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2D Sketching
❖ Introduction
Solid works is a computer aided design (CAD) software
Parametric feature-based system allows you to create 2D, 3D parts and
It uses principle of parametric design and generates three kinds of
interconnected files:
1. Part
2. Assembly
3. 2D drawing

❖ File selecting
➢ The opening

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➢ To start your sketch

1. first select new or you can use keybord (ctrl+n)

2. you have many options but lets start with sketching by choose part

3. We have this window and from here we will start sketching

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4. In the first before you start anything you should choose

Measurement units from the lower bar (unit system)

5. Now you can start and start with selecting sketch to start your


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❖ Choosing the plan

1. you can choose the plan by click on the plan you want

2. you can click on Feature Manger design Tree then choose the plan you

3. Now you can start your sketch by using some orders

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❖ Line
You can choose it form the bar and you can use (L) in keyboard
✓ Line
✓ Center line
✓ Midpoint line
To draw a line after choosing the command
select any point in the sketch as the first
(start) point in the line then choose the
second point now you draw the first line you
should click (Esc) in your keyboard to finish your line but if you want
to continue by choosing a third point you will make a second
connected line with the first line.

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If you want to specific line not as you sketch

you can do it from property manager you
can choose the property of the line if you
want it horizontal, vertical or with angle
and its options, if you want it centerline
choose for construction and if you need it
with infinite length or midpoint line
For example
you can make a center line, horizontal and
its length is 50 mm
as you know, you will choose command line
then select these options (A) then you will
choose the start point of the line and
choose the line will be in the left or right this point (B).



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❖ Rectangle
After choosing the command of rectangle, you will have many options in
the property manager

➢ You can draw the rectangle with two points that are corner


➢ You can draw the rectangle with the center of the rectangle
and one corner



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➢ You can draw the rectangle with 3




➢ Draw the rectangle with the center point as the first point and
the second point is the midpoint of its side and the last point is
it’s corner






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➢ And you have an option to draw a Parallelogram with 3 points

of its corners

1st 2nd


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❖ Circle
➢ first select the Circle command from the top bar then choose
the type of circle you want to draw

➢ You can draw the circle by determining

its center and its radius or by using its center and a known
point in the outline of the circle



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➢ And you can draw it using 3 points on the outline of the circle
for example, we can use the 3 edges of the tringle as a 3 point of the circle (Draw
a circle on the boundary of the triangle)
1. You need first to draw the tringle with 3 lines
2. then choose the second type of circle




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❖ Slot Type
The Slot Type box provides four selections.
First you can add the dimensions if you want it, and
you have two types of dimensions you can use the
have same method in the width (radius of the
slot) but different method in the length

1. The length of the first type is measured

from the distance between the two centers 2nd

of the start circle and end circle

2. The length of the second type is measured

between the top point of the two circles



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➢ Straight Slot. Sketch a three-point slot.


1st 2nd
1st 2nd

Then you can put the dimension from the parameters menu

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➢ CenterPoint Straight Slot. Sketch a three-point slot located at

an Origin or CenterPoint.
1. Choose the first point to make it the center of the slot
2. Then you will have a midpoint centerline so
you should choose the second point
3. Choose the third point and it defines the
radius of the circle

1st 2nd



Then you can put the dimension from the parameters as usual

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➢ 3 Point Arc Slot. Sketch a four-point arc


Let’s make this type on a circle for example

as the angel of inclined line is 135 degrees

1. Choose the first point in the circle as shown in the figure

2. And choose the second as the figure too
3. Choose the circle as the arc of the slot
4. choose the radius that you want

3rd 2nd 2nd



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❖ Arc
➢ CenterPoint Arc Sketch Entity
For example, let’s make two perpendicular lines have the
same length

1. The first point is the center of the arc

2. The second is the radius of the arc and it is considered as the first
point of the arc

1st 2nd

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3. The third point is the end point of the arc


1st 2nd

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➢ Tangent Arc Sketch Entity

1. The first point is the start of the arc


2. the second point is the end point of the arc

1st 2nd

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➢ 3 Point Arc Sketch Entity



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❖ Polygon
you can draw any polygon with any number of sides
that as you can choose the number of sides in

then you must choose if it is inscribed circle or

circumscribed circle

inscribed circle

1. The first point is the center of the polygon


2. The second point is one of its edges

1st 2nd

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❖ Ellipse
First you should make center lines for construction
to make ellipse

then determine the dimensions of these lines and make the length taller than the

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Then ok ...

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❖ Fillet & Chamfer

➢ Fillet

1. In the entities to fillet you should select the

two coincident lines that you want to make
the fillet between them

2. Determine the radius of the fillet

3. Select dimension each fillet if you want put

dimensions automatically

4. Select (keep constrained corners) to keep

the dimensions of the sides

• Without selecting keep constrained note the 50 mm distance disappear

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• With selecting keep constrained note it keeps the dimension

➢ Chamfer

First you can select the Distance-distance and Equal distance that
make chamfer removes the same length that you determine with
both sides

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you can select the Distance-distance without Equal distance that make chamfer
removes the two different length that you determine with both sides
for example, cut from side 10 mm and the second 5 mm

you can select the Angle-distance without Equal distance that make chamfer
removes the two different length that you determine with both sides
for example, cut from side 10 mm and have a
30-degree angle

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❖ Trim
In general trim option means cutting or removing the unnecessary parts
that you do not need after intersecting two drawing together
And in solid we have 5 ways to trim but we will talk about 2 and these are
the easiest that we will use

Firstly, to know the trim option from the tool bar, and choose trim entities

And then it will show up the 5 ways to trim

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➢ Power trim
And here you just press on the left click on your mouse and drag it
into the shapes you want to remove

For example, I want to remove the horizontal line in this shape

and save the outer line

I click on power trim then drag my mouse to the entities I do not


➢ Trim to closest
And here you just select the entities you don’t wand and it
automatically remove it till the closest point

For example, I want the outer line of these two circles

So, the goal is removing the 2 arcs inside

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So I just select the option trim from tool bar then choose trim to
The click in the first arc and it will be removed, then the second arc

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❖ Mirror
In this order you will copy an object you draw with same distance to
another side about a line you choose
Let’s see that more specific.

Here I want to copy that circle with same radius and distance to the line the
other side of the line

I will use mirroring in this situation

So, where I can find mirror order. in the upper tool bar at the top of your

After selecting it, a table of property will appear in the left of your page
sketch and has two boxes
First one is selecting your entities (the drawing you want to copy)

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The second box is mirror about (you choose the line you want to copy to its
other side)

Then it will show a preview with yellow color of the order if you want it like

Then you will click the check mark in the properties table to confirm it

And it will be copied

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❖ Sketch Patterns
➢ Linear pattern
And here the word pattern means a copy or more than 1 copy of an
object you draw, and linear means copying it across the axis x or y

for example, I want to make a copy a pattern of this circle linearly in

the two axis

1. First, select the circle

2. Then choose linear sketch pattern and this order

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3. After selecting this option, you will see a preview with yellow
color of the pattern

To make this pattern, you will use the properties table on

the left of the page and determine the distance between
every two circles in x axis and y axis and you can change
the direction of the pattern with the two arrows and the 5

same in y axis

4. Then determine the number of the iteration of the circle in x axis

and y axis
And to confirm click on the green check mark

Then you will have your linear pattern in

x & y axis

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➢ Circular pattern
Same with the linear pattern in the meaning our goal here is making
number or copies of an object but in a circular sequin

For example, this circle I want to make 5 more same circles all around
with equal distances

After selecting the circle you will choose the circular pattern

Then it will show you a preview with yellow color of the pattern you

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Then to change the number of patterns from the properties table

change he number to any

Then confirm

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❖ Offset

This tool can be used to make a copy of your object at a specific distance
or when you want to make a frame to your object. Frame with the same
shape and center

Copy for line

Frame of slot

First select the object you want to make a offset for it and determine the
distance between the copy and the original
• Add dimensions, you choose this option if you want to put the dimensions
automatically between the object and its frame

• Reverse, this option gives you the freedom to

choose the direction of the copy of frame (if the
frame is inside the object or outside the object)

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• Select chain, this option if you want to make a copy for a closed shape like a
With select chain
Without select chain

• Bi-directional, this gives you two copies at the two direction or make two
frames inside and outside the object

• Cap ends, you can use this option only in open shapes like the line as it
connects the end of the copy and the original with
1. Arc

2. Line

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• Base geometry, this option makes a copy of your original shape and make
the original shape construction (make all lines centerline)

• Offset geometry, it is the opposite of Base geometry as it is making a

construction copy

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❖ smart dimension
it is the most important tool in solid works
because it allows you to define your draw

if you don’t use smart dimension on your

drawing the dimension of you draw can change easily so you should use this
tool if you want specific dimensions

• To determine the dimension of line

1. Select smart dimension
2. Then click one left click on the line you want to put dimension on

3. Then you have the dimension arrow, and you can put it where you
want by clicking a left click in the place you want to put dimension
at (It is preferred to place the arrow away from the drawing)

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4. Then, modify options will open and you can change the
dimension in distance options

For example, you can make this random distance 50 mm

So, let’s change the distance to be 50 mm

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• to determine the diameter of the circle is the same way of the line

• To determine the angle between two lines

1. After selecting the smart dimension tool, you should click one click
on the first line
2. This will give you the linear dimension arrow but now we don’t need
it so click another one left click on the second line this will give you
the angle arrow

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3. Follow the same steps of the linear dimension

• Finally, you can use it to determine any distance between any two points

➢ Fully defined sketch

We have to achieve a fully defined sketch (geometry) by setting every
dimension using smart dimensions option.
Blue lines are under defined
Black lines are fully defined

➢ Over defined sketch

There are two types of dimensions
Driving dimension: it controls the dimension
Driven dimension: can’t change the dimension
Yellow lines are over defined
Lines turned to yellow when it has two driving dimensions

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