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FUAA - Dept.

de idiomas
English 2 (5616) - Graham Selkirk
Date: Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Today: 11:59pm : your Corte 2 project is due!!!

Today: Introduction to the simple past

Basic concept (+ed) ✅

Pronunciation ✅
Regular / Irregular ✅
Exception: the verb "to be" ✅
Negative and interrogative forms ✅

Review: question words:

Video (game):


Basic rule: add "ed" to our verbs to make them past:


Today I play tennis. (present)

Yesterday I played "pleid" football.
Sebastian played World of Warcraft.
Yenfa played baseball.
You played volleyball.

Pronunciation: "ed":
("d": played ("pleid"))
("t": watched ("wacht"))
("id": wanted ("wantid")) :
verbs that end in "t" or "d":
start = started ("startid")
end = ended ("endid")
Practice: cooked, washed, waited, cleaned, used, wounded.
cooked ("cukt") washed ("washt"),
waited ("weited") cleaned ("clind"),
used ("yuzd") wounded ("wunded")

wash (lavar)
watch (mirar)

Verb "to be" (ser/estar) uin PAST:

I was
You were (singular and plural)
He was
She was
It was
We were (plural)
They were (plural)

Question: How was your weekend?

Answer: It was [adjective]
Adjectives to describe our weekend:
boring, busy, exciting, stressful, relaxing, wonderful.
exhausting (agotador), interesting, entertaining
(divertido), a lot of fun.

Cómo le fue? How was it?

Cómo fue tu examen? How was your exam?

My weekend (It) was wonderful.

My weekend it was ...

It was wonderful.
My weekend was wonderful.
Maria Fernanda (She) was happy.
Maria Fernanda she was....
Maria Fernanda was....
She was.....

Present : (auxiliary: do)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I walk to Exito. I don't walk to Exito. Do I walk to Exito? /
When do you walk to

Past: (auxiliary: did)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I walked to Exito. I didn't walk to Exito. Did I walk to Exito?
When did I walk to

Verbs: Regular or Irregular?

go past: went irregular

see past: saw irregular
make past: made irregular
love past: loved regular
enjoy (disfrutar) past: enjoyed regular
stay (quedar) past: stayed regular
have past: had irregular
meet (encontrar / past: met irregular

Question: Who had a birthday recently?

Answer: My father had a birthday.
Question: What celebrity did you meet?
Answer: I met Will Smith.
Question: Where did you stay on your vacation?
Answer: I stayed in my aunt's house.
Question: What food did you enjoy on your vacation?
Answer: I enjoyed a Nutella sandwich.
Question: What song did you love when you were little?
Answer: I loved La Vaca Lola.
Question: What food did you make?
Answer: I made spaghetti.
Question: Where did you go last weekend?
Answer: I went to Expofuturo.
Q: What movie did you see?
A: I saw Venom.

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