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School of Health and Natural Sciences

Science, Technology and Society

Consolidated by: Mr. Christian Nel R. Dominguez

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Learning Objectives
By the end of the discussion you should have:

1.discussed what technology reveals;

2.examined modern technology and its role in
human flourishing; and
3.explained the role of art in technological world.

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

The progress of human civilizations
throughout history mirrors the
development of science and technology.
The human person, as both the bearer
and beneficiary of science and
technology, flourishes and finds meaning
in the world that he/she builds.
In the person’s pursuit of the good life,
he/she may unconsciously acquire,
consume, or destroy what the world has
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to offer
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School of Health and Natural Sciences

Thus, it is necessary to reflect on the things
that truly matter.
Science and technology must be taken as part
of human life that merits reflective- and as the
German philosopher Martin Heidegger says-
meditative thinking.
Science and technology, despite its methodical
and technical nature, gives meaning to the life
of a person making his/her way in the word.
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Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

To be able to appreciate the fruits of
science and technology, they must be
examined not only for their function and
instrumentality but also for their greater
impact on humanity as a whole.
The various gadgets, machines,
appliances, and vehicles are all tools that
make human lives easier because they
serve as a means to an end.
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Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

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Their utility lies on providing people
with a certain good, convenience, or
Meanwhile, medical research
employs the best scientific and
technological principles to come up
with cures for diseases and ways to
prevent illnesses to ensure a good
quality life.
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as a Mode of Revealing

In his seminal work, The Question of
Technology, Martin Heidegger urges us to
question technology and see beyond
people’s common understanding of it.
There are two statements that answer our
question on the essence of technology:
1. Technology is a means to an end.
2. Technology is a human activity.
Technology itself is a contrivance- in Latin,
an instrumentum, Image source:

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School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as a Mode of Revealing

That definition is correct but not necessarily true. The

“true” entails so much more meaning and significance.
Heidegger urged people to envision technology as a
mode of revealing as it shows so much more about the
human person and the world.
Technology is a way of bringing forth, a
Whatever truth is uncovered, it will be something
more meaningful and significant than the practical or
Image source: superficial use of technology.
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as a Mode of Revealing

Heidegger also put forward the ancient
Greek concepts of aletheia, poiesis, and
1. Aletheia– means unhiddenness or
2. Poiesis – is defined as bringing forth. For
Aristotle, it means making or producing
something fo a purpose.
3. Techne ( the root word for technology) –
means skill, art, or craft. It is a means of
bringing forth something. Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as a Mode of Revealing

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Thus, in Heidegger’s work, technology is a poiesisthat

discloses or reveals truth.
On the other hand, to think that technology as poetry takes
a different mindset, a more reflective and sensitive way of
looking at the world.
This perspective is not easy to take especially in this
information age. There is so much noise in the world that it
would take a disciplined stepping back to see what
Heidegger meant and to appreciate how technology could
actually be poetry that brings froth truth.
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as Poiesis:
Applicable to Modern Technology
Heidegger characterizes modern
technology as a challenging forth since
it is very aggressive in its activity.
Modern technology may also be a
mode of revealing but not as the
harmonious bringing forth that is
described in his thesis of technology as
poiesis. Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Technology as Poiesis:
Applicable to Modern Technology

The revealing always

happens on our won terms
as everything is on demand.
We no longer need to work
with nature because we have
learned to control it.
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School of Health and Natural Sciences
Technology as Poiesis:
Applicable to Modern Technology
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We order nature, and extract process, make
ready for consumption, and store what we have
forced it to reveal.
Heidegger described modern technology as the
age of switches, standing reserve, and
stockpiling for its own sake.
This observation is manifest in the
mechanization and digitization of many aspects
of our life – from agriculture to
communications and transportation.
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Questioning as the Piety of Thought

There is so much wealth of insights that can be gathered when
people, stop, think and question. “ Questioning is the piety of
thought.”, as stated by Heidegger.
Normally, piety is associated with being religious.
However, Heidegger regards piety as obedience and
In addressing what technology has brought fourth, one cannot
help but be submissive to what his/her thoughts and
reflections elicit.
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Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Enframing: A way of revealing

in modern technology
The way of revealing in modern technology is an enframing.
In simpler terms, it is as if nature is put in a box or in a frame so
that is can be better understood and controlled according to
people’s desires.
Poisesisis concealed in enframing as nature is viewed as an
orderable and calculable information.
In looking at the world, Heidegger distinguished between
calculative thinking and meditative thinking.
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Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Enframing: A way of revealing

in modern technology
1.Calculative thinking – one orders
and puts a system to nature so it
can be understood better and
2.Meditative thinking – one lets
nature reveal itself to him/her
without forcing it.
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Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Enframing: A way of revealing

in modern technology
One king of thinking is not itself
better than the other. The human
person has a faculty for both and
would do well to use them in
synergy. Enframing is done
because people want security,
even if it is violent to the Earth.
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Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Human person swallowed by Technology

If we get ourselves to get swallowed by modern
technology, we lose the essence of who we are as
beings in this world.
If we are constantly plugged online and no longer
have the capacity for authentic personal
encounters, then we are truly swallowed by
technology. If we cannot let go of the conveniences
and profits brought about by processes and
industries that pollute the environment and cause
climate change, then technology has consumed our
humanity. Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Human person swallowed by Technology

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The saving power lies in the essence of technology as

Essence is the way in which things are, as that which
endures. Heidegger further asserted that the “essence
of technology is nothing technological “(1977).
The essence of technology is not found in the
instrumentality and function of machines
constructed, but in the significance such technology

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Art: a way of Enframing

Enframing, as the mode of revealing in modern
technology, tends to block poiesis.
The poetry that is found in nature can no longer
be easily appreciated when nature is enframed.
In modern technology, the way of revealing is no
longer poetic, it is challenging. For example,
people no loner realize how the watermill is
more in tune with the rhythms of nature or how
much genius went into the building of the first
iPhone. Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Art: a way of Enframing

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Heidegger proposes art as way out of this

enframing. With art, we are better able to
see the poetic in nature in reality.
It leads us away from calculative thinking
towards mediative thinking .
Through meditative thinking, we will
recognize that nature is art par excellence.
Hence, nature is the most poetic.
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Art: a way of Enframing

When meditatively looking at technology, one
will begin to question its significance in his/her
life more than in its instrumental use.
Meditative thinking provides a way for us to
remain rooted in the essence of who we are. It
grounds us so as not to let our technological
devises affect our real core and warp our nature.
For example, the ancient Greek experience of
cause is aition or indebtedness, not cause and
Image source:
effect. Aition is responsible for bringing forth
Center for Natural Sciences
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Though enframing happens, it cannot completely snuff out
the poetic character of technology.
We ponder technology and question it. In so doing, we also
become aware of the crisis we have lunged the Earth into.
The danger is made present and more palpable through our
art and poetry.
Amid this realization, we remain hopeful because, as the
poet Holderlin put it, “…poetically mand dwells upon this
Earth” (Heidegger, 1977, p.13) Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Ponder on this!
How artwork
describes and
Image source:

Center for Natural Sciences

School of Health and Natural Sciences

Science, Technology and Society

Center for Natural Sciences

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