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Ani, Ariella Jade M.

BSEd ENG 2101

September 20, 2022

Activity #3 Do it Yourself!
1. Rethink of a scenario on the first day of the online class in Technical Writing.
2. Following the process in writing, write a narrative report of all the details that happened during the
first day of the online class.
3. Apply the characteristics of a good technical writer and consider the experts as your reader.

Narrative Report:

Last 23rd of August, We BSEd ENGLISH 2101 conducted our first online class in Technical writing under the
supervision of Mrs. Marian S. Santos. Our first meeting would supposedly be on the 16th of August but because
of some unexpected circumstances We did not meet. On our first meeting, Ma’am Marian Santos presented us
the course syllabus together with the different room and class policies. She discusses the grading system and the
activities we need to accomplish at the end of the semester. She included the semestral project. She gave us a
detailed description of the course's goals and objectives, assessment methods, and learning outcomes. She also
discussed the different formats or activities of the course. She told us that we were facing a lot of paperwork in
her subject.

On the 31st of August we conducted our first face-to-face meeting in technical writing. We supposedly had a
recitation but something bad happened. My classmates, Mr. Jhonil Pesimo, Ms. Robelyn Alejandro and some of
my classmates were fixing our window but suddenly it fell. Luckily no one got hurt. Ma’am Marian Santos
immediately called the concerned person. After that, Ma’am Marian started discussing Technical writing and its
purpose. She also tackled the five different writing processes which includes the Pre- writing, pre-writing is
simply called introspection, here the writer begins to look into himself and ponder on what ideas he/she can
write about. Second is the Drafting,here, the writer should put the ideas in order having the topic sentences.
Third is the Revising, it involves making changes that will help improve your writing. The focus is on the large-
scale element of the composition. Fourth is the Editing and Proofreading, this is the stage of your report where
you polish it. Lastly is the Publishing, it is the final stage of the writing process. It can be done through
powerpoint presentations, hard copy documents, or even posting.

We ended our discussion there because there was no time. We learned a lot from Ma’am Marian on that day.
And it was nice meeting her finally in person. We had a very fruitful discussion on that day.

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