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LIFE? 1.
Live a life that is
It is an existence of a
true to yourself.
person or a being that
is considered alive.

of Life
PHILOSOPHY FOR KIDS Don't try to live your
Life is a life based on the
condition standards given by
that seeks others.
and explores "You are the owner of your
our purposes own life. You are the only
in our lives. one who can decide and
control it."
2. Live a life that lets WHAT IS
you live unitedly
with others. DEATH?
Death is a occurence
that concludes a "Life is an
person's life. It is adventure of
when a person's life
can never return
again. oneself; in
IS DEATH which one
SOMETHING TO must live it to
BE SCARED OF? the fullest."
The idea of death is
Your life may be not something we
yours to control and should be afraid of.
decide. However, Instead, we should
don't live your life see it as a way to be
only for yourself, but grateful for our life,
live it jointly with and live our lives
others. with no regrets.

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