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September 2022
Prayer Requests
"My faith has always been just
"Honestly, I don't know why
about checking boxes but I don't Pray that God would
Jesus died on the cross. I have
want it to be that. I want to continue to work in the
never fully understood that."
have a relationship with God." lives of Nicole, Maria
-Maria and all of the other
Nicole and Maria are two students that I have gotten the students that we have
opportunity to meet so far this year. They had expressed interest in had the opportunity to
Cru and so I got to sit down with them, alongside some UW Stout share the gospel with
student leaders, to get to know them. As each of these this fall.
conversations continued, God opened the door for us to walk
through the gospel and talk about what it means to have a Pray for Fall Retreat
relationship with God and how that is made possible through (October 7th - 9th).
Jesus alone. At the end of these conversations both Nicole and Pray that it would be
Maria were excited about getting to follow Jesus, grow in their encouraging weekend
faith and be a part of the community of Cru. Praise God! for students to connect
with God and with each
As my schedule has been full of meetings with new students, I other.
have felt nothing short of joy and gratitude. Students are seeking
to find approval, worth, and meaning and it is amazing getting to Pray that God would
share with them that they can look to Jesus to find all that they provide the additional
are looking for. I am praising God for connections with students, financial support that I
like Nicole and Maria, and am looking forward to see how God will am in need of. If you
continue to work in their lives to transform them into Christ- are interested in giving
centered multiplying disciples.

monthly, increasing
your current giving or
giving a one time gift, I
Every year UW- Stout holds a student would love to connect
organization fair called Backyard
with you.
Bash. At this event we give students
an opportunity to fill out a spiritual
interest survey for a chance to win In Christ,
some prizes. These surveys are one of
the main ways we connect with new Kristi Noreen
students in the fall. It was so fun
seeing our leaders engage with new 218-368-6722
students and we are still working on 304 E MacArthur Ave
following up with over 300 students! Eau Claire, WI 54701

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