Vivek Anand 482

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 Simulation is the process of building and using a time-based visual
model that emulates every significant step that occurs in a process and
every significant interaction between resources in a process so as to gain
insight about the impact of potential decisions on that process.
 The simulation shows you visually what will happen in the process if you
make changes to it and it records performance measures of your system
under different scenarios.
 Simulation is a very useful and a powerful tool used for analysing,
designing and operating complex systems. Simulation is a cost-effective
means for exploring new ideas. It can be used as an effective
communication tool which shows how an operation works while
stimulating creative thinking for more improvements. One of the major
advantages of simulation modelling is that we can begin with a simple
model of a process and as we better understand the process, we can
gradually refine the model accordingly.
 This helps us to achieve good approximations for very complex problems
within a short amount of time. Decision-making usually requires a lot of
analysis of large amounts of data and complex relations. Decision support
system are computerized tools designed and implemented for such
 A decision support system helps in an organization or business decision
making activities. In an organization, the decision support system serves
the management, the operations and planning levels of an organization. it
helps people make decisions problems that can rapidly change and which
cannot be specified easily in advance.

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