At Last

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At last , I will talk about what is the solution?

Firstly , health care workers get know clearly and exactly their
responsibilities and rights. It take aim to protect themselves
from limited side of the law. For example , when you are
attacked by patient’s family , you have rights to sue them for
the fair . Besides , medical staff especially doctors need
improving their communication skill in order to understand the
patient’s problem , explain the treatment . According to the
research in America and Canada, about 50% medical incident
by cause of communication errors that affect to over 2000
patients . Futhermore, good communication also help you
decrease working stress, reduce malpractice risk and improve
patient adherence
Secondly, the government should prioritize the specialized in
medicine . When a medical incident happen , it will be
evaluated by common standard , by amateur in medical aspects
which leads to the injustice for people working in health care,
while in western country like America, in a same situation ,
there will have a council include professor, expert, experienced
doctors who analyse and discuss to make right decision.
Moreover, the government should build up more and more
security systems around the hospital such as increasing the
number of guard or installing security cameras
Last but not least , people need to raise awareness of medical
problem. People always cricticize, accuse doctor of all fault but
it is very unfair for them. On average, Vietnamese doctor have
to cure about 70- 100 patients a day, they have to work under
high pressure and for this reason they can’t always smlie and
have pleasant attitude with all patients. On the other hand, lack
of medical staff can affect to work efficiency so people should
be sympathetic with them, share with them .
In conclusion, that’s all about what we want and we hope that
will come true in the near future. Thank you

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