Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables - Chapter End Worksheet

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Grade 10: Worksheet 2021-22



1. Find whether the following pair of linear equations is consistent or

inconsistent. (Ans: consistent)
2𝑥 − 6𝑦 = −5
4𝑥 − 12𝑦 + 10 = 0
2. Check whether the lines represented by the following pair of linear
equations in two variables are intersecting, parallel or coincident.
(Ans: Parallel)
4x = 2y + 6;
2x = y - 3
3. Find the number of solutions for the following pair of linear
equations in two variables. (Ans: One solution)
−2𝑥 − 𝑦 = 0;
3𝑥 − 5𝑦 + 10 = 0
4. Given a linear equation 5x-3y-9=0. Form another linear equation in
these variables such that the geometric representation of the pair
so formed is:
(i) intersecting lines
(ii) coincident lines
(iii) parallel lines
5. Solve the following pair of linear equations graphically:
x + 3y = 6 ; 2x – 3y = 12
Also find the area of the triangle formed by the lines representing
the given equations with y-axis. (Ans: Area=18 cm2)
6. Amit bought two pencils and three chocolates for ₹ 11 and Sumeet
bought one pencil and two chocolates for ₹ 7. Find the price of one
pencil and that of one chocolate. (Ans: Cost of a pencil=₹ 1, cost of
a chocolate=₹ 3)
7. A part of monthly Hostel charge is fixed and the remaining depends
on the number of days one has taken food in the mess. When Swati
takes food for 20 days, she has to pay ₹ 3000 as hostel charges
whereas, Mansi who takes food for 25 days pays ₹ 3500 as hostel
charges. Find the fixed charges and the cost of food per day. (Ans:
Fixed charge=₹ 1000, charge per day =₹ 100)
8. PISA Practice Question:
From Delhi station if we buy 2 tickets for station A and 3 tickets for
station B the total cost is ₹ 77. But if we buy 3 tickets for station A
and 5 tickets for station B the total cost is ₹124. What are fares
from Delhi to stations A to B?
(Ans: Fare from Delhi to A is ₹ 13 and fare from Delhi to B is ₹ 17).


9. For what value of k will the pair of equations have no solution?

3x + y = 1
(2k-l)x+ (k-l)y = 2k+l
(Ans: k=2)
10. Solve:
99x + 101y = 499;
101x + 99y = 501
(Ans: x=3, y=2)
11. Solve the equations graphically:
2x + y = 2;
2y-x = 4
What is the area of the triangle formed by the two lines and the line
y = 0? (Ans: 5 sq. units)
12. A number consists of two digits. When the number is divided by
the sum of its digits, the quotient is 7. If 27 is subtracted from the
number, the digits interchange their places, find the number.
13. Solve the following system of equations for x and y, where x≠1, y≠2.

(Ans: (4, 5) is the solution)

14. Determine the value of m and n so that the following pair of linear
equations have infinite number of solutions.
(2m – l)x + 3y = 5;
3x + (n- l)y = 2
17 11
(Ans: 𝑚 = , 𝑛 = )
4 5
15. Solve for x and y:
2(3x – y) = 5xy
2(x +3y) = 5xy
(Ans: x=2, y=1)


Steph and Jawad run their own businesses.
Steph and Jawad are gardeners.

Jawad’s total charge for a gardening job is:

 a fixed charge of 20 zeds plus
 an hourly charge of 30 zeds per hour.

Steph’s total charge for a gardening job is:

 a fixed charge of 30 zeds plus
 an hourly charge of 20 zeds per hour.
Jawad’s and Steph’s total charges, c, relates to, h, the number of
hours they spend on a job. Find c and h.
(Ans: c=50 units, h=1 hour)
17. Find the solution of the pair of equations:
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦
+ − 1 = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 + = 15. Hence, find λ, if y = λx + 5. (Ans: -1/2)
10 5 8 6
18. For which values of a and b will the following pair of linear
equations have infinitely many solutions?
x + 2y= 1
(a – b)x + (a + b)y = a + b – 2
(Ans: a=3, b=1)
19. Solve the following pair of linear equations:

(Ans: 𝑥 = 𝑎2 , 𝑦 = 𝑏 2 )
20. If (x + 1) is a factor of 2x3 + ax2 + 2bx + 1, then find the values of a
and b given that 2a – 3b = 4. (Ans: a=5, b=2)
21. The angles of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD are ∠A = (6x + 10)°, ∠B
= (5x)°, ∠C = (x + y)° and ∠D = (3y – 10)°. Find x and y and hence
the values of the four angles. (Ans: ∠A, ∠B, ∠C, and ∠D are 130°,
100°, 50° and 80°, respectively)
22. Determine, graphically, the vertices of the triangle formed by the
lines y = x, 3y = x and x + y = 8. (Ans: (0, 0), (4, 4) and (6, 2))
23. Ankita travels 14 km to her home partly by rickshaw and partly
by bus. She takes half an hour, if she travels 2 km by rickshaw,
and the remaining distance by bus. On the other hand, if she
travels 4 km by rickshaw and the remaining distance by bus, she
takes 9 minutes longer. Find the speed of the rickshaw and of the
(Ans: The speed of rickshaw and the bus are 10 km/h and 40
km/h, respectively).

24. PISA Practice Question:

Michael wants to make a rectangular pond on the road side for
the purpose of providing drinking water for street animals. The
area of the pond will be decreased by 3 square feet if its length is
decreased by 2 ft. and width is increased by 1 ft. Its area will be
increased by 4 square feet if the length is increased by 1 ft. and
width remains same. Find the dimensions of the pond.
(Ans: Length of rectangular pond = 7 ft, width of rectangular pond
= 4 ft)
25. Case study based:
i) (a)
ii) (d)
iii) ( b)
iv) ( c)
v) ( c)

Lab Activity to be done in the Math Record Book

ACTIVITY-1: Pair of Linear Equations in two Variables.

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