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ll as, on the day to day

performance under the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Four formal assessments are conducted twice in each term.

There will be four formal examinations in a session:

• Pre Mid-Term Assessments (PT-1) includes the syllabus covered in Term 1 till the test date.

• Mid-Term Assessments (MT) is cumulative in nature and includes the entire syllabus of Term-1.

• Post Mid-Term Assessments (PT-2) includes the syllabus covered in Term 2 till the test date

• Annual Examinations (AE) This is cumulative in nature and will be based on selected content from the syllabus of Term-1 and the entire syllabus
from Term-2.

Evaluation of Academic Subjects in Classes VI-VIII

Percentage of Duration of
Term Type of Assessment Weightage in Month Written Max Marks
academic session Assessment
Written -10%
Pre-Mid Term (Written & Continuous Assessment) Jul 2 hours Written-40 marks + CCE-10 marks
Mid Term (Written Assessment) 80% Sep 3 hours Written-80 marks

Written -10%
Post Mid Term (Written & Continuous Assessment) Dec 2 hours Written-40 marks + CCE-10 marks
Annual Examination (Written Assessment) 80% 3 hours Written-80 marks
Continuous Assessment Assessment Evaluation criteria Marks

I. CLASS WORK/ HOMEWORK / ASSIGNMENT • Regularity & Punctuality: Student records the tasks carried out in class as 5
RECORD taking down running notes, drawing diagrams, note down dictated matter
and solve assignments given in the prescribed notebooks in every period.

• Completes the home assignment at home and brings it to class on the day

• Neatness: The notebooks are maintained well and the task in recorded

• Attentiveness.

II. PRACTICAL SKILL Manipulative skills of the student would be evaluated based on: 5

• Students would be carrying out a variety of • Following instructions

activities/ experiments during the academic

session to facilitate learning by doing.
the laboratory or in the field must be assessed.
• Students to work on various aspects of the
• Working with coherence and coordination in groups.
practical task as designing, data collection,
interpretation of results. • Recording the activity, observations and interpretation in appropriate
manner, drawing neat and appropriately labeled diagrams
• The skills used during these activities will be
continuously evaluated throughout the academic
Written Assessment

What are the skills being evaluated?

This section includes the cognition levels at which the students would be evaluated, marks distribution in terms of percentage for each cognition
level and the commonly used terminology for framing questions under each cognition level.

Cognition Level % What does it mean?

Has the child assimilated the facts, figures and theories discussed in the classroom? This includes questions like define,
Knowledge 20
Stating Laws, Theories, Expansion of abbreviations etc.

It tests whether the child has comprehended the concepts. This includes questions like describe, differentiate, compare,
Understanding 30
justify, reason, derive, classify, illustrate etc.

Application/skil Can the child apply the concepts learned, in daily life situations? This includes questions like Problem solving, numerical
l interpretation of data, reasoning, predicting, analyzing, synthesis, drawing diagrams, application in daily life situation etc.

How will the students be evaluated?

This section includes the structure of question paper and the marks distribution pattern for various types of questions.

The question paper has five sections, the details of which are given below. (Total = 40 Marks Duration: 2 Hours)

No of questions under each section

Section Total Marks
½ mark 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks

Section A (MCQ) (Knowledge, understanding, application) 10 Nil Nil Nil 5

Section B (Knowledge, understanding, application) Nil 5 Nil Nil 5

Section C (Knowledge) Nil 2 1 Nil 4

Section D (Understanding) Nil 2 3 1 11

Section E (Application/skill) Nil 1 4 2 15


The question paper will have four sections, the details of which are given below: ( Total-80 marks, Duration of Theory Exam: 3 Hrs.)

No of questions under each section

Section Total Marks
1 mark 2 marks 3 marks

Section A (Knowledge) 5 3 NIL 11

Section B (Understanding) NIL 6 3 21

Section C (Application/skill) 3 6 6 33

Section D (MCQ) (Knowledge, understanding, application) 15 NIL NIL 15



Science is a dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, covering new domains of experiences. It is a human endeavour to understand the world by
building-up conceptual models on the basis of observations and thus arriving at theories, laws and principles. In a progressive society, science can
play a truly liberating role, helping people escape from the vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and superstition. People today are faced with an
increasingly fast-changing world where the most important skills are flexibility, innovation and creativity. These different imperatives have to be
kept in mind in shaping science education. Good science education is true to the child, true to life and true to the discipline.
As consistent with the stage of cognitive development, science is being taken as core subject in the curriculum at upper primary stage. At this stage,
it is a gradual transition from environmental studies of the primary stage to the elements of science. It is important to expand the horizon of child
gradually and start with things that are within the direct experiences of child. The child should be engaged in learning the principles of science
through familiar experiences, working with hands to design simple technological units and models and continuing to learn more about the
environment and health, including reproductive and sexual health. Scientific concepts are to be arrived at mainly from activities, experiments and
surveys. Group activities, discussions with peers and teachers, surveys, organisation of data and their display through exhibitions, etc., in schools and
the neighbourhood should be important components of pedagogy.

Curricular Expectations

Science curriculum at the upper primary stage intends to develop:

• Scientific temper and scientific thinking.

• Understanding about the nature of scientific knowledge i.e., testable, unified, parsimonious, amoral, developmental and creative.

• Process skills of science which includes observation(s), posing question(s), searching various resources of learning, planning investigations,
hypothesis formulation and testing, using various tools for collecting, analysing and interpreting data, supporting explanations with evidences,
critically thinking to consider and evaluate alternative explanations, reflecting on their own thinking.

• Appreciation for historical aspects of evolution of science.

• Sensitivity towards environmental concerns.

• Respect for human dignity and rights, gender equity, values of honesty, integrity, cooperation and concern for life.
The curriculum has been organized around the following themes that are cross disciplinary in nature:
• Food
• Materials
• The World of the Living
• Moving Things, People and Ideas
• How Things Work
• Natural Phenomena
• Natural Resources

Suggested Pedagogical Processes

The learner is to be provided with opportunities in pairs/groups/ individually in an inclusive setup and encouraged to:
• Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing.
• Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing appropriate activities, role-plays, debates, use of ICT, etc.
• Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
• Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference/ make generalisations and share findings with peers and adults.
• Exhibit creativity presenting novel ideas, new designs/patterns, improvisation, etc.
• Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest reporting, judicious use of resources, etc.

What you need to know?

This section contains the term wise details of the syllabus, portion for PT 1 & 2, MT & Annual exams and the SCM schedule. It gives an overview of
the specific objectives topic wise. The expected outcome, i.e. what the students must know after the subtopic is covered, is mentioned in the form of
learning outcomes.
TERM-I (04.04.2022 TO 23.09.2022) CLASS-VIII, SCIENCE

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments

Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

MICROORGANISMS: • Recall the term microorganism and CLASS ACTIVITY

FRIEND AND FOE its types.
Activity File PT1 (13.07.2022)
• Appreciate the contribution of • Microorganisms:
• Make diagrams of different
scientists involved. Friend and Foe
Discovery groups of micro-organisms.
• Force & Pressure
• Understand the advancements in
• Synthetic Fibres &
scientific methods leading to 1
discovery of microbes.
• Stars and Solar
Habitat • List down the diverse habitat of • To grow fungus on bread. 1

• Justify the cause of its diversity.

• Explain viruses

Friendly • Explain use of microorganisms in HOME ACTIVITY 1

Microorganisms preparation of curd & bread.
• To know the conditions ideal for
• Understand the conditions fermentation of milk to yogurt.
necessary for formation of curd.

• Appreciate the contribution of

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

Louis Pasteur

Topics of SCMs:
Commercial use of • Cite examples of blue green algae LAB ACTIVITY ( 1
microorganism and its importance in agriculture. • Microorganisms:
• To study the structure of Nostoc,
Friend and Foe
• Explain the role of microorganism Rhizopus, Penicillium, Amoeba
• Stars and Solar
in food, beverage and chemical and Paramecium using
industry. permanent slides
• Force & Pressure
• Correlate the functions of • To demonstrate the process of • Synthetic Fibres &
microorganisms in increasing soil fermentation by yeast /Pizza Plastics
fertility and in cleaning the base making activity in class • Friction
environmental. using yeast. • Crop Production and
• Draw diagrams of Nostoc, HOME ACTIVITY
• Coal and Petroleum
Penicillium, Spirogyra, Yeast,
• To study the process of • Combustion and
decomposition by allowing Flame
materials to rot and make daily

• To investigate on popular
fermented foods around the
world with special reference of
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

Medicinal use of • Explain the mechanism of HOME ACTIVITY 1

micro- organism antibiotic action.
• Prepare a report on polio
• Appreciate the contribution of eradication efforts of the
Alexander Fleming. Government of India.

• Define vaccine and vaccination. •

• Explain the importance of vaccine.

• Correlate vaccination and


• Appreciate Edward Jenner.

Harmful • Define the term pathogen. LAB ACTIVITY 1

• Understand the concept of • To observe preserved /fresh
pathogenesis. specimen of the common plant
diseases and note down the
• Differentiate between
symptoms (rust of wheat, citrus
communicable and non-
canker, yellow vein mosaic of
communicable diseases.
• Correlate the role of carrier in
disease transmission.
• Research on some of the
• Apply knowledge to prevent
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

malaria. common human diseases caused

by microbes, their modes of
• List common plant and animal
transmission, prevention,
diseases, causative agent and their
diagnosis and treatment.
mode of transmission.

Food poisoning • Role of microorganism in spoilage HOME ACTIVITY 1

of food.
• To study the characteristics of
• Identify the characteristics of food unfit for consumption.
spoilt food.

Food preservation • Explain methods and principles of HOME ACTIVITY

food preservation.
• To prepare one food item based
• Explain the process of on principle of preservation.

• Give examples of preserved food • Visit a dairy farm with family

items. and friends

Nitrogen cycle • Draw the nitrogen cycle. 1

• Correlate the role of microbes in

cycling of nitrogen in nature.

• Explain the role of nitrogen

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

fixation in nitrogen cycle.

STARS & THE • Form idea about heavenly CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

SOLAR SYSTEM bodies/celestial objects.
Group discussions & quiz on solar 2
• Know motion of celestial objects in system & universe.
What do we see in
Understand solar system.
the sky at night?

How can we identify

stars and planets?

The Moon Define moon, planets, stars, 1


Phases of Moon • List the names of different shapes CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

of moon in its various phases.
• Make a Flip Book:
Know about the surface of moon Demonstrate how the shape of
moon changes. (Activity File)

Draw diagram of the phases of

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

The stars Know about stars 1

Constellations • Develop the idea of constellation. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

Compare galaxy and constellation 4.1.2. Three-Dimensional


Formation of constellations by

Some other members • Know about Asteroids, Comets, Explore the Astronomical event- 2
of the solar system Meteors and meteorites

• Understand the working of

artificial satellite

FORCE & PRESSURE • Understand the idea of force as CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

push or pull
Force-A push or a • Identify different actions as push
pull or pull and record the
observations in a table

Forces are due to an • Differentiate and classify forces as 1

interaction contact and non- contact force.
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

May/ June A Force can change • List the Effects of force in CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1
the State of Motion. changing.
• Demonstration of effects of force
A Force can change 1. Direction with the help of rubber ball
the shape of an
2. Speed &;;
3. Shape of an object

Contact Forces • Develop concept of muscular 1


• Understand friction

Non-contact forces • Know Magnetic force, LAB ACTIVITY 1

Electrostatic force & gravitational
• To measure the weight of an
object as a force (pull) by the
earth using a spring balance.

• To demonstrate that
gravitational force depends upon
mass of an object with the help
of spring /spring balance.

Pressure • Define Pressure as Force per unit LAB ACTIVITY 1

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

area. • To observe the dependence of

pressure exerted by a force on
• Understand why needles are made
surface area of an object.

Pressure exerted by • Know that gas/liquid also exerts LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1
liquids and gases pressure.
• To demonstrate that pressure
• Understand why an inverted exerted by water at the bottom
glass/bottle/pitcher resist being of the container depends on the
pushed down into water. height of its column.

• To show that liquid exerts

pressure on the walls of the


• Pressure in Liquid jar using straw

& Plastic bottle.

• To show that liquid exerts equal

pressure at the same depth.

• To show that the pressure

exerted by the liquid at a
particular level is same in all
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs


Atmospheric • Realize the effects of atmospheric CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

Pressure pressure.
• To observe the effect of
• Understand barometer atmospheric pressure on the
rubber sucker

SYNTHETIC FIBRES • Differentiate between natural and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

AND PLASTICS synthetic fibres.
• To show different articles made
up of cotton, plastic, glass etc.
and classify them as natural fibre
Introduction or artificial fibre.

Synthetic fibres • List some synthetic fibres, their LAB ACTIVITY 2

sources & their uses like rayon,
• Compare tensile strength of
nylon, polyester and acrylic.
different fibres.


• To make a list of articles made up

of different synthetic fibres
namely Rayon, nylon, polyester
and acrylic.
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

Characteristics of • List the characteristics of synthetic LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1

synthetic fibres fibres.;
• Classify plastics as thermosetting
• To compare between synthetic
and thermoplastics.
Introduction to fibre and natural fibre (cotton) on
plastic and its the basis of following properties:
- Absorption of water

- Drying time

Characteristics of • List the properties of plastic. LAB ACTIVITY 2

• Study the effect of plastics on • To demonstrate various
environment. properties of plastic like
durability, resistance to corrosion,
• Understands importance of
insulator etc.
segregation of waste as
biodegradable and non- Class Discussion/Presentation:
Story telling on the uses and
• Remembers the 5R principle- harms of plastic; Plastic as a
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover material of choice or the effects
and Refuse of plastic on our environment.
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs


Force of friction • Classify friction into static, sliding • To demonstrate the force of 2
and rolling friction. friction by pulling a brick with
What makes a ball
the help of a spring balance.
rolling on the
ground slow down?

Factors affecting • Know the factors affecting friction. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

To show that rolling friction is
less than sliding friction (

Increasing and • Know ways to increase and reduce OUTDOOR ACTIVITY 1

reducing friction. friction.
• To study motion of an object
moving on different types of

Advantages and • Know the advantages and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

disadvantages of disadvantages of friction for the
• Making Balloon Hovercraft
friction movement of automobiles, aero
planes and boats/ships. • (

Fluid friction • Form the concept of friction in 1

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs


CROP PRODUCTION • Recall the term agriculture & crop. OUTDOOR ACTIVITY
AND MT (12.09.2022)
• Classify the crops into Kharif and Visit local agricultural fields at
MANAGEMENT • Microorganisms:
Rabi crops. the time of cultivation of Rabi
Agricultural practices crops and Kharif crops. ( 1 Friend and Foe
• Explain the importance of
• Force & Pressure
• various agricultural practices • KHETIFY/SEED GARDEN: Roof
• Friction
top farming. Observe the
• Crop Production and
various agricultural practices
followed. Students can
• Coal and Petroleum
interview gardener for the
• Combustion and
same. (

Preparation of soil • List various steps involved in CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

preparing the soil.
• Study the economic importance
• Explain the significance of of plants and enlist the part of
ploughing and levelling. plant yielding the useful

Sowing • Identify the methods of selection OUTDOOR ACTIVITY

of healthy seeds.
• Study the effect of depth of 1
• Justify the advantage of seed drill. sowing on seed germination.
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs


• Making of water sprinkler

• Making of water wheel

LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File)

Selection of good quality seeds.

August Manure and • Justify the importance of adding LAB ACTIVITY 1

fertilizers manure and fertilizers to field.
• To study root-nodules of a
• Prepare manure through leguminous plant.
• Differentiate between manures
• Compare the effect of fertilizers
and fertilizers.
and manures on growth of plants
• Predict different methods of
natural replenishment of soil
fertility as crop rotation, bio
fertilizers etc.

Irrigation • Explain the importance of CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

• Pictures of different methods of
• Understand the different irrigation to be displayed in class.
traditional and modern methods of
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

irrigation. • To show furrow irrigation,

overhead sprinkling & drip
• Identify advanced and water
conserving techniques of irrigating
the fields in different areas. • To recognize various
agricultural practices in a Warli 1
art (,

Protection from • Recall the term weeds. OUTDOOR ACTIVITY

• Explain ways of its removal. • Visit nearby field, identify the 1
weeds present there and discuss
• Reason out the effect of weeds on 1
how they cause damages to crop
• Predict the ill effects of weedicides.

Harvesting • Identify the implements used for OUTDOOR ACTIVITY 1

• Observe and identify various
• Enlist the harvesting period of implements used in harvesting
common crops. of crops.

• Correlate harvesting and

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

Storage • Justify the importance of storing HOME ACTIVITY 1

the grain and other food items.
Food from animals • Visit nearby village and find out
• Suggest various ways of safe the ways farmers use to store
storage. grains

• Define animal husbandry. Observe local poultry farms,

fisheries and cattle farm and
• Suggest the factors (food, shelter,
collect information regarding their
and breeding) essential for

• List down the products obtained

from animals.

COAL AND • Differentiate between CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

PETROLEUM inexhaustible and exhaustible
A group activity to show that 1
natural resources.
Introduction with increase in consumerism
natural resource is decreasing.

Coal • Describe the formation of coal & LAB ACTIVITY

petroleum in nature.
• To study the physical appearance 1
• List and describe the useful of coal. (
products obtained from coal.
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs


• To locate the top three coal

producing places in the map of
India and world.

• Describe the formation of LAB ACTIVITY

Petroleum 2
petroleum. • To show samples of byproducts
obtained as a result of Fractional
• List the various constituents
Distillation of Petroleum like
obtained by refining of petroleum.
petrol, kerosene, paraffin etc.
(Practical File)
• To locate the petroleum
refineries in the map of India

• To collect information about

various oil producing companies
of India and world.

Natural gas • State the uses of natural gases. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

• State the consequences of over • Group discussion among students

on consequences of over
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

utilization of fossil fuels utilization of fossil fuels

COMBUSTION & • Comprehend the term combustion LAB ACTIVITY 1

FLAME & fuel, supporter of combustion,
• To investigate the condition for
inflammable substances.
What is combustion? combustion to take place.
Conditions necessary • List the conditions necessary for
• To investigate the characteristics
for combustion combustion.
of different flame zones.

• (Activity File)

Ignition • Explain the term Ignition LAB ACTIVITY 1

Temperature temperature.
• To demonstrate that different 2
substances have different
ignition temperature.

• To show that a substance burns

only at its ignition temperature
or to show that attainment of
ignition temperature is necessary
for a substance to burn (using
paper cup & water).

Types of combustion • List and differentiate between the LAB ACTIVITY

Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

various types of combustion. • To show samples of inflammable

and non-inflammable substances.

• To show the reaction taking

place in soda acid fire

Flame • Identify the different parts of a LAB ACTIVITY 2

candle flame and study the
• To show different types of flame
structure of flame.
(a candle & Bunsen burner) and
study its different parts.

• To show that incomplete

combustion takes place, when a
candle burns by the formation of

Fuel • List the characteristics of a good CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

• Group discussion on using 1
• Explain the term calorific value hydrogen as a fuel and its
• List the harmful effects of burning
Activity/ Art Integration No. Of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Period & Topics of SCMs

Global warming • Describe the cause and

consequences of global warming.

REVISION • Apply the concepts learnt in First • Oral /class test /diagram 12
Term test/rapid fire /quiz/teach a
concept/activity based test

TERM-II (26.09.2022 TO March 2023) CLASS-VIII, SCIENCE

Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &

Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

October LIGHT • Know how we see things. LAB ACTIVITY PT2 (22.12.2022)
What makes things • Understand the phenomena of • To demonstrate rectilinear 1 • Light
visible? reflection and its laws. propagation of light through a • Reproduction in
straight and bent tube animals
• Is able to measure angle of • Reaching the age of
incidence and reflection To verify the laws of reflection adolescence
Laws of Reflection
with the help of plane mirror 1

October Regular & Diffused • Classify Regular and diffused CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1
Reflection reflection.
• To demonstrate regular &
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

November irregular reflection through

smooth and rough surface.

When you see your • Exploring characteristics of CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

image in the mirror image formed with a plane
• To show lateral inversion by
it appears as if the mirror.
plane mirror
left is on the right

• Understand Reflection of light 1

images on all from an object to the eye.
surfaces around us?

Multiple Images • Understand the concept of LAB ACTIVITY 1

multiple reflections through
• Observe multiple images formed
plane mirrors, when two plane
by mirrors placed at various
What makes things mirrors subtend at certain angle
angles to each other.
visible? with each other.
How do we see
images of our back Construction of a kaleidoscope
in mirror? (application of multiple
reflections) Activity File
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Sunlight white or • Awareness of the phenomenon LAB ACTIVITY 1

coloured of Dispersion of light,
• To demonstrate dispersion and
• Develop the concept and reason formation of rainbow with the
of dispersion, help of a plane mirror and water.

• Construct ray diagram for •

dispersion through prism.

What is inside our • Draw the structure of human CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

eye that enables us eye.
Demonstration of the model of
to see?
• List different visual defects and eye
their reasons.

• Learn how to take care of our


Visually Challenged • Know why some people cannot 1

Persons can Read & see.
• Realize how the visually
challenged use other senses to
make sense of the world around.
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

REPRODUCTION IN • Recall the term reproduction. Topics of SCMs:

• Understand the importance of 1 • Light
Modes of reproduction. • Reproduction in
Reproduction animals
• Differentiate between sexual and
• Reaching the age of
asexual reproduction
• Chemical Effects of
Sexual reproduction • Define sexual reproduction. HOME ACTIVITY
Electric Current
December • Explain the structure of male ▪ To observe eggs of the frog, • Some Natural
and female reproductive system. lizard, butterfly, moth, hen, crow Phenomena
or other animals. Make drawings • Sound
• Explain the functioning of male
of the eggs observed. 2 • Conservation of Plants
and female reproductive system
and Animals
• Recall the term fertilization. • Pollution of Air and
• Differentiate between external
• Materials: Metals and
and internal fertilization,
oviparous and viviparous
• Cell- structure and

Sexual reproduction • Draw diagrams of male and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY: 2

female reproductive system, life
• Display charts of male and
cycle of frog, sperm cell, zygote
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

formation and development of female reproductive system.

Prepare a flip book on asexual
• Explain steps of development of reproduction in hydra and amoeba.
embryo. (

Asexual • Define asexual reproduction. LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1

• Explain different modes of • To observe permanent slides of
asexual reproduction. Hydra. Look out for any bulges
from the parent body. Count the
• Draw diagram of budding in
number of bulges that you see in
hydra and binary fission in
different slides. Also, note the
size of the bulges.
• Differentiate between sexual and
• To observe permanent slide of
asexual reproduction.
binary fission in amoeba.


Changes in body during
Adolescence and
• Hygiene, Balanced diet, AIDS,
Stress related diseases, Peer
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs


Changes at puberty • Define adolescence and puberty. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

• Correlate adolescence and Interactive session on how

puberty. students feel different from what
they felt a few years ago with
respect to themselves, their 1
parents and friends.

Secondary sexual • Identify the changes in the CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

characters height.
• Discuss in groups (Boys and Girls 1
• Identify the changes in body separately) on the concept of
shape. Adolescence and Puberty. Draw a
body map depicting changes
• Reasons out the formation of
during adolescence.

• Calculation of height at the end

• Differentiate between endocrine
of growth period
and exocrine gland.

• Give reasons for occurrence of

acne and pimples.

• Recognizes the development

Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

taking place in sex organs.

• Apply the understanding of

changes during adolescence in
coping with the changes

• Define secondary sexual


• List down the secondary sexual

characters of males and females.
• Understand the role of sex
hormones in determining
secondary sexual characters.

• Correlate the role of pituitary

gland in development of
secondary sexual characters.

Role of hormone in • Correlate the role of hormones to CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

reproductive the functioning of reproductive
• To draw flow chart depicting 1
function system.
role of hormones.
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Reproductive phase • Explain reproductive cycle in 1

of life in human females.

• Define menstruation.

• Differentiate between
menopause and menarche.

Sex determination • Explain the mechanism of sex CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

To give schematic representation
• Compare the advantage and of cross depicting sex
disadvantages of sex determination in humans.

Hormones other • Identify the positions of HOME ACTIVITY 1

than sex hormone different endocrine glands in
• To collect information from
human body.
• Explain the importance of doctors/internet and prepare a
hormones in human body. note on the importance of
consuming iodized salt.
• Identify the diseases caused due
to deficiency of various • (
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Role of hormone in • Define metamorphosis.
• To study the life cycle of
completing the life
• Explain the role of hormones in silkworm using preserved /fresh
history of insects
controlling metamorphosis. specimen
and frogs

Reproductive health • Apply the principles of CLASSROOM ACTIVITY

reproductive health and saying
(Activity File)
no to negative peer pressure in
daily life. • List down the food consumed 1
during a week. Identify the
• Realize the importance of
items responsible for proper
healthy diet and exercise for
growth and the junk food that
had been consumed.
• Awareness of modes of
transmission and prevention of
HIV/AIDS. • To collect newspaper cuttings
and information in magazines
about HIV/AIDS. Write an article
of 250 words on HIV/AIDS
mentioning history, cause, effect
and preventive measures. Take
help from internet/books and
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

other resources.


I am a responsible adolescent.

CHEMICAL • Know why we get a shock when LAB ACTIVITY 2

EFFECTS OF we touch an electric appliance
• To test conduction of electricity
with wet hands.
ELECTRIC in lemon juice or vinegar
CURRENT • Acquire knowledge that water
• To demonstrate humans are
conducts electricity depending
conductors by completing an
on presence/absence of salt in it.
electric circuit by joining hands
Do liquids conduct Other liquids may or may not
with connecting wires, 9V
electricity? conduct electricity.
battery and a LED.
• Differentiates liquids as
LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File)
conductors and insulators.
• To build a simple electric device
called a conductivity tester.

Chemical effects of • Understand Chemical effects of LAB ACTIVITY 2

electric current current.
• To demonstrate electrolysis of
• Contribution of William
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Nicholson water

To demonstrate electrolysis of KI
solution/salt solution using

Electroplating • Define the terms ions, electrode, LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1
electrolyte and electrolysis.
What happens to a • To demonstrate the method of
conducting solution • Understand the process of electrolysis of the aqueous
when electric electrolysis solution of Copper sulphate.
current flows
through it?

January How can we coat an • Understand electroplating and LAB ACTIVITY 1

object with a layer electro purification of metals
• To demonstrate the method of
of metal?
electroplating a paper pin or a
coin with copper.

Types of charges & • Develop concept of positive and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

their interaction negative charges.
• To demonstrate interaction
• Understand force between two between two charged balloons.
charged bodies
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Transfer of Charge • Understand the working of 1


• List the measures taken to save LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 1

Lightning Safety
ourselves from lightning strike. • To construct and explain the
working of an electroscope. ANNUAL
• Know & understand the
functioning of lightning
• Light
conductor. • Reproduction in animals
Earthquakes • Know phenomena related to 1 • Reaching the age of
• Chemical Effects of
• Define Seismic waves
Electric Current
• Know the function of a
• Some Natural
seismograph. Phenomena
Protection against • Know the Effects of 1 • Sound
earthquake earthquakes & various methods • Conservation of Plants
to minimize its effects. and Animals
• List the precautions taken
during earthquake.
SOUND • Know various types of sound and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY
sources of sound.
• Striking a metal dish to produce
• Understand vibration as a cause sound.
Sound is produced
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

by a vibrating body of sound. • Play Jal tarang (

• Is able to construct musical LAB ACTIVITY

instruments using materials
• To show that vibrating dish
from surroundings.
produces waves in water
(Activity File)

• Demonstration of vibration of
tuning fork

• Demonstration of sound
production by musical pipes


• Short notes on at least

four musical instruments, their
main components and the
characteristics of the sound
(music) they produce.

• Tuning and playing of any

one of the following
instruments: Sitar, Sarod, Violin,
Flute, Veena, Mandolin, Guitar
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

(accompaniment of Tabla).

• Observe and investigate how

musical instruments produce

Construct Ektara using hollow

coconut shell/earthen pot.

January Sound Produced by • Know the function of vocal cord CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1
Humans and larynx in producing sound
• To observe the working of vocal
cord by using rubber strips/paper

Sound needs a • Develop an idea about medium CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

medium for for propagation of sound. • To demonstrate that sound can
propagation travel through solids.


• Constructing a toy telephone

We hear sound • Understand the structure and the LAB ACTIVITY 1

through our ears function of human ear. • To show the model of human
• Draw diagram of Human ear ear & explain the phenomena of
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

hearing. 2

Amplitude, time • Understand oscillation and CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

period and frequency.
• To demonstrate the pulse
frequency of a
• Know the unit of frequency. propagated through a stretched
• Understand amplitude

Loudness and Pitch • Understand pitch and loudness LAB ACTIVITY 1

• To demonstrate the dependence

of loudness & pitch on amplitude
& frequency of vibration by
stretched rubber band or tuning


• Take the straw whistle. As it is

blown, keep cutting it. You will
notice that the sound becomes

Audible & Inaudible • Know about infrasonic and LAB ACTIVITY 1

sound ultrasonic
• To demonstrate the dependence
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

of loudness & pitch on amplitude

Noise Pollution • Form the idea of noise as 1
& frequency of vibration by
unpleasant and unwanted sound
stretched rubber band or tuning
• Distinguish different types of fork.
sound (loud and feeble, pleasant/
musical and unpleasant / noise,
audible and inaudible) and need • Take the straw whistle. As it is
to minimize noise. blown, keep cutting it. You will
notice that the sound becomes
CONSERVATION • Recognize the wide variety of shriller.
OF PLANTS AND life forms.
• Recall the term deforestation.
(Activity File)
• Explain the causes and
• Students to collect newspaper
Deforestation consequences of deforestation.
clippings on deforestation, global
causes and
• Correlate deforestation to global warming, and other
warming, droughts, environmental concern, read
desertification and flood. them to class and paste them in
their activity file.,

Conservation • Interpret the causes of loss of HOME ACTIVITY

Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

forest and wild life biodiversity and its impact. • Visit local Garden/ forest/ 1
Biological Park and try to
• Identify the Biodiversity of
identify the flora and fauna of
your area and list them.
• Define flora and fauna.

• Suggest the ways to conserve


Biosphere reserve • Explain the role of biosphere CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1

reserve in conserving
• Detailed discussion on
biodiversity and the threats to
• Explain the structure of biodiversity
biosphere reserve.

• Locate various biosphere reserves

on the map of India.

Endemic species • Define species. HOME ACTIVITY 1

• Interpret the role of endemic • To find out the endemic plants

species in biodiversity. and animals of the region where
you live
• Give examples of endemic
species found in India
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Wild life sanctuary • Differentiate between zoo and HOME ACTIVITY 1
wildlife sanctuaries.
• Visit nearby Zoo. Observe the
• Identify endangered species. conditions provided to the
animals, their suitability for the
• Locate the sanctuaries and the
animals. Prepare a diary of your
endemic species which are
conserved in those sanctuaries.

National Park • List the important national parks CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

• Discuss the relevance of project • List national parks, Wild-life

tiger. sanctuaries and Biosphere
reserves of India.
• Define the term ecosystem and
the role of each organism in it • Show the biosphere reserves in
outline map of India. (Activity
• Differentiate between biosphere
reserve, wildlife sanctuary and
national park.

Red data book • Explain the importance of red Class Presentation (Group or 1
data book. Individual)- On any one of the
given topics.,
• Explain the significance of
Recycling of paper
migration. • Significance of migration in
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

Reforestation • Give examples of migratory bird. Animals.

• Explain the significance of • Significance of recycling of

recycling. waste.

• Practice reuse and recycling of • How to Practice reuse and

paper. recycling of paper.

• Apply knowledge to conserve • Significance of reforestation.


• Explain the significance of participation that has been a
reforestation. landmark in conserving

participation that has been a • How to practice principle of
landmark in conserving preservation and conservation in
Biodiversity. daily life

• Practice principle of preservation • List the cause, effect and

and conservation in daily life methods to control air pollution.

• Cause and Consequences of


MATERIALS: • To identify and classify the LAB ACTIVITY - 2

METALS AND objects around us as metals/ non-
• To observe various samples of
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

NON-METALS metals. Metals like Fe, Al, Cu, Mg etc and

(NOT TO BE Non-metals like S, Coal, graphite
TESTED) (pencil).

Introduction to
Metals and Non-

Physical • List the physical properties of LAB ACTIVITY

properties of metals and non-metals. • To study the following physical 2
metals and non- properties of metals.
• State (exception Mercury)

• Hardness (exception Sodium)

• Malleability

• Conductivity


Chemical • Describe the action of air and LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 3
properties of water on metals and non-metals.
• To show burning of Mg ribbon in
metals and non-
• Writes word equation for air
chemical reactions of metals and
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

non-metals. • To show burning of S in air

To show that Na reacts

vigorously with water whereas
Fe does not.

Uses of metals and • List and appreciate uses of metals 2

non-metals and non-metals

CELL- STRUCTURE • Recall the lower levels of CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

AND FUNCTION organization.
Discuss the methods used by
• Appreciate the scientists who scientists to study cell
helped to unveil the world of
Discovery cell.

Cell shape, size, • Draw cells of different shapes. CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

structure and
• Appreciate the variety of cell • Display chart depicting different
shape and size. types of cells in the classroom to
study the variety of cell shapes.
• Give examples of cells of
different shapes and sizes. • To prepare cell model with clay,
by decorating cakes. (
• Define tissue.

• Understand how cells form

Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

tissues and organs.

Parts of the cell • Define cell organelle. LAB ACTIVITY (Activity File) 3

• Explain structure and function of • To prepare temporary mount of

cell organelle. onion peel and study the
structure of plant cell.
• Draw diagrams of cell organelles.
To prepare temporary mount of
• Correlate the role of gene in
cheek epithelium and study the
determining hereditary
structure of animal cell.

• Differentiate between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

Comparison of plant • Differentiate between plant cell CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 2

and animal cell and animal cell.
To display charts of typical plant
• Draw diagram of plant cell and and animal cell
animal cell and label various

POLLUTION OF • Comprehend the term Pollution LAB ACTIVITY 1

AIR AND WATER & pollutants.
To demonstrate air pollution by
the reaction of acid + CaCO3
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

TESTED) (Corrosion of monuments).


February Air Pollution • List the cause, effect and HOME ACTIVITY 1
methods to control air pollution.
• To survey in your locality &
• Realize how global warming is a make a report on people suffering
serious threat to human beings. from respiratory problem.

• Relates processes and LAB ACTIVITY:

phenomenon with causes eg:
• Pawan Tara Kit for determining
Smog formation with the
the level of pollutants
presence of pollutants.

Water pollution • List the causes & effects of water CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 1
• Group discussion on various
tragedies caused by water


• Jal Tara Kit for determining the

level of pollutants (Activity File)
Activity/ Art Integration No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Course Description Learning Outcome
Activity Periods Topics of SCMs

February Purification of • Describe Physical & chemical LAB ACTIVITY 1

water methods to purify water.
• To show various methods to 1
purify water - Filtration,
Boiling, etc.

REVISION • Apply the concepts learnt Oral/ class test/ diagram test/ 12
throughout the year rapid fire/ quiz/ reteach the
important concept / activity-based

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