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Participates actively in scientific activities at school/ inter-school/ National levels

Is a keen observer and makes mature deduction

Displays good experimental skills and practical knowledge of various everyday

Is able to apply science in every day context

Shows good collaborative skills

Displays scientific temperament

Takes the initiative to plan and drive various science related events like quizzes,
seminars, model making

Is a member of student council/ school prefect etc. and helps / organize events in
that capacity

Reads and shows high degree of awareness and is well informed

Is able to inspire others and involve a large part of the school / community in
different events

Displays an innate talent in an identified sport

Demonstrates endurance

Displays strength

Is able to move quickly

Is able to use his/her power to advantage

Is agile & able to change direction quickly during a game or a match

Shows flexibility

Demonstrates nerve & is able to overcome fear

Shows good hand-eye coordination

Demonstrates an analytic aptitude

Demonstrates sportsman spirit

Displays a healthy team spirit

Discipline on & off field

Punctuality & regularity for practices

An appreciation & understanding of good physical health & physical fitness

An involvement in sports/physical education programmes

Team work

A knowledge of different sports & rules of games

Motivation & leadership

Skills of coordination, agility & balance

An awareness of rules of safety

An evidence of being self-disciplined

Participates actively in literary and creative activities at school / inter-school/ state/
National/ Inter-
national level

Takes the initiative to plan and drive various literary events like debates, recitation,
book clubs etc.

Is a member of student council/ school prefect etc. and helps / organize events in
that capacity

Reads and shows high degree of awareness

Is able to appreciate well written / spoken pieces in all genres( prose/poetry/play) in
all languages

Is able to explain why they enjoy a particular piece

Is able to express ideas / opinions creatively in different forms

Displays originality of ideas and opinions

Shows good collaborative skills and is able to work effectively in a group

Is able to inspire others and involve a large part of the school / community in
different events

Aesthetic sensibilities

Observation skills

Interpretation & originality

Correlation with real life

A willingness to experiment with different art modes/mediums

Awareness & appreciation of works of artists

Peer appreciation

A collaborative approach to process of learning.

Is innovative in ideas

Plans and adheres to time line

Is involved and motivated

Demonstrates a positive attitude

An innovative and creative approach

Is helpful and facilitates others

Demonstrates an understanding of correlation with real life situations


show creativity during class activities
 Accepts challenge enthusiastically
 Ask questions related to set task
 Help or motivate others during group activity
 Volunteer for special assignments
 Try different ways of doing a single activity
 Like to think out of the box
 Apply knowledge or skills in new situations
 Think about all possible options before starting a task
 Feel comfortable in sharing his ideas with others
 Maintain a comfortable level of eye contact
 Come and ask how to correct the mistakes
 Interrupt to tell his own stories/give his opinion/offer unasked advice
 Break rules/set up for the task by using rude language
 Try to exhibit negative behavior

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