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Name: 6ei lei Tre % sachet, Teor tevel [Section 1-9 smidterm Problem set 420 DA Une wor defermiaed tb be 29%. 2m ulten mearund with a om cel tape cupperkd irrughutt if hngih under a pull of kg at a mean tempermhire of 30°C, “wpe ic uted of of andard feng at 20" of a pull *f Cka- Crosse cectional grea of Jape bh 003 om?. frefficent rf Iernal eayontion fe — p.o00pllu fc, Modul f clocberty ope 2-010 hy Jean” @® Petrming fe enor of The tope due fe ike chonge 1 Hemperahye- @ Determine the enor deb juin © DVebrmine cere 2- Fundamentals of Surveying the cemctd fengih of he Line. nlution : O iemperati com ction: Gee KL (1-1) G> kt (2r9¢. arm) (45% 20") > O-po00itlfe( 46, arg. 26%) C= 40. MU Gof errr of fhe fore due b IK change id Femporeture, b. Tso comet: eee Cp» ERI t av Oye (ang-rtg 29.96. 25%m ) 0-03 (aio 0-03(2)t0" Ce HMrcled bength of the Uae: Le 295. 25m 0. Yludar 0:0399m Ue 2395 Gitam OD A wm tope was cionclaraired ond was found fo be wovazm fo long than yhe vtancdord length al an obrerued junperohe of sve and o pullef Wk The come ope wo vad frmeanire a certain distance and wor recordid to he 19-42 Leng ot an dbecned ton of 66°C and a pull +f Ika: efficent 4 finer ¢ xpemar'ng 0. v000Mb Joc @ dekrming she Gandardl Hempurahire © Pekermiae the peiol — carrechien © Dekrming the te fengih ef phe fength Solution. a. STANDARD THMPTRATUKE- Gee KOT +.0ow= b.ov0016 (¢ ¢ -T1) (sb) 40-0042 = 0.0 33LY4- 0.p00c3 7) 7, = 0:022uy-o-puz 2-000 5¢ [T= 80-10 T]—> etandad fomperoture b, Total Cortech Ge KOT Cr = O.poovltt ( ve -co.1UN(S0) Cr 7 b.cvp0 Ne ( (ua) G = 0-01 lho long) . MO Total conechiom « OTe Wize 0.01 (24 ) Set enn ce Tne length Comected War. didance = 673 42+ 0.1348 Corrs thor dictong = G14 OTM br G74 Dlr Lotrue length of fhe length DA dom eel toye wav ctancdardized Grd cupportcl throughout We Whole fergia — ord found to be 0-00200m lenger at an observed jemperature oP g-gec om a pull rf tok. thir Jape war weeol yo meacue- a ae whch war foun tf be O62-DEm of om aierage temperature ot BYU using dhe came pall. Use coefficient #7 exponnion of o.oo00tlu fr. ® Compuke —4he darctord —fanperahure Q Comput jhe frtol fenperatre comection @ Compute the correct length of the Line Solution \ S- STAND MED TUMITE WCE: GekK(T-TAL O.0nr0¢: o.cooo\te (31 ¥-Te) (ro) ahe-Ts = 8.63 Tg BBWS b. Total comech’ on” Ger kK Ge Te) CG > O.c000Me (24.4 - 261.9) (6) Crs 0.00213 (rev sherk) Foal comecaron = _2-008'3(U 2.702 > sD Tot al Corre chien = 0-0292 3m. c. tontced leagth of line: cm. Hr. Aufance 7 64 2-109- 0.VaIas Cone: Hoy. diance > 662. 6129T1™. Wr be2,y 139 4) A tine We recordik os 472. 200 long. Hie measund with & 0-GE ka ope which b 3d.005 m tong at 20°C under a ON pull aupperted Ol beth ends. During mracurement , the dempurature ie te andl fhe Jape ie upended under a WN pull. The the i mearured 3% grade, {Te 0G pA 1 Cross eectirnal tape he 3mm? and tte efficient ef Tintor exponcien i vovwnite |e. @ Compur the cetual length of ape during mrarure ment & Compute fhe tofal enor fo be cerrecte far the inclined cHetonce © What ie re pur honrental distance? Selub'ent b. Total tne: i Yo chert bys go -27-902 a+ Ackial length Too chert bys Ygotm Gs KGL Joel errars (2avl0-0098) Cr20.0000INb ($-20) (20.005) 30 Cre O-v000\Il (“YD 096) Jofal ewer= O.126ms (Cx 2 7 0-00522mm tc. Tue tevriwntal diana” Cpe Cee Comecked idclined dictanee 5 U290- 0.12% taf) (90 00s) Corrected taclined cligtenee = U2 Tm, © 5 (oot) al Ch Cpe = w0,000 Tor. Oicteng. Cpsto-ooretm . Hate t— _ wt “tele: w= gusts nan 5 eT eure Ti4 (0-0 (gz Luer ad” _(309" je WAG 42 raat = 2 (ae)® (aul Tf) (14.169) chen for élepe > SS Cex -0-00904m camechien tle 2 (WRT) Total coechin? - 00068210 ODIRE= 0. DOA are ction fr slope > 0-2l3m rt: Hor. dlittance = 414 TINO -413 Total corpeeri m= -9.013m Coveched Ato. cHidance seid Achial kengh: 30.600 9.013 Aehial length = 27-9%Im, Lstemal length dunng mannmenty Sh 40 m serttarpe iv amm long at 90° witha pl of GON A rectangle ir meosuied with pie topes the Sick OF Reeds oy Hd AG, ond 13-0um. The oterage demperarue quiring phe rMrasiuement 1 90° with a pull ot STN. We coefficent of deel ope as teonu tl fre @ compute fhe actual keaghh of teye turing meant © whore the dae area © What the ener ia area imy m2 Solution’ 3- fawal taigth of tape : Ge kw G= D.ooONL (30-20) (40-002) Cys 0.00094 40232 (10) Giz 0-0035m (are to tg) Actual fength ef tape cturing measurement 7 30-v0%_ 0-00 45 [= 20.008 ] in arta im me b. Tue area’. c ir 2 the Aape i G.00CUF m tov eng Tmnceus oveage (144-98) (119) Fer dhe M4.95m vide = lo, 314. 35m Sofa! ewer, N4-9C (oogeuy) ivory in areas 16,3 8F 93 -1e, FTO ob = 0.02bM Tre lengths 144.404 0.0 Fae kugth 2 M4-47bm Torte |B m side 9 (O-bo5us), wo 2 0-021m, [re lengyh: 3 40-02 2 II2.9um Twit bea; a 113.021) Jotol ems ©) Mboreling wor imeasuread aging Gloom tape which iz dandardizeaA ab Ine yitho aandard pull of 10k. the recorded dtiance wor found out Ae be U0. Lo melee. H the vome time of manirement dine femperornre was We and yall exerted was IKhq- The weique of one cubic cm of eel je V6U opram weight bf stays Ww ROTKG, ts AyI0” on™, ke Iw. @ determine pie cross secHonal arg of Me tape Q Compre the fetal correction © Compute He true kength of he bake line. Goluhion: Bs crass sectional areqs MMe) 9 yo Tobe A (Bue) - 2670 Jarod, 76600 \A + 0.034m* . b- Tolal convection. Cc. Tae lengrh of the bage line Cre KCia-r JL = 430. &o to-04oS 2 Tx10"(20-18)U9) [ER evHeam| Crs 0.00035m- Pull correction’. on (POL ay © B.034 Lay IO Cys 9-604m Corrcck 00025 (0.004 poem Nos of tape lengrhisn 206 Y 504 (eo Joto| conmechions 4-306 (0.00795) al orrrectim = 0-0405m DY A tm feclqape wi ghing 14s ka Ve of elandard fengih knder o pull Of Tk supported for full fength the fope was wed ia meaniring A line abe. 6rm. long on @ smooth keuel oeund under o ceady pull of 0 kg © Adguming t= avio® kg lom* and the unit want of ded fy be 74 X10? kg fom? JAA of the @ oevermiae the crag sectimal A ye in cmt © Petermine the covrech'n for increase In Jonson: © Nekrmine the cerrect fengrh of he ine meal ura . Solution! 3+ Cross secimal area of the tape (em) We ALY. Lars A (S000) (1-9)x10 burs 4 234 49.7 23-7 Glom® | -perrts: Sectional area ot He tape bb. Cull comer! . OEP oe ig 0.0b1a3(4346D) (19-5). (90) Fetal cere chen = = Dor(ayie) 30 b-o0l (A¥to") 122,000 Cpe +0, 00123 . Comet length ef the Vine vreasure A Gmeded kngth> 128-60 + 0-030 Comected length = 139-98 Db aecl jaye with q cofficient of linear expansion of 4. sovolte per degree Centignole © KNewN Yo be om tong ab 'C. he tape was uted ty meahite a tne which was found to pe J32. oF mekes feng when fhe fempurahre war 356» Dekrmine He fellewing » © enpevotury cowcotin — pur tape bength . Y © Tempero comection fir he mamnd Une © comuckd length of the Line- Solution: a. Gre kK (TL = 0.0000 IIb (3¢-20V(s0) = 0-000a1 (2570) Cr? 0:00 81m. five long) | —> tunperature crecction prertare fength. faaat lew sD = Yale 20930 0 Jotal conechen 740-09,u m > Tenpertute Comeetton fer tre meapiwa Line. t. Comecded lengths 532. af £0-0726 Conecked kngth > 53a A1Rum. Le corrected length of Uae &, Total comechon = ® bdvil enqinere uted a 20m tape In measuring an Inclined distance . the measuna length on the stope was vicordrd fo be yer 20m long. The dlifferente in tlevation Dthwoen rhe intial priat ond end pont was found fo be [acm The 20m tape fk autandard fength at a jemperahin of (0' ond @ pull of PN. During mearureeent oF o temperahin readin at both ede with on of Hie faye was ISO ancahe pe wor supper tect opp led yull of ASN. The cram eech'onal ara @£omm* and dhe modulus o ‘ccty if 200 GPa. ghe tope Nas a macs of 0-010 kg ln 4 clarhecey is a Ke O°000011 im] er, ® determine ge tol comeebien per tape ® deeming thie correction gr dope © Oetermine fhe horizontal dirtance. kength. Solution: b. Total orneciren s 409. 90 (+0. 1095) 7 a Ge k(n) bs Sue wry ? D-ov0vtIle (1e- 10) (39) * = 0-0000 IIe (150) qelal Conething - 1422 G> 0-v0T4m Orrectedl slope clatance Pull Cermee en sli abet, bat Oe 2 YHA Em PONE , om Qe-P00 _ * Copp aooxio”) ae a : oe (qa. $18) Hs +0-b0054m aan. Jaq corrections C= 0-000 Gs we Uwermecton For slope aie . _ forrest) (397 Cs teriventel distance a bey = 4CT.SAR=D-06% Gz 0-106 2 4o7. em Jotal comechion * U conrected tiv. didance C2 0-BOIIY FO -DODET = p.LOF2T lp terol covechion yer 44py kength W) A Geel ape ie poom, long Ot a tinp of and a pull of Wka- Dewar urd jo mean a dictance op G24-arm obo temp of 32°C Withan applied yull of ISRQ- during meagurement with ye tape fuyportea ot both ends - becfRetent of diermal expanayn is p-ooovie MC and og meduns of elasticity of axie® ky foum* Weignr of dope ix p.ovtg | m. anh a cyets-sechmal ana ef p-00cm © Commnk dhe vag correc Deompute the fal correction for dengionl, 844 anol Emperatuie © compute dhe corrected length of the tine by Applying ne combined aietchons for fnFion , cag, and femperapure. Solutio: a. Cys Ww ane _ (v-04)* (loo)? a4(s)* Cob. 246m Gos WD ayer » oo) (ey a4 (is)? Gig? 0-005 m Tetal Sagy covrection > > G(0.N9b) +0.005° = LIGA Ceo chee) Darrel sag comectinn ct Coed prgth of Uaet = G24. 1S = 1 OOE Total corect'on Pull Come bio” Cp (G-P DL AE = i= #2 (42.98) © G0 (2) 10° 2, MS 0.00 (a)lo~ Cp = +0.02b tm no) Temp: cre kU(T-T) > O-bo00Hte (42y.95)(92-20) Cr= +0087 (400 tong) Jota} = pO-VsT-1 Tel FOO Tan)-> topal corcction ir Kav, [Eee eo eapernhae D A civil engineer ured a Iom tape which x of vtanctard length of 'e jn mearuring a contain distance and found out that fe kengih of jaye have different lengthy af different fnnione bere applied, as shown . xr 0-00 00[le mys lengih of tape Jenin dyplied 99. 28am 1 ke 91. 99m Ng [o9.d03m av ka @ whet fuain must toe applied t the Jape of a temperahine ef B*U So that it would be of wfandard fength Q Whar jensien must be aypited fy He. tape OF a temp. of Yoke £0 that TF wonld be of viandard feng th. © that seavion must be applied h Hie top ata temp. of 90°C & traf iF weld be of eandard length. Solution’ d+ jens applied +92" fotual Fength of Tesi tape AF WG’. ne 4 99-466 F-00999 = 47.9596 wy ¥ 6 99-F9240.0099E= 100.0019 ty oan \ oh 1o0- 003400996 =190-01299 ages lov-vo Yo -49596 re w yoo. 003 coef tte wooo 00% xf \) X , ¥.voyoe ? . Wekee -7 2 ve toes Yo .000 Y= 2. bSke) Tension be app ed* = hEAbE b. Tension applied YOU" Temy cre Cre kL G= O-goooitte (Ho. «-32Xl00) G= p.0009 My (40) G= 0-00447lo 0.00990 No UW) coating aden!!! C. Tateirn opted ot a0'e: Temperature cerectim: Cem k(fe-T DL Cy 2 D-oood te (90-32)(\0b) Gr» 6.00001N% (-208)) G 0. 00232 Actual length jape or yas" Tenslon 94. A8b - 0-00292 + 99-4830 wh qa.492 - 0.00232 .49.06006 = NH ipo .003 - 0.00232 + 190-00069 HO 4a.4etud ” ean boon ¥ { « Jov.0000 a (00- ovo et- % , 9.01032 6 0-0" ¥ = F.30ky- Theknelen ayolied : tengien applied © 4 4.5. 2U9 fercisn appt’ 5 19. 3b leg pgomdare st the sandard length har a wtight of y.t fg la, with fie crott- cectimal ata of 0-04 ¢ I hoy a miduluy of elasticity af Atv x10" Kg fom*. The tape ka dandard Jengih under a pull of 55 ky hen Supported Aorougheut is Kengih and a temp. of 28°C. thie ope mar uced fo meacurt a ditance berween A and © anwar record. dA tbe uss-urm. lng MM the time of meariverment fhe pull appbedl woe Pkg. with the ape only yypperteol at its nck pointy and fhe yempiratun obeyed was KC - Aequming, coefRcient of linear expansion of- tie tape iv F-000DIIe mf ae,, ® compute je covrection due fo He applied pull of ka - ® Compute the errreckion Aue b the weight oF Jape. © Compute the HG. fength of He measured line 4B due to the combined effects of yennin, vag, ond fempurature- Sela one a- Pull comech mn’. ~ -L ae , (E_SSP(USOCD) 0-04 (A10x«0") «40-01% m \ Scertch'm due to He “arled pul of hq. be Cer ayy* G> o0s)* (oy* la) ay)" 92m (-rbueye mag aria Le comectin due fo the weoht of tye ce Gs k(t-Tt C, = Opole (16-20) (4S. ESD Cr>-0-0llm. “etal Correct > 0-04 - |. F92-0.04 > haan. True ength fo = 4G OF 1.929 = You. 821m, Le qc length ef measured line AB. BD b tine loom. long war paced by 4 suneyor four” times with ge following doko 49, WE YS, and WL. then “anothe linc war paced for four Kime again with phe following retiliz, €9, 699-5, E91, anh $96.6. © Veermine the pace factor (Q Determine sre mumbu- of pores der Jhe mw bine © Dekrmine de distance gf the pew Une- Solwhen. de Hs. of pacers MAHAE RINGS HY No ot Fags» IY UIs Joce fact, —b m 3 100 “yuuee fae factor « 9.04! bs Wo. of poas, Ss M>.ciU beg 5 = Ne. of pags = $95 25) > mumber of paces for th Haw line c. Olstanc of mew Line: = 89%-2C (0-691) oo = GIZ434 mm lb chistana of Hie vew line 1) @ The sides of @ square [0h having anana of aC hectares wore Medeured using a (DOM. tape thotk war 0. bm. too chents Com, yt wer in the ata In sq.m. (0) The comced distance been jw point ® 220.40 m- ling a woo m Yape ghatig “Xm. fo long: the fength t be laid om the grund should be 220-4oum. What iv ghee value of "y"? © we distance from Ot 4, o« ymeocurcd, n lor. am. IF the som Jape Or usta ix D-DLMm. foo Shorty what i ge Crrreck aivfance i m.7 Solum: as 9.90)" (i00)* A a9e Ay DAW hectares tar in twas 2-20-2240 a Hectares = 0-001 % hectares > 109° 2 0.00/¢ ¥ | 0000 Ener in breax Ie <9.m. b. Value of AP aro ye ARO.US- 229. Hole YY? 0-02m C. Cort ced dictan ce * 6.2 oy frmcked distance = [eK 2> a AO ereckcol dirtanas [6-11 10 JQ Compu he normal jencien which wih We applied fe a feupe Suppere over fue cupperts ja orca fo make fi dare equol fo ite myninat larger whet supported only ot end yong, ‘The stexl tape ie 20m. bag and weighs 0.€4 kg wien Supported fhireughowh ifr fength undu- a standard pull of 6.0 gs with ane produlus oF elashoity ic x10 Kalemn® and avcaof o- Dy cmn*. (] Esteel jape He Bb Leng under @ vlandard pull of Gk9- ita constant cross HecHonal arta of 0.0%em* JF the normal tna'on applied to Make the rope equal fo iz nominal fengH when cupporka only at fhe nck voiniz. thak ic the effect of ag will be eliminakd by Fhe elongation of fire fope Aue ty the apylicahen 04 ihe lack ic equal fo lbkg, dekermife The unitwaghr of fhe tape. Medulus of elaghu'ty of aye ir 2°16" ty]om* © wder 9 standard pull ef ely, the Hel gaye iv dtm. Ing . 4 normal tencion ob |tkg makes she xfongahin of die tape offret the effect of sag. Tf Me dope weighs 0.08 kgIm, and f2 axtoé 9)", determine ik crete. eeckimal arta in cq-cm Soluon’ fs O20 2. Sys 2 RMW TRE oe Te Nut Sor ee oa , G04 un dor ier Py toute) pani fn ha fod te, 22 fea ye S4-3008 vo ly - 6-6 Ww 0-704K9 uk — : wwe Reda Sy Tral4 tier! 30 bye. 2x9 7-10 ty» SE eg gy aE W 2.08619 [m) 3, nit weight of ture vo fg 2 2: 2oulo-ov20 (we) Far, oemal dens te ae» 279-02 AT> THOME THY G7 eS 2x to) K® Oekermine the Yenath of line In meter if there were Ofaltiey, pine aed Hie Tart gin was Im. from the end of dee Wem. The tape used was Som lve. D b tioe wor mragured witha cpm jape gaa frurd f be loom leny . It vac diccoverd thal yhe fiest yin was ctuck 3dem. fr the eft of Me Line and the Seema pin Boom tethe Might . find th ror in the measurement in cm? GA tine wor measured with o SOM Jape and recordtel- 100m teng. white mearuring yhe fit pin was ctuck Adem to the right of dix Ilac anol Hic eecond pia yom to tte Kefk» Jind te correct fengin of die line. Selation 2 Ls Blwd(S) tt (or) ¢9, > Senqrh of thy line in meted be tors ed tro eT, ut)” a(s0) ater tvs 0 004sm (Wer Ten) © {ner in the measurement Mm cm 0. ater) Ur b.00Um levee lengrh A Unc = jov-0004 47-994 Ly comeot leagthot he Line. WD@ A tine was mearued b haw 6 tallitt, G marking pins and 63.6 inks _ tow long te gle Whe in gy. 7 @®4 Kee war measured with 50 a tape. There were tales, Spine, anol tM dtctance oF fast pin fe the enc OF she Vine way @.2gm . Find! the kength wt the Mine Mn meters? © dajance wos measure and wor pecrrdad + have a value equvalenh b G yerch, rods and Warm. compuk the Hgal Aitang iw mettre elution’ a oles” b> (W)( wo) + CLE 63-6 ally « Wine - aves et L= 5090 F woot orf Ani + wo tinks Us S069. FJ the Wee Wy Sous ft long. be “Noten” Ly 2bo)lry b g@eodtear Jrally : (gins Ayia» Achaia (> [pov + U0 F2-20 . Toral dintance? 6( Meo) tb (Me) t uals) C2 Nete! Tyerehe teods OSH Gurl ctidenas 964 10Fe Ayaras 3iaches : Fatal dione = [04-l@m] teal dichnce fn mutert 1) © A loom tape fe fmm. wide and of0mm. fhick . If the dape ie cormect under o yull ef UCN, comput die evrer made by using @ pull of GEN” te g00, 000 Mfa - © the length of o series of line Ie Found to be 342?-y2M - in the forward direchn and gy1%d4N. In the verte direction Waris pre raby of phe tna. 7 © deviance bar ie mpuntedat a certain Aldance from yne instrumentt and the angle cublended py she har js OO" Compute he horizontal Aitonce Crem ae inctument sation tp she beatin ef cubenan boar Solu en > Cre (e-n)e ac > _fe¢-5) ho 12(0-@)(200000) Co = 0.0009 bros VHT 00 bo Grane o-0007H | > errer made boy Utd a yl oF GEN 6+ dve- length: QUAI UAE ED gy 2 Ive. length 5 BUD 73 Role of Trp. WYRVEN=3927.62 3427.93 YY 2.7.93 1 jae _— [ebsites for. axtance from Hie lactnumenh HAH to He lec, of Subsienee bar.

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