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To our Respondents:
Salutations! Thank you for taking the time to answer our questionnaire and to participate
in our research as our respondents in our thesis. We would like to extend our sincerest and
deepest appreciation for your consideration in having the effort n helping us achieve our degree
as this research is a requirement in order for us to graduate. We would like to further state that
any answers or information that you will be indicating in this questionnaire will be strictly kept
confidential and will only be used for academic purposes only. Once again Thank you and God

(Optional) Name: ________________________________________

☐ Female
☐ Male
☐ Others
Age: _____________
Relationship Status: _______________________________
Course: _________________________________________
Year Level: ______________________________________
Social Media Platforms you utilize
☐ Facebook ☐ Twitter ☐ TikTok
☐ Instagram ☐ YouTube
Part 1: please select whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree from the
following statements below:

Number Item Strongly Disagree Neutra Agree Strongly

Disagre l Agree
1 Catcalling only effects women?
2 Catcalling can be done by any gender?
3 Complementing someone can also be considered
4 Catcalling can be done anywhere?
5 Catcalling can be done by family members?
6 Catcalling can be done by your love partners?
7 Catcalling can be done even on children?
8 Catcalling can be done even on old people?
9 Catcalling is ok if the person catcalled did not
10 Catcalling is ok when the person called considered it
as compliment?
11 Catcalling can be anything even a wink?
12 Catcalling can be done to friends?
13 Catcalling can only be considered if the person is
14 Catcalling differs depending on the person?
15 Catcalling can only be considered if the intent behind
it is malicious?
16 Catcalling can only be considered when the person is
seen or heard by others?
17 Catcalling can be done by children or regardless of
Part 2:Question Guide.
1. What do you feel when you are catcalled?

2. Have you yourself experience catcalling someone?

3. What do you do if you are catcalled?

4. What do you do if someone is being catcalled?

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