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Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and

Jurnal Ilmu Basicdan

Sosial NeedIlmu
Among Women Farmworkers
Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022 (1-16)
ISSN 1410-4946 (Print), 2502-7883 (Online)

“Living by Others”:
Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

Department of Women Studies, Ewha Woman’s University Seoul, Republic of Korea

This article explores Indonesian women who work as farmworkers, whose lives depend on
working on other people’s agricultural land. The income earned by the women farmworkers is
not high since female farm work is a seasonal job in agriculture. This research was conducted in
Banyuwangi Regency as one of the largest farming areas in East Java Province, Indonesia, using a
qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Purposive sampling is a chosen technique
in this research, involving ten women farmworkers, a farmworker spouse, and two landlords.
Combining Scott’s subsistence ethics and existentialist feminism by Beauvoir, the research found
that the work performed by women in East Java, Indonesia is a form of women’s existentialism
that is carried out by experiential knowledge in working capabilities, constructing equality and
gender roles through the men-women division of labor, and strengthening women farmworkers
identification through work. Furthermore, women farmworkers make various efforts to fulfill their
basic needs as their subsistence ethics. They utilize various side jobs that they can still do, reducing
expenses and being owed by relatives, neighbors, and rice field owners in their hometown.

basic needs: breadwinner; Indonesia; women farmworkers; working performance

Introduction cars, jewelry, and others (Dharmawan, 2007).

People living in the world cannot be To fulfill these needs, humans are required to
separated from needs and income. Needs work hard.
and income are two things equally essential A head of household or a person who
for humans. The three types of human needs is the breadwinner of the family needs more
are basic needs or primary needs, secondary outstanding efforts in meeting the necessities
needs, and tertiary needs. Primary needs are of their family, especially if their income is
considered essential needs among the other low. In this research, the person is a female
needs because humans cannot live if their basic farmworker. A female farmworker is a term
needs are not met. Primary needs include food, used to indicate the person does not have
clothing, and shelter, while secondary needs are land that generates production material for
needs that can be completed after the primary resale; thus, they depend on working on other
needs are fulfilled. Examples of secondary people’s land. It can also be said that women
needs are vehicles, such as motorcycles/ farmworkers in Indonesia devote themselves
bicycles, televisions, radios, refrigerators, and to the people they serve (Sajogyo, 2002). In
others. In addition, tertiary needs are needs that Indonesia, during the industrialization era,
can be obtained after primary and secondary women farmworkers are usually only needed
needs are accomplished. These needs include when the harvest season has arrived. The wages

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

earned by the women farmworkers are not as largest area in East Java Province. The rice fields
much as the wages generated by the owners of are about 66,152 ha or 11.44 % of land area,
the rice fields. while the plantations cover an area of 82,143.63
This occurs because, in the agricultural ha or 14.21% of land area. The potential of
sector, women are given “feminine” work that agricultural land in Banyuwangi Regency
requires accuracy, patience, and is considered is ranked third after Malang and Jember
not too heavy, resulting in the low wages Regencies; thus, Banyuwangi Regency is one
received by the female workers (Jaggar, 2019; of the rice barns or food security producing
Setiawan, 2017). Meanwhile, the stereotypes areas in East Java Province, Indonesia (Dinas
and inequality in gender relations lead to Pertanian Kabupaten Banyuwangi, 2017).
injustice experienced by women farmworkers Because of these reasons, Banyuwangi Regency
(Puspitarini & Femilia, 2018; Trauger, 2004). has the advantage in developing regional
This unfair experience still often occurs in superior commodities and increasing food
the community and is considered a common crop agricultural production with regional,
practice in East Java Province, Indonesia. national, and international orientations.
No one deliberately wants to be a female Based on data from the Strategic Plan of the
farmworker, especially those who are married, Banyuwangi Regency Agriculture Office in
let alone have many children. However, 2016-2021, Banyuwangi Regency is not only
existing conditions force them to work as successful in securing food crop commodities
female farmworkers. Furthermore, as the 4th but also increasing horticultural production
largest agricultural land area in Indonesia, (vegetables, fruit, ornamental plants, and
which has an area of 65,457 hectares, the wage biopharmaceuticals). Banyuwangi Regency
received by a female farmworker in 2020 in has also dealt with forest damage and critical
East Java Province was around Rp. 40,000 to land, which has received appreciation from the
Rp. 55,000 per week ( Indonesian Ministry of Forestry. Banyuwangi
accessed on January 13, 2021). Regency had a population of 1,708,114 people,
T h i s r e s e a r c h wa s c o n d u c t e d i n consisting of 855,220 male residents and 852,894
Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, female residents in 2020. The male population
Indonesia with the consideration that in Banyuwangi Regency mostly works as
Banyuwangi Regency is the main agricultural laborers or employees, and the majority
production area of food crops, horticulture, of the female population works as unpaid
and plantations with national and international family workers. Meanwhile, most people in
orientation (commodity export) in East Java Banyuwangi Regency, both men and women,
Province. The existence of variations in superior are active in agricultural and plantation land
commodities in Banyuwangi Regency is (Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Banyuwangi,
one of the important basic parts for regional 2017).
development that contributes to GRDP (Gross Following the description of the research
Regional Domestic Product) for national location in Banyuwangi, this research is
development, which increases of the ability essential to study, considering that numerous
of farmers to become independent; therefore, women are active in agricultural and plantation
their level of income and welfare also increases land but are often unpaid because they still
(Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Banyuwangi, have kinship ties or blood ties with the owner.
2017). In the concept of gender, this is related to the
Banyuwangi Regency has an area of traditional inherent role of women; it is a social
5,782.50 km2, making it the Regency with the role as 'good children and wives' help the

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

family, which then places women farmers as part of essential jobs in the agricultural sector,
saviors of the family. Linking with the women is also believed to increase work productivity
farmworkers nowadays, a person who works as and women’s knowledge of the agricultural
a female farmworker is less likely to be well-off sector as a whole. In this case, women are not
in meeting the daily family needs, especially in only used as subjects or workers but also have
meeting primary necessities (basic), such as the a maximum contribution in their work, which
educational needs of her children, nutritious certainly has an impact on meeting the basic
food, and health insurance (Gianawati, 2013; needs of the family (Karami & Mansoorabadi,
Puspitarini & Femilia, 2018; Sajogyo, 2002). 2008; Odini, 2014; Trauger, 2004).
Nowadays, needs are challenging to meet The importance of this research is to
because of the rising prices of foodstuff and the analyze and identify the efforts made by the
lack of available jobs. In most of the jobs in the women farmworkers in the East Java Province,
village, women are employed on other people’s Indonesia for preserving their life and means
land, which is often referred to as women in living on other people's agricultural land,
farmworkers (Kiranantika, A., & Habibah, as the main research question. In addition, we
2020; Sajogyo, 2002). Employment as women studied how women manage their life using
farmworkers is provided by the landowner, gender lenses to meet the basic needs of their
who has difficulty managing his or her fields families by working in the agricultural sector,
or land. Accordingly, women farmworkers as the additional research question.
must work to fulfill their needs even in minimal
conditions. Literature Review
Growing commercial crops did not seem In a real sense, women farmworkers are
to be a priority for small peasants since it was those who earn income working for landowners
feared that it might threaten their subsistence or land tenant farmers. Some work short-term;
(Carrier, 2018; Scott, 2005). Similarly, this was they are employed and are released day to
seen in the fishermen’s efforts to cover up their day. A small proportion of them is permanent
economic difficulties, namely by diversifying workers, who are usually employed for a year
their jobs. Diversification here meant they were or longer (Sajogyo, 2002; Scott, 2005). Women
not only fishing but also doing other types of farmworkers depend on landowners to be
work, such as farming, gardening, performing engaged in their fields when they are about to
work in service, or being a pedicab driver. In enter the planting process and when the harvest
addition to these jobs, some people continued season has arrived (Carrier, 2018; Setiawan,
to work in fisheries, such as fish trade, fish 2017; Valdivia & Gilles, 2001).
preservation/marinating business, shipbuilding Villagers who work as laborers have an
services, shellfish and oyster search, and employer. For the women farmworkers, the
fishing equipment sales. Fishermen’s skills employer is the rice field owner or landowner.
play a significant role in the effort to create Therefore, their working capital is their energy.
work diversification since becoming only a Based on the ownership and cultivation of
fishing worker was considered less optimal in agricultural land, there are several categories:
generating income (Anggaunitakiranantika, 1) Owners and workers, 2) Owner or landlord,
2018; Haryono, 2005). 3) Penyakap (cultivator of other people’s land
Besides job diversification, the identity with profit sharing or tenants), 4) Women
held by women farmworkers in several farmworkers, namely those who do not
countries, such as Iran, Nigeria, Kenya, and own their agricultural land and work for
the state of Pennsylvania in the USA, namely as wages following the rules that apply to

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

other farmers. The emergence of the female life very close to the boundary line (Carrier,
farmworker phenomenon is inseparable from 2018; Scott, 2005). Subsistence ethics can be
the disruption of agricultural production assets described as ethics of survival in a minimal
in the form of depreciation of land and the condition, in which a person must continue to
quality of agricultural land and the conversion live his or her life even though he or she has a
of agricultural land in rural areas (Gianawati, small income. In this case, the peasants or the
2013; Sajogyo, 2002). In the rural work sector, women farmworkers work to meet the basic
changes in agricultural production assets have family needs amidst their low income. As for
an impact on agricultural work performed the women farmworkers who lease land, they
by workers in the agricultural sector. These also must think about the rental costs, where
changes occur to the social structure in rural the money used for the rental fee is obtained
societies so they affect the sectors of life, from, and the harvest, in which sometimes the
especially for women in the socio-economic yields are unstable.
life. The originality of this research is on In facing limitations, women farmworkers
capturing women’s efforts and participation are gentle, motherly, and emotional, making
in the agricultural sector by working on others’ them suitable for carrying out domestic
land. In addition, various types of works are tasks requiring patience. Meanwhile, male
also shown by women farmworkers, which has farmworkers are considered strong, rational,
shown that the agricultural sector in Indonesia and powerful by the community; thus, they
as the largest sector has been changing to fulfill have a position in the public sector to earn a
household needs nowadays. The agriculture living for their families. This assumption brings
sector cannot be relied on as the primary women to exclusivity, not to the inclusivity that
support of rural society. Thus, women also men and women must have, without taking
work in other professions, rather than only sides and seeing from particular interests
farming. (Jaggar, 2019; Mies & Shiva, 2021; Tong, 2018).
Based on preliminary research, a woman In addition, Phenomenology believes a
in East Java Province, Indonesia who does not social phenomenon in society has an essential
have land to grow crops or her parents do not structure formed by interrelated basic elements.
have land to inherit will most likely become To understand the essential structure of a
someone who works as a female farmworker. phenomenon, a review process is carried out on
This is what causes many female farmers the essence and pattern of relationships among
who are married to be supported by other the essences of the phenomenon (Asih, 2014).
people, namely agricultural landowners and Phenomenology believes that phenomena are
or plantation landowners, who are not bound in the consciousness of a person to whom the
by family ties or blood ties or who are still phenomenon appears in its original form. Husserl
bound by heredity ties. This complicates the stated that every phenomenon always consists
position of women farmers to live on their own of subjective activity and an object as a focus.
as powerful women who are able to manage Subjective activity always leads to the object.
agricultural land. Subjective activity interprets, gives identity,
Furthermore, this phenomenon can also and forms the meaning of objects. As a result,
be understood through the thought of James subjective activity and the object as a focus cannot
Scott, who conveyed that a condition in which be separated and are interrelated (Asih, 2014;
pre-capitalist peasants are worried about Ritzer, 2012; Ritzer & Goodman, 2006).
food shortages has led to the emergence of This phenomenon is more than the
“subsistence ethics.” This is also a result of a usual ethic subsistence nowadays. Women

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

farmworkers are strengthened through an the underdevelopment that occurs is not

understanding of existentialist feminism in because women are unworthy and unable to
their gender view in completing the research participate in the development by working,
novelty from literary aspects. The analysis but because of the unfair treatment; work
of existentialist feminism also explores the performed by women is not considered good
dynamics of work activities performed by work (Mies & Shiva, 2021; Sollund, 2015).
women farmworkers in Banyuwangi, Indonesia These perspectives can be used to analyze
today. Existence is inseparable from the the phenomenon of women farmworkers
way humans free and actualize themselves. working in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. The gender
According to (De Beauvoir, 2014) there are four lenses contribute much to this research for
ways to be existentialist, namely: 1) women can identifying women farmworkers in agricultural
work. No matter how hard and tiring women’s performance.
work is, it provides various possibilities for Farmers often suppress the smallest
women, which, if they do not perform it, they possible risk that might occur. The social
will ultimately lose them. By working outside reality of the subsistence crisis experienced
the home with men, women can reclaim by most grower farmers makes them adhere
their transcendence. Women will concretely to the principle of “safety first.” It means that
affirm their status as subjects, as someone to choose seedlings and ways of planting,
who actively determines the direction of their farmers prefer to minimize the possibility of
destiny, 2) women can become intellectuals, a disaster by maximizing the average income
members of groups that will create change they earn. Tragedy, in this sense, is attached to
for women. Intellectual activities include the structure of economic opportunities, such
thinking, seeing, and defining, 3) women can as outside employment opportunities (Jaggar,
work to transform society, namely the end of 2019; Scott, 2005). From this statement, it can
subject-object or self-other conflicts between be concluded that gaining large profits is not
humans, especially between men and women, a priority for the peasants. For them, meeting
4) women can refuse to be “the others,” namely basic needs, such as food, is considered enough;
by actualizing and identifying themselves in the most important thing is that he or she and
dominant groups in society. their family can survive and will not starve.
Based on this concept, Beauvoir corrects Besides, farmers would rather avoid crop
three existing arguments about male and female failure than earn huge profits. Risk aversion is
differences, namely biology, psychology, and the effort of farmers ; therefore, farmers prefer
economics (De Beauvoir, 2014). She also offers to plant subsistence crops to crops in which the
ontologists’ arguments based on ‘being there.’ yield can be sold. As explained in James Scott’s
She sees the existence of women as an identity Subsistence Ethics, some farming families need
defined by men. From the men’s view, the to do several things. First, tightening their belt,
presence of other people is considered a threat. meaning that if humans generally eat three
Consequently, to keep men in control, it is times a day, these farmers eat only one time
necessary to create myths about men against a day, and the quality of their food is lower
women. What needs to be underlined in this than usual. Second, becoming a small trader,
myth are first, what men want from women a freelance worker, or migrating. This strategy
is money that cannot be earned by men, and is considered the most reliable system since
second, women are “silent” just like nature farming families will not depend on others
(Jaggar, 2019; Tong, 2018). Accordingly, the but the ability of their own hands. Third,
increasing poverty that shackles women and intervention or help from relatives, friends, or

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

an influential person may help to suppress the Data analysis in this research was carried
crisis (Carrier, 2018; Kim, 2020; Scott, 2005). out interactively and continuously until it was
complete; hence, it reached saturated data
Methods (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). The data analysis
This research employed a descriptive was performed by collecting data, reducing
qualitative method with a phenomenological data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions
approach. In phenomenology, the emphasis on equipped with a Moser framework (ILO,
revealing meaning in a social action becomes Moser, & ILO, 1998), namely the technique
important in the individual's life experience used in gender analysis that noticed the main
and the social experiences formed in it (Nindito, principles as follows:
2013; Ritzer, 2012). 1. The roles of women at three levels: in
Data collection techniques used in this reproductive, productive, and community
research were observation, interview, and work. It is useful for the mapping of gender
documentation. The study was conducted in work division and work allocation.
Banyuwangi Regency, Indonesia, the fourth 2. An effort to distinguish between the
largest agricultural area in Indonesia, also practical and strategic needs of women
the largest area in agriculture in East Java and men. Strategic needs relate to the need
Province, Indonesia. It is placed in three for transformation of women’s status and
sub-districts, namely Gambiran, Glenmore, position (such as subordination).
and Srono. The informants were determined 3. Policy analysis approach – from the focus
using a purposive sampling technique with on WID (Women in Development) to GAD
specific considerations; the informant was (Gender and Development).
considered the most knowledgeable person The data obtained were then processed
about what the researcher needed. These were through transcripts by writing down what
to facilitate the researcher to explore the social the researcher had noted and recorded in the
situation under study (Creswell & Creswell, original conversational writing. Language,
2018). Several women farmworkers chosen to style, accent, and mimic must also be written by
be the informants were women farmworkers the original, since this was crucial for analyzing
who were involved in agricultural production the data using thematic analysis.
activities during the harvest and planting Meanwhile, the data analysis processes
period. The informants’ ages were 25 to 45 included data reduction, data display, and
years old. conclusion drawing/verification. In this case,
The informants in this research were ten the reduction and collection of data were
women who worked as women farmworkers; obtained from interviews with women from
among them in pseudonyms were Mrs. harvest and plant worker families. Accordingly,
La, Mrs. Ndo, Mrs. Ah, and Mrs. Kih. Five based on the research results obtained and the
of the informants, namely Mrs. Jim, Mrs. theoretical framework analyzed, a conclusion
Kat, Mrs. Lah, Mrs. Tuh, and Mrs. Wi, not will be drawn.
only worked as women farmworkers but
also rented other people’s rice fields, which Results
they managed themselves. There were also Women who work as farmworkers in
supporting informants, the husband of the Banyuwangi Regency continuously perform
women farmworkers, namely Mr. Guw, and various efforts so their families' basic needs
two well-known landowners in Banyuwangi are fulfilled. These efforts include doing
Regency, namely Haji Kil and Mr. Mup. side jobs, reducing expenses, or saving by

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

consuming simple dishes and utilizing self- our family does not have land.
grown vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and Sometimes we only eat two times
chili, as explained by the statement from Mrs. a day, or we fast so that it does not
La: become a burden. My family and I
“As a farmworker, we have to make only have the energy; I will look at
the efforts maximally, Ma’am... my situation first; usually, we owe
it cannot be like it used to be in the form of money or goods, such
because the price for living needs as rice or eggs in a certain amount.
in the village is also getting more If we owe, we also need to choose
expensive, if we do not want to be the lender. Not everyone has money
economical, then we can die. I am to lend, so you have to say it in
accustomed to planting vegetables advance...”
and fruits in my yard. The purpose
is that if we need to eat, we do not Moreover, women farmworkers
need to shop and spend any more sometimes also assist their husbands in meeting
money…” the needs of the family. Those with the status
of wife usually work as casual laborers in
Further, the side jobs that are usually markets or other places that need their services,
carried out by the women farmworkers include or they simply help their husbands manage
being small-scale sellers, household assistants, the rented fields. Thus, the wives have helped
breeders, and grass collectors to feed livestock. their husband to ease the burden to meet family
When the situation becomes more difficult, needs, as expressed by Mrs. Ndo:
they also do not hesitate to sell their livestock, “I work as a farmworker to help
as stated by Mrs. Kat: my husband, who rents a rice field.
“The wage as a farmworker is not Initially, I was not given a salary
much... but this activity has been because it was my obligation as a
widespread since my grandmother's wife to help my husband. However,
era. Therefore, the women here are now I ask for a salary because I need
very accustomed to working like it for saving. I need to start thinking
this, Ma’am. Another way that I better about the future needs of
do so I can eat is to rent a rice field my three children. If I do not work
belonging to a relative, I do it myself, in the fields, I usually work as a
and the harvest results are used to laborer in the market. My job is to
pay off the loan first, then the rest clean vegetables and sort the types
is for my family's needs. When we of vegetables for sale. I also help
are not working in the fields, I make neighbors or people in the area who
money by trading. I am currently have a celebration, like a wedding
pioneering selling banana chips or tahlil (sending prayer) to cook or
online, Ma’am. The important thing clean the house. As long as I get legal
is that we are not idle; we still exist.” money and have done all domestic
chores at home, my husband will not
Besides, based on the results of interviews, give any comments. After all, this is
for the sake of common needs and
to fulfill their basic needs, the women
the future as well.”
farmworkers also owe to neighbors, relatives,
and even patrons or landowners. As conveyed
A previous belief stated, a good mother
by Mrs. Jim:
is a mother who devotedly takes care of all
“If I am stuck to meet the needs of
my family, sometimes I owe, Ma’am. household duties and does not violate her
What else can I do? It is because nature to make a living outside the household.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

However, nowadays, it can be said that a stated by Haji Kil, one of the most prominent
good mother is a mother or woman who landowners in Banyuwangi Regency:
works outside the home and becomes the “I intentionally do not lease all of
breadwinner of the family while still paying my rice lands, only a small part so
attention to her duties as a homemaker that people will not easily owe me.
I also give a lower price if the tenant
(Anggaunitakiranantika, 2018; Dharmawan,
is my worker. I employ more female
2007), as emphasized by Mr. Guw: workers with the aim that my paddy
“As a husband, I used to worry about land yields more. It is because the
renting land, but my wife’s thoughts female workers are more diligent and
and initiative have solidified me to careful in carrying out the process
rent land for years. When the rice of planting and harvesting paddy.
harvest is complete, my wife will Per week, I pay them Rp. 60,000, but
nimbly turn the paddy fields into sometimes I give them more if they are
fields of green beans, chilies, or corn, loyal to me, meaning that every period
which can be harvested quickly and of cultivation, they always work for
have quite a good selling price. Thus me, not someone else.”
we can save even a little, and we can
still eat. When there is a will, there is
a way. I manage the land, while my Meanwhile, Mr. Mup, a landowner who
wife thinks about the commodity to also works as a village apparatus in Gambiran
plant and finds out its market price.” District, Banyuwangi claimed:
“In fact, as landowners, we benefit
A female farmworker is identical to greatly from the work that the
women farmworkers do. It is
someone who does not have her rice fields,
because they are easier to advise,
yet some of them rent or pawn paddy fields. and they also want to be rewarded
Based on the interview results, most of them with either money or commodities.
planted their fields with rice plants, which Furthermore, my position as a public
would be consumed by their own families. official in this area makes them even
Once a year, they also planted other crops, more reluctant to refuse jobs from
such as corn, chilies, or vegetables in which me. As a result, they do their job
excellently and rarely disappoint;
the yields could be sold. Some of the women
a weekly pay system pays them. I
farmworkers who rented rice fields stated this know they sometimes work in other
was a side job to increase their income besides places, yet as long as it does not
being the women farmworkers. However, some interfere with the work in my rice
thought that managing the hired rice field and fields, that is okay. This is because
becoming women farmworkers were their the wage policy for farmworkers
main occupations. Although the conditions are cannot be raised arbitrarily; there
must be an agreement with the other
burdensome, the women farmworkers must
face it so the needs of their families are fulfilled
even in minimal circumstances.
Having a job as a female farmworker
Furthermore, since women farmworkers
certainly requires a lot of strength since
are seasonal workers, it is not surprising that
there are plentiful activities to be carried out
sometimes the women farmworkers look like
to produce the right crop products and to
they are unemployed. Two factors cause this;
avoid crop failure. Some of these activities
first, there are no employers who need their
include hoeing, plowing, planting, grabbing,
services yet, and the second is that the women
harvesting, fertilizing, spraying, and threshing.
farmworkers are reluctant to go to work, as

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

In line with this, based on the results phenomenological method, existentialism

of observations and interviews conducted carried out by female farmers in Banyuwangi
during the research, the work carried out by is a picture of social construction formed
the women farmworkers as existentialists in from various life experiences that differ
fulfilling the needs of life can be understood from one female farmer to another. In this
through the Moser framework: research, social phenomena, formed through a
In the phenomenon occurring with work patriarchal culture reflected in the principle of
carried out by women farmworkers, structural the traditional division of labor between men
changes are not necessary to be carried out and women, will further create experiences for
comprehensively; however, the changes must women, forming various meanings as female
involve women in all sectors of life by playing farmers in Banyuwangi as described in the
a role in the social, economic, and political Mosser framework.
sectors. The biological-reproductive organ of As previously mentioned, women who
women is not a barrier to the role of women are given space to carry out self-actualization at
in society (De Beauvoir, 2014; Mies & Shiva, work, that is becoming farmworkers, is proven
2021). In a gender study applied through the to provide better rationality in their family life.

Table 1.
Mosser Data Analysis Framework
Triple Roles a. Women’s Reproductive Work is carried Roles of Men a. As the Patron and the
of Women out by fulfilling domestic household Landowner
chores at home. Holding the Power to pay women
b. Productive work is performed by becoming farmers who live from their farms
farm workers, working casual jobs, raising
livestock, and farming. Purely prioritizes profit orientation
c. Community work, which is done as from the results of women's
remuneration or loans given to women performance with the area of land
farmworkers from the landlord cultivated by women workers
Gender Need a. Practical needs/interests are carried out to Gender Less
Political Needs, Motives for the
Assessment meet the basic needs and investment. Assessment
subjugation of men to women, thus
b. Strategic needs/interests are performed as women must obey and follow men's
an identity and as a need for self-existence orders
for women. a. Social needs as Strategic needs,
prioritizing appropriate norms
that women work not as heads
of families but to help families
so wages are not as high as
Gender a. In deciding to work women are still No rejection Men play a full role in women's
Disaggregated controlled by their husbands and are for men lives, both as husbands and fathers.
data - influenced by the patriarchal culture
intrahousehold introduced a long time ago. Women Men are paid according to the
even construct the work based on the agreement on the land being
dichotomous division of tasks between worked on, and most of the male
men and women. workers are paid according to the
b. Farmworkers are paid a maximum of Banyuwangi Regency Minimum
Rp. 55,000 (USD 3.40) per week by their Wage per month, with 6-8 working
patrons with the wholesale/weekly work hours per day for 6 working days
system and working hours of 6-8 hours (Monday-Saturday) or the wholesale
per day. work system.
c. If there are excess working hours done
by the women farmworkers, it is not paid
in cash but replaced by cultivated land
Source: (ILO et al., 1998) expanded with analyzed primary data, 2021

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

They are able to build mature initiative and Women farmworkers must always try to
rationality to handle the obstacles they face in save and reduce their spending. It can be seen
the work system, working time that varies from when they want to buy stuff not included in
one job to another, and a balance of carrying their basic needs; they need to discuss it in
out excessive workloads between domestic and advance with their family members, especially
public work. with the husband. Many are eager to renovate
their homes or buy motorbikes; however,
Discussion none of this can yet be realized. Another need
In applying the Subsistence Ethics, the that is considered burdensome is the need
phenomenon of women farmworkers in this for the children’s school. The second method
research perform efficiency in three ways. First, performed by farming families, according to
the families of farmworkers in Banyuwangi, subsistence ethics, is self-subsistent alternatives.
Indonesia often save their money by buying It is considered the most reliable matter because
only necessities. They also regularly buy raw they will not depend on others but the ability
dishes, such as tofu, tempeh, and crackers. At of their own hands (Carrier, 2018; Scott, 2005).
other times, they consume vegetables planted In this research, the informants revealed that
in their backyards or grown on their rented they tried to find side jobs besides their job as
land, such as corn, spinach, chilies, tomatoes, women farmworkers since the jobs as women
and kale. Although these vegetables are few, farmworkers were not enough to fulfill their
they can complete the dishes consumed by the needs. Despite having a side job, it is still
families. Since buying rice is not arduous, they difficult for them to meet the family needs,
can commonly eat it three times a day. Most let alone if they do not have any side jobs at
of the female farmworker informants in this all. One of the side jobs done by the women
research suppress or minimize their expenses, farmworkers is selling mracang (selling daily
which is in line with the attitude to avoid risks. necessities on a small scale, such as snacks and
Consequently, women farmworkers prefer to basic necessities) at home when the farming
plant subsistence crops to crops that can be sold season is low, or no rice field owner needs their
(Mies & Shiva, 2021; Scott, 2005). services. Another side job performed by several
As James Scott explains in Subsistence informants, namely Mrs. La, Mrs. Ndo, Mrs.
Ethics, the peasants’ economic condition forces Ah, and Mrs. Kih, is being a freelance worker
them to make various efforts to keep themselves to take care of other people’s households, both
alive. First, tighten their belts, meaning that if in their village and in other sub-districts.
humans generally eat three times a day, these Small-scale trading is also a side job that
farmers eat only one time a day, and the women farmworkers usually carry out. Those
quality of their dishes is lower than usual. It is who became small-scale traders are Mrs. La,
also relevant to (Indroyono, Suyatna, Santosa, along with her children, and Mrs. Kih. Mrs.
Wibowo, & Firdaus, 2018), which reveals that La’s merchandise is snacks usually consumed
prosperity is defined as calmly living with by children, while Mrs. Kih trades bananas
family, completing with a peaceful attitude and from the banana trees are planted in her yard.
comfort. As for the women farmworkers who Also, several informants in this research choose
rent rice fields from the landlord, they have rice to raise livestock as their side jobs. However,
supplies to be consumed with their families if their situation worsens, they will sell their
every day. However, they must pay a rental livestock. Women farmworkers who decided
price to the owners’ fields depending on how to be breeders are Mrs. La, Mrs. Ndo, Mrs. Ah,
long and what size of the rice fields they rent. Mrs. Kih, Mrs. Jim, Mrs. Kat, and Mrs. Tuh.

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

Besides, several women farmworkers rent changes are not necessary; however, the
rice fields. Some said that managing rented rice changes must involve women in all sectors of
fields was a side job; however, some considered life by playing a role in the social, economic, and
working as women farmworkers and renting political sectors. The biological-reproductive
rice fields as their primary occupations. The organ of women is not a barrier to the role of
main purpose of women farmworkers to rent women in society (De Beauvoir, 2014; Jaggar,
rice fields is to have a supply of rice to be 2019; Mies & Shiva, 2021). As previously
consumed by their own families. In one year, mentioned, women who are given space to
they generally plant rice twice and corn only carry out self-actualization at work, that is
once. They will sell their products only after becoming farmworkers, is proven to provide
they have harvested the corn. The net profit better rationality in their family life. They are
from selling crops is not high since the costs able to build mature initiative and rationality
of seeds and fertilizers are expensive. Besides, to handle the obstacles they face in the work
those who rent rice fields also have to pay the system, working time that varies from one
rental price. Female farmworker informants job to another, and a balance of carrying out
who rent rice fields include Mrs. Tuh, Mrs. Jim, excessive workloads between domestic and
and Mrs. Kat. Meanwhile, rice field tenants public work.
with a pawn system are Mrs. Lah and Mrs. Wi. Related to phenomenology, a person's
It can be said that doing side jobs is a normal actions cannot be separated from his or her
thing carried out by women farmworkers as social situation (Poloma, 2010). The meaning
one effort to meet the needs of the family. built from each social interaction forms a
The third way carried out by the women system of relevance between the individual and
farmworkers to meet the needs of their family the environment. The purpose of establishing
is to utilize relationships, such as strengthening a system of relevance from actions related to
relationships with relatives, friends, neighbors, social interaction is to provide choices with
and patrons. Poor farmers sometimes need behavior in everyday life as well as to become
these people because at least they can help a topic from the cognitive side of the subject
suppress the crisis (Sajogyo, 2002; Scott, 2005). (Nindito, 2013; Poloma, 2010).
Expanding good relations with relatives, Here, phenomenology also contributes
friends, neighbors, and patrons is beneficial to the understanding of the concept of gender
for the women farmworkers so that, when they as a basic element in society that originates
experience difficulties, they can ask relatives, from Javanese culture built from the social
neighbors, friends, and patrons for help. It construction of a patriarchal culture. The
is common for women farmworkers to owe dichotomy of gender understanding in
money to neighbors, relatives, or patrons. society is more constructed through the
Most women farmworkers will owe when they division of labor in the feminine vs masculine,
experience a terrible crisis. In this research, domestic vs public areas. Moreover, the
this was shared by Mrs. Lah, who said she had contextualization of the meaning of the
to owe her neighbors when she or her family female body is dichotomously differentiated
was sick. Meanwhile, the debt to a patron or according to Beauvoir into a 'social body',
owner of the rice fields who employed them which is obliged to carry out domestic roles
was experienced by Mrs. Ndo when she was as wives and mothers. In addition, when
unable to buy electricity tokens. women perform additional tasks outside
In the phenomenon occurring at work the domestic arena, they must support the
carried out by women farmworkers, structural implementation of household sustainability

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

and family resilience, in accordance with arena, opening the possibility to increase their
an inherent feminine side that comes from bargain position, not only in the domestic area
social construction. In phenomenology, the by giving them the chance to have decent work.
meaning that takes place in this community Conversely, a particular pattern emerges
determines the role of women in society and from this phenomenon that the dynamics
their social environment in Banyuwangi of the conflicts they face in obtaining and
Regency, Indonesia. Consequently, to carry maintaining access to agricultural lands at the
out liberation and to interpret the benefits and household and community level, where rapid
freedoms in exploring the 'women's body’, it socio-economic change and a patriarchal state
is important for women who have the status are increasingly breaking on village life, are
of wife and mother to fight for liberation complex (Odini, 2014; Shortall, 2002). When
through existentialism, while working as analyzed using Beauvoir’s thinking (2003),
female farmers, for liberation, self-evident, and women farmworkers working is a form of
overcoming masculine forces around them, existence that cannot be separated from the way
be it from the social environment or cultural humans actualize themselves and make use of
challenges. Phenomenologically, the process their knowledge. Based on phenomenological
of meaning that comes from the community studies, there are four ways that women
will be interpreted by women as an inherent farmworkers perform Subsistence Ethics,
trait in understanding gender, the division of which also rely on an existentialist feminist
work, and the role of women who choose to approach, including:
work as female farmers today in Banyuwangi, 1) Women can work. No matter how hard and
Indonesia. tiring the work of women as farmworkers
Globally, the emergence of gender gaps in Banyuwangi Regency is, the work they
in society occurs structurally (De Beauvoir, do (either as a primary job or a side job)
2014; Tong, 2018). The division of work provides various possibilities for women to
performed by men and women is also found survive and fulfill their needs. By working
in the agricultural sector. The potential that outside the home with men, women can
women have in carrying out work and taking prove their independence and ability as a
leadership is considered one of the men’s person who can take initiative and has the
concerns in facing the work sector in the future rationality to fulfill their daily needs. It was
since women can complete their obligations proved by Mrs. La, Mrs. Ndo, Mrs. Ah, and
as workers even though they experience Mrs. Kih.
injustice in the form of discrimination and 2) A woman can become an intellectual,
certain stereotypes (Obayelu, Ogbe, & Edewor, regardless of the job she has. Women can
2020; Rossier & Wyss, 2007; Shortall, 2002). have more than one job at different times
As a control to manage this concern, women to meet their needs. Also, the knowledge
are given a minimum wage and jobs with a and experience that women possess at work
working system and long working hours by the will create creativity in solving problems or
patron as the owner of the land. This has not in carrying out their jobs. For community
only happened since the past New Order era members who have experienced a similar
in Indonesia that placed women in the position fate, this work activity will build change and
of 'konco wingking' or women as ‘the others’; create dynamics for women in Banyuwangi
however, this is still happening today, when Regency, as experienced by Mrs. Kih, Mrs.
modernization is also taking place in Indonesia. La, Mrs. Ndo, Ms. Jim, Mrs. Tuh, Mrs. Jim,
It motivated women to emancipate in the public and Mrs. Kat

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

3) Women in Banyuwangi Regency, Indonesia women farmworkers are still vulnerable

can work as farmworkers to achieve the to subordination and discrimination
social transformation that occurs in society, regarding their work in the agricultural
namely as proof of the work division sector, especially those related to patron-
between men and women or husband client relations like most informants did
and wife . This change is a sign that (Mrs. La, Mrs. Ndo, Mrs. Ah, Mrs. Kih, Mrs.
genderTheequality and roles in a patriarchal
comprehensive analysis in using genderJim, Mrs.with
lenses Kat, the
Mrs. carried
Tuh). out by the
society embedded in Javanese people 4) Women, as actors, can reject the stereotypes
women farmworkers in Banyuwangi, Indonesia in meeting their basic needs is still relevant
are taking shape. In other aspects of life, attached to themselves as “konco wingking”
with Subsistence ethics and can be seen through the scheme:
Scheme 1.
Scheme 1. Living
Living By ByaOthers:
Others: a subsistence
subsistence ethics
ethics in in feminist
feminist existentialism
existentialism analysis

Phenomenology-Existentialist Feminism

Theory of Subsistence Ethics

Survival ethics in minimal


Female farm

Female farm workers must fulfill “Safety first” principle

their needs amidst a meager income.

Minimizing risk
1. Tightening their belt by saving money or more than
pressing expenses, eating simple dishes, maximizing profits.
planting vegetables in the yard. Constantly plant
2. Self-subsistence by performing side jobs subsistence crops.
such as being construction workers, small-
scale traders, and breeders.
3. Utilizing relationships or networks by The main purpose of
asking for assistance from relatives, female farm workers
neighbours, and rice field owners. In this to rent rice fields is to
case, the female farm workers ask for help produce rice that can
in the form of a loan or debt. be consumed by their

Source: (SCOTT,
(SCOTT, 2005)2005) expanded
expanded with analyzed
with analyzed primaryprimary data, 2021
data, 2021

13 the patron-client context originates from the

In this context, the relationship between

delivery of various goods or services, and the recipients must reciprocate the delivery. The
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Volume 26, Issue 1, July 2022

or “the others” for men. It is actualized in in Banyuwangi, more than the Subsistence
various initiatives and sectors of work that Ethics, the theory is still relevant due to the
the women can do to fulfill their daily needs. social phenomenon. Women farmworkers feel
Besides, the identification of women able to that working solely as women will not fulfill
work will also erode the strength of society in their needs because of the many needs in the
the patriarchal system, which insists women household. Other efforts they do to accomplish
are only capable and worthy of carrying out their needs are to perform side jobs, such as
domestic chores rather than jobs in the public becoming household assistants, small-scale
sector. It was experienced by Mrs. Lah, Mrs. traders, and breeders. To maintain economic
Ndo, Mrs. Jim, and Mrs. Kat. balance, they also need to reduce their expenses
or saving. If they find the family’s economy in
The comprehensive analysis in using crisis, they get a loan or borrow money from
gender lenses with the work carried out by neighbors, relatives, and patrons. Furthermore,
the women farmworkers in Banyuwangi, several women farmworkers rent rice fields
Indonesia in meeting their basic needs is still intending to have rice supplies that can be
relevant with Subsistence ethics and can be seen consumed by their families.
through the scheme: The work performed by women
In this context, the relationship between farmworkers is a form of women’s existentialism
the patron-client context originates from the is related to the phenomenology, which is carried
delivery of various goods or services, and the out by: (1) proving that women can work, (2)
recipients must reciprocate the delivery. The establishing the women’s intellectualism formed
patron and client are the relationships between by experiential knowledge, (3) constructing
the farm owner and the women farmworkers equality and gender roles in a patriarchal society
(De Beauvoir, 2014; Jaggar, 2019; Kim, 2020; starting to be developed through the division
Scott, 2005). The field owners can employ of labor between men and women, and (4)
women farmworkers who do not have a rice strengthening identification through work carried
field because, the field owners also need the out by women to fulfill the necessities of life,
women farmworkers’ services to help them which will erode stereotypes and discrimination
manage their domains in the farming season. caused by the patriarchal system.
In addition, this helps women farmworker to Women who work as farmworkers utilize
fulfill their basic need (and family) . Further, the opportunities in the form of side jobs that
when the women farmworkers experience they can still do. It is beneficial for them since
financial problems, the patrons, as the owners it could help them to meet the needs of their
of the rice fields, also play a role in assisting families if the wages earned from working as
them to solve the problem since the women farmworkers are not enough. Although women
farmworkers have helped the patrons when farmworkers have tried to find side jobs,
they need their services. Patrons and clients these side jobs still need to be improved since,
need each other because they have their generally, every human has more potential,
dependencies and advantages. especially the young farmworkers.

Conclusion Acknowledgment
Women farmworkers in East Java Thank you to Nurakhfini Septianym who
Province, Indonesia, generally have a variety helped me in technical language engaged with
of jobs to meet the needs of their families. conceptual concepts and local terminology
Despite the efforts of women farmworkers used.

Anggaunitakiranantika: “Living by Others”: Work Performance and Basic Need Fulfillment
Among Women Farmworkers

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