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Received: 15 April 2020 Accepted: 31 August 2020

DOI: 10.1002/pbc.28709 Pediatric

Blood &
Cancer The American Society of
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Effects of treatments on gonadal function in long-term

survivors of pediatric hematologic malignancies: A cohort study

Francesco Felicetti1 Anna Castiglione2 Eleonora Biasin3 Nicoletta Fortunati1

Margherita Dionisi-Vici1 Patrizia Matarazzo4 Giovannino Ciccone2
Franca Fagioli3,5 Enrico Brignardello1

Transition Unit for Childhood Cancer
Survivors, “Città della Salute e della Scienza” Abstract
Hospital, Torino, Italy
Background: Potentially gonadotoxic protocols are currently used for the treatment
Unit of Clinical Epidemiology, “Città della
of childhood hematologic malignancies. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence
Salute e della Scienza di Torino” Hospital and
CPO Piemonte, Torino, Italy of gonadal dysfunction and the most important associated risk factors in a cohort of
DivisionofPaediatric Onco-Haematology, hematologic malignancy survivors.
Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular
Therapy, “Città della Salute e della Scienza”
Procedure: We considered all patients referred to our long-term follow-up clinic for
Hospital, Torino, Italy childhood cancer survivors, between November 2001 and December 2017. Inclusion
DivisionofPaediatric Endocrinology, “Città criteria were: (a) previous diagnosis of hematologic malignancy; (b) age at hematologic
della Salute e della Scienza” Hospital, Torino,
Italy malignancy diagnosis < 18 years; (c) at least five years after the end of anticancer treat-
Department of Public Health and Paediatric ments; (d) at least one evaluation of gonadal function after the 18th birthday. Patients
Sciences, University of Turin, Torino, Italy diagnosed before January 1, 1990, were excluded.

Results: Three hundred twenty-seven survivors (males = 196) were included. Iso-
Enrico Brignardello, Transition Unit for Child- lated spermatogenesis damage was found in 58/196 (29.6%) of males, whereas 18/196
hood Cancer Survivors, A.O.U. Città della
Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Corso Bra-
(9.2%) had Leydig cell failure. In females, 35/131 (26.7%) experienced premature ovar-
mante 88-10126 Torino, Italy. ian insufficiency. In both sexes, abdominopelvic irradiation and hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation were strongly associated with the risk of gonadal dysfunction. For
every 1000 mg/m2 increase in cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose exposure, the risk of
spermatogenesis damage increased 1.52-fold and that of Leydig cell failure increased
1.34-fold, whereas the risk of premature ovarian insufficiency increased 1.80-fold.
About 30% of those males who developed Leydig cell failure did so more than five years
after the end of treatments.
Conclusions: Gonadal dysfunction is still a significant late effect of therapies for pedi-
atric hematologic malignancies. In males, the reevaluation of Leydig cell function may
be useful even several years after the exposure to gonadotoxic treatments.

cancer treatments, childhood cancer survivors, gonadal function, late effects

Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AMH, anti-Müllerian hormone; AML, stimulating hormone; HMs, hematologic malignancies; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell
acute myeloblastic leukemia; CCS, childhood cancer survivors; CED, transplantation; LCF, Leydig cell failure; LH, Luteinizing hormone; POI, premature ovarian
cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose; CT, chemotherapy; E2, 17beta-estradiol; FSH, follicular insufficiency; RT, radiotherapy; TBI, total body irradiation

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020;e28709. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC 1 of 10

1 INTRODUCTION follow-up visits, all clinical information about cancer diagnosis, treat-
ments, relapses, late toxicities, etc., is recorded and updated.
Hematologic malignancies (HMs) account for about one half of pedi- Inclusion criteria were (a) previous diagnosis of HM (Tables 1 and 2
atric cancers,1 which are the second leading cause of mortality in chil- detailed the considered malignancies); (b) age at HM diagnosis < 18
dren in high-income countries. As for most other pediatric cancers, years; (c) at least five years after the end of anticancer treatments;(d)
the treatment of childhood HMs has dramatically improved in the past at least one evaluation of gonadal function after the 18th birthday. To
few decades, largely as a result of improvements in risk stratification, reduce possible selection bias of the cohort, patients whose HM was
protocol design, and supportive care. The five-year survival rate is diagnosed before January 1, 1990, were excluded from the study.
currently approximately 60% for acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) At every follow-up visit, patients were evaluated for signs and symp-
and more than 90% for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL),2 which toms of gonadal dysfunction (i.e., secondary sexual characteristics, sex-
is the most common HM in children. Current treatment protocols are ual function as well as menstrual cycles in females).
intensive, typically involving multiple chemotherapeutic drugs and pos- The exposure to alkylating agents was expressed as
sibly including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for high-risk cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose (CED), calculated by the for-
patients. Therefore, even if many pediatric HM patients can be cured, mula proposed by Green et al.18
treatments may cause substantial long-term morbidity. For this reason, In males, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone
treatment-related complications and aftercare need to become a major (LH), inhibin B, and total testosterone levels were evaluated at the time
concern in this clinical context.3,4 of transition to our unit, and, if normal, subsequently reassessed every
Gonadal dysfunction is one of the most frequently observed late three years. Male survivors at risk for infertility were also asked to pro-
effects of cancer therapies in childhood cancer survivors (CCS).5,6 In vide a specimen for semen analysis. Due to the goal of our data collec-
both sexes, gonads serve two functions: secretion of sex hormones tion and the reluctance of survivors to provide a semen specimen, in the
and production of germ cells. Endocrine effects of gonadal damage presence of FSH levels > 10 IU/L and inhibin B < 100 pg/mL, patients
are more relevant in clinical terms, but fertility loss is a major psy- were considered to have spermatogenesis damage.10
chological concern for both male and female CCS. Thus, the concern In the presence of symptoms and signs of testosterone deficiency,
about gonadal dysfunction in CCS is justified by its effects on both the consistently low serum total testosterone levels (< 300 ng/dL), and ele-
patients’ physical and mental health.7,8 vated gonadotropin levels, male HMs were diagnosed to have Leydig
Gonadal function can be impaired by anticancer treatments, which cell failure (LCF).19
damage the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. In females, gonadal function was assessed measuring FSH, LH, and
Central hypogonadism is mainly due to ionizing radiation involv- 17beta-estradiol (E2) levels, evaluated in early follicular phase (days 2
ing the hypothalamic-pituitary region. However, this condition rarely to 5) for women having menstrual cycles.20 In survivors having men-
occurs at lower doses of radiation because gonadotropic cells are quite strual cycle alterations or wishing to assess their potential for future
resistant to the radiation-induced damage.9 fertility, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) was also evaluated.
By contrast, both the testis10 and the ovary11 are highly sensitive to In females younger than 40 years, premature ovarian insufficiency
toxic effects of radiotherapy (RT) and some chemotherapy (CT) agents (POI) was defined as amenorrhea plus consistently low E2 levels and
(mainly alkylating agents) currently employed to treat HMs.12–17 elevated gonadotropin levels.20
The gonadal toxicity of anticancer treatments is supported by clear Central hypogonadism was defined as low testosterone/E2 levels
evidence, but we still have some gaps of knowledge in this field (e.g., with low or inappropriately normal levels of gonadotropins.21
very long-term deterioration of Leydig cell function). This study aims
to evaluate the prevalence of gonadal dysfunction and the most impor-
tant associated risk factors in a cohort of HMs enrolled in a surveillance 2.2 Statistical analysis
program at a specialized adult-focused long-term follow-up clinic.
Males and females were separately analyzed as two subcohorts. Demo-
graphic and clinical characteristics were summarized by absolute and
2 MATERIALS AND METHODS percent frequency, or median and percentiles, according to the pres-
ence of normal or impaired gonadal function (males with normal
2.1 Patients gonadal function, males with spermatogenesis damage, and males with
LCF; females with normal gonadal function and females with POI).
All patients referred to the Transition Unit for Childhood Cancer Sur- In order to explore the effect of alkylating agents on gonadal dys-
vivors at the “Città della Salute e della Scienza” Hospital in Turin, Italy, function, in the male subcohort we performed a multinomial logistic
between November 2001 and December 2017, were considered for model and in the female subcohort a logistic model. In addition to
the purpose of the study. This unit is a specialized follow-up clinic, CED, we included age at diagnosis, era of treatment, and RT (none,
located in a tertiary cancer center, to which all CCS cured at the Pedi- any RT except abdominopelvic, abdominopelvic RT) in both models. To
atric Oncology Department of the “Regina Margherita” Children’s Hos- describe the onset of gonadal dysfunction during the long-term follow-
pital are transitioned when they become adults (5). During periodic up, the cumulative incidence23 of LCF in males and POI in females was
TA B L E 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of male HM survivors

Normal gonadal function (N = 120) Spermatogenesis damage (N = 58) Leydig cell failure (N = 18) Total (N = 196)
No. % No. % No. % No. %

Age at the first cancer diagnosis (years)

0-4 21 17.50 8 13.79 8 44.44 37 18.88
5-9 35 29.17 15 25.86 5 27.78 55 28.06
≥ 10 64 53.33 35 60.34 5 27.78 104 53.06
Median age at last follow-up 24.27 [21.47-29.12] 26.35 [22.44-30.20] 26.99 [23.75-31.17] 24.57 [21.84-29.39]
[25th percentile-75th
Median age at gonadal 19.9 [18.34-22.83] 20.86 [17.47-24.60] 24.35 [21.31-29.02]
dysfunction [25th
percentile-75th percentile]
Era of the first cancer diagnosis (years)
1990-1999 53 44.17 30 51.72 11 61.11 94 47.96
2000-2012 67 55.83 28 48.28 7 38.89 102 52.04
Cancer type
ALL 56 46.67 23 39.66 10 55.56 89 45.41
Hodgkin lymphoma 29 24.17 25 43.10 1 5.56 55 28.06
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 29 24.17 3 5.17 0 0.00 32 16.33
AML and myelodysplastic 6 5.00 7 12.07 7 38.89 20 10.20
Any RT 36 30.00 49 84.48 18 100.00 103 52.55
Abdominopelvic RT 6 5.00 15 25.86 11 61.11 32 16.33
TBI 0 0.00 11 18.97 10 55.56 21 10.71
Cranial RT 11 9.17 1 1.72 1 5.56 13 6.63
Any chemotherapy 120 100.00 58 100.00 18 100.00 196 100.00
Alkylating agents 110 91.67 57 98.28 18 100.00 185 94.39
Cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose (mg/m )
0-4000 88 73.33 13 22.41 3 16.67 104 53.06
4000-8000 30 25.00 29 50.00 12 66.67 71 36.22
> 8000 2 1.67 16 27.59 3 16.67 21 10.71
HSCT 2 1.67 31 53.45 17 94.44 50 25.51

Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloblastic leukemia; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; RT, radiotherapy; TBI, total body irradiation.
3 of 10
4 of 10

TA B L E 2 Demographic and clinical characteristics of female HM survivors

Females with normal ovarian function Females with premature ovarian

(N = 96) insufficiency (N = 35) Total (N = 131)
No. % No. % No. %
Age at the first cancer diagnosis (years)
0-4 23 23.96 7 20.00 30 22.90
5-9 17 17.71 8 22.86 25 19.08
≥10 56 58.33 20 57.14 76 58.02
Median age at last follow-up [25th percentile-75th percentile] 25.11 [21.46-28.44] 23.70 [21.54-27.87] 24.68 [21.47-28.27]
Median age at gonadal dysfunction [25th percentile-75th 15.19 [14.39-15.19]
Era of the first cancer diagnosis (years)
1990-1999 38 39.58 11 31.43 49 37.40
2000-2012 58 60.42 24 68.57 82 62.60
Cancer type
ALL 48 50.00 17 48.57 65 49.62
Hodgkin lymphoma 31 32.29 2 5.71 33 25.19
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 7 7.29 1 2.86 8 6.11
AML and myelodysplastic syndrome 10 10.42 15 42.86 25 19.08
Any RT 38 39.58 28 80.00 66 50.38
Abdominopelvic RT 7 7.29 14 40.00 21 16.03
TBI 1 1.04 14 40.00 15 11.45
Cranial RT 5 5.21 0 0.00 5 3.82
Any chemotherapy 96 100.00 35 100.00 131 100.00
Alkylating agents 88 91.67 35 100.00 123 93.89
Cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose (mg/m )
0-4000 59 61.46 0 0.00 59 45.04
4000-8000 36 37.50 22 62.86 58 44.27
> 8000 1 1.04 13 37.14 14 10.69
HSCT 6 6.25 34 97.14 40 30.53

Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloblastic leukemia; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; RT, radiotherapy; TBI, total body irradiation.

FIGURE 1 Selection process of the cohort

calculated using as time the age at which gonadal dysfunction was diag- and residence place between the original population and our cohort are
nosed or, in the absence of alterations, the age at the last evaluation of reported in Supporting Information Tables S1 and S2.
the gonadal function. In Figure 2, we reported the cumulative incidence Demographic and clinical characteristics, according to the gonadal
from the age of 18 years (age at which usually the transition more often function, are detailed for males in Table 1 and for females in
occurs). Table 2.
At the latest available follow-up visit, 38.8% of male (76/196) and
26.7% of female (35/131) HM survivors demonstrated gonadal dys-
3 RESULTS function. In males, spermatogenesis damage with normal testosterone
production was found in 58 out of 196 patients (29.6%), whereas 18
Figure 1 describes the selection process of our cohort. A total of 327 (9.2%) were diagnosed with LCF.
CCS (M:F = 196:131) were included in the study (54.5% of the original Twenty-six of 35 females experienced POI early, such as during, or
population). The difference in the distribution of age, cancer diagnosis, immediately following the completion of cancer treatments, whereas

F I G U R E 2 Incidence of primary hypogonadism

during long-term follow-up

nine developed POI in the years that followed the completion of cancer We did not observe any case of central hypogonadism. This result
treatments but prior to age 40. is not surprising as the radiation dose given to the brain when treating
No HM survivor had central hypogonadism. HMs is usually lower than 18 Gy, and the gonadotropin-secreting pitu-
All male HM survivors affected by LCF had received RT, mostly itary cells are quite resistant to the damaging effects of RT.6 Moreover,
focused on abdominopelvic fields (Table 1).The majority of HM sur- we excluded from the study all patients treated before 1990, when pro-
vivors treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (males— phylactic cranial RT was routinely performed.
96.0%, 48/50; females—85.0%, 34/40) had gonadal dysfunction Impairment in sex hormone production was much more common in
(Tables 1 and 2). All but one of the 36 transplanted survivors who female than in male HM survivors, but about 30% of males had sper-
received total body irradiation (TBI) as part of the conditioning regimen matogenesis damage. This reflects anatomical and physiological differ-
showed gonadal dysfunction. ences between testis and ovary.
Gonadal dysfunction was most common after AML (both in males In females, the loss of fertility is always associated with the loss of
and in females), whereas survivors of lymphomas (Hodgkin as well as sex hormone production, due to the close association between germ
non-Hodgkin lymphomas) showed a lower prevalence of POI or LCF. cells and endocrine cells in the ovary. RT and CT decrease the ovarian
In the male subcohort, the risk of gonadal dysfunction was strongly reserve, thus predisposing female CCS to POI. The extent of ovarian
associated with RT. The risk of spermatogenesis damage was increased damage is dependent on the radiation dose received by the ovaries12
among all HM survivors exposed to RT, especially those who received and on the cumulative dose of alkylating agents.13 Female CCS may
treatment to abdominopelvic fields (ORany RT = 5.98, 95% CI, 2.31- exhibit normal ovarian function (i.e., they are fertile and show normal
15.45 and ORabdominopelvic RT = 13.30, 95% CI 3.73-47.41; Table 3). We hormone levels) until the onset of hypogonadism. The patient’s age at
could not estimate the RT effect on the risk of LCF because all patients the time of treatment influences the risk of hypogonadism, because the
with LCF had been exposed to RT. number of primordial follicles at the time of treatment defines the “fer-
Similarly, the exposure to abdominopelvic RT increased the risk of tility window,” progressively smaller doses of CT and RT being required
POI (OR = 7.85, 95% CI 2.02-30.47; Table 4). to produce ovarian failure with increasing age.14 For this reason, about
We observed a significant effect of CED in both males and females: one quarter of our female HM survivors did not have acute ovarian fail-
a greater exposure to alkylating agents was associated with a higher ure, but experienced POI during the subsequent follow-up.
risk of spermatogenesis damage (ORCED (per 1000 mg/mg2) = 1.52, 95% CI, In the testis, endocrine and reproductive functions are anatomi-
1.28-1.81; Table 3), LCF (ORCED(per 1000 mg/mg2) = 1.34, 95% CI, 1.03- cally and functionally more distinct than in the ovary. The intersti-
174; Table 3) or POI (ORCED(per 1000 mg/mg2) = 1.80,95% CI, 1.34-2.41; tial Leydig cell–containing compartment of the testis, with its produc-
Table 4). tion of testosterone, is much more resistant to the damage induced
Era of cancer diagnosis had no influence on the risk of spermatoge- by RT15 and CT16 than the seminiferous tubules. Hence, after gonado-
nesis damage, LCF, or POI (Tables 3 and 4). toxic treatments, male CCS may become oligospermic or azoospermic,
Figure 2 describes the incidence of LCF and POI during long-term but testosterone production is usually unaffected.16 Among anticancer
follow-up. At the age of 24 years, the cumulative incidence of LCF was agents, RT and alkylating drugs are the most potent azoospermia-
6.9% (95% CI, 3.9-11.9) while that of POI was 26.2% (95% CI, 19.3- inducing therapies. Azoospermia may be transient or permanent,
35.0). Among males, nine had LCF after the age of 18 years, and five depending on whether or not anticancer therapies damage spermato-
of them developed this condition more than five years after the end of gonial stem cells.17 Higher doses of CT and RT can damage Leydig cells,
anticancer treatment. At the most recent evaluation of gonadal func- thereby causing testosterone secretion deficiency.15,16
tion before the onset of LCF, all nine of these HM survivors showed Despite the heterogeneity of the cohorts evaluated in different
increased levels of LH (> 10 UI/L), normal testosterone production, and studies, the prevalence of spermatogenesis damage and LCF observed
no clinical symptoms. At the latest available evaluation, an additional in our cohort was similar to those reported in literature data.24–26
13 male HM survivors showed this gonadal hormone condition of com- In females, we found a 26.2% cumulative incidence of POI, which
pensated LCF (i.e., elevated LH with normal testosterone levels). is higher than that recently observed in a wide cohort of CCS.27 This
AMH levels were evaluated in about one half (n = 58) of the discrepancy is probably due to the high exposure to alkylating agents
female HM survivors included in this study. In 26 of them, AMH levels and gonadal RT that characterized HM survivors, consistent with the
were < 1 ng/mL; 13 of them had POI, whereas the other 13 had nor- results reported by Overbeek et al. in their systematic review.28
mal menstrual cycles and E2 levels. All female HM survivors with AMH Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) was
levels > 1 ng/mL also had a normal gonadal function. almost always associated with gonadal dysfunction, in males as well as
in females. This is due to the conditioning regimens for HSCT, which
are based on highly gonadotoxic treatments (i.e., high dose alkylat-
4 DISCUSSION ing agents and/or TBI). For this reason, AML (which required HSCT in
about 80% of affected patients) is the HM most commonly associated
Our data, based on a single-center cohort, confirm that impairment of with LCF or POI.
gonadal function still represents a relevant complication after treat- TBI was found to be particularly harmful to the gonads. This
ments for pediatric HMs. result agrees with previous reports showing a very high prevalence of

TA B L E 3 Crude and adjusted effects on gonadal dysfunction in male HM survivors

Crude effects Adjusted effects

Spermatogenesis damage Leydig cell failure Spermatogenesis damage Leydig cell failure
Age at the first cancer
diagnosis (years) OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
0-4 1.00 . . 1.00 . . 1.00 . . 1.00 . .
5-9 1.12 [0.41-3.10] 0.820 0.38 [0.11-1.30] 0.121 1.09 [0.29-4.18] 0.896 0.24 [0.04-1.41] 0.114
≥10 1.44 [0.58-3.58] 0.437 0.21 [0.06-0.70] 0.011 1.11 [0.32-3.84] 0.865 0.13 [0.02-0.70] 0.018
None 1.00 . 1.00 .
a a
Any RT (except 10.58 [4.55-24.62] <0.001 NE 5.98 [2.31-15.45] <0.001 NE
a a
Abdominopelvic RT 23.32 [7.24-75.14] <0.001 NE 13.30 [3.73-47.41] <0.001 NE
Era of the first cancer diagnosis (years)
1990-1999 1.00 . . 1.00 . . 1.00 . . 1.00 . .
2000-2012 0.74 [0.39-1.38] 0.344 0.50 [0.18-1.39] 0.185 0.48 [0.20-1.17] 0.109 0.43 [0.11-1.69] 0.226
Cyclophosphamide- 1.73 [1.46-2.05] <0.001 1.62 [1.32-1.99] <0.001 1.52 [1.28-1.81] <0.001 1.34 [1.03-1.74] 0.032

Abbreviation: RT, radiotherapy.

NE, not estimable (all patients exposed to RT).
For each 1000 mg/m2 increase.
7 of 10

gonadal failure after exposure to TBI, in both males and females.29–33

The gonadal toxicity of ionizing radiation is confirmed by the effects of
abdominopelvic RT, that caused gonadal dysfunction in two thirds of
females and in over 80% of male survivors, about one half of the latter
showing both spermatogenesis damage and LCF.

P value



We observed a significant association between CED and the risk of
spermatogenesis damage, LCF, and POI. However, consistent with prior
reports,18 our data did not demonstrate a CED that was associated
with no risk of gonadal dysfunction. Indeed, we observed gonadal dys-
function after exposure to less than 4000 mg/m2 CED as well as normal

gonadal function in patients who received more than 8000 mg/m2 CED,



in both males and females.
95% CI

The risk to develop gonadal dysfunction was similar in recently

treated patients and in those who were treated earlier.
The age at cancer diagnosis was not a risk factor for POI or sper-
matogenesis damage. With the limitation of the small number of obser-
Adjusted effect

vations, sex hormone production seems to be more preserved when

anticancer treatments have been performed at an older age (> 10
years). Some studies reported an increased risk of POI in females




treated at an older age, probably due to the physiological decline in fol-

licle pool.25 Conversely, in male patients the currently available liter-
ature seems to exclude a role of age at treatments in predicting sper-
matogenesis damage or LCF.34
In male HM survivors, the prevalence of testosterone deficiency
increased over time and was preceded by increased LH plasma levels.
P value

Although the occurrence of new events over time is not surprising for


Crude and adjusted effects on premature ovarian insufficiency in female HM survivors

female patients, because ovarian failure typically occurs years after the
end of anticancer treatments, the finding that LCF occurred after the
age of 25 years and more than five years after the end of anticancer
treatment in about 25% of affected males is intriguing and suggests a
late deterioration of Leydig cell activity.



Our study has some limitations. First, some eligible patients were
95% CI

lost before or at the time of the transition from pediatric oncology to

our unit, and others refused to be followed for a long time after child-
hood cancer. This selection could affect the prevalence of gonadal dys-
Crude effect

function; however, it is hard to hypothesize the direction of bias. On

the other hand, the selection process should not influence the inter-




nal comparisons and then the estimated effect of the risk factors. The
significant difference in residence distribution between HM survivors
included in the study and those lost to follow-up was expected and
likely due to costs and difficulties in transportation for patients living
abroad or in an Italian region other than Piedmont. The differences
in distribution of age and cancer diagnosis could also cause some bias
Age at the first cancer diagnosis (years)

Era of the first cancer diagnosis (years)

when estimating the prevalence of gonadal dysfunctions.

Cyclophosphamide-equivalent dose
Any RT (except abdominopelvic)

Secondly, it was impossible to categorize patients on the basis

For each 1000 mg/m2 increase.
Abbreviation: RT, radiotherapy.

of pubertal status at the time of anticancer treatments, preventing

potentially interesting pathophysiological interpretation of our results.
Abdominopelvic RT

Moreover, in male HM survivors, the evaluation of spermatogenesis

on the basis of FSH and inhibin B levels provides only indirect infor-

mation about the fertility potential. Indeed, these parameters certainly

TA B L E 4

have a correlation with semen quality, but they demonstrated a subop-


timal ability to predict fertility (in particular, low specificity and positive
predictive value).35,36 Finally, semen analysis was performed only on a

small percentage of male patients, hampering highly specific diagnosis 10. Brignardello E, Felicetti F, Castiglione A, et al. Gonadal status in long-
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Group and Groupe d’Etude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte Cohort Study.
show the value of LH to predict subsequent LCF.
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14. Whitehead E, Shalet SM, Blackledge G, Todd I, Crowther D, Beardwell
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17. Anderson RA, Mitchell RT, Kelsey TW, Spears N, Telfer EE, Wallace
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How to cite this article: Felicetti F, Castiglione A ,Biasin E,
transplantation. Transplantation. 1983;36:252-255.
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