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Module 1: Recollection.

Content Standard:
Doctrine: The students explain that Jesus performed three important ministries during his public
life: the priestly, prophetic and kingly ministries. In all these three ministries he assumed the posture of
a servant.
Moral: The Students express that speaking and upholding the truth and servant leadership are
two important duties of every follower of Jesus.
Worship: The students participate actively in the liturgy as part of the priestly, prophetic and
kingly people of God gathered in the Church.
Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the positive and enthusiastic
response to the call to service and renewal is exemplified by Christ the performance of his ministries
as: Prophet, Priest, Servant and King.
Transfer Goal: The students on their own and in the long run will be able to use their learning to become
a better person in dealing in making wise judgment based on their Christian values.
Acquisition Make Meaning
1. Define what Recollection is. 1. Make them prepare physically and spiritually for the
2. Discuss the abbreviation PAUSE in a
3. Recognize the overview of a

Recollections and retreats are regular activities

in Catholic schools for children. They are part of
the character and spiritual formation of students.
At least once every school year, every student will
have gone through one starting at about the 3rd or
4th grade in elementary.
The holistic development of a child is not
deemed complete without spiritual growth and
development. A recollection or retreat is intended
to be a personal encounter with God often
characterized by meditation, silence, reflection, and prayer. It primarily seeks to renew faith that may
have long been practiced but not fully internalized so as to bring about the desired positive
transformation of every human being.
The idea is to bring about a spiritual experience which can be understood by children in the hope
that such an experience will encourage positive values and behavior. Recollections and retreats have
the same purpose. The only difference is that the former is usually a day activity while the latter is an
overnight up to a 3-day activity. For younger students however, an overnight retreat arrangement will
What is Recollection?

 Re -Again

 Collection -to gather experiences with

ourselves, with others and with God.

According to Merriam-Webster, recollection is the act of remembering something. Something in
the past that is remembered.
Spiritual life: it is an attention to the presence of God in the soul. Withdrawal of the mind from
external & earthly affairs in order to attend to God.

Why should We Recollect?

Life is a journey! Once in a while, We should ask ourselves with these, “Where am I now in my
“Where am I heading?”, “Am I heading towards my goals?”

Recollection as a time to P.A.U.S.E. (Prayer, Acceptance, Understand, Silence, Encounter)

P= Prayer
Prayer is an intimate relationship with God.
Communication is just a part of prayer; without personal
intimate relationship, communication becomes meaningless.
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” --
-Colossians 4:2
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because
the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed
by the wind.---James 1:6
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who
curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.---Luke 6:27-28
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22

A= Acceptance
A.1 Accept your past – (events happened in your
life like a tragic one, persons who hurt you the most, and
what you have done to yourself and others.)
Self- acceptance is to accept your past without regrets.
A.2 Accept your present – the “now” moments. The call is
to appreciate who you are and what you have at present.
A.3 Accept your future- what is coming to life is filled with
possibilities and not fear or worry.
It means:
-To collect or to put things together to live a life of wholeness.
-To exist with meaning and truth!
The questions would be “Do you accept yourself?”, “Do I truly love and care for myself?”
“If God sends you many sufferings it is a sign that He has great plans for you, and certainly wants to
make you a saint.” St. Ignatius of Loyola
“He who possesses God lacks nothing: God alone suffices.” St. Teresa of Ávila

U= Understand
To understand is to conform our mind to the truth.
The question would be: “Do you understand the things about
your life?”, “Do you understand your faith?”
“What should you understand so you can move on?”
“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do
everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of
God.” St. Dominic Savio
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

S= Silence
We pause to experience silence but also the presence of
Silence is not only the absence of noise but also the presence
of peace!
Peace is not only the absence of chaos but also the presence
of God!
“Let us pray for peace: peace in the world and in each of our
hearts.”- Pope Francis
“No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness…Peace is essential for development, but true
peace is made possible only through forgiveness. ” Pope John Paul 2nd, World Day of Peace, 2002

E= Encounter
Encountering the Self- Recollection is a moment where you
think deeper about the meaning of yourself from reward to
Silence allows us to journey into our inner self where we can find
our true self and our true God. One day you may look back and
realize that they were the big things.
Encountering God who is in the little things or this world.
Why should I give importance to myself?
- We are created in the image and likeness of God. We are an “Imago Dei.”
- We have unquestionable dignity.
- We are unique.

Remember the following:

-Accept who you are.
- Know your personality
-Know your strengths and weaknesses


-Making your weaknesses a problem IS THE PROBLEM.
-Focusing on your strengths will make you overcome your weaknesses.
-Giving all your energy on your weaknesses will make you more exhausted and frustrated.


-In times of success reward yourself.


-What are your Goals?
-What are your priorities?

-Share what you got.

Overview of a Recollection (ACTIVITY)

1. Opening prayer
2. Getting to know each other
-The facilitator/s introduce themselves in creative way.
-The facilitator/s try to get some information and
expectation from the students.
(This is to get the attention, to set and prepare the mode of
the students/participants of the recollection).
3. Orientation
-There is a short explanation of the meaning of recollection and the theme/title.
-The Schedule and House Rules are being presented.
-Drawing expectations from both sides to have a basic knowledge of the recollection and its goals.
4. Sessions 1,2,3 or more- are given to accomplish the set objectives of the recollection.
5. Ice Breaker- This is to energize the students after break and to dispose them before the second
6. Sharing – Volunteers may share their experiences on the first activity or any of the activity to their
partners or in a group depending on the instructions of facilitator/s.
7. Processing
· -The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
· -The facilitator is to give the important values of every session: ·
8. Recapitulation and Conclusion
· The facilitators are to remind the students of the whole activities and the values they could instill.
· The facilitators are to close the recollection with the words of thanksgiving and prayer.
· The facilitators are to help the students to dispose themselves before attending the Holy Eucharist.
9. Preparation before the Holy Eucharist

What to prepare as a
participant before the
1. Pen or any writing
material good for the activity.
2. Snacks and or Lunch
(depending on the time allotted
for a recollection).
3. Oneself (our mind and heart to be able to focus on the activity).
4. Night before, we should sleep early as much as possible so that we are physically and spiritually
ready for the said recollection.

How to dispose ourselves during

1. Participate all of the activities for the recollection
2. Do not be disturbed by any of the noise from
outside or from your co participants.
3. Do not start a conversation unless it is needed or part of the activity.
4. If it is possible, attend first to your personal need before the said recollection

Grade 9 ESP I Recollection I Fourth Grading Module1
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________
Section:___________________________________ Score: _______

By: Mr. John David B. Catipay

What does “PAUSE” in the recollection stand for?

What is a recollection?

(Essay) Please answer the given question at most five sentences.

For you, how does a recollection help a person in life?

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