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Novela Mexicana

Personagens :
– Beatriz : Joana Carmina

– Nathália : Rubia Diaz

– Maria Célia : Caterine De Capre Solza

– Maria Valentina : Carmen López

– Matheus : Juan Paulo

– Victor : Cristiano De La Mancha

Enredo :
Unlike other school,Santa Ericka has a big story to tell...
(Scene Beatriz Rewind)
Yeah,that’s me and that girl over there that stole my Barbie WAS my

This is me in my 9th grade...
(Nathalia,Matheus,and Maria Célia enter)

Nathalia : Guys did you saw the color of Anitta’s hair?(ironic laugh)
Maria Célia : Yeah like (make a face)

(Bia and Maria V. enters)

Maria V. : Annita’s hair is so cute!

Bia : I know right,that blue.
(The problem is that we like the same guy)

Bia : Hi girl,How are you doing?

Nathalia : Hi Mina!
Bia : Ah and you too Juan.
Thiago : Hello Princess
Maria Célia : Hi! (Says with emphasis)
(Starts talking)
(At the hallways)
Thiago : Uh...Matheus,can I talk to you??
Matheus : Sure
Thiago : I’ll tell you something but you can’t tell anyone,can I trust you?
Matheus : Man,calm down, I won’t tell anybody.
Thiago : So it’s like....
(Nathalia enters and listen to the talk)
Thiago : I like —
Nathalia(whispering) : W-What?!

Nathalia runs through the hallways

Nathalia (screaming) : MARIA CÉLIA!!! (Crying)

Maria Célia : Girl,calm down!

(Tells everything)
Maria Célia : WHAT A JERK!!

(Next day everybody was whispering through the hallways when Maria
Célia was passing)
Maria Célia : Why is everybody whispering and looking at me.
Nathalia : Didn’t you know?!Someone spread that MATHEUS LOVES YOU
Maria Célia : Wait,WHAT?!
Maria Célia :It isn’t my fault,I don’t have feelings for him!!
Nathalia : OH! I’m so sorry that you’re the that the most popular guy fell
for you.
Maria Célia : Excuse ME?!Uh...

(Maria Célia out)

Nathalia : Will have revenge....

Thiago : Thinking about something, party at my house SA-TUR-DAY!!

Bia : Yeah,sounds cool!
Nathalia : Everybody will go!
Thiago : No only us!! and some friends.
At the party

Everything was fine but boring until..

Victor : Guys let’s play spin the bottle (Looks to Matheus;Levanta a

Matheus : Ok, for me
Everybody accepted
Maria V. : Let me explain,first someone will spin the bottle two times;the
first time the one who the bottle has stopped will kiss the one that the
bottle stopped from the second time.its simple

Pietro : Let’s see(span bottle)

Stops on Matheus

Victor: Ooohh!

Stops on Maria Célia

Matheus : Motherf- uh

After some minutes spinning

Maria Célia : Guys I’ll go to the bathroom

Nathalia : Oh,thank you for reminding me.I completely forgot....I grab more
ice the beverages are getting warm.

Nathalia Goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife

Maria Célia is looking at the mirror and Nathalia appears

Nathalia : Hi Maria Célia,I have a little surprise for you

Nathalia pulled a knife from her pants and stabbed Maria Célia

Nathalia : This is what you deserve for being his favorite.

Maria Célia stay on the floor until she die from loosing blood

Nathalia : I’m back

Matheus : Were’s Maria Célia ??
Nathalia : I think she is taking a bath and you know how slow she is.Will
take a few minutes
Matheus : Yeah....
Nathalia : Lets continue playing !

After a few min

Matheus : Guys Maria Célia is taking to long,I’ll check her

Matheus go there and finds Maria Célia’s dead body on the floor
Matheus runs to the floor and hugs Maria Célia.Matheus’ shirt was
fulled with blood
Matheus runs to his friends


everybody starts doing something
Maria V : H-How could that happened !
Matheus : I don’t know,I think it was suicide
Victor : I would agree, you saw how Maria Célia was acting the last weeks.
Bia : She wasn’t with a good mood this days....but why here.

Matheus was acting strange because of the death of Maria Célia but at
the month goes he was getting better!
At the P.E class

Nathalia : Out of my way(pulls Bia)

Bia : Shut up!(pulls Nathalia)

A ball go right on the head of both

Matheus : GIRLS!!

Matheus looks down and don’t know how to react / who to help

Matheus : get up now,we need to win!

Maria V. : Come Bia.
Victor : Hey Nathalia!
Nathalia : Thanks,but I can do that alone!

Matheus : Guys we need to know who murdered Maria Célia.

Bia : But wasn’t a suicide?
Matheus : No,All though Maria Célia was in a bad mood,how would she kill
herself if there wasn’t any object near her.
Bia : Oh,makes sense
Nathalia : But haven’t you forgot her yet!
Matheus : That’s not the point,even though I liked her that doesn’t mean I
didn’t care for her!
Maria V : Guys stop,we are going or not to solve that ?!
Matheus : Yes!
Maria V. :
Matheus : The same place that finished her life.
They go to the place they were in the party

Bia : We should call the cops to help....

Matheus : Lets see a little bit then we call the cops.

They saw the dry blood and called the cops

Matheus : Do you know anything about the murdered?

Bia : No,but the cops said that the object the murder used was a knife..

Nathalia : They are starting to notice,one day or another they will find out
that I killed Maria Célia.I need to go out of here.

(Nathalia enters)

Matheus and Bia : What ??
Nathalia: I will move to another country...
Matheus : W-What?!
Nathalia : Yeah,I decided to study on another country and I need to get
comfortable,to talk in another language....
Matheus :Ok then I’ll miss you!
Bia :me too

(Nathalia travels)

Bia : Where’s Matheus,I need to find him the cops found who killed Maria
Célia and he wouldn’t believe!
Found Matheus

Bia : M-Ma-.... (starts crying)

Bia : I’ll get my revenge!


Maria V. :Oh Bia it’s just you!
Bia : Look here sweetie,I need you to make a job for me it’s not that
difficult....and if you don’t make your sister won’t like that(makes a face)
Maria V. : W-WHAT?!Don’t involve my sister on the conversation and what
is that “job”?
Bia : You need to kidnap Matheus.
Bia :Shhh,you do or your sister...
Maria V : Ok I’ll do it!if you don’t touch my sister!
Bia :Yeah Yeah alright I need today!

Maria V. goes and put a cloth on his cloth to make him sleep and goes to
bia’s house

Maria V. : Here!
Bia :Thank U,Love u
Maria V. : I’m going now
Bia : Ok can go!Now you!

Matheus wakes up

Matheus : mmmmmmskfbwkmm
Bia : You are awake,let’s see I could kill you!buuuut that wouldn’t be
nice,I’ll do that thing the villains do....I’ll tell my “plan” to you then I’ll kill
you,ok that’s sound cool.
Bia : soo,Today I was going to tell who killed Maria Célia,yeah they found
out,was Nathalia because she was jealous that you liked Maria Célia and
not her.*I would do the same*.anyway but then I saw you kissing another
girl that make me mad very mad!and so I decided to kill you!(smile)
Matheus : PSYCHO!!
Bia : Shut up,let me kill you already,oops I already did!Now let me do the
same thing Nathalia did,let’s move to Holland!

Bia travels

3 years after!

Bia and Nathalia at the same time : YOU!

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