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macro ergonomics

#assessing work system structure #1

Laboratorium Ergonomi dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja
Departemen Teknik Industri - ITS
assessing work system structure

macroergonomics macro ergonomics
analysis analysis and
of structure design
macroergonomic analysis of structure [MAS]

Haro and Kleiner (2008) mentioned 3

Major sociotechnical systems element :
― The technological Subsystem
― Personnel Subsystem
― Relevant external environment
tech – personel – relevant environment
[#1] the technological subsystem

Several determinant of technological subsystem:

a. By the mode of production (production tech.)
b. By the action individuals perform on an object to change it
(knowledge-based tech.)
c. By the way it reduces uncertainty (strategy for reducing
d. By the degree of automation and workflow rigidity (workflow
[#1] the technological subsystem
a. By the mode of production (production tech.)

― Scale of increasing technological complexity : Unit, Mass, and

Process Production.
― Highest the technological complexity : heavily automated
production firms.
― 3 organizational structure variables to increase as the increase of
technological complexity :
― the degree of vertical differentiation
― the optimal ratio of administrative support staff to industrial
line employees
― the span of control of the top-line managers
[#1] the technological subsystem
a. By the mode of production (production tech.)
[#1] the technological subsystem
b. By the action individuals perform on an object to change it
(knowledge-based tech.)

― Perrow (1967) developed a more generalizeable model that uses

knowledge based rather than a production classification scheme.
― 2 dimensions of knowledge based tech. :
― Task variability (the number of exceptions)
― Task analyzability (type of search procedures)

Task Variability
Routine with few High variety with
exceptions many exceptions
Well defined and
Problem analyzable
Analyzability ill defined and
[#1] the technological subsystem
b. By the action individuals perform on an object to change it
(knowledge-based tech.)

routine engineering
craft non-routine
[#1] the technological subsystem
c. By the way it reduces uncertainty
(technology uncertainty)

Thompson (1967) identified 3 types of technology:

― Long-linked (sequential interdependence of its units), such as :
automobile assembly line.
― Mediating (links clients on both input and output sides), such as: banks,
post offices, logistics, etc.
― Intensive (provides a customized response to a diverse set of
contingencies), such as: hospital
[#1] the technological subsystem

c. By the way it reduces uncertainty

(technology uncertainty)

Mediating Intensive
mediating – tech. uncertainty
[#1] the technological subsystem

d. By the degree of automation and workflow rigidity

(workflow integration)

― Workflow integration means automation of equipment

― For smaller organization : this factor was found weakly related to the
― For larger organization : as workflow increase, the specialization, the
formalization, the decentralization should be increased.
[#2] personel subsystem

― Three major characteristics of personel subsystem (Hendrick,

1977) :
― Degree of Professionalism
― Demographics factors (Graying of workforce, value system
shifts, cultural diversity, and women)
― Psychological aspects of workforces

― Personel subsystem selalu berkaitan dengan cognitive individu

yang nantinya akan berpengaruh pada pekerjaan.
[#2] personel subsystem

Organization structural design :

― Classical or Machine Bureaucracy (prosedur formal dan tugas rutin)
― Professional Bureaucracy (keahlian tinggi dan independensi)
― Adhocracies (informalitas dan independensi, e.g. advertising, media, etc)
― Matrix design
― Free-form design
― Modular form
― Virtual Organizations
matrix design/ organization
virtual organization
[#3] relevant external environment

5 types of external environment that affect organizational

functioning (Negandhi, 1977) :
― Socioeconomics
― Educational
― Political
― Cultural
― Legal
Environmental Uncertainty Dimensions
Degree of Change
Degree of Complexity Stable Dynamics
Simple Low Uncertainty Moderate-High Uncertainty
Complex Moderate-Low Uncertainty High Uncertainty
[#3] relevant external environment

Low Uncertainty Moderate-High Uncertainty

Moderate-Low Uncertainty High Uncertainty

call centre activity
macro ergonomics analysis and design

10 Framework untuk melakukan assessment dengan MEAD :

1. Scanning analysis
2. System type and Performance analysis.
3. Technical work process analysis.
4. Variance data collection.
5. Variance matrix analysis.
macro ergonomics
6. Variance control and role analysis.
analysis and
7. Organizational , joint and function design. design
8. Responsibility perception analysis
9. Support system & Interface design
10. Implement iterate and improve.
macro ergonomics analysis and design
1. Scanning analysis
mengidentifikasi elemen utama sistem. (input, output, batasan,
interaksi lingkungan, stakeholder, dan obyektif)

2. System type and performance analysis

mengidentifikasi ekspektasi performa dan kriteria performa untuk

3. Technical work process analysis.

melakukan flowcharting proses sistem dan mengidentifikasi unit
operasi. Menggunakan pendekatan participatory.

4. Variance data collection.

variansi (penyimpangan SOP) diidentifikasikan, diklasifikasikan,dan
dibuat matriks variansi

5. Variance matrix analysis.

matriks variansi dianalisa dan tabel kontrol dibuat.
macro ergonomics analysis and design

6. Variance control and role analysis.

role matrix mengidentifikasikan peranan (eksternal & internal) dan

7. Organizational, joint and function design.

mengontrol variansi melalui pengenalan sebuah intervesi atau
solusi. menggunakan pendekatan participatory.

8. Responsibility perception analysis

peran dan tanggung jawab dievaluasi melalui metode partisipatori.

9. Support system & Interface design

subsistem pendukung dievaluasi dan di desain ulang jika perlu.

10. Implement iterate and improve.

implementasi, iterasi , dan perbaikan perubahan. Dapat berupa
bentuk proposal yang berisi rekomendasi
small group discussion
small group discussion
[thank you]


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