NCM 107j Course Outline Mat Ped

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing


COURSE This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the nursing
DESCRIPTION care of individuals and families during childbearing and childrearing years toward
health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and
rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate and holistic
nursing care to clients utilizing the nursing process.
COURSE CREDIT Theory: 4 units (72 hours); RLE: Skills Lab – 2 units (102 hours); Clinical: 3 units (153
CONTACT 72 hours theory ; 102 hours skills laboratory; 153 hours clinical RLE
INSTRUCTIONAL Asynchronous (Self-paced)
DELIVERY Synchronous (Online)
Academic Consultation (Synchronous, Asynchronous)
Platforms Eclass, Zoom, Google Classroom, FB Messenger


MAT 1 & I. Reproductive and Sexual Health

MAT 2 A. Concept of Unitive and Procreative Health
B. Female/ Male Reproductive System
C. Physiology of Menstrual Cycle
D. Human Sexuality
E. Responsible Parenthood
Evidence-based Practice in Maternal and Child Health

MAT 3 & II. Care of the Mother and the Fetus during the Perinatal Period
MAT 4 A. Prenatal Care/Ante Partum/Pregnancy
a. Assessment
1. Care of the Mother
- Antenatal visit, initial Prenatal Visit & Health History
- History of current pregnancy (EDD, AOG, gravid, para), previous pregnancies
and Outcomes (TPAL score), gynecologic history, medical history, nutritional
- Normal Diagnostic/laboratory findings and deviations
1. Pregnancy Test
2. Urine Test
3. Blood Test (CBC)
4. Ultrasound
• Normal Changes during pregnancy
a) Local and systemic physical changes
b) Psychological and emotional changes including “angers in
c) Psychosocial Adaptation to Pregnancy
d) Common Discomforts and Danger signs of Pregnancy
e) Prenatal Exercises
b. Nursing Diagnosis
c. Planning and Intervention
• Birthing Plan
- Preparation for Labor and Delivery
- Childbirth Education Courses
- Pain Management
d. Evaluation
e. Documentation

2. Care of the Fetus

a) Process of Conception
b) Fetal Circulation
c) Confirmation of Pregnancy
a. Presumptive
b. Probable
c. Positive
d) Stages of Fetal Development
• Assessment
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
• Development and functions of the Placenta and Fetal Membranes
MAT 5 B. Intrapartal Care/ Intrapartum / Process of Labor & Delivery
a. Assessment
1. Process of Birth
2. Factors affecting labor & delivery process: Passenger (fetus & placenta),
Passage (pelvis), Power (primary and secondary), Psyche
3. Functional relationships of presenting part
a. Fetal Presentation
b. Cephalic: Vertex (Occiput), Brow, Face/chin
c. Breech: Frank breech, Full (complete) breech, Footling breech: single
footling, double footling
d. Shoulder
e. Attitude: Complete flexion, Moderate flexion, Poor flexion
f. Fetal lie: Longitudinal lie, Transverse lie
g. Position
h. Station
i. Engagement
4. Theories of Labor Onset
5. Common signs of labor
• Normal Labor
- Premonitory signs of labor
- False labor VS True Labor
- Stages of Labor
- Labor mechanisms
- Common discomforts of the woman during labor & delivery
- Danger signs during labor and Delivery
b. Nursing Diagnosis
c. Planning and Intervention
• Care of the clients experiencing labor and delivery process
• Physical and psychological preparation of the client
• Monitoring progress of labor
• Early essential and Newborn Care (EENC)
• Provision of personal hygiene, safety & comfort measures e.g. Perineal
care, management of labor pain, bladder and bowel elimination.
• Coping mechanisms of woman's partner and family of the stresses of
pregancy, labor and delivery & puerperium
• Preparation of the labor and delivery room
d. Evaluation
e. Documentation

MAT 6 C. Postpartal Care/ Postpartum

a. Assessment
1. Mother
• Physiologic changes on the mother
✓ Retrogressive changes
✓ Progressive change
✓ Nursing care to encourage physiologic involution
• Psychological changes on the mother
• Phases of puerperium
✓ “Taking In”
✓ “Taking Hold”
✓ “Letting Go”
b. Nursing Diagnosis
c. Planning and Intervention
- Monitoring of vital signs, uterine involution, amount & pattern of lochia,
emotional responses, responses to drug therapy, episiotomy healing
- Nursing care of mothers during postpartum
o Safety measures: limitations in movement, protection from falls, provision of
adequate clothing, wound care e.g. Episiotomy
o Comfort measures: exercises, initiation of lactation, relief of discomforts
like : breast engorgement, nipple sore, hygienic measures, maintaining
adequate nutrition
o Measures to prevent complication: ensuring adequate uterine contraction to
prevent bleeding, adequate monitoring (B/P & V/S), early ambulation,
prompt referral for complications
o Support for the psychosocial adjustment of the mother
o Health teaching needs of mother, newborn, family
o Health beliefs & practices of different cultures in pregnancy, labor,
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
o Current trends in maternal and child care
d. Evaluation
- Possible complications during postpartum: bleeding, Infection
- Preparation for discharge
e. Documentation
- Accurate documentation and reporting as needed
I. Growth and Development
A. Theoretical Approaches to the Growth and Development of Children
B. Definition
✓ Growth
✓ Development
✓ Maturation
✓ Psychosexual Development
✓ Cognitive Development
C. Foundations of GD
D. Developmental Age Periods
✓ Methods of studying GD –cross-sectionals, longitudinal
✓ Biologic growth & development
✓ Principles of growth & development (GD)
✓ Major factors influencing GD
✓ Patterns of GD
E. Theories of Child development
✓ Psychosexual Theory (Freud)
✓ Psychosocial Theory (Erickson)
✓ Cognitive Theory (Piaget)
✓ Moral Theory (Kohlberg)

PED 2 II. Nursing Care of the Newborn

A. Immediate Care of the Newborn
1. Profile of the newborn
✓ Physiologic function & appearance
✓ APGAR score, Ballard’s score, Review of systems, Anthropometric
measurements (weight, head, chest, abdomen circumference, length,
other relevant measures)
✓ Vital signs, patent airway
✓ Behavioral assessment & other significant information
✓ Newborn screening
2. Nursing care of the Newborn
✓ Establishment of respiration
✓ Maintaining Patent Airway
✓ Regulation of Temperature
✓ Sensory stimulation (audio/tactile)
✓ Growth and development – biologic, developmental milestones,
psychosexual, psychosocial, cognitive, spiritual

PED 3 III. Nursing Care of the Infant

A. Growth and development of the infant
✓ Biologic
✓ proportional changes and maturation of systems
✓ developmental milestones – gross and fine motor
✓ psychosocial development
✓ cognitive development
✓ development of social image
✓ temperament
B. Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development – separation
anxiety, teething colic
C. Promotion of health during infancy
D. Prevention of injury
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
PED 4 IV. Nursing Care of the Toddler
A. Growth and Development of the toddler
✓ Biologic
✓ Developmental milestones
✓ Psychosexual, Psychosocial, Cognitive, Spiritual Development
✓ Body image development
B. Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development
C. Promotion of health during toddlerhood
D. Prevention of injury

PED 5 V. Nursing Care of the Preschooler

A. Growth and Development of the preschooler
✓ Biologic
✓ Developmental milestones
✓ Psychosexual, Psychosocial, Cognitive, Moral Development
B. Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development
C. Promotion of health during pre-school period
D. Prevention of injury
PED 6 VI. Nursing Care of the School-Age Child
A. Growth and Development of the school-age child
✓ Biologic
✓ Psychosexual, Psychosocial, Cognitive, Moral, Spiritual, Social
B. Coping with concerns related to normal growth and development
C. Promotion of health during school age period
D. Prevention of injury

PED 7 VII. Nursing Care of the Adolescent

A. Growth and Development of the school-age child
✓ Biologic
✓ Psychosexual, Psychosocial, Cognitive, Moral, Spiritual, Social Development
B. Promotion of health during adolescence


Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing Family
8th Edition, Volume 1 & 2 By: Adele Pilliteri

8th Edition, Volume 1 By: Berman, Snyder, Kozier, Erb

• Maternity Nursing 10th Edition

By: Lowdermilk, Perry

• Maternal-Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing 6th Edition

By: Murray and McKinney

Textbook of Pediatrics 20th Edition By: Robert M. Kliegman, MD

• Core Currriculum for Maternal-Newborn Nursing, 5th Edition

By: Susan Mattson and Judy Smit

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