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A Thesis
Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
The Degree of Strata One (S1)




Luthfi Fadlan, Representation of America Dreams in The Good Lie Film. A

Thesis: English Language and Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State
Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017
The Good Lie is a 2014 American drama film written by Margaret Nagle,
and directed by Philippe Falardeau. This thesis aims to observe the manifest of
American Dreams value through representation of each Sudanese and American
character construction. Using the Descriptive analysis and qualitative method to
reveal the findings thus, this research describes the character construction of each
Sudanese and American Characters through Stuart Hall Representation concept
with constructionist approach and using the result as reflection of American
Dreams from James Truslow Adams. All the data collected from the dialogues
and the pictures of the film.
The findings of this research explains the construction of Sudanese
immigrant and American characters is in line with the value of American Dreams
concept. It is seen with the achievement of Sudanese and American characters by
looking; the success of Sudanese characters in achieving freedom, the success of
Sudanese characters in realizing their own dreams, as well as the success of
Sudanese and American characters in solving their own problems. The writer also
find that the depiction of Sudanese and American character with their attainment
in America can be seen as a film that reflects America as a capable place of giving
freedom, equality of opportunity, to every Sudanese immigrant, and portrays
America as a place that can accommodate individual or collective motive.
Keywords: Representation, Character Construction, American Dreams.


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best

of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or

written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been

accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other

institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made

in the next.

Jakarta, July 19th, 2017


In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the lord of the world that gives us many

opportunities and challenges till this thesis could be completed as the requirement

to obtain for the degree of strata one. Peace and salutation are always be upon to

our beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) who had changed the

world from the darkness into the light.

Many thanks the writer says to his important person Syahriar Syamsu and

Kiki Falkia as the parents who always advised, supported, and prayed the writer in

every situations. And also to his big family who always become a spirit to finish

this thesis.

The writer also would like to thank to his advisor Mr. Addy Hasan M.

Hum, for his time and guidance. The writer also would like to express grateful and

respect to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag. a s the Dean of Letters and

Humanities Faculty.

2. Drs. H. Saefudin, M.Pd as the Head of English Language and Letters


3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum as the Secretary of English Language and

Letters Department.

4. All lecturers of English Letters Department who have given much

knowledge and understanding, especially in literature studies.

5. All my friends from Rusabesi, who have helped the writer in finding


6. All my friend from Genggong, Abrar, Aca, Adam, Adit, Alifaiz,

Fachrial, Fajar, Fauzier, Nanda, Padel, Reza, Zaki. Who help me a lot to

know how the world works.

7. All my friends from English Letters Department as family for the writer

and as home to learn, to talk, and to develop to be better.

8. The writer’s sister, Salsa Chaerunisa and the writer’s brother, Fajar Reza


9. To all the writer friends who support the writer in any situation that

cannot be mentioned one by one.

May Allah SWT always blesses and protects them. Finally, the writer

hopes this thesis will be useful for the writer himself and for all people who read


Jakarta, July 2017

The Writer



APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................ ii

LEGALIZATION .................................................................................................... iii
DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
A. Background of Study...................................................................................... 1
B. Focus of Study ............................................................................................... 5
C. Research Question .......................................................................................... 6
D. Significance of Study ..................................................................................... 6
E. Research Methodology ................................................................................... 6
1. The Objective of Research .......................................................................... 6
2. The Method of Research ............................................................................. 6
3. The Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 7
4. The Instrument of the Research ................................................................... 7
5. Unit Analysis .............................................................................................. 7
6. Time and Place ........................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................ 9
THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................. 9
A. Previous Research .......................................................................................... 9
B. Concept of Representation ............................................................................ 11
C. Characterization ........................................................................................... 14
1. Characterization Through Appearance ...................................................... 14
2. Characterization Through Dialogue .......................................................... 15
3. Characterization Through External Action ................................................ 15


4. Characterization Through Internal Action ................................................. 15

5. Characterization Through Reaction from Other Character ......................... 16
D. American Dreams......................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................... 19
RESEARCH FINDINGS ........................................................................................ 19
1. The Representation of Sudanese Immigrant .............................................. 20
1.1. The Construction of Mamere Character ................................................. 21
1.2. The Construction of Jeremiah Character ................................................ 26
1.3. The Construction of Paul Character ....................................................... 31
2. The Representation of American Character ............................................... 35
2.1. The Construction of Carrie Davies Character......................................... 35
2.2 The Construction of Jack Forrester Character ........................................ 41
2.3. The Construction of Pamela Lowi. ........................................................ 43
3. The Manifest of American Dreams value in The Good Lie Film. ............... 45
3.1. Freedom: The Meaning of Life in Depends of Sudanese Immigrant .......... 46
3.2. Equality of Opportunity: The Success of Immigrant .................................. 48
3.3. Individualism and Collectivism: The Success of Both Motive ................... 50
CHAPTER IV......................................................................................................... 54
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................................................... 54
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 54
B. Suggestion.................................................................................................... 55
BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................... 56
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ 58


A. Background of Study

Film is an art work of human in a civilization. According to Joseph M. Boggs

and Dennis W. Petrie, film is recognized as a unique and powerful art form on a par

with painting, sculpture, music, literature, and drama (3). Literature presented in the

film explains to us that there is a strong relationship between film and literature

through our understanding of the idea of the film. Alison Booth said that literature

today generally encompasses oral and even visual form like film and video being

closely related to drama, and it takes in, as It did long ago, writing of diverse design

and purpose, including nonfiction (5). Just like other works of art, film can reflect a

history of a particular people, or a particular form of society, specific group life or

social conditions, at a specific timeframe and place. The motifs in the films are

reflective of the state of mind of the entire society (Allan and Gomery. 160). On the

other side, the tremendous expense involved in producing motion pictures reminds us

that film is both an industry and an art form (Boggs and Petrie. 3).

The other thing that is strongly associated with the film is Hollywood. Along

with Hollywood, the film has become one entity. There are many actors and actresses

born on the Hollywood screen. Hollywood also produced many film genres such

as drama, comedy, horror, and many more. Along with its rapid progress, Hollywood

is not only seen as an entertainment industry, but also as a commercial industry.


“Many researchers acknowledge Hollywood’s superior position as a clear dominating

power in the media industry from the early 20s on” (“The Commercial Film Industry:

why is Hollywood still globally dominant?” 1).

There are many Hollywood movies that tell about the history or culture

related to American life, some depictions are telling about habit or achievement of the

American society. The migration of large numbers of African-Americans between the

1910 and 1940 shifted the racial landscape, and Hollywood began to reflect this

demographic change through the films. The movie like The Birth of Nation (1915)

and Gone with The Wind (1939) havr become a historical record of how the film

portrayed the black community in America (“Portrayal of Minorities in the Film,

Media and Entertainment Industries”). Until the growing momentum of the Civil

Rights Movement, Hollywood, started more changes as in the 1950s seen the advent

of large productions featuring all-Black casts and the beginnings of a shift in the ways

in which Black and White actors shared screen time. (“From Black Face to

Blaxploitation: Representation of African American”).

As a country with diverse cultural backgrounds and diverse character of

society, Hollywood, often seeks to preserve the value of American Dreams through

the films, as the national ethos of American society. American Dreams is a state view

pioneered by historians named J. T. Adams. In The Epic of America he said that

American dreams is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and

fuller for every man. (Cullen 7). Movies like The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) and

The Great Gatsby (2013) are produced by Hollywood, was containing by the values

of American Dreams (

The Pursuit of Happyness is based on the true story of Chris Gardner's

struggle to achieve his share of the American dreams. Although he is a natural born

salesman, this African-American believes that he is destined for a better career path.

Meanwhile, The Great Gatsby is a story of Jay Gatsby, who worked hard to become

wealthy in the hopes of winning the heart of Daisy Buchanan and shows the

competing forces at work in the American Dreams, in 1920.

The Good Lie is one of the Hollywood films that showing the value of

American Dreams in American culture. It is also based on true history film.

According to Eric Patterson in Sudan: Race, and Religion in Civil War, the two civil

wars of Sudan (1955-1972 and 1983-2005) have been primarily understood as

conflicts between the dominant Arab Muslim North and the less developed Christian

and traditional African South as well as America's role in giving asylum to southern

Sudan (4).

The film was produced in 2014, directed by Philippe Falardeau, written by

Margaret Nagle, filmed in Atlanta, Georgia and South Africa. It is Produced by Alcon

Entertainment, Black Label Media, Blue Sky Films (Kenya), Good Lie Productions,

Imagine Entertainment, Reliance and Reliance Entertainment; and awarded as the

“Truly Moving Picture in Heartland Film Festival 2014” (IMDB).


This film told about the journey of a Sudanese character named Mamere,

Paul, and Jeremiah in pursuit of happiness in the United States. America is a place

where they won all dream to life; freedom to their own way of life. America is a place

for him to find an equality of opportunity to find a better life for all his family

members, after being a victim of the civil war in Sudan. Assisted by the American,

they eventually find that dreams. Including the unity of the family and a better life in

their own way, is a dream that they wanted.

When they arrived in America, administrative problems require Abital to live

in Boston, while Mamere, Jeremiah, and Paul stayed Kansas City. This gives a new

problem for them, especially Paul were very disappointed in the inability of Mamere,

to preventing it. The journey continues with their meeting with Carrie Davis, Pamela

Lowi, and Jack Forrester, who will help them in America. This film told about, how

this two social group with deferent background and culture, learn and share about the

true meaning of life.

However, the involvement of filmmakers is an important thing that we cannot

ignore it, as our understanding to discover the meaning behind the film. In this film,

there are many depictions of American States, as well as the depictions of the

American people that positioning themselves against Sudanese refugees and how the

Sudanese immigrant are positioning themselves against the social conditions in


In The Good Lie movies, there are many depictions of America as a place that

can give life meaning for immigrant from Sudan, it was seen in the storyline by

depicting the American characters cannot be separated from the success of Sudanese

refugees, in resolving their problems. It is also affecting Sudanese refugees, on the

meaning of their lives in America.

According to Stuart Hall:

Language is able to do this because it operates as a representational system.
In Language, we use sign and symbol – whether they are sounds, written
word, electronically produced images, musical notes, even object – to stand
for or represent to other people our concepts, ideas and feelings.(1)
Based on the above statement, the language in the film has given a significant

role on understanding the concept, ideas, and feelings to others. Related to Hall’s

statements, the writer is interested to see how the Sudanese character and American

character constructed in the movie, and find the ideas of the film. Based on the

statement above, the writer tries to understand, analyze, and describe the manifest of

American Dreams value through depiction of each character in The Good Lie film.

This research argues how depiction of each character finally recognize his own

dreams through the theory of Representation from Stuart Hall and the concept of

American Dreams from James Truslow Adams.

B. Focus of Study

According to the explanation in the background of study above, the writer

focuses on analyzing how The Good Lie film constructed the two social group and

how they reflect the value of American Dreams. This research is using the

representation of Stuart Hall with constructionist approach. Then, the writer also tries

to reveal the ideology of the film.


C. Research Question

Based on the issues, the writer will try to analyze how Hollywood film like

The Good Lie movie construct two social group in America, with the question:

1. How is Sudanese character and American character described in The Good

Lie film?

2. How The Good Lie film reflect the value of American Dreams?

D. Significance of Study

This research signifies how film like The Good Lie could be the reflection of

American Dreams. The results of this study are expected to provide a new

understanding of the way we look at a film. Indeed, the film can depict something

more than just a show. Furthermore, the writer also hoped that after reading this

study, the reader is able to be more critical in seeing a movie like The Good Lie.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of Research

The Objective of this research is to know how each social group are

constructed in this film, which appeared through the Sudanese refugee and American

character in The Good Lie movie.

2. The Method of Research

Base on the issues in the background of study above, the writer uses

descriptive analysis and qualitative method that give specific attention to the fact on

the data, which have correlation with the context. The first step is collecting the data

from many library sources, then analyzing the data with the approach above, and

finally concluding the result. Ratna said, metode kualitatif memberikan perhatian

terhadap data alamiah, dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaannya (46).

Through this method, the writer will do explaining, describing, and analyzing the

element of the film.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses The Good Lie film as a primary source in this research. In

addition, the secondary sources are from books, article, online journal, and others.

The writer begins with collecting some source of the data, and classified in to some

categories, then analyzing descriptively. Thus, the second step is the writer will

identify the data, after that the writer analyzed the data from the movie, especially

through the Sudanese refugees Character and American character. Then, for the last

step, the writer give the conclusion.

4. The Instrument of the Research

This research is conducted by using the writer himself as research instrument,

by paying attention to the film carefully and then identifying all the things related to

depiction of Sudanese refugee and American Agent which shown in the movie. So,

there is no distance between the subject and the data research.

5. Unit Analysis

The unit analysis of this research is The Good Lie film directed by Philippe

Falardeau, written by Margaret Nagle, filmed in Atlanta, Georgia and South Africa. It

is Produced by Alcon Entertainment, Black Label Media, Blue Sky Films (Kenya),

Good Lie Productions, Imagine Entertainment, Reliance and Reliance Entertainment.

6. Time and Place

This research is conducted in the Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. To mention the time of the research,

this research is begun in the academic year of 2016.


In this chapter, the writer will explain some theories and fact used to analyze

the data and try to answer the research question in previous chapter. The writer will

divided the analysis in two parts. First, concept of representation through the

constructionist approach to see the each character from Sudan and America portrayed

in the film. And used the result as the reflection of the value of American Dreams.

And finally give the conclusion to this research. This chapter guides to analysis result

in the next chapter.

A. Previous Research
The Good Lie film had been analyzed by other researcher. The writer found

the other researcher who analyze The Good Lie film with the tittle “Sudanese

Refugees’ Identity in The Good Lie Film” which researched by Muhamad Adhi

Kurnia in 2015 at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This research

focuses on analyzing how the Sudanese refugees know their own identity appeared in

The Good Lie film after the identity dynamics. The researcher used the concept of

identity to see the identity construction of Sudanese refugees. The researcher also

describes the identity dynamics of three main character and their identity

constructions through Stuart Hall’s basic identity concept and three very different

conception, and supported by Kathryn Woodward’s identity concept.


The method that used in this research refer to Stuart Hall concept; as being

and as becoming concept of identity. The researcher used that concept to see the life

in Sudan as the past of the Sudanese identity and uses the American culture as the

future of Sudanese identity. Then, the researcher divide the Sudanese Refugee

identity into two types; essentialist and non-essentialist; by Woodward Essay. And

applied it to three very different conceptions of identity by Stuart Hall: those of the

(a) Enlightenment subject, (b) sociological subject, and (c) post-modern subject.

In conclusion, the researcher argue that, the identity of Sudanese refugees is

not always about change and development, there is also something that is fixed and

cannot be changed, Stuart Hall calls it with the words "the real me". This research

finds that the three main characters identity (Sudanese refugees) is included into the

sociological subject. They articulate their identity with their own way, which states

not all the identity in them, needs to be changed.

The writer also found another researcher and this research has a similar

discussion about American dreams. Named “Paradoks American Dreams pada Tokoh

Tony Montana dalam Film Scarface” which research by Dani Bramanti in 2011 at

Diponegoro University, Semarang. This research is purposed to look at the criminal

behavior contained in the main character as a way to make sense of American


In this research, the writer uses two approaches: exponential and socio-

criminology. Exponential approach, to see the intrinsic aspects. Meanwhile, the

socio-criminology through the Differential Association Theory, to prove that criminal


behaviors are come from. The result of this research shown that the author finds

conformity with the concept of the theory of Different Association (Differential

Association Theory) and the paradox of the American Dream in the character of Tony

to achieve the American Dream through criminal acts.

In this sense, the writer is using the previous research as the guiding line for

this research. Furthermore, to make this research different and more detail from

previous research. The writer tries to give the explanations about the construction of

each character from Sudan and America. The writer uses the concept of

representation from Stuart Hall. The writer used the result as the reflection of

American Dreams value.

The difference of this study with previous research contained in the object of

study as well as the issues to be resolved. The first research discusses about the

identity dynamics of Sudanese identity. And the second one analyze the criminal

behavior to get the American Dreams. The most striking difference in this study, the

writer discusses the American Dreams value through the depiction from both social

group are present in the corpus. Although the writer does not deny there are some

similarities in some aspect of the work.

B. Concept of Representation

The concept of representation has come to occupy a new and important place

in the study of culture. Representation connects meaning and language to culture.

Representation means using language to say something meaningful about, or to


represent, the world meaningfully, to other people. Representation is an essential part

of process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a

culture (Hall. 15).

Chris Barker said the commonsense meaning of the concept of representation

is that of a set of processes by which signifying practice appear to stand for depict

another object or practice in the ‘real’ world (177). Stuart Hall used The Shorter

Oxford English Dictionary as a suggestion of two relevant meaning of representation:

1. To represent something is to describe or depict it, to call it up in the mind by

description or portrayal or imagination; to place a likeness of it before us in

our mind or in the sense.

2. To represent also means to symbolize, stand for, to be specimen of, or to

substitute (16).

According to Stuart Hall in Representation: Cultural Representations and

Signifying Practice, Representation is the production of meaning of the concept in

our minds through language. It is link between concepts and language which enables

us to refer to either the ‘real’ world of objects, people or events, or indeed to

imaginary worlds of fictional object, people and events (17). There are two processes

in the system of representation. First, there is a system by which all sorts of object,

people and events are correlated with a set of concept or mental representations which

we carry around in our heads. Language is therefore the second system of

representation involved in overall process of constructing meaning (18).


There are three approaches to explaining how representation of meaning

through language work. The reflective, the intentional, and the constructionist. The

reflective Approach, meaning is thought to lie in the object, person, idea, or event in

the real world, and language function like mirror, to reflect the true meaning as it

already exists in the real world (24).

The second approach to meaning in representation argues the opposite case. It

holds that it is the speaker, the author, who imposes his or her unique meaning on the

world through language. Words mean what the author intends they should mean. This

is what Hall says the intentional approach.

The third approach recognizes this public, social character of language. It

acknowledges that neither things in themselves nor the individual users of language

can fix meaning in language. Things do not mean: we construct meaning, using

representational system – concept and signs (25).

In this research, the writer uses constructionist approach, because this

perspective had the most significant impact on cultural studies in recent years (Hall.

15). Constructionist do not deny the existence of the material world. However, it is

not the material world which conveys meaning, it is the language system or whatever

system we are using to represent our concept. It is social actors who use the

conceptual system of their culture and the linguistic and other representational system

to construct meaning, to make the world meaningful and to communicate about that

world meaningfully to other (25).


Constructionists approach is appropriate to be used in analyzing film, because

the film is a system which designed by exclusively by the creator to show the world

through the screenplay. The film is made by director, and free to construct. This film

has a meaning which implied by the director in the pictures. Philippe Falardeau as the

director construct two social group involved in The Good Lie story Sudanese and

American people.

In addition, constructionists approach is supported by another theory,

characterization and the theory is used to analyze the representation of Sudanes and

American character through the three character. Mamere, Jeremiah, and Paul.

Whereas America will be analyzed also by three character, Carrie Davies, Jack

Forrester, and Pamela Lowi. Afterward from this representation concept this research

is also appeared an ideology about it.

C. Characterization

Characterization is the means by which writers present and reveal character

(DiYanni, 55). Characterization is the use of literary technique to reveal the nature of

a character. It refers to description and development of character. In The Art of

Watching Film, Joseph Boggs and Petrie explained that are some ways of

characterization. Characterization through Appearance, Dialogue, External Action,

Internal Action, and Reaction from Other Characters.

1. Characterization Through Appearance


People can make certain assumption of characters from their face value, dress,

physical appearance, and manner and gesture. Those features are revealed by

characters to show who they are and how important their roles in film. So, first visual

impression that a film is portrayed has a huge effect on the story progresses. In this

sense, to establish or to develop characters become the most important point, because

in film most actors show certain qualities of a character according to how long they

appear on the screen (Boggs and Petrie 60).

2. Characterization Through Dialogue

In film, characters show a great deal about themselves from what they say. It

can be revealed through their true thoughts, attitudes, and emotions. Usually, this

element is portrayed through dialogues. It includes the stress, pitch, and pause

patterns of their speech. Indeed, element of language in a film becomes the hint of

characters’ background and even mental process (Boggs and Petrie 62).

3. Characterization Through External Action

Naturally, character’s action in a film is not something in vain. He or she does

it for a purpose, but it does not include motives of their overall personality.

Moreover, he or she is not only part of instruments in a film but his or her actions are

the most important part in understanding the whole story in a film. So, there must be

a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions (Boggs and Petrie 62).

4. Characterization Through Internal Action


Film is magic. It reveals inner world of action that might be unseen and

unheard by people in general. This dimension can reveal more comprehensive

understanding of a character. It often involves the essential of a character, such as

characters' minds and emotions which consists of secret, unspoken thoughts,

daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies (Boggs and Petrie 62).

5. Characterization Through Reaction from Other Character

Another excellent feature of characterization is reaction from other characters.

The way other characters view a character often serves most adequate meaning of a

character. In this dimension, viewers can find a character background and know how

a character gives a huge effect on other character. In some films, certain information

about a character is already revealed through subtle ways before he or she first

appears on the screen (Boggs and Petrie 64).

D. American Dreams

Before the term American Dream popularized by Adams, the resiliency of the

American Dream can be traced to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Lately,

the term of American Dream appeared in a book The Epic of America, by James

Truslow Adams in 1931. He said “that dream of a land in which life should be better

and richer and fuller for every man” (Cullen 7). For many historian of America, this

national state view has become a national identity of the American culture, and it hold

the main value of living in America.


The American Dreams remains a vibrant concept that Americans comprehend

and define in various ways as relevant to their own life experiences. The endurance of

this concept as it was once so famously described, is remarkable, especially given the

depressions, recessions, economic contractions, and battles over civil rights, women’s

rights, and gender equality in the United States (1). Adam said that the necessities of

life is nothing but the chance to be themselves based on the wishes of each individual.

“It is not a dream of motor cars high wages merely, but a dream of social
order in which each man and each women shall be able to attain to the fullest
stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for
what there are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of their birth” (
Hanson and White 3).
American Dream uphold the principle of equality. This does not mean that

everyone is equal in every way, but everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve

their needs. Hanson and White believes the linking between American Dreams

toward equality of opportunity is something that must be realized as fuel of American

Dreams. Equality of opportunity is powerful concept, because, unlike other individual

rights that can be easily taken away by authoritarian goverment (8).

The American Dream is not a static concept. Although Americans have

historically associated the American Dream with the values of freedom and equality

of opportunity, these values have undergone various iterations over the years.

Remarkably, the very first survey concerning the American Dream was not
conducted until 1985, when CBS News and the New York Times asked a
question that explicitly tied the American Dream to the concept of home
ownership: “Do you think that people who may never own a house miss out
on an important part of the American Dream?” Not surprisingly, 76 percent
answered “yes” (Hanson and White 9)

Other surveys have demonstrated how powerfully connected the American

Dream is to a quantified measure of economic success; owning a home, being

financially secure enough to have ample time for leisure pursuits, being able to start a

business on one’s own, being able to rise from clerk or worker to president of a

company (10).

American Dream is a great concept that produces the specific values of life.

American Dream emphasizes each person to take responsibility in achieving the

dream of each, while the value of life and behavior is needed to convince the

American people that they have the opportunity to achieve the dream. Jim Cullen in

The American Dreams; Ideology that shape Nation said:

The value of life is not only defined in terms of that money. But there is
also; religious reform, political reform, educational attainment, sexual
expression; the list is endless (7).
According to Hanson and White in The American Dreams in the 21st Century,

in 2008, Americans voted in their first African American president. This dramatic

moment in American history combined with one of the most severe economic

downturns since the Great Depression provide the backdrop for this volume on the

American Dream (2). Hanson and White adding that, a survey conducted in 2008

were more spiritual and vast in emotional, rather than material; security and having a

good family life, having quality health care for myself and my family, having

educational opportunities for myself and my family, being able to speak your mind

regardless of the positions you take, being able to succeed regardless of your family

background or where you come from (10).


Base on the research question in chapter 1, the writer will reveal the findings

in this chapter. The first revelation is about how The Good Lie represent the

Immigrant character and the American character. And use the result to see the

manifest of American Dreams in The Good Lie Movie.

The film is produced in 2014, directed by Philippe Falardeau, written by

Margaret Nagle, filmed in Atlanta, Georgia and South Africa. It Produced by Alcon

Entertainment, Black Label Media, Blue Sky Films (Kenya), Good Lie Productions,

Imagine Entertainment, Reliance and Reliance Entertainment. The film presents about

the immigrant of Sudan name Mamere, Jermiah, Paul and Abital who moved to the

United State. After becoming a victim of civil war in Sudan. They were helped by

Carrie Davies, Pamela Lowi, and Jack Forrester in adapting themselves to the new

environment in America.

After arriving in America, the administrative problems required Abital to part

with their three brothers. The journey continues at their meeting with Carrie Davies,

an agent in charge of finding them a job in America. The Relationships between the

immigrants with Carrie Davies continues with job hunt. Carrie and Jack helps

immigrants learn how they should get through an interview. Until Mamere and

Jermiah get a job in a shop while Paul with his skills, working at a factory.


Nevertheless Jeremiah who felt that he could not do the work that was wrong

in his heart prefer to be a teacher in Sunday school at the church. Meanwhile, Paul,

who felt bereave of Abital, through the help of Carrie Davies and Pamela Lowi in the

end get it back. Abital's return also brought another good news about Theo's presence

at Kakuma Refugee Camp, which then made Mamere pick him up, and take him to


A. The Representation of Sudanese Immigrant

The Good Lie film is a film that is inspired on based history about the civil

war in Sudan. Almost of all Sudanese immigrant in this film are the real characters of

that event. This shows the effort of The Good Lie film for the authenticity of the

story. However, the characterization of Sudanese immigrant in the film is something

that will be studied in this research.

The writer will discuss about the things, which have a role in the

representation of Sudanese immigrant through the constructionist approach. By the

adjustment on previous review in chapter II, the approach of discussion will be

carried out with the discussion about the construction of characterization. The

discussion of representation of Sudanese immigrants will be study through the three

character of Sudan called Mamere, Jeremiah, and Paul.

This section, refers to the constructionist approach of Stuart Hall:

“Constructionist do not deny the existence of the material world. However, it is not

the material world which conveys meaning, it is the language system or whatever

system we are using to represent our concept”. The emphasis in this section is the

explanation about the construction of Sudanese Immigrant in The Good Lie film.

1. The Construction of Mamere Character

Mamere is the main character of the The Good Lie movie. He sailed a new life

in the United States along with thousands of other Sudanese immigrants with dreams

to earn a better life. In film, Mamere is described as a leader for her family members

in an effort to find a freedom and better life in America.

Mamere character is depicted with a personality that has courage and affection

for his family. Mamere is also described as an intelligent figure and wishes to become

a doctor. The first characterization of Mamere could be seen from this text below. His

characterization shown through his dialogue when he played a traditional Sudanese

games in remembering the sequence of his grandfather with Theo.

Theo: Our first grandfather was Mading.

Mamere: Then Majok
Theo: Atem
Mamere: Deng
Theo: Mading again
Mamere: Wrong. He was our fourth grandfather, not our fifth.
Theo: Uh.. Agong…
Mamere: Ajak
Gabriel: Stop!
Mamere: Ha! I win!
Theo: You forget our name Deng. I win.
Mamere: I have courage but all you have is strength
(Evidence 1, The Good Lie, 00:03:30-00:03:48)

The scene above, shows Mamere as courage person and a loving character,

especially to his family. It is shown that Mamere is able to remember all the

sequences of his grandfather while Theo must be defeated by Mamere. In other

evidence the writer finds the depiction of Mamere characters as a loving character in

a text below.

INS Kansas City: I’m sorry, she is not on this list.

Mamere: Please, you must look again, please.
INS Kansas City: No, See.
INS Boston: Abital Deng! Abital Deng?
INS Kansas City: She is here! She is not on my list.
INS Boston: She is on mine.
Mamere: Yes, but she belongs to Kansas City list.
INS Boston: Right, but not anymore, INS rules are that females have to be placed
with families. A family in Boston wants to take her.
Mamere: But this is her family. You cannot take her from us.
INS Boston: Those are the rules.
Mamere: I want to speak to another official.
(Evidence 2, The Good Lie, 00:33:25-00:33:50)

The above dialogue appears when Mamere and the other immigrants arrive at

JFK Airport, New York City. After finding out from INS Boston that Abital was

about to be separated from him, Mamere did her best to find another official to

prevent it. This shows The Good Lie is very trying to describe Mamere as a figure

who is very keeping the integrity of his family members. The Good Lie film also

portrays Mamere's character as an immigrant who desires to get a better education

and aspires to become a doctor. The writer found in the two dialogue below.

American Man: So this is what winter in America feels like. This is frozen water. It’s
called ice. As all of you know, there are four season in America. Yes, Jacob?
Jacob: Will I have such cold where I’m going?
American Man: Where you going again?

Jacob: Fargo.
American Man: Ohh. Yes. You will have such cold. Mamere?
Mamere: What about education? I want to go to college and then medical school.
American Man: I know education is important to all of you, and we’re gonna talk
about that tomorrow.
(Evidence 3, The Good Lie, 00:30:07-00.30.34)

Matt: Do you have any restaurant experience?

Mamere: I would like to study to become a doctor.
Matt: That’s good.
(Evidence 4, The Good Lie, 00.46.30-00:46:38)

In evidence 3, the writer found when Mamere and other immigrants in

Kakuma camp refugee are getting a briefing for the first time about the State of

America. When a character named Jacob asks about the weather where he lives,

Mamere just immediately asked the problem of education for himself who wishes to

become a doctor.

In other evidence, in Evidence 4, the writer found Mamere wish to become a

doctor, in a job interview in America. This shows that The Good Lie portrays

Mamere's character as an immigrant who is very concerned about his education and

has high ideals.

Furthermore, Mamere's characterization appears in the reaction of another

character named Dr. Monyang. The Good Lie describes Mamere as a smart

immigrant and will listen to the opinions of others. The author finds this in evidence 5


Breath in. breath out

Mamere: Doctor Monyang?
Dr. Moyang: Yes.
Mamere: I believe she has guinea worm.
Doctor Monyang: We’re gonna make you feel better, okay?

Doctor Monyang: Someday when you become a doctor and someone comes along as
smart as you, don’t be afraid to listen to them.
Mamere: I won’t.
(Evidence 5, The Good Lie, 00.26.18-00:27:00)

The above dialogue occurs when Mamere is examining a little girl at a clinic

in Kakuma Refugee Camp. Mamere suspects the little girl has a guinea worm in her

body, and conveys his assumption to Dr. Monyang. Then Dr. Monyang told Mamere

not to be afraid to listen to the other opinion. From Dr. Monyang's reaction to

Mamere's assumption shows The Good Lie portraying Mamere's character as a smart

man even before his education in America. In other evidence, Mamere's character is

depicted as a smart character through the dialogue below.

Lecture: Having all read Huckleberry Finn, can anyone tell me what "the good lie"
Student: Huck uses lies to survive in undesirable situations.
Lecture: Exactly. But later in the book, the lies change. How so?
Mamere: They change because Huck changes.
Lecure: Yes. Keep going.
Mamere: When he tells the slave hunters that he has no slaves, his lie is credible. So
he lies well. But what is more important... is that it is an unselfish lie, because it saves
Jim. Jim's freedom means more to Huck than the money he would get for turning him
in. So it is a good lie.
Lecture: Could not have said it better.
(Evidence 6, The Good Lie, 1:04:32-1:05:17)
The dialogue above appears when Mamere is answering a lecturer's question

about the changing lies meaning in the Huckleberry Finn story. The dialogue shows

that Mamere is a character who diligently read, so that he is able to answer questions

from the lecturer. This shows that The Good Lie constructed Mamere's character as a

smart person.

Furthermore, the characterization of Mamere's character in The Good Lie

appears through a dialogue with Abital. Mamere is depicted as an immigrant who

works hard in reaching her dream of becoming a doctor. The characterization appears

in the text below.

Paul: Abital?
Abital: Yes, Paul?
Paul: You know, Mamere is going to go to school.
Abital: Great news!
Paul: Only one of us can go at a time. It is very expensive.
Mamere: I have two jobs now to help pay for it.
(Evidence 7, The Good Lie, 00:59:02-00:59:13)

(Evidence 8, The Good Lie, 00:59:33-00:59:47)

The dialogue above (Evidence 7) came when Mamere, Jeremiah, and Paul

were communicating with Abital via a telephone, after so long they had not

communicated. In the dialogue Paul tells Abital about the attainment of Mamere who

can attend school as he wishes. Mamere added that he also did two jobs at once to

help finance of his school. And the picture above (Evidence 8) show how Mamere

sleep with a book when he becomes a security in another job. This shows that The

Good Lie characterizes Mamere as a very hard working person in reaching his goal of

becoming a doctor.

2. The Construction of Jeremiah Character

Jeremiah is a narrator of the film. He is also a character who involved in civil

war events in Sudan. In the storyline, Mamere meets with Jeremiah on their way to

Kenya. And from then on Mamere and Jeremiah live their righteous life. The Good

Lie construct Jeremiah character as a person who has faith and religious firmness. He

even opposes the work that is wrong in his heart. The first characterization of

Jeremiah as an immigrant is seen in the text below.

Jeremiah: we were with our cattle when it happened

Theo: us too.
Jeremiah: We were from north of here. They wanted to make me a soldier but I ran
Jeremiah: May I see?
Jeremiah: I’m Jeremiah and this is Paul. I’ve been telling him of Moses, but he does
not believe me. Moses lives in this book. Paul. Moses could do magic things with
(Evidence 9, The Good Lie, 00:12:58-00:13:42)

The above dialogue appears when Jeremiah and Mamere meet for the first

time. To Mamere, Jeremiah explained that Paul did not believe his story about Moses.

He also knew the stories of Moses in the Bible. This shows Jeremiah is a very

believer in Bible. He even associates the events of Moses while crossing the ocean at

the fear of another character named Gabriel, in the text below.

Gabriel: I cannot swim.

Jeremiah: Neither could Moses

(Evidence 10, The Good Lie, 00:16:58-00:17:00)

The subsequent depiction of Jeremiah as a very religious man appears in an

internal action of the characters on their news that will soon be sent to America, it is

contained in the picture below.

Jeremiah: Is there news?

Mamere: Yes, there is news. Our names are on that list!
Abital: All of us?
Mamere: Yes. We are going to Kansas City, Missouri!
Jeremiah: Are you sure?
Mamere: I am sure.
Paul: Really? We are going to America!
Jeremiah: Blessing be from God, who has to take us to this Kansas City!
(Evidence 11, The Good Lie, 00:28:58-00:29:27)

The picture above appear, when all immigrant charcter are waiting for news of

their names in the bulletin boards of Sudanese immigrants to America. The internal

reaction of Jeremiah comes up when he get the news from Mamere that he and all of

his brother from Sudan will go to America. The Jeremiah's reaction to the news of

Mamere is to pray and thanks to the God, while other immigrants are deeply excited

over the news. This shows the first thing Jeremiah remembers for the news it is his

gratitude to the God. In this part, The Good Lie really try to shows Jeremiah's

character as a very religious person.

In further proof, the writer finds the character Jeremiah described as a figure

who always prayed to God for all the efforts he had made and his immigrant brothers.

In a scene he even led a prayer for other Sudanese immigrant figures, this is

contained in the text below.

Jeremaih: Let us pray. Dear God, let us give thanks to this miracle food, pizza... but
most important, look out after our sister, Abital... so that she's safe in this Boston,
where her brothers are not there to protect her. Amen.
(Evidence 12, The Good Lie, 00:53:02-00:53:18)

The above scenes appear when Jeremiah and the other immigrants sit together

in their dinner in the form of a pizza dish. In the storyline, the Pizza is the result of

their efforts in navigating life in America after previously Jeremiah and other

immigrants have found work. Once again, The Good Lie has constructed Jeremiah's

character as a very religious person through his internal action against all his efforts.

The Good Lie also portrays Jeremiah's character as a loving immigrant. It is contained

in the text sequence below.

Nick Costas: Mike? Jerry? Mike! Jerry! Grab these couple of carts. Push them out
back with me. Roll them down right here. Okay. This is where you throw the old food
so you can restock the shelves with the new food.
Mamere: Old food?
Nick: When the food expires, it's not safe to eat. Plus it's a big headache with the
health department. Believe me, it is better this way.
Jeremiah: Isn't there someone who might want or need this food?
Nick: I don't sell the food inside the store to give it away outside. I'm a businessman.
Anyway, it's none of your concern. ahbfhabsc
(Evidence 13, The Good Lie, 00:51:14-00:52:00)

Someone: Jerry, we need you in produce, please.

Jeremiah: Hey, you! Don't go in there.
Vagrant: I'm sorry.
Jeremiah: What I have in here is much fresher.
Vagrant: Thank you.
(Evidence 14, The Good Lie. 01:01:11-01:01:45)
The above dialogue (Evidence 13) happened when Jeremiah for the first time

worked as a shopkeeper at Nick Costas's shop. To Jeremiah Nick explains where he

must throw all the food that has been outdated. Jeremiah's question about the

possibility of someone else who needed the food to Nick, is proof that Jeremiah is a

character who is portrayed as having a sense of caring for his fellow human beings.

Then the characterization of Jeremiah appears in the next scene in Evidence

14. When a homeless person is trying to scavenge food from the disposal site.

Jeremiah just offered a better meal for the tramp, where he should also throw the food

away. This shows how The Good Lie constructs the character of Jeremiah as a loving

person towards his fellow human beings.

The depiction of Jeremiah's character is seen through this arrangement scenes,

where he finally debate with Nick Costas for his deeds that have given food to others

who desperately need the food. After the debate, Jeremiah chose to quit his job as a

shopkeeper. Afterward to Carrie, Jeremiah explained that he could not do the work

that was wrong in his heart. This is contained in the text below.

Nick: What the hell are you doing?

Jeremiah: It is a sin not to give to those in need.
Nick: According to who?
Jeremiah: Jeremiah.
Nick: And who's that?
Jeremiah: Me. My name is Jeremiah.
(Evidence 15, The Good Lie, 01:01:46-01:02:08)
Carrie Davies: Jeremiah? Come to my office.
Jeremiah: I miss Sudan.
Carrie Davies: Why?
Jeremiah: Because in Sudan we know what a lion looks like.
Carrie Davies: Okay. Look, Nick Costas just called me, and he's really upset. So why
don't you tell me what happened?
Jeremiah: I'm sorry if I bring you dishonor. But I cannot do a job I believe in my
heart is wrong.
(Evidence 16, The Good Lie, 01:02:38-01:02:48)

Through the above dialogue (Evidence 15), Jeremiah figures are described as

an immigrant who highly upholds the religious values that he professes. He even

dared to resign from the job he just got. This he did for his belief in what he felt was

wrong in his heart (Evidence 16). This shows that The Good Lie constructs Jeremiah

as an immigrant character with great faith.

3. The Construction of Paul Character

Paul is a character who is also involved in civil war events in Sudan. Just like

Jeremiah, since his encounter with Mamere, Paul continued his life with Mamere as a

brother. In the story, The Good Lie portrays the character of Paul as a very reliable

immigrant in using his hands. This is contained in the picture below.

Paul: Me too. I can find water.

Theo: Show me.
(Evidence 17, The Good Lie, 00:13:44-00:14:11)

The above scene appears when the character named Theo asks Paul to prove

his words that he can find water. With the ability of hands that he had then Paul

managed to find water stored under the ground. Furthermore The Good Lie also

describes the character of Paul as a reliable immigrant in using his hands through the

reaction of other figures. This can be seen in the picture below.


Jack Forrester: Now, are any of you good with your hands? Great, I'll make some
(Evidence 18, The Good Lie, 00:48:39).

Donner: All right, training table's this way. Let's get you a little practice. This is the
faucet assembly. Look at all the different parts, okay? Go ahead. Hold it in your
hand, familiarize yourself with everything. Every part here is made and assembled in
the U.S. Something we're very proud of. Holy cow.
Paul: It work like this?
Donner: Yeah. You bet.
(Evidence 19, The Good Lie, 00:52:22-00:52:55)

The above scene (Evidence 17) comes when a character named Jack Forrester

asks immigrants about who among them are reliable in using hands, Mamere and

Jeremiah act on the question by appointing Paul. Then in proof of 18, Donner's

reaction to Paul's ability to just join his company proves that The Good Lie portrays

Paul's character as a reliable immigrant in using his hands.

In addition to his portrayal as a reliable immigrant in the use of his hands, The

Good Lie also portrays Paul's character as an immigrant who has speed at work, this

is demonstrated through the reaction of another character named Dave in the text


Dave: Hey, Paul? What's up, man? Um... Listen, you're always out of synch.
Paul: Out of synch?
Dave: Right. We're a unit, you know... so when you're on the line, you just gotta take
it easy.
Paul: Take it easy?
(Evidence 20, The Good Lie, 01:00:07-01:00:24)
The above dialogue came when Paul and Dave were doing their work, Dave

felt he could not keep up with Paul's speed at work. Dave's reaction to Paul's

characterization proves that Paul is an immigrant who has speed at work.

However, The Good Lie also portrays the character of Paul as an immigrant

who has a sense of affection for his family. This is contained in the next dialogue

with Dave and Karl in the text and images below.

Karl: I'm sorry, dude. I gotta ask. What happened?

Paul: This? A lion. I'm serious, a lion.
Dave: Okay. Yeah, it was a lion. From Africa. Come on.
Paul: The smell of this lion was very sweet like rain. That was a surprise to me. He
put his mouth onto the leg of my brother. I tried to pull the lion off... but it clawed me.
Dave: Whoa, man. You're serious.
Paul: Lions do not leave the bones of their meals the way vultures does. They take it

with them... to their family... and share them. Sometime I wonder... where is that lion
who ate my brother? Would I know him if I saw him? Would he know me?
(Evidence 21, The Good Lie, 01:08:13-01:09:37)

(Evidence 22, The Good Lie, 01:09:38-01:09:55)

The above dialogue (Evidence 21) came when Karl and Dave inquired about

the cause of the wound on Paul's left arm. And Paul explains that the wound he got

when he tried to save his brother who was attacked by a lion. To Dave and Karl, Paul

explained that he often thought of the lion who had eaten his younger brother. In

other words, Paul often thinks of his dead sister. This is also shown in the following

pictures in Evidence 22. The picture above is a crying Paul's companion, shortly after

Paul told Dave and Karl about his brother's death. The appearance of the dialogue and

the image above shows The Good Lie construct the character of Paul as an immigrant

who has affection in him.

After analyzing the above data, the writer further concludes that The Good Lie

film has some concepts in constructing Sudanese characters in the story line. The

Good Lie shows the Sudanese immigrant characters with compassionate, hard-

working figure, upholding the truth, faithful, and reliable in doing his work.

In addition, the depiction of immigrant figures took place in sets in Sudan and

America. In this context, the author assumes that the pursuit of happiness of the lives

of the characters, along with their portrayals in America. This shows that The Good

Lie seeks to provide an independence-related opinion for immigrants coming to


Furthermore, the writer also assumes that The Good Lie has constructed

America as a place for immigrants to find happiness through their own way, through

the depiction of Sudanese immigrant characters in America. This assumption will be

proven in other sections.

B. The Representation of American Character

The Good Lie film is setting in America. There are many dominant portrayals

of Americans in the film. They are featured through both male and female characters,

as well as professions such as job seekers, volunteers, company owners, and more.

Nevertheless, the construction of the American characters is also a matter to be

studied in this research.

Similarly, in view of the depiction of immigrant figures, the writer also uses

Stuart Hall's constructive approach in viewing the depiction of American figures. The

discussion of representation of American character will be study through the three

character of America namely Carrie Davie, Jack Forrester, and Pamela Lowi.

1. The Construction of Carrie Davies Character

Carrie Davies is one of the female characters in the movie The Good Lie. In

the story, Carrie is portrayed as a professional job seeker in duty, as well as

independent in everyday life. The description can be seen in the text below.

Carrie Davies: How'd you even know where I live?

Mamere: I used my map. I am here to thank you. Because of you, my brothers and I
have jobs.
Carrie Davies: Okay. Thank you so much. That's really nice of you. But that's my job.
So once I get you a job, my job is done. Okay? If you want to bring me oranges, just
call me on the telephone. Okay?
Mamere: Okay. Sorry, Carrie.
Carrie Davies: Thank you.
(Evidence 23, The Good Lie, 00:56:14-00:56:34)

The dialogue above came when Mamere explains that he visited Carrie to say

thanks to Carrie for finding a job for him and all her brothers. Carrie then explained

to Mamere that it was her job, and when Mamere and his brothers got the job, Carrie's

job was done. Carrie's explanation of Mamere's duties and his boundaries in the

dialogue proves that The Good Lie constructed Carrie's character as a professional

agent in performing her duties.

Carrie Davies is also described as an independent woman, it is seen in her

dialogue with Mamere who asks about Carrie's daily life, in the text below.

Mamere: May I ask you, let me say, where is your darling?

Carrie Davies: My darling?
Mamere: Your husband.
Carrie Davies: Oh, no, no. I'm not married.
Mamere: If you do not have a husband, then it is your children who provide for you,

Carrie Davies: No. I don't have any children. I'm not married. I provide for myself.
Mamere: Your survival skills are very impressive.
Carrie Davies: Thanks.
(Evidence 24, The Good Lie, 00:38:17-00:38:39)

Mamere asks about who cares for Carrie in everyday life. Carrie then told her

that she was dependent on herself. The above dialogue explains Carrie's character

who is described as an independent woman in life. Carrie's independence is also seen

through the reaction of another character of Jack in a dialogue with Jeremiah, in the

text below.

Jack: Hey, you're, uh...?

Jeremiah: Jeremiah.
Jack: Jeremiah. Right. Where you going?
Jeremiah: To my home.
Jack: Come on, I'll give you a ride.
Jeremiah: You are Carrie's boss.
Jack: Heh. Nobody's Carrie's boss.
(Evidence 25, The Good Lie, 01:03:42-)1:03:54)

The above dialogue appeared when Jack Forrester offered to take Jeremiah

home. In her short conversation, Jeremiah tries to confirm that Jack is the boss of

Carrie, then Jack answers it and explains that no one is boss to Carrie. This explains

Carrie's character as an independent woman.

However, along with the portrayal of Carrie figures as a professional woman

in doing his job as a job seeker agent, as well as independent in everyday life. On the

other side Carrie Davies are also described as women who care to the others. This is

contained in the text below.


Carrie Davies: Yes? Hello, this is Carrie. Pick up who? I am sorry. That is not my
problem. I'm not the Welcome Wagon. Can't they take a cab? Isn't there anybody else
that can do this? Right now? All right. What airline? Okay, I'll be there.
Carrie Davies: I gotta go.
Math: God, I feel so cheap. Hey. I think you're forgetting something.
(Evidence 26, The Good Lie, 00:35:35-00:36:06)
The text above is a dialogue of Carrie with others via telephone. In the story,

Carrie was asked to pick up the immigrants at the airport. Although initially he

refused to perform the task, but in the end Carrie received a request that is not his

business. This dialogue explains the character characterization of Carrie as a woman

who is very care to the others.

In the next proof, the writer found some other texts as arguments Carrie

characterization who really care about others. This is contained in the picture below.

Carrie Davies: He all right?

Mamere: He has a weak stomach.
Paul: Excuse me. What is that?
Carrie Davies: That's McDonald's. It's a place to eat. When was the last time you
guys ate anything?
(Evidence 27, The Good Lie, 00:39:12-00:39:44)

The picture above appears when Jeremiah are enjoying the food and drinks

provided by Carrie. In the story, Jeremiah was suddenly ill on the way to the home.

Carrie's reaction to Mamere's explanation by asking when was the last time they all

ate something after the airport and then Carrie serving food for all of them was proof

that The Good Lie constructed Carrie as a caring woman.

Caring, became the most dominant thing in character portrayal of Carrie

character. This can be seen in the storyline where Carrie besides helping immigrants

find work she also tries to bring in a separate Abital character from her immigrant

brothers. In fact, he does not hesitate to defend immigrants when declared failed

through the interview process, or cursed immigrant officers who obstruct the way to

meet the supervisor, it can be found in the series of text below.

Matt: You really want me to hire these guys, Carrie? They have no experience.
They're too strange.
Carrie Davies: If you can't take all of them, just take one of them.
Matt: We don't have any space right now. Check back in six months. Maybe
something will open up.
Carrie Davies: You're giving me that speech? No. I know that speech. You're blowing
me off.
Matt: I'm not!
Carrie Davies: You're seriously trying to tell me that these rocket scientists… are
more qualified than those guys?
Matt: Yes!
Carrie Davies: You're out of your mind.
(Evidence 28, The Good Lie 00:46:45-00:47:07)

The above dialogue appears when the immigrants finish their interview

process at a Matt's restaurant. Matt felt that the immigrants could not get through the

interview process, in other words he refused Carrie's request to employ them. Carrie

reacted by comparing Matt's employees who were no better than the immigrants as

her disappointment with Matt. Carrie's efforts in arguing for the immigrants are

evidence of Carrie's concern for immigrants who must get jobs soon.

Another evidence is that after Carrie learned that Abital was separated from

his immigrant siblings, Carrie further showed his concern by coming to the

immigration office as his aim to reunite Abital alongside his brothers. It is contained

in the text below.

INS Official: You don't have an appointment.

Carrie Davies: Yeah. I know. I just stood in line for two hours for you to tell me that?
INS Official: We have an opening in three months.
Carrie Davies: Oh, no, I'm not leaving here until I see a supervisor.
INS Official: If you'll step to the side and wait until I help everyone in line here.
Carrie Davies: I'm not stepping to the side and I'm not waiting any more. Now, who
do I have to screw around here to see a goddamn immigration supervisor?
Immigrant Supervisor: Uh... Me.
Carrie Davies: Great. Thanks, cupcake.
(Evidence 29, The Good Lie, 01:19:30-01:19:57)

The above dialogue occurred before Carrie finally met with an immigration

supervisor. In the story, Carrie, who had waited for 2 hours, was only given the

answer that she had not made an appointment beforehand by the receptionist. Carrie

insisted not to move from her place before she went to the immigration Supervisor.

He did not even hesitate to swear at the receptionist because he was annoyed at the

treatment the officer deemed to be holding him back. Carrie's reaction to this dialogue

demonstrates Carrie Davies characterization as a serious man in helping immigrants.


2. The Construction of Jack Forrester Character

Jack Forrester is one of the American male characters in The Good Lie. In the

story, Jack is the owner of the company where Carrie Davies works. In the story, Jack

is portrayed as a character who helps Carrie and immigrants find work.

Characterization of Jack's character appears in a dialogue with Carrie Davies, in the

text below.

Carrie Davies: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hi. What's going on?
Carrie Davies: Welcome to the longest day of my life. I need your help.
Jack: You need my help?
Carrie Davies: With work.
Jack: Something happen in the office or something?
Carrie Davies: Not exactly. I have these guys from Africa, and I can't even get them
through one job interview.
Jack: So you brought them here?
Carrie Davies: Where else was I supposed to bring them? You know how you make
people smile.
(Evidence 30, The Good Lie, 00:47:41-00:48:49)

The above dialogue appeared when Carrie came to Jack. Carrie felt that she

could not help immigrants to get through a job interview, so she took the immigrants

to meet Jack. In the above dialogue Carrie explains to Jack that there is no other place

that can make someone smile but herself, in other words Carrie feels that only Jack is

able to help her out of her current trouble. Through Carrie's statement above, The

Good Lie constructs Jack Forrester's character as a helper to one another.


Furthermore, the characterization of Jack's character in the The Good Lie film

is described as a company owner who wants to share, it is seen in the picture and

dialogue below.

Jeremiah: Oh, this is a very fine car.

Jack: Thank you.
Jeremiah: May I ask, what credential is required to drive a car?
Jack: You need a driver's license. You practice, and then you pass a test.
Jack: Oh, slow down! Slow down! Left, left, okay, now just stop... Whoa! Hold on, put
on the brakes! Brakes! Brakes! You okay?
(Evidence 31, The Good Lie, 01:03:57-01:04:26)

The picture and dialogue above came up when Jeremiah was about to go

home. Jack offers to drive her home. Jeremiah next complimented Jack's car and

asked what conditions were needed to drive the car. Jeremiah's question was then

answered by Jack and gave him a chance to drive the car he has. Jack's reaction to

Jeremiah proves that The Good Lie constructed the character of Jack as a willing to


Furthermore, Jack is also described as a company owner who cares about the

difficulties of others. This is contained in the text below.

Jack: I don't understand. He's a refugee of war. He needs asylum.

Imigran Supervisor: All flights from the Kakuma Refugee Camp have been stopped
since 9/11. They have thousands there waiting for the same opportunity.
Carrie: But he has his family here. Faith Based Charities is ready to step in.
Jack: I'll sponsor him. I'll pay for his ticket. He can live with me.
(Evidence 32, The Good Lie, 01:29:08-01:29:25)

The above dialogue appeared when Jack got word about Theo's whereabouts

at Kakuma camp refugee. Jack declared ready to sponsor Theo, pay for his flight,

even offering Theo to stay in his home. Jack's attitude in the dialogue above is proof

of the depiction of the character of Jack who has a sense of concern for the

difficulties of others.

3. The Construction of Pamela Lowi.

Pamela Lowi is one of the other American female characters in The Good Lie

film. Pamela is a volunteer of Faith Base Charity. In the story, Pamela is portrayed as

a character who helps immigrant familiarize themselves with their equipment and

homes in America. And helped Carrie to bring in Abital apart from her immigrant

brothers. Characterization of Pamela's character appears in a dialogue with Carrie

Davies, in the text below.

Carrie Davies: Hey.

Pamela: Hey.
Carrie Davies: Thanks for coming over on such short notice.
Pamela: Yeah, sure.
Carrie Davies: I know you're busy on Sundays with church and everything... so thanks

for coming.
Pamela: Uh-huh.
Carrie Davies: I need your help.
Pamela: Yeah. You do.
(Evidence 33, The Good Lie, 01:20:25-01:21:08)
The above dialogue appeared when Pamela visited Carrie's home, Carrie

deeply appreciated Pamela's arrival, which she knew was busy on Sunday in church.

Through Carrie's statement, the author assumes the depiction of Pamela as a figure

who will help others while busy at the same time. Further characterization of

Pamela's character as a volunteer appeared in her dialogue with Carrie. Pamela is

described as a high-minded person.

Carrie Davies: Wow, this is amazing.

Pamela: This looks really clean. We did it!
Carrie Davies: Mm. So how many kids do you have anyway?
Pamela: Ugh. Too many.
Both: Ha-ha-ha!
Pamela: Um... I don't know what I was thinking to be honest.
(Evidence 34, The Good Lie, 01:21:48-01:22:06)
The above dialogue appeared during Pamela's casual time with Carrie. Pamela

who is described as a volunteer of Faith Base Charity and an active in church activity,

gets questions about the number of children she has in Carrie. Pamela answered it

with "Too many". Pamela's answer to Carrie's question proves characterizing

Pamela's character as being highly social-minded, with evidence she is unable to

remember how many children she is fostering.

After analyzing the data above, the author further concluded that The Good

Lie has some of concepts in constructing American characters in the story of the film.

The Good Lie shows American characters as independent, care to the others, and high

social spirits. Furthermore, the depiction of American characters in helping Sudanese

immigrants to achieve success is a separate portrayal of America. In This sense, the

writer assumes that The Good Lie has constructed America through the portrayal of

the American character themselves.

C. The Manifest of American Dreams value in The Good Lie Film.

Basically, film have an in-depth message that the filmmaker wants to convey

to his audience. Film convey the message either implicitly or explicitly through

characterization of the characters or the story of the film itself. This is caused by the

movie as an object, used as a medium for delivering the message. Likewise with The

Good Lie film. The depiction of the characters and the storyline in the The Good Lie,

has some of messages to be conveyed. This can be seen either directly in each scene

or doing a thorough analysis of the film.

In this section, the writer will deliver the values of American Dreams

contained in the The Good Lie. And this time refers to the values of the American

Dreams that have been presented in chapter II “It is not a dream of motor cars high

wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each women shall

be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be

recognized by others for what there are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of

their birth. The emphasis in this section is the explanation about the manifest of

American Dreams value in The Good Lie movie.


1. Freedom: The Meaning of Life in Depends of Sudanese Immigrant

The Good Lie film depicts the immigrant character with some concepts. The

depiction is directly proportional to the success of immigrant characters in achieving

freedom. As well as determining the life they want in their own defined way. In the

story, the arrival of Sudanese immigrant characters to America is not without cause.

The immigrant characters who were previously described as living the victims of the

civil war, wanted the life they dreams. The dreams is seen in Jeremiah's revelation as

the narrator in the text below.

Jeremiah: The promise of a better life in the camp had long come and gone since our
arrival. Weeks became months, and months became years. We found strength in
sticking together. But our hope of ever leaving was fading.
(Evidence 35, The Good Lie, 00:27:58-00:28:14)

The text appears after immigrants lived for 13 years in the Kakuma refugee

camp. The lives of immigrant characters during the camp were not answered in their

quest for the life they wanted. Until the news of their names in the list of departures

to America became a new hope for the life they desire. In the text below.

Jeremiah: Is there news?

Mamere: Yes, there is news. Our names are on that list!
Abital: All of us?
Mamere: Yes. We are going to Kansas City, Missouri!
Jeremiah: Are you sure?
Mamere: I am sure.
Paul: Really? We are going to America!
(Evidence 36, The Good Lie, 00:28:58-00:29:20)

The above dialogue (Evidence 36) concludes with Paul's passionate remark

"Really? We are going to America! "This indicates that they really hope America will

be a new place, for the life they desire. In accordance with their wishes, the journeys

of immigrant characters in America have given meaning to the true meaning of life.

This is contained at the end of the story, which is contained in the text below.

Mamere: Theo. When you get on the plane, a helpful person will take you to your
Theo: You will show me these things.
Mamere: Theo. From this moment on... it is very important that you only answer to
the name Mamere.
Theo: What are you saying?
Mamere: I could not get you any papers.
Theo: No, Mamere. I cannot.
Mamere: Yes, but you must.
Theo: But it is a lie.
Mamere: Yes, I know. But it is a good lie.
Theo: But you...? I will go to Kakuma.
Mamere: I can work at the hospital. Theo, you gave me life. That day in the elephant
grass, you gave us all life. I give it back to you. You are chief now. Now, go. Go. Go.
(Evidence 37, The Good Lie, 01:39:00-01:40:05)

The above dialogue appears when Mamere and Theo are at Kakuma airport.

To Theo, Mamere explains that Theo has given himself and all his brothers a chance

to live, until he can go to America. Mamere reiterated his statement by saying "You

gave me life. That day in the elephant grass. You gave us all life. I give it back to you

"it indicates that he and his brothers have interpreted "America" as "life" they are

looking for. The above dialogue becomes a proof that life in America has had an

impact on immigrant characters about the meaning of life they desire.

In this sense, the writer assumes that The Good Lie film has constructed the

immigrant characters who achieve the freedom and determine the life they want in

their own way. Furthermore, The Good Lie film also constructed America as a

capable place of giving meaning to freedom for immigrant characters.

2. Equality of Opportunity: The Success of Immigrant

Besides described as an immigrant who achieve freedom. The Good Lie film

also portrays Sudanese immigrant as successful characters in achieving the dreams

they desire. This refers to the attainment of immigrant characters during life in

America, contained in the text below.

Mamere: I will find a way for us to be together again.

Abital: Okay.
Jeremiah: Come. We'll be together again.
Abital: All of you, promise to go to school and work very hard. Be strong, my brother.
(Evidence 38, The Good Lie, 00:34:07-00:34:29)

The text above appears when immigrant leaders deliver a farewell greeting to

Abital, who must head for Boston. To his brothers, Abital advised them to promise to

go to school and work hard. The separation of the characters with Abital and the

effort to realize their dream in America in the dialogue above, is the main problem

contained in the film.

In storytelling, the three immigrant figures successfully solve the problem, as

evidenced by the achievement of the figures in fulfilling their desires, and the

reuniting of the characters Abital beside his siblings, this is contained in the series of

text below.

Jeremiah: Abital, I am now teaching Sunday school at our church.

Abital: That's excellent. Just like at camp.
Paul: Abital?
Abital: Yes, Paul?
Paul: You know, Mamere is going to go to school.
Abital: Great news!
(Evidence 39, The Good Lie, 58:55:00-00:59:06)
Carrie Davies: Mamere, I left some groceries on the porch. Can you help me?
Mamere: Yes.
Carrie Davies: Thanks.
Mamere: Abital!
Paul: I like this Christmas!
(Evidence 40, The Good Lie,01:23:20-01:23:47)
The text above (Evidence 39) appeared when Mamere, Jeremiah, and Paul

were interacting with Abital for the first time since they separated, via telephone. To

Abital, Jeremiah explained that he had become a teacher in the Church. Paul also

recounted that Mamere had gone to school. Then on the next dialogue (Evidence 40)

occurred when the figure of Abital who re-united side of his brothers after getting

help from Carrie Davies. The occurrence of the above dialogue (Evidence 39 and 40)

is a proof of the success of immigrants solving their problems and desires.

In the findings, the writer also found other evidence as an argument that the

film The Good Lie is a film depicting the success of Sudanese immigrants during

their life in America. This is contained in the early narrative and the end of The Good

Lie film. In the following proof.

The Good Lie: In 1983, a brutal civil war broke out in Sudan between the North and
the South over religion and resources. Leaving villages destroyed by northern
government armies and militia. By 1987, thousands of orphaned children began to

flee on foot across sub-Saharan Africa, walking as many as a thousand miles to

Ethiopia and then Kenya. This film is inspired by their story.
(Evidence 41, The Good Lie, 00:01:08-00:01:34)

The Good Lie: In 2000, thousands of Lost Boys and Girls were transported to the
United State. Almost all have become American citizens. Many have gone to college
and graduate school. They have become teachers, social workers, engineers and
some joined the Armed Forces. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go
far, go together.” –African Proverb.

(Evidence 42, The Good Lie, 01:42:53-01:43:13)

The text above is the opening and closing narration of The Good Lie film. It

said in 2000, there were thousands of civil war victims in Sudan sent to America.

Many of them have become American citizens and are educated or have decent jobs.

The Good Lie effort, in depicting the success of immigrant characters in the film, is

one example of the narrative.

Then, the writer assumes that The Good Lie film has constructed the

characters as immigrant figures who get the equality of opportunity in achieving

success for their dreams. And seen through the depiction of Sudanese attainment of

their living in America. Furthermore, The Good Lie film has also constructed

America as a place capable of providing equality of opportunity in the dream-seeking

effort for every Sudanese immigrant.

3. Individualism and Collectivism: The Success of Both Motive

The Good Lie film describes America as a place that can accommodate

individual motive and collective motive in reaching meaning for life. The success can

be seen through the success of immigrant and American characters, in solving the

problems they experience in their own way. This is contained in the text below.

Mamere: You make our hearts throb for your many kind assists today.
Jeremiah: Would you be so kind to tell us your name?
Carrie Davies: Oh, sorry. Didn't I? My name's Carrie Davis. I'll call you tomorrow
morning and we'll start the job hunt.
Mamere: May you find a husband to fill your empty house.
Carrie Davies: I'll work on that.
(Evidence, The Good Lie, 00:40:57-00:41:17)

Mamere: Carrie?
Carrie Davies: Holy crap! Are you crazy?
Mamere: There is a reason you do not have a husband.
(Evidence, The Good Lie 00:55:27-00:56:06)

The above dialogue comes when Carrie will be separated from immigrants

after arriving at their home. To Carrie, Mamere prayed that Carrie had a husband to

fill the void of her home. Furthermore, Mamere again questioned Carrie's unmarried

status when Mamere cleared Carrie's very messy house by saying "there is a reason

you do not have a husband". The statement is an issue that arises in Carrie's character.

Carrie who was described as an independent woman then answered the

problem by bringing Abital home as part of helping immigrant figures and helping

himself. This is shown in the text below.

Carrie Davies: Mm. This reminds me of when I was a little girl. My sister and I used
to sneak downstairs when our parents were asleep... and we'd steal all the ice cream
and eat all of it.
Abital: Is she like you, your sister?
Carrie Davies: No. She was nice. My mom used to say that I was born pissed off and
Kelly was born chipper.
Abital: Chipper?

Carrie Davies: Happy. She was always happy. I used to tease her. I used to call her
Chipper. She hated it.
Abital: Where is she?
Carrie Davies: Oh, she got cancer two years ago, and, uh... It just ripped through her
like a firestorm. And then, ahem, one day she was just gone.
Abital: And you wonder why it was her and not you?
(Carrie nodding his head)
(Evidence, The Good Lie, 01:26:41-01:27:36)
The above dialogue appeared when Carrie was in a conversation with Abital

who had just arrived at her home. Carrie explains that Abital reminds herself of her

sister who died two years ago from cancer. Abital then asks if Carrie imagines herself

supposed to experience it is not her sister. Then Carrie answered her, bowed sadly.

The appearance of this dialogue explains the portrayal of Carrie's characters who is

depicted as an independent, able to solve her problems over the emptiness of her

heart, along with solving the problems of immigrants.

In another proof, the writer finds additional evidence that The Good Lie film

describes America as a place capable of accommodating individual motive and

collective motive, through Jeremiah's remarks at the end of the film. In the text


Jeremiah: This is the story of my brothers and sisters. When we were children, our
fathers said, "Let something of me survive." We did not even know what does it
means. But then we saw our family murdered... and our villages destroyed, and then
we understood. We held inside ourselves the memories of our forefathers and their
teachings... so that we could move forward in the world. Like an invisible bridge their
memory connects our old life with our new. They say we were saved by coming to the
United States. But we also saved each other. And although our differences may divide
us... our common humanity unites us. For we are brothers and sisters, all of us. We

try to share this wonderful world we call home. They call us the Lost Boys of Sudan. I
don't think we are lost. I think we are found.
(Evidence 46, The Good Lie, 01:41:07-01:42:11)

The text above is Jeremiah's statement when he became a guest speaker in a

church in America. The statement was presented as a closing remark for The Good

Lie, so the writer sees it as a closing remark from a narrator. Jeremiah's emphasis in

the above statement is seen in the phrase "They say we are saved by coming to the

United State. But we also saved each other. And although our difference may divide

us, our common humanity unites us. For we are brothers and sisters, all of us ".

Jeremiah's statements above prove that The Good Lie film constructs America as a

place capable of accommodating individual interests and collective interests in

reaching the meaning of life.

After analyzing the above data, the authors further conclude that there is a

manifestation of the value of American Dreams in the story of The Good Lie Film.

This is demonstrated through: the achievement of the characters in achieving

freedom, the achievement of the characters in achieving success, and the success of

immigrant and American characters, in solving their own problems.

All the results of the analysis in these findings can be understood as evidence

of the theory used by the writer. The writer identifies the construction of Sudanese

and American immigrant characters through representation with Stuart Hall's

constructive approach to describe the depiction of the characters in the film. Then put

forward the manifestation of American Dreams through the definition of American


Dreams of James Truslow Adams to assess the depiction and storytelling of the

characters in getting the life meaning in America in The Good Lie film,
A. Conclusion
The writer in this research analyze The Good Lie film using representation

theory and American Dreams concept. Through the representation theory, the writer

see how The Good Lie constructed the three main Sudanese Immigrant and American

characters in the film. This research also reveals the manifest of American Dreams

value of the film. The writer uses qualitative descriptive method with The Good Lie

film as the unit of analysis. The writer answers the research questions through the

explanation of the pictures and the text of the film. And the other sources outside the

film are used to support the analysis.

From the findings, the authors conclude that there are several concepts in the

depiction of Sudanese and American characters in the story of The Good Lie film.

The depiction is conveyed through several characterizations such as; Dialogue,

internal and external action and also the reaction of other characters.

The portrayal of Sudanese and American characters in this film is in line with

the concept of the American Dreams, it is seen with the achievement of Sudanese and

American characters by looking; The success of Sudanese leaders in achieving

freedom, the success of Sudanese figures in realizing their own dreams, as well as the

success of Sudanese and American characters in solving their own problems.

Therefore, The Good Lie film can be summarized as a film that reflects

America as a capable place of giving freedom, equality of opportunity, to every


Sudanese immigrant, and portrays America as a place that can accommodate

individual or collective motive.

B. Suggestion
The Good Lie film is based on true history. This film presents the America as

the biggest life effect of Sudanese Immigrant in hold they dreams. The writer suggest

to the other researcher to see the other issue for analyzing The Good Lie film, because

this film could be analyze trough other theories and concept to get another findings in

it. For example, this film could be seen through White Savior concept. Thus, the

writer hopes this research gives more contribution to the next researchers who want to

analyze film using that concept.


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