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The exact analytical expression for io (and hence ii) can be obtained as follows.

for 0 < ωt ≤ π
Ldi o
vi = 2Vi sin ωt = Ri o + +E (9.67)
io ωt=0 = io ωt=π (steady state periodic boundary cond.)

The general solution can be written as

- ωt 2Vi ⎡ sinθ ⎤
i o = Io e tanϕ + ⎢ sin ( ωt - ϕ ) - (9.68)
Z ⎣ cosϕ ⎥⎦
ωL E
where tanϕ = ; Z = R 2 + ω2 L2 ; sin θ =
R 2Vi

From the boundary condition

2Vi ⎡ sinθ ⎤ - tanπϕ 2Vi ⎡ sinθ ⎤
Io - sin ϕ + = I e + sin ϕ -
Z ⎢⎣ cosϕ ⎥⎦ o
Z ⎢⎣ cosϕ ⎥⎦
2Vi 2 sinϕ
Io = (9.69)
Z -π
1 - e tanϕ
2 Vi ⎡ 2 sinϕ ωt
- tan sinθ ⎤
∴ io = ⎢⎣1 - e tanϕ e ϕ
+ sin ( ωt - ϕ ) - (9.70)
Z - π
cosϕ ⎥⎦

From which the condition for continuous conduction can be obtained.

for continuous conduction io ≥ 0 for all 0 < ω t ≤ π

hence io Min ≥ 0 or io ωt=θ ≥ 0
∴ Condition for continuous conduction is
2 sinϕ - θ tanϕ sin θ
e = sin (ϕ - θ ) + (9.71)
1- e
-π tanϕ
cos ϕ

If the parameters of the load (i.e, R, L &E) are such that the left hand side of equation 9.71 is less
than the right hand side conduction of the rectifier becomes discontinuous i.e, the load current
becomes zero for a part of the input cycle. Discontinuous conduction mode of operation of this
rectifier is discussed next.

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur 25

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