angular velocity w and equations (160) become (Ret jwLat Zui) La + Za’ Les = Bas Zan Trt Zant (Ret KA Ro)+) 26 (La— KL) | 0) 4 eis apparent that in the generator the impedances Ret jtele = Zi and (Ry + Ki R,) +2 (La Ke La) — 4 KAR) = 2 ee-d 1918) FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1077 take the place of Z; and Zs in the symmetrical induction motor operating on an unsymmetrical circuit, and we may express equation (162) Ca 4 219 at + Za } (289) + Gal + Ze) lala 0 which gives pee -—_“ Gare 2) = ee Or in more symmetrical frm asp From (488) we have fr the damper eurents Jy = OWRD 0 | lat = = Bilao ass) 2 Mt weeks eo | A portcnlar case of interes when the lod is « Spncronous Motor or Indoction Motor with wrsyromtrical Kine impedances in ‘eries—Equation (268) becomes (Zul + 20 4 2) at + Ba! Tus + 2a! + Za + 25) Ia = 0 : bay tes 1a" OG FETED) Con FaTFE cD - Zu & Ga FFE) Cav tia Da) = Casas “An important case is that ofa generator feeding into @ symmetrical motor and an unsymmetrical load. Let the motor currents be 1078 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES [June 78 Ih, Ta, those of the load I, hy’, I.’ and the load impedances zy ‘The equations of this eystem will be Bay = (Ze (last Dal) + Zan Ls + Zan! De!) St Bay = 8424 Test Tas) + Zs Lad | | am $0 = S120 (at Ta) +2. Ie SO =F (Zy (lat La) + ZT Or, omitting the sequence symbols and re-arranging— Ey = Zia Ze + Za) la! + Ze! Te! Bu =v +2) Int 20 Tet (ass) = Za Desh Zat Tu! + (Za + Zan!) Ds? | 0 = Ze 425) nh 2a Dat ) ‘These equations can be further simplified as follows: 0 = Be 425) Ian 2a! ds 0 =~ Za Dan + Za Tas + Za! Te (189) 0 == Zila Zu In! + Ze (Zu $29) Tes + 25" Da! ) ‘A cet of simultaneous equations which may be easily solved ‘Tue Smoue-Puase Generaror 16 aN Inpontawr Case o” THE ‘Tuner Puast Gexeeaton Oreratsn on ax Unpatanicen LOAD Let the impedance of the single-phase load be Z and let us ‘supposeit to be made up of three star connected impedances _ Zz Wa8het HE ° z we qed we 1018] FORTESCUB: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1079 the value of Z, in the limit being infinity. ‘Then we have 2a Zu = Zy Als Equation (164) in the limit when Zy becomes infinite reduces wat de om Za an ‘The single-phase load being across the phase B C, the single- ‘phase current F will therefore be equal to J. or | om J oR.>o | L ktow ivghte ar) J Taz is double normal frequency PotiQa3rz PAI Qe BP (Ze + Zr) am) (PID + (Pu +5 Qn) = BBall + D In the case of the generally unbalanced three-phase load Pet sQu= 3 (lat + Tat) Zan! 4 Tas bes Za! + Las Ta Ze PoAj Qe Bla? Zu + let Zid (175) (P+IQ4(Pa +500) = 3 Bas Lert La) 1060 FORTESCUR: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES (June 28 When the generator has harmonics in its wave form equations (162) must be written (Ret je Lat Zar) Ia! + Zu’ Te! = Eos Zu Ia! + Zant (Re + KER) 76) $520 (4 KEL) = ba Rel Ta’ = Bas J Where Ey is finite, Ese ero and vice versa, the frequencies being different in each este, we have therefore a slution foreach frequency depending on the phase and amplitude and phase se aqence of the emf of thie frequency generated. Of course the valves of Zand Z' change with each frequeney on account of the change in the veactance ith freqency. and vale must be taken for w conforming with the frequency ofthe harmonic ander consideration Symmetrical Synchronous Motor, Syachronous Condenser, Et. Asin the case of the generator, the synchronous motor hss tivo ‘impedances, one to the positive phase sequence current of given frequency and the other to the negative phase sequence current of the same ‘requency. But, since there is no quantity jn the positive phase sequence impedance corresponding to the Virtual resistance which indicates mechanical work in an indue- tion motor, its equivalent is furnished by the excitation of the field. Let us denote the em. f. due to the field excitation by ‘5° By" assuming it tebe for the present a simple harmonie three- phase system. Let Py be the output of the motor which will include the windage and iron losses assumed to be constant. ‘Then for the synchrenous motor on a balanced cireuit of e.m. f. Sy, we have SB = S [Tel Rett jwLer) + Ba) am S Bata = 9 {rat Re + july + Be %} aw Where Qe is the imaginary part of the product, Eay'Iys, (178) reduces to En Tuscon = 1a Bel + 7 (179) Where cos a is the required operating power factor, Solving for Je st-d 1018] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1081 = Bye (eV GEES] 2Re TET cota ae fuga (18M sees | (cosa jsine) (181) ‘The apparent impedance of the motor is 2 Risoca (cosa + jsina) (182) te TE cote and soto [1-995 (te V 1 aaa) (cosa jsina) (Re + jw.) 488) ‘The same equations apply to the case,of the synchronous condenser with the differenen that the mechanical work is that required to overcome the iron and windage losses only. Thwe take By) = Eq (cosa + jsina) e™ = (Ay +5 Bi) O™ } cast) Buy = (Ay + 1B we have (186) 6) caer Since a may be a postive or negative angle, the sine may be positive or negative fora postive cosine, and therefore the power factor will be leading or lagging accordingly as By is negative or positive respectively. The double signs throughout are due to the fac that for any given load and power factor there are always, ‘wo theoretically possible running conditions. However, since os FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES une 8 wwe are concerned only with that one which will give the max ‘operating efciencs, that is the condition that gives Za the lesser ‘Value, fora given value of Py the equations may be written ‘And correspondins values for (180), (184), (182) and (188) may bbe obtained by omitting the positive sign in these equations. "Another condition of operation is obtained by inspection of (480), eto the fact that Zs, must be areal quantity must be > 1 as this isthe condition of stabaity. In terms of (484) it hecomes must be > 1 (190) ‘The same conditions apply to the synchronous condenser, the total mechanical load in this ease being the iron loss and windage ‘and friction losses. ‘Proceeding now to operation with unbalanced cirevits having fine weves the motor also having a sine wave. In addition to fequaticn (177) we shall have SB = 922 1a (191) ‘The mechanical power delivered through the operation ofthis negative phase sequence em. {is given by Py where R Pawlet (192) 7 this quantity must therefore be subtracted from the value of Ps in all the equations in which Py appears when unbalanced cir cuits are used in connection with equntions (177) to (180) inclu sive, These equations, however, give the conditions for main- taining a given mechanical load and a given power factor in the positive phase sequence component, but in practise what is re- 9-4 1018) FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES 1083 ‘quired is the combined power factor of the whole system, oF the Conditions to give a certain combined factor while delivering a fiven mechanieal load; this may be obtained as follows: “The negative phare sequence component is a perfectly definite impedance and is independent of the load, and therefore the zero frequency part of the product Fux far may be set down as Ba Poy arty ae ive have also for the positive phase sequence power delivered try Pe Po (4s + 5B nig Be Fe + jlw la Le + BY) Is (90 ‘And the power factor i given by cosa, where a (196) Pe vt aE rom (198) we have trie Pe Pe Auta tat Rt + Be Fe 426) By = wla Ll + BY asp Ag+ B= Bai (298) “The simplest method of solving these equations is by means of curves, Taking arbiteary values of Zu, By and Ay are chosen content with (96 oa say (190, £F A and Bae then obtained fom (18) and (49) shee are harmonics in {heed e but hee ae none nthe wave form ofthe sect the machine wil havea defnite impedance to the postive and neqaive pa sequence components ofeach bs vee o'tha there wil be a definite smount of mechanical Ton tomuibted by each harmonic which must be subtracted irom te toa wots be dn to giv te aout of work com {Sued bythe postive yiae sequence andamentl component, tev Mfatlons il be ena to (89), (98), 486), 86 108s PORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL COORDINATES (June 28 (197) and (198), if we take Py to mean the total mechanical work done by the harmonies both positive and negative phase sequence and P, and Q, to repretent the products BGEa ala + Ba ota) the teo frequency part only being taken into account "When harmonies are present both in the impressed wave and in the generated wave, the problem becomes too complicated to treat generally, but specific cases can be worked out without much dificulty. Pete Converters and Bales ‘The phase converter is a machine to transform energy from single-phase or pulsating form to polyphase or non-pulsating form or vice verta to transform energy from polyphase to single- hase. ‘The transformation may not be complete, that isto say. the polyphase system may not be perfectly balanced rwhen sup- plied from a single-phase source through the medium of a phase converter. Phase converters may be roughly divided into two ‘hanno naitely--shunt type and series type Inoverion Moron on Srwcinonovs Conoensen Orenarins is Pnags Convenren or rie Snr Tet 70 SUPriv & Sranceraicar Inpvcrion Moron on Srvcnrowove Moron Let 2: and Zs be the positive and negative phase sequence impedances of the motor, 2, 2 those of the phase converter. Let St £4, and S* Byy be the positive and negative phase sequence components ofthe tare... mpresed on the motor ae ares of the operation, ‘The single-phase supply wil be one side of the deta em f. 5 Bu which has postive and negative phase se- aqence components 5 Ex, and S* Eye the single-phase supply Sng = Boa + Bo The vale of 24 may be considered fixed for ll practical put poses and ince in the induction motor phase converter the speed IE precticlly no-load speed, 2s practically the no-losd ped fsnce ps areal part obtained by ineressng the real pat of the nolsd impedance by the ratio of the normal no-load loses t0 these same lone plus | the secondary Tose de tothe phase converter currents, ‘The later may be ealslated roughly as vena large eror in its value wil have an inappreciable eect onthe actual rents. We have therefore le-d 1918] FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1085 S Ea | re S Ba a } St he (200) Se She | aon) Sle } In the common lead of motor and converer we have La + lat + fas + ln = a0) cr, substiating from (200) and (204) Baa( ge + fp) = A ce) (204) (208) Ba = (206) (ee ay. “which give the complete solution forall the quantities required with the afd of equations (200) and (201). For the supply current 1086 FORTESCUE: SYMMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES {June 28 Tm Tea + Ia + hal + hea! Sle = Stat She 07) SB=S Bat S Ba } Prt jQee Bel (208) 1 perfect balance we may consider the addi- jE tion ofan e.m.f. S+j £4 in caries with the phase converter jag C whose value must be a function of the load and the phase con- verter impedances, and therefore equation (201) will be replaced by tes (; fe Ba Shi = 9) Fe tie) (209) Sa = 95 and since the balance is perfect By is zero, and therefore Ta 210) ‘An e.m.f, equal and of opposite phase to the negative phase Sequence drop through the phase converter is required to pro- duce 1 perfect balance, ‘Carrying out the solution in the same manner asin the imper fect converter, we obtain Ba at) oT wt ay and since Bug is aero and By) = Bu, the single-phase impressed em, we obtain Ba = 2 (qo + gr) as) and therefore from (210) Sle =i (dp + a7) as) se-d 18] FORTESCUE: S/MMETRICAL CO-ORDINATES 1087 aw (216) (218) Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12 are vector diagrams of some of the princi- pal compensated shunt-type phase converters. There will be no

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