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On the 21st of July, we had conducted our structured learning experience (SLE). Domingo and
Castillote prepared an SLE that is titled “Type It Up!”. Since we are the first pair to conduct our SLE,
Domingo opened the first day of the event. He started with a “Getting To Know You” activity and he
then proceeded to introduce the first 2 facilitators that will be guiding the participants that day in which
is the two of us. Castillote started a short greetings then proceeded to introduce the first SLE. She then
gave the mechanics or the instructions of the activity. She stopped for a moment and resumed to
continue giving the mechanics. When she finished giving the instruction, Domingo demonstrated how to
use the specific website to be used in the activity. He simply explained where to click when the
participants had to repeat the process as well as reminds them about the parameters. The participants
went to their respective breakout rooms after Domingo divided and assigned them randomly, Castillote
went to room 2 and Domingo went to room 1 to guide each group for the activity. In the breakout room
1, a lot of participants are only using mobile phones and had the hard time to use the website and
screenshare it as per the instructions, after a long time deciding, a participant finally shared her screen
to do the activity, showed leadership so they could do the task faster, however there are participants
who didn’t open their microphones so Domingo volunteered to do the screensharing and typed the
words because they could not waste anymore minute. The progress of the sequence is slow so in the
end they had a score of 50wpm. Meanwhile, in the other room that Castillote facilitated, she again
reminds for the parameters and instructed them to have a group name and a typist in which a
participant volunteered because he was using a desktop. Room 2 went well however the participant
requested for a trial and was allowed by the facilitator to do so. After minutes, the room 2 got a score of
75wpm even though we weren’t able to finish. Domingo noticed that there are still 2 participants in the
breakout room 1 so he went back to wait for all of the participants to go back to the main room. After
congratulating the participants for their hard work, Domingo proceeded to debrief them while sharing
the questions on the ppt. Several participants shared their answers and insights regarding the activity
questions. After several follow-up questions, a participant did answer “Accountability” and explained
why in his statement and indeed learned something during the activity. Domingo then proceeded to
have a closing statement and transfer the spotlight to the next pair of facilitator.
A lot of things happened during the SLE and there are things that actually went well as well as
things that went not so well. During the giving of the instructions, Castillote stopped for a moment
because she was distracted by people in the room. In the breakout room 1 led by Domingo, he
volunteered to be the typist in which the participants must have experienced. In addition, breakout room
2 led by Castillote were a bit chaotic also since she suggested to open all of their microphones, it turns
that there are participants voices were delayed, so the sequence isn’t really followed. In the debriefing,
Domingo shared a ppt of their prepared questions however both of the facilitators did not realize that it
was not advisable, and it was better for the participants and for the facilitators to see the faces rather
than the ppt. Despite of these happenings, a lot of things went well during the activity. Even though
Castillote was distracted for a moment, the mechanics were given properly, with the assistance of
Domingo with his demonstration, the participants understood how the activity will go. So, inside the
breakout room they know what the activity was like. The activity inside the 2 breakout rooms ended
peacefully leaving the participants strong feelings right after the time was up. The two facilitators were
glad that there are participants who volunteered to do the task as a typist on that activity. The group
members in each of the breakout rooms did their part as well in strategizing how to reach the 100wpm
goal. Several participants were very active during the activity and even during the debriefing, they are
sharing their experiences as well as their thoughts or insights about their group and the activity itself
and their experiences taught them “Accountability” which was mentioned by a participant. The
debriefing went well when a participant has learned the main purpose of the activity through

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