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LCG Lecture Notes MidYear 2-1

Our Goal for this session:

II. Walking as an Exercise

a. Fundamentals of Fitness Training
II. Warm-up and Cool Down
b. Safely Considerations
I. Environmental and Situational Risks and Hazards (Weather, Terrain, Crime, Dogs…etc.)
II. Injury Prevention and Management (Common injuries and First Aid)
III. Risk Mitigation: Safety Guidelines and Protocols (include walking gear & attire)
c. Work-out Journal
I. Contents/Headings
II. Tracking and Monitoring of personal/individual fitness progress (Milage, RHR, Effort
III. Pictures and Screencaps
III. Misc. Journal notes/remarks

Risk Management Addendum:

i. Minimize/Avoid outdoor workouts.
ii. Avoid interaction with housemates until you’ve taken a Bath (after cooling down)
iii. Walk/March in place
i. Upbeat music playlist (so you don’t get bored)
ii. Check that the Pedometer app is on you and recording in-place movements for computing
distance (WF Instructors’ Rule of Thumb 1500 steps = 1km)
iv. Proper Rest, Recovery, Nutrition and Hydration to strengthen immune system
i. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! (Sip don’t Gulp)
ii. Weather-appropriate attire:
a. Lightweight, Light colored, Synthetic material
b. Loose Fitting (if you’re comfortable – shorts and short sleeves/singlet)
c. Sun cap/head scarf/bandana
iii. Watch out for signs of heat distress – nausea, light-headedness/dizziness, thirst. (STOP!)
i. Don’t compare Workout Data with Rockport Results!
i. Very Different Objectives
a. Fitness Level vs. Improving Fitness
b. Speed vs. Building Endurance/Stamina base
ii. Only compare results of Rockport #1 with Rockport #2 and Rockport #3
ii. Endorphins – too much of a good thing is bad!
(Addictive Endorphins


Material in this Course Pack is for Educational Purposes Only and property of the Department of Physical Education, College of
Human Kinetics, UP Diliman. Unauthorized use and distribution are prohibited. All rights reserved.
iii. “Split Training” – 2 or more workouts in a single day
i. Body treats this as One continuous/long training.
ii. Overtaxes the body. If misused or used often, increases Risk of Burnout and Injury.
iii. Can be beneficial if used properly as part of complete training plan
a. On a Hard Workout Day (AM – Short, Easy workout, PM – Short, Hard workout
followed by longer R&R)
b. E.g., AM – 30 mins EASY Walking with Light Warmup and Cooldown, PM – Rockport
Test routine with Moderate Warmup and longer cooldown followed by minimum of 2
days complete R&R.

What Counts as a Journal Workout?

1. Follows your Workout PLAN
2. Has Warmup and Cooldown portions
3. Minimum 20minutes of continuous Walking activity (including interval breaks)
4. Picture (selfie) – immediately after workout, and without mask
5. App screenshot showing workout data
6. Journal Entry

Journal Grading (30% for 6 submissions @5% each)

 Quality – On-Time, Following Instructions, Complete and Accurate, Effort in writing Journal Reflections,
Application of Course Material and Class Discussions.
 Early/On-Time Submission – 0.5km mileage BONUS! (I will record separately and add at the end of the Sem)
 Late Submission – cannot earn maximum points allotted for the Journal
 No Submission – 0

Mileage Scoring Table

Mileage (KM) Points

From To %
1.60 64.99 0-8
65.00 69.99 12
70.00 74.99 13
75.00 79.99 14
80.00 84.99 15
85.00 89.99 16
90.00 94.99 17
95.00 99.99 18
100.00 104.99 19
>105.00 20


Material in this Course Pack is for Educational Purposes Only and property of the Department of Physical Education, College of
Human Kinetics, UP Diliman. Unauthorized use and distribution are prohibited. All rights reserved.
Setting Workout Targets
 MidYear: 6 Workout Weeks (6 Journal Submissions)
 E.g., 96% Final Grade Score (“1”)
o 85km personal mileage goal (assuming all other requirements are met with perfect score)
o 85/6 = 14.16km/week, or approximately 14km/week should be your target

o By Target distance per Workout

# Workouts (Distance/# Workouts) Target km

3 14/3 4.66
4 14/4 3.50
5 14/5 2.80

o By Target Time per Workout (E.g., 12min/km Pace)

# Workouts Distance/Workout (Distance X Pace) Target Time (mins)

3 4.66 4.66 x 12 55.92 (or 56)
4 3.50 3.50 x 12 42
5 2.80 2.80 x 12 33.6 (or 34)

o All are do-able and realistic targets!


Material in this Course Pack is for Educational Purposes Only and property of the Department of Physical Education, College of
Human Kinetics, UP Diliman. Unauthorized use and distribution are prohibited. All rights reserved.

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