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How to become a Successful team leader by the indeed editorial team

Group 12

Names: Mary Guardia (Leader) 8-1000-1974 Group: ISF-704

Yamar Camarena 8-1000-2129
Walter Nuñez 20-0070-7391

a) Choose and copy-paste two affirmative statements (from the section that was given
to you). If your section has a hyperlinked text, one of your sentences must be from that
text. (2 points)

1. Much like critical thinking and conflict resolution, this soft skill will help increase your
value as an employee.
2. Active listeners use verbal and non-verbal techniques to show and keep their
attention on the speaker.

b) Write two information questions for each sentence, from item “a”. (2 pts.)

1. What other skills can help increase one's value as an employee?

A/ Both critical thinking and conflict resolution can help increase one's value as an
2. Who uses different techniques to keep the attention on the speaker?
A/ Active listeners use different techniques to keep the attention on the speaker.

c) Write two yes/no questions for each sentence with their corresponding short answers,
from item "a"
1- Can active listening help me increase my value as an employee?
A/ Yes, it can.
2- Do active listeners use verbal and non-verbal techniques to show and keep their
attention on the speaker?
A/ Yes, they do.

d) Write a negative sentence for each statement. From item “a”

1. Despite the similarities it shares with critical thinking and conflict resolution,
active listening won't help increase my value as an employee.
2. Since applying verbal or non-verbal techniques has no effect on the speaker's
attention, active listeners won't use them.
e) Write two new vocabulary words from the article and do the follow:
1. Thoughtfully
2. Engaged
•Provide the definition from an English-English dictionary. (4pts)
R/ Thoughtfully: With consideration for the needs of other people.
Engaged: 1. Promised to be married
2. Busy with some activity
•Provide the Spanish equivalent of the words. (2pts)
R/ Thoughtfully: Pensativamente
Engaged: Comprometido, ocupado.

•Provide the link of the dictionary you used. (1pt)

Active Listening skills for Successful Communication

Group 12

Names: Mary Guardia (Leader) 8-1000-1974 Group: ISF-704

Yamar Camarena 8-1000-2129
Walter Nuñez 20-0070-7391

1. What is active listening?

A/ Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker, understand their message
and information, and respond attentively.

2. Why is active listening important in the workplace?

A/ In case you are looking for a new job opportunity, these skills can help you.

Some of them we can mention:

Þ It helps you build connections: This can help open up opportunities to collaborate
with others, get work done quickly or start new projects.

Þ It helps you build trust: This is especially helpful when meeting a new customer
or business contact with whom you want to develop a long-term working

Þ It helps you identify and solve problems: Actively listening to others will help you
detect challenges and difficulties others are facing, or problems within projects.

Þ It helps you increase your knowledge and understanding of various topics: Active
listening helps you retain information, it will also help you better understand new
topics and remember what you’ve learned so you can apply it in the future.

Þ It helps you avoid missing critical information: Because active listeners are highly
engaged with the speaker, they’re able to recall specific details.

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