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Group Profile

Sustainable development cannot be achieved by a single enterprise or even by the entire business community in isolation. It is a pervasive philosophy to which every stakeholder in society and participant in the global economy must willingly subscribe

The Tata Group of Companies has always believed strongly in the concept of collaborative growth, and this vision has seen it emerge as one of India's and the world's most respected and successful business conglomerates. The Tata Group has traced a route of growth that spans through six continents and embraces diverse cultures. The total revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was 67.4 billion USD (around Rs319,534 crore) in 2009-10, with 57 per cent of this coming from business outside India. In the face of trying economic challenges in recent times, the Tata Group has steered Indias ascent in the global map through its unwavering focus on sustainable development. Over 395,000 people worldwide are currently employed in the seven business sectors in which the Tata Group Companies operate. It is the largest employer in India in the Private Sector and continues to lead with the same commitment towards social and community responsibilities that it has shown in the past. The Tata Group of Companies has business operations (114 companies and subsidiaries) in seven defined sectors Materials, Engineering, Information Technology and Communications, Energy, Services, Consumer Products and Chemicals. Tata Steel with its acquisition of Corus has secured a place among the top ten steel manufacturers in the world and it is the Tata Groups flagship Company. Other Group Companies in the different sectors are Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Communications, Tata Power, Indian Hotels, Tata Global Beverages and Tata Chemicals. Tata Motors is Indias largest automobile company by revenue and is among the top five commercial vehicle manufacturers in the world. Jaguar and Landrover are now part of Tata Motors portfolio. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an integrated software solutions provider with delivery centres in more than 18 countries. It ranked fifth overall, and topped the list for IT services, in Bloomberg Businessweek's 12th annual 'Tech 100', a ranking of the world's best performing tech companies. Tata Power has pioneered hydro-power generation in India and is the largest power generator (production capacity of 2300 MW) in India in the private sector.

Indian Hotels Company (Taj Hotels, resorts and palaces) happens to be the leading chain of hotels in India and one of the largest hospitality groups in Asia. It has a presence in 12 countries in 5 continents. Tata Global Beverages (formerly Tata Tea), with its major acquisitions like Tetley and Good Earth is at present the second largest global branded tea operation. When Jamsetji Tata gave shape to his vision of nation building by forming what was to become the Tata Group in 1868, he had envisaged India as an independent strength politically, economically and socially. In order to become a force that the world has to reckon with, the Tata Group has always ventured into path breaking territory and pioneered developments in industries of national importance.

As a policy, the Tata Group Companies promote and encourage economic, social and educational development in the community, returning wealth to the society they serve. Twothirds of the equity of Tata Sons is held in philanthropic trusts that take care of endowments towards improvement programmes in these spheres. Through the years, the Tata Group has been amongst the most prestigious corporate presences in the world governed by its principles of business ethics. Its foray into international business has been recognised by various bodies and institutions. The Tata brand has been ranked as the first Indian brand to be in the top 50 club of global brands as per the Brand Finance (a UK-based consultancy firm) Global 500 report 2011. The key companies and brands that add the brand value to the Group as per Brand Finance are Tata Steel Group, Tata Motors Group and Tata Consultancy Services. Also, in Business Week Magazine's list of the 25 most innovative companies the Tata name appears 13th and The Reputation Institute, USA has evaluated the Tata Group as the 11th in a global study of the most reputed companies. In the road ahead, the Tata Group is focusing on integration of new technologies in its operations and breaking new grounds in product development. The Eka supercomputer had been ranked the worlds fourth fastest in 2008 and the launch of the Nano has been a benchmark for the auto industry specifically and the economy in general.

With a holistic approach in all its business operations, a loyal and dedicated workforce and its rooted belief in value creation and corporate citizenship, the Tata Group is always ready to realise its vision and objectives. The challenges of the future will only help to enhance the Groups performance and transform newer dreams to reality. To know more, visit:

Vision and Mission

The long journey of Tata Steel has seen the Company re-define its performance parameters in a number of ways to become the global steel industry benchmark for value creation and corporate citizenship. It ensures a total commitment to its ethical business practices and a people oriented vision.

We aspire to be the global steel industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship

We make the difference through:

Our people, by fostering team work, nurturing talent, enhancing leadership capability and acting with pace, pride and passion. Our offer, by becoming the supplier of choice, delivering premium products and services, and creating value for our customers. Our innovative approach, by developing leading edge solutions in technology, processes and products. Our conduct, by providing a safe working place, respecting the environment, caring for our communities and demonstrating high ethical standards. The long journey of Tata Steel has seen the Company re-define its performance parameters in a number of ways to become the global steel industry benchmark for value creation and corporate citizenship. It ensures a total commitment to its ethical business practices and a people oriented vision. Guided by a powerful vision, Tata Steel strives forward to reach newer and higher milestones, every year.


Consistent with the vision and values of the founder Jamsetji Tata, Tata Steel strives to strengthen Indias industrial base through the effective utilization of staff and materials. The means envisaged to achieve this are high technology and productivity, consistent with modern management practices. Tata Steel recognizes that while honesty and integrity are the essential ingredients of a strong and stable enterprise, profitability provides the main spark for economic activity. Overall, the Company seeks to scale the heights of excellence in all that it does in an atmosphere free from fear, and thereby reaffirms its faith in democratic values.

Business Ethics
"We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous or more philanthropic than others, but we think, we started on sound and straightforward business principles considering the interest of the shareholders, our own health and welfare of our employees... the sure foundation of our prosperity" J.N. Tata A strong focus on Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship has helped the Tata Steel Group build an enviable corporate reputation founded in honest and transparent approaches. The values and principles, which have Governed Tata Steels business for a century, have been deployed through the implementation of the Tata Code of Conduct ( TCOC, often referred to as the 'Code' ), which was first formally articulated in 1998. This was intended to serve as a guide to each employee on the values, ethics and business principles expected of him or her in personal and professional conduct. The Management of Business Ethics is effectively instituted today in Tata Steel through its four pillars concept. Leadership System and Processes Training and Awareness Measurement

In 2008, in line with changing times and the globalisation of the Tata Group, the Code was updated in consultation with group companies around the world. The revised Code of Conduct was adopted by the Tata Steel Group Board in October 2008. It addresses contemporary issues of concern for global business along with the importance of implementing a sustainability protocol. The Tata Code of Conduct - Highlights The TCOC is a testament to Tata Steels determination to help its employees in every way to understand their duties and commitments towards shared values and principles. The comprehensive document serves as the ethical road map for Tata employees and Group companies.

National Interest being given foremost importance, The Code also embodies such values as clarity of communication, transparency, respect for others and an ethical approach in conducting business, all of which contribute towards building team spirit and enhance integrity in the Companys involvement with all stakeholders. The TCOC has added significance in the Groups aspiration to be the global industry benchmark for value creation and corporate citizenship. It highlights the importance of group efforts in improving the quality of life of the people in the communities in which it operates. This includes the understanding that in the process of production and sale of its products and services, the Company will strive for economic, social and environmental sustainability. In the context of Tata Steels increasing global presence the Tata Code of Conduct has been reviewed to accommodate required and appropriate modifications. This has ensured that diverse cultural and business related issues are addressed universally across the Group. The Tata Code of Conduct was launched in Tata Steel (Thailand), NatSteel in July 2007 and in Corus in January 2009. Click here to view -Complete Tata Code of Conduct TCOC film All employees have a clear responsibility to implement the Code. Additionally the Code now extends to contractors and vendors, who must agree to respect it. The systems and processes are revisited and modified constantly to ensure that they are not subjected to unethical practices. Code of Conduct for Non-Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors of a company will :

- Always act in the interest of the company and ensure that any other business or personal association which The Communications function of Tata Steel Group they may have, does not involve any has been of supreme importance in connecting and conflict of interest with the operations of building relationships of trust within the organisation the company and his role therein. and outside and in reflecting the aspirations and goals for the future. The senior leadership team in the - Comply with all applicable laws and Company is actively engaged in communication on regulations of all the relevant regulatory business ethics at various levels and forums. The and other authorities as may be Company does not ever hesitate to take visible applicable to such Directors in their disciplinary actions when necessary and no violation individual capacities. of TCOC, however insignificant, is ever tolerated. The aim is to strengthen employee involvement in a - Safeguard the confidentiality of all positive and regular manner and enhance the sense of information received by them by virtue of accountability. their position. July is celebrated as Ethics Month every year, with numerous programmes and activities. The effectiveness of all initiatives is measured by various internal and external surveys and the result of these studies are proactively incorporated in the existing system.

Email ID of Ethics Counsellor is

Improvement Initiatives
Over the years, Tata Steel has placed continuous emphasis on improving processes, with a view to consistently increasing efficiencies, enhancing quality and thereby achieving better performance benchmarks in all areas. The various initiatives taken in its operations across the world have gradually evolved to become recognised models of improvement and growth. Since the formal incorporation of Total Quality Management (TQM) for Business Excellence in the late 1980s Tata Steel has adopted a number of improvement initiatives popular around the world. At Tata Steels European operations, Continuous Improvement activities are focused on providing Business Units with the ability to drive business through Lean Management, a common strategy deployment process, training of CI coaches and knowledge sharing through operations. NatSteel maintains a systematic approach towards improving productivity and enhancing quality while reducing cost at the same time. The Singapore operations concentrated on yield improvement, reduction in power consumption and a significant bottom line benefit. The Xiamen operations have also adopted measures to reduce vulnerability caused by price fluctuations.
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A Customer Centric Approach With the Companys better understanding of TQM and the Theory of Constraints (TOC) on the Deming Application Prize journey, its customer focus and market orientation have undergone a sea-change. Tata Steel has initiated a culture of value creation with customers and suppliers. Specific approaches focus on the 'needs' of the customer as opposed to 'wants'. Programmes include those on Customer Value Management, Retail Value Management, Solution for Sales and Supplier Value Management. The Company emphasises effective daily work management practices, a clean and safe work environment and consistency and stability of processes as important factors in sustaining development and growth. Tata Steel in Europe seeks to create a single, global and strategic marketing team with a goal to become the "best supplier to best customer" and deliver profitable growth. The first phase of initiatives involving around 100 people across the sales & marketing teams was completed in

February 2010. Subsequent phases are now in progress, which include developing three to five year plans for each of eleven industry-focused sectors, identifying initiatives for executing these plans, identifying quick wins and developing a customer satisfaction tool. Product catalogues have been developed and high-level metrics have been defined. The activities included:
Categorising customers to ensure the right level of focus and developing account plans for the highest opportunity customers. Creating group-wide key performance indicators for marketing & sales, implementing a customer satisfaction programme and developing a single products and services catalogue.

close this Being prepared for the Future Keeping up pace with the different changes in the global business arena, Tata Steel believes that to be prepared for the future it needs to 'plan' improvements with three main areas of focus.
Increasing the pace of standardisation to strengthen the base. Improve quickly on existing operations. Innovate continuously in order to be differentiated from others.

close this The Improvement Philosophy Tata Steels TQM journey has encompassed in its fold all the people down the line, so that process and performance improvement becomes a way of life. Two critical elements in creating value for customers and other stakeholders are the commitment to business excellence and innovative approach. Tata Steel does this by:
Producing high quality products and services in ways that demonstrate effectiveness, efficiency and continuous improvement. Developing cutting-edge solutions in technology, processes and products.

The Companys Quality and Research & Development Policies guide Tata Steel in its approach such that quality principles and practices are applied throughout the business using ISO 9001, the global quality and customer relationship standard. In the face of high raw materials price volatility and an overall trend of rapidly increasing prices, in 2009-2010 the Procurement Division of Tata Steel India focused its efforts on keeping these trends in check by leveraging long-term contracts and relationships, and on minimising risk by hedging and through various other strategic sourcing tools, including innovations and improvement initiatives using Total Quality Management precepts. close this Tata Steel India Corporate Objective From the Vision of the Tata Steel Group, Tata Steel India has undertaken the following corporate objectives For Value Creation
Creating value through enhanced offerings to customers To increase availability of products to customers in chosen segments Operational improvements for cost competitiveness

For Corporate Citizenship

To become Indian steel industry benchmark in CO2 and dust emissions Achieve benchmark levels in safety performance Developing proficient and engaged employees Impacting a million lives improving the quality of life in communities around us

close this Performance Improvement Initiatives

Performance Improvement Teams

Tata Steel set up the Performance Improvement Committee (PIC) in January 2008 to accelerate performance improvement on a continual basis. Seven (7) PI groups have started functioning under the PIC identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be improved and improvement projects to be undertaken.

Considerable progress has been made in strengthening the work of the Performance Improvement Teams (PITs), charged with improving manufacturing processes. At the moment, 17 of these teams are operating across the Tata Steel Group and initial estimates indicate the value of PIT-facilitated projects being undertaken in FY 11 to be more than 110 million.
Change in Performance Culture

The Performance Improvement journey has resulted in some positive changes in the performance culture.

KPI Comparisons KPI comparisons across groups have led to identification of performance gaps within the Company enabling the initiation of improvement projects in the area of concern. Bottom Line Orientation Most projects are being conceptualised with an expected financial benefit to consider.
People Involvement

The People Involvement team meetings have had a positive influence on having more people participate actively in different performance improvement initiatives. To know about some of the key PIT improvement initiatives that have been launched across the Group in FY 2009-2010 please click here. close this ASPIRE As the new millennium was ushered in with a growth and globalisation plan supported by several technological interventions it also became imperative that an all-inclusive improvement model be evolved to give a systematic direction to the myriad measures that had to be taken. With this came the added challenge of becoming an EVA positive Company even when market conditions were not favourable, and also sustaining and improving EVA year on year as envisaged in the Group Vision 2007. Tata Steel felt the need to adopt an integrated improvement programme to accelerate the speed of change. The seeds of conception having been sown in 2002, ASPIRE (acronym for Aspirational Initiatives to Retain Excellence) was launched on 2nd

May, 2003 as a means of reaching the ultimate goal set in Vision 2012 of becoming the global industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate Citizenship. The ASPIRE philosophy evolves around self-confidence and the desire to excel. In a global scenario of high paced competition, Tata Steel has been quick to anticipate the emerging needs of individual aspirations and the professional drivers that motivate its employees. Focusing on the tenet that aspirations, and therefore improvement knows no bounds, ASPIRE seeks to find ways of mitigating the difficulty posed by limited resources in the way of ambition fulfillment. ASPIRE includes improvement tools like Suggestion Management, VE, TOP, Six Sigma, TPM, Knowledge Management, TOC and some others. The broad improvement processes relate to TQM principles of Daily Management, Policy Management, Problem Solving and Task Achieving under the Aspire model.

The most important milestone in Tata Steels history has been its transition from a company operating in a controlled economy to one that is flourishing in a globally competitive environment. When it became imperative to include factors like modernisation, growth, and customer satisfaction in the improvement focus along with cost-competitiveness, a few modifications evolved in the existing system. The Company is now in the process of bringing improvement initiatives under a single umbrella of Aspire T3 that comprises TOC (Theory of Constraints), TQM (Total Quality Management) and Technology to enthuse its people to newer heights of excellence. Through ASPIRE T3, a strong improvement framework which supports a culture of inclusive growth has been put into place. TOC is primarily being applied to improve service quality for customers and develop a competitive edge based on reliable delivery service. TQM provides the fundamental structure for customer and quality focused continuous improvements. The Technology focus is aimed at improving the capability for new Product and Process development. Click here to know more about Aspireclose this Performance Improvement Initiatives
Performance Improvement Teams

Tata Steel set up the Performance Improvement Committee (PIC) in January 2008 to accelerate performance improvement on a continual basis. Seven (7) PI groups have started functioning

under the PIC identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to be improved and improvement projects to be undertaken. Considerable progress has been made in strengthening the work of the Performance Improvement Teams (PITs), charged with improving manufacturing processes. At the moment, 17 of these teams are operating across the Tata Steel Group and initial estimates indicate the value of PIT-facilitated projects being undertaken in FY 11 to be more than 110 million.
Change in Performance Culture

The Performance Improvement journey has resulted in some positive changes in the performance culture.

KPI Comparisons KPI comparisons across groups have led to identification of performance gaps within the Company enabling the initiation of improvement projects in the area of concern. Bottom Line Orientation Most projects are being conceptualised with an expected financial benefit to consider.
People Involvement

The People Involvement team meetings have had a positive influence on having more people participate actively in different performance improvement initiatives.

In adherence to the Tata Code of Conduct, Tata Steels policies pertain to active sets of principles, in different areas of operation that help to bring uniformity in processes by clearly defining the Companys approach. Affirmative Action Policy
Tata Steel recognize that diversity in the workplace positively impacts business. The company will ensure employment opportunities and provide training to develop the socially disadvantaged. Tata Steel will volunteer its training resources to the extent possible to improve employability of disadvantaged sections of society. The company will encourages business entrepreneurs from socially disadvantages communities through monitoring and inclusion in supply chain on the basis of equal merit. Tata Steel will assist in upward mobility of talented youth from marginalized communities by increasing their access to quality higher education.

Tata Steel will report Affirmative Action initiatives in its annual sustainability report.

close this Alcohol and Drugs Policy Tata Steel believes that the loyalty and commitment of its employees depend upon the quality of life they are offered at work and at home. We recognize that indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs is injurious to the well being of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. We acknowledge that the misuse of these psychoactive substance is a major health and safety hazard. Tata Steel is therefore committed to creating an alcohol drug-free environment at the work place. This would be achieved through the involvement of all employees and the Joint Department Councils in spearheading appropriate initiatives. The initiatives would include:
Raising awareness, through the dissemination of information education, education and training and by promoting healthy life styles among our employees and their families. Motivating those employees who have an alcohol / drug problem, to seek assistance, while maintaining confidentiality about such cases.

close this HIV / AIDS POLICY

Tata Steel is committed to contribute to the global effort towards halting and reversing the course of HIV/AIDS. The Company would take measures to actively disseminate information & education regarding HIV/AIDS within our workplace and surrounding communities, with the objective to reduce its transmission. The company would ensure a safe working environment, confidentially and non discrimination of affected employees, if any.

The company would provide appropriate medical management for all affected employees and their families.

close this Corporate Social Responsibility & Accountability Policy

Tata Steel believes that the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of people Tata Steel shall volunteer its resources, to the extent it can reasonably afford, to sustain and improve healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of the employees and the communities it serves. Tata Steel shall conduct its business ever mindful of its social accountability, respecting applicable laws and with regard for human dignity. Tata Steel shall positively impact and influence its partners in fostering a sense of social commitment for their stakeholders.

close this Quality Policy Consistent with the group purpose, Tata Steel constantly strives to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves through excellence in all facets of its activities. We are committed to create value for all our customers and key stakeholders by continually standardizing, improving and innovating our offerings, systems and processes involving all our employees. This policy shall form the basis of establishing and reviewing the Business Objectives and Strategies and shall be communicated across the organization. The policy will be reviewed to align with business direction and to comply with all the requirements of TQM Principles.

close this Human Resource Policy Tata Steel is an equal opportunity employer. Tata Steel recognizes that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness. It will pursue management practices designed to enrich the quality of life of its employees, develop their potential and maximize their productivity. It will aim at ensuring transparency, fairness and equality in all its dealings with its employees. Tata Steel shall strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and teamwork. In the process Tata Steel shall strive to be the employer of choice by attracting the best available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce.

close this Safety Principles & Occupational Health Policy Tata Steels safety and occupational responsibilities are driven by our commitment to ensure zero harm to people we work with and society at large and are integral to the way we do business.
Safety Principles Safety is a line management responsibility. All injuries can be prevented. Felt concern and care for the employee on 24 hours safety shall be demonstrated by Leaders.

Employees shall be trained to work safely. Working safely shall be condition of employment. Every job shall be assessed for the risk involved and shall be carried out as per authorized procedures/checklist/necessary work permit and using necessary work permit and using necessary personal protective equipment.

We are committed to continual improvement in our S&OH performance.

We shall set objective-targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and systems, and go beyond compliance of the relevant industry standards, legal and other requirements.

close this Environmental Policy Tata Steels environmental responsibilities are driven by our commitment to preserve the environment and are integral to the way we do business.
1. We are committed to deal proactively with Climate Change issue by efficient use of natural resources & energy; reducing and preventing pollution; promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures; and product stewardship. We shall identify, assess and mange our environmental impact. We shall regularly monitor, review and report publicly our environmental performance. Well shall develop & rehabilitate abandoned sites through afforestation and landscaping and shall protect and preserve the bio-diversity in the areas of our operations. We shall enhance awareness, skill and competence of our employees and contractors so as to enable them to demonstrate their involvement, responsibility and accountability for sound environmental performance.

2. We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance. We shall set objectives, targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and system, and go beyond compliance of the relevant industry standards legal and other requirements.

3. We will truly succeed when we sustain our environmental achievement and are valued by the communities in which we work.

close this Research Policy Tata Steel believes that research provides the foundation for sustained, long-term, stakeholder delight. Tata Steel shall nurture and encourage innovative research in a creative ambience to ensure that the competitive advantages in its overall business is retained and surpassed. Towards this goal, the Company commits itself to providing all necessary resources and facilities for use by motivated researchers of the highest calibre. Research in Tata Steel shall be aligned to the technological initiatives necessary to evolve and fulfill the overall business objectives of the Company.

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Affirmative Action Policy

Tata Steel recognize that diversity in the workplace positively impacts business. The company will ensure employment opportunities and provide training to develop the socially disadvantaged. Tata Steel will volunteer its training resources to the extent possible to improve employability of disadvantaged sections of society. The company will encourages business entrepreneurs from socially disadvantages communities through monitoring and inclusion in supply chain on the basis of equal merit.

Tata Steel will assist in upward mobility of talented youth from marginalized communities by increasing their access to quality higher education. Tata Steel will report Affirmative Action initiatives in its annual sustainability report.

Alcohol and Drugs Policy Tata Steel believes that the loyalty and commitment of its employees depend upon the quality of life they are offered at work and at home. We recognize that indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs is injurious to the well being of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. We acknowledge that the misuse of these psychoactive substance is a major health and safety hazard. Tata Steel is therefore committed to creating an alcohol drug-free environment at the work place. This would be achieved through the involvement of all employees and the Joint Department Councils in spearheading appropriate initiatives. The initiatives would include:
Raising awareness, through the dissemination of information education, education and training and by promoting healthy life styles among our employees and their families. Motivating those employees who have an alcohol / drug problem, to seek assistance, while maintaining confidentiality about such cases.


Tata Steel is committed to contribute to the global effort towards halting and reversing the course of HIV/AIDS. The Company would take measures to actively disseminate information & education regarding HIV/AIDS within our workplace and surrounding communities, with the objective to reduce its transmission. The company would ensure a safe working environment, confidentially and non discrimination of affected employees, if any. The company would provide appropriate medical management for all affected employees and their families.

Corporate Social Responsibility & Accountability Policy

Tata Steel believes that the primary purpose of a business is to improve the quality of life of people Tata Steel shall volunteer its resources, to the extent it can reasonably afford, to sustain and improve healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of the employees and the communities it serves. Tata Steel shall conduct its business ever mindful of its social accountability, respecting applicable laws and with regard for human dignity. Tata Steel shall positively impact and influence its partners in fostering a sense of social commitment for their stakeholders.

Quality Policy Consistent with the group purpose, Tata Steel constantly strives to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves through excellence in all facets of its activities. We are committed to create value for all our customers and key stakeholders by continually standardizing, improving and innovating our offerings, systems and processes involving all our employees. This policy shall form the basis of establishing and reviewing the Business Objectives and Strategies and shall be communicated across the organization. The policy will be reviewed to align with business direction and to comply with all the requirements of TQM Principles. Human Resource Policy Tata Steel is an equal opportunity employer. Tata Steel recognizes that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness.

It will pursue management practices designed to enrich the quality of life of its employees, develop their potential and maximize their productivity. It will aim at ensuring transparency, fairness and equality in all its dealings with its employees. Tata Steel shall strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and teamwork. In the process Tata Steel shall strive to be the employer of choice by attracting the best available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce.

Safety Principles & Occupational Health Policy Tata Steels safety and occupational responsibilities are driven by our commitment to ensure zero harm to people we work with and society at large and are integral to the way we do business.
Safety Principles Safety is a line management responsibility. All injuries can be prevented. Felt concern and care for the employee on 24 hours safety shall be demonstrated by Leaders. Employees shall be trained to work safely. Working safely shall be condition of employment. Every job shall be assessed for the risk involved and shall be carried out as per authorized procedures/checklist/necessary work permit and using necessary work permit and using necessary personal protective equipment.

We are committed to continual improvement in our S&OH performance.

We shall set objective-targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and systems, and go beyond compliance of the relevant industry standards, legal and other requirements.

Environmental Policy Tata Steels environmental responsibilities are driven by our commitment to preserve the environment and are integral to the way we do business.
1. We are committed to deal proactively with Climate Change issue by efficient use of natural resources & energy; reducing and preventing pollution; promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures; and product stewardship. We shall identify, assess and mange our environmental impact. We shall regularly monitor, review and report publicly our environmental performance. Well shall develop & rehabilitate abandoned sites through afforestation and landscaping and shall protect and preserve the bio-diversity in the areas of our operations. We shall enhance awareness, skill and competence of our employees and contractors so as to enable them to demonstrate their involvement, responsibility and accountability for sound environmental performance.

2. We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance. We shall set objectives, targets, develop, implement and maintain management standards and system, and go beyond compliance of the relevant industry standards legal and other requirements.

3. We will truly succeed when we sustain our environmental achievement and are valued by the communities in which we work.

Research Policy Tata Steel believes that research provides the foundation for sustained, long-term, stakeholder delight. Tata Steel shall nurture and encourage innovative research in a creative ambience to ensure that the competitive advantages in its overall business is retained and surpassed. Towards this goal, the Company commits itself to providing all necessary resources and facilities for use by motivated researchers of the highest calibre. Research in Tata Steel shall be aligned to the technological initiatives necessary to evolve and fulfill the overall business objectives of the Company.

Subsidiaries Subsidiaries
Tata Steel's position has been strengthened over the years through meaningful acquisitions of enterprises across the globe. These enterprises have individually emerged as leaders in their respective industry segments leading to judicious investments, therefore facilitating growth. expand all collapse all Jamshedpur Injection Powder Limited (Jamipol)

JAMIPOL manufactures carbide de-sulphurising compounds which are used for de-sulphurising hot metal for the production of low-sulphur, high-quality steel. www.jamipol.comclose this

Jamshedpur Utility and Services Company Limited (JUSCO)

Re-engineered out of Tata Steel's town services, JUSCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Steel and is the country's first enterprise that provides municipal and civic services for townships. JUSCO is the only EMS 14001 civic services provider in the country. www.juscoltd.comclose this

Lanka Special Steel Limited

The only unit in Sri Lanka manufacturing galvanised wires.

close this Rawmet Ferrous Industries Tata Steel acquired 100% equity stake in Rawmet Ferrous Industries on January 15, 2007. Currently, the Company is based out of Kolkata and operates as a subsidiary of Tata Steel. Rawmet has a Ferro Alloy Plant near Cuttack, with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes production per annum of High Carbon Ferro Chrome. close this

Sila Eastern Company Limited

Established to develop limestone mines in Thailand, mainly for the captive use of Tata Steel.

close this Tata Steel KZN

TSKZN is a South Africa based subsidiary of Tata Steel, in the business of producing Ferro Chrome and Charge Chrome. It has moved on from the project phase and become operational since 3rd April 2008 with the switching on of Furnace I. close this Tata Metaliks Limited

Tata Metaliks is recognised as Indias number one pig iron manufacturing and selling company. Promoted by Tata Steel Limited and assisted by The West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation, the pig iron produced by the Company is rated as the best in the country for years now.

close this Tata Pigments Limited

TPL's range of products includes oxides of iron, dry cement paint, exterior emulsion paint and distemper. Its products are used in paints, emulsion, cement floors, plastic etc.

close this Tata Refractories Limited (TRL)

It produces High Alumina, Basic, Dolomite, Silica and Monolithic Refractories and offers design, procurement and re-lining applications services. It is one of the few companies worldwide to produce silica refractories for coke ovens and the glass industry. The Company has a basic bricks manufacturing unit in China. www.tataref.comclose this Tata Steel Processing and Distribution Limited (TSPDL)

Tata Steel Processing and Distribution Limited is wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Steel. With 8 large processing units, 17 sales locations and a host of partners like external processing agencies, suppliers, retailers and other stakeholders, today TSPDL is Indias largest steel service organisation. close this Tata Sponge Iron Limited (TSIL)

TSIL is the first Indian sponge iron plant based on Tata Steel's Direct Reduction Technology. Its major product lines are sponge iron lumps and fines. www.tatasponge.comclose this

Tayo Rolls Limited

India's leading roll manufacturer and supplier, the company produces rolls which find application in integrated steel plants, power plants, the paper, textile and food processing sectors, and the government mint.

close this Tinplate Company of India Limited (TCIL)

With a market share of over 35%, it is the industry leader in India. It has the capability to supply all tinning line products including electrolytic tinplate / tin-free steel and cold-rolled products.

close this TRF Limited

TRF, one of India's leading companies in the business of design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of engineered-to-order equipment and systems in the areas of bulk material handling, processing, reclaiming and blending. TRF has also made its mark in the fields of coke oven equipment, coal dust injection systems for blast furnaces and coal beneficiation systems. www.trfltd.comclose this

The Indian Steel and Wire Products Limited (ISWP)

Joint Ventures
Tata Steel is a global player with a balanced presence in developed European and fast growing Asian markets. The Company has set itself the objective of expanding its capacities and becoming globally competitive in its businesses. expand all collapse all Dhamra Port Company Ltd.

A JV between Larsen & Toubro Ltd. and Tata Steel Ltd., the Company has built a deep draft (18 metres) all weather port on the east coast of India. The port will handle 80 million tonnes per annum of cargo. The bulk cargo berths are being designed to accommodate up to 180,000 DWT vessels. A 62.7 km (route distance) rail link connecting the Port to the nearest railway station at Bhadrak on Chennai-Howrah line is included in the project scope. www.dhamraport.comclose this

mjunction services limited

mjunction, operating at the cutting edge of Information Technology, is a 50:50 venture of SAIL and Tata Steel. It is India's largest eCommerce company and the world's largest e-marketplace for steel. mjunction offers a wide range of selling, sourcing and knowledge services that empower businesses with greater process efficiencies. www.mjunction.inclose this

Tata BlueScope Steel Limited

The 50:50 Joint Venture agreement with BlueScope Steel Limited to form Tata BlueScope Steel Limited became effective from May 30, 2006. It offers a comprehensive range of branded steel products for building and construction applications. The Building Solutions facilities at Pune, Bhiwadi and Chennai have been operational since 2006-07. The Company is constructing a state-of-the-art metallic coating and painting facility at Jamshedpur. www.tatabluescopesteel.comclose this

TM International Logistics Limited (TMILL)

TMILL provides material handling and port operation services at Haldia and Paradip Ports in addition to providing freight forwarding and chartering services. www.tmilltd.comclose this

Tata NYK

This is a joint venture between Tata Steel and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) for setting up a shipping company to cater to dry bulk and break-bulk cargo. Tata Steel and NYK will each hold 50% stake in the joint venture company. The Company has commenced shipping activities for Tata Group companies and other clients with five ships. Tata NYK handled around 2.4 million tonnes of dry cargo and projects, to service more than 20 million tonnes per year within five years through a fleet of owned and chartered ships. close this

S&T Mining Company Pvt Ltd

Tata Steel imports about half of its coal requirements from overseas. As the countrys steel consumption enters a high and sustainable growth phase, the company is undertaking massive expansion plans. It has become imperative to ensure raw material security for the company. With this in mind, the company entered into a strategic alliance with the largest steel making company of India, SAIL. Accordingly, a new JV company, S&T Mining Co Private Limited was incorporated in September 2008 with its registered office in Kolkata. The Chairman of S&T Mining is Mr. S. N. Singh (Managing Director, Rourkela Steel Plant) while the MD of the company is Mr. Sandeep Kumar from Tata Steel. close this Vietnam Steel Project Tata Steel signed a Joint Venture Agreement on August 13, 2008 with Vietnam Steel Corporation (Vietnams largest steel company) and Vietnam Cement Industries Corporation (Vicem) for a 4.5 million tonne per year steel complex to be set up in Ha Tinh Province. The first phase of the complex will be a Cold Rolling Mill. Tata Steel will have a stake of 65% in the Steel project. close this JV with SODEMI in Ivory Coast Tata Steel and SODEMI entered into an agreement in December 2007 for the development of Mount Nimba iron ore deposits. lose this JV with Riversdale Mining Limited

Tata Steel entered into a Joint Venture (JV) with Riversdale Mining Limited, Australia in 2007 for a 35% stake in two coal tenements in Mozambique at Benga and Tete. The agreement gives the Company off-take rights to 40% of the coking coal produced from these mines. close this JV with Al Bahja Group In January 2008 a joint venture was agreed with members of the Al Bahja Group for mining limestone in Salalah province of Oman. close this JV with Vale

Management Speak

Management Speak When you are inspired by some great purpose, some
extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed.
Chairmans Statement

Dear Shareholder, Following two years of the worst global economic downturn in most peoples living memory, the world seems to be regaining some economic stability but with some dramatic shifts in concentration of economic strength. More

The growth rates in the economies of the developed world are still extremely moderate, while countries in the developing world have registered high levels of economic growth and some have become new centres of global capacity, demand and control over natural resources. In the developed world, there are definite signs of a recovery in the United States. Continental Europe is seeing a much more modest level of economic revival with some concerns about its sustainability. In the United Kingdom, a recovery is yet to take place. By contrast, in the developing world, China, India, Brazil and certain Asian countries are registering very strong and sustainable economic growth with robust domestic markets. In 2025, it is forecast that the BRIC countries will have 42% of the global population, will consume 60% of the global production and will have 70% of the global GDP. The steel industry has also been impacted by these global shifts. The requirement of steel is growing in Asia, where downstream user industries are experiencing high demand, whereas the markets for steel in the United Kingdom and Continental Europe have remained depressed. Major iron ore and coking coal resources have continued to be controlled by three companies which continue to opportunistically elevate prices that can never be passed on to the customer in these depressed times. One hopes that better sense prevails and a more responsible perspective is adopted by these mining companies, so as to enable an economic recovery to take place at this crucial time rather than drive the world into another collapse due to the spiraling cost of basic materials. Through these difficult times, Tata Steel has struggled to adhere to its long-term strategies, both in India and overseas. There has nevertheless been need to re-schedule and re-prioritise investment strategies in consonance with market conditions during this period. In India, the Company has given top priority to the 2.9 million tonne expansion programme at its Jamshedpur Works and its major greenfield 6 million tonne integrated steel plant in Orissa. Tata Steel Asia has steelmaking and finishing facilities in various Asian countries including India) aggregating 10.5 million tonnes. Equal importance has been given to raw material security through the acquisition of iron ore and coal resources overseas to feed its UK and European plants, while rationalising capacities to make them viable in this period of slack demand. Some of the decisions have been hard and some of the actions have been painful. Nevertheless, these were necessitated in order for the overall enterprise in the UK and Europe to survive. While Tata Steels Indian operations have remained profitable, albeit at a lower level than the previous year, Tata Steels European operations remained underutilised and hence unprofitable. However, with the rationalisation, the European operations have become EBITDA positive for the last two quarters. The benefits of the rationalization will of course be more evident in the coming year.

As the economies of several nations return to normalcy, the demand for steel-based goods will undoubtedly grow. This is already starting to be evident in automotive products, building construction and large infrastructure projects. Steel has been and will be, the basic foundation material for national growth and the industry will continue to be an important ingredient in a global economic recovery. The concentration of economic growth rates, manufacturing capacities, market size and control over natural resources will shift markedly towards Asia, Latin America and the CIS countries. China, India and Brazil will become important centres of economic growth in the coming decade. In the coming years, Tata Steel expects to emerge as a global steel producer with a total annual output of between 40-50 million tonnes, with major manufacturing plants in India, several countries in Asia, the UK and Continental Europe, supported by integrated mining operations in several geographies. Tata Steel has managed to weather the storm and the Company looks forward to the opportunity of fulfilling its objective of being a viable and innovative international steel producer in the years ahead.

Ratan N. Tata Chairman Mumbai, 31st May, 2009

Projects and Operations: India

The Tata Steel Groups growth and globalisation strategy is driven by its business expansion while maintaining profitability and mitigating risks. The Tata Steel Group over the years has focused on enhancing raw material security and announced major joint ventures in various parts of the globe. Tata Steels Indian operations are one of the most competitive assets in the global steel industry and therefore, capacity expansion in India is one of the key strategies for Tata Steel. The Indian operations draws its greatest strength and its competitive position as one of the lowest cost producers of steel in the world from the quality and yield of its raw material units. The mines have successfully offered raw material security and have partially insulated Tata Steel from the volatility of the global markets. The Company has, therefore, continuously modernised and expanded its raw material facilities right from the 1950s, when it had launched its two million tonne expansion programme.

In FY 2009-10, the steel division of the Indian operations registered an increase of 20% in their saleable steel from 5.37 million tonnes to 6.44 million tonnes. The production from the larger furnaces were maximised with better productivity and lower coke consumption while increased vessel life in the steel melting area enhanced the production level. There were several best ever performances recorded by many units in the Steel Works of the Company:

The Ferro Alloys and Minerals division registered an increase of 22% in their saleable production (1302k tonnes during 2009-10 over 1064k tonnes in 2008-09) while their sale was higher by 36% over FY 2008-09. Chrome Alloys exports and Manganese Alloys sales also scaled new peaks during 2009-10. The Tubes division grew by 11% and 10% in production and sales respectively over the previous year, boosted by various improvement initiatives across all its units. The division continues to pioneer the Closed Structural Business, with landmark structures being built using Tata Structura, which crossed the three-lakh tonnes landmark this year. Sales in the Bearings division registered a growth of 23% while its production increased by 8%.

Therefore the India growth strategy remains a fundamental part of the long-term strategy of the Tata Steel Group.

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Seraikela Greenfield Project

Project Highlights:
Setting up a 12 million tonnes per annum Greenfield integrated steel plant in the state. The Greenfield project is to be set up in two phases. The first phase of 6 mtpa is likely to be set up within 36 months to 54 months from the date of obtaining all statutory clearances.

Capacity: 12 mtpa integrated steel plant. Project Update: Tata Steel is awaiting the R&R Policy from the State Government for its Greenfield project.

Jamshedpur Plant

Brownfield Project Project Highlights MoUs with the Government of Jharkhand was signed in 2005 for
Expansion of Tata Steel's existing plant at Jamshedpur from 5 mtpa to 10 mtpa. Co-operation in the area of Human Resource Development through Industrial Training Institutes. The project includes the development of iron ore mines and other raw materials sources including coal and logistic linkages for this plant.

Project Update: The first phase which entails reaching a crude steel capacity of 6.8 mtpa has essentially been completed. The capacity of the Jamshedpur plant is expected to become 10 mtpa by December 2011. Commissioning of Coated Steel Manufacturing Plant Project Highlights: The manufacturing facility for coated steel of Tata Bluescope Steel Ltd. is under construction at Jamshedpur and is expected to be completed by March 2010. Tata Bluescope Steel Ltd. is a 50:50 joint venture between Tata Steel Ltd. and Bluescope Steel Australia. JV between Tata Steel & Nippon Steel Corporation Project Highlights: Tata Steel and Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC), Japan will set up a Continuous Annealing and Processing Line at Jamshedpur, India with 0.6 mtpa capacity. The line will produce automotive cold rolled flat products and address the local needs of Indian automotive customers for high-grade cold rolled steel sheets. Tata Steel will hold 51% and NSC will hold 49% stake in the joint venture company. The proposed joint venture aims to capture the growing demand for high-grade automotive cold-rolled flat products in India. NSC will transfer

its technology for producing high-grade cold-rolled steel sheets for automotive application including skin panel and high tensile steel. Project Update: A MoU was signed for the purpose between Tata Steel and Nippon Steel Corporation in April 2010. Other Projects Simultaneously the Company also has a few major ongoing capital projects, which includes the capacity augmentation of Hot Strip Mill, Coke Dry Quenching at Coke Ovens Batteries 5, 6 & 7 and setting up a new mill for producing Full Hard Cold Rolled (FHCR) coils at Jamshedpur. close this Chhattisgarh
Jagdalpur (Bastar) Project

Project Updates:
After acquisition fulfilling necessary processes, the land has been transferred in favour of the Department of Industries, which will subsequently lease it out to Tata Steel Limited. The Chhattisgarh Government has accorded approval for drawing water from river Sabri and the Ministry of Railway, Government of India has granted an in principle approval for the railway corridor. Prospecting License for iron ore has been granted in Bailadila-I deposits after approvals have been obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Ministry of Mines, Government of India. Public hearing for the Environment clearance has been successfully conducted. Conforming to the Companys CSR initiatives, several activities in the field of health, youth and women empowerment, sports and skill development are being carried out for local residents and displaced families.

close this Odisha

Kalinganagar Greenfield Project

Project Highlights: Preliminary work on the 6 million tonne per annum capacity Greenfield steel plant at Kalinganagar, Odisha(to be constructed in two phases) is in progress, focusing on land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement work. Project Update:
As of March 2010, a total of 806 families have been shifted from the plant site. The rehabilitation colonies for their resettlement have been provided with good infrastructural facilities that include clean drinking water, street lighting, and a community centre set up by the Company. A hospital with all amenities is also being provided by the Company. During the financial year 2009-10, construction of a warehousing shed and a building for a power receiving sub-station had started at one corner of the plant area. As per the MOU signed with the State Government of Odisha, the Company has fulfilled its obligation of placing the order for equipment and services.

Port Project at Dhamra

Project Highlight: The Dhamra Port Company Limited, a 50:50 joint venture of Tata Steel Limited and Larsen & Toubro, is developing a deep-draught port under a concession agreement awarded by the Government of Odisha on Build, Own, Operate, Share and Transfer (BOOST) basis. Situated between Haldia and Paradip, Dhamra Port will be one of the deepest ports in India with a draft of 18 meters, capable of accommodating super capesize vessels up to 1,80,000 DWT. Once commissioned, Dhamra Port will be of strategic importance to Tata Steel in terms of its integrated logistic cost of raw materials and will also consolidate Tata Steels supply chain network, contributing to its expansion aspirations. Project update: Phase-I of the project is almost complete and the port is expected to commence commercial operations by August 2010. In Phase-I, two fully mechanised berths, one for handling imported cargo and the other for export cargo with back-up facilities are being built, along with a rail corridor for hinterland connectivity. The capacity is estimated to be 27 MTPA in Phase-I. For more information please visit

For more information on Tata Steel's initiatives in Odisha please visit close this West Bengal
Haldia Plant

Tata Steel merged Hooghly Met Coke and Power Company Ltd. (HMPCL) with itself from 1st April 2009. The Company was set up to produce low ash metallurgical coke primarily to meet Tata Steels requirement at its Jamshedpur plant and also to supply hot gases to Tata Power for electricity generation by adopting heat recovery route. The plant is located in Haldia, West Bengal. Close proximity to the Haldia Dock Complex offers several advantages, including the import of coking coal in a more cost effective manner. The company has a production capacity of 1.6 million tonnes of coke. close this Tamil Nadu

Projects and Operations: International

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Bowen Basin Project

Location : Bowen Basin in Central Queensland Project Highlights

Tata Steel has a joint venture with Vale in Australia for a Coking Coal Mine. Tata Steel on December 14, 2005 signed agreements to buy a 5% interest in the Carborough Downs Coal Project located in Queensland, Australia. Tata Steel and Vale, along with other joint venture partners (Nippon steel, JFE and Posco) have undertaken a large scale expansion of the Carborough Downs Coal Mine near Moranbah in Central Queensland in Australia. The Carborough Downs coal project is majority owned and operated by a subsidiary of AMCI Holdings Australia Pty Ltd. The project life is currently estimated to be 14 years and approximately 58 million tonnes of raw coal is expected to be mined during this period. There is a further potential resource of 100 million tonnes of raw coal in the unexplored areas and deeper seams.

The clean coal envisaged to be produced would be low-ash coking coal and PCI coal, highly suitable for steel making. Tata Steel also signed an offtake agreement for a proportion of the production over life of the project. The first raw coal production started in August 2006 and the mine is currently producing around 1 MTPA.

Capacity: Mining capacity of 58 million tonnes of raw coal for 14 years. Project Updates The second phase of expansion has been undertaken, at the end of which the Company is expected to produce around 2.5 million tonnes of Coking and PCI coal during the fiscal year 2010-11. The Longwall expansion programme continued during the year. close this Canada
Taconite Project

Location : Northern Quebec, Labrador and Newfoundland provinces Project Highlights:

Tata Steel, through its subsidiary Tata Steel Global Minerals Holdings Pte Ltd., signed a binding Heads of Agreement with New Millennium Capital Corporation, Canada to develop the Labmag and Kemag iron ore deposits, collectively referred to as the Taconite project. Tata Steel will participate in a feasibility study of the Taconite Project.

About New Millennium Capital Corp. (NML): The Corporation controls the emerging Millennium Iron Range, known to hold the worlds largest magnetic iron ore deposits. Tata Steel is NMLs largest shareholder and strategic partner.

Direct Shipping Ore Project

Location : Northern Quebec, Labrador and Newfoundland provinces. Project Highlights:

A Joint Venture Company, Tata Steel Minerals Canada Ltd. has been formed between Tata Steel Global Minerals Holdings Pte Ltd. and New Millennium Capital Corporation, Canada. Tata Steel will own 80% of the JVC and NML 20%. The aim was to develop iron ore projects in the region. The agreement also provides exclusivity to Tata Steel in the Labmag taconite iron ore property. Tata Steel will have 100% offtake rights to the produce of the mine at the time of production commencement. The iron ore from this project will serve Tata Steels European facilities. In June 2010, Tata Steel subscribed to a private placement of Canadian $20 million by NML pursuant to which Tata Steel Global Minerals Holding Pte. Ltd. now holds a 27.4% stake in NML.

Capacity: The DSO resource is estimated to be approximately 100 million tonnes. The LabMag deposit consists of 3.5 billion tonnes of proven and potential mineral reserves. These reserves are contained in the 4.6 billion tonnes of measured and indicated resources and 1.2 billion tonnes of inferred resources. Project Update: Tata Steel, along with NML is trying to work out an economically viable solution to advance the project. NML has completed a feasibility study for the DSO Project which is being reviewed by Tata Steel. The Feasibility Study estimates proven and probable mineral reserves of 64.1 million tonnes for the DSO Project. Subject to receiving all regulatory approvals, production is expected to commence in 2011. close this Ivory Coast
Nimba Iron ore Project

Location : Nimba Iron ore deposits in Ivory Coast. Project Highlights:

Tata Steel Limited and SODEMI (State Owned Company for Mineral Development), on December 11, 2007 entered into Joint Venture agreement for the development of Mount Nimba Iron ore deposits in Ivory Coast (West Africa). The project will be implemented by a joint venture company Tata Steel Cote divoire, wherein Tata Steel will have a major shareholding (75%). The Mt. Nimba deposit spread over 3 countries Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast is one of the biggest iron ore deposits in West Africa.

The initial phase will involve exploration and detailed feasibility assessments followed by construction of the mine and beneficiation facilities. The iron ore from this project will be supplied to Tata Steel Group facilities especially those located in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands.

Capacity: To be assessed. Project Update: In view of the environmental issues encountered in the case of Mt. Nimba, Tata Steel approached the Government of Ivory Coast to grant a prospecting license for Mt. Gao for an early start of the project. The Government of Ivory Coast has granted an exploration license to Sodemi on 30th July 2009 and an Addendum to the Joint Venture Agreement was signed on 29th September 2009 to include Mt. Gao in the Joint Venture Agreement. The exploration license for Mt. Gao has been transferred to the JV Company. A team has been deployed on the ground to carry out the feasibility studies. close this Mozambique
Benga Coal Project

Location : Key coal exploration tenements (the Benga and Tete licences) held by Riversdale in Mozambique. Project Highlights
Tata Steel and Riversdale Mining Ltd. Australia signed a joint venture agreement on November 30, 2007. Under the terms of agreement, Tata Steel will pay AUD100 million (approximately 88.2 million USD) to acquire 35% of Riversdale's Benga and Tete licences. The JV comprises two licences (the Benga and Tete licenses) and covers an area of 24,960 hectares (approximately 96.7 square miles). The coking coal derived from this project will be supplied to the Tata Steel Group's facilities in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. The JV conducted a formal Ground Breaking Ceremony in the presence of the President of the Republic of Mozambique, His Excellency Armando Emilio Guebuza on 14th April 2010. The official ceremony follows a series of milestones already achieved by the Company such as the signing of the Mining Contract, approval of Environmental Licenses for the Benga Coal Project and the Benga Power Project and the approval of Stage 1 of the Benga Coal Project following the

completion of the Feasibility Study for production of 10.6 million ROM tonnes in two phases. Other key contracts and agreements include the CHP Plant Supply Contract, a Resettlement Action Plan and the Project Labour Agreement (PLA) which was signed with SINTICIM (the Mozambican National Construction and Mineworkers Union).

Capacity: Potential to extract 720 million tonnes by open-cut methods from a major coal resource in the Benga Licence. Project Update: Stage I, entails initial production of 5.3 million ROM tonnes per year to produce approximately 1.7 mtpa of high quality hard coking coal and 0.3 mtpa of export thermal coal by Q2 2011. close this The Netherlands
IJmuiden Steel Works

Operations: The IJmuiden Steel Works is Tata Steel's largest and most cost-efficient steel making facility in Europe, with a production capacity of 7.6mtpa. Projects: A number of capital expenditure schemes are in progress at IJmuiden. Among them is a 20m pilot plant that is being jointly funded with ULCOS, the European Commission and the Dutch government. The 60,000 TPA pilot plant is intended to prove the commercial and technical viability of a new iron making process called Hisarna. If successful, the project will considerably reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of the existing integrated steelmaking process. Hisarna would also be more energy efficient than existing technology and use cheaper and more abundant raw materials. For further information, please visit close this Oman
Limestone Project

Location : Uyun region in the Salalah province.

Project Highlights
Tata Steel Limited and the members of the Al Bahja Group, a leading business house of Oman signed a Joint Venture Agreement on January 16, 2008 Tata Steel has a 70% stake in the joint venture. The project envisages mining of limestone in the Uyun region (limestone is the key raw material for producing good quality steel), which lies in the Salalah province of Oman and has large deposits of limestone.

Capacity: To be assessed. Updates: Exploration and feasibility studies are in progress. The Environmental Impact Assessment has been completed and the mining license is awaited. close this Singapore
Tata NYK Shipping Pte Ltd.

Tata NYK Shipping Pte Limited is a Singapore based 50:50 joint venture between Tata Steel and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK line), a Japanese shipping major. Project Highlights
The JV was set up to cater to ship bulk cargo such as coal, iron ore and steel. The shipping firm would handle the Tata Steel Groups requirements for moving raw materials and steel. The Company would ensure a strategic control over logistics in the future. Tata NYK has entered into a long term charter for 8 Supramax / Panamax vessels. Orders have been placed for building two new Supramax vessels. The Company handled a total of 4.48 million tonnes of cargo in FY 09.

Project Update: As part of its long-term strategy, the Company plans to enter into a long term charter for capsize vessels in 2009.

NatSteel Holdings

NatSteel, a 100% subsidiary of the Tata Steel Group, is headquartered in Singapore and has presence in Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, China, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore. The Singapore operations comprise steel making and rolling operations of capacity 7,50,000 tonnes per annum and has a well-established downstream business. The downstream business comprising direct sales to contractors uses 45 knowledge-centric services and consists of a cut and bend facility and products like mesh, cages and couplers which benefits the customers in terms of higher yields, higher productivity, lesser space requirement and just in time steel in desired sizes. The downstream facility in Singapore, produces over 4,00,000 tonnes per annum of cut and bend bars, mesh, pre-cages, bore pile cages etc., and is the largest single location facility in the world. Of the two units operating in China, one is a rolling mill at Xiamen producing about 5,00,000 tonnes of bars and rods and the other is a wire drawing plant at Wuxi, with a capacity of 1,00,000 tonnes per year. In the Xiamen city, the market share is about 25%.
Vietnam Operations

NatSteel in Vietnam is a 55% equity partner in a Joint Venture with VN Steel and a capacity of 1,30,000 tonnes per year. Australia Operations In Australia, the downstream business has a capacity of 2,50,000 tonnes per year.
Philippines Operations

At Philippines, NatSteel is a 40% partner in the Joint Venture with a capacity of 3,50,000 tonnes per year. The wire drawing plant in Thailand (SIW) produces about 1,20,000 tonnes of wires and with the expansion to be commissioned by this year-end, the capacity will increase to about 1,50,000 tonnes per year. It would be pertinent to note that both the wire operations in Wuxi and in Thailand, export to worldwide markets.
Continuous Improvement

During the past few years, NatSteels continuous improvement efforts have been focused on reducing cost, improving productivity and enhancing quality. The upstream production has gone up from 5,55,000 tonnes in year 2006 to 7,50,000 tonnes in year 2009. During the financial year 2008-09 Singapore sold about 956,000 tonnes of steel with an achieved market share of about 58%. The downstream facilities in Singapore sold over 4,75,000 tonnes in FY 09, 20% more compared to the previous year. Among other operations of the NatSteel Holdings, the Xiamen operations in China, a 100% subsidiary of NatSteel, sold 426,000 tonnes of rolled products during FY 09 and the Australian operations of NatSteel sold around 188,000 tonnes of steel in straight length rebars, mesh, cut & bend and other accessories. close this South Africa
Tata Steel (KZN)

Tata Steel (KZN) is a South Africa based subsidiary of Tata Steel, in the business of producing Ferro Chrome and Charge Chrome. It has moved on from the project phase and become operational since 3rd April 2008 with the switching on of Furnace I. Location: Richards Bay (in uMhlathuze Municipality) Highlights of Operation
The ground-breaking ceremony of Ferro Chrome Project was held at Richards Bay on August 21, 2006. The business model of the plant includes taking high quality Chrome Ore from India and elsewhere, converting it into Ferro Chrome in Richards Bay, and exporting the finished product to various customer destinations. The briquette technology being used by the company is environment friendly and relatively new to South Africa. TSKZN is one of the most environment compliant plants globally. TSKZN will produce some 150 000 tonnes per annum of ferrochrome during the first few years of operation. All of the ferrochrome produced by TSKZN will be exported through the port of Richards Bay. More than 90% of TSKZN ferrochrome (with chromium content of 52% 65% depending on ore source) will be utilised in the production of stainless steel. On 17 September 2009, TSKZN achieved two milestones - the flag off of 100,000mt of FeCr sales and the inauguration of the Metal Recovery Plant.

close this Thailand Tata Steel Groups equity in Tata Steel Thailand is 67.1%. Headquartered in Bangkok, its three main subsidiaries are SISCO, NTS and SCSC. In the year 2008, Tata Steel Thailand registered sales of 1.4 million tonnes. The Companys predominant market is in Thailand and its market share in 2008 was 31% in the long products business. The Company also has been improving continuously in the past few years with its various initiatives focused on reducing cost, improving productivity and quality. Production during FY 09 was at 1.07 million tonnes while sales at 1.1 million tonnes. Tata Steel Thailand is committed to moving forward in the journey for excellence and social accountability. The Company continuously improves its business processes and systems in accordance with its commitment to environmental responsibilities. close this United Kingdom

Operations: Carbon steel is produced by the basic oxygen steel making method at three integrated steelworks in the UK at Port Talbot, Scunthorpe and Teesside (currently mothballed), and special and alloy steels through the electric arc furnace method in Rotherham. In addition, there are a number of downstream rolling, coating and processing facilities. Performance: Liquid steel production in 2008-09 at 16 million tonnes was 20% lower than that of 2007-08. Turnover for the period was Rs.1,09,570 crore (US$ 21,539m). Projects: A number of capital expenditure schemes are in progress in the UK. Among them is the 60m BOS gas recovery plant at Port Talbot, which is expected to significantly reduce natural gas and electricity purchases and materially reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the site through the utilisation of gas generated inside the Basic Oxygen Steel plant. For further information, please visit close this Vietnam

Ha Tinh Project

Location : Ha Tinh province. Project Highlights

A proposed steel complex with an estimated capacity of 4.5 million tonnes per year. Tata Steel signed an MoU with Vietnam Steel Corporation (VSC) on May 29, 2008 to develop a steel complex in Ha Tinh. Another MOU was signed to set up a cold rolling mill in Ha Tinh province. Tata Steel is partnering with VSC in establishing a steel complex in Ha Tinh province, which will be phased over 10 years. On the successful completion of the study and financial closure, Tata Steel will have a stake of minimum 65% and VSC will have a stake of 35% in the Steel complex. Tata Steel will also have a stake of 30% in Thach Khe Iron Ore Joint Stock Company, which would undertake mining in the Thach Khe iron ore mine.

Capacity: A proposed steel complex with an estimated capacity of 4.5 million tonnes per year.


Overview: Established in 995 by a merger of Metal Corporation and Steel Corporation, VNSteel is Vietnams largest steel company and has various manufacturing plants and a distribution system across the country. The total capacity of VNSteel including that of its joint ventures is around 2.2 million tonnes with a product mix ranging from crude steel, high quality construction steel to sheet and plate products serving other economic sectors. Project Updates: The Company has completed the feasibility study for the steel complex, to be developed in 3 phases. Tata Steel, in collaboration with VNSteel and VICEM has also completed the detailed project report for Phase1, that is the cold rolling mill.

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Technical Innovations
Tata Steel feels that self-reliance in technology is a pre-requisite for growth, especially in the context of globalisation and expanding operations. The Group's advanced Research and

Development centres are competent enough to meet emerging challenges and ensure that the Company always stays ahead of all competition. Over the years, Tata Steel has placed a continuous emphasis on improving processes, with a view to consistently enhancing efficiencies, improving quality and thereby achieving better performance benchmarks in all areas of operations. The Research Department established by Tata Steel way back in 1935, was the first of its kind in India, and stands as a testimony to the foresight of the early pioneers and the vision of the founder of the Company. The Groups research programme is split between programmes funded by the separate business units (which make up the major part of the work done in the European research centres) and work on a number of identified thrust areas that receive corporate funding. The thrust areas also incorporate the projects that were previously a part of the strategic programme of Tata Steel in Europe. Currently, the Tata Steel Group has five research centres with over 1000 people involving themselves in R&D activities. These centers are: IJmuiden Technology Centre (the Netherlands) : Located in IJmuiden, this centre focuses predominantly on process and product research for strip products and its application in the automotive and packaging sectors. In addition, the Ceramics Research Centre contributes to the availability of high temperature installations by developing value in use refractory solutions. Swinden Technology Centre (United Kingdom): This R&D Centre of Tata Steel in Rotherham focuses primarily on product research and applications research for the transport, building and construction sectors. Process research is undertaken for the mills operations, concentrating largely on environmental research. Teesside Technology Centre (United Kingdom): The Teesside Technology Centre (TTC) is located at Grangetown, Cleveland and operates as a satellite focusing on process and long product research. This Centre has a significant capability that of the 8 tonnes heavy pilot plant facility with an arc melting furnace and steel casting capability. Automotive Engineering Group (United Kingdom) : The Automotive Engineering Group (AEG) was initially built as a technical bridge between Tata Steel and its automotive sector customers. Its key focus is on cost-effective light weighting, to keep steel positioned as the automotive material of choice in the transition to a low carbon economy. It services the automotive, construction, materials handling and defence market sectors. Jamshedpur R&D Centre (India) : The Jamshedpur R&D centre in India was established in 1937 and is one of the oldest industrial R&D centres in the country. Since its inception, this centre has played a pivotal role in the development of steel products and process routes that have given the Company a competitive advantage in local and global markets. The innovative processes and superior quality of output is reflected in 42 filed and 36 granted patents during the past year along with publication of 56 papers in top international peer-reviewed journals.

Anticipating the need to become self-reliant in technology, Tata Steel has taken several steps that would help consolidate its position as a leader in chosen technologies.

Focus on IPR Although the first patent for Tata Steel was filed in 1947, with IPR becoming strategically significant, a major step in establishing a sound intellectual property mechanism was taken in 2001 with the creation of a patent cell giving focus and fillip to the intellectual property movement in Tata Steel. The result was almost immediately visible. The initiatives taken over the years have helped the Tata Steel Group increase its total IP portfolio (filed and granted patents and copyrights) from 32 in FY 2000 to 493 till date. Out of these 133 patents have been granted, the remaining 360 have been filed and are at different stages in the process of being granted. The Tata Steel Group IPR portfolio also comprises around 250 pending trademark applications and over 1500 registered trademarks for premium products such as Shaktee for Tata galvanised corrugated steel, MagiZinc for a newly developed corrosion resistant Al-Mg-Zn coated steel and Colorcoat for a range of pre-finished steel products for the building envelope. close this Research in Thrust Areas Tata steels Research and Development activities will continue to focus on identified thrust areas that include:
Economic Mineral Beneficiation:

Research in this area is aimed at identifying ways to maximise use of raw materials from captive sources and is focused on three areas: 8% Ash Coal maintaining yield : The objective is to develop a cost-effective beneficiation route for producing clean coal with 8% ash, maintaining current yield from the captive collieries. To achieve this, work is being carried out in three main modules like coarse coal beneficiation (2mm and above, to produce 12% ash clean coal), fine coal beneficiation (between 0.25 mm to 2 mm to produce 10% ash clean coal) and beneficiation of middlings, tailings and rejects. The processes will be done with the help of completely new technology being developed by the company. Tata Steel, for this purpose is working in close collaboration with IIT Kharagpur, Tata Research Design and Development Centre -Pune, University of Queensland- Australia, ISM -Dhanbad and others.

Complete beneficiation of Iron Ore: Process for complete beneficiation of iron ore is under way and a pilot plant is in progress in Jamshedpur. Technologies are being developed and up-scaled to beneficiate high-alumina fractions and slimes with the aim to reduce alumina content to less than 1.5%. Efforts are also being made to commercially utilise the rejects. Technology for cost-effective use of newly acquired raw material sources: A direct reduction method was developed for zinc bearing iron ore that ensures that zinc is retained in the DRI to avoid problems associated with vaporisation of the metal. The DRI thus produced can be processed in electric arc furnaces, a well-established route for steel production from scrap with high zinc content. A feasibility study was successfully carried out.
Improvement in Raw Material Quality:

Raw material costs play a key role in the competitiveness of the steel industry. Various R&D programmes are underway to address the issue of escalating raw material prices. Research iniyiatives seeks to maximise the use of raw materials from captive sources. These projects include new technology to produce low ash clean coal and beneficiation of low grade iron ore and plant rejects to produce concentrates. Research and development has brought improvement in the steel making process by lowering phosphorous in steel making.
Themes addressed are: Design of a new supersonic lance, improvement in bottom stirring and assessment of the BOF slag system. Trials have been carried out at the LD2 steel plant in Jamshedpur with a new 6+1 hole top lance designed by R&D. Implementation of a new way of blowing argon from the vessel bottom called Differential Flow at the LD2 plant in Jamshedpur has improved the phosphorus partition and reduced the argon consumption. New coal agglomeration technology to increase the use of low-cost noncoking coal for coke production

Improvement in Facilities

R&Ds commitment towards continuous improvement and its development of cutting edge technology has supported Tata Steel to become one of the lowest cost steel producers worldwide. The many activities in this field include research on agglomerates chemistry, blast furnace burden distribution, integrated through-process modelling, reduction in zinc consumption during tube galvanising and many more.Tata Steels R&D centers also conduct many programmes to improve the life cycle and sustainability of the Companys products that include projects to reduce energy consumption, CO2 and other emissions.

Improving the Blast Furnace Productivity :

Experiments to study the effect of burden distribution, shape of cohesive zone, layer thickness etc are in progress.

KDR I: A coal based DRI technology that has been developed by Tata Steel with the aim of a substantial cost advantage in capital and operating costs over other DRI technologies. ULCOS : It is a large research project aimed at developing new processes that could achieve 50% less carbon di-oxide emissions per tonne of steel by 2050. It includes the construction of a pilot plant to trial the new HIsarna iron making process at Tata Steel IJmuiden in the Netherlands. This new process, which was developed jointly with partners in the ULCOS consortium (, is expected to drastically reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with the production of iron from iron ore. The project combines the capabilities of 48 organisations, including all major European steel makers and engineering companies.
Production of High Strength Steel

Four research groups in India and more than 10 departments in Europe are actively engaged in
developing new products. The research output of these units cater to the needs of the Automotive sector that include the development of advanced high strength steels, new forming techniques, new and improved joining techniques, innovative coatings, improved fatigue life of components, etc.

Flat Products for Automobiles:

The aim of this thrust area is to develop a steel grade with 1000 mpa yield strength and 50% elongation.

High Strength Ductile Steels:

This development project is being done in collaboration with Tata Steel and Salzgitter. The project comprises two work streams- supply chain development and product development.

Advanced Coatings Developments

Advanced Coatings:

This thrust area emphasises on developing a suitable advanced coating on steel sheets to minimise the use of replacement of zinc (zero zinc) and to develop chrome free passivation for galvanised sheets. Work on coatings is aimed at responding to the market drive to reduce cost of coatings and maintain the Groups position in the market for coated products. Within this, four work streams have been defined i.e. physical vapour deposition, development of zinc free coated products for current and future applications, high speed galvanising and high-speed organic coating lines. MagiZinc
MagiZinc is a hot dip zinc coating with 1-2% aluminium and 1-2% magnesium added to the zinc bath. These elements improve the corrosion resistance of galvanised steel between 4-20 times in a salty spray test. Moreover, the coating offers better formability with respect to zinc pollution in the pressing tool as found after multiple passes in the Linear Friction Test. First applications can be seen in the construction industry and include channels for ventilation systems and cable trays in large commercial and residential buildings.

In July 2008, MagiZinc was awarded the Tata Group Innovation Award in the category of Promising Innovations.

EML-PVD: Tata Steel has developed a PVD process based on electromagnetic levitation (EML) of the evaporating liquid in a vacuum. Tata Steel is upscaling this technology in collaboration with POSCO. High-Strength Armour Plate:
Tata Steel in collaboration with the UK Ministry of Defence is developing a cost effective, high-strength armour plate. The basics of this new super bainite steel were originally developed by Cambridge University, QinetiQ and The Ministry of Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Tata Steel subsequently developed the product to industrial scale using its laboratory, pilot and full-scale production facilities.

In order to facilitate the automotive industry, the portable strain analysis system (PHAST) combines expertise in three-dimensional measurement technology with indepth materials knowledge and supports press shop operators in using new steel grades or help solve problems in pressing complex car parts. In 2008, an upgraded

version of this system was launched, which provides analysis results within a few hours.

The current focus for the packaging market is on developments that lead to growth with existing products, particularly in the European market. For example, working closely with Tata Steel in Europe, Italys leading maker of cans for the paint and edible oil markets Gruppo ASA has developed Platinun, a new family of containers for paint based on Protact polymercoated packaging steel. Platinun has attracted a great deal of interest among paint manufacturers.
Low Energy Process for the Production of Ferro Chrome

Tata Steels R&D centre at Jamshedpur has developed a new process technology that can be used either for the direct production of stainless steel or for producing ferro chrome in submerged arc furnaces (SAF) with reduced power consumption (from 3500 kwh/tonne to 2800 kwh/tonne) and coke consumption. Pilot scale experiments were done to establish the process parameters and develop engineering process flow sheet to put up a technology proving plant. In 2008, scale-up trials were carried out to establish the technical and economical feasibility of the process. The research team also worked closely with the Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT), Bhubaneswar on a fluidised bed reactor process. Two variants of this process are being developed for the production of pre-reduced chrome for use in production of ferro chrome in the existing SAF process and chrome nuggets that are used as alloying addition in stainless and alloy steel making. The novel process uses non-coking coal as a reducing agent and energy source. Thus there is reduced need for low ash, low phosphorus (imported) coke.
Hydrogen Harvesting Processes commonly used for slag cooling like slag granulation or quenching are not environment friendly and the heat contained in the molten slag is wasted. Tata Steel has developed a unique process to generate hydrogen-rich gas by utilising the heat of molten slag. This technology is set to produce hydrogen gas that will be used to pre-heat chrome ore concentrate briquettes, replacing oil. This process was demonstrated on a pilot project basis using a set up with 10 tonnes slag capacity, designed and developed in-house with the help of Tata Growth Shop, producing gas that contains over 70% hydrogen. International and Indian patent applications have been filed and work is now in progress to optimise the process for commercialisation at the Ferro Alloys plant. This has the potential to generate low cost hydrogen which can save energy and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in the steel plant.

Viable Photovoltaic Coating System

Research and development in this field aims at creating state-of-the-art thin film photovoltaic systems that will seamlessly integrate with TSG products. Part of the work focuses on collaborating with DyeSol a company specialising in photovoltaics and further developing their

work. A second work stream concentrates on the further development of steel as a substrate for PV systems. In the course of the year 2008-09, a dedicated facility for the development of PV systems based on steel substrates, including a pilot line, was set up on the site of Tata Steel Colors in Shotton. The first coating trials on the pilot line were highly promising.
Energy Efficient Fluids

The objective is to develop next generation, energy efficient fluids as coolants and lubricants. After laboratory tests had confirmed that suspending nanoparticles in an aqueous medium result in a higher heat transfer rate, subsequent tests have shown that the overall heat transfer was between 1.8 (at high temperatures) and 2.5 times (at low temperatures) than that of water. For industrial scale use however, methods for large-scale production and safe handling of these fluids were needed. As a first step to solve these problems, an effervescent tablet was developed that would dissolve in water in five seconds. A patent application for this has been filed. As a second step, a new concept of a high-speed shear mixer for bulk nanofluid generation was demonstrated in October 2008 for 20,000 litres for use in wire box cooling in the wire rod mill of Indian Steel and Wire Products Limited, Jamshedpur. The higher cooling rate compared to normal water-cooling opens up a range of applications in process control and product design. Other prospective application areas for nano-coolants that have been investigated include increased cooling rates at the hot strip mill to enable low cost manufacturing of Dual Phase (DP) steels, stove cooling in blast furnaces, and heat recovery from waste gases and exhaust pipes.

Functional Steel Roofing: A4 size composite panels with adhesive bonded EPP were evaluated for thermal stability, adhesion and cyclic humidity, and all tests were successful. Steel Fibre Based Construction: A new fibre designed by the R&D division was manufactured at Pune. The product has been commercialised in early 2009. close this Major Facilities and Process Improvements Building on previous process improvement experience, the Tata Steel Group Process Improvement Teams have been set up with the aim to ensure that best practice in process technology is applied throughout the Group. This involves among other things, transferring technology that has been proven in one plant to other installations that are similar. The Group is

continuously working on ways to reduce emissions. It is also working on the development of measuring techniques so that its operations comply with pollution reduction regulations. A major project led by the European RD&T team to investigate the sources of fine and ultra fine particulate matter in the steel industry has identified two major sources of such particulate emission one at a typical integrated steel plant and the other as an effect of long-range transport. These results will help the Company to anticipate future legislation and to take appropriate measures to reduce any emissions from steel making to lower levels. In India, experts from the European RD&T teams environment department have assisted in assessing ways to maintain emissions from the Jamshedpur works at current levels even when production capacity is increased to 9.7 MTPA. Some of the major facilities that facilitate process improvement are:
Ore beneficiation facilities e.g. crushers, hydrocyclone, dense media cyclone, hydrosizer, dry and wet high intensity magnetic separators, spiral concentrator, floatation cell, slurry rheometer, surface tensiometer etc. Coke making and testing facilities e.g. 600 kg pilot oven, 7 kg carbolite oven, hammer mill, coal blending and stamping machines, dilatometer, plastometer, polarizing microscope, CSN test unit, Micum drum etc. Rotary hearth furnace for simulating smelting-reduction of Fe-bearing minerals Pot grate sinter making (batch mode, pilot scale) 1:10 scale-down blast furnace model for burden distribution studies Softening-melting equipment for simulating high temperature behaviour of blast furnace burden Water models for steel making studies (vessels, tundish, casters, ladle etc.) Particle image velocimetry Thermodynamic, FEM and CFD software e.g. Thermocalc, Factsage, ABAQUS, DEFORM, fluent, CFX Melting and heat treatment facilities including 25 & 50 kg induction furnaces, salt bath furnace etc. Forming simulation lab with advanced software like Pamstamp 2G, HyperMesh, LS-DYNA and RADIOSS, Unigraphis NX etc. 130 tonne servo-hydraulic forming press, automatic strain analyzer, electromechanical tensile testing, servohydraulic fatigue, thermo-mechanical simulator (Gleeble 1500) Welding facilities e.g. MF spot welding with robotic arrangement Materials characterisation facilities e.g. optical microscopes with image analysers (petrological, metallurgical), SEM with EBSD, EDS, FE SEM, QEMSCAN, XRD etc.

Advanced corrosion lab, with salt spray testing, humidity chamber, squeeze roll, electrodeposition painting, FTIR, EIS, Kelvin probe, dip and spin coaters various paint testing devices etc. Hot dip simulation lab, with indigenously made zinc melting, sample heating and dipping facilities Plasma aided magnetron sputtering unit for thin film coating NDT facilities like ultrasonic C-Scan, flaw detection equipment (EPOCH 4), radiation measuring devices etc.

close this Recent Achievements

Lowering of West Bokaro clean coal ash from 17% to 13% Dewatering of coal through vacuum filtration, high rate thickening and use of dewatering aids Introduction of jigging at Noamundi for benefication of iron ore fines Production of 8% ash coal maintaining yield. a. Pilot scale testing of a new dense medium cyclone (DMC) design in collaboration with Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), Australia b. A new air-core free dense medium cyclone developed at pilot scale for improving clean coal yield c. A 500-kg pilot plant is being commissioned at Vishakapatnam for demonstrating a new chemical leaching technology for producing low ash clean coal d. A pilot scale plant has been designed for organo-refining of coal Benefication of iron ore slimes to produce iron ore concentrate of 2% Alumina Solution for large scale processing and utilization of Jhama Coal Development (in collaboration with CLRI, Chennai) of an alternative environmental friendly process and implementation to minimise the carcinogenic hexavalent chromium in chromite concentrates at chrome ore beneficiation plant at Sukinda Optimisation of performance of the Gimbal Top distribution system in C blast furnace during filling-in trials to obtain smooth start up and stabilsation of furnace operation Filling-in trials during start-up of H blast furnace with bell-less top distribution system to develop control logic for burden distribution inside the furnace for smooth ramp-up in production and better productivity

Modification of bottom tuyeres location of BOF vessels of Port Talbot Tata Steel Europe based on the study carried out at R&D, resulting in improvement in bath agitation practices Suggestion for a new furniture for LD-3 tundish, based on computational fluid dynamics study to reduce its cost by 50% and without affecting its performance Development of Tata 800, a new grade for automotive application with UTS800 MPa min, elongation-20% min, hole expansion-100% min. Development of Tata 600 with UTS-600 MPa min, elongation-24% min, hole expasion-120% min. for wheel disc application Development of telescopic front fork tubes with UTS-850 MPa min, elongation-15% min, Ra-0.6 micron max with single stage cold drawing process and commercialization for two wheeler applications Commercialisation of ERW tubes as an alternative to FM grades for plumbing application Lab scale development of a fine grained dual phase steel with high formability (r-bar=1.4) Lab scale development of a CR-TRIP steel with 960 MPa UTS and elongation24% Development of a thin organic coating (TOC), application on galvanized wires and commercialisation as Deluxe GI Wire by the Wire Division Significant reduction of the Zn consumption in tube galvanizing after implementation of a suitable inner wiping system in the Tubes Division based on a CFD study Development of a suitable lamellar foam SHEETAL for roofing application to provide both sound and thermal insulation compared to bare GC sheet Indigenous development of a pilot coating line Lab scale development of a Zn-Al coating on tubes by a single step hot dip galvanizing process, along with the formulation of a suitable fluxing material Development of improved MIG welding procedure for cage making for Nat Steel, Singapore Development of new QEMSCAN database for accurate analysis of Indian minerals, sinters and refractories Improvement of life of Rubber Rolls at PLTCM and ECL of CRM by about 6 times through development of rubber with improved material chemistry and processing technique Development of steel grade with improvised steel chemistry in order to eliminate customer complaints of thinning and cracking of flash butt welded wheel rims of HCV at Kalyani Lemerez Development of techniques for reduction of beehive code moisture and fines Development of appropriate materials for inner cover of batch annealing furnaces to take care of the premature bulging problem Elimination of black patch defects from the tin plate surfaces at TCIL

Development of roll life at NBM through hardfacing Maiden evaluation of concrete quality of mill housing foundation in TSCR adopting ultrasonic pulse velocity test method Development and implementation of a predication system, termed high performance onling property predication system (HIPOPPS) that could predict the Ys, UTS and % Elongation to stop all testing of hot rolled coils. Employment of nanotechnology to achieve faster cooling of coal rolled strips in its batch annealing furnaces with a potential of saving eight minuted per hour in a fifteen hour cooling cycle.

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Tuticorin Mines

Project Highlights
MoU with the Government of Tamil Nadu signed on June 27, 2002. Titania project involves mining, mineral separation and value addition i.e. pigments production in phases subject to techno- economic viability. Prospecting license over 80 area granted by the Government of Tamil Nadu in the districts of Tirunelveli and Tuticorin with due approval from Government of India. The feasibility study conducted with the help of Consortium Partners comprising Outokumpu Finland's physical separation division based in USA, Outokumpu-Lurgi, Germany, Pincock Allen and Holt, USA, a resource and mining consulting company and L&T. Environmental Impact Assessment of the project carried out and Environmental Management Plan drawn with the assistance of MIN-MEC Consultancy.

Capacity: 60,000 tonnes per annum of titanium di-oxide. close this

This is a joint project with Vale and other partners, for expanding a coking coal mine (Carborough Downs) in Central Queensland. close this

Marketing Innovations
Assurance, reliability and superior brand experience in every segment have always been the key focus for Tata Steel's brand building endeavours. In addition, the realigned operating strategy takes into account current realities of the marketplace and enhancement of customer satisfaction and relationships with existing clients. In recent times, the Tata Steel Group has been concentrating on the geographies that are logistically favourable to its plants in Europe and Asia, in response to current realities of the marketplace. Tata Steel has been working to enhance customer satisfaction and relationships with existing clients. As opposed to competitors who split and diversify, Tata Steel is focusing on positive markets by applying its resources to the core business where they are most needed. In order to spread the customer base and maximise leverage from the economic packages, special initiatives were devoted to Government funded projects and the Railways. The Singapore operations of NatSteel and the Xiamen operations engaged in efforts to align the price-cost cycle to mitigate risks of price fluctuations. A focus area for Tata Steel European operations have been the continuous enhancement of customer support in the automotive market. Several new initiatives have been undertaken to improve customer service in every market segment. Tata Steel had implemented Vehicle Tracking system (VTS) way back in 2002. In line with the Companys endeavour to improve customer service, approx 1600 Global Positioning System (GPS) mounted vehicles have been deployed by transport partners of material movement across the Country. This is the largest implementation of GPS enabled fleet in the steel industry. To bring about improvement in delivery reliability, a billboard has been created and uploaded on CSD webpage to track vehicles on-line, again a first in the Indian Steel industry. Major drive has been taken to reduce service claims through development of desired infrastructure at Hubs/Stock yards and deployment of specialised vehicles. In order to create service differentiation, an auto compliant hub has been developed at Chennai. Fleet of special vehicles has further been augmented to deliver damage free skin panels. Standard operating procedures for receipt, storage, handling and delivery of steel materials at all stock points have been implemented. Tata Steel has created transport parks in Jamshedpur to ease out traffic flow and educate all drivers on safety and health concerns. As a CSR initiative approximately 2000 drivers undergo medical check-up at our facilities every month.

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