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With Jobs Scarce And Energy Prices High, What Better Time Is There For Obamas EPA Administrator To Move Forward With Sweeping New Job-Killing Energy Regulations?

Obama Promised To Get Rid Of Regulations That Dont Make Sense. What I have done -- and this is unprecedented, by the way; no administration has done this before -- is I've said to each agency, 'Don't just look at current regulations or don't just look at future regulations, regulations that we're proposing. Let's go backwards and look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'" (President Barack Obama, Press Conference By The President, Washington, DC, 6/29/11)

EPA Set To Announce Today New Regulations On Coal Plants That Is Expected To Lead To Plant Closures. Ms. Jackson said she intended to go forward with new, tougher air- and water-quality rules, including those that address climate change, despite Congressional efforts to override her authority and even a White House initiative to weed out overly burdensome regulations. The first of these new rules is expected to be announced Thursday, imposing tighter restrictions on soot and smog emissions from coalburning power plants in 31 states east of the Rockies. The regulation is expected to lead to the closing of several older plants and will require the installation of scrubbers at many of those that remain in operation.
(John M. Broder, E.P.A. Chief Stands Firm As Tough Rules Loom, The New York Times, 7/5/11)

Two New EPA Regulations Will Slam The Coal Industry So Hard That Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs Will Be Lost, And Electric Rates Will Skyrocket 11 Percent To Over 23 Percent, According To A New Study Based On Government Data. (Paul Bedard, Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills, U.S. News & World Reports Washington Whispers, 6/8/11) In The Next Weeks And Months, Lisa P. Jackson, The Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Is Scheduled To Establish Regulations On Smog, Mercury, Carbon Dioxide, Mining Waste And Vehicle Emissions That Will Affect Every Corner Of The Economy. (John M. Broder, E.P.A. Chief Stands Firm As Tough Rules
Loom, The New York Times, 7/5/11)

Obamas New Flood Of Government Mandates Will Strike Particularly Hard At The Manufacturing
Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Sector. The new rules will roll out just as President Obamas re-election campaign is getting under way, with a White House highly sensitive to the probability of political damage from a flood of government mandates that will strike particularly hard at the manufacturing sector in states crucial to the 2012 election.
(John M. Broder, E.P.A. Chief Stands Firm As Tough Rules Loom, The New York Times, 7/5/11)

Regulations Will Affect 31 States East Of The Rockies. Ms. Jackson said she intended to go forward with new, tougher air- and water-quality rules, including those that address climate change, despite Congressional efforts to override her authority and even a White House initiative to weed out overly burdensome regulations. The first of these new rules is expected to be announced Thursday, imposing tighter restrictions on soot and smog emissions from coal-burning power plants in 31 states east of the Rockies. The regulation is expected to lead to the closing of several older plants and will require the installation of scrubbers at many of those that remain in operation. (John M. Broder, E.P.A.
Chief Stands Firm As Tough Rules Loom, The New York Times, 7/5/11)

American Electric Power To Close Power Plants To Comply With EPAs Regulations. Under the compliance plan, AEP would close down three power plants in West Virginia, one in Ohio and one in Virginia. The company would also retire some of the boilers at coal plants in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas and Virginia. (Gabriel Nelson, AEP Predicts Need To Shutter 25% Of Coal Fleet, The New York Times, 6/9/11) Study Finds That EPA Regulations Would Be The Most Expensive Ever Imposed And Will Lead To Substantial Job Losses. Two of the EPAs proposed regulations would be among the most expensive ever imposed by the agency on coal-fueled power plants, dramatically increasing electricity rates and natural gas prices leading to substantial job losses, according to a new analysis by National Economic Research Associates If enacted, the regulations would lead to nationwide employment losses totaling 1.44 million job-years by 2020 and increase Americans average electricity bills by 11.5 percent. In some parts of the United States, rates would climb by almost 24 percent. (Press Release, New Analysis Finds EPAs Power Plant Regulations Would
Increase Electricity Costs; Lose Jobs, Americas Power, 2011)

Even Obamas Union Allies Are Turning Against The Job-Killing Regulations. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, normally a White House Union ally, says the rule will destroy 50,000 jobs and another 200,000 down the supply chain. Thats more jobs lost than if Boeing went bust. (Editorial, The
EPAs War On Jobs: Coal Is From Earth, Lisa Jackson Is From Mercury, The Wall Street Journal, 6/13/11)


Electricity Rates Will Increase By Double Digits, Driving Up Utility Cost By Almost $18 Billion A Year. Clean-air rules proposed by the Obama administration will cost utilities $17.8 billion annually and raise electricity rates 11.5 percent on average in 2016, according to an analysis paid for by a coal-industry group.
(Jim Snyder, Air Rules To Cost Almost $18 Billion A Year, Coal Group Says, Bloomberg, 6/8/11)

In Some Parts Of The United States, Rates Would Climb By Almost 24 Percent. (Press Release, New
Analysis Finds EPAs Power Plant Regulations Would Increase Electricity Costs; Lose Jobs, Americas Power, 2011)

In Michigan, DTE Estimates Installing Scrubbers On Its Coal Plants Will Cost $2 billion, Which Will Be Passed On To Consumers In Higher Monthly Bills. (Editorial, Stop EPA from killing coal, The Detroit News,

Regulations Would Have Severe Impact In States That Are Already Struggling. Many of these severe impacts would hit families living in states already facing serious economic challenges, said Steve Miller, president of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. Because of these impacts, EPA should make major changes to the proposed regulations before they are finalized. (Paul Bedard, Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy
2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Bills, U.S. News & World Reports Washington Whispers, 6/8/11)

3 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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