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In your eyes (I see what I have always wanted)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: Kamisato Ayato/Reader
Character: Kamisato Ayaka, Kamisato Ayato, Yoimiya (Genshin Impact), Thoma
(Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei | Baal, Sayu (Genshin Impact), Yae Miko
(Genshin Impact), Sangonomiya Kokomi, Gorou (Genshin Impact),
Kujou Sara
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Misunderstandings, Arranged Marriage, Kitsune,
Possessive Kamisato Ayato, Past Child Abuse, Background
Relationships, Reader is Not Traveler (Genshin Impact), Reader is a
kitsune, Ayato is a dick in the beginning, Out of Character, probably,
Ayaka loves you alot, Descriptions of sex, Eventual Smut, Falling In
Love, the girl I thought was evil was actually forced into this marriage
too??, background ayamiya, eventual pregnancy, Lumine is smug,
background eimiko, Graphic Descriptions of Murder, Cheesy happy
ending, Background Sara/kokomi/gorou, background thomaluc
Stats: Published: 2022-04-12 Completed: 2022-04-22 Chapters: 30/30 Words:

In your eyes (I see what I have always wanted)

by draconili


You are a half kitsune half human, and a noble clan daughter. Your father suddenly
announces you’re being married off, and you have no choice but to accept this.

Your husband doesn’t seem to like you, but you think he’s beautiful.

(Little did you know, he would come to be completely consumed by love for you.)

[ Angst to fluff, Ayato x kitsune!reader ]


To be honest I really love Ayato but I wonder how he’d react when he gets married to
someone he doesn’t like, even when he doesn’t know her.

I imagine it’s a uh, polite but distant kinda way


The noble duty of marrying someone to pay back your family for all they have done for you. A
duty very familiar to you, a young noble lady of Inazuma.

While the truth was, your birth itself was complicated and a mystery, the fact was, you were a
noble. You had a duty you must see through to the end, by marrying into a powerful family and
securing your position along with your families.
Being a clan of inazuma in high standing, it was important that you— the only daughter of the clan
— branch out and have children with a high ranking clan to ensure the clan’s bloodline lived on.

Still, your blood was viewed as cursed by your own family members, and kept secret. A love child
between a human and a kitsune. Your mother was of the hakushin clan, of kitsune blood, and was
taken by your father, a man of an important clan. Not that any of that mattered anymore, because,
your father had secured an arranged marriage for you. You didn’t know how, but supposedly it was
with a noble man.

Years of suffering at your fathers hands left you cold and weary. Your hesitation was seen in your
whole body, but as your father stood over you, you had no choice but the sign the marriage

A deep sigh left your lips.

“If only mother was still here..”

You signed away your life, unable to hesitate any longer, if you did, you risked your fathers wrath.
Your step mother eyed you from the corner of the room, disdain heavy in her blue eyes as she did.
She was a noble woman whom your father married. He never officially married your mother, and
because your mother died a few years ago, you had little choice but to become his property. He had
use for you, anyways, and you would be provided with food and water and a place to live instead of
being assassinated.

“Now get out. Go to your room and pack your things. I would advise you to not pack anything
unsightly, your husband doesn’t know what you are.” Panic bubbled in your throat, and you
swallowed, an action that felt hard to do with how dry your mouth was.

“I understand.” Was all that escaped your lips, many unspoken words swirling through your brain.
“Thank you.” You bowed politely, and left the room, a servant closing the door behind you. Not
before you snuck one glance back, seeing your stepmother with a sick grin, eyes teasing and
taunting you. You moved to your room, and you were glad that your ears looked like hair. Still,
you were also glad your mother taught you how to make your kitsune tail disappear, as it was
something spiritually there rather than physically, for the most part. Your power took a lot to get
used to. Every kitsune had an aptitude to get a vision, but you had never had one, so you were
weak. Then again, you didn’t have an ambition anymore. If you did have one, it probably would’ve
been seized during the vision hunt anyways. Not that that mattered—seeing as the vision hunt was
now over.

You got to work packing your bags, looking over your belongings. You used to have a lot, from
hoarding things you found and got as a child. Now, it had dwindled down to nothing, your step
mother did like to torment you using those. When she’d first arrived, she’d tried to love you. But..
your father hated that. She gave up soon after—when he hit her for the first time. He blamed it on
you. And her, wanting to love and be loved, accepted it and grew to resent you.
Still you could never resent her. You knew what he did to her, too. Perhaps one day she’d leave
him for good, but for now, she was twisted and sadistic.

The ticking of the clock in your small room, which had originally been a closet, resounded. You
didn’t have much time after all. Ritou was a decent distance away and you knew your stepmother
may do something to the carriage. You may well have to walk there.

A knock resounded on your door. “Come in.” You called, and a servant shuffled in. Ah, Yuri. She
was the only servant who genuinely loved you. She looked tearful, holding clothes in her arms.
“Young miss… the master told me to dress you in these.”

A glance told you they were the finest silks. You needed to be dressed nice. You were a present,
after all, in exchange for a large sum of money. “And.. and the mistress..” Yuri stammered, hands
shaking as she closed and locked the door. “She..she’s pregnant. You aren’t the only heir to the
clan anymore. You’re going to have a half sibling..”

Your blood ran cold. What did this mean for you? Of course you were being married off still, but
this meant there wouldn’t be any support from your clan at all. If your husband wished it, you
wouldn’t have anyone to help you. No servants, no food, nothing. You wouldn’t have funds to
protect you, and your status as the only daughter of this clan—was gone. You sighed. “There is
nothing I can do, Yuri. Please don’t cry. I’ll be alright.”

That’s right. No matter what happens, you were still a daughter of this clan, and you had a duty.
You will die if you don’t go to this man. Your father could easily have you killed.

You smiled at Yuri, kind and light. “I must survive. It was the last thing my mother asked of me,
after all. There is no way I’ll let her down when that was her dying wish.” Yuri wiped her eyes on
her sleeve, and stepped close to you. “I..I understand. But I’m coming with you, okay?! I’m not
staying here. It doesn’t matter if you don’t pay me. I’ll figure it out. I won’t let you get hurt.”

You softened, patting her head. Yuri was a sweet young girl. She was younger than you, who was
now 20. Your birthday passed this year, and you—of marriageable age, were now married. Yuri
was only 17. She’d lost both her parents and was taken in by your clan.

“Alright, Yuri. But you must leave if you cannot support yourself anymore, okay? Now.. I must get
dressed. It’s almost time to leave, I’m sure.”

“Yes young miss. I’ll make you look the best!” Yuri was cheered up again. You were glad, as you
began to take your clothes off and let her dress you. You didn’t know what you’d do if you were
going alone. Perhaps that would hurt far more than anything else. Alone and unloved.
Chapter Summary

It was time to go.

You were ready.

You took in a deep breath, the kimono on you far too elegant and beautiful for your taste, but today
would be your first night, you would no doubt have to sleep with your husband. You did not even
know what he looked like, and your heart ached. You could only pray he was attractive at least, or
even kind, simply praying to the Raiden shogun that he wouldn’t hurt you. Not that she’d care, you
supposed. Though.. she perhaps has answered your prayers before. You could only hope she’d do
it again…

When you were younger, and your mother first died, you were a small 12 year old girl, terrified and
confused. You were in your shared home with your mother, and, you tried your best to retain your
sanity, in the leaking home. The rain was pouring, and as the thunder echoed loudly in the distance,
you could only pray for help, begging the archon to save you.

Your consciousness was fading when you heard the door to your home slam open, and a purple
haired woman stood there, tall and elegant. You’d passed out, then, but sometimes you wondered if
that had been the archon herself, or just a servant, whom saved you. You wouldn’t know. You
were hardly left out of the house after your father had gotten ahold of you. He’d said that the
shogun had reunited you to him. Brought him his daughter, whom had escaped him with her
mother, many years ago. You knew your father. Your mother had ran away with you when you
were 7. But by then, it was too late for you to be saved again.

You closed your eyes and sighed. No use thinking about it anymore. There was no hope for you
anyways. You’d probably be abandoned by your husband or perhaps killed. You watched as Yuri
grabbed your bag, with only a few items in it, and you followed her, head held high to keep the
ornaments in your hair from falling. You were dressed beautifully, a veil over your face, as you
followed Yuri and two other servants from your room, not looking back as the door shut behind

Outside, your father was waiting. Your stepmother was no where to be seen, and your father looked
extremely pleased. You could only guess that she was resting now that she was pregnant. You
wondered how she felt about all this. There was a carriage infront of your home. Nothing
impressive, and you had an odd feeling it wasn’t sturdy. Still, you had to get on. You turned to
your father, and bowed to him.
He smirked at you. He was obviously smug. “You’ve finally done something worthy. Something
that makes your pathetic existence worth it. Now pray he doesn’t throw you away. You are not
worthy of the Kamisato name.” You paused. Kamisato? As in, the head of the Yashiro
commission? Your mind swirled with thoughts as you nodded. “Thank you, father.” You got on the
carriage, seeing Yuri driving the carriage. Ah, you were unguarded. He was probably hoping you
would die by bandits after all.

The carriage began moving, and you stared out the window at your old estate. It may take some
time to get used to being somewhere new, and you weren’t sure where you were going to end up.
Still, you just knew you had to go. There was no other choice now, after all. Your fathers whims
were not something to be disobeyed.

Suddenly, the carriage had stopped. You’d not even made it out of the city yet. You were nervous,
fidgeting with your hands as the door to the carriage on your right suddenly opened. “Pardon me,
Milady.” Yuri seemed nervous, a tall woman behind her. “She says she is the servant of your
husband, and she wishes to inform you of your duties and such. She showed the Kamisato clan’s
symbol, and I know who she is.. do you want to let her on?” You glanced at the woman behind

“Yes, that is alright. But next time, knock first, Yuri.” At this, Yuri appeared bashful. You hadn’t
meant to embarrass her, but if you appeared to kind to her, you wouldn’t appear like that of a noble

She stepped away, allowing the tall woman onto the carriage. The woman cleared her throat,
clearly unimpressed, and sat across from you. She was much older than you thought at first, and
she sighed deeply, as if disappointed.

“Your duties in the Kamisato clan will be numerous. I am not sure if you’ll be up to the task, but I
have been entrusted to teach you. I am Hinata, a tutor to the noble clans of inazuma. I will begin by
telling you the state of affairs in the Yashiro commission, and about your husband and what you
will be expected to do.”

You nodded, listening to the impatient woman closely. She began to list the duties of the clan
heads. You hadn’t known before ten minutes ago that you’d even be marrying such an important
family, yet here you were. You didn’t need to do much, it appeared, as your husband had a younger
sister who took care of the duties that the clan’s mistress usually would, and as of now, she had no
plans to marry nor did her brother want her to.

The tangent this woman went on was long, lecturing you about the duties of a woman on the first
night. You got the keen sense that she didn’t like you, given the fact that she was scowling the
whole time.

“I will make this clear, I do not like you. I do not know what you did to force the Kamisato head to
marry you, but I do know that you threatened him using a debt the Kamisato clan owed your
ancestors. I will not like you regardless.”

Now something clicked into place. Your father was giddy to marry you off, because he knew he
could make you not only hated by your husband and those around you, but he’d get an extensive
amount of money. Your mouth felt dry, as you stared at the woman. “I understand.” You spoke. It
didn’t matter if you tried to explain yourself or claim innocence. You knew people would hate you
either way, and now it made sense why you were marrying someone of such high status. This
wasn’t a marriage your husband had wanted either.

You calmed your heart, it was pounding with anxiety. No doubt your position was incredibly
unstable. You didn’t even know if the man would want to look at you. You were glad that you had
such composure taught to you by your mother. “Is there anything else I should know?” You asked
in a polite tone, watching as the woman seemed surprised that you weren’t angry.

“You should live as if you don’t exist. Do your duties and nothing else. You don’t deserve this
position. You should pray that you’ll be able to produce a heir, because if not, they’ll get rid of
you.” You could feel the hate from this woman. But you understood. There was no use getting
angry at this point.

You sat in silence for the rest of the way there, choosing to look out the window rather than stare at
the woman who was glaring at you for so long. It seemed she was fond of your husband and hated
your guts. It made sense, given the fact she’d told you that your husband was the most eligible
bachelor in inazuma, and that many people wanted their daughters to marry him, her included.

Still, the hours crept by, and eventually the road grew more and more unstable, before finally the
carriage stopped. “We can’t drive any further, miss. We have to walk the rest of the way.” Yuri
said from outside, and you watched as the woman across from you smiled in a way that seemed
almost evil. “Have this servant drive me back to ritou. I must return home as it is very late.”

Ah, she wanted you to walk to the estate alone.

Yuri opened the door for you and you stepped out. It looked like there was a forest ahead and that
was why you could not pass any further.
“It isn’t very far away.” The woman said, a polite smile on her face.

You sighed. If you didn’t comply with her, there may be consequences. You didn’t want to be any
more hated then you were already.

“Yuri, drive Miss hinata back to Ritou, then return once you are finished.”

Yuri opened her mouth to protest, but you shook your head.

Yuri shut the door to the carriage, and whispered quietly. “Miss, this is dangerous. There are
clearly monsters here, it’s a forest! Please don’t do this..”

You had no choice in the matter. It was clear this woman would more than likely lie about you if
you did not do as she asked. Perhaps she’d paint you as an evil woman. You didn’t wanna damage
the Kamisato clan’s reputation on your first night. You shook your head. “Go now, Yuri. I’ll be
fine.” You stepped away from her, and began the slow walk into the forest. You weren’t sure how
safe this was going to be, but all you could do was ensure that at least Yuri would be safe.

You smiled back at her as she stared at you, then, she began to steer the horses in the right
direction, away from you.

You felt as though something was staring at you from up the nearby mountain. You ignored it and
carried on, as quiet as you can possibly be. If anything, you just hoped nothing would bother you if
you were silent and stealthy.

You crept into the dark forest.


While it was dark, it was beautiful. You couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the forest you
were in. You snuck by a hilichurl camp, coming across a stream and crossing it. The mud on your
shoes couldn’t be helped, although you were sad about it, you had no choice. You continued
through the forest, sneaking past a woman in purple that was humming and picking petals off a
flower. You continued on until you made it through the forest, past the large tanuki statue. Finally,
you saw the house in the distance. The moon was high in the sky by now, and you hiked up the
steep hill, almost slipping a few times.

Once you reached the top, you took a small breather before approaching the doors of the Estate. A
tall man was waiting there, with blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. He moved forward, and
bowed deeply. “Welcome milady! I hope the trip was easy on you, and you did not have troubles.”

You smiled politely at the man. You didn’t expect anyone to be kind to you at all. “It was

He paused and looked behind you. “Um, pardon me for asking, but don’t you have any servants
with you, or guards?”

The lie came to your lips sooner than you expected. “They left as I arrived. They are my fathers
guards, so I hope you understand. My servant will be arriving later, her name is Yuri.”

“I see. Follow me, milady.” You nodded, and followed close behind the tall man. The estate was
gorgeous, with a beautiful view of the ocean. It was much like where you grew up, as you had
escaped with your mother to an old abandoned house by some ruins, that was atop a cliff that
oversaw the ocean.

He opened the door for you, and you stepped inside. The servants and guards outside all stared at
you as you did. You noticed the contempt in the servants eyes. You deserved that, you supposed.

Thoma led you to a large extravagant room. “This is your room from now on. My lord will be here
in a little bit meet you. This maid here will help you wash up.” He gestured to a maid
standing by another door. “Have a good night, My lady.” His cheeks had turned pink after he
mentioned your husband coming to meet you. Ah. He must mean to consummate the marriage.
That explains why you were washing up, now. The door closed behind him, and you followed the
maid into the bathroom. This was far more luxurious than anywhere you’d ever lived before.

You undressed at the help of the maid, and couldn’t help but feel that you being all dressed up was
a waste in the first place. It made sense though, you guessed. It wouldn’t matter anyways, as this
was a loveless marriage and you knew better than to expect love.

The bath was better than anything you’d ever experienced. It was large, and the maid washed your
body and hair. You couldn’t help but relax in the bath full of rose petals. This was something to
look forward to, now. You got out and dried off, being put in an elegant nightgown that was made
to be.. revealing. It was black and had lace on the sleeves, and extremely soft. You entered the
room, and the maid bowed to you before leaving. You sat on the edge of the large bed, waiting for
your husband to appear.

It was a long while, many hours later, before you heard a knock on the door. You jolted awake.
You’d been sitting and waiting for awhile now, and you cleaned yourself up before gently
speaking “Come in.” The door clicked open, and you weren’t sure what you were expecting, but
the young man in a sleep robe was not it. He was beautiful, you realized. Extremely beautiful.
Though, it probably wouldn’t matter much as he wouldn’t love you. Something fluttered in your
chest as you stood up to meet him. You bowed to him. “My name is ___ __, but you may call me
y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” He seemed surprised for a moment, before a polite smile made its way
to his lips, and oh wow, was it beautiful. Even though you registered that there was a bit of
tiredness in his face.

“I am Ayato kamisato. Pleasure to meet you. I shall be very clear and go over the conditions of our
marriage before we begin.” Though he was being polite, you noticed a coldness in his tone. He
didn’t like you, it seemed.

You nodded.

“Do not expect love. I may not love you. I will not be opposed to developing feelings if it happens
but I doubt it will. Never interfere with my work. Always be respectful to my sister. You are to
produce two heirs, if you cannot have atleast one in the next ten years, I will need to remarry. Do
your duties as my wife. Do not spend an extreme amount of mora each month, you’re given an
allowance of 50,000 mora each month. Are there any conditions you’d like to add?” You processed
what he said, and thought for a moment before opening your mouth.

“Yes, I..” You paused, and he waited for you to speak. “I want to add a few conditions. Never hit
me or verbally abuse me. Never assume the worst of me. If you are tired of me, or.. for some
reason, grow disgusted of me, please divorce me, and I want my personal maid to be employed
here at the mansion. I agree to all your terms but these are my conditions.”

He seemed to think for a moment before nodding. “Very well. I think we should.. consummate our
marriage now.” For the first time in a long time, your cheeks blushed a pink color, and you nodded.
Still, you didn’t exactly know what to do. Ayato smiled, and leaned in to kiss you. It took you a
moment before you leaned in to the kiss, eyes fluttering shut.

For now, you were glad your husband was beautiful, even if he never loved you or would love you.
Even if he decides to cast you aside for your dirty blood. You pushed aside the anxiety in your
mind, as you had a task to complete.

The sun shined through the curtains, illuminating the room. The birds outside chirped loudly, when
you finally opened your eyes. You groaned as pain shot through your body and your head ached.
You slowly sat up, feeling extremely gross and a strong need to take a bath. You shuddered at the
coldness as you looked around.

The room was empty. He’d left after having sex with you.

An empty feeling settled into your stomach. For some reason, it made you feel depressed. It didn’t
matter though. You got up, sliding on the robe that was left on the bedside table, and you stepped
around the room until you reached the string that was hanging from the ceiling. You recognized
this as something that Miss hinata had mentioned. It was something that would call a servant when
you pulled it. So, you pulled it, hearing a distant ring of a bell.

Moments after, the door opened, and in rushed Yuri. A pleasant smile settled on your face. You’d
missed her a bit.

“My lady, you’re up!” She smiles, in a new maid uniform issued by the Kamisato estate. You
nodded. “I need a bath.”

Yuri simply closed the door behind her, before she walked to the bathroom. You followed her,
watching her draw a warm bath for you. It didn’t take very long, before you took off the robe and
stepped into the bath. A sigh left your lips. As you relaxed, you decided to release the magic you
used to cause your tail to disappear. They popped up, ears twitching and you moved your tail,
stretching in the tub. Yuri giggled.

It was awhile later when you were out and dressed. A knock sounded on the door, and Yuri,
without thinking, replied, “Come in!”

You hadn’t put your ears down yet. You put your tail away for the sake of being dressed with no
problem, but, your ears stood straight up on your head as you turned and met the eyes of a young
woman. She just froze, as did you.

She was elegant, pretty. You’d never heard of a woman like this, who was clearly high status,
coming to meet someone in person. And.. now you had a large problem. The problem expanded
when thoma poked his head in, “What’s wrong, My lad..” Before he finished his sentence, he
froze, before he stepped in the room and closed the door.

Oh fuck. You were totally screwed.

Yuri seemed to think the same thing, and you took a moment to flatten your ears down to your
head, Once you realized that would be a good idea. You weren’t used to moving your ears much,
so it took you a moment to put your ears back down. Ayaka caught herself and regained her
composure, clearing her throat.

“My apologies for entering so suddenly. I had been excited to meet you. My name is Kamisato
ayaka, and I am now your sister in law. Please, call me sister or ayaka if you’d like. You are of
higher rank than me. And um.. We won’t mention what we saw infront of anyone, you have our
Your body relaxed a bit, and you guided the two over to the nearby table and chairs that was in the
room for you to dine in your room if you wished. “Yuri, please go get us some tea.”

You let out a deep sigh, composing yourself. “It’s nice to meet you. Please call me sister or y/n.
Whatever it is that makes you feel comfortable, miss ayaka. I.. please keep what you saw secret,
especially from your brother.” You glanced at her and then to thoma. He smiled before he got up.
“I will go ensure that Yuri is doing alright with the tea.”

After he left, you looked over to ayaka. “Miss ayaka.. can.. I ask you something?” Your heart felt
heavy. You weren’t sure how to ask this but you felt if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to.. accept
her as family.

“Yes. Please go ahead.”

“Do you dislike me?” The question appeared to take her by surprise, and she blinked, almost
shocked. “No. I don’t..why?”

Relief filled you. Ah.. you were glad. You slumped a bit in your seat. “Well.. my father had told
me before that the blood of kitsune inside me is filthy. I.. I don’t want to be hated by you. I’m sorry
if it is, I’ll be sure to keep them hidden from now on. And.. I’m sure most people here hate me
already. Miss hinata was quite explosive about me getting married to Ayato kamisato. I.. I want to
tell you this so that you understand. I didn’t know who my husband was gonna be. I didn’t want to
be married but.. he doesn’t know that. It’s okay if only you know this. I expected to be hated by my

Ayaka seemed to process this information, sitting there shocked but still elegant. Ah.. you thought
she was adorable.

You wondered if your new sibling would be adorable, too.

You banished that thought. You’d probably never meet them anyways, so what did it matter?

“I see. But please be assured, I don’t hate you, and now that I know this information, I can correct
any servant’s misbehavior if that is alright. It’s not fair for you to be mistreated, and I don’t
understand why someone would think you’re dirty. The kitsune are considered holy and supreme in
Inazuma. They were always close to the Raiden shogun. You being kitsune may very well elevate
your status.”

Huh? They are? But that doesn’t make sense.

Your father had been very vocal about how kitsune were extremely disgusting. He’d taken your
mother only because she was beautiful and weak. She had lost her elemental power years before
she met him, and he had kidnapped her and played with her as he wanted. But he hated the kitsune,
so it wouldn’t make sense for kitsune to be revered and respected.

You shook your head. “I don’t know how Ayato feels on that matter. But thank you, ayaka.” You
spoke. You felt your demeanor softening towards her. You may not trust her yet, but you were
growing to love her. Her eyes sparkled at your words, the lack of an honorific seemed to make her
extremely happy, though she cleared her throat. As she was about to speak, the door opened, and
both thoma and yuri walked into the room. “Ah. Welcome back.” You said, accepting the warm
cup of tea from Yuri, flavored just how you liked it. You took a moment to enjoy the flavor of the
tea. You hardly had the opportunity to have tea, because your father would only let you have the
most basic of necessities, you would only have tea during etiquette lessons.

Still, you knew you needed to get into your duties as the wife of lord kamisato, so, you turned to
ayaka, a polite smile on your face. You figured it would be strange if you didn’t call your husband
by his first name. It was a habit you needed to get into.

“Please teach me how to aid Ayato.”


The months passed by rather swiftly. You spent most of your time in Ayaka and Thoma’s
company. They soon became dear friends to you, and ayaka split her duties more with you. You
began to leave the estate more and had been to Komore tea house a few times.

Things didn’t change with you and ayato. The only time you saw him was each month when you
had sex to try for a child, or for when it was absolutely necessary regarding work. He didn’t seem
to seek you out otherwise, and, while you had feelings for him, you knew he didn’t feel the same.

Your nights with him turned into something you had to do, rather than you enjoyed. But perhaps it
had been that way from the start. You just did what you had to, and he left afterwords. You didn’t
mind that much after the first six months, because it didn’t hurt anymore. You just felt numb, and
you didn’t feel sad when you were with Ayaka. She’d confided in you about her childhood, her
mother, and how stressful it was when Ayato first took over the clan.

You truly began to see her as your sister. A sweet, loveable young woman. And one day when you
were in town, you’d ran into a woman named Yoimiya, and watched as Ayaka turned red when the
sparky woman grabbed her hand.

You couldn’t hold back your smile, and of course, asked for the details later on. You’d told her to
go for what makes her happy. You would support her no matter what. The way Ayaka was so
happy that she’d burst into tears was adorable. Your affection for your sister in law and her servant
was always swelling in your chest every time you’d talked to them.
Thoma was sweet. Though you weren’t extremely close to him, he was a friend to you, and one
you had respect for. His loyalty for Ayaka and Ayato always made you smile. Truly, you felt
blessed by these two in your life. You’d never had friends before, and you hadn’t felt this happy in
a long time.

You wondered if Ayato knew you were close with his sister. Though, it didn’t matter.

Now, you were just outside the estate with Ayaka and supposedly, Ayato was going to be joining
you two. You guessed it was a business matter. You and Ayaka were by the cliff down the hill a
bit, overlooking the sea.

You heard someone approaching from behind, and the two of you turned around. But it wasn’t
Ayato. It was instead a masked man. You blinked, glancing over at Ayaka as you instinctively
stepped infront of her. You weren’t sure why, it’s not like you could win a fight, but you felt the
urge to protect her. “Hey there ladies. Come with me quietly and there won’t be any problems.”

You paused. “Why?” Though it may seem like a stupid question, you needed to buy some time.
You didn’t know what would happen. You needed to stall him as long as possible.

“You coming or not?” Shit. It didn’t work. If you followed him out of here, you’d both end up
dead or worse. If you said no, you weren’t sure what he’d do but you might be able to buy time.

Ayaka was the one who spoke up. She pushed you aside very gently, and stepped forward.

“No, we aren’t coming.”

The man seemed to grunt at that. “Alright. I’ll just kill you here then.”

He moved extremely fast but you’d pulled Ayaka out of the way as soon as you could. Of course,
he then turned his attention on you, and you pushed Ayaka behind you. You pulled on any of your
power—any of it. Claws grew from your finger nails, your tail glowing behind you, and your eyes
seemed to hold an unnatural glow as your canines grew longer. The man seemed to pause as he
looked scared, but he decided to try and attack anyways.

You lunged first. You needed to get away from the cliff behind you, and keep Ayaka out of
danger. You weren’t that strong, but you were fast enough to exchange blows with him. Your
mother had taught you a significant amount of self defense and some kitsune fighting moves. You
were weak, but that didn’t stop you from attacking the man as brutally as you could. But you were
getting tired fast-and Ayaka was moving to come to your aid. She didn’t have a weapon, though, so
you pushed her back and behind you.

Your concentration slipped. He hit you, hard, a slash up your arm, and you hissed in pain, grabbing
your arm. You turned and continued the defense, even though you were being pushed back.

Ayaka jumped infront of you, exchanging blows with her fists. But he had a dagger, and you
watched in horror as he caught her off guard when she’d checked on you, and he sliced her arm
down to her wrist. Thankfully it was on the outside of her wrist, but.. it was bad. She collapsed
backwards, and he went to raise the dagger over his head for a killing blow.

You saw a blue haired man in the distance but you knew he wouldn’t make it, even as he ran
towards you. Ayaka would die.

You let out a chilling scream, throwing yourself infront of her and raising your hands to try and
scratch him, “I WON’T LOSE ANYONE ELSE!” You found yourself full of desperation, eyes
filling with tears as your ears pressed flat against your head. You begged— someone—anyone—
give you the power to save Ayaka.

Power burst from your fingertips. Cryo shoved him back in a powerful way, ice spiking into his
body brutally. He was impaled by your ice, multiple spikes from all directions disfiguring his
body. Blood pooled to the ground, and he choked out a weak cry before he stopped moving. Only
his hands twitched.

Ayato was there in just a few moments, but you had already pulled Ayaka up and off the ground.
You handed her to him as soon as you could, realizing that multiple people were staring down at
you from up the hill. Thoma came running down the hill at top speeds to your side as Ayato
ordered him to see you to safety and take care of you.

You leaned on him as he supported you, helping you walk up the hill as your arm bled. Ayaka
didn’t look very good. That was a lot of blood from the gash in her arm. You heard Ayato talking to
the servants and sending them to get a healer and to get sayu. You weren’t very familiar with Sayu
but you understood that she was a healer and supposedly a ninja according to Ayaka. You didn’t
even realize as you got up the hill that you were holding something. As you turned it over, you
realized it was a cryo vision. Ah.. your plea was answered by a god, then. Your vision was dotting
black fast and you felt sick to your stomach. You couldn’t help but be glad Ayaka was safe. You
watched as Ayato handed his sister off to a woman you recognized as the Estates doctor. He turned
around to look at you, just as you began to fall, as thoma had thought you were okay and
momentarily let go of you.

Your vision began to fade as you realized Ayato had been running over to you, calling out a word.
But you couldn’t hear anything anymore, it had gotten extremely silent as you felt someone catch

You passed out, vaguely recognizing that someone was shaking you and picking you up soon after.
You could only smile, glad that atleast you had saved one person you grew to love.
In his eyes

Ayato didn’t have much to say about his new wife.

At first, he hated you. This was a marriage he was forced into against his will, and he had expected
you to be rude and arrogant, as many noble daughters ended up. But instead he was met with an
elegant and calm woman, who’s body had scars on it that he couldn’t understand where they came
from. It clicked in his head a few weeks later, when he realized the reason you’d asked him to not
hit you, was that someone probably did at some point.

He pulled information on you. It wasn’t very hard, but there wasn’t much information to be had.
Your mother was unknown, you had gone missing from your fathers estate for a few years and
returned at twelve when your mother passed away. Ayato figured you probably had something
happen to you then. Still, this was a marriage he was forced into.

Over time, his view of you softened. Of course he thought you were beautiful and elegant, but he
didn’t know how to react when he learned of you being close to his sister. At first he was
suspicious. Perhaps you intended to gain her trust then dispose of her. But after watching you
interact with her a few times, (perhaps stalking you two a little bit out of worry) He soon realized
you truly had grown to love her like a little sister.

He wasn’t quite sure why there was a strange feeling in his chest then. But he forgot about it and
moved on.

So when Ayaka asked him to go on a picnic with you and her, he said yes. He really wasn’t sure
why. Perhaps it was a curiousity, or that he couldn’t bring himself to say no to Ayaka whom he
loved so much. But he found himself preparing to go to a picnic. He was a little late, because of
work, and as he approached he soon realized something was very, very wrong.

There was blood. All over your arm. Ayaka was falling backwards. He broke into a run, pulling his
sword out of the void (a technique vision users learned) and cursed himself for sending Ayaka’s
sword in for maintenance and to be upgraded.

He wasn’t going to make it, he realized, as the man began to bring the dagger down towards his
sister. She was going to die, because he was foolish.

And he could only watch as you leapt infront of the dagger, and it happened so slow but so fast.
Time seemed to slow for him, and he watched as you screamed in desperation. And he watched as
an archon answered your call.

A sense of relief filled him as he watched the man be brutally killed, but he still rushed over,
issuing orders to thoma as he approached, taking Ayaka from you desperately. He didn’t want to
leave you there but he knew ayaka was going to be in critical condition with how much blood she

He ordered everyone to do what was necessary to save his sister. But as he turned around, he
watched as your eyes grey hazy. Thoma seemed to think you were okay for a moment and leaned to
grab a handkerchief offered to him to help with your wound, to cover it and slow the bleeding.

Ayato watched as you began to fall, blood dripping down your arm extremely fast.

“Wife!” He yelled, running towards you and barely catching you. He was lucky you fell slowly.
This was a perfect time for the healers to arrive with Sayu. He ordered the healers to go to his sister
first and stabilize her, while he made Sayu heal you. He knew she was incredibly talented, and he
trusted her. She was incredibly serious as she summoned what was necessary to create a healing
wind. He watched as the wound patched itself together, before settling into a scab. He carried you
inside, thanking Sayu for her hard work as he rushed you into the doctors office in the Estate.

He came in to see his sister, setting you on the bed to the left. The healers seemed to be working
quick on her, patching the skin together took time though and she was already pale. He left you in
the healers capable hands and ordered Thoma to protect you and Ayaka.

He left the room, turning to the workers. He needed to make sure that as soon as you and Ayaka
woke up, you were going to be well taken care of. He ordered the workers to prepare the rooms,
clean them while you were asleep, and be prepared to take care of your every need.

He realized that your servant, Yuri, looked furious. Furious and worried. She waited until everyone
in the room dispersed before walking up to him.

“Do you realize this is your fault?”

Ayato paused, swallowing thickly. Still, he stared down at the woman, some anger rising in him.

“You know why? Because you never arrive on time to anything My lady asks. You’re always on
time for Ayaka, but my lady waits for hours for you each month on the appointed day, and each
time she wakes up, she looks incredibly sad. How much are you going to make her suffer from a
marriage she didn’t even want, her father forced her into? I don’t care if you’re a noble, this is so..
wrong!” She said, frustrated.

“You don’t have to love her, you just have to treat her with respect! This whole time she thought
you’d kill her if you knew what she was, because that’s all her father told her! But I’m going to
make this very clear. Status be damned, if you kill my lady or cause harm to her, I will kill you

She huffed and turned on her heel, and Ayato was left so speechless with his head reeling that he
didn’t even know how to react. Just..what have you been through?

He never even considered that you were forced into the marriage as well, nor that you were scared
of him. But.. he’d never even cared to pay attention before because he thought that if he did the
bare minimum it was enough.

Ah. He was going to have to fix this. This was his mistake, and he’d been unusually cruel to his
wife. He’d taken out the fact that he didn’t want to be married to someone he didn’t love on you.
He hadn’t ever considered it before, and now he felt like a total dick.

He needed to fix this. Desperately.

Ayaka was the first to wake up. They’d focused most of their healing into her, after all, and Ayato
was there at her bedside when she awoke. It had taken over a day and a half for her to even
reawaken. The place where she was hit didn’t even leave a scar, thanks to the highly competent

She blinked awake and looked at her brother, and his lovely sister burst into tears and immediately
asked if his wife was okay.
“Yes. She’s still asleep, though.” He replied, pulling his sister into a hug. “I won’t ever allow this
to happen again. I’m sorry, Ayaka.”

It took awhile until Ayaka was feeling strong enough to move around. She still stayed in a
comfortable kimono and left her hair down, not leaving the house. Ayato couldn’t help but notice
that when the fireworks girl had visited, his sister looked flushed. Even more so when Yoimiya
had hugged her. It was sweet.

Ayato wasn’t sure if that was friendship or Ayaka’s first love, but he was happy that she had
someone nonetheless.

Ayaka spent most of her time at your side. Ayato had notified your family of your condition, but
there was no reply for a few days, before all they responded with was “That isn’t our problem
anymore.” His blood had boiled, and he’d promptly ordered people to sabotage your father’s recent
business adventure. And to find more information, buy out a spy that used to live in the house, no
matter the cost, and find out what his wife’s life was like before their marriage.

Ayato visited you a lot more now. You were still asleep and no one knew why. He’d talked to
Ayaka about what you were and she’d told him what you told him before. His heart ached.

He’d really been a careless husband, hadn’t he? It wasn’t like him to be like this. As he watched
you rest, he realized how beautiful you really were like this. Peacefully sleeping. You didn’t look
real. He let out a deep sigh. It was late, and he really didn’t want to go back to his room. He had
been holding your hand, and he scooted forward in the chair he’d had moved close to your bed, and
rested his head on the bed. His eyes closed, and he slipped into sleep. He was exhausted.

He awoke in a field of lavender. The scent tickled his nose as he stood up. It appeared he’d been
laying down after being pushed. He felt his lips moving into laughter, looking up at you. Two
children were by your side, sticking their tongues out. One daughter and one son, the daughter
having his hair color and your eye color, while the son looked like a spitting image of you. He was
saying something, and he realized you looked older. The sun was setting and you pulled him close,
giving him a kiss on the lips while giggling. Your children made disgusted noises as you guys
kissed, and you parted just to giggle at them.

You turned to him, rearranging your hair as the wind blew it around. Your lips formed words, and
he felt so full as he responded.

“I love you too.”

Ayato gasped awake. What was that? He’d never experienced THAT before. About anyone. He
realized he was still holding your hand, and his cheeks were bright red. He pulled his hand away
and stood up, stretching in the dim room. He went to look out the window, gazing outside at the
birds chirping. He’d need to leave for work soon, but he gazed down at you. Damnit. There was a
strong sense of guilt. He needed to make it up to you, badly. There was no excuse for how he’d
treated you. He let out a sigh. He felt like a mess. He was normally a very composed man, but he
felt like shit. He really, really needed to work right about now.

He sat down for a moment, by your side, just looking at you before he heard a groan. He froze,
urgently standing up to look at you.

Ayaka opened the door, then, just as your eyes cracked open and you groaned. You slowly sat up,
and Ayato moved to help you as you did. As he stared at your eyes, he hesitated to speak, but
Ayaka rushed over to your side.

“Sister!” She cried, hugging you tight. You blinked down at her, before the realization seemed to
hit you, and you hugged her close, tears beginning to leave your eyes. “Oh, ayaka..” You rubbed
her back, letting her sob onto you. Ayato wiped your eyes, pulling both of you into a hug. “I’m
sorry.” He said, holding you both close.

He wasn’t ever gonna let this happen again. A strong sense of possessiveness surged forward. He
wouldn’t ever let someone hurt his family again.
Chapter Notes

Tbh I always forget to add a note anyways hii I’m speedrunning this fanfic

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Your head still felt really fuzzy. You were wrapped in a blanket as you sat at the dining table to
talk to everyone, enjoying some delicious soup thanks to Thoma. As soon as everyone seemed to
calm down, you knew you all needed to talk. You’d discuss what you were with them now. No
reason to hide it, your claws and tail and ears were still out, and your eyes had a supernatural glow.

Ayaka and Ayato had fussed over you, though his was in a more quiet way of helping you to sit
down. You couldn’t help but thank him. You knew you needed to tell them everything, even
Thoma was standing in the room. You hadn’t seen Yuri since you’d woken up, though. Perhaps she
was just busy.

You sighed, sipping on your soup just once more before you composed yourself.

“I am a kitsune, but I am only half of one.” You began, noting how Ayaka’s eyes sparkled in

“I don’t have the long lifespan that others have. I only have a human lifespan because of this fact.
My mother was a kitsune, and my father had forcefully taken her. She had lost her powers and was
nearing the end of her life for a few years, as she was already very old and weak from events long
passed. She lost all her powers when she gave birth to me, and became a normal woman. She raised
me, and escaped with me while I was young, because my father hated me and her. We were dirty in
his eyes. He thought she was beautiful, but he hated that she was a kitsune.” You paused to sip
once more, glancing at both Ayato and Ayaka to see their reactions. They seemed much more
solemn now.

“When I was 12, my mother passed away from illness. I stayed in the house with her corpse until I
had the strength to move and bury her, but I was all alone. I prayed for the shogun to help me
because I was starving, and I don’t remember what happened, but when I woke up I was back with
my father. He pretended to be nice for a year before he twisted back to what he was. My step
mother arrived soon after, and I was soon hated by the two people in charge of me. But I had to
keep appearances up. I was a noble woman, despite my dirty blood.” You paused to drink some
more, Ayaka smiling before speaking. “You are not dirty, sister. You are extremely rare in this day
and age. It was thought that the only Kitsune left was Guuji yae, and you may very well become a
holy woman in Inazuma.”

You paused. Ah, is that so?

“But father hated Kitsune with a burning passion. If they really were holy, why would that be so? I
don’t understand..” A frown tugged at your lips. Ayato seemed to smile at you, in a way that no
longer felt cold nor simply polite.

“Why don’t we show you when you’re better? I think meeting Guuji yae could very well help you
understand yourself more. There is nothing wrong with you, there is something wrong with his
father. And what he did was illegal, no matter how you look at it. I..uh.. saw the scars.” He
coughed, cheeks turning a little pink. Was this what your husband was really like?

You smiled, watching as he composed himself. “Alright. I..I want to meet her. Perhaps this is my
Aunt my mother always talked about? There’s no way, right? Ah.. well, maybe kitsune all saw
eachother as family.”

You turned over your vision in your hand. Ever since you’d gotten a cryo vision, your body seemed
to run much colder. You had ran a fever a few times, which apparently was common with new
vision holders. Your body had to acclimate to your vision, it seemed, and you really wanted to
know how to use it skillfully. You finally had some power granted to you by a god.

“You know.. my mom was thousands of years old.” You said, watching as Thoma choked on a
drink of water he’d taken out of the corner of your eye. “Of course I don’t have that time. But I
wonder if perhaps the Shogun had ever met her..Anyhow, I know you need to work, Ayato. Please
do not neglect your duties for my sake. I will be alright.”

Ayato stood up at that. He turned to Thoma, who had barely just recovered from choking. “You
are to keep them safe until I return. If you must leave, call a guard to be on standby outside.
Always be ready to come to their aid.”

“Yes, my lord.”

As Thoma and Ayato both left the room, Thoma going to wait outside incase you needed him, and
Ayato turned around. “I shall see you later. Take care.”

You cheeks turned pink and you only nodded. What was up with him? He didn’t care much for
you before. Perhaps he was willing to be friends now?

“Ayaka.. have you seen Yuri anywhere at all?” Ayaka seemed to pause for a moment. “Oh, miss
Yuri said she had to go get something for you from the city and left this morning. I think she asked
for mora from brother for it..”

For you? What on earth could she get? Oh well, it didn’t matter. You needed to focus on
recovering and return to your duties.

You both got up, Ayaka moving to hold your hand. “Please rest well, sister. I will take care of all
of our duties for the time being. As soon as you are better, you can tell me and I will return your
usual duties to you.”

You nodded, heart feeling strange as you did. You realized how much you’d grown to love Ayaka.
She was your sister, now. You would die for her, and almost did.

Ah, you couldn’t help it.

You pulled Ayaka into a hug, squeezing her close. She was just so cute sometimes, and so sweet.
“Please take care of yourself as well. Make sure to spend time with Yoimiya, okay?”

Ayaka’s face turned pink as she nodded. “Yes, I will. Please be well.” You separated, and she
turned to wander out the door.

Your first objective was to take a bath now. You felt gross, though you could tell someone had
washed you with a wash cloth while you’d slept, you needed to take a bath.

You rang the bell in your room, calling for a maid and waited for her. It took a bit, but you got into
the hot bath, sighing in relief. This actually felt much better now, as your body normally felt cold
now. It felt nice to warm up. You played with one of the lilac petals in the bath as the maid washed
your hair, noting she took extra care of your ears now. Ah right. Shouldn’t she have noticed before
that you weren’t normal? You didn’t have human ears.

Well, atleast she kept it secret. It wasn’t your problem now. You looked over your finger nails, that
were extremely long and looked like well manicured claws.

The color was pretty. It seemed to fade to the same color as your hair on the tips. Your tail swished
underwater, and you watched as the maid seemed shocked by it for a moment, before she moved to
wash it. Ah, that felt really nice. You weren’t sure if foxes could purr but you sure felt like purring.

You got out a bit later, getting dressed into a simple kimono, letting the maid handle your hair and
brush it out.

You realized they’d made a waistband that held your vision, much like Ayaka’s, and you couldn’t
help but chuckle. That’s adorable. You two would match now.

Still, you really didn’t wanna wait till you were completely well before working. You felt
incredibly bored. You ended up asking the maid for some drawing materials, and simply deciding
to draw a portrait of Ayaka. You figured she was very cute, so it would be fun. You hadn’t drawn
very much since you had moved back in with your father, but Yuri always snuck some paper into
your room every now and then.

You heard loud footsteps in the hallway, seemingly running. You stood up as you went to go see
what was happening, but just as you did, the door swung open and in came Yuri. She was panting,
and holding a large bag. She looked shocked to see you, before she burst into tears. “MISS!!” She
cried, moving to hug you and cry. You couldn’t help but laugh, she’d abandoned her bag just to
hug you tight.

You patted her back. Smiling down at her. “I’m alright Yuri. I would never leave you.”

It took a bit before she calmed down and pulled away. The poor girl seemed so upset that you had
been hurt. Plus you’d slept for four days.

“Miss, I got you something. I asked Lord Kamisato if it was okay, and he said yes! He even gave
me the mora for it.” Yuri pulled back to get the bag, and pulled out an intricate looking..orb? You
reached over to touch it, and watched as it thrummed to life, floating above your hand.

Shock filled you. What? What was this thing? Why was your vision reacting to it? It spun around
in the air, floating above your hand.

“Miss, that’s a catalyst! And it looks like it’s reacting to you! You’re capable of using a catalyst!”
Yuri said excitedly.

“Come on, let’s go try it outside! I asked the lady I bought it from for an extensive lesson on how
to use it so I could teach you.”

You chuckled, moving to follow Yuri. What a sweet girl she was.

Chapter End Notes

I love ayaka
Chapter Summary

The new inazuma festival is upon us!

You were getting the hang of this catalyst thing.

The first time you’d followed Yuri’s instructions and pushed cryo out into the catalyst, you used
too much power and destroyed a tree. That.. made you pause. Just how much power did you have?

You slowly got the hang of it. Using graceful movements to destroy targets that Yuri had set up,
you found yourself full of energy. You didn’t know why, but it started off a small amount of
energy, when you released it, your body moved on its own, and you couldn’t help but speak “Into
the cold!”

You had watched as a glowing sigil appeared on the target. It pulsated, releasing more ice as time
went on. It suddenly exploded into a beautiful flurry of ice, destroying the target. You realized you
could do that each fifteen seconds on different targets, but if you did it to the same one, it would
amplify the power. It took a bit before you felt even more power fill your body. You were just
practicing, when you suddenly felt like your eyes were glowing brightly along with your tail. Your
vision was pulsating.

It took you a few moments to realize you should release it. You didn’t understand why, but when
you did, the tips of your hair glowed the same color as your ice, and you yelled, “Snowstorm!”

You watched as flowers began to fall from the sky all around you, the same color as you ice, they
were your favorite flowers. As soon as they made contact with the targets, the targets exploded.
You also couldn’t quite place why you felt as though you were being healed in the circle of snow
around you, but it took a minute of destruction and beauty around you before your stopped glowing
and the snow storm disappeared.

You also realized that the sigil that appeared on the targets with your elemental skill was your
favorite flower as well. How pretty.

You heard clapping and cheering and turned to see Yuri bouncing her way over to you. “That was
amazing! Good job miss! You used your first elemental burst!”

Well, now you had decimated every target that was there, and the grass was covered in ice. So you
turned to Yuri, smiling as you nodded. “I think I’m about done now. I need to put this away

Just as you thought that, you watched as your catalyst disappeared into a blue shower of sparkles.
You blinked. “Did.. did I break it.? No, I want it back!”

It reappeared, floating about your hand.

You decided to try and make it disappear with your mind only, and watched as it did, and when
you wished for it to return, it did. You gaped at your hand.

Yuri’s eyes sparkled. “Miss you learned how to store your weapon like other vision users!” She
practically yelled in excitement, and you smiled as you lowered your hand, stepping back to return
to the estate.

Thoma had been waiting nearby, just watching you learn. He seemed pretty amazed too. “Good
job, my lady!” You smiled at them. “Come on now you two. I’d like to have some afternoon tea.”

You suddenly felt a gaze on you and you looked up at the nearby cliff, seeing a pink haired woman
up there. She seemed to ponder something before she smiled and waved at you. Thoma seemed to
look up there too and gasp. “Lady yae?!”

She disappeared, turning around and leaving the cliff side. She seemed almost teasing in a way you
couldn’t place. Something inside you resonated with her though.

Wait, was she the kitsune?!

It was a few days until you convinced Ayaka you were ready to return to work.

You were getting incredibly restless. And it just wasn’t fair if she did all the work preparing for the
festival alone.

Now you weren’t exactly familiar with this festival, but you knew it was about some.. five kasen?
These weren’t things you ever saw. You’d only been to a summer festival once with your mom,
and when you heard the details of this festival and that many people from outside of inazuma
would be coming, you couldn’t help but want to go. And you wanted to help, too.

When Ayaka mentioned that the traveler would probably be there, you’d wanted to go even more.
Ayaka and Thoma had told you about the Traveler before. Apparently she was incredibly talented
and had pretty much stopped the vision hunt decree. You hoped maybe you’d be able to learn more
about Ayato this way, too. There’d be many people who would know him and maybe lingering
around the festival you would see more of him.

It had been decided that you weren’t going by both of the Kamisato siblings, but you weren’t
accepting that. At all. What they didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt them. You hatched a plan with Yuri’s
help. On the days of the festival, Ayaka and Ayato wouldn’t be home at all. The duties of the
festival would keep them away. They’d be staying in Ritou with Thoma as well, and you’d be
staying home with guards to protect you. You weren’t gonna let that happen. You would be so

At this point, you were sure you could be stealthy enough that no one would know it was you, and
you could find out information about Guuji yae. You were excited for the second day of the
festival, where they were going to have a night celebration where everyone wore a mask. You
knew you could blend in pretty well as long as you hid your kitsune features and bought a mask.
You didn’t think that Ayato was going to be at the festival, anyways.

Only one way to find out. You were going to get in that festival no matter what.
The day finally came, you’d waited until the second day of the festival, had Yuri distract the
guards for you, and you snuck out. You were dressed in a very simple outfit as to not draw
attention to yourself, you looked like a normal human, the only thing special was that you had your
vision fastened to a collar you were wearing.

You snuck out the estate and began your long walk to Ritou. It was early morning. You had left a
note and orders for guards so that no one would disturb you, and if they did, not to freak out or tell
anyone as you were on a business errand.

Your stamina was much better now that you had a vision and had begun training. It took you a few
hours before you arrived in Ritou, sneaking past the guards into the festival.

Now it was time to have fun!

Moonlight dance
Chapter Summary

It was time to enjoy the festival!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was afternoon, now. And you’d finally gotten into the festival, and were having a marvel looking
around. Everything looked so pretty here. You had a mask fastened over your face already just in
case anyone recognized you, but you realized you may seem.. pretty suspicious? You reached the
center of Ritou, and pretty much froze when you saw Ayaka and Ayato together. They were talking
to a blonde woman who looked quite sassy. You got closer, pretending to be looking at something
on one of the stands as you listened to them talk.

“Anyways.. as I was saying. There must be somewhere to get a good gift here, right? I wanted to
get something special..” Ayaka spoke, frowning as she pondered what would be good. Ayato
seemed to smile at that. “Traveler. I leave my sister in your capable hands. Please assist her to the
best of your ability and I will make sure you are properly compensated.”

The floating.. fairy..? Next to the traveler seemed to get extremely excited at that. “Of course
Ayato! Just make sure it’s enough for a delicious meal for Paimon!” The small girl said, and you
stood there as Ayato walked by you, heart pounding.

You waited until he was well out of sight before you began to follow after Ayaka and the Traveler.
It seemed that they were going to various stalls to find something for someone. You were trailing
behind them, hiding around corners, when the Blonde woman suddenly met eyes with you. You
dodged behind a nearby stand with a squeak and quickly moved to hide.

“Traveler, did you see something? What’s the matter?”

“Ah, nothing. That bow over there looks quite nice. It would suit Yoimiya a lot.”

You peaked and watched as Ayaka turned bright red, stammering out an excuse as she realized
she’d been caught. It seemed she hadn’t said who the gift was for, just for a woman. How
adorable. You couldn’t help but smile.

You were having too much fun following them, and nobody seemed to mind very much. You were
kinda worried about Ayaka anyways. She desperately needed to make a move on Yoimiya.

Hours drifted by of you following them, pretending to buy things and actually buying things,
staying nearby the whole time and watching as Ayaka finally picked out a gift for Yoimiya. It was
beginning to get dark now, and the blonde woman and her companion seemed eager to go to
dinner. You began to follow them, keeping your head down. You didn’t even realize as they’d
gone into a secluded area, realizing this must be a back way to a restaurant.

That was until the blonde woman turned around and put her arms on her hips at you, looking
unamused. “Any explanation why you’ve been following us for hours now?”
Oh, you were caught.

Ayaka turned to look back, confusion in her face. Why did this person look so familiar to her
despite the mask..?

“Ah.. um..” You weren’t sure what to say. There wasn’t an excuse.

You took off your mask and smiled at Ayaka. “Surprise..?”

Ayaka’s face morphed into surprise and shock. “Sister?!”

At that, the blonde traveler and fairy both exclaimed, “WHAT?!”

It was several seconds of silence before Ayaka had moved to hug you and you hugged her back.
Ayaka then turned to the blonde woman.

“Sister, this is Lumine. She’s the traveler I mentioned. And this is paimon, her travel companion.
Lumine, paimon, this is my brother’s wife.”

At that, paimon exclaimed again, “HE’S MARRIED?!”

You turned pink, before you bowed to the traveler. “Hello. My name is y/n kamisato. I am Ayato’s
wife. Thank you for helping Ayaka. I was worried she may struggle to choose a good gift for
Yoimiya.” Paimon seemed to be in shock still, but Lumine moved and shook your hand. “Nice to
meet you. I’m Lumine. This is my emergency food, paimon.”

That seemed to wake Paimon up from her shock. “I am not emergency food!”

“Admittedly, I came to the festival because I was very bored and I have only been to one once
before. Please keep this a secret from Ayato. He does not know I am here. I will return home after

Lumine nodded at that. “Alright.” She seemed to glance at your vision and you smiled. “Yes, I am
a cryo user much like Ayaka. It hasn’t been very long since I got my vision though. Only about a

Surprise flashed the two companions face. “Wow. Paimon has never met someone who’s just got
their vision before! That’s amazing!” You cleared your throat, a bit uncomfortable, and Lumine
seemed to read your mood. “Paimon, most of the time when people get their vision it wasn’t
because something good happened..”

The realization passed Paimon’s face and she apologized. You simply smiled. “It’s alright. Now,
why don’t we go eat somewhere? I want to spend time with Ayaka as it’s been a little while, and
once we’re done eating I’m gonna separate from you guys and go enjoy the festival.”

Everyone agreed, and you all went to go eat at a nearby restaurant, enjoying your time together.

When you finished, you said goodbye to your new friends, reassured Ayaka that you’d be fine and
you’ll have a guard with you on the way home. You returned to the festival to find a large dance
floor right outside Ritou, decorated beautifully with lanterns. Everyone was wearing a mask, and
you adjusted your fox mask as you walked into the crowd. This was truly a beautiful sight. People
were dancing beautifully, there was a band playing music nearby, and you couldn’t help but want
to join in.

When a woman offered you to dance, you couldn’t help but accept. You figured it was fine, she
obviously was a nice old woman who wanted to ensure many were included. You began dancing,
and people continuously traded partners for each song. You ended up dancing with a young child,
Lumine herself (where had she come from?), and a young woman, always switching partners.
Laughter bubbled up in your chest. You were having so much fun.

You decided you’d have just one more dance. You were getting tired. When someone offered you a
hand to dance, you didn’t look up at them nor think, just accepted it.

As you began to dance, you looked up and you would’ve froze in shock. Brilliant blue eyes behind
a wolf mask, and blue hair. Ah, this was Ayato, wasn’t it? You didn’t know he’d be attending this,
but you smiled and decided to have fun. There’s no way you’d get to dance with him normally, so
you’d enjoy the chance you had while you could.

You were awkward at dancing, but that was okay! Everyone was just having fun, and you were
pretty certain Ayato wouldn’t think you’d be there. After all, you were supposed to be home.
“You’re quite good at this.” He’d said, and you let out a loud giggle. “It’s so fun, I can’t help it!”

The song was coming to a close, and it slowed down a bit. You let out a long stream of giggles
when he dipped you, masterfully dancing in the crowd. You could recognize many eyes on you
two, especially Paimon and Lumine. You couldn’t help but grin. “You’re very good at this, sir.”
You complimented, as the song came to a close.

Ayato leaned in to your ear.

“Of course, did you think I wouldn’t recognize my wife?” There was a teasing tone in his voice,
and you found your face flushing bright red. Oh lord, that should be illegal.

“Hmm.. you know, I don’t think we’ve ever met~” You teased back, and he chuckled, a laugh
leaving him. In just a moment, he lifted up your mask, kissing you. It was extremely tender and

He pulled away, and you were extremely flushed at this point. He guided you over to where Thoma
was standing, oh, he was standing there? You didn’t realize that before.

“Thoma, please guide my wife to where I am staying. I can’t send her back on her own, now can

“Yes, my lord!” He moved forward, and you, still flustered, glanced back at Ayato. He’d taken his
mask off and was giving you a teasing smirk at this point. You huffed. This man…

Your husband was evil!

Chapter End Notes


Chapter Summary

You have an eventful night with Ayato.

Chapter Notes

When you see the —+ that is when it gets NSFW. You can skip it if it bothers you at
all ❤️

Ayato was having a good day. Everything was going well, despite the fact that Itto was wreaking
havoc on the festival (which he secretly enjoyed. It was funny to see Kujou Sara’s exasperated
face.) He’d taken care of all he needed to in the afternoon, seen his sister off to Lumine, and went
to go back to his hotel and get a status update on his wife.

Okay, he wasn’t creepy. He was just worried. He wanted to make sure you were okay, you were
his responsibility after all, and he wouldn’t let you get hurt again.

So when he learned from Sayu that you had left the estate and gone to the festival, followed
Lumine and ayaka around for multiple hours, gone to dinner with them, then went to go to the
dance? He couldn’t help himself. He was going to indulge just this once his curiousity of what you
were really like around other people.

So when you were smiling and laughing as you danced with various people, he wasn’t sure what
overcame him. He could recognize Yoimiya and Ayaka dancing together, a new bow in Yoimiya’s
hair, and Ayaka had a new necklace on. He ignored that as he turned to see you getting kinda tired.
He figured this was his last chance to satiate his curiousity, and he couldn’t help but want to tease

He watched your masked face as you accepted, then looked up and recognized you. Oh, how cute.
He couldn’t help but think you were adorable as you pretended to not know him. He wondered
what you were thinking, but you seemed extremely happy.

He dipped you, watching as you squeaked and giggled.

Somehow, his chest felt warm.

When your dance finished, and you complimented him, he simply couldn’t resist from teasing you.
Especially when you were also being genuine with him right now. It was quite cute as you teased
him back, so cute that he couldn’t resist any longer.

He kissed you. It was impulsive, really. You two had hardly kissed before, and it mainly was to get
into the mood for sex. This was different, though. This felt.. so strong. When he pulled away and
your face was a lovely shade of red under your mask, and you seemed flustered, he couldn’t help
but command Thoma to bring you to his room. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him tonight,
but he was weak for your charms and kept giving in to temptation.

He waved bye to Lumine, and paimon, who had watched that whole thing and both seemed
extremely interested in what was happening. He’d heard paimon squeal when he kissed you, and
Lumine seemed entirely too smug. Ah, it wasn’t that long ago that he’d told them that love was in
the air this season, and many nobles were getting married, huh?

Still, he wanted to go be with you currently. He wasn’t sure why, but he found himself picking up
some dango (also some dango milk. He wanted to try this new flavor.. he got you a normal one
though. He didn’t want to scare you off.)

And, he walked off to the residence he was staying in, where he knew you would be waiting.

The attendants at the residence you were guided to by Thoma were quite eager to help you bathe
when you appeared. There was two maids there on standby, and one returned to Ayaka’s room to
await her as the other took care of you. They were probably both Ayaka’s maids, though. You were
glad they were willing to help you, though you weren’t sure why they both seemed quite excited.
The second maid had brought some lilac petals for your bath and soap to the first, and then left
once again. You released your concealment magic and relaxed into the tub, laughing as the maid
seemed surprised before she washed your tail for you.

When you finished, she helped you dry off before she dressed you in a lacy robe. You couldn’t
help but flush at that. Just who prepared this thing?!

You left the bathroom, thanking the maid, and she bowed before leaving the room. You wondered
how long your husband would take, though, as you sat at the table in the room. You glanced
around, seeing a desk that had paperwork on it and some of Ayato’s clothes in the nearby closet.
You’d never slept in the same room as him before nor seen his room, he’d always came to you to
do his duty, so you had no idea what it was like to share a room with him.

Still, you tapped on the desk as you waited. You felt quite impatient for some reason. Why did you
feel like you missed him so much?


It was a bit later when the door opened. But it wasn’t that long, only about ten minutes. You stood
up to make sure that it was Ayato coming in, and sure enough it was. The man stepped inside and
closed the door, a bag in his hand. He had taken his mask off, and he looked up, eyes looking at
your face before he looked down at what you were wearing and his cheeks turned red.


Your face turned red as well, blushing as you looked at the bag he had. Perhaps he had gotten
something he needed for work tomorrow? It didn’t matter much.

Ayato set the bag near the door before he approached you. You didn’t know what you expected,
but it wasn’t him kissing you.

He kissed you, pulling you in closer, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands rested
on your back, and he deepened the kiss, licking at your lip before you opened your mouth.
It wasn’t like you were unfamiliar with what was happening at this point, it was just strange. He
had never touched you besides for when you were trying for a child, and those kisses never felt
like this, either.

His hands slid down to your ass, and he picked you up, causing you to squeak as you wrapped your
legs around his waist. You were glad you had underwear on, because you would hate to get his
clothes wet. Ah, that sounded obscene, you realized. Still, you let out a moan as he grinded up
against you.

He was hard.

He took steps forward to the bed, before he set you down on it, parting for a moment. He
practically rushed to undress himself, pausing for a moment when he got his top off and had begun
working on his pants. “Are you okay with this?” He asked, looking over you.

You were flushed and panting at this point, and you looked up at him.

“I want you, ayato.”

Something dangerous flashed in his eyes and his pants and shoes were off in seconds. He climbed
on the bed, spreading your legs and pulling your underwear off. He untied the robe so your chest
was bare and visible to him, and he looked down at you as if drinking in the view.

And he did lean down to drink you up. His mouth was all over you, leaving kisses all over your
body before he kissed you right on the clit, a smirk obvious on his face as he watched you moan
and writhe in his hands.

It didn’t take very long until he had you whining and moaning with his tongue and mouth alone,
sucking hard on your clit, and you wrapped your thighs around his head.

It took just a few moments for you to break. Your back arched and you twitched, cumming harder
than you ever had in your life, grabbing and pulling on his hair and feeling him moan against you.

You all but collapsed, boneless, when you finished, releasing him. He gave you one last lick before
he sat up and licked his lips.

You were putty in his hands as he leaned in and felt all over you, hands roaming your chest and
back. You moaned up at him, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he scooted
closer. You felt his tip press against you before he began to push in, watching your face closely as
you whined.

He leaned down, burying his face in your neck and biting as hard as he could, and you grabbed
onto his back and scratched.

He knew how to make you a mess. And he was enjoying every second of it. He was thrusting into
you with impatience, and you were twitching and moaning under him. If you were not getting your
brains fucked out, you may have felt a little bad for anyone who was outside. But you didn’t care,
all that mattered was that he was hot and large and god was he leaving marks all over you and god
did it feel good.

Your orgasm took you first, and you screamed out a moan, hearing him groan into your ear as he
came as well. He had stopped, just twitching inside you, and you held onto him tightly before you
simply collapsed back against the bed, panting as you caught your breath.

He pulled out and flopped besides you, doing the same, before he laughed breathlessly. “That was
the best sex I’ve ever had.” He admitted, looking over at you. And you blushed at him, laughing a
little yourself. “You know, I’m sure I may have woken up the whole neighborhood.”

He pulled you close to him, pulling the blanket over you two as he chuckled once more. You were
tired, and while you felt hot, you couldn’t help but want to cuddle him. You leaned into his touch,
hearing the soothing sound of his heartbeat, and fell asleep in his arms. You felt him play with your
hair as you did.
Chapter Summary

It was time to meet Guuji Yae.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You cracked your eyes open, hearing the birds chirping outside, and you realized you were still in
Ayato’s arms. You felt gross and sticky, but your heart pounded a little bit as you realized how
close you were. You looked up at his face after moving back a bit, and watched as his eyes peaked

Oh no, he was really pretty.

His eyelashes fluttered, eyes focusing slowly as he looked down at you.

“Don’t look at me like that, or we may need to repeat last night right away.”

His voice was rough as he’d just woke up, and you flushed before snapping up to get out of his
arms. “You’re evil.” You said, turned away from him.

He hummed, a smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah? Is that so? And you’re naked still.”

You threw a pillow at his face.

You two took a bath together, deciding it would be easier and faster than it would be otherwise,
and you splashed him multiple times when he got a little.. distracted about your nakedness. This
man was insatiable. And evil, you decided.

After you both finished and got dressed, (thankfully the maid had left a dress for the morning) you
left the room together. The dango and dango milk you learned he bought yesterday had gone bad
and unfortunately had to be thrown out. You wore your vision on a collar, same as yesterday, and
left with Ayato. You honestly weren’t sure of the recent turn of events but it was obvious he was
more fond of you lately and you weren’t gonna ruin that.

You decided to just let your kitsune traits show today. After all, you didn’t need to blend in. Your
husband didn’t seem to hate you for it, either. He reached up to pet your ears and you leaned into
his hand.

“I didn’t know that felt nice for you.” He said, and you nodded. “Yeah.” You returned to walking
normally, simply holding his hand as you two walked outside. It was a nice day, and you pointedly
ignore the stares and smiles of the maids that felt a little more pointed today.

You also ignored the soreness in your body. You had to wear a dress with a turtleneck on it as your
husband had left marks all over your neck, but your collar also covered it up a bit as well.

As you both arrived outside, he turned to you. “I need to work for a bit, but I’ll give you a piece of
information. Guuji Yae has been in the main city, by the Yae publishing house. If you head there,
be safe. I shall see you later.” Ayato said, a pink tint to his cheeks has he lifted your hand and
kissed the back of it. “Make sure to go home on time. And take some guards with you when you

He leaned in, giving you a goodbye kiss, and your cheeks were pink as you both parted ways to do
what you needed to do.

Your long walk to the main city was peaceful and have you time to ponder things.

To begin with, you wondered about Ayato and you. The man was much more kind to you now.
Before he had regarded you with much disinterest, and suspicion, but now he appeared to be kind
and interested in you. Though you didn’t understand why, all you had done was save his sister, but
you suppose that since family was most important to him it made sense. You weren’t going to be
picky about why he was kind to you, you.. actually enjoyed it, a lot.

You wished he could love you.

You knew he wouldn’t, though. He’d made that clear in the beginning. But it was good enough
that he was your friend, who you shared a deep bond with. Even if he wasn’t someone who loved
you romantically, you were just glad to have him. You’d never felt this way before about anyone.

Ah, he would be great with kids, wouldn’t he?

You stopped walking at that thought.

Your hand rubbed over your abdomen. Right, children. If you couldn’t produce a heir you and
Ayato would either divorce or he would take a lover. It was more likely for divorce because
otherwise his child would be seen as illegitimate due to being born out of wedlock.

Why weren’t you pregnant yet? You didn’t want to leave Ayato or Ayaka. Your heart ached at the
mere thought, and you continued walking down the path. If you couldn’t have a child with Ayato,
perhaps it had to do with the fact that you’d been starved before for a long period of time when you
first hit puberty. Your body had taken a long time to recover, and you hadn’t had a period for a
year before it did, before your began to have normal periods after your body was recovered.

If.. that had caused infertility, there was nothing you could do. As you walked, you weren’t paying
attention to your surroundings. You’d passed by Konda village a bit ago, and were headed up to
the main city to go to Yae publishing house.

So when someone was behind you, you realized it far too late. You were grabbed from behind and
something pressed against your nose and mouth, before everything faded to black.

Shit. Even your thrashing didn’t save you.

You felt royally fucked as you passed out.

Chapter End Notes

This is a shorter chapter because I felt if I combined the two chapters together it would
be far too long. I really am moving fast through this but I don’t want to rush the plot in
each chapter and dump too much information into one, if that makes sense.
The truth
Chapter Summary

You finally learn the truth.

Your vision was hazy when you blinked awake. Your head was killing you and you were in a very
dark room. You could hear the distant dripping of water, your arms were tied behind your back and
you couldn’t reach your nails to cut it off. They’d taken your vision, too, and your mouth was
covered with a fabric.

You heard distant talking, and honed your senses a bit to listen. You had to focus. If you panicked
now, you may well end up dead somewhere you won’t be found. Your heart was pounding.


You could barely make out what the man was saying. It wasn’t until you heard a chilling laugh
that you realized.

It was your father. Your father had taken you, and he was laughing distantly. He was talking about
killing you and making it look like an accident.
You focused more as you hung your head and perked your ears up straight. Your hearing was
much more sensitive than others. If you imbued magic into your ears, perhaps you could pick up
more? Oh, well, it wouldn’t hurt to try.

“I need to get rid of it before it becomes a problem. She should have been hated by everyone there
but they like her too much. If she talks to that damn kitsune Guuji, we’ll be doomed! I will not let
my son and daughter be hurt by a monster.”

Huh? Your step mother had two children?

You frowned. Well, it worked and you could hear better, but you weren’t sure what the hell to do
with this information. It wasn’t like there was much you could do. Besides, you were glad you
could use night vision, because this place was really dark.

You really needed to talk to Yae miko. At this point you knew it was imperative to do so. But first,
you needed to get out of here. It was better to act as though no one was coming because you didn’t
know if they would be.

Footsteps began to draw close and you hung your head, pretending to sleep.

“Tch. Damn monster. Pretending to be human when you’re not. I’ll kill you so you can’t breed any
more vile creatures. After that, I’ll use my connections to rid of that damn Kitsune priestess.” Your
father was infront of you, now. You weren’t sure what he’d do if you were awake, so you just
pretended to sleep.

Eventually he leaned down to slap you hard. You jerked, eyes snapping open to look up at him.
“There you are. Hello there. I’ll do you a kind favor before we kill you.” He said, staring at you
with a wicked smug smirk.

“We’re gonna wait a day before we kill you, but first, I’m going to tell you the truth about your
pathetic existence.”

All you could do is nod. You hadn’t intended to flinch when he raised his hand towards your face,
but it seemed to make him happier.

“Your mother was a kitsune and a demon. Her vile blood passed on to you after mixing with my
supreme blood. You are disgusting. Your mother was nothing more but a whore in a priestess
costume who ran away from home when I took her. She was mine, and I destroyed her, the same
way I will you. Do you know why?” You shook your head no.

“Because she was Yae miko’s daughter. A creation made from her blood during an experiment that
Yae miko didn’t even understand why it happened. When exorcising a demon, The kitsune guuji
spilled her blood on the alter and your mom was born, created from a forbidden art. Yet Yae could
not kill her, because she is weak at her disgusting blood. Your mother showed no signs of being a
demon as she grew up, but her disgusting and vile body had a time limit the minute she was born.”

His wicked grin was contrasted to his dead eyes.

“I killed everyone your mother ever loved. I took her and used her, stripped her of her powers and
poisoned her for years. I hate Guuji Yae, you see, because she rejected me, the most perfect man.
She rejected me all for a woman, claiming the Shogun was far more superior than me. So I
destroyed her daughter and killed her. I took everything away from her that I could. Now there’s
only one thing left, the second to last Kitsune known to exist. There will only be one more after I
kill you.”

“No, I won’t let that happen.”

A woman interrupted from behind the man. You snapped your eyes to her in surprise.

“Akechi __, I hearby charge you with attempted murder and kidnapping, along with disrespecting
the law that protects Kitsune as a holy species.” The woman said, calm and poised as she
summoned a polearm. You’d never heard your fathers real name before, so that was a surprise as

The woman was beautiful. Long purple hair in a braid, bright purple eyes, and you realized, as you
looked at her, that she looked just like the pictures of the Raiden shogun at the festival.

Shock filled you, the shogun was here to save you, personally?!

“I will now administer your punishment myself. I shall judge you, and punish you for your crimes
against Inazuma.” The woman said, and your father turned to prepare for battle. “Men, get rid of
her!” He called, and men came piling into the room you were in.

Even they faltered as a pressure settled over everyone. Torches lit themselves around you all in the
room, and the woman stared with a gaze like she was looking at a bug that dare disrespect her.

“You have attempted to murder a kitsune, you kidnapped her, you broke multiple laws. You also
are in touch with the Fatui, who recently tried to interfere and sabotage inazuma. You plotted to kill
the traveler, you sent assassins to Yae miko, and most of all, you tried to kill Yae miko’s
granddaughter out of revenge.”
Your father was shaking.

“You emotionally and physically abused your daughter, after I entrusted her to you personally
under the impression that you would protect and care for her. You have committed crimes worthy
of death, high treason against inazuma, and betrayed the wishes of the Shogunate. I shall now
administer punishment.”

The men your father hired all screamed as they began to rush the Raiden shogun herself, weapons
ready to kill.
Chapter Summary

You had to say goodbye.

Chapter Notes

Graphic descriptions of murder ahead.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

You watched as men fell to the floor, one by one. Blood pooled on the floor and dripped from the
purple polearm as the woman slowly turned to look at your father. He collapsed to the ground,
knees giving out. He was a distance to your left, now, ahead of you so you could only see him from

You wondered what his expression was like.

The Raiden shogun slowly began walking to the man, who was scrambling backwards away from
her as she effortlessly stepped over bodies, Not caring of the blood on her shoes. Her polearm
dissipated as she pulled a sword out of her chest, swinging it around as she stalked closer.

“I shall now punish you for your crimes. Do you have any last words?”

The man, though shaking, glared up at the woman. “Go to hell, you monster.”

The woman only stared down with disdain as she cut off his right arm, first.

The scream that left him was loud, but for some reason, despite your stomach churning and your
vision beginning to dim as you went to pass out from stress, you felt like you finally were getting

It kept you awake. The sense of satisfaction as you watched her chop off his other arm, choosing to
punish him via painful death.

He screamed, falling backward as she meticulously chopped off both his legs.

She then raised her sword up, pointing it downwards towards his chest.

It glowed purple as she stabbed down, watching as he screamed and twitched until he stopped
moving, eyes growing more and more dim by the second. You stayed awake as you watched her
pulled her sword out and dematerialize it.

She turned towards you, and your eyes fluttered shut as you collapsed. You faintly registered the
feeling of warmth as someone had grabbed you.
“I have failed you.”

Ayato felt as though his world froze when he learned you had been kidnapped.

It was Sayu who told him. She had been following you but when you were taken, a man had
spotted her and engaged in a fight. When she finally defeated him, you were already gone with the
other man.
He felt so conflicted. Although he had promised himself not to let you be hurt again, his
carelessness had led to this situation. Ayaka looked flatout despaired, obviously mortified.

He wasn’t sure why he felt so desperate and upset, but he immediately issued orders to search for
you, and contacted Kujou Sara for help. He had practically rushed to the police station to search for
her, but when he arrived, he was interrupted with the shogun herself.

“Leave this to me. I shall save my..gra…ah..I shall save your wife.”


Why did he feel like she was about to say granddaughter?

He bowed to the Raiden shogun. “I thank you and beg of your assistance, your excellency.” He
watched as she began to walk off, clearly knowing just where to go.

Was she following.. a crystal fly?

No matter. There was much to do.

He immediately rushed to organize his subordinates and be prepared to receive his wife no matter
what condition she was in. He knew that Raiden would bring you back, but he wasn’t sure just
what state you were in. It was necessary to be prepared for anything, so he kept a healer on

He was going to have to put all his shadow soldiers on you to keep you safe from now on, no
matter what.


You looked around you, curious just where you were once you opened your eyes.

It was a field of lavender. There was a table and chairs, and sat at it, was your mother. You
couldn’t believe your eyes as you stumbled towards her. “Mother..”

She sat there, drinking tea. “Have a seat, my little fox.”

You obeyed, tears in your eyes as she reached to hold your hand across the table. And her touch felt
real and warm. “My daughter.” She said, looking peaceful. “I love you so much. Please listen to

You nodded, feeling like crying as your throat burned. You were holding back your tears the best
you could.

“Yae miko is my mother. And although we aren’t blood related, the shogun saw herself as my
mother as well. Even as she had left to isolate herself much time ago, before she had, when I was
very young, she had talked to me. She protected me, and although she was emotionally distant and
always reserved, she cared for me. She loves Miko with all her heart, you see. So I was her
daughter regardless of blood relation.” You could only nod.

“Yae miko was awkward. She didn’t know how to be a parent so she allowed someone else to raise
me in her place, but always visited and gave me things I needed. I was in training to become a
priestess from a very young age, over 300 years ago. I had run away one night, upset and sad over
my mothers distance from me, and disgusted with myself. That vile man had taken me then. Listen,
y/n. He may be gone now, but I know the damage is in your heart still..

I love you, my daughter. I always will. Please, take care of yourself. If you are unhappy in your
marriage, please leave immediately. Do not suffer like me, please. Do what makes you happy, and
protect you are your future children. But I will tell you this..” Your mother leaned in closer to you.

“You have two grandmothers who love you, and see you as their child. You have two siblings
blood related to you, who are going to want to know you. You have a sister in law who would do
anything for you. You have a husband who promised himself he’d protect you, and now is freaking
out. You have people waiting for you. You are not disgusting or vile, you’re beautiful. You are my
sweet child, and now, I must say goodbye forever.”

“No, mother, please..” You begged. Tears began to fall as she stood up to hug you. You hugged her
tight, watching as she began to fade to dust in your arms.

“I love you, my daughter. Please, be happy.”

You sobbed, “I..I love you too mom..I miss you..”

You weren’t met with a response. She was gone.

The world broke in half, and you began falling in darkness. There was a light below you, and you
were falling into it. You didn’t scream, just accepted it.

“It’s time to wake up now.” Your mother said, echoing in the room, and everything went black.

Chapter End Notes

uuu I don’t know how to capture emotion very well it text but I’m trying !! I wanted to
make the readers mother say goodbye one last time. I wanted to just.. give a sense of
peace to this character, while also destroying the father who was evil? If that makes

Anyways, thank you all for your support. I read each and every comment, and they
make me extremely happy. I see what y’all like and I appreciate it♥️ This is a fun
experience for me!!

You groaned as you cracked open your eyes open.

There was a tree above you, and you were laying on something soft. You heard birds chirping and
people talking—no, arguing—in the distance.

“She should stay here to recuperate. It is imperative that she meet her grandmothers. And she’ll be
safest with another kitsune who can protect her.”

“She belongs with me. She’s my wife. I have a sworn duty to protect her.”

“You didn’t do a good job of that, did you?”

You sat up slowly, feeling someone push you back down. “Now now, none of that. You must be
careful now, wouldn’t want to jumble that pretty brain of yours.” You heard a woman say, and a
familiar pink head of hair came into view, staring down at you. “Now, do you remember who you
are and what last happened?”

“Yes..Ugh.. ah.. I’m y/n kamisato and I was kidnapped last, and watched the..ah.. the raiden
shogun save me.” You managed out, pain coursing through your body.

“Now keep it easy. You were exposed to too much electro because my dear Ei couldn’t control
herself, and it’s conflicting with the hydro and cryo in your body. Your guts are basically doing
superconduit constantly.”

That explained why you felt like shit. Wait.

“Hydro?” You asked, squinting up at her.

“Why of course. When two vision users make love, their energies mix in their bodies. You are in
tune with the elements now after all. It only makes sense. Though this is definitely unusual as it’s
concentrated in one place. I’ll look over you once more.”

Your face flushed bright red.

She could tell you had sex recently. Ahh, that was so embarrassing. She laughed, as she felt your
pulse before closing her eyes with her hand over your heart. She was feeling for something but you
couldn’t tell.

You looked around your surroundings best you could, spotting Ayato just a bit away. He was
arguing with someone, oh, it was kujou Sara. You’d seen her on some posters too. The shoguns
loyal soldier.

Yae miko pulled away, and you sat up as she opened her mouth to speak. It was a lot of effort to sit
up, and she helped you move extremely slowly, pain in your body.

Yae miko didn’t get the chance to speak before Ayato was over at your side, grabbing onto your
hand. “Are you okay, wife?” He asked, extremely distressed. You ignored Yae miko’s amused
face, as you turned to hold his hand. You felt incredibly weak and like garbage. “I’m alive.” You
rasped out, and he hugged you.

You leaned into the hug, unable to lift your arms to hug him back. He pulled away moments after,
brushing your hair from your face. “I’m sorry I failed to protect you. When you are well enough to
be transported, I shall take you home. As of now, you’re being healed by the Sacred Sakura. And I
thank you, yae miko.” He said. His eyes held sincerity, and yae simply chuckled. “Of course. Why
should I leave my granddaughter alone? My wife rescued her, after all.”

Oh right. That was a thing now. You flushed a bit. “Ah.. um.. Yae miko..?” You stammered out,
looking up at her.

“What should I call you?” You asked, a bit embarrassed to even need to ask.

“Why, you should call me grandmother, should you not? Though, I do look quite young to be a
grandmother. Perhaps just mother if that makes you feel more comfortable. Such things don’t

You just nodded.

You heard footsteps and turned a bit to look, watching as the Raiden shogun stepped closer to you.
Ayato bowed as he sat next to you, and you were going to bow as well before you were stopped by

Behind the shogun was Kujou sara, who looked quite serious as she approached.

“You need not bow to me. We are family after all. I am sorry, y/n. I have failed you.”


You got flustered. “Ah.. what do you mean, your excellency? You’ve never wronged me before..”
You really wished you could move right now.

“No.. I have. I found you in your house many years ago, a scared and starving child who prayed for
salvation. You laid in a room that smelled like a rotting corpse, praying for anyone to save you,
and I failed to find you fast enough. And I.. returned you to your father, thinking that was the best
course of action. At the time I didn’t think I could afford to take care of you myself, and thought
your father could take care of you adequately. I have wronged you, I am sorry. I allowed you to be
hurt without my knowledge.”

Raiden ei looked close to crying, and your heart ached. “If that wasn’t enough, I overused electro
and have hurt you even more. I am deeply sorry.”

You smiled up at her, feeling a sadness churn inside you. “You didn’t know. It’s okay. I’m alive
and here now, right? I don’t regret being with my father. It may have hurt but I was safe, and I
don’t regret it because I am glad to have met my husband and sister in law… I didn’t even know I
had other family until now. I..I’m glad you saved me. Thank you, grandmother.”

Ei flushed a bit, clearing her throat as she approached.

Damnit, appearances be damned, she needed to ensure that this relationship between her and her
granddaughter was repaired and she needed to be affectionate. There was no other way, even if she
was certainly going to be teased by Yae later.

She bent down and hugged you, as gentle as possible.

“I will be here for eternity. If you or your descendants require assistance, I shall always assist you.”
A warm feeling flooded your chest.
Yae cleared her throat after the hug, watching the two of you have a moment as Ayato sat there a
bit awkwardly.

“I am glad that all is well and we’ve all made up. This was a very important discussion. Now as for
more important and serious matters regarding your physical condition..”

You all looked at Yae as her face looked very serious, Ei and Ayato both looking more and more

“You need to stay in bed for awhile and not move much, ensure that your energy balances itself
and doesn’t harm your body anymore. Full meals are necessary, you need to ensure that the baby is
getting nutrients.”



You asked, eyes wide in surprise.

“Congratulations, Kamisato clan. You have a baby on the way.”


There was a long pause of silence and you being in shock. You turned to look at Ayato’s face, who
was still next to you.

You couldn’t read what he was feeling, but his arm wrapped around you to pull you closer. For
some reason, it didn’t hurt, despite your body being sore.

“Given the fact that Kitsune are very elemental and spiritual beings, the more time you spend with
Ayato the better. You’ve been pregnant for about a month, so you’re safe now. You’ll heal faster
absorbing his hydro energy, and it won’t hurt to have him touch you. I recommend sharing a bed
from now on, if you haven’t before. It’s urgent you do this for the baby to grow.”

You both nodded, though you weren’t sure if she was telling the truth or just wanted to push you
two together.

“Oh my, that’s quite a wide smile, Kamisato rascal.” She said, staring at Ayato who began to pick
you up.

Raiden seemed to be pondering something, staring at the two of you.

“I shall grant your child a vision if they are strong enough and old enough.”

She turned away.

“Kamisato Ayato. I suggest you be careful from now on. Hurt my granddaughter and I shall take it
personal. That is all, goodbye.”

And away she strode, Kujou Sara not following as she stood there and stared at the two of you.

“Oh my. She’s as rushed and prickly as ever. Well then, Shall I help you and Ayato return home
quickly? Perhaps a bit of teleportation shall help..”

Sara cleared her throat. “Congratulations, Kamisato clan. I shall send gifts in a bit. As this is the
Raiden shoguns great granddaughter, we shall see you well taken care of. Farewell.”

And she turned to catch up with the shogun, a pink tint to her cheeks as if she was embarrassed.

“Well now that everyone is finished here, I think I’ll return you two home. Now remember, no sex
until you’re atleast six months in, share the same bed and spend time together. Congratulations!”
Yae seemed smug as she waved her hand, watching the two of you blush a little as electro energy
surrounded you both and the world swirled.

You shut your eyes, holding onto Ayato. And when you both stopped moving, you were in the
courtyard. A loud thud echoed from behind you two and Ayato turned towards the door of the
estate to face who was behind you.

Thoma had dropped what he was holding in surprise. “My lord! My lady! You’re back! Ah, notify
the servants and Lady Ayaka!” He called to a nearby servant, and you fondly stared at him as
Ayato went to carry you inside. “Gather everyone into the main room. We have something to say.”
Ayato commanded, carrying you still as the servants held the doors open for you two. You entered
the main room, and he set you down to rest in a nearby chair, staying by your side as people piled
into the room.
Most notably, Ayaka.

She looked relieved, her eyes looking over you carefully as she stepped closer, but still stayed a
distance away as she knew her brother had something to say. Although she wanted to speak to you
immediately and reassure that you were okay, she watched as Ayato reached to hold you hand, and
you two gave eachother soft smiles.

“I have called for you all to announce that we are expecting a child.”

Ayaka froze. Huh? Wait.. that means..

She looked at you, watching you closely as you smiled at her. “I’m pregnant, Ayaka.”

Ayaka slowly smiled very wide. “I’m gonna be an auntie?”

Ayato simply replied, “Yes.”

You watched as joy took over the room, smiling up at Ayato who looked extremely fond of you as
he smiled back. A chorus of congratulations followed the room, and you watched as servants began
to rush off as soon as they were dismissed. There was much to prepare now, the old nursery needed
to be repaired and modernized after many years. Thoma seemed in shock too, but he offered his
congratulations to you both. Ayaka hugged Ayato before gently hugging you too once she learned
you were still in pain and injured. It took just a little bit before Ayato ordered a servant to tidy up
the master’s room for you both to share and to move your stuff into it.

The house was chaos as you were laid on your bed you now shared with Ayato, the doctor looking
over you and confirming what Yae had said, giving you some pain medication that was safe for the
child. You found yourself extremely tired, and Ayato had kissed your forehead before leaving you
to sleep in the room as he had to catch up on work desperately.

Your eyes fluttered shut, exhausted and overwhelmed. You weren’t sure how to feel, as you were
both scared but glad, and you decided to shut your mind off and sleep.

It was an uneventful sleep.


Waters churned, a dark force spreading over the land. Blue eyes stared down worriedly at the
strange dark miasma that was spreading throughout the land.

The woman looked over the reports once more, before turning to the man next to her.

“Evacuate the island of most people and contact the Shogunate and Guuji. Please hurry.”

Looking over the goo that was spreading extremely slowly, she pressed her palm to her head. There
was an arm sticking out of the strange substance, fingernails blackened and skin rotting. It
consumed everything, crawling over the land and destroying anything in its path.

“Your excellency, please back away. We don’t know what that may do to you just by breathing in
the air.”

The woman shook her head. “Please attempt to contact the traveler. It’s imperative she see this and
know of this situation so she doesn’t accidentally get hurt by it. And also send a message to Kujou
Sara personally. I shall return and peruse over any text that may cover what this may be. Our first
priority is the safety of the residents, and we should evacuate most lower soldiers as well. Put a tail
on any fatui spotted in the area.”

The soldier saluted to her.

“Please protect my people, orobashi.” She prayed, stress and anxiety curling her heart.
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The months passed idly by.

You had grown used to sharing a bed with Ayato, although you sometimes were surprised at how
fond he looked at you. You’d begun to wake up in his arms every day, as he had eventually just
started cuddling you more and more. The man grew more clingy as time went on, and there was a
few times you’d huffed and gotten up to leave the room after smacking him with a pillow. You
settled into a rhythm together, he would work during the day as you would handle the duties of the
household and spend time with Ayaka frequently to discuss matters regarding festivals and public
matters of safety. Then he would be home in time for dinner and you would all share dinner and
talk before going to bed. You two settled into a routine of near constantly being around eachother.

That was why it was hard when he was suddenly called to go on a trip outside of Inazuma. There
was no choice in the matter, and Kujou sara had expressed much sympathy and worry over it but
there was nothing that could change him having to leave for three weeks. At least it wasn’t near
the due date.

He looked at you with great sadness and was even more clingy as he had gotten closer to leaving.

“I’ll be leaving the full authority of the clan to you. While I am gone, please take care of yourself.
I’ll return as soon as I can from Mondstadt. I must take Thoma with me, but Ayaka will remain and
I will leave Sayu to be with you. Take guards if you must leave anywhere, and make decisions if
you find them necessary.”

That was what he said as he prepared to leave the estate, saying farewell without another word.

It was a bit before you felt like you couldn’t leave it like this and all but chased after him. You’d
run into Yae, who smirked but agreed to teleport you, mumbling about young love.

You arrived just in time to Ritou, as he was boarding the boat. “Ayato!” You called, and he turned
to you, quickly stepping to walk to you.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Has anything happened?” He asked, concern etching into his features.
You panted for just a moment before you leaned up to hug him, giving him a passionate kiss.

He returned it after a few moments, softening as he looked down at you. You pulled away to look
up at him.

“I love you.” You confessed, your heart pounding a bit. “I..I’m sure you don’t feel the same but
please return to me, Ayato..I don’t..I don’t wanna lose you, so..”

He chuckled at that.

“I love you too.”

Ah, stars bloomed in your chest and you felt full, leaning up to kiss him again and just hold him for
a moment.
“I’ll come back. Please return home safe and take guards. Farewell, my love.”

You muttered goodbyes into the ocean breeze, and you watched him board the boat, turning to
wave back at you.

Your heart felt heavy when you returned home.

Nothing notable happened until a few days later.

You were in your room, feeling intense sadness over missing him.

It was late, the moon shining through the window, and you sat in the dark room by yourself. It felt
empty without him here, and you were getting ready to sleep when you felt something strange.

“Can…. Hear… me….?” You heard a voice call, weak and faint. Blue lights began to appear
around your room and you felt confused.

“Hello? Who’s there?” You called, quiet as it was late. But your voice carried clearly in the

“Please… focus on…me… I can…contract…”

You tried your best to listen. The lights began to grow closer to eachother, and you felt as though
the room was a bit colder and humid. You could feel as though there was water in the air.

“Good… feel… the water…you’re so close…”

You focused harder, feeling as though you could sense something, and the blue lights finally all
reached eachother to form an orb.

Suddenly, the light bloomed, and there was a tiny girl made of water. She was no larger than your

“Hello there.”

She floated to you, as you held your palms out in amazement. “What.. are you?” You asked, feeling
as though there was a thrum of power in your body connecting you to her.

“I’m a spirit. My name is undine. It’s very nice to meet you, miss. I’ve been waiting for years!”

You blinked. A spirit?

“Please listen to me. You aren’t part demon, you’re part spirit! When your mother was created, she
wasn’t created from a demon but a spirit that had gone out of control. You have the power to
contract us spirits. We can be here for you! There’s only five others in the world who can see and
have spirits now.. so please.. please listen to me..”

You nodded, feeling as though you were consuming information you were never going to hear if
you didn’t listen to this tiny child.

“Alright.. please, tell me.”

The girl floated to nestle in your palms as she talked up to you. “There’s something happening that
only spirits can fix. There’s miasma from an evil spirit that’s consuming inazuma. I don’t know
what to do anymore! Please.. if.. if you contract me, you can contract any spirits. You could wield
hydro, cryo, pyro, any element because you will become attuned to them. You’re already an
elemental being, it won’t hurt you.. it’s just… you’d have to give up your vision.”

You blinked in confusion. “That’s.. how do you even..”

“It won’t hurt you! You just have to give it back. Just thank the god of this land and offer it back to
her. Say you no longer wish to have it.”

You turned to your vision on your nightstand. If it didn’t work, it was fine. You were certain you
could just get a new vision from the Shogun. If what this fairy was saying was true, then you could
truly get in touch with who you are and wield many elements.

“Will it hurt my child?” You ask, rubbing your hand over your stomach. She floated down to look
at your stomach.

“No, but the contracts you make will apply to your child too. They will never have to make a
contract, they’ll be able to wield spirit powers and never have a vision.. if they want a vision they
just have to give up the power of the spirits.”

You closed your eyes, pondering for a moment. If this was all true, then you could protect your
family. Ayato wasn’t here.

“Can we form a temporary contract until I discover if what you say is true? I don’t want you to
disappear forever. For now, I will forfeit my vision and form a temporary contract.”

The small spirit nodded at you as you stared down at her.

“I accept these terms.” You said, turning to hold your vision in your hand.

You prayed to the shogun, asking her to take your vision back and that you no longer wanted it.

It was a few moments before you felt in your head a quiet response “Are you sure?”

Her voice had cut into your head. You affirmed your decision, and watched as the vision in your
hands crumbled into dust and disappeared, the dust disappearing into the air.

You waited a few moments before the small girl rested on your hands. “I, undine, hearby form a
contract with Y/n kamisato. I shall do so on the behalf of other spirits, but only the spirits can
choose if they accept. In exchange for this contract, us spirits who accept will divide evenly
between her descendants to protect them and harness their powers. May celestia hear this and

A blue light began to glow around you, a circle of light tunneling. Undine’s eyes had closed and
she floated up. You stayed still, staring at her, as the light suddenly shot into your body, flowing
into your heart and stomach.

Your eyes closed, and opened, glowing blue light as words in another language left your mouth.

It was a few minutes before the glow faded and you fell backwards, eyes closed. Your
consciousness faded out as you laid in bed, and you didn’t even feel as the tiny spirit floating to
curl up against your neck.

Chapter End Notes

Undine was a name I decided on because I thought it would be fitting and cute to
name a water spirit that. I figured that, a spirit user should honestly be something
mentioned in Genshin due to the fact that elemental spirits have been shown and
mentioned before. Especially Endora who was a small pure water spirit. I imagine
inazuma ones look different than other regions and so the Fontaine spirits we see in
liyue and Mondstadt aren’t the same.

Your eyes cracked open in the morning to Ayaka, who was looking down at you with worry.
“Sister, are you okay? Please, it’s been hours and you haven’t moved very much.” You groaned,
sitting up slowly. The doctor was behind Ayaka and so was Yae miko.

“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice raspy. You leaned back against the headboard of the bed,
feeling a little weak and tired but not unwell.

“You weren’t waking up no matter what we did, and your vision is gone. Your elemental energy is
quite twisted right now. It’s not cryo anymore but rather a mix of many things. You worried dear
Ayaka here so much she was in tears.” Yae said, pointedly moving closer.

She hummed. “There’s a lot more hydro energy in your body.”

Ah, you sighed a bit. “I gave up my vision. I didn’t want it anymore and I won’t go into details
right now but I talked to Mother ei last night.”

Ayaka seemed shocked. “Was.. is there something wrong with the baby that the vision was

You thought for a moment. “You could say that. I think it may be safer this way so I can absorb
many types of energy instead of just two. Please don’t worry I’m alright. Nothing is wrong. Ayaka,
can you take my duties for the day? Doctor, you’re dismissed, thank you. Yae I need to speak to
you alone for a moment about something.”

Ayaka nodded. “Alright. I’ll handle everything. Please rest sister.”

It took a bit before the two left the room and you sat up and turned to Yae. “What do you know
about elemental spirits?”

Yae blinked at that. “Oh my. Well, they disappeared over 800 years ago. They used to be
everywhere but eventually they just began to disappear. Some people used to be able to manipulate
the elements using them, which was passed down through bloodline, but it was believed to have
completely disappeared after a nation had fallen. Little is known about them now, besides that they
existed once. Why ever do you ask that?”

“Undine, are you there?”

You asked, watching as the small blue spirit appeared suddenly. “Do you want me to show
myself?” She asked, and you nodded. “If you can.”

Yae miko stared at the tiny floating spirit.

“Oh my. Dear granddaughter, are you a spirit user?”

The spirit fluttered around in the air before floating to you to hide in your hair. You chuckled. “It
appears so. I need to know more about how to use these powers and you’re the best person I can
ask. Preferably if you have books about spirits you can find that would be ideal. It’s… I’m just
asking a favor of you.” You said, looking up at Yae who appeared very amused. “Alright. I’ll do
my best and send the books over. Do let me know if you contract anymore spirits, I’m rather

You wrapped up your talk with Yae miko after a bit, saying goodbye and calling for Yuri to help
you get dressed. You needed to go to the main city today, and you were thankful that after you’d
said goodbye to Ayato, Yae taught you how to use teleport waypoints. It was going to be much
easier to safely move around now, and you needed information.

You still felt extremely tired, but you teleported to the city with little incident after informing
Ayaka where you were going.

You started the long walk up and across the bridge. You needed to talk to Ei, after all. You just
wanted to see if you could fish for information, but as guards nodded to you and opened the doors
for you to enter, you saw a few people standing there as you approached.

“How serious is the situation?”

“There’s approximately 20 people dead, but we don’t know for sure. People are growing ill and it’s
spreading into the ocean.”

You approached, and everyone turned to you. Raiden lit up in recognition. “Ah, what brings you
here today, Y/n?”

“Oh, I just wanted to spend some time together. Is something wrong? I can leave..” You offered,
looking at the traveler who was standing there near some people you had never seen. Kujou sara
was to your right.

“Ahem, I will prepare a table and some chairs. I think it will be a bit before we finish.” Sara said,
quickly ordering some nearby guards outside to bring a table and chairs.

“It’s quite alright. You should stay. While your husband is out of Inazuma, you are the clan head.
This is something it may be beneficial for you to know about. Ah, here you are.” Raiden looked as
Soldiers brought in a table with enough chairs for all of you, and you all sat down.

Sara sat down as well, and when the doors closed, Raiden turned to you.

“Y/n, this is Kokomi sangonomiya. She is the high priestess of Watatsumi and formerly the leader
of the resistance. This is gorou, her close general in the army of Watatsumi. This is Lumine, you
may know her.” You nodded, looking at all three of them.

“This is Y/n kamisato, wife of Ayato kamisato. Currently her husband is away so she is the acting
head of the kamisato clan.” You noticed the man with kokomi—gorou—was it? Was staring at
your ears and claws. Oh, he had ears too, you realized. You turned to Raiden ei. “Why are people
from Watatsumi here, if you don’t mind me asking? I thought tensions would be high after the
vision hunt decree.”

Kokomi cleared her throat. “We have since repaired relations between inazuma and Watatsumi. It
is very imperative that we meet and talk as we are facing a crisis that is moving towards Inazuma
as well.”

Kokomi motioned for something and gorou pulled pictures and reports from a bag. She took it, and
placed the pictures on the table. You heard undine exclaim something and appear next to you,
though no one else seemed able to see her. Though you did notice Kokomi’s eyes flicked towards
you but they didn’t linger long enough for you to be suspicious.
“There was a strange substance that appeared suddenly on Watatsumi. It started sometime during
the night a few months ago. It consumed everything around it, and many people had stumbled
upon it. Without thinking, they had touched it or fallen in. Those who fell in had been swallowed
whole and disappeared, but those who just touched it wound up stuck and slowly consumed. We
could only listen to their screams before they disappeared under the surface. The air is making
hundreds ill at this point, and we notice that the substance is growing and traveling both inwards
and outwards. It started up on the coastal hills and spilled over a waterfall, taking over it. It
originated from an island connected to Watatsumi that was previously known to have a domain.
We aren’t sure what caused it, but it has begun rapidly spreading, killing anything in its path. We
evacuated residents to a nearby island and kept a small crew before finally evacuating them out. It
became clear whatever this is isn’t hurting vision users as much as it’s hurting non vision users. We
don’t get ill from the vapor.” Kokomi explained, deep in thought.

“We’re suspicious that the fatui may well have something to do with this. It hasn’t been long since
their cover was blown in Inazuma and they escaped, and perhaps this is an act of revenge for a
harbinger dying in Inazuma. We’re meeting to discuss all going to see it in person. We must figure
out something we can do.”

You paused to think. This definitely made what undine said make sense. Now you knew it was
imperative for you to join this. “I shall join you. But I will wear a mask and stay a distance away
from the miasma. I think it would be best to be careful, as I do not know what it may do to
pregnant women.”

Raiden paused and stared at you. “Very well. We leave in three days. I will ensure that I can have
you all teleported back rather than having to travel. As for now, I will procure supplies. We will
have another meeting the day of and travel there. I may well ask for Yae miko’s assistance with
this, as she is a kitsune, but as of now, I’m unsure if it’ll be necessary. After all, y/n is a kitsune as
well and may be able to sense energies that others cannot.”

You nodded.

Gorou seemed to slump a bit in his seat, but he kept a serious demeanor.

“Ah, High priestess. Are you staying in Inazuma? If it makes it easier, I can have you stay at my
residence until we leave. Perhaps I can get books about the miasma and we can go over them. I
may know who to ask.”

You watched as the woman blinked at you before smiling. “I shall take you up on that offer. We
are ready to depart whenever you are.”

“Then, I’ll take you there now. Thank you, Sara, Lumine, Mother Ei. I’ll return home now.”

You turned to Gorou and Kokomi, who seemed both shocked a bit but trying to conceal it, and you
smiled. “Ah, I’ll explain in a bit.”

You moved close to them and held out your hands. “Please hold onto my hands.”

The world turned upside down for a moment, and flashed black, before you were suddenly outside
the estate by the waypoint. The two seemed very startled, but quickly relaxed as you motioned for
them to follow. Yuri greeted you at the door. “Ah, miss! You brought some guests? I shall prepare
the best rooms right away!”

You nodded, and the servants opened the door for you all.
“Welcome to the Kamisato estate, honored guests. I shall host you here until we depart. Please just
ask a servant if you need anything. Miss Kokomi, I would like to see you both for dinner and
perhaps discuss what we know in more detail and go over any books I may get. If you have seen
any books about it, I ask that you try to remember anything you knew. I shall gather books based
on what I think this may be, and I will give you something to think about.” You said, turning to
speak to them both.

“I would like to approach this not as a Fatui machination, but rather something tied to nature. I
would like to be able to determine if this could potentially be caused by a god or spirits remains
poisoning the earth and creating a miasma. If we can rule that out first, we’ll try to find a scientific
explanation. All the while sending spies to any fatui stationed in Inazuma now. It would be best to
make them feel as though we’re not onto them yet. It will give us time to explore options. But we
must also consider the Abyss order. While they mainly work in Mondstadt and Liyue, they have
presences here too. Now, follow this servant and she shall guide you to your room.”

You smiled at the woman, who was obviously following your trail of thought quickly. She was
brilliant, that much was obvious. What a respectable leader.

You had much work to do, and a contract to accept.


Your eyes opened in a dark space.

Stars rippled all around you. You were in a comfortable void, floating in the air in a long white
dress. You recognized you were deep underwater though it felt cold it was pleasant, and you could
breathe fine.

A white light began to coalesce in front of you, before it slowly began to take form much like
undine much had. It was large, massive really, as you floated there.

A giant white wolf stared down at you, yellow eyes calm and neutral as it seemed to examine you.

“You are a spirit and a kitsune. But yet you are human. What a strange combination, able to
manipulate the elements without a vision yet holding only a human lifespan. There hasn’t been
anyone like you in much time. Countless years I have spent awaiting someone, yet no response.”

His voice was calm, mysterious but deep. It felt like a cold breeze.

“I shall gift you with your cryo affiliation, as that is what the Cryo archon had wished. You wished
for more time and she responded, but you returned your vision in exchange of your spirit powers.
She is not disheartened by this, simply amused. After all she’d not heard from the Raiden shogun
since there was conflict between the two.

Then I shall give you hydro and the pure white powers of enlightenment. Your body, as it bears a
child, cannot handle too much more. I will not put the child at risk as that wouldn’t be beneficial.”
You hummed, bowing your head to him.

“In exchange, you will save Inazuma from the impending disaster the best you can. The wishes of
Baal are clear, and she does not wish for a tragedy like that of Khaenriah to occur while her sister
is ruling. She has spoken to me; a kind soul who worries much over those she left behind. I shall
honor my favor to her and commit this contract on her behalf. You will save inazuma and I will
grant you all the powers possible eventually, as your body is more stable.”

“Thank you.” You said, in deep respect.

“Do you accept this contract?” He asked, voice a deep rumble.

“I accept.”

A wave of cold washed over you before you felt like you were burning. You clenched your teeth as
you endured, bright light surrounding your body. Your hand grabbed onto your stomach and
steadied yourself. “Hold on, please.” You whispered to your child, as the pain began to
disintegrate, disappearing as you relaxed a bit. You felt the thrum of power in your body ready to

“This contract while be good for generations. Any child born from your blood will be able to wield
these powers when they are old enough to understand and control them and are of righteous
hearts.” The wolf took a step back, before raising its head and yowling.

“Goodbye, my child.” He said.

Your eyes snapped open, staring up at a worried Undine who floated around you. You sat up
slowly, rubbing your eyes as you reassured her you were okay.

It was early morning. Time to leave.

You got up slowly as a knock on the door alerted you before Yuri stepped inside. She greeted you
warmly, holding a set of comfortable clothes for you, and you got up.

It took time to get dressed but it was important that you were prepared and clean before setting out.
This was going to be a long trip and you wouldn’t have such a nice bath for awhile. You cracked
your neck as you summoned your bag.

Lumine had taught you how to use spatial magic on a bag. It was incredibly helpful to have a bag
you could summon at any time that was bottomless. You had packed everything you may need, and
you glanced at the materials Lumine had given you.

You chuckled. The girl was strange. She’d came to your house, blank faced, dropped off some kind
of dragons fin she explained was a Bosses heart (whatever that meant?) and then a bunch of cold
light blue crystals. They’d resonated with you so you’d kept them, but they’d suddenly
disappeared. As did the boss materials. But you felt stronger so that was okay.

She’d also practically thrown a bunch of items called teachings of elegance at you. You didn’t
know how to process that but you did read them all and it did help you to understand things you
hadn’t before about fighting.

Then Lumine all but demanded your help with a boss and you complied. It wasn’t necessarily
dangerous, just a hypostasis. You were glad you still could control cryo at that time, because that
boss didn’t last much. Though Lumine had then taken materials from that boss, claiming she had to
go meet Thoma, you just said goodbye. You didn’t understand her but it wasn’t your place to
understand her. You just did what made her happy and returned to what must be done. You were
glad she liked you though. It brought you peace to know you still had more friends.

You stepped out to say goodbye to Ayaka. The girl was obviously worried as she said to be careful.

“Just take care of the estate. If anything happens pray to the shogun or go to Yae. We’ll help as
soon as possible. I can always teleport if Yae contacts me so don’t hesitate. Oh, you can send
messages through Yae. Consider it a special kitsune bond. I’ll be alright, ayaka.”

And with that, you departed with Kokomi and gorou behind you, teleporting to meet Ei.

The woman was waiting with Kujou sara, who appeared a bit nervous to see Kokomi.

Oh right, the two had fought once, right?

But the look Sara had didn’t seem to be one of nervousness based on potentially offending Kokomi.
It almost looked as..


You followed her eyes and realized she had looked at Kokomi’s chest. So that was her taste?
You hid a chuckle behind your hand as you pretended to cough.

Ei turned to you. “Ah. You’ve arrived. Now, it’s time for us to depart. We need to leave as soon as
possible if we want to arrive in a few days.”

The realization dawned on you that you won’t be home when Ayato arrives home, most likely. But
you’d left a letter with Ayaka to give to him if he did. You needed him to know you were going to
be safe and not to worry.

You walked through the city, ignoring the sheer nervousness of all the citizens. The most high
ranking people in all of inazuma besides Yae and Ayato were all traveling together. Of course
they’d be scared.

You arrived to the docks and boarded a ship prepared by the shogun, settling in.

You watched as the main city grew further and further away. This was going to be a journey.

Ayato was trying to be fast. He really didn’t want to linger here too long.

Mondstadt was beautiful though.

“I should take her here..” He muttered to himself, pondering a bit as her looked up at the large
statue. Though he wasn’t very familiar with the Anemo archon, he was aware he was considered a
irresponsible archon.

Ayato had arrived in Mondstadt fairly soon as there was no storms upon the ocean and when they
arrived in Liyue harbor they stayed for one night before continuing on to Mondstadt. It took a week
but they had arrived, despite Thoma getting sick to his stomach from Ayato feeding him bitter
flowers from Liyue.

It was hard to sleep without you now.

For some reason he’d felt a little empty now. It wasn’t something he was familiar with before.
When had you taken such a large space in his life? He wondered how you were doing, but there
wasn’t much he could do.

He arrived in Mondstadt and met Diluc, the owner of the wine industry. The man was much more
polite that Ayato thought he would be, given he looked incredibly grumpy and he realized when he
saw him much later that the redhead was much shorter without his boots on.

(He’d seen this when Thoma and Diluc were hanging out secretly. Ayato had spied on them and
watched the two step in some ponds to get some kind of water flowers. He’d never seen Thoma
look so fond of someone besides Ayaka, who was like family to him. But it was different, ayato
realized. This was much more tender and Diluc seemed to reciprocate. He’d tuck this knowledge
away for later and perhaps talk to Thoma about the man retiring back to Mondstadt, though he was
certain he probably wouldn’t.)

Ayato was bored most of the time. His meetings with Mondstadt leaders were rather long but
nothing much was achieved. A woman named Keqing was there as a spokesperson for liyue too,
and was complicating things far too much just by speaking. But she was smart, and Ayato found
her dislike for Kaeya interesting, seeing as Kaeya had teased her once or twice and she’d quickly
grown to hate him.

Kaeya and Ayato became friends. It was unintentional really. But the two found that playing a
prank on two lovebirds (and spying on them) was something they both enjoyed.

Diluc and Thoma both were disgruntled by this unfortunate pair of pranksters.

He went to the bar with Kaeya, enjoying the fragrance of the drinks. But he simply kept thinking
about home and it was apparently obvious to Kaeya, whom asked him about his life.

Pondering what to say, Ayato decided to just mention that his wife was pregnant and he’d rather be
home with her, in all honesty. But there wasn’t much to do about it. An archons orders were

Kaeya and him talked a long time that night, seeing as the tall man seemed to think much more
positively of Ayato now that he knew he was a family man. (Whyever that mattered, he had no
clue. Still when he heard Kaeya slip up and call Diluc brother while drunk, he began to understand
many things. Kaeya was a family man too but just couldn’t fix a broken relationship. Still, Ayato
watched as Diluc took the alcohol away and gave him water. He’d all but booted Kaeya out and
ordered someone he seemed to trust to take him home. It was obvious they both just couldn’t

And there he was, in yet another meeting. This was so boring and they were getting nowhere.

“Please explain to me why the exportation of Mondstadt genetically engineered sweet flowers will
decimate the natural sweet flower populations when there’s an overwhelming amount of normal
ones everywhere already, and the Genetically engineered ones will only be grown by professionals
in liyue.” He said blankly, after watching Keqing argue with Jean for over an hour on end. The
poor blonde woman was looking more stressed by the minute and it was becoming hard to watch
the purple haired woman just be difficult on purpose.

“It has the potential to!” She argued, glaring at Ayato. “Potential doesn’t mean it will. Please
remind me how this is a valuable way to spend our time when we are to discuss most important
matters, like that of the abyss order encroaching more on our nations? Or do you intend to be
difficult over matters that can be handled by yourselves when there are much more important
things to focus on?”

Keqing slumped back in her seat and Ayato sipped some of the Tea the librarian had prepared. He
was well used to people like Keqing by now. It was obvious she simply didn’t like Liyue relying
on Mondstadt for exports like sweet flowers or food ingredients.

“Now that we’re all paying attention, I will propose that we enlist as many vision users we can to
fight against the abyss order more aggressively. It may cause them to sink back and hide for a bit.
Because it’s been a long time since the nations have done a collaboration to dwindle the population
of the Abyss order down very low. I think with this tactic we can reduce the amount of abyss
mages attacking random people on trail ways, especially in Liyue, because they’ll be less hesitant
to attack. The only problem will be that of securing funds to pay these vision bearers for their
services, in which we may be required to raise taxes for a short period of time to gather enough.
This will depend on each nation but if we don’t all do this they’ll simply hide in one of our nations
that is unprotected. In this way at least they would go to other nations and harm them instead of
us.” Ayato rattled off, breaking down the logistics of his plan.

Now the room seemed much more receptive.

They began to breakdown a plan, but it took a long time. Kaeya joined and formulated a strategy to
make traps, and also the contact the traveler as well. They agreed that the traveler should help
Liyue, which was hurting much more than other places. This seemed to lighten Keqings mood
much more and pacify her.

When the meeting was finally over, he’d pretty much slumped in his seat and ran a hand over his
face. Everyone else left but Jean and Kaeya.

“Now that the meetings have ended, I wish to return home now..” He uttered, moving to get up. “I
wish you luck with Liyue. You’ll probably need it. Let Kaeya handle the talking for you.” He said,
in an act of mercy to the poor acting grandmaster. “Trust me. He can piss her off successfully and
she’ll want to end the meeting even faster.” He waved, turning to walk off. “Oh, yeah.”

He paused. Thinking for a moment.

“Can you make arrangements with Master Diluc to have Thoma stay for about four more weeks? I
think he could use the break.” He turned to Kaeya, a smirk resting on his face. “After all, he works
quite hard. It only makes sense for me to reward my kind servant.”

Kaeya seemed to catch on to what he was thinking. “Very well. Thank you for your help and
insight, lord kamisato. Have a safe trip!” Kaeya waved, playfulness in his eyes.

Thoma and diluc were definitely going to be annoying by Kaeya more. It would be funny.

It had been two and a half weeks. It was time to return home, to you.

He headed out that night.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You were exhausted by the time you’d arrived close to Watatsumi.

Kannazuka island was a nightmare to deal with. The electro in the air was going to make you sick,
so Ei had to protect you herself. You didn’t have an affinity for electro yet and if you went into the
island like that you would die. You were surrounded by a shield the whole time you travelled there
but you still felt sick. By the time you reached Yashiori island you were exhausted and felt ill.

You all had immediately set up a camp. Multiple tents for those of high standing, while Sara
shared a tent with Gorou.

Kokomi took the time to heal you, and you’d sat and chatted with her. She was such a lovely girl,
you’d become friends during her stay at your estate and bonded over novels together. You were
fond of various books you’d read while younger and she knew all of them with near perfect
memory. The woman was extremely gentle about most things but incredibly intelligent.

You rested in your tent after eating dinner with the others. It was an early bedtime for all of you,
because it was a relatively safe place. You knew raiden was staying awake to keep watch as she
didn’t require sleep or food. You’d have to buy her dango as a gift for helping protect you
personally at Kannazuka.

It was late in the night when you heard questionable noises, and peeked to watch kokomi enter
Gorou and Sara’s tent.

It didn’t take you long to figure out what the three were doing. This was one of those times you felt
unfortunate for having such great ears, but you were glad Sara was finally getting laid (and by two
other people, no less) as she would feel less stressed.

That and you supposed that having a boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time was cool for her.
She seemed to admire both Gorou and kokomi after all, and if it made her happy, it didn’t matter
what others thought. (Plus it was good for her to get over her love for the Raiden shogun. It
wouldn’t be returned. She seemed to have made peace with that a long time ago, but when she’d
met Kokomi after so long it seems she’d truly fallen in love with her and her doggy general.)

You put your hands over your ears and told undine not to listen, closing your eyes to sleep. It didn’t
take long for you to fall asleep, in a comfortable pile of pillows and blankets.

You woke up feeling much better in the morning.

It appeared the three that had shared a tent the night before felt much better than they had before as
well. You’d never seen Sara look so relaxed before. She’d all but fallen asleep again during
breakfast while sitting in between Kokomi and Gorou.

You watched as they shared fond looks at the sleepy woman. How cute.

You’d need to tell Yae about this later. It was truly something worth celebrating. (Yae always
nagged about Ei’s general being in love with her and following her around. When she fell out of
love Yae was relieved but now she was concerned the woman was far too up right for her own
good. She’d definitely laugh and tease them if she was there.)

You still felt kind of tired, but you all enjoyed a simple meal. Halfway through breakfast, Lumine
had all but skidded to a stop through the camp. She’d been running around and was holding a
bunch of crystal marrow and frantically shoving it into her bag. At the sight of a tall man in armor
chasing after her, you’d all but jumped up and summoned your catalyst.

Raiden did as well, and you both tag teamed the man, Lumine panting behind you both. A well
aimed cryo blast to the knee sent him falling to the ground, and you watched as raiden finished him
off. The woman was as reliable as ever, twirling her polearm as the man fell backwards and
dropped some hand guards.

Lumine skipped over and shoved those items in her pockets, turning to look at you and Ei.

“Thanks. There were too many of them so I had to run off after getting what I needed.” You smiled
at her, as Paimon appeared out of the void she always did, looking over Lumine for injuries.
“Paimon was so worried! At least take someone else with you next time, Lumine!” She stomped
her feet in the air, before turning to notice everyone else was around her.

“Oh hi everyone!” She said, twirling in the air. Lumine straightened herself up a bit as You and Ei
both turned to walk back to your seats, offering a seat for Lumine who looked at Kokomi, Gorou
and Sara knowingly. She always seemed smug about these things, like it was something she
wanted to happen and planned. Not like that was any of your business.

It took a bit for everyone to finish waking up and chatting, and Sara had gotten up and hurriedly
began taking tents down and storing them. Everyone was prepared to move again, and you’d all
enlisted the help of the reliable traveler. She seemed interested in investigating what was going on.

Everyone paired up as the walked for the most part. You watched as Raiden walked alone but Sara
followed close behind, still staying near to Kokomi and Gorou and blushing a bit whenever she
saw them. You stayed in the back with Lumine and paimon, a question resting on your tongue.

“Traveler, do you have purification powers? Or perhaps are in contact with any spirits?” You
asked, looking over at her. She seemed surprised for a moment. “I’m not connected to spirits but I
can purify things.” She admitted. At least she trusted you enough to admit that. It didn’t look like
she wanted to elaborate but you knew she could use multiple elements without a vision like you.

“I can use spirits. Would you like to see?” Their interest perked up, Lumine and paimon becoming
giddy as you summoned Undine.

You told her to show herself, and she did. You all stayed walking and Undine shyly hid around
you, but Paimon was absolutely enamored with her. She seemed giddy about it.

You kept walking side by side with the traveler and began to explain what spirits were. She
seemed thoroughly interested, talking about a water spirit she’d met named Endora in Liyue and
Mondstadt. She even summoned her to show you, as well as showing you seelies. You found them
all very adorable. You explained that you couldn’t see the other spirits yet because you hadn’t used
their powers, and your cryo powers were all given to you by an archon. You didn’t have a physical
vision but the power remained and was innate much the same.

You kept walking side by side, sharing stories and taking breaks together. You gossiped about
Gorou Sara and Kokomi together, and then Lumine talked about some people she met in Liyue
who were totally in love but one was oblivious to the fact he was even engaged to the other person.
When you arrived at Watatsumi, having to travel on a boat again, you weren’t sure what to say.

It was beautiful, but the smoke gave you the strong sense of wrongness that you couldn’t place. It
was all wrong. The creeping black sludge intruding on the beautiful island. You felt a thrum in
your body responding to it.

“Let’s investigate.” You said, as you all got off away from the sludge but at Watatsumi
nonetheless. The shrine was still accessible.

You had a job to do.

Chapter End Notes

Happy Easter everyone. I hope you enjoy today :)

Weeping woman

There wasn’t many leads at first.

You’d spent a few days with the others investigating the island. You watched as a Watatsumi
soldier had fallen ill from the vapors that came from the miasma and was in critical condition, but
yet, you never felt sick near it. It rather felt like it was calling to you, but you ignored it. You knew
better than to give in to the temptations of a strange evil sludge.

Everything seemed like a dead end until you were all sleeping at the shrine one night and heard a
woman weeping.

The sound caused you to open your eyes and sit up. You looked around the dark room, and decided
to get up, taking a few moments to put a robe on over your nightgown that was comfortable and
putting your shoes on. The weeping was loud but distant, but as you stepped out of your room, you
nearly ran into Lumine, and paimon screamed, obviously creeped out.

Sara and Ei soon followed, despite Sara’s disgruntled appearance and clothes put on slightly
wrong, you didn’t comment on it. You all nodded to eachother. “I think we should follow it. It’s
our best clue right now. I don’t think Watatsumi normally has weeping women at night.” You
uttered, as Kokomi and Gorou appeared as well. Gorou was obviously very tired and yawning.

You all turned and began heading towards the direction it came from. Ei took the lead, concerned
for everyone else and much more able to handle any hits that come her way. The weeping lead you
all down the cliffs of Watatsumi and to a small cave in the cliffside. It was hidden by vines that
were thick, but they were swiftly cut down, and Ei stepped inside, a powerful figure.

Sometimes you forgot she was an Archon.

Inside the cave was a pool of bright blue water that almost seemed to glow. A woman sat in the
water, weeping.

“Please make this stop. I just want to be free. Why do I have to hurt them? Why can’t I stop this?
WHY!” She weeper, hands covering her face.

She was clothed in white, a traditional outfit that seemed much more old fashioned. Her hair was
long and white, and she had ornaments all over her body made of gold. a long tail curled around her
leg, light yellow in color. She had sharp canine teeth in her mouth, and her eyes were covered by
her hands as she sobbed.

You had a feeling she was safe to approach, and you placed a hand on Ei’s shoulder, signaling her
to stop.

You approached slowly, keeping a short distance back. “Excuse me miss, what is wrong?” You
asked, tone quiet and gentle.

The woman looked up, in clear distress as she lowered her hands. Her eyes were a brilliant yellow
but they appeared to be clouded over, like she was blind. Tears streamed down her face, red lips

“I’ve died and I’m poisoning everything. Please.. please end this. These men.. what did they do to
me? To my beloved Watatsumi? My people…? I was once such a beloved priestess, partly a god.
Yet I am a pathetic mess, unable to stop the destruction I caused..” She cried, as her hands began to
disappear into light particles.

“I’m disappearing now. I’ve run out of time. I can only appear when the moon is highest in the sky.
I am weak. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so..” her voice cut out as she faded away, leaving
nothing but a small object behind in the pool.

You approached, a solemn look on your face, and found a crystal. It was round with a pattern of a
dragon on it, with white and yellow swirls of color. You picked it up, showing it to the others.

“I think I understand what we’re dealing with. We need to make sure there’s no fatui movements
on this island. I don’t think it’s the abyss order. This poor woman… she.. we need to save her.”
Lumine said, solemn as she stood there. Even paimon seemed serious and sad, worry in her eyes.
“Paimon thinks that this is really sad. Can’t we make her feel better..?”

Your eyes hardened, focused as you strode out of the cave. You were going to handle this.

You started by scouting out the area on top of a cliff face. The others went back to bed, leaving
you, Ei, and Lumine to search for answers. It was a long time of looking over the valleys,
eventually focusing on the area where the Miasma was. It was then you saw something strange and
knew it was extremely important.

There was a monument atop the hill by the sludge, and it was surrounded by large men. You
motioned for Lumine and Ei to follow you, managing your stamina carefully as you were pregnant
and unable to move quickly. You eventually made it nearby and finally realized that the men had
set up some strange device atop the monument. The monument looked like that of a memorial
stone, left there in memory of someone gone long ago.

And there was a hole in the state, perfectly shaped like the crystal you’d picked up.

You shared a look with both Lumine and Ei, before you all summoned your weapons and glided
over to the men, landing perfectly and quickly moving to push them back away from the
monument. Whatever that strange purple crystal atop the stone was not good, and you needed to
finish this quickly.

You made fast work of the Fatui soldiers, feeling tired as you approached the statue. You paused in
front of it, eyeing the strange purple crystal atop it. You needed to know what it was before you
activated this Memorial. It appeared to use the stone as some sort of catalyst and reveal a story, one
from the past. But you were exhausted, and you all turned back to return back to the shrine. (you of
course teleported, as it was much faster and better for you.)

You practically flipped back in bed after kicking your shoes off. This was quite the adventure.

You missed Ayato.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You woke up feeling exhausted with a slightly foggy head. Your body felt like you’d done
something extremely strenuous but you figured that was due to you being pregnant rather than
anything else.
Still, your mind drifted to Ayato. It seemed to do that more often than you’d like. You weren’t sure
what to make of that. Your heart pounded just thinking of him, and you felt as though your child
responded, telling you to calm down.
You chuckled at the thought. Undine peaked at you questionably, as you got up and got dressed
slowly. You’d take a bath tonight, you decided, and headed out.

You ended up at the dining room with everyone else, simply sitting down and enjoying food that
Lumine served. She was an excellent cook and she knew it, a smug look on her face as she also sat
down to eat, ignoring Paimon’s loud munching on food. You ate slowly to enjoy the food,
finishing it with enthusiam and taking a drink. You felt better, then. The food seemed to calm your
body down. You were just glad you didn’t have that much morning sickness anymore, because that
was hell.

You all chatted as you headed out, all waking off to the strange memorial you’d found the day
before. You kept the crystal with you, knowing it probably needed to be inserted into the

The miasma was worse today. You all had to take a long way around to reach the memorial. It took
awhile, and a near heart attack of Gorou almost slipping off the cliff, and you’d made it.

You decided to have Ei insert the orb. You weren’t sure what it was going to do but it was risky
either way.

The crystal slid in with a click, and you watched as a light pulsates from the Memorial. It pushed
against the nearby miasma, clearing it out as you went. That was when you remembered
something. The powers of purifying you got. You turned to Lumine and nodded to her, stepping
closer to the miasma.
It took you a few moments of quietly standing there with your eyes closed, pulling on the powers
inside you—feeling for the white colored powers you’d felt before. You felt as though you had it,
and you grabbed it, eyes opening as you felt it flow to your hands and you poured it out after
summoning your catalyst.
You raised your catalyst in the air, before swinging downwards and shooting a powerful beam of
white light at the miasma.

It worked.

The black sludge sizzled and vaporized into thin air when the light hit it, but you realized just how
much there was. “Lumine! Can you do this too?” You asked, calling her to your side. The others
just watched in amazement.

“You have to reach inside you and call to it. Harness your power, feel it flow from your fingertips.
Release it.” The blonde woman had her eyes closed before she successfully managed, shooting out
a bright light from her hand into the Miasma. It was a bit stronger than yours and worked much
better, so when she turned to look at you, you nodded to her and you both got to work. Undine was
curled up in your hair as you tirelessly shot white light after white light, a sweat building up on
your body. It was taking a very long time to do this.

It was about an hour before you collapsed to your knees. You’d cleared out a very large portion of
the miasma thanks to Lumine’s help, but you were out of power. Ei was at your side in a moment,
holding onto you, and then flatout picking you up and carrying you bridal style. You leaned into
her, tired and drained.

You watched Lumine continue purifying things, but even she was becoming more exhausted.
Eventually Sara moved to steady her, helping her as you all moved back to the shrine to stay the
night. It was early but you needed to take it easy at this point. It wouldn’t be good to burn yourself
out when there was much to handle. You needed to get to the island where the domain was, and to
do that, you’d need to handle all the miasma much faster. You needed to talk to the spirit king.

Deciding to talk to him, you closed your eyes, calling out to him. It wasn’t long before you went
limp in Ei’s arms as he responded to your call for a chat, not hearing the noise of worry in Ei’s

You opened your eyes in the dark abyss, used to the pretty scene here by now. You watched as he
formed infront of you, and you sat in the air, crossing your legs. You were floating anyways, it
didn’t matter much.

“Why did you call?” The spirit king rumbled out, eyes patient and calm as he looked at you. You
thought for a moment before responding.

“Is there a way to clear this miasma faster?” You asked bluntly. It was important to be quick and
clear about this. His hum was a deep vibration in the room as he seemed to think for a moment.

“There are many ways. You could start by enhancing your power with those crystals your traveler
friend has, or you could bower the power of a god, but you would become immortal and that
wouldn’t be a good idea. There is a third way but..” He seemed to frown at that,staring down at

“What is it?” You asked, looking up at him. “If it’s faster I need to know. I’m not sure how much
time I have until the baby is born and I’m quite worried.. I need to return home as soon as

“It won’t harm the child, but..”

The fact there was a continuation to that statement told you what you needed to know, but you
needed to know more. You wouldn’t give this up.

“If I wait too long, it’ll spread too fast and consume Inazuma. I may have no choice. If my child is
safe, what is it that will happen to me?” You asked, biting your lip as you pondered.

“I do not know what it may do to your body. Your child is safe because your power is protecting it
either way, but.. as for you, you’d fall into a coma at best, and die at worst..” He looked grim. You
still had to know what this method was.

“What do I have to do?” You asked.

His deep sigh was telling enough. He didn’t want to fight you at all.

“…You’d have to take the corruption inside of your body and purify it. You’d have to fall into the
heart of the miasma and absorb it. You’d take it into your body, and fall into a deep sleep if it goes
well. You wouldn’t wake up in time to give birth, you’d be asleep while it happened. I can ensure
you wake up for long enough to safely birth the child, by taking it into my body, then returning it
to you once you finish. You’d only have 24 hours of being awake when that happened. I can’t say
how long you’ll be asleep for, but I think.. with your traveler friend helping you purify, it would
only be four months. I do not like this method..”

You closed your eyes.

“Thank you, I will have to speak to Lumine about this.”

You waved goodbye, as you disconnected with him and returned back to the surface.

You woke up with a start, seeing Ei next to you. It seemed like it had only been an hour or so.

She looked at you in relief. “I’m alright. I had to do something so I shut my body down

Your response seemed to cause a deep worry to seat itself into her face.

“What are you?”

Chapter End Notes

I may be a bit more busy for the next few days. Having my good friend over for a
sleepover before my moms surgery. After that I’ll be pretty free and updating
frequently again. I’ll still try to do two chapters a night— I really enjoy this.

Also, council of advice in the comments, what do you do if you realize you’re
developing feelings for someone very close to you?
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You stared at Ei, as she looked worried for you. It took you a moment to process the question and
you realized that Kokomi and gorou and others were outside listening but you didn’t mind. You sat
up slowly.

“I’m part spirit and Kitsune. I can summon spirits and handle them. I returned the vision I got in
exchange for my natural powers. I suppose you could say I’m a lot like Lumine, in the way I can
manipulate elements without a vision. But the power needed to purify the Miasma is mine alone.
She can help and I need her help but only I can get rid of it fast. I know how to Save inazuma, but I
need everyone to trust and follow me.”

Ei grimaced, nodding. “I understand. Are you well enough to move? I think we should discuss this
over lunch.” You nodded, slowly standing up and stretching. You and Ei moved to the dining hall,
and you’d heard the others dash off once they realized they may be caught eavesdropping. “I
wonder if they know I have sensitive ears.” You said, purposefully loud.

You heard a squeak from down the hall and stared in amusement as an embarrassed Gorou quickly
moved to dart into the dining room from a hiding spot he had been in.

How cute.

It was a few minutes till everyone sat at the table, Lumine serving some pre-made sandwiches to

You decided to be honest with everyone.

“My plan is the only way to quickly handle this, and probably the only way we can. But I’ll need
Lumine’s assistance for quite a while. Probably about three months?” You said, watching as the
woman blinked. “Do I need to be there constantly, or is it a once a day thing, or once a week?” She
asked bluntly.

“Once a day I think. I need you to purify my body once each day. Is that possible for you?”

She pondered for a moment before nodding. “I may have to come late sometimes though. I’ll try to
set a time each day. What’s this plan, though? If it’s the only way to save inazuma, why do you
need me to purify your body?”

“Because I’m going to take the Miasma into my body and purify it. The spirit king agreed to help
me when I go to give birth and I’ll be awake for 24 hours then, but otherwise I’ll be in a coma.
There’s no other way. I don’t know what will happen to me but..” You trailed off, as everyone
seemed to understand what you meant.

“This is.. extremely reckless. What happens if we don’t do this? Isn’t there another way?”

“Not with how fast it’s spreading. Perhaps we may have been able to get help from the old
priestess and solved her problems slowly, but all of Inazuma will be consumed if we keep slowly
purifying and waiting for night to speak to her. If I keep waiting, it’ll be too late.
I already know that I may sleep anywhere from four months to six years. There’s no choice. If I
wait, we’ll lose everything. Just.. promise me one thing, will you, Ei?” You paused, looking at her.
She nodded solemnly. It seemed that since you’d wake up eventually, she was calm.

“Protect my child. This.. may be really rough on Ayato and my dear child. I don’t want to lose
either of them. And.. I think it would be best for me to be moved to a shrine after I give birth. My
body may need extra help to wake up. I think Yae is capable of purification as well. I’m going to
rely on you. I won’t be able to wake up and protect myself. And my husband.. I think he’ll take this
hard. I want someone to tell him everything. That I’ll be back. To love and cherish our child for
me. I have no choice at this point but to hope and pray that everything will go well. If… if I die..
make sure they’ll be alright. All of them.”

Panic flashed in Ei’s eyes.

“I won’t let you die. If you get close, I’ll make you immortal. I can’t.. you’re far too young to go
just yet.” She uttered.

“I know. That’s only if it happens. Please..”

“Alright. I promise. But you must wake up. This is an order, and a plea, from your Archon and
Grandmother.” Ei seemed grim. Everyone else stayed quiet, knowing it wasn’t time to speak.

Lumine sighed. “How do we do this, then?”

“Well. I need to dive into the heart of the Miasma. I think I know where that is, but the problem is I
need to get there. I need to glide down.”

An idea popped in Lumines head.

“I’ll be back with someone who can help! I know just the person!” She slammed her hands down
on the table and then wiped her mouth.

“Be right back!” She called, and vanished into thin air.

You and the table shared a look.

Well, Lumine was always a bit of a strange one.

And, about thirty minutes later of you all quietly eating your food and finishing, then chatting
about serious matters, Lumine waltzed back into the doors. Her hand was dragging a man—er—
boy? by the collar. She walked to the front of the room, before letting him go and letting him
slouch. “Oww.. you owe me wine for this..” He uttered, before getting up.

“Barbatos?” Ei asked, face colored with shock.

The boy paled and hid behind Lumine. “Ahaha—long time no see, fellow archon! See, uh—
Lumine here asked for help so I followed. I am definitely not here to steal alcohol again. I learned
my lesson.” You blinked, flabbergasted.

“You asked for help from the Anemo archon?”

You asked, watching as the bard looked at you. “Eh. Just call me Venti! And yeah. She’ll pay me
though. In wine.”

You sighed. Was this really an archon..?

Even Ei seemed exasperated already. You simply decided to change the subject. “Alright. Let’s do
this tomorrow. I’d.. like at least one more dinner.” You said, and the mood turned somber again.
“Very well. I shall.. spend time catching up with Venti here. I trust we have many things to discuss.
Why can’t I sense your gnosis..?” Ei asked, and Venti seemed to sweat.

“Ehe.. well, you see, it all starts with the Fatui..”

You tuned this conversation out. You did not want to know about the details of a gods life.

Chapter End Notes

While venti is probably one of my least favorite characters in the game, purely just
because he isn’t necessarily appealing to me, I think he’s funny. Really funny. Also
it’s hilarious that both Raiden and Zhongli are exasperated around him

The day passed by quickly.

You enjoyed a dinner with everyone, but the mood was obviously dim. They knew what was
coming Tommorrow morning, and it wouldn’t be delayed.

Still, you decided you needed to talk to Ayato. It was a bit of talking about it with Undine before
you discovered you could use a mirror water technique to talk to him.

You meditated in your bed, calm and quiet. You focused hard as you pulled on your connection to
him, summoning your hydro. A mirror slowly formed infront of you, as it did him, and it solidified.

He seemed to be out in the wild just taking a walk somewhere in Inazuma when it appeared. It
startled him, and he stared wide eyed at it. “What..?” He uttered, but you opened your eyes and

“Ayato.” You called, tender and quiet. “I needed to talk to you so I used a hydro mirror technique.
Can you hear me?” You called, watching as you seemed to just admire you for a moment.

“I can hear you. This is something serious, isn’t it?”

You nodded. He was far too intelligent for you to deliver this slowly.

“Ayato, listen to me. I’m going to go in a deep sleep. I need you to take care of our child. If I don’t
do this, inazuma will be destroyed. This won’t make sense now, but stay calm and wait for me. I’ll
be home soon. I just.. I love you a lot. I want you to know that. When I’m home again, Everyone
will explain to you what happened. Just trust me, okay?”

He wanted to protest it seemed. He seemed so terribly worried.

“I love you, y/n. Please don’t do anything that will put you in danger.” His expression was serious.
“I don’t want to do this alone. But if I must, I will. Just don’t go anywhere I can’t follow. I can’t
lose you.”

You softened, smiling at him. “I’ll always come home to you. I love you Ayato. Hey.. I was
thinking if we have a girl, we should name her Akayo. If we have a boy, I think we should name
him Akio. I think I like the idea of our children having names that start with A. After all, you and
Ayaka both have that. I want to have two, And have them be close. Even if it’s two girls or two
boys, I want them to be close. No matter what.”

His face softened. “Let’s do that. I love you too.”

“Goodbye Ayato. I hope to see you soon. Please take care of Ayaka while I’m gone.”

You let go of the connection, the mirror disappearing into thin air. You sat there for a moment.
This whole time, you tried not to think hard about this. Seeing Ayato and speaking to him made
you hesitate.

You pushed down the tears that formed in your eyes. You needed to be strong, for your child and
for Inazuma. This was something you had to do, there was no choice. You could only hope and
pray that you’d wake up sooner rather than later, or wake up at all.
You closed your eyes and laid back.

You’d let yourself cry for now. You had to be strong later, so for now you’d be weak. It was good
to cry. You’d come a very long way, and it was time to save your family and home.

There was no other way.

You opened your eyes to a lot of noise that morning. You were tired as you got up and got dressed,
in an elegant robe. You stepped out of your room to see servants bustling about.

Kokomi approached you from around the corner. “Good morning miss Kamisato. Given our
circumstances and that a lot of the miasma was already pushed back, I returned the people who
lived furthest away, along with a great deal of soldiers. I don’t know what may happen and I think
it would be a good idea to have Watatsumi’s soldiers back.” She explained, motioning a servant to
approach. “Please change into these clothes instead of what you’re wearing. We want to make sure
you have the best. Watatsumi will never forget our debt to the Kamisato clan if things go well.
You can trust my word.”

You nodded, and the servant went into your room with you. The door shut and you were swiftly
changed into a beautiful dress, that was elegant and beautiful. It was definitely ceremonial. It was
stunning. You changed into it, and thanked the servant.

You stepped outside and walked down the hall. Everyone seemed to be making up for cleaning
they had missed while being gone, and you smiled. “Please gather everyone into the dining room.”
You asked Gorou who approached, and he nodded.

You walked to the dining room, serious and somber but trying to be light hearted. It took a few
moments but everyone arrived, even Venti, who looked tired still.

Breakfast was served and you all sat down and ate in relative silence. They kept staring at you, but
you kept a calm face on as you ate, enjoying your food.

Once you all finished eating, you sat back in your chair before looking around. “It’s time to do
what we must do. I know that this is going to be hard but it’s necessary we do this. Please
remember what I told you before. And when I absorb the miasma, I want you to kill or destroy
whatever is down there, no matter what it is. This is absolutely necessary. If we don’t get rid of it,
it could come back. Please make my sacrifice worth it. I don’t want to ever have to repeat this if I
survive it.” You uttered, talking calmly. “I want you to tell my family I love them when I return
home asleep. I won’t be able to tell them for awhile, after all. I just want them to know.”

You smiled at everyone.

“Let’s depart.”

It was time.

You were ready now. It was time to do this and there was no other choice at this point. It was now
or never.

You stood at the top of the cliff, before turning to Venti. “I’m ready.” You said.

“Lift me up and drop me where you sense the miasma is coming from, the heart of it. I’ll be fine.”

Venti nodded, face serious. “Farewell, new friend!” You nodded to everyone else. “I hope I’ll see
you again soon.”

You turned to face towards the island, and venti counted down for you.

It was a few moments of waiting before you were launched in the air. You felt as though you were
flying. But you just trusted in your body and what you were doing, keeping your eyes squeezed
shut as you fell.

You heard a loud shout and opened your eyes, looking across the way.

Ayato stood there, face panic-striken as he ran to try and reach you.

You just smiled as your eyes fluttered shut, and you landed into the Miasma.

You felt nothing. You sunk deeper down, but it didn’t feel bad. Your consciousness began to fade
as you felt as though you were taking in all of the Sludge into your body.

“Why?” Was the last thing you heard, in a grief filled voice.

It all faded to black.


After he’d talked to you, Ayato had felt a very strong sense of wrongness. He couldn’t shake the
feeling even as he returned home, and it got worse after he saw a panic stricken Ayaka. Something
was horribly wrong and he could sense it.

She was holding a letter in her hands, and he’d grabbed it. It was a formal letter from the raiden
shogun, but when he saw what he said he nearly dropped it. What did that mean? Prepare for y/n
kamisato to return home in a comatose state, send for yae miko, keep calm?

His heart raced. This was happening at Watatsumi?

“Do as it says, I’m going to go find her.” He commanded, turning on his heel and running out.

He teleported as close as he could, he hadn’t been to Watatsumi but he had been to Yashiori before.
He broke into a run as soon as he landed, using his hydro skill to run atop the water top speeds. He
wasn’t sure how much time he had. He had to take a break at one of the islands, realizing he
needed to calm down or he’d never make it there. He needed a boat—desperately. So he spent
hours looking for one.
He ran around on zero energy until he collapsed, and fell asleep for a few hours.

When he woke up it was already morning. He got up immediately and it hit him that there was a
wave rider waypoint just right there. He immediately boarded it and sped off towards Watatsumi.
He could only pray he’d make it in time. His heart was pounding far too fast.

It took some time before he arrived and rushed onto the island. When he got down to the shrine and
asked around, the confused and worried workers told him the location everyone went to, and he
sped off. He’d seen the strange black sludge and kept clear of it even as he ran and scaled cliffs at
top speeds.

He arrived to where the group was, just as he saw you flying from the sky. He tried to run as fast as
he could but he knew he wouldn’t make it.

He numbly felt someone yank him backwards as he sank to the floor, watching you fall with such a
peaceful look on your face. Then, a bright light erupted from where you fell into the dark sludge.


He couldn’t believe it, the bright light suddenly flashed and blinded everyone, and when it stopped,
all the miasma was gone.

Your body was floating in the air, and he recognized someone step in front of him, moving his
hands as if guiding you to him.

He stood up hurriedly, looking at the strange boy next to him, dressed in green and looking
awfully calm but serious. The strange bard moved his hands, and you floated into Ayato’s arms. He
caught you, looking down at your peaceful face. But there was a strange of hair in your h/c hair
that was not the same color. It was black but it reflected colors like oil. You didn’t wake up, as he
stood up with you.

He felt horrible. You didn’t seem to be in pain but you were in a coma? They didn’t even know
when you would wake up? This was awful. He didn’t know how to handle this.

Ei gently lifted you from his arms. “You need rest,” She said, more like a suggestion than a
command but holding weight nonetheless. “Come back to the shrine and rest. I’ll make sure she’s
safe and you can stay in the same room as her.”

He was still struggling to accept this. He couldn’t believe that after all this time apart, he still
wouldn’t be able to be with you like before. He felt heartbroken and horribly worried for you and
the child. But he knew that if something was happening and he would have to choose between you
or the child, he would choose you. You had become something indispensable to him, something he
needed in his life, someone extremely dear to him that he couldn’t bear to lose.

He felt like he was losing you.

He felt numb as he walked back, noticing the worried gazes on him but ignoring it. He knew he
had to take care of himself as well, he couldn’t neglect his duties out of worry. You weren’t dead,
he was relieved, but you didn’t look alive either. Just.. peaceful, in an unnatural way, one that made
his skin crawl everytime he looked at you. He felt weak, heart twisting each time he thought about
the fact that you were in a coma.

He didn’t even register eating, or taking a bath, or laying next to you. All he could remember and
realize was holding your hand as he laid in bed, tears forming in his eyes out of worry. He wasn’t
sure what he could even do at this point but he didn’t think there was anything he could do.

He felt weak.

He sobbed.
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You were floating. In a dark pool of water. You didn’t need to breathe. It wasn’t pleasant, but it
wasn’t horrible.

You could hear muted things—conversations. Each time Lumine purified you, you could hear
much more clearly for about 20 minutes (though you could only assume that, given you had no
way to track time in here) and would listen to conversations.

That was why you knew something was wrong when you didn’t wake up for the birth of your
child. You couldn’t feel anything but you could hear it all much more clearly.

“Why isn’t she waking up? Please.. don’t leave me alone..” Your heart ached, yearning to reach out
and wipe Ayato’s tears. You heard the shuffling, and vaguely felt something. Something warm, on
your chest. Your baby?

Your heart warmed. You could still feel it, even when locked in darkness. “I’ll be home soon, you
must survive.” You whispered, into the darkness, hearing the gasps of everyone in the room.
“She said—she talked! But she’s not awake—she..” You closed your eyes, feeling very tired. This
all felt exhausting, even when you weren’t awake.

“It’s a girl, my lord! Congratulations!”

You heard sniffling, and shuffling, and knew Ayato was holding your baby girl. You smiled, even
while exhausted.

“Akari. Akari kamisato.” He said, and your hearing began to dim again. You felt someone’s hand
slide into yours. “Come back to me, my granddaughter.”

Ei’s voice was clear, but you fell back asleep, tired for some reason.

It was quiet.

That was the first thing you realized as you opened your eyes. Flinching from the bright light, you
groaned weakly. Your throat was so dry. You heard the door open, and footsteps walk in, and you
slowly pushed yourself up as much as you could, but your body didn’t listen very well.

You heard the sound of a plate shattering. You turned to see Thoma, as white as a ghost.
“You’re..awake..” He said, as if reconfirming that fact. “Mm..” You groaned a bit again, unable to
talk much. Your throat was dry. He realized this and ran to quickly pour you a glass of water,
rushing back over and helping you drink slowly.

You felt much better, though your throat still hurt. “Ayato..where is..” You managed out weakly.
Thoma blinked before rushing off, as fast as possible. You stared at the empty doorway, flinching
as you heard a loud commotion.
You stared down at your hands, realizing your hair had grown so much longer as well. Perhaps
you’d need to have it cut.

Footsteps thudded loudly, and Ayaka came into view first, holding a baby. You looked at it, before
the realization hit you, and you reached out your arms. You could feel the connection, and you felt
like you needed to hold her. The little ears atop her head was a beautiful dark blue color, same with
her little tuffs of hair. She looked much older than you’d thought she’d be when you would wake
up. You smiled as ayaka handed her to you, and you held her. The smile you received was
beautiful and your heart warmed.

“She’s perfect.” You said, caressing her face.

There was loud thumping, thundering footsteps approaching, and Ayato burst in, eyes wide as he
stared at you.

He was by your side in an instant, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you and the baby into a
hug. He was warm, and you felt a wetness hit your neck, you realized he was crying.

Thoma and ayaka shuffled out of the room, closing the door.

You hugged him, rubbing his back slowly. You didn’t have too much strength in your arms still, so
all you could manage was a weak caress back and forth against his back.

“I love you,” he croaked out, voice weak, as he cried. “Please don’t ever leave me again. I don’t
want to ever lose you.”

You smiled, and he leaned to look you in the eyes. You kissed him, gentle and tender. “I won’t
leave you. I love you too. I’m home now, I won’t go anywhere. I’ve protected us, and inazuma. I
have no regrets, though I’m sad to have missed so much.” He laughed, a wet and strangled noise
through his tears. “I don’t think I can let go of you again. I told the Shogun I’m never going on a
trip without you again. She seemed to understand.”

You laughed, looking down at your baby as she smiled up at you. Her eyes were the same color as
yours, and you couldn’t help but notice how lovely she is. “Ayato, I want her to be the successor. I
don’t want her to miss out on anything just because she’s a girl.” You said, looking up at him, and
he smiled at you, wiping his tears.

“That’s the plan. I won’t let our darling Akari ever be opposed. It’s going to be a lot of work, but
with the Shoguns help, I don’t think anyone will be able to fight us on that. I think it would be
good for us to be able to make it that so whoever she marries will take her last name.” You nodded
at this response, and looked down at your darling baby girl, reaching to kiss her head. She was so
sweet, holding onto you as she stared around. You weren’t sure how to feel, but you felt happy, you
knew this for sure.

Now that the Miasma was gone, Inazuma was safe, and you would do anything to protect the
future of your sweet baby girl. Still, you knew you had a lot of work ahead.

You motioned for ayaka to come closer, pulling her into the hug, and smiling. “I’m home now. I
won’t disappear again.” You heard sniffs as you shifted a bit. Ayaka was crying too it seemed. It
must have been very stressful on her to handle everything on her own. You knew it must have been

Your hand gently caressed Ayato’s back while he held you.

You were home now.

Chapter End Notes

Nearing the end now boys— it’s been a fun time writing this. I’ll decide how many
more chapters I want to add, but it’ll probably just be snippets of the childrens lives
and you with Ayato (plus possibly other characters having babies / side stories if I feel
like it.)
Lavender fields

Ayato was terrified.

From the moment he received you, to the moment he took you home, holding your cold hands, to
the moment you gave birth and the baby wasn’t breathing at first. It was so quiet, so silent, but it
seemed when you finally woke up you didn’t know.

Akari was growing up beautiful, but he was parenting her alone. It was hard, and he began to
consider the fact you may not wake up again. His faith wavered day by day, and days turned into
months. He’d moved you to the shrine but eventually Yae said there was nothing she could do. He
took you home, staying near you as much as he could—but life didn’t pause for everyone else.
There was nothing he could do.

He threw himself into work and parenting. There was nothing else he COULD do. It was a rough
year before you woke up, reassuring him so gently.

He still felt scared, even as you remained by his side. Even as you loved him and the child you had
together— he knew he didn’t deserve you. Someone who threw themselves into danger for anyone
else at any time, he knew he didn’t deserve. So he set on making up for it. He worked hard during
the day, ensuring Akari would be able to succeed the clan was rough—but he was swift and natural
in his execution of his plans.

He got to work on a simple task.

Repairing the home you had stayed with your mother in.

Okay, it seemed like a simple task but it really was not. It was in rough shape and even seemed like
there was an extremely large domain in the basement. The house itself was collapsing. He spent
much resources and money on repairing it, going through to pick all your favorite colors for it,
making the childrens room able to handle more than one kid (in case you had more in the future,
after all.)

He evaded The raiden shogun, who wanted to kill him sometimes it seemed because she didn’t
think he deserved his granddaughter, and Yae, who was all around trouble. He evaded the watchful
eyes of Thoma and Ayaka. Giving them plenty to keep them busy before he flatout decided he was
going to release Thoma from service and set him up to live in Mondstadt. (Thoma was far too
perceptive of things. It wouldn’t work if he was still around. Thoma agreed leave on the condition
that he come back and visit once a month. He wanted to see Ayato and Ayaka, and even Y/n, after
all. There was no way he’d just leave and never come back. He’d squinted his eyes at Ayato
suspiciously as he left.)

It took two years before Ayato finished. By then, you had become pregnant with yet another child,
and he was elated. So he’d consider the new vacation home a present to you for your birthday and a
“push present.” He supposed.

(Akari had grown up to be far too smart. By the time she was two, she had already began to speak
in short sentences, being formal and telling people thank you and such. Ayato was proud his child
was a genius, but he definitely worried for her sometimes. If she was too smart she may have issues
being bored too often.)

He was holding your hand, as you carried Akari with your other arm. He lead you down a road, and
you began to recognize it. You let go of his hand for a moment to hold Akari’s hand and let her
walk besides you, before taking his hand and smiling at him again. He led you up a dirt path,
through a beautiful field of lavender (that he had planted just for you.) and you marveled as you
stared around. There was a patio area with table and chairs, and as you approached the house, your
eyes had filled up with tears.

“Ayato, you..” Your throat burned, as he looked at you lovingly.

“I made sure it was perfect, just for you. But if there’s anything else you want, just tell me.” His
voice was tender, and you laughed, wiping your tears on your sleeve. “I can’t believe you knew..
how did you manage this..? I.. thank you so much Ayato. I love you so much.”

He leaned in, giving you a kiss, pulling away to show you inside. “Now, why don’t you look
around inside before you thank me? What if you truly hate it?” He asked. You huffed in response.
You knew he was teasing you again, but your heart felt so warm.

You opened the door, keeping little Akari by your side, hearing her go “Whoaaaa!” You let go of
her hand to let her run around the house and she jumped around, extremely excited.

It was so different, but so perfect. It was anything you could have ever wanted. You let Akari run
around as you turned to face him, standing in the main room. “It’s perfect, ayato. I couldn’t ask for
anything better than this.” You felt emotional as you looked at him, realizing how different
everything was from when you first met. His hair was much longer now, age changing how you
both looked and wore clothes, and he still looked just as beautiful as when you first met him. But
he was full of warmth and love as he looked at you, pulling you close to kiss your lips, tender and

As you pulled away from eachother, and the golden light of the sunset spilled into the room from
the sunset, you admired eachother.

You loved him so much, you could never live without him.

As you two stood in the living room, and you admired the space before you kissed, Ayato
remembered why he fell in love with you, and fell in love all over again, seeing the golden light hit
your warm and lovely face. He didn’t want to be anywhere else. He wanted to be by your side for
the rest of his life.
Spirit king

Giving birth was hell, but when you held a baby girl in your arms that had your hair color and
Ayato’s eyes, you decided it was worth it.

It was a rough few hours. Being apart from Akari was hard enough, you were sure she was freaking
out even if her auntie Ayaka was with her. You could only hope she was okay, because you were
certain your dear husband was not, as you’d nearly broke his hand while holding it as you gave

You weren’t sure what to name this child, as you’d planned for a boy and a girl. So, you looked to
Ayato, and a smiled formed on your face, despite weak. “How about Akayo? We can call her
Kayo, like her grandmother.”

Ayato melted, expression so obviously full of relief and warmth as he looked at the baby in your
arms. “Akayo kamisato. She’ll be such a good little sister to our little Riri.”

You just rested there, holding her close to your chest. You felt weak and tired. It was a few minutes
until Ei popped into the room, striding over to you and the child in your arms. She ignored Ayato,
leaning forward to kiss the babies head, leaving a blessing to protect her. “May she be strong and

You thanked her, glancing at Yae who had a smirk on her face as usual behind Ei. You groaned.
“Miko, I do not have the energy right now.”

“Oh? All I was going to do was say congratulations. Ei, we should really have another baby, don’t
you think?”

“Pardon? Another?” You asked, blinking. You looked over at Ei, who flushed a bit. “Yae, my
puppets do not count as babies. Kuni was not a baby when I created him, and he was rather

“Oh but he was cute. I did tell him I’d fuck his mother and give her a child that wasn’t a
disappointment, and he pouted so much he summoned a thunderstorm. Quite the little
troublemaker, that one. Anyhow, we’ll get out of your hair. Congratulations.”

You just blinked at the new information as Ei and Yae made their exit. You sighed, sinking down.
Ayato was already asleep next to you in the chair, and you were ready to follow after him, but you
had to feed the baby first.

You took your time, despite your body being sore, and enjoyed your time with your new sweet

When you arrived home it was chaos. Akari was so upset and crying that you had been gone that
you had to take the time to calm her down, picking her up and holding her, which was an extremely
hard task given how weak you were, you rubbed her back.

Poor thing had worked herself up so much she’d felt hot to the touch. You sighed, setting her down
once she calmed a bit. “Akari, my dear. This is your little sister, Akayo, you said, motioning for
Ayato to come closer. He had been holding her, and he crouched down. Akari sniffled, looking at
the small newborn in his arms, reaching out to touch her. “Careful, sweetheart.” You called,
rubbing her back and letting her get used to Akayo.

“This is your little sister, and she’ll rely on you a lot, okay? You’ll be there for eachother in the
future, and rely on eachother. She’ll need you, and she loves you. So take good care of her.”

Akari nodded, smiling down at the little girl. “Okay mommy.”

That went much better than you thought. You were glad Akari was such a smart girl. You were
worried she may hate her, or throw a fit, but it went well. “I’m very tired. Let’s all go to bed now,
okay? I don’t know when little kayo will wake up, and I want to make sure we get some good

Everyone agreed, and you took the time to show Ayaka and Yoimiya the baby, before you went to
bed and relaxed.

Akari cuddled up to Ayato, and you held the baby, falling asleep all together as a family. It was
going to be tough to have a newborn, you were glad Ayato knew how to handle this. (You’d been
asleep for the first few months of Akari’s life, after all. It was crucial you learn this. You were also
fairly certain you may need to get a bigger bed if you kept having babies.)

You had always wondered why you didn’t wake up the first time you gave birth. After you woke
up, undine was there, but the spirit king never answered your calls. Sometimes you worried for
him, but undine seemed alright, and she’d mentioned there would be a new spirit king soon, so part
of you had accepted the fact that he probably died somehow before you gave birth.

You eventually gained mastery over every element, by the time Akari began to have strange..
bursts of powers. Sometimes she’d sneezed and the room felt like it was charged with electricity,
or she shocked you. You worried endlessly about her and Akayo.

So when you were called by the new spirit king, you didn’t hesitate to answer and go to meet him.
Only to be greeted with a human figure, that looked like a werewolf. She was white in color
mostly, glowing and ethereal, but her eyes were a blue color. She was calm, much like her
predecessor had been, but she held a smile on her face.

“Greetings.” She’d said, voice warm with mirth. “I know you’ve been wondering what happened to
the last spirit king, so I wanted to answer your question. I think it will be necessary for you to know
this, just in case.”

You nodded. “Yes. I wished to know what happened to him. He’d promised me something, but had
broken it..” You uttered, voice trailing off.

The wolf woman laughed out loud, long white hair bouncing. “Ah, yes. That sounds a bit like him.
So, I’ll be honest. I’m concerned about your child, the eldest one. Akari.”

You blinked, brows furrowing with concern. “What’s wrong?” You asked.

“When you were asleep and gave birth, she wasn’t breathing when she was born. Of course the old
geezer kept this information from you, but when he saw that she wasn’t breathing, he shattered
himself into fragments and placed a fragment of his power inside her to revive her. It worked, but..
he passed soon after, as he took most of the miasma in your body into his own, now fractured,
body. So I took over, as I’m his successor. “

You ran your mind over this new information. You felt panic at the thought you almost lost your
dear little Riri.

“Here’s the thing. Your daughter is too powerful. She may sneeze and level a whole mountain
when she’s older. I’m going to call the spirit kings and we’re going to place a seal on her power.
She must train her swordsmanship so she can learn control. And you must teach her the ways of the
Kitsune. This is urgent for you to do. Anyway, that’s all I have to tell you. So do what you want, at
your own risk.”

And at that, she kicked you back to teyvat from her realm. You gasped and blinked, looking around
your room.

Damnit. You were going to have to worry about Akari even more than before, now.
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It took a few years for Akari to master control over her powers and for her to become much like
Ayato was when he was her age.

When she was 7, you and Ayato welcomed another child into the world, Akio. Akio was a wild
card, his hair a light pink color from your side of the family. You guessed it was because of Yae
though you didn’t understand how. His eyes were light blue.

Akari and Akayo were excellent older sisters, though Akari was far too mature for her age. When
she turned 12, Akayo was 10, Akio was 5, and they were all so adorable. They tried to be sneaky
about many things. Akari usually was busy training, something she seemed to enjoy doing, so
Akayo and Akio would play together. You didn’t mind much, as they were all adorable. You spent
much time around the kids, your duties were easier to handle than Ayato’s, even though he tried to
get home.

Lumine would often visit, bringing paimon along. Paimon got along very well with the kids and
could control them easily because they thought she was really cool. Akari took to studying some
swordsmanship under Lumine as well we the Kamisato arts. It was a worthy skill, she had claimed.
You couldn’t argue, because you knew Lumine was the best of the best.

Still you worried over the wounds Akari would get from them sparring.

Ayato was strict with Akari. Though loving, he knew he had to raise her to be extremely tough.
While he was strict, he also ensured she knew how to rest. It was necessary for her to develop
healthy habits. He spent the most time with her, though he tried to spend as much as he could with
the other children, he knew it was much harder to get time off from working when it wasn’t to train
his successor.

Though there was a lot of debate and backlash about Akari being Ayato’s successor, when she
competed in a martial arts competition held by the shogun and won first place at the age of 15, the
complaints came to an end, and any opposition was kept silent.

When Akio was 8, he got his vision. It was an electro vision, and he’d accidentally gotten it while
protecting him and Akayo from a rift hound that had happened upon them while they had snuck off
unsupervised. His awakening was met with great response, and though Akari seemed a bit envious,
she was very proud of him

Then, Akari got her vision at 18. A hydro vision, just like her father, and she mastered the sword
and polearm.

Akayo stuck to her kitsune powers. She mastered using the spirits, and learned how to heal people
using hydro. It took her until she was 16 to truly become a master.

You and Ayato spent your days lovingly looking after your children, and your nights in eachothers
embrace. Even as age began to line your faces and years passed by, your love for eachother didn’t
end. You had arguments—disagreements—struggles and problems. But you were there for
eachother and talked over everything that happened to you two. It was something to always be
grateful for.
Akari inherited the clan when she was 26. It may be considered late to others, but you both ensured
she was properly ready before you retired from your positions. Akayo took over your position to
aid her sister, until her sister married someone eventually. Akio decided to go adventuring, wanting
to explore Teyvat and see many things.

You and Ayato retired and decided to travel together. Though you were always reachable any time
the kids needed you, you took the time to be together, and enjoy eachothers company.

You visited Thoma and Diluc in Mondstadt, enjoying your time in the land of wind. You had
romantic dinners together, then moved on to Liyue. You took your time to learn history and see the
lantern rite.

Then you moved from nation to nation, sometimes being visited by Lumine along the way. Years
later, you returned home, back to Inazuma where it all began. You saw your grandmothers, still as
tender and young as when you’d first met them, and greeted their young child.

When you returned home, it was to the sight of a serious looking light purple and blue haired man
holding a bouquet of roses for Akari. She just stared at it before staring at him and turning away.

The golden eyed man begged for a chance, and you patted his back as you passed by. “Good luck,
child.” Akari wasn’t one to trust many or let them in her heart. He was pretty though, and you
could tell from a single look that he was Kokomi’s kid. He’d grown up looking nice. Though he
was a determined fella, that was for sure. You figured he took after Sara in that regard.

Ayato narrowed his eyes at him however. You lightly poked his side to get him to stop, and you
went inside to greet your kids.

Ayaka had moved out a long time ago. She had kids with Yoimiya, and the two stayed at
Naganohara fireworks. Ayaka was much happier than she’d never been like this, no longer lonely
and insecure like she once had been. Your nephew and niece were adorable, too, so you couldn’t

Awhile ago, even Thoma’s child had shown up, asking to work at the estate and stay in Inazuma.
He apparently wanted to repay the debt his father had for Ayato. It was adorable, though.

Of course you’d caught him looking at Akayo sometimes, but you didn’t mind much. You just
wanted to ensure your children were well protected and happy. They could make their choice on
who they wanted when they wanted. Especially Akio, who was out traveling, doing god knows

Akari greeted you two warmly, now a beautiful woman, she’d grown to look more like a female
version of Ayato than anything else, and you loved her and her siblings so much. You always felt
immensely proud.

You felt as though your life had changed for the better since you’d met Ayato. It had been rough at
first, but now that you were here with him, nothing else mattered. You were happy, content with
your life and status, and free from the constraints of your past.

You often mused about this fact.

Chapter End Notes

One more chapter <3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

You’d met your half siblings, once, when your step mother had passed. They were unimaginably
much younger than you. But they were sweet, and cared much for their nieces and nephews. You
weren’t sure how such sweet children could come from those two people. They were warm and
kind, always effortlessly what you had wished for them to be.

Yuri retired after helping you with the kids for so long. She settled down with someone she had
grown to love. You couldn’t be more happy for her. Even though she didn’t love them
romantically, they stayed extremely close for the rest of her days.

Kokomi and Gorou were always together, but Sara would visit frequently. With their respective
positions, it was a long time before they could retire, and it was a fight just to get Sara to retire. She
always wanted to serve the shogun.

She’d had kids with Kokomi and gorou. They had their successors and trained them before they
retired, deciding to all live together on Watatsumi. In the same way that Diluc and Thoma had their
successors, and retired eventually. It was strange to see everyone settle down, but it was nice.

Ayaka was happy, beyond what anyone could know. Her days with Yoimiya was peaceful, and
with their children, they carved a warm and gentle home out of the fireworks shop, being there for
eachother till the end.

Ei and Yae stayed the same as ever, though they did create a child using both their blood, and she
was quite the cute little thing. With pink hair that faded to purple and purple eyes, she captured the
hearts of many in Inazuma. Eventually when her brother returned on a mission, she met him.
Scaramouche had quite the temper, but somehow she melted even his heart just a bit, seeing as he
didn’t hurt her, and let her bother him a bit. She didn’t disturb him about things. It was adorable to
hear about it from her.

Everyone you knew settled down eventually, all meeting up for hot pot every now and then. You
loved, and were loved, by those in your life.

You felt like all things in your life were peaceful, and when you reached your end, you and Ayato
went together, within a few days of eachother. It was an ending you expected. And one you had
hoped for. Living without him would have been painful, though you knew it was rough on your
children, they had understood. It seemed as though the bond of a kitsune was that of sealing their
fate when their partner died. By the time you passed, Akari had her husband, and ruled over the
Kamisato clan perfectly with his help. Akayo eloped with someone she loved (though you never
got to see exactly who it was.) and Akio simply travelled around, becoming a scholar.

You passed away knowing your children would be alright.

When you awoke in a lavender field, you found Ayato, and your mother. The radiant light of the
sunset was warm on you all, and you looked down on your children via the crystal ball on the
table. You were proud, always. You were so full of love, too.

You were eternally happy, with Ayato at your side.

You had found what you always wanted, deep within the crystal pools of Ayato’s eyes, and the
warmth of his love.

Chapter End Notes

That’s the end guys. It’s been a fun journey. Thank you for all the kind comments and
kudos, I enjoyed writing this genuinely.

I hope you enjoyed :D

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