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1. What are the types of wave presented in the video?

- transverse wave

- longitudinal waves

2. What are the differences of these waves?

- The medium or channel moves in the same direction as the wave in a longitudinal wave. The particles
in this case move from left to right, causing other particles to vibrate.

- The medium or channel flows perpendicular to the wave's direction in a transverse wave. As the waves
move horizontally, the particles go up and down.

3. How do you deal waves in your life?

- The waves in the spiritual realm symbolize the changes in flow that we face throughout our lives. To
put it another way, it symbolizes life's ups and downs, as well as how we deal with them.


1. How do you feel about the video presented?

- I'm shocked by what I saw on the video, but I'm also grateful that some individuals are still alive and

2. What can you say about the effects and the damages caused by the tsunami in the video?

- Flooding, wave impacts, erosion, strong currents, and floating debris are the main causes of tsunami
damage and disaster (e.g., trees, structures, vehicles, and other things that can act like battering rams).
When the water returns to the sea, it can be just as deadly, if not more so, as it carries debris and
people with it.

3. How do you think these tsunamis are able to do much destruction? Where do you think the energy
came from? Explain.

- Large, shallow earthquakes with an epicenter or fault line close or on the ocean floor are by far the
most damaging tsunamis. These mainly occur in areas of the earth where tectonic subduction occurs at
the edges of tectonic plates.

4. What do you think can you do to help prevent kind of disaster to happen again?

- The effects of a natural disaster on communities can be mitigated by education, preparedness, and
mechanisms for prediction and warning. However, to prevent or limit actual harm from dangers,
mitigation measures such as zoning, land-use policies, and construction rules are required.

1. What causes a tsunami? What do you think is the important of knowing such things?

- A tsunami is a succession of ocean waves caused by massive ocean floor movements or other
disturbances. Tsunamis are important to study because they are a natural hazard that can strike
anywhere in the world's coastline at any time.

2. What are the different ways of how tsunamis are formed?

- Tsunami are waves caused by sudden movement of the ocean surface due to earthquakes, landslides
on the sea floor, land slumping into the ocean, large volcanic eruptions or meteorite impact in the

3. What do you think is the importance of following these precautionary measures about tsunami?

- Always advance a Household Emergency Plan and have a Getaway Kit ready with you. Know where the
nearest high ground is and how you will reach it. Plan to get as high up or as far inland as you can. Plan
your escape route for when you are at home, as well as for when you may be working or holidaying near
the coast.

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