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Prepared by

Reviewed by

Approved by
Chughtai Lab Mission Statement
Chughtai lab is one of the most reputable healthcare organization that delivers exceptional
learning and provide a vast experience in practical field for the internee to learn, train, and

Chughtai Lab Institutional Values

Commitment: We value all internees and we will provide great career opportunities. We are
committed to your learning and success in a global society.

Trust: We act with honesty, integrity, and fairness.

Respect: We value a safe and cooperative work environment where individuals care for each
other and grow through open communication.

Excellence: We value working together to develop and continuously improve processes that
support the creative pursuit of new ideas.

Accountability: We value the resources entrusted to us and will use them responsibly.

Chughtai Lab Core Abilities

In keeping with our institutional mission and vision, Chughtai Lab promotes the development of four key
core abilities. These core abilities address the broad-based skills that will prepare a internee to become a
productive member of the workforce, a civic-minded citizen of the community, and a life-long learner
ready to grow with her/his chosen profession.

• Model Integrity
• Think Critically
• Communicate Effectively
• Value Diversity
Table of Content

1- Welcome

2- Introduction

3- Mission Statement

4- Program Goals

5- Internship Plan

6- Literature of 1st and 2nd week – X-ray

7- Literature of 3rd and 4th week – DEXA Scan

8- Literature of 5th and 6th week – Mammography

9- Literature of 7th and 8th week – Ultrasound and Echo

10- Literature of 9th and 10th week – CT Scan

11- Literature of 11th and 12th week – MRI

12- Contrast Reaction and BLS Training

13- 3 months assessment

The faculty of the Radiography program welcomes you. The radiology internship program is
categorized into major areas of clinical practice on radiology equipment, all of which will
prepare you for any employment as a technologist and will make you eligible to chase your
career goals.
Your program is sequenced so that simple concepts presented will gradually advance into more
complex concepts. This will ultimately prepare you to become a competent imaging
technologist and safe health care professional.
This booklet has been compiled to orientate you to this program's operation and to identify
your responsibilities to the program. The effort you put into your program's requirements is
directly related to your competence as a radiographer. The faculty is willing to assist you to
achieve your goal. We wish you every success as you progress toward the privileged role of a
certified radiographer.

The Radiology Internship Program is an integral part of CHUGHTAI Healthcare that defines the
learning and training in the technical field on all imaging modalities. This handbook will
familiarize you with your responsibilities as health care professionals.
You will be held accountable for information in this booklet.
 Orientation Plan
 Policy and Guidelines of Chughtai Lab
 Duration of Radiology Internship Plan
 Weekly internship plan
 Literature review
 Support material provided by radiology team throughout your internship program

The mission of the Radiology Internship Program is to provide a quality experience and training
in all Imaging Modalities, from the entry-level of fresh imaging technologists our aim is to train
them so they can meet the workforce needs of the community.
Student Agreement:
In the case when an internee enters the Radiology Internship Plan, certain requirements must
be met prior to entry. These requirements are based on
 Duration of internship last for 6 months, weekly rotation on all imaging modalities
 Availability of designated coworkers for demonstration and evaluations
 The status of an internee and the final evaluation report will be signed by HOD/line

Due to the accelerated format of the internship, attendance is mandatory and will be marked in
HR department on daily basis at the time of entry and exit. Internees are expected to be
present in the department as per scheduled. These are all integral and necessary parts of the
 Leaves are allowed but only in case of emergency, sick leave, or any unseen
 Uninformed leaves/un-excused absences may result as hurdle in your internship
 Three tardies shall be counted as one absence
These are set of guidelines. There are always extenuating circumstances, which require
judgment calls via HR, HOD, or line manager.

As an internee of the radiology department, you will have access to information not generally
available to the public. Internee must hold confidential all protected health information. The
failure to do so has consequences for the internee. The following points specify the radiology
internee accountability for holding protected health information confidential and the
consequences for failure to do:
 Internee must agree to hold the confidentiality in regard to patient care
 Internee will not disclose any information or use it for his/her own good
 Internee will not have access to any departmental confidential information
 Internee has to follow all rules, regulations, standards, and procedures established by
HR department for the employee
 If any confidentiality is breached by any of the internee, the internee may be dismissed
from the healthcare premises and will not be allowed to be part of the radiology
department or Chughtai Healthcare ever after.
The behavior of the internee will be professional; internee must behave well in all aspects of
verbal and nonverbal communication with the patients and coworkers as well. Internee must
learn to be professional enough to keep the patient’s confidentiality and do not disclose any
information. No casual language or disrespectful behavior will be tolerated. In case of any
misconduct i.e. use of casual language, bad words, abusive or aggressive nature will not be
acceptable, internee will be dismissed from the radiology internship program on the spot.

Examples of Behavior that breach confidentiality and professionalism

 Talk about patients in public areas such as elevators, cafeteria, residences, and hallways
 Leaves patient information in a location that is accessible to anyone not directly involves
in patient care
 Leaves the clinical facility with any information that can be linked to the identity of the
 Engaged in any extracurricular activity i.e. taking long-duration phone calls, at the
clinical site
 Use of casual language at your clinical site or disrespecting any of your colleagues
 Use of offensive words or comments on clinical site

Code of Conduct:
Internee must follow the basic norms, values, standards, and principles outlining the
expectations from internee within an organization. The purpose to follow all the rules are to
teach fresh graduates to become able enough to chase their goals globally. The personnel
appearance of internee reflects the professionalism and will meet the program standard as well
as personnel pride. All radiology interns are required to present an image that is clean, safe,
neat, professional, and, self-groomed. Overall appearance will promote excellent hygiene
Dress Code
For Male: Navy Blue Pant, Thick Blue Stripe White Shirt and, Navy Blue Tie
For Females: Baby Pink scrubs with scarf or dupatta
Shoes: Wear dark colored closed toed shoes, neat and clean
Fashion Statement: Accessories or articles of clothing should not bear any slogan or symbol
Deemed to be offensive or inappropriate for a professional environment
Grooming: All hair must be neatly tied; the beard must be neatly groomed
Internship cards: All internee must wear internship card
Ionizing Radiation Safety/ALARA:
Chughtai Healthcare is committed to an effective radiation protection program to eliminate unnecessary
exposures to radiation and to reduce all exposures to levels that are As Low As Reasonably Achievable
(ALARA). The ALARA principle is a formal requirement of the Pakistan Nuclear and Regulatory Authority
(PNRA). The ALARA principle is implemented by a comprehensive radiation protection program that
includes specific requirements and procedures for:

 Training of all radiation users by providing personnel protective equipment i.e. lead aprons,
thyroid shielding, gonadal shielding, lead glasses, and lead thyroid collars
 Safety evaluations of energized radiation
 Regular surveys of work areas for exposure rates
 Trained on high kV and low mAs technique
 Reviews of the program by Program Manager and HOD with recommendations and guidance of
radiation safety for radiation workers and patients as well
 Any medical imaging radiographic equipment is mandated to use as low as is reasonably
achievable radiation dose to provide the highest quality radiographic image
 Any unsafe exposure beyond the ALARA principle is considered unnecessary excess exposure.

Non-Ionizing Radiation:
This policy ensures that the students enrolled in the Chughtai Healthcare Radiology Internship Program
comply with proper non-ionizing radiation safety monitoring procedures. Every internee who chooses to
participate in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) clinical rotation must receive proper education
regarding MRI safety and be screened for ferromagnetic objects prior to engaging in this modality. In
addition, no internee is to be left unattended during the actual patient procedure. Prior to participating
in an MRI clinical rotation, the internee must read ACR MRI Safety Manual. No internee will be allowed
to observe or be present during an MRI procedure before reading ACR MRI safety manual. Following the
safety session but prior to access to an MRI Imaging Department, the internee will be properly screened
for any potential ferromagnetic objects which include:
 Implanted Cochlear Implants
 Neuro stimulator
 Bladder Stimulator
 Heart Stents
 Heart Valves
 Penile Implants
 Pain Pump
 Loop Recorders
 Aneurysm Clips
 Pacemaker, Pacemaker Wires, or Defibrillator
 Artificial/Prosthetic Limbs
 Internal Fixative Devices like Metal Rods , Plates or Screws
 Shrapnel
 Metal Shavings to the Eye
 Body Piercings
In the event of any indicators that could prevent the internee from entering the MRI Imaging
Department, the MRI staff will immediately notify the program in-charge. If it is unclear as to
whether a student does or does not have a ferromagnetic device that could prevent the student
from entering the MRI environment (i.e. possible non-compatible plant device), the MRI staff will
immediately notify the program in-charge and provisions will be made to investigate MRI
compatibility. In the event that a internee is not able to enter the MRI Imaging environment, he or
she will still be able to actively participate in the clinical rotation with modifications.


To Be Completed at Program Entry
I have read and I understand Functional Abilities distinct to the occupation of radiology internship
program. I can meet the Functional Ability standards as presented without accommodations. I was
provided with information concerning accommodations or special services if needed at times. I require
the following reasonable opportunities to meet the standards of Chughtai Healthcare.

Name of Internee: ________________________________

Internee Signature: _______________________________
Date: ________________


By signing this document, you are agreeing to abide by the following professional behaviors to help
ensure your success in the radiography program at Chughtai Healthcare and a future career in
radiography. Failure to comply with the following behaviors will lead to the development of a
remediation plan and possible removal from the program. These behaviors apply to your interactions
with all team members in the Chughtai Healthcare Radiology Department. I acknowledge the basic ethic
and will surely follow the points.

Professionalism: I will demonstrate an acceptable professional appearance and use appropriate


Preparedness: I will be prepared for each class/ clinical placement.

Attendance: I will meet the attendance policy as required by the syllabus (including tardiness, early
departure from class, and absences).
Respect: I will treat others with courtesy, respect, and open-mindedness.

Integrity/Honesty: I will acknowledge the work of others and protect confidential information. I will not
engage in any activities that have been deemed unethical or dishonest according to Chughtai Healthcare

Problem Solving: Seeks solutions independently and/or identifies the designated coworkers who can
assist me; addresses the problem with the appropriate person; uses discretion in discussing the
problem; focuses on seeking solutions rather than assigning blame. This agreement may result in the
development of a remediation plan and possible removal from the program.

I agree that failure to comply with this agreement may result in the development of a
remediation plan and possible removal from the program.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

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