Script For Orientation

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EMCEE 1: Sabi sa Ilocano “Naimbag nga malem kenyayo.” sa Pangasinense “Masantos ya ngarem,” and in
English, A pleasant and beautiful Afternoon to dear parents, all the respected guests, teachers, our honorable
and beloved principal, all the school staff members, and to our school director. it is our pleasure to be a host
for this “Orientation Program for Elementary Department of school year 2022-2023”

EMCEE 2: Before anything else, we would like to start this program with a prayer and may I invite everyone to
invoke the Almighty. There is a humble request from our side to please stand up for the opening prayer. We
would like to invite ma’am Analiza Garcia to lead us to our prayer.

EMCEE 1: Thank you so much, everyone, you all may take your seats.

EMCEE 1: As you all know the reason why we have gathered here is to welcome the new students to our
academy TFCA or Tayug Foundational Christian Academy. We are really glad to welcome all the new students.
We know that this day is very special and a much-awaited event in every students’ life and it is the celebration
of their new journey.

EMCEE 2: "If you're offered a seat in a rocket ship, don't ask what seat? Just Get in!"
By this quote, I wish all the students the best luck for their future endeavors & hopes that they grab all
possible opportunities in their life as a seat in a Rocket ship. We, "TFCA” promise to provide you all the best
quality and innovative methods of learning in this academy. I guarantee you all that you will build your future
from this academy and will never regret it. And I must say that this academy has the best teachers available
who always work for the betterment of the academy.

EMCEE 1: Here in addition to academics, we give exposures to Christian living by integrating our lesson with
Godly values that will encourage critical thinking that not only seeks knowledge and explains our world but
also questions how this knowledge can be used in the light of faith.
If you all want to enjoy this day, then please make sure that your mobile phones are silent. This is your day; I
request from you all to appreciate your efforts for coming to this peak. I must hear a loud clap conning. Please
everyone clap for yourselves.

1) EMCEE 2: To add some traditional touch and make it an auspicious(favorable) beginning, we feel
privilege to have our honorable Head School Director of TFCA with us, His excellency, Ptr. Edwin T.
Nicdao, the one who is an inspiration for all the young generations, our pillar of strength & our
constant source of motivation. We cordially invite our School Director to address the gathering, share
his expertise & knowledge with our students.

EMCEE 2: Thank you so much pastor for your generous words, we are really glad to have the amazing
and respected School Director/Pastor among us. I hope that you all will benefit from his addressing and
2) EMCEE 1: Now I would like to call upon our beloved principal Mr. Benjie Bañaga who’s have been
consuming himself to light others, who is the pride of this academy and we are all honored to have him
as our principal. Please a big round of applause for Sir to come and share his precious words.

EMCEE 1: Thank you so much, Sir. the speech was really informative and extremely helpful for the
students. We are so honored to have you among us. Please a big round of applause for Sir Bañaga
3) EMCEE 2: To present and further explain the rules and guidelines of the school, May I call Ma’am Ivy
Anulacion and Sir Leo Sardena.
4) EMCEE 1: Now, I would like to request all the Faculty Members of Elementary Department to please
come forward & introduce themselves and share few words with the Future of our Institute.

EMCEE 1: Thank you everyone for sharing your valuable words and introduction.
EMCEE 2: Now, we’ve come to the conclusion of our program. We thank God for his guidance this afternoon
and thanking is the least we can say to show our appreciation to all for your co-operation, presence & time in
making this as another successful hit.

EMCEE 1: To formally end our program, we would like to invite Ma’am Jeramie Macato to offer a closing

Again thank you for your presence and time.

BOTH: This has been your emcee, ma’am Rovie Gein Mejia and sir Janrey Navalta! Saying, good afternoon and
God bless us all. Thank you Everyone!

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