Summary of Cell Structures

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Summary of Cell Structures

Present in
Cell Structure Example Function
Plant/Animal Cells
Cell wall An inflexible barrier that provides Plant cells only
support and protects the plant cell

Centriole Organelles that occur in pairs and Animal cells and most
are important for cell division protists

Chloroplast A double-membrane organelle Plant cells only

with thylakoids containing
chlorophyll where photosynthesis
takes place

Cilia Projections from cell surfaces that Some animal cells

aid in locomotion and feeding;
also used to sweep substances
along surfaces

Cytoskeleton A framework for the cell within the Both


Endoplasmic A highly folded membrane that is Both

reticulum the site of protein synthesis

Flagella Projections that aid in locomotion Some animal cells

and feeding

Golgi A flattened stack of tubular Both

apparatus membranes that modifies proteins
and packages them for distribution
outside the cell

Lysosome A vesicle that contains digestive Animal cells only

enzymes for the breakdown of
excess or worn-out cellular
Mitochondrion A membrane-bound organelle that Both
makes energy available to the rest
of the cell

Nucleus Control center of the cell that Both

contains coded directions for the
production of proteins and cell

Plasma A flexible boundary that controls Both

membrane the movement of substances into
and out of the cell

Ribosome Organelle that is the site of protein Both


Vacuole A membrane-bound vesicle for the Plant cells–one large;

temporary storage of materials animal cells–a few

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