PSIR Paper 1 - UPSC - 2022 - Detailed Analysis

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2022 BY

OnlyIAS Nothing Else




PSIR Paper 1 SEC A Questions Topic of the Level of PYQ Related to the topic
syllabus question
1A Systems approach Political theory Easy 2011 (significance of the
[Behaviouralism] behavioral revolution in
2021 (importance of the
behavioral Approach)
1B Cultural relativism Human rights + Moderate 2010 Critically examine the
Current affairs cultural relativist approach
to human rights.
1C Revolution in Permanence Marxism + Difficult to 2020 Marx's concept of class
Maoism interpret 2021 Marx's concept of
Marx’s topic is in a
continuing trend for three
1D Bases of power Political theory Easy 2020 nature-significance of
[Power] + power
Western Pol
1E Locke’s social contract Locke + Rights Easy Earlier ques were on natural
rights- now it has been
asked on social contract
2A Factors like community, culture and nation Neo-Liberalism Difficult 2016- "The Political ideology
weaken the hegemony of neo-liberalism of Globalization is Neo-
today. Discuss liberalism"
2B Equality of estates caused equality of power, Western Pol Difficult Not asked earlier.
and equality of power is liberty. Comment. thought + It is based on a new trend
Political theory
2C Elitist theory of democracy denies the Theory of Moderate Earlier the theme centered
possibility of democracy as ‘rule of the democracy around deliberative,
people’. Elucidate. participatory,
representative democracy.
In 2000 there is one
question on pluralist theory
Now decades later in 2022,
elitism is the theme
3A Examine the liberal theory of state in Theory of state Easy to post-colonial, neo-liberal is
contemporary politics. moderate mostly the theme of the /+91-7007931912

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area, and a new shift is on
the liberal theory of state
3B Human Rights are complex and contested Human rights + Easy to Human Rights is one of the
social practice that organizes relations Current affairs moderate most favorite topics of
between individuals, society and the state. UPSC. There is at least one
Comment. que every year on this topic.
3C Individualism is inherent in Hobbes Western Political Easy Every year, western and
Absolutist ideology. Comment. thought [Hobbes] Indian thinkers are being
asked alternatively.
4A Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of social justice leads to Western and Easy to 2020: Rawls vs Greek justice
‘egalitarian justice’ as compared to Rawls’ Indian political moderate 2021: Rawls justice
‘justice is fairness’ which aims at the notion thought [needs
of ‘pure procedural justice’. Comment. linkage]
4B The panchayats with Gram Sabha should be Gandhi’s Idea of Easy to 2012 question was asked on
so organized as to identify the resources decentralization moderate the same theme
locally available for the development in [Needs Then after 10 years 2022
agricultural and industrial sectors. Examine conceptual Gandhi's idea of self-
the statement in the context of Gram swaraj. clarity] governance has been asked
4C Examine the entitlement theory of justice. Justice Moderate Normally, there have no
ques on Nozick + asked after
a long time

Trend of PSIR Paper 1 Sec A as compared to last 5 Years- /+91-7007931912

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Levels of questions in Paper 1 Sec A

Analysis of Paper 1 Sec A

Ø There has been a trend change in the paper as compared to last few years. The level of question is
certainly increasing and is testing the candidates more than earlier.
Ø There have been several fused and integrated questions which require cross-sectional linkage and
holistic understanding of the subject.
Ø Number of direct and theoretical questions have been on the rise which shows the importance of
covering the basics of the syllabus religiously.
Ø Central theme of the topic has been asked in various questions.
Ø The role of current affairs has increased in Paper 1 sec A- which was earlier considered a static paper.
Various questions have been motivated by the Current happenings.
Ø The size of the questions has although decreased but the holitistical coverage is still the same as
Ø Rising Political Theory - The trend line of Theory part related with the Political Theory has gained more
weight as well as it kept its past trend keeping the number of questions more than 5. This shows that
you should not miss the theory aspect of Paper 1 Part A at all.
Ø The reducing relevance of WPT – The Western Political Thought has hit its bottom low this time with
the lowest number of questions in the last 3 years. Also, the level of the questions were quite low
asking very straight forward questions. /+91-7007931912

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Ø Sidelined IPT as usual – Indian Political Thought this time followed the same trend of keeping a low
side in the PSIR mains paper with a handful of 2 questions. Though despite low profile, the questions
were not an easy nut to crack. The questions were twisted to make you think deep about the correct
form of judgement about the theme of the question.
Ø The analytical part – It remained on the higher note but the most significant aspect was that the level
of the questions this time increased a bit on the difficulty part as it becomes difficult for the aspirant to
attack both straight forward as well as analytical questions on a single go.


PSIR Paper 1 SEC A Questions Topic of the Level of PYQ Related to the topic
syllabus question

5A Analyse the workers movement in India in Freedom Easy No question on workers

the pre-independence period. struggle contribution in past + Earlier,
ques were on social
5B The preamble of Indian constitution reflects Salient Easy + No ques asked earlier on
itself as a ‘social contract’. Elucidate. features needed cross- comparative analysis- shows
[Preamble] referencing the new trend in the paper
with Sec A
5C Legislative council is a house without any Role and Easy New section of the syllabus
effective powers. Comment. functions of asked in the paper + no ques
parliament + on this topic in the past
5D How far is the NCBC an empowered body? Statutory Easy to This que has been asked
Assess its role in the context of rising institutions moderate because of the recent
demand for backwardness among dominant amendment- no ques on
communities. NCBC in the past + ques have
been on NCSC, NCW, NCM
5E High concentration of economic activities Planning and Moderate to 2016- Pol theory of economic
and consumption patterns in post- economic tough [needs growth was asked.
liberalization period has led to the failure of development deeper
environmental movements in India. analysis]
6A Electoral behavior of voters is governed Caste, religion Easy Every year there is at least 1
more by the social and economic factors and ethnicity que- where the factors are
than the political factors. Explain. asked- on which electoral
behavior depends
6B The doctrine of basic structure of Salient Easy 2019- Ques asked on basic
constitution has enhanced the power of features structure + these are inter-
judicial review of the supreme court. [Judicial related topics that has been
Examine. review] asked more this year
6C Discuss the compositions and functions of Salient Easy Ques on Inter-state council
the Inter-state council. To what extent has features + has also become an
important area. Ques have /+91-7007931912

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this body been successful in achieving its principal been asked in 2019 and 2020
objectives. organs on this.
7A Examine the unique features of the 73rd Grassroot Easy There have been many ques
constitutional amendment. Do you think democracy from this topic + this topic is
this amendment would contribute in always an important for the
achieving the goal of empowerment of examination
marginalized sections of the society?
7B The speaker represents the freedom and Role and Moderate + This is a relatively newer
dignity of the house. Examine. Functions of non- trend.
parliament traditional
7C Discuss the policy initiatives of the 14th Panning and Difficult No questions have been
Finance commission aimed towards economic asked on 14th FC in the past +
promoting and strengthening agricultural development + this shows a new area from
development in India. statutory which ques was asked this
institutions year
8A Ethnicity is the underlying cause which Caste, religion Easy to There have been various
poses a great challenge in the resolution of and ethnicity moderate ques where caste, religion
the problems in the north-east region of and ethnicity have been
India. Comment. linked to democracy and its
8B The making of the Indian constitution is Making of Easy There have been various
described as an attempt towards ‘social Indian ques on comparing Indian
revolution’. Comment. constitution constitution making to
different revolutions.
8C How far is it correct that the regional parties Party system Easy 2018- there was ques on
have strengthened Indian democracy and regional parties and its
federal systems? Substantiate your answer impacts
with suitable examples. /+91-7007931912

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Trend of PSIR Paper 1 Sec B as compared to last 5 Years-

Topic wise breakup of the questions

Levels of questions in Paper 1 Sec B /+91-7007931912
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Analysis of Paper 1 Sec B

Ø The paper was on a highly analytical note. Most of the questions were demanding an analysis from
the candidate based on what he/she has studied and asking him/her to present in a valid format.
Ø Theory questions drastically declined– though the base of the answer remained on the theoretical
aspect for substantiating the analytical part. But this time question paper went on a high note of
understanding than jut rote learning the static aspects.
Ø Institution building– This time, the number of questions from the institutions syllabus also increases
which were on the difficult side asking you to substantiate greater aspects of the topic.
Ø Other topics – remained on the balanced note having a mixed view of answering as well as the trend
was also at the same quantity of asked questions in the last 3-5 years.

Ø Theory is the King – do not miss the theoretical aspect of Paper 1 part A.
Ø Practice is the most important key to attempt the paper well.
Ø Don’t skip understand the core aspect of the syllabus
Ø Paper 1 part A will either make or break your score – So please try to focus more on the analysis
aspect than just covering the notes from head to toe. /+91-7007931912

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Ø Try to read the news as much as possible as it will help in answering the Institutions aspect of the
paper where most of the candidates have less hold as well as content.
Ø Do the Head-to-Toe analysis – of every aspect of the syllabus and not leave it for others to provide you
this. You have to tighten your seatbelt to cover every single topic in the most basic as well as the most
advanced fashion as it will help your understanding and grasp power.
Ø History repeats, so does PSIR - Practice the PYQs thoroughly as possible – as UPSC do repeat the
§ For e.g. – 2018 question- Critically analyze the ethnic conflicts in North-East India.
§ The same was asked in the 2022 in a similar fashion. Though this time it had a touch of the current
affairs aspect.
§ 2022 Question- Ethnicity is the underlying cause which poses a great challenge in the resolution of the
problems in the north-east region of India. Comment.
Ø Only IAS Mains Test Series has been seen to touch the level of 2022 UPSC PSIR mains paper to a very
great extent. We will be launching how the practice questions were reflected in the UPSC paper. /+91-7007931912

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