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Ses cae LESSON 3: PERSONAL PRONOUNS |. Khai nigm ve di Bai tir (Bai - dai dién, thay thé, tir - mét tix) [a nhiing tir dugc str dung dé dai dién hodc thay thé cho danh tir hoge cum danh tir khi danh tir ho&c cum danh tir dé bi lip lai trong cdu (hoc ngudi néi khéng mun Ip Iai danh tir 46). Chiing ta cling xét mét s6 tru@ng hgp sau: (1) My shirt is the yellow shirt > My shirt is the yellow one. (“one” 1a dai tir, né thay thé cho tir “shirt”) (2) Most lessons are taught this month while some are for next month. (dai tir “some” = some lessons) (3) Mr. Jones is a good manager. Everyone respects him. (dai tir “him” = Mr. Jones) - Bai tir nhan xung la nhiing dai tir dug sit dung dé thay thé don gidn cho ngudi hoac ‘tén riéng cila ngudi. Ngoai ra, dai tir nhan xung cling dugc str dung dé thay thé cho con vat, 66 vat. Vidu: “James Atkinson has worked here for 20 years. James Atkinson has great contribution to the company. Next year, James Atkinson will retire. The company will hold a party for James Atkinson.” Trong vi dy nay, tir “James Atkinson” bi lip lai & nhiing c4u sau, vi thé chting ta c6 thé ‘thay thé don gidn nhiing tir “James Atkinson” phia sau bang dai tir “he” va “him”. ‘Bai tir nhan xung trong tiéng Anh dug phan loai theo vi tri duing cia né: Bai tiy cha ngit, dai tir tn ngte. Ngoai ra, chiing ta cing xét t6i nhiing tir ién quan cia dai tir nan. xung gdm: Tinh tir sé hiu, dai tir sé htu, va dai tir phan than. WI. Chi tiét v8 dai tir nhan xung 2.1. Bai tir chi ngir (Subject pronouns) ‘Bai tix chi ngir la nhiing dai tir dug sir dung dé thay thé cho danh tir lam chi ngir trong cu. Vi vay, dai tir chii ngir ludn dung & lin truée dong tir/cum dong ti. ai tir chi ngir bao gdm: |; You; We; They; He; She; It (Trong dé, “they” va “it” c6 thé thay thé cho danh ti chi vat). “He, She, It” Ia nhiing dai tir thay thé cho danh tir s6 it. "|, We, They” la nhiing dai tiv thay thé cho danh tir s6 nhiéu. “You” cé thé thay thé cho danh tir s6 it hoc danh tir s6 nhiéu. ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR BE LATE vidu: (1) They relocate next year. (2) We have announced the winner of the competition. (3) She can be promoted to the management. (4) We just received your order. It will be processed right away. ("It” thay thé cho cum danh tit s6 it “your order”). (5) New employees has completed the training, and they will start working tomorrow. (“they” thay thé cho cum danh tir s6 nhiéu “new employees”.) 2.2, Bai tir tan ngtr (Object pronouns) Dai tir tan ngir I nhiing dai tir durgc sir dung dé thay thé cho danh tir lam tan ngi trong cu. Vi vay, dai tir tan ngit ludn ding & lin sau dOng tir ho8c gidt tle trong céu. Bai tir tan ngir bao gdm: Me; You; Us; Them; Him; Her; It. (Trong d6, “them” va “it” c6 thé thay thé cho danh tir chi vat). “Him, Her, It” la nhiing dai tir thay thé cho danh tir sé it. “Me, Us, Them” la nhitng dai tit thay thé cho danh tir s6 nhiéu. “You” c6 thé thay thé cho danh tir sé it hoc danh tir s6 nhiéu. lu: (1) Please join us for this wonderful film. (2) That man is the best candidate. The manager will interview him in a few minutes. (“him” thay thé cho cum “the best candidate”) (3) We need to inform all employees that the director requires them to attend the meeting tomorrow. (“them” thay thé cho cum “all employees”) Practice 1: La chon dap 4n dung nhat dé hoan thanh cdc cau van du6i day. 1. After receiving the report, __will start the meeting. A. they B. them C. yourself D. his 2. New customers are offered a twenty percent discount if_ Ache Bit C. they D. you 3. Mr. Powell is very creative, and we'd like to offer__a position. Ache B. his C. him D. himself 4, Because of a large order, __need to hire additional employees. Awe Bus Cher D. he 5. Mr. Jamerson did a great job on the Stacy Building, so we really want to work with for the next project. Achim B. them Cus D. you ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR JON’T BE LATE 6. Prescriptions will be confirmed by the doctor before__are processed. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs 7. Corvo Graphic Design willhelp__ to create a suitable logo for our newly formed company. A.our B. ours Cus D.we 8. Mary Jones has the expertise needed, so the company has assigned __to the. negotiations. Acher B.she you 9. Ms. Williams has given __a detailed construction schedule. Awe B. our Cours 10. Ms. Kim will oversee operations, and all group leaders will report back to___. A.her B.she C herself D. hers 2.3. Tinh tir sé hitu (possessive adjectives) (Ching ta c6 thé goi la “dinh tir sé hitu — possessive determiners”) TTSH [a nhiing tinh tir duge sir dung dé bé nghia cho danh tir hoc cym danh tir (luén lun ding lién truéc danh tir hoe cum danh tir khOng dténg riéng lé mot minh) nhm xac dinh ai so hiru danh tir hoac cum danh tir d6. dc TTSH bao gom: My; Your; Our; Their; His; Her; Its. Ngoai ra “sd hitu céch” cua danh tir cing dug coi la tinh tir sé hitu nhu: John’s, Mr. Madison’s, Mrs. Kent's. Nhiing tinh tir nay cing dugc sir dung & lién truéc danh tir hoc cum danh tir trong tiéng Anh, Vidu: (2) Our new policy will be affected next week. (2) His idea was really useful for us. (3) Their marketing team was working really well. (4) We will consider Mr. Johnson’s budget proposal. Chi ¥: Ngudii ta cé thé sir dung thém “own” lién sau céc TTSH dé nhdn manh cho cdc TTSH nhu: - Her books > Her own books - Our company > Our own company - His family > His own family ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR Practice 2: La chon dap dn diing nhat dé hoan thanh cdc cau van duoiday. lage] 1. Mr. Martinez will be available to sign coy of ____ new book. Ache B.him Chis D. himself fo 2. New hires must fill out all employee paperwork by the end of __first week. A. them 8. their C.themselves _D. they 3. All Dokgo Design employees should update__ timesheets daily. A. theirs B. them C. their D. they 4, As an account manager, __ need to ensure that Ms. Han receives your budget report. A. yours B. your C. yourself D. you 5. Any employees who want to join the conference should report to__supervisors in advance. A.their B. they C. your D. his 6. The Rowleigh Company has once again increased _quarterly profits. A itself B. its Chis D. her 7. Ms. Pamu has scheduled a meeting with __ chief financial officer. Avher B. she C. herself D. hers 8. Ms. Schwarz advised Mr. Hartmann to publish the results of current project. A. himself B. his C. her D. she 9.____ newly recruited employees must attend the training session tomorrow. Awe C. ourselves D. our 10. Jane Wiseman opened ___ own publishing company when she was 25. A.she 8. herself Cher D. hers 2.4, Dai tir sé hitu (Possessive pronouns) DTSH [a nhiing dai tir duge sir dung dé thay thé cho cym danh tir gdm TTSH +N khi danh tir d6 bj lap lai trong cdu. TSH gém: Mine; Yours; Ours; Theirs; His; Her Vidu: (1) Ng6i nha nay 1a ngéi nha cua tdi. > This house is my house > This house is mine (mine = my house). (2) Chiing tai khdng thich cu chuyén cua anh 4y, nhung lai thich cau chuyén cla 6 dy. > We don't like his story, but we like hers (hers = her story). ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. Ses cae Vi dy: Chon dp an dé hoan thanh céc cau van sau. 1. This report is quite informative. | guess it Avher B. she hers 2. | forgot my key at home, socan | borrow___. A. you B. yours ¢. your 2.5. Bai tir phan than (Reflexive pronouns) Bai tir phan than [a nhiing dai tir due sir dung dé didn t8 chil ngir tac Ong hanh dong vao chinh chi ngit do. Vi vay, dai tir phan than luén lu6n lam tan ngiF (khong bao gid’ duoc sir dung lam chit ngit trong céu). Céc dai tir phdn thén gdm: Myself; Yourself/Yourselves; Ourselves; Themselves; Himself; Herself; Itself. Cho ¥ Chil ngir [a gl thi dai tir phan than la vay (tic la khdng thé She loves yourself hay You love myself dug). vidu: (1) She blames herself for the accident. (2) We don’t have any external mentor. We always train oursleves. Ngoai ra, dai tir phan than con duge st dung dé nhdn manh cho chi ngtf trong cau, va thudng duoc dat lién sau chi ng. Vidy: (1) He himself sent us this email (Chinh anh dy da gui ching ta email nay). (2) The manager herself trained us how to use the software (Chinh ba gldm déc da ao tao chiing t6i ding phn mém). Chi y: By + BTPT = Alone = On TTSH own — Mot minh ai dé lam gi (1) Doctor Peterson will read your patient file by himself (mét minh bac sf Peterson sé doc hd so bénh Gn cua ban - Cé thé thay by himself bang alone hodc on his own). (2) She will visit our factory by herself (C6 dy sé tdi thém nha minh chung ta mét minh - C6 thé thay by herself bang alone hogc on her own). ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR fe) BE LATE Quiz 1: Lya chon dap an ding nhat dé hoan thanh cdc cdu van dur6i day. 11. Ms. Taylor took Mr. Robert's portfolio because she mistakenly thought it was A.she B. her hers D. herself 2. Customers like our products because __are durable and well-designed. A.ours B. we Cus D. our 3. The hiring manager will interview the group by__- Achim B.he C. themselves D. himself 4, Eva___ issued the certificate. Ashe B. her C herself D. hers 5. On the last day of PC training, the intern entered all the data by__. A. herself B her C.she D. hers 6. After he had finished his report, Mr. Abbot helped Ms. Farm complete__. Acher D. hers C. herself D. she 7. The new guidebook is generously illustrated, and the author took all of the photos A. his B. him Che D. on his own Mot sé dai tir khac trong tiéng Anh 3.1, Bai tir bat dinh ‘Bai ti bat dinh la nhiing dai tir durge sir dung dé thay thé cho cdc danh tir, cum danh tir khong xée dinh. ‘Bai tir Bat dinh gdm c6: - Someone/Somebody: Mét ai 46 - Anyone/Anybody: Bat ky ai - Everyone/Everybody: Moi ngudi - Noone/Nobody: Khéng ai cd ~ Something: Mot thir gi dé - Anything: Bat cir thir g - Everything: Moi thir - Nothing: Kh6ng gi ca Vidu: (1) They know nothing about our company. (2) Anyone who is working today will receive extra pay. (3) We don’t see anything in this container. (4) Nobody can help us with the financial problem. (5) You will find someone who can fix your car. ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR [e) BE LATE Quiz 2: Lya chon dap an ding nhat dé hoan thanh cdc cdu van dur6i day. 1 who is involved with the project should meet Ms. Kim today. ‘A. Anyone B.all C. People D. Other 2.__ of the candidates have the necessary skills. ‘A. Anyone B. Each C. Everyone D. All 3. _____ who wants to participate in the seminar on November 12 must contact Ms. kim by Friday. A. Other B. They C. Herself D. Anyone 4,__ of the passengers on flight 246 missed connecting flights in Dublin as a result of the weather delay. ‘A. Everybody B. Someone ¢. Whom D. Several 5.____ who responds to the restaurant survey will receive a $10 gift certificate to Rangely Café. A. People B. Whose C. Their D. Everyone 3.2. Cach diing ciia -OTHER Other la mét tinh tir, né duge str dung dé b6 nghia cho cdc danh tir s6 nhiBu. Vi vay, theo sau Other ludn la céc danh ti s6 nhiu. Vi dy: Other people; Other companies; Other spaces. Another [8 m6t dinh/tinh tir, né dug sit dung dé b6 nghia cho danh tir sé it dém dugc. Vi vay, theo sau Another la mét danh tir s6 it dm durgc. Vi dy: Another book; Another policy; Another machine. Tuy nhién, Another (mét cai khac, m6t ngudi khdc) cling duge coi la mét dai tir, nd duge sit dung dé thay thé cho cum “Another +N” khi danh tir bi fp la. + This company is not suitable for us, so we need to find another (another = another company). + She forgot the key to this room, so we had to stay in another (another = another room). “Others” thay thé cho danh tir s6 nhiGu, cdn “the other” thay thé cho cd danh tir sé it va sé nhibu. + Some of the books on the table are mine, while others/the other belong to John. (the other = other books) + Most of our staff will be attending the conference today, while others/the other are still working “Each other” va “One another” ~ déu cé nghia la “nhau” va durge sir dung lam tan ngit. Trong dé, “each other” danh cho 2 ngudi con “one another” la 3 ngudi tré’lén. ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME. TOEIC - GRAMMAR [e) BE LATE + Our employees always help one another (nhan vién cia chiing t6i luén gitip d@ nhau ~ 6 nhiéu hon 2 nhan vién). + We usually help each other (chting tai luén gidp d@ nhau - cé 2 ngudi). 3.3, Dai tir ONE va ONES ai tir One va Ones durgc st dung dé thay thé cho danh tir (chi nguai va vat) khi danh. tly bj l§p lal. Trong 46, One thay thé cho danh tir sé it dém duge, cdn Ones thay thé cho danh tir sé nhiéu. + They are using the cheap projector because the expensive one is broken (tir “one” = “projector”). + All books on the shelf are not interesting while the ones on the floor are worth reading (tir “ones” = “books”). Practice 3: Lyra chon dap n ding nhat dé hoan thanh céc cau vin dui day. 1. Please use the printers on the third floor while on the fifth floor are being repaired. A. this B. other C.each other D. the ones 2. After tremendous success of her first restaurant, Vivienne Blanc decided to open A. another B. every C. other 3. The tall plant requires more sunlight than. in the wait ‘A. each other another _C. the others 4, Staff members should work in pairs during the training workshop to help master the procedure for handling customer service inquiries. B. each other C. yourselves D. everything 5. While some of the reader comments were critical,__ were full of praise. A both B. someone C.each other D. others 6. The open-plan office will lead employees to interact with __ more frequently. ‘A. ourselves another —_C. other D. the one 7. Please send us more Basahm photo paper if you have_in stock. Avany B.afew C.other D. little 8. Your insurance would only cover__of the costs of the treatment. ‘A.some B.alot C.any D. every 9. John earned the highest commission of ___ salesperson in the whole company. A. another B. other Cafew D. any 10. Most of the managers like the budget proposal, but__don’t find it possible at this moment. A.some B. each C. everyone D. any ENGLISH RIGHT NOW Wherever you go, remember, ERN is always your HOME.

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