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Last updated Oct 15, 2019

General Education – List of All SSU Courses Approved for GE


Area A studies provide students with foundational concepts and experiences that are vital to human
communication and critical thinking. These studies encourage the coherent and sequential development of an
intellectual practice through active engagement with and analysis of language.

A1: Oral Communication (C- or Better Required) 3 Units

AMCS 125 Multicultural Conversations: Listening, Speaking, and Presentation 3.00 Units
AMCS 200 Written and Oral Analysis 3.00 Units
COMS 125 Oral Presentation & Media 3.00 Units
ES 104 Oral Communications in the Information Age 3.00 Units
PHIL 200 Philosophical Issues 3.00 Units
THAR 125 Intro to Acting 3.00 Units

A2: Written Communication (C- or Better Required) 3 Units

ENGL 100B First-Year Composition (Prerequisite ENGL 100A) 3.00 Units
ENGL 101 Expository Writing and Analytical Reading 4.00 Units
LIBS 101A/B The Human Enigma

A3: Critical Thinking (C- or Better Required) 3 Units

ES 210 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 4.00 Units
MATH 220 Reasoning and Proof 4.00 Units
PHIL 101 Critical Thinking 4.00 Units
PHIL 101A/B Critical Thinking (Year-long Course) 4.00 Units
PHIL 102 Introduction to Logic 4.00 Units

First-Year Learning Communities

Thinking Like a Scientist (Year-long Course) (Requires concurrent

CHEM 120A/B enrollment in CHEM 125A & CHEM 125B) 4.00 Units
MLL 161A/B Behind the Scenes: Global Perspectives through Film (Year-long Course) 4.00 Units
AMCS 165B** Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite AMCS 165A) 4.00 Units
ARTH 160B Humanities Learning Community (Pre-requisite ARTH 160A) 4.00 Units
CALS 165B** Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite CALS 165A) 4.00 Units
COMS 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite COMS 160A) 4.00 Units
COMS 162B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite COMS 162A) 4.00 Units
EDEC 160B Social Justice is Childhood and Adolescence (Prerequisite EDEC 160A) 4.00 Units
ENGL 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite ENGL 160A) 4.00 Units
LIBS 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite LIBS 160A) 4.00 Units
MUS 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite MUS 160A) 4.00 Units
NAMS 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite NAMS 160A) 4.00 Units
PHIL 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite PHIL 160A) 4.00 Units
PHIL 165B** Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite PHIL 165A) 4.00 Units
Last updated Oct 15, 2019

SCI 120B A Watershed Year 6.00 units

THAR 160B Humanities Learning Community (Prerequisite THAR 160A) 4.00 Units
UNIV 150B Freshmen Year Experience (Prerequisite UNIV 150A) 4.00 Units


In natural sciences, humans use their perceptions and quantitative reasoning to discover the principles and rules
that govern how the universe works. Courses in this area of general education examine important theories of the
natural sciences, and methods and models by which scientific investigation proceeds. They also seek to increase
scientific understanding and to imbue students with the sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world
that inspires scientists and mathematicians in their work.

B1: Physical Sciences 3 Units

ASTR 100 Descriptive Astronomy 3.00 Units
Astronomy for Scientists (Prerequisite or Co-requisite MATH 160,
ASTR 150 MATH 161, or equivalent.) 3.00 Units
Introduction to Observational Astronomy (Prerequisite or Co-requisite
ASTR 231* ASTR 100) 2.00 Units
CHEM 102* Chemistry and Society 3.00 Units
CHEM 105* Elements of General, Organic, and Biochemistry 5.00 Units
CHEM 110 Introductory General Chemistry 3.00 Units
CHEM 115A* General Chemistry 5.00 Units
CHEM 115B* General Chemistry (Prerequisite CHEM 115A) 5.00 Units
Quantitative General Chemistry (Requires concurrent enrollment in
CHEM 125A* CHEM 120A & MATH 160, MATH 161, or equivalent) 5.00 Units
Quantitative General Chemistry (Prerequisite CHEM 125A & CHEM
CHEM 125B* 120A) (Requires concurrent enrollment in CHEM 120B) 5.00 Units
GEOL 102* Our Dynamic Earth: Introduction to Geology 3.00 Units
GEOL 105 The Age of Dinosaurs 3.00 Units
GEP 201 Global Environmental Systems 4.00 Units
PHYS 100 Descriptive Physics 3.00 Units
PHYS 102* Descriptive Physics Laboratory 1.00 Units
PHYS 114 Introduction to Physics I (Prerequisite Math 161 or equivalent) 4.00 Units
Introductory Laboratory Experience (Prerequisite or Co-requisite PHYS
PHYS 116* 114) 1.00 Units
PHYS 209A* General Physics Laboratory (Prerequisite or Co-requisite PHYS 210A) 1.00 Units
General Physics Laboratory (Pre-requisite PHYS 209A & PHYS 210A or
PHYS 209B* PHYS 114 & PHYS 116) 1.00 Units
PHYS 210A General Physics (Prerequisite MATH 160 or equivalent) 3.00 Units
PHYS 210B General Physics (Prerequisite PHYS 210A or PHYS 114) 3.00 Units

B2: Biological Inquiry 3 Units

ANTH 201 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 3.00 Units
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BIOL 110* Biological Inquiry 4.00 Units

BIOL 115 Introduction to Biology 3.00 Units
BIOL 130* Introductory Cell Biology and Genetics 4.00 Units
BIOL 131* Biological Diversity and Ecology 4.00 Units

First Year Learning Communities

SCI 120A* A Watershed Year 6.00 units

B3: Specific Emphasis 0 Units

ASTR 303 Life in the Universe (Prerequisite ASTR 100) 3.00 Units
Frontiers in Astronomy (Prerequisite ASTR 100 or another course in
ASTR 305 Astronomy) 3.00 Units
ASTR 350 Cosmology (Prerequisite ASTR 100) 3.00 Units
BIOL 220* Human Anatomy (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 & 131) 4.00 Units
Human Physiology (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 & 131 and
BIOL 224* CHEM 115A/B or CHEM 125A/B or CHEM 110 or CHEM 105.) 4.00 Units
Environmental Toxicology (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 &
BIOL 308 131) 3.00 Units
BIOL 309 Biology of Cancer (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 & 131) 3.00 Units
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130
BIOL 311 & 131) 3.00 Units
BIOL 312 Biological Oceanography (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 & 131) 3.00 Units
BIOL 314* Field Biology (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130 & 131) 4.00 Units
Contemporary Issues in Biology (Pre-requisite BIOL 110 or 115 or 130
BIOL 385 & 131) 3.00 Units
CS 101 Introduction to Computers and Computing 3.00 Units
CS 115 Programming I 4.00 Units
ES 101 Disruptive Technologies That Change the World 3.00 Units
ES 102* Introduction to Engineering Technology Laboratory 1.00 Units
GEOL 110 Natural Disasters 3.00 Units
GEOL 120* Regional Field Geology 3.00 Units
Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands (Pre-requisite 115 or 130 &
GEOL 301 131) 3.00 Units
Climate Change: Discerning Fact from Fiction (Pre-requisite GEOL 102
GEOL 302 & CHEM 115A) 3.00 Units
Advanced Principles of Geology (Prerequisite GEOL 102,105,107,110,
GEOL 303* or 120 and ANTH 201, ENSP 303, ENSP 309, BIOL 310 or GEOG 204.) 4.00 Units
PHYS 300 Physics of Music 3.00 Units
PHYS 342 Light and Color (Prerequisite any Physical Science Course) 3.00 Units

B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (C- or Better Required) (3 Units)

BUS 211 Business Statistics 4.00 Units
ECON 217 Statistics for Economics and Business 4.00 Units
MATH 103 Ethnomathematics 3.00 Units
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MATH 104 Introduction to Modern Mathematics 3.00 Units

MATH 105 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Units
MATH 111 Symmetry in the Arts and Sciences 3.00 Units
MATH 131 Introduction to Finite Mathematics 3.00 Units
MATH 131B Finite Math for Business (Prerequisite MATH 131A) 3.00 Units
MATH 141 Studies in . . . 3.00 Units
MATH 150 Modern Geometry 3.00 Units
MATH 150B Transformational Geometry (Prerequisite MATH 150A) 3.00 Units
MATH 160 Precalculus Mathematics 4.00 Units
MATH 161 Differential and Integral Calculus I 4.00 Units
MATH 161B Functions and Rates of Change (Prerequisite MATH 161A) 4.00 Units
MATH 165 Elementary Applied Statistics 4.00 Units
MATH 165B Data Visualization and Analysis (Prerequisite MATH 165A) 4.00 Units

First-Year Learning Communities

SCI 120B A Watershed Year 6.00 units

Upper Division B: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (C- or Better Required)

ANTH 318 Human Development in Evolutionary Perspective 3.00 Units


In Area C, students will cultivate intellect, imagination, sensibility, sensitivity and interpretive skills by studying significant
works of the human imagination. In addition, they will develop a greater understanding of the interrelationships among the
creative arts, the humanities and the self across a variety of cultural contexts.

C1: Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater (3 Units)

AMCS 260** Ethnicity in the Arts, Culture, and Media 4.00 Units
AMCS 390 Independent Film Study 1-2.00 Units
AMCS 392** Ethnic Images in Film and Media 4.00 Units
ARTH 210 Introduction to Art History 3-4.00 Units
ARTH 211 Introduction to Art History 3-4.00 Units
ARTH 270A Survey of Islamic Art 3-4.00 Units
ARTH 270B Survey of Asian Art 3-4.00 Units
Art and the Emergence of Modernity (Pre-requisite HUM 200, ENGL
ARTH 454 101, ENGL 100B, or LIBS 101. 3-4.00 Units
ARTH 460 History of American Art (Pre-requisite HUM 200 or ENGL 201) 3-4.00 Units
Avant-Gardes of the Early 20th Century (Pre-requisite HUM 200, ENGL
ARTH 464 101, ENGL 100B, or LIBS 101.) 3-4.00 Units
Modern Art from 1945 to 1979 (Pre-requisite HUM 200, ENGL 101,
ARTH 465 ENGL 100B, or LIBS 101.) 3-4.00 Units
ARTS 491 Visiting Artists' Lecture Series 1.00 Units
CALS 368** Chicano/Latino Music 4.00 Units
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CALS 393** Chicano/Latino Cinema 4.00 Units

CALS 479** Chicano/Latino Art History 4.00 Units
COMS 275 21st Century Television As Art (Non Majors Need Dept. Approval) 4.00 Units
ENGL 207 Introduction to Creative Writing 4.00 Units
LIBS 204** Minorities in American Cinema 4.00 Units
LIBS 208 Practices of Culture 4.00 Units
LIBS 209 Bollywood and Globalization 4.00 Units
LIBS 390 Independent Film Study 1-2.00 Units
MUS 105 Music Theory for Non-Majors 4.00 Units
MUS 149 Rehearsal Observation Series 1.00 Units
MUS 150 Survey of U.S. Music 3.00 Units
MUS 250 Survey of European Music 3.00 Units
MUS 343 Studies in Musical Genres 3.00 Units
MUS 344 Studies-Specific Composers 3.00 Units
NAMS 205** Introduction to Native American Arts 4.00 Units
NAMS 338** Native Americans and The Cinema 4.00 Units
THAR 101 Making Theatre 3.00 Units
THAR 202 Introduction to the History of Drama and Dance: Origins to 1800 4.00 Units
THAR 203 Introduction to the History of Drama and Dance: 1800 to Present 4.00 Units
THAR 300 Theatre in Action 3.00 Units
WGS 300** Gender, Race and Representation 3.00 Units

C2: Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Languages other than English (3 Units)

AMCS 225** How Racism Works: America in Black and White 4.00 Units
American Diversity: Past, Present, Future (Pre-requisite, completion of
AMCS 273 GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
AMCS 350** Ethics, Values, and Multiculturalism 4.00 Units
AMCS 360** Ethnic Literature 4.00 Units
Arts and Literature: Critical and Creative Readings and Renderings
(Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities
ARTH 273 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
Arts and Literature: Critical and Creative Readings and Renderings
(Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities
ARTS 273 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
Latinos and Performance: Critical and Creative Readings
(Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities
CALS 273 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
CALS 314** Literature in Translation 4.00 Units
CALS 352** Chicano/Latino Philosophy 4.00 Units
CALS 374** Latino Literature 4.00 Units
SYRCE: Topics in COMS (Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only
COMS 273 one Arts & Humanities 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
ENGL 214 Literature of the World 4.00 Units
Critical and Creative Readings of Literary Texts (Pre-requisite,
completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities 273 course will
ENGL 273 count) 4.00 Units
ENGL 304 War and Peace Lecture Series 4.00 Units
Last updated Oct 15, 2019

ENGL 314 Modern World Literature in English 4.00 Units

ENGL 315** California Ethnic Literature (Pre-requisite, completion of ENGL 101) 4.00 Units
ENGL 345 Women Writers 4.00 Units
FR 314 French Literature in English Translation (Pre-requisite GE Area A) 4.00 Units
GER 314 Love and Desire in German Literature (Pre-requisite ENGL 101) 4.00 Units
JWST 200 Introduction to Jewish Studies 4.00 Units
LIBS 205 Topics in American Culture 4.00 Units
MLL 214 World Literatures in English (Pre-requisite ENGL 101) 4.00 Units
World Literatures: Critical and Creative Readings (Pre-requisite,
completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities 273 course will
MLL 273 count) 4.00 Units
MLL 314 World Literatures in English Translation (Pre-requisite GE Area A) 4.00 Units
Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception (Pre-requisite,
completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities 273 course will
MUS 273 count) 4.00 Units
NAMS 165** Native Cultures of Northern California 4.00 Units
American Diversity (Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one
NAMS 273 Arts & Humanities 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
NAMS 346** Philosophic Systems and Sacred Movements in Native North America 4.00 Units
NAMS 354** Native American Literatures 4.00 Units
NURS 490 The Sexual Imperative: History, Media, Culture, and Imagination. 4.00 Units
PHIL 120 Introduction to Philosophy 4.00 Units
PHIL 203 Global Justice 4.00 Units
PHIL 205 Ethics, Law, and Society Forum 1.00 Units
Critical and Creative Readings of Philosophical Literature
(Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities
PHIL 273 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
PHIL 302 Ethics and Value Theory 4.00 Units
SOCI 431 Sociology of Religion 4.00 Units
Literature and Performance: Critical and Creative Readings
(Pre-requisite, completion of GE Area A2. Only one Arts & Humanities
THAR 273 273 course will count) 4.00 Units
WGS 302 Queer Studies Lecture Series 1.00 Units

First Year Learning Communities:

UNIV 150A Freshman Year Experience: Identity and Global Challenges 4.00 Units
AMCS 165A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
ARTH 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
CALS 165A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
COMS 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
COMS 162A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
ENGL 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
LIBS 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
MUS 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
NAMS 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
PHIL 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units
Last updated Oct 15, 2019

PHIL 165A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units

THAR 160A Humanities Learning Community 4.00 Units

C3: Comparative Perspectives and/or Foreign Language (3 Units)

AMCS 355** Language and Ethnicity 4.00 Units
CALS 220** Latina/o Arts and Humanities 4.00 Units
CALS 225 Spanish for Bilinguals 4.00 Units
CALS 426** Chicano/Latino Sociolinguistic 4.00 Units
CALS 451** Latina/o Humanisms 4.00 Units
FR 101 First-Semester French 4.00 Units
FR 102 Second-Semester French (Pre-requisite FR 101 or equivalent) 4.00 Units
FR 201 Third-Semester French (Pre-requisite FR 102 or equivalent) 4.00 Units
FR 202 Oral French (Pre-requisite FR 201 or equivalent) 4.00 Units
Introduction to Literary Analysis and Critical Writing (Pre-requisite FR
FR 300 201 or equivalent and FR 202) 4.00 Units
FR 320 France Yesterday (Pre-requisite or Co-requisite FR 300) 4.00 Units
FR 321 France Today (Pre-requisite FR 300) 4.00 Units
FR 410 French Literature (Pre-requisite FR 320) 4.00 Units
FR 411 French Literature (Pre-requisite FR 321) 4.00 Units
Special Topics in French Culture (Pre-requisite or Co-requisite FR 320
FR 415 or FR 321) 4.00 Units
FR 475 Senior Seminar (Pre-requisite or Co-Requisite FR 321 or FR 411) 4.00 Units
GER 101 First Semester - The Personal World 4.00 Units
GER 102 Second Semester - Contemporary Germany (Pre-requisite GER 101) 4.00 Units
Intermediate German: The German-Speaking World Today
GER 200 (Pre-requisite GER 102) 4.00 Units
GER 210 Intermediate German through Film (Pre-requisite GER 102) 4.00 Units
GER 300 Advanced German Studies (Pre-requisite GER 200 & GER 210 ) 4.00 Units
Evolution of Anti-Semitism: through history, literature, religion and
JWST 255 art 4.00 Units
MUS 101 Introduction to Music 4.00 Units
MUS 201 Music in Action 4.00 Units
MUS 350 Survey of World Music 4.00 Units
PHIL 201 Buddhism, Philosophy & Culture 4.00 Units
PHIL 212 The Good Life 4.00 Units
PHIL 275** Race, Racism, Law, and Society 4.00 Units
PORT 210 Portuguese for Spanish Speakers 4.00 Units
Intermediate Spanish, 1st Semester (Pre-requisite SPAN 102 or
SPAN 201 equivalent) 4.00 Units
Intermediate Spanish, 2nd Semester (Pre-requisite SPAN 201 or
SPAN 202 equivalent) 4.00 Units
SPAN 300 Advanced Spanish Language (Pre-requisite SPAN 202) 4.00 Units
SPAN 300H Advanced Spanish Language for Native/Heritage Speakers 4.00 Units
Advanced Composition and Conversation (Pre-requisite SPAN 300 or
SPAN 301 SPAN 300H) 4.00 Units
Introduction to Literature (Pre-requisite SPAN 300 or SPAN 300H and
SPAN 305 SPAN 301) 4.00 Units
Last updated Oct 15, 2019

SPAN 306 Cultures of Spain (Pre-requisite SPAN 300 or SPAN 300H) 4.00 Units
SPAN 307 Cultures of Latin America (Pre-requisite SPAN 300 or SPAN 300H) 4.00 Units
SPAN 400 Special Topics in Linguistics (Pre-requisite SPAN 304) 4.00 Units
SPAN 401 Authors of Spain (Pre-requisite SPAN 305) 4.00 Units
SPAN 402 Latin American Literature (Pre-requisite SPAN 305) 4.00 Units
Spanish Translation, Theory, and Practice (Pre-requisite all 300 level
SPAN 410 Spanish courses) 4.00 Units
Seminar in Linguistics (Pre-requisite all 300 level Spanish courses and
SPAN 490 one course at the 400 level) 4.00 Units
Seminar in Literature (Pre-requisite all 300 level Spanish courses and
SPAN 491 one course at the 400 level) 4.00 Units
THAR 373 Dances of the World 4.00 Units
THAR 374 Theatre of the World 4.00 Units


The social sciences concentrate on the description and explanation of organization, variation and change in social practices
and institutions. Courses in this area examine the diversity, variety and complexity of human life at every scale from the
individual to the global. Courses instill an appreciation of the multiple perspectives and methodologies that social science
disciplines offer for understanding the human experience.

D1: Individual and Society (3 Units)

AMCS 210** Ethnic Groups in America 4.00 Units
AMCS 339** Ethnic Groups and American Social Policy 3.00 Units
ANTH 203 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3.00 Units
CALS 219** The Latino Experience 3.00 Units
CALS 339** Latinos and the U.S. Labor Market 3-4.00 Units
CCJS 201 Criminal Justice and Public Policy 4.00 Units
ECON 205 Introduction to Microeconomics 4.00 Units
EDUC 417 School and Society 3.00 Units
ENGL 203 Introduction to Linguistic Studies 4.00 Units
GERN 319 Aging and Society 4.00 Units
Local Responses to Global Issues: Case Studies from Around the World
GLBL 300 (GE Area D5 or equivalent) 3.00 Units
NAMS 200** Introduction to Native Americans 3.00 Units
NURS 370 Health Promotion for Racially Diverse Populations 3.00 Units
PSY 250 Introduction to Psychology 3.00 Units
PSY 325 Social Psychology 4.00 Units
SOCI 201 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 Units
SOCI 263** Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 4.00 Units
SOCI 319 Aging and Society 4.00 Units
SOCI 326 Social Psychology 4.00 Units
SOCI 375 Sociological Theory 4.00 Units
WGS 255 Introduction to Queer Studies 3- 4.00 Units
WGS 375** Gender, Race, and Class 3.00 Units
Last updated Oct 15, 2019

D2: World History & Civilization (3 Units)

ANTH 341 Emergence of Civilizations 3.00 Units
GEP 203 Human Geography 3.00 Units
HIST 201 Foundations of World Civilization 3.00 Units
HIST 202 Development of the Modern World 3.00 Units
HIST 380 Twentieth Century World 3.00 Units
JWST 355 Modern European Jewish History 4.00 Units

Note: T​ o graduate from a California State University, students must complete courses covering U.S. History, U.S. Constitution,
and California State & Local Government. 3 of the 12 units required in Area D may be met by completing the CSU Statutory
D3: United States History (1 Course)
HIST 242 History of the Americas Since Independence 3.00 Units
HIST 251 History of the United States to 1877 3.00 Units
HIST 252 History of the United States Since 1865 3.00 Units
WGS 305 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer U.S. History 3.00 Units

Note: T​ o graduate from a California State University, students must complete courses covering U.S. History, U.S. Constitution,
and California State & Local Government. 3 of the 12 units required in Area D may be met by completing the CSU Statutory

D4: U.S Constitution & California State & Local Government (1 Course)
POLS 200 American Political System 3.00 Units
POLS 202 Issues in Modern American Politics 4.00 Units

D5: Contemporary International Perspectives (3 Units)

ANTH 200 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology 3.00 Units
CALS 432** Latinas/os and Globalization 4.00 Units
ECON 204 Introduction to Macroeconomics 4.00 Units
Seminar in History of Economic Thought (Pre-requisite ECON 204 and
ECON 426 ECON 205) 4.00 Units
GEP 200 Global Environmental Issues 3.00 Units
GEP 205 World Regional Geography 3.00 Units
GEP 305 World Regions in Global Context 4.00 Units
POLS 201 Ideas and Institutions 4.00 Units
POLS 307 Perspectives on the Holocaust and Genocide 4.00 Units
POLS 315 Modern Political Ideologies 3- 4.00 Units


Integrated person courses are designed to study both processes affecting the individual, such as psychological, social, or
physiological changes throughout the human life cycle, and the interactions between the individual and society. Focus is on
the integration of disciplinary knowledge and personal experience with an appreciation of the duties and rights of a citizen
with a rich public and personal life.

ANTH 340 Living in our Globalized World 3.00 Units

BIOL 318 Biology of Aging (Pre-requisite BIOL 110, 115, or BIOL 130 & BIOL 131) 3.00 Units
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CALS 403** Chicano/Latino Youth and Adolescents 3- 4 Units

EDEC 110 Communication, Disciplinary & Interdisciplinary Knowledge 3.00 Units
EDEC 420 Child Development in Family, School, and Community 3.00 Units
EDSS 418 Development in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood 3.00 Units
Disciplinary & Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Sustainable Development,
GEP 206 Civic Responsibility 3.00 Units
GEP 371 Social Geography 3.00 Units
GERN 300 The Journey of Adulthood 3.00 Units
GERN 317 Emotions and Adult Life 4.00 Units
Critical Reading, Disciplinary & Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Cultural
HD 200 Competencies, Communication 3.00 Units
HD 318 Human Development: Sex and the Life Cycle (Pre-requisite GE B2) 3.00 Units
3.00 Units
KIN 217 Personal Fitness and Wellness
3.00 Units
KIN 316 Women in Sport: Issues, Images, and Identities
3.00 Units
LIBS 320D Elective Seminar Core D (Pre-requisite LIBS 202 or LIBS 302)
3.00 Units
NURS 480 Health, Sexuality, and Society
3.00 Units
PSY 302 Life Span Development
3.00 Units
SCI 220 Dream, Make and Innovate
SOCI 317 Emotions and Adult Life 4.00 Units
3.00 Units
SSCI 299 Sophomore Seminar: How to Think Like a Social Scientist
3.00 Units
UNIV 238 Foundations of Leadership
3.00 Units
WGS 200 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WGS 285 Men and Masculinity 4.00 Units

* LAB REQUIREMENT: T​ o graduate from a California State University, students must complete one Lab Course.
** ETHNIC STUDIES: ​To graduate from Sonoma State University, students must complete one Ethnic Studies course.

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