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1 Eksplorasi Alternatif Solusi

No. Penyebab Eksplorasi alternatif solusi
yang akan
1. Kemampuan Metode 1. Kajian Literatur
Speaking pembelajaran a) Role Play
siswa speaking yang (Improving the Students’ Speaking Ability through Role-Playing
rendah. kurang tepat. Technique)
( )
Huang in Umam (2011) concludes that role play is really a
worthwhile learning experience for both the students and the teacher.
Not only can students have more opportunities to "act" and "interact"
with their peers trying to use the English language, but also students'
English speaking, listening, and understanding will improve. Role
play lightens up the atmospheres and brings liveliness in the classes.
There are seven major steps in the procedure for the role play
activities. Those are
1) deciding on the teaching materials,
2) organizing the group of the students,
3) providing the situation and dialogue to be role played,
4) teaching the dialogue for role plays,
5) having the students practice the role plays,
6) having students modify the situation and dialogue, and
7) having the students perform the dialogue in front of the class.
Based on the result of the research, it was shown that the appropriate
procedure of role-playing technique gives beneficial contribution
both in improving the students’ speaking performance and improving
students’ self-confidence during the instructional process.
b) Three Step Interview
(Improving Students’ Speaking Skill of Descriptive Text by Using
Three-Step Interview Technique at Grade VIII.B of SMP N 2
( )
Kagan in Fussalam (2014) mentions that the procedure of three step
interview; Partner A interviews Partner B while Partner C records
important points of the response. Roles are rotated until all members
have been interviewed. Students, then, are directed to share the
information the got from the activity.
Based on the result of the research about improving students’
speaking skill of descriptive text by using three step interview at
grade VIII.B of SMPN 2 Sarolangun, it can be concluded that “Three
step interview” technique improves the students’ speaking skill on
descriptive text: it covered the improvement of speaking indicators in
term of content, grammar, fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary.
c) Two Stay Two Stray
(Metode Two Stay Two Stray Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan
Komunikasi Interpersonal)

Menurut Suyatno (dalam Putri, 2019) , Two Stay Two Stray adalah
dengan cara siswa berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan
kelompok lain. sintaknya adalah kerja kelompok, dua siswa bertamu
ke kelompok lain dan dua siswa lainnya tetap di kelompoknya untuk
menerima dua orang dari kelompok lain, kerja kelompok, kembali ke
kelompok asal, kerja kelompok, dan laporan kelompok.
Pernyataan tersebut didukung oleh penelitian Andi (dalam Putri
2019) bahwa pelaksanaan teknik Two Stay Two Stray membuat
siswa merasa lebih mudah membicarakan topik/persoalan yang
mereka hadapi kepada kelompok sebayanya, dimana mereka akan
lebih leluasa bergaul dan saling terbuka didalam bentuk diskusi yang
hangat dan akrab, sehingga mereka akan dapat saling bertukar
pikiran, pendapat dan pengalaman yang nantinya akan bermanfaat
bagi mereka sendiri.

2. Wawancara
a) Ahmad, S.S., M.Litt (Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris UIN
Alauddin), suggests that learning method of speaking for junior high
school students is Role Play. Students can be asked to perform drama
in a small group that can be directly practised in front of class.
Otherwise, students can also do small interview with a partner with
very simple topic like where they live, their hobby,etc. The other
method to improve speaking is storytelling. However, it depends on
the students level of ability.
b) Sukmawaty, S.Pd., Gr., CT.CSS (Guru SMP Laniang Makassar)
meyatakan bahwa teknik atau metode yang bisa digunakan untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan speaking siswa diantaranya dengan teknik
Imitating, Video/movie review, VoT (Voice over Talent)

2. Rendahnya Kurangnya 1. Kajian Literatur

kemampuan Penguasaan a) ”Hangman” game (Increasing Vocabulary Through Hangman
siswa dalam kosakata Game By Students’ Of SMPN 3 Makassar)
memahami bahasa Inggris
teks bacaan siswa. view/7390/5471
Bahasa Anngraini (2021) states that Hangman Game is the one of guessing
Inggris. games where one player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the
other tries to guess it by suggesting letters. Webster's online
dictionary defines Hangman Game as a guessing game where one has
to guess the word an opponent is thinking of by guessing one letter at
a time and involving the gradual drawing of a stick figure hanging
from the gallows.
b) Metode “Take and Give” (The Effect of Take and Give Model on
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery)
Suyatno, huda dalam hildayani (2020) states that Take and give
learning model is supported by the presentation of data that begins
with giving cards to students. In it, there are notes that must be
mastered or memorized by students. Then students look for partners
to exchange knowledge according to what they got in the card, then
the learning activities are ended by evaluating the success of students.
c) Metode “Word Square” game (Improving The Students’
Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Square Game At The Eighth
Grade Of SMP Dwijendra Denpasar In The Academic Year
Bertan (2019) states that one of the media that can improve
vocabulary mastery is word square game. In learning English, the
word square game has a big role in improving students’ improvement
in learning language, especially English. Roslinda in Bertan (2019)
stated that the use of Word Square Game in teaching vocabulary
mastery is increased, as evidenced by the scores obtained from test.
The score obtained after the test is more improved than the previous

2. Wawancara
a) Fathul Risyadi, S.Pd (Guru SMP Satap 8 Baraka) menyatakan
bahwa salah satu cara meningkatkan pengetahuan vocabulary siswa
yaitu dengan menggunakan “Top Five” game. Dalam permainan
“Top Five” ini, guru menyiapkan beberapa kata yang terkait dengan
pelajaran yang siswa pelajari. Kemudian, siswa dibagi kedalam
beberapa kelompok. Siswa kemudian diberi pertanyaan terkait
vocabulary yang sudah guru siapkan. Dengan permainan ini,
diharapakan pembelajaran vocabulary siswa bisa lebih kontekstual
karen langsung diterapkan dalam materi yang mereka pelajari.
b) Andi St Aldillah Khaeranah, S.S., M.Hum (Dosen Sastra Inggris
Unhas) menyatakan bahwa salah satu cara meningkatkan
kemampuan vocabulary siswa yaitu dengan media film berbahasa
Inggris. Selain itu, media lagu berbahasa Inggris juga dapat
digunakan untuk menambah kosakata siswa.
c) Sukmawaty, S.Pd., Gr., CT.CSS (Guru SMP Laniang Makassar)
meyatakan bahwa metode yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan
penguasaan vocabulary siswa yaitu dengan menerapkan metode
Drilling, Reading (identifying new words), gaming (matching,
hangman, etc)

3. Rendahnya Metode 1. Kajian Literatur

kemampuan pembelajaran a) Metode Pembelajaran SAVI
siswa dalam tenses yang (Model Pembelajaran Savi Dalam Pembelajaran Simple Present
memahami menggunakan Tense Kelas VIII SMPN 2 Nanga Pinoh)
tenses metode
klasikal. Ulina (2013) menyatakan bahwa Pembelajaran Somativ, Auditory,
Visual, and Intellectual (SAVI) pada mulanya dicetuskan oleh Dave
Meier. Pembelajaran SAVI adalah pembelajaran yang menekankan
bahwa belajar haruslah memanfaatkan semua alat indera yang
dimiliki siswa. Suyatno dalam Ulina (2013) menyatakan bahwa SAVI
adalah kependekan dari Somatic, Auditory, Visual and Intellectual.
b) Using Android Application
(Media Pembelajaran Tenses Untuk Anak Sekolah Menengah
Pertama Berbasis Android Menggunakan Construct 2)

Gullen dalam Laudhana (2020) menyatakan bahwa Construct 2
adalah sebuah tool berbasis Hyper Text Markup Languange (HTML)
5 untuk menciptakan sebuah game. Berbeda dengan tools lain yang
mengharuskan pemrogram menuliskan baris demi baris agar tercipta
sebuah objek, construct 2 sudah berbasis objek sehingga sangat
mudah dalam membuat objek-objek dan mengatur atribut-atribut dari
objek tersebut. Construct 2 juga memiliki fitur-fitur yang mudah
digunakan dan dimengerti oleh pemrogram pemula.
c) Using Climbing Grammar Mountain Game
(Improving Students’ Mastery on Simple Present Tense Through
Climbing Grammar Mountain Game) Fadila Taslim (2016)

Gunn and McCallum in Taslim (2016) introduce new game in
teaching Grammar namely Climbing Grammar Mountain Game.
Climbing Grammar Mountain Game is an easy game that is prepared
and adapted to the unique needs of different classrooms. The game
promotes learning opportunity and enthusiasm for the learners. In
implementing Climbing Grammar Mountain Game in the classroom
process, the teachers will focus on attaining two main objectives
(Gunn &McCallum, 2005; olageldili & Arikan, 2011). They are :
1) To improve students’‟ understanding of the fundamentals of
effective written communication, especially grammatical usage
and sentence construction.
2) To help the students learn from others through such activities as
peer review, team work, and group discussion.
2. Wawancara
a) Ahmad, S.S., M.Litt (Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris UIN
Alauddin) suggests that to improve students’ competence in
grammar is by asking them to read and memorize. We can give them
some English material or grammar literature to reand and then ask
them to use the grammatical knowledge when their perform speaking.
b) Sukmawaty, S.Pd., Gr., CT.CSS (Guru SMP Laniang Makassar)
meyatakan bahwa metode yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan grammar yaitu dengan beberapa teknik seperti grammar
Game, unscrumbled, and basket ball grammar.
4. Rendahnya Metode 1. Kajian Literatur
kemampuan pembelajaran a) Using Audio-Visual Media
Listening listening yang (The Use Of Audio-Visual Media To Improve Students’ Listening
Siswa. belum tepat. Skill)
Helgesen inParamesti (2021) stated that students are required to be
able to elaborate information that is heard with other information that
has already been known and interpret its meaning by integrating what
is heard with existing data in the brain . Morever, Paramesti (2021)
stated the teacher should have attractive teaching media for listening
to attract their students’ interest during the listening practice. One of
the media used in learning that is believed to increase students'
understanding and motivation is audio visual media.
b) Using Dictation Method (The Use Of Dictation Strategy To Teach
Listening Skill)

Nation and Newton in Saragih (2020) stated that listening is a

strategy or a technique where the students receive spoken input,
then hold it in their minds, then write it down. Moreover, it is
added that dictation has value of teaching technique. It means
that dictation is a good technique in teaching the students. By
using dictation, the students not only sit and listen to the material, but
also focus on the phrase, sentence, and clause that they listen to in
short-term memory and repetition.
c) Using Listen and Do method (Listen And Do In Listening Skill At
Elementary School)
Menurut Dina (2015) Listen and do merupakan metode dalam
pembelajaran listening. Aktivitas pembelajaran menggunakan listen
and do merupakan aktivitas yang menarik dengan memberikan
kesempatan pada siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan
berbahasa Inggris melalui aktivitas hands on activity. Penggunaan
listen and do dalam pengajaran bahasa mempunyai potensi yang
sangat besar dalam mengaktifkan siswa untuk memahami bahasa
asing yang dipelajarinya, termasuk bahasa Inggris. Listen and do
membuat siswa menjadi aktif dalam mempelajari bahasa dan secara
tidak sadar siswa menghafal kata yang sedang dipelajari melakukan
aktivitas bergerak.
2. Wawancara.
a) Andi St Aldillah Khaeranah, S.S., M.Hum (Dosen Sastra Inggris
Unhas) menyatakan bahwa salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan Listening siswa yaitu dengan memperdengarkan lagu
berbahasa Inggris. Dengan media seperti ini, siswa akan lebih enjoy
dalam berlatih untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listeningnya.
b) Ahmad, S.S., M.Litt (Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris UIN
Alauddin) states that to increase students’ skill in listening can be
done by using English song. Students not only are asked to
understand the meaning of the song, but also we can give them some
quiz. The quiz can be a blank lyric and the students are asked to fill
the blank. Beside that, we can give our students video to watch and
ask the to retell the information they get from the video.

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